Uncertainty Propagation On A Nonlinear Measurement Model Based On Taylor Expansion

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Original Paper

Measurement and Control

2021, Vol. 54(3-4) 209–215
Uncertainty propagation on a Ó The Author(s) 2021
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nonlinear measurement model based sagepub.com/journals-permissions
DOI: 10.1177/0020294021989740

on Taylor expansion journals.sagepub.com/home/mac

Min-Hee Gu1,2, Chihyun Cho1 , Hahng-Yun Chu2,

No-Weon Kang1 and Joo-Gwang Lee1

In this paper, the propagation of uncertainty on a nonlinear measurement model is presented using a higher-order Taylor
series. As the derived formula is based on a Taylor series, it is necessary to compute the partial derivatives of the non-
linear measurement model and the correlation among the various products of the input variables. To simplify the
approximation of this formula, most previous studies assumed that the input variables follow independent Gaussian dis-
tributions. However, in this study, we generate multivariate random variables based on copulas and obtain the covar-
iances among the products of various input variables. By applying the derived formula to various cases regardless of the
error distribution, we obtained the results that coincide with those of a Monte-Carlo simulation. To apply high-order
Taylor expansion, the nonlinear measurement model should be continuous within the range of the input variables to
allow for differentiation, and be an analytic function in order to be represented by a power series. This approach may
replace some time-consuming Monte-Carlo simulations by choosing the appropriate order of the Taylor series, and can
be used to check the linearity of the uncertainty.

uncertainty, nonlinear, Monte-Carlo, Taylor

Date received: 25 December 2019; accepted: 4 January 2021

Introduction cases, MC simulation is not suitable for the uncertainty

propagation on the nonlinear measurement model.
In describing the propagation of uncertainty through a Various studies on uncertainty propagation have been
system, the first-order Taylor series is highly recom- conducted, and they are well summarized in Liu
mended by the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty et al.,6,7 Meng et al.,8 and Ouyang et al.9 Recent studies
in Measurement (GUM).1 However, it is difficult to showed that the probability density function (pdf) of
accurately predict the uncertainty of a nonlinear mea- the output of the measurement model could be pre-
surement model using a first-order Taylor expansion. dicted even through the input has arbitrary distribu-
Thus, the GUM suggests adding higher-order terms of tion. Most studies, however, assume independent input
the Taylor expansion when the model cannot be repre-
variables or approximate by truncating high orders
sented linearly. The high-order terms are obtained from
the second order Taylor expansion with the assumption
Recently, Wang and Iyer10 added third-order terms
that the input variables have normal distribution.
to reduce the error produced by the truncation of the
Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation is widely used for
Taylor expansion, and showed that the uncertainty of
nonlinear measurement model since it can predict
the nonlinear measurement model could be predicted
distributions as well as standard deviations of measure-
ment model outputs. It is strongly recommended that
sufficient number of simulations are required to achieve 1
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon, Korea
high accuracy of the estimation. For example, the 2
Department of Mathematics, Chungnam National University, Daejeon,
GUM recommends a minimum of 200,000 simulations Korea
to obtain a 95% confidence.2 Some simulations such as
Corresponding author:
finite element method (FEM) numerical analysis, statis- Chihyun Cho, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, 267
tical parameter estimations, and complex signal pro- Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 34113, Korea.
cessing often take hours to days.3–5 Therefore, in these Email: chihyun.cho@kriss.re.kr

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without
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210 Measurement and Control 54(3-4)

more accurately than using the technique recom- where xk is the input variable, zk is the error in xk, and
mended in GUM. Zhang extended the Taylor series to y is the output of the function. f is a real-valued func-
an infinite number of terms and proposed some meth- tion that is differentiable on x1, ., xm; for simplicity,
ods to calculate the variance of the system.11 Mekid f(x1, ., xm) will be represented as f. Thus, the covar-
and Vaja12 calculated the uncertainty of the measure- iance using the first-order Taylor expansion is given by:
ment model up to the third order using the skewness !
and kurtosis of the input variables. Xue et al.13 derived X m
∂fi X m
the variances and covariances of the model based on cov(yi , yj )’cov fi + zk , f j + zp
∂xk p=1
the infinite expansion of the Taylor series. These !
approaches assume that the input variables are inde- Xm
∂fi Xm
= cov zk , zp
pendent (or dependent) normal distributions, thus ∂xk ∂xp
k=1 p=1
removing terms that are difficult to calculate analyti- * + * +
cally. Thus, they cannot be applied when the input vari- Xm
∂fi Xm
∂fj Xm
= zk zp  zk
ables do not obey a normal distribution and/or are k=1
∂xk p = 1 ∂xp k=1
correlated with each other. * +
In this paper, we re-derive the Taylor series for the zp
covariance of a nonlinear measurement model regard- p=1
less of distribution and correlation of the variables. We Xm
∂fi X m
also show the method how to apply the derived for- = zk zp  h zk i zp
mula to simple numerical simulation. In the numerical k=1
∂x k p=1 ∂x p

approach, we calculated the non-analytic terms in the Xm X m

∂fi ∂fj
formula (such as the covariance between products of = cov(zk , zp )
k=1 p=1
∂x k ∂xp
input variables) from the multivariate random variables
generated based on copulas. To obtain the partial deri- ð3Þ
vatives of the system, an n-point stencil is applied
across the multiple dimensions. As a result, the formula If there are m random variables, an m3m covariance
based on the higher-order Taylor expansion can be matrix S can be obtained.
fully applied to covariance calculations on the non-
linear measurement model, irrespective of the distribu- Si, j = cov(yi , yj ) (i, j = 1,    , m) ð4Þ
tion of the input variables.
The covariance matrix Sy on the outputs y = (y1, .,
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the
yu) can be expressed as a product of matrices using the
covariance of the nonlinear measurement model is re-
above approximate equation.
derived using a Taylor series expansion. In Section 3,
we show examples of applying the derived formula by Sy = JSz JT ð5Þ
simple numerical approach. Section 4 discusses the lim-
2 3
itations of Taylor approximation, and Section 5 pre- ∂f1 ∂f1
∂x1    ∂xm
sents the conclusions to this study. 6 . . 7
4 .. . . ... 7
5 ð6Þ
∂fu ∂fu
∂x1    ∂xm
In probability theory and statistics, covariance is a mea- Here, J is the Jacobian matrix of f = (f1, ., fu), and JT
sure of the degree of correlation between two random vari- is the transpose of J. This formula is known to describe
ables, x1 and x2. By applying the linearity of expectations, the propagation of uncertainty in linear measurement
this can be represented as the ‘‘expected value of their model.1
product’’ minus the ‘‘product of their expected values.’’ Equation (5), however, is not appropriate when the
measurement model f is not linear. Thus, we require an
cov(x1 , x2 ) = hðx1  hx1 iÞðx2  hx2 iÞi accurate model for the nonlinear f and a method of
= hx1 x2  x1 hx2 i  hx1 ix2 + hx1 ihx2 ii propagating the uncertainty through it. In this paper,
ð1Þ we use a higher-order Taylor expansion to obtain the
= hx1 x2 i  hx1 ihx2 i  hx1 ihx2 i + hx1 ihx2 i
covariance matrix of the nonlinear measurement model.
= hx1 x2 i  hx1 ihx2 i It is not guaranteed that the covariance matrix will be
where hi denotes the expectation of the argument. The expressed as a simple product of matrices, similar to
approximate output of a system using the first-order equation (5). The approximation of the outputs using
Taylor expansion is the second-order Taylor expansion is given by

yi = fi (x1 + z1 ,    , xm + zm ) ’ fi (x1 ,    , xm ) yi = fi (x1 + z1 ,    , xm + zm ) ’ fi (x1 ,    , xm )

∂fi (x1 ,    , xm ) ð2Þ Xm
∂fi 1 X m
∂2 fi ð7Þ
+ zk + zk + zk zh
∂xk k=1
∂xk 2 k, h = 1 ∂xk ∂xh
Gu et al. 211

Figure 1. Multi-dimensional n-point stencil used in this paper.

The additive law of covariance is useful to simplify the Numerical approach

Taylor expansion in equation (1).
As mentioned in the previous section, in order to apply
cov(ax1 + bx2 , cx3 + dx4 ) = accov(x1 , x3 )
equation (10), the partial difference of the measurement
model and the covariance between the products of the
+ adcov(x1 , x4 ) + bccov(x2 , x3 ) + bdcov(x2 , x4 ) input variables are required. There are various ways to
ð8Þ find precisely the partial difference. In this study, we
simply applied n-point stencil to focus on the applicabil-
where a, b, c, and d are constants. Using equation (8), ity of the derived equation. It is beyond the scope of this
we can obtain approximations of the covariance of two
outputs of the system:
∂fi 1 X m
∂2 fi X m
∂fj 1 X m
∂2 fj
cov(yi , yj )’cov fi + zk + zk zh , f j + zl + zp zq
∂xk 2 k, h = 1 ∂xk ∂xh p=1
∂xp 2 p, q = 1 ∂xp ∂xq
∂fi 1 X m
∂2 fi Xm
∂fj 1 X m
∂2 fj
= cov zk + zk zh , zp + zp zq
∂xk 2 k, h = 1 ∂xk ∂xh p=1
∂xp 2 p, q = 1 ∂xp ∂xq
X m
∂fi ∂fj 1 X m
∂fi ∂2 fj
= cov(zk , zp ) + cov(zk , zp zq )
k, p = 1
∂xk ∂xp 2 k, p, q = 1 ∂xk ∂xp ∂xq
1 X m
∂2 fi ∂fj 1 X m
∂2 fi ∂2 fj
+ cov(zk zh , zp ) + cov(zk zh , zp zq )
2 k, h, p = 1 ∂xk ∂xh ∂xp 4 k, h, p, q = 1 ∂xk ∂xh ∂xp ∂xq

Similarly, the covariance of two outputs for the r-th

order can be obtained based on the r-th order Taylor paper to analytically calculate the covariance between
expansion. the product of the input variables. Instead, we calcu-
X r X
m lated it numerically and applied it to equation (10).
1 1
cov(yi , yj ) ’
p! q! i
p, q = 1 1 , ip , j1 , jq =1

∂p fi (x1 ,    , xn ) ∂q fj (x1 ,    , xn )
Numerical partial differentiation
cov(zi1    zip , zj1    zjq ) The n-point stencil is widely used to obtain numerical
∂xi1    ∂xip ∂xj1    ∂xjq
derivatives. For example, the first partial derivative
using a 5-point stencil is as follows:
As a result, the covariance of the nonlinear measure- 0 1
ment model can be represented as the covariance of the f (x)’ ðfðx  2hÞ  8fðx  hÞ + 8fðx + hÞ  fðx + 2hÞÞ
various products of input variables with their partial ð11Þ
derivatives. Note that the analytic solution for the cov-
ariance of the product of variables has not known when The n-point stencil can also be used to compute deriva-
they are not normal distribution. This makes equation tives on the multivariable. However, we use a multi-
(10) difficult to apply to the real problem. Equation dimensional m-point stencil to simplify the numerical
(10), however, can be applied using a numeric calcula- implementation, as shown in Figure 1. For O variables,
tion if we can compute the numerical partial derivatives we require nO points. For the first-order partial
and the numerical covariance for the product of input derivatives, equation (11) is applied along each axis. As
variables. We will show this in following section. the order of the differentiation increases, such as for
212 Measurement and Control 54(3-4)

∂2f/∂2x, equation (11) is modified appropriately; the Table 1. Distribution of test variable.
formula can be found in Fornberg.14 Note that this
approach does not require additional induction to Distribution Denote Mean Variance
derive the appropriate formulas. Normal N(m, s2) m s2
Exponential Exp(l) l21 l22
Uniform U(a, b) 1 1 2
2 (a + b) 12 (b  a)
Covariance of various products of input variances Gamma G(k, u) kupffiffiffi ku2
Rayleigh R(s) s p2 4p 2
2 s
Equation (10) requires the covariances of various prod-
ucts of input variables, such as cov(zi1    zip , zj1    zjq ).
Although there have been some studies on the covar- where rs and r are Spearman’s and Pearson’s correla-
iance between products of random variables,15,16 we tion coefficients, respectively. In this paper, to focus on
found that these approximations are not sufficiently the numerical approach, equation (12) is applied repeat-
accurate for this study. Instead, we generated multi- edly until the generated random variables meet the tar-
variate random variables from the covariances of input get covariances. The detailed procedure is descried in
variables using the relevant copula and found the cov- the appendix.
ariances of the products of various combinations.
In applying the copula, multivariate normal random
numbers are generated using Cholesky decomposition
and converted to uniform random vectors.17 These vec- We tested the covariances of the nonlinear measure-
tors are then transformed back to random numbers ment model derived from the previous section using
with the target marginal distributions using the inverse four nonlinear functions and five random variable dis-
cumulative distribution function in MATLAB.18 tributions. The nonlinear functions are y1 =
Depending on the marginal distribution, there may be x13 + x22 + 2, y2 = x12 + x22, y3 = x12 x2, and
a difference in the correlations between the target and y4 = x1x2. The distributions considered here are the
the generated variables because of the nonlinearity of normal, exponential, uniform, gamma, and Rayleigh
the transform. To overcome this issue, we apply distributions; details are summarized in Table 1. We
Spearman’s ranked correlation. In a normal distribu- calculated the covariance of y1 and y2 and the covar-
tion, the Pearson correlation coefficient is related to iance of y3 and y4 for the various distributions of input
Spearman’s rho as:19 variables using a MC simulation and first-, second-,
and third-order Taylor approximations. The MC simu-
lations consisted of 1,000,000 runs; all results are sum-
r = 2 sin rs ð12Þ
6 marized in Table 2.

Table 2. Comparison of covariance using the MC simulation and the Taylor expansion.

Type Distribution of Covariance Monte-Carlo First order Second order Third order
x1 and x2 of input

S(y1 , y2 ) N(0, 2), N(0, 3) 2:0031 1:2050 137:82 20:84 4:45 4:33
310 5 18:09 20:98 137:82 20:84
1:2050 3:0045
20:84 31:90
4:33 4:22
20:98 31:89
20:84 31:90

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
Exp(1/ 2), Exp(1/ 3) 2:0010 1:2166 6308:6 1146:5 158:9 107:3 1416:1 645:7 6308:6 1146:5
1:2166 2:9960
1146:5 350:7

107:3 75:9

645:7 350:7

1146:5 350:7

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
U(– 6, 6), U(–3, 3) 2:0013 1:2032 38:17 8:24 2:56 3:02 7:21 8:22 38:17 8:24
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1:2032 2:9982
8:24 12:43
3:02 3:83
8:22 12:43
8:24 12:43

G(5, 2=3), G(3, 1) 2:0009 1:2086 8031:0 1675:0 2353:1 753:6 5430:2 1427:2 8031:0 1675:0
1:2086 3:0074 1675:0 486:9 753:6 280:7 1427:2 486:9
1675:0 486:9

qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

R 4
, R 6 2:0016 1:2260 4339:9 1135:1 1455:1 592:4 2964:6 968:9 4339:9 1135:1
(4p) (4p)
1:2260 3:0021
1135:1 402:8
592:4 278:5
968:9 402:8
1135:1 402:8

S(y3 , y4 ) N(0, 2), Exp(1/ 3) 1:9979 1:2009 140:44 42:00 0:0 0:01 23:89 8:50 140:44 42:00
1:2009 3:0004
42:00 17:40
0:01 5:99

8:50 17:40
42:00 17:40

Exp(1/ 2), U(–3, 3) 2:0037 1:1713 477:39 71:90 12:01 8:50 74:07 31:26 477:39 71:90
1:1713 3:0000
71:90 14:35
8:50 6:00
31:26 14:35
71:90 14:35

pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
U(– 6, 6), G(3, 1) 2:0003 1:2096 66:46 27:19 0:00 0:04 28:78 6:86 66:46 27:19
1:2096 3:0030 27:19 25:72 0:04 18:01 6:86 25:72
27:19 25:72

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 

G(5, 2=3), R 6 2:0021 1:2202 4640:6 650:2 1686:6 354:4 3381:7 561:8 4640:6 650:2
1:2202 2:9946
650:2 102:1
354:4 77:4
561:8 102:1
650:2 102:1

R( (4p)4
), N(0, 3) 2:0019 1:2265 730:04 140:57 160:36 59:31 389:57 105:27 730:04 140:57
1:2265 3:0025 140:57 30:79 59:31 21:94 105:27 30:79 140:57 30:79
Gu et al. 213

Figure 2. Taylor approximation for the output f.

Figure 4. Input and output values in MC simulation: (a) for

input variance of 0.03 and (b) for input variance of 0.05.

Limitation of Taylor approximation

In this section, we study the limitation of the covar-
iance based on Taylor approximation. The function
f(x) = 1/(1 2 x) is used as the nonlinear function. For
the accuracy of calculation and convenience of analysis,
the derivative of this function has been derived analyti-
cally and only one random variable is examined. The
results of the Taylor series expansion of f are shown in
Figure 2, where x = 2 and z = 0.9 and 1.01 (see equa-
tion (7)). For z = 0.9, the Taylor approximation con-
verges to a value of 1/(1 2 2.9) when the differential
order exceeds 40. For z = 1.01, however, the Taylor
approximation diverges gradually. This is because the
Figure 3. Taylor approximation for the variance of output. function f becomes discontinuous when the denomina-
tor is zero. Therefore, for the above function to be
expressed as a Taylor series, the value of z should be
All random variables

generated to have the between 21 and 1.20 This corresponds well to the fact
2 1:2 that the differentiable functions only can be represented
covariance matrix . The covariances of the
1:2 3 as Taylor series. Figure 3 shows the variance of f as a
generated random variables (denoted as ‘‘Covariance of function of the Taylor expansion’s order. When the
input’’ in Table 2) exhibit only small differences from variance of the input variable is 0.03, the variance of f
the target covariances according to Spearman’s ranked using the proposed method approaches the result of the
correlation. As expected, the first- and second-order MC simulations (dashed line). However, it diverges
Taylor approximations are quite different from the MC from the MC simulation results for the case of 0.05,
simulation results, but the covariances of the MC simu- because the distribution of the random variable f(x)
lations and the third-order Taylor approximation are deviates from the continuous range, as shown in Figure
exactly the same, regardless of the distribution of ran- 4(b). Therefore, the nonlinear measurement model
dom variables. Note that the MC simulation results for approximating with the Taylor series should be a local
the variance of y2 and y4 are the same as those given by continuous function that can be differential within the
the second-order Taylor approximation, and they do input variable range. It should also be an analytic func-
not change as the order of the Taylor approximation tion that can be expressed as the sum of the power
increases. This means that we can determine the order series. Figure 3 additionally reveals that in the case of
of Taylor expansion, although the exact mathematical the measurement models that are difficult to describe
definition of the function is unknown. This will be mathematically, such as EVM and eye pattern mea-
described in more detail in the following section. surement of complex signals,5,21 increasing the order of
214 Measurement and Control 54(3-4)

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