US Education System

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US Education System

It would confuse many students who are going to pursue their higher studies in the US to know that
there is no educational system in the US. Only by the grants it provides can the federal government
affect education, but this is minimal. There is no national high school graduation test, unlike CBSE
board examinations in India. There are however, state graduation tests, and these must be passed
by students.

The different stages covered in the Indian System of Education are:

Primary, Secondary, Higher Secondary, The graduation, Post-Masters/Graduation

Major stages covered under the US Education System are:

Elementary school, Middle School, High school, Post-secondary (college)

Both countries spend a big chunk of the GDP income of their countries on education. There is
however a big difference in the US education system, finding extracurricular activities important for
the overall growth of students and giving weight to sports and other activities other than the key
topics. More focus is placed in the US on exploring and recognising the functional elements of
concepts. The emphasis in the US is more on addressing problems and developing fresh ideas.

United States Types of Higher Education Institutes

State School/University/college

The US consists of 50 states, each of which operates at least one university or college to provide low-
rate students with high-quality higher education. The respective state governments finance these
universities and are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. Uh. E.g. California University or Texas
A&M University.

College/ Private University

In contrast to public schools, these facilities are run privately and are considered expensive.

Community College

Community colleges offer transferable, two-year diploma or associate degree. In general, in order to
complete their degree, community college graduates move to universities or four-year colleges. The
credits they have received at community college are approved to be transferred. ESL courses or
other programmes that prepare students for university-level courses are provided by community

The benefits of studying in the United States/the benefits of higher education in the USA

It is not an easy task to get admitted to a US college. Studying at a US educational institution,

however, can really be a life-long experience. Research-oriented learning has been emphasised by
US universities. Not only are there many chances to learn, but once you complete your higher
education, you will also succeed in your career.

A career booster for foreign exposure can be

As US universities enjoy a great reputation among business leaders around the world, pursuing your
higher studies from an imminent US education institution is often beneficial. Having an international
presence along with the right kind of experience would certainly give you a head start in your career.

Indian Education System

The history of Indian education has its origins in the ancient ages in which the Gurukul method was
followed, a system in which the students lived in their teacher's house until the teacher felt he had
imparted all he could. The subjects taught ranged from Sanskrit to Scriptures to Metaphysics to
Mathematics, and the wisdom learned would be transmitted to the generations to come. During the
Colonial period, however this structure was altered when the British founded schools that followed a
curriculum confined to subjects such as mathematics, science, etc. While the ancient system
required more contact with nature, the modern system was more geared towards the classroom.

In 2014, the global education ranking for India fell to 93. This calls for an urgent need for
improvements to our education system, along with a series of scams faced by the Indian education
sector. The Indian Education System is classified as 'Examinations',' Board Tests',' Entrance Exams','
Marks' and so on. After completing his tenth grade, a student in India is left with the choice to
choose from science, humanities or commerce.

The trend shows, however, that after completing their post-graduation in India, more and more
students are opting to go abroad for further studies. According to the U.S. Council of Graduate
Schools' figures on admission offers to Indian post-graduate students, admissions for 2013-14 were
up 25 percent from the previous year, compared to a 9 percent rise for all nations.

Some of the reasons why this rising number of students do not want to continue their further
education in India are:

 Shortage of top-quality programmes offered by colleges in India.

 Low teacher efficiency. Teaching is not regarded in India as a lucrative career choice. Most of
them end up in this field because they have not been able to find employment elsewhere.
 An obsolete syllabus that is taught in most universities.
 Lack of state-of-the-art facilities in the top schools.

With schools, reforms should start

In shaping the social and professional growth of an individual, schools play a vital role. In India,
traditional schools concentrate on cultivating kids to face the dynamic world outside. Examinations
and assignments are encouraged by them as instruments to test the students' ability. Whether or
not a child was well educated depended on the marks he/she scored.

Many activists today who criticise the Indian Education system are of the opinion that the schools
teach students by-rote learning stuff and not by application to understand things. A few years ago,
the National Survey reported that more than 80 percent of school principals in India blame rote
learning as the reason for low standards of learning in school dismissals.

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