Lesson 8 Vocab A1 Rikai Marugoto

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Introductory(A1)Script and Grammar Lesson 8

Part of speech Words/Expressions Pronunciation English

Noun うえ ue on, above
Noun おふろ ofuro bath
Noun カップ kappu cup
Noun げんかん genkan entrance
Noun こちら kochira this, this way
Noun した shita under, below
Noun しゃしん shashin photograph
Noun それ sore that
Noun だいどころ daidokoro kitchen
Noun たな tana shelf
Noun とけい tokee clock
Noun なか naka inside
Noun にわ niwa garden
Noun にんぎょう ningyoo doll
Noun はこ hako box
Noun よこ yoko side
i-adjective いい ii good
na-adjective きれい(な) kiree(na) pretty/beautiful
Interjection あ a Ah !
I am about to eat (used
just before beginning a
Expression いただきます itadakimasu meal)
Expression いらっしゃい irasshai welcome
Excuse me for
disturbing you (greeting
used by the guest
when entering
Expression おじゃまします ojamashimasu someone`s home)
Please forgive me for
bothering you (used by
by the guest when
visiting someone's
Expression ごめんください gomenkudasai home)
Introductory(A1)Script and Grammar Lesson 8

Please~ (often used

when offering
Expression どうぞ doozo something to someone)
Please come in (used
どうぞ あがって くださ doozo agatte when welcoming a
Expression い kudasai guest to one's home)
どうも ありがとう(ござい arigatoo(gozaimasu
Expression ます) ) Thank you very much

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