2020 en Apa 7

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APA 7 Workshop

Enrolled Nurses

2020, February 121, MIT Manukau Campus

Iva Matagi
Information Services
Talofa lava! Today’s objectives

You will understand:

How to reference:
books, websites and EN Competencies using APA 7

Where to find APA help and guides


The library website is your gateway to library resources

and services.
Help/ contact points

Kia orana I’m Iva your Subject Librarian and I am only a question
Ask for me at the Level 2 Library Desk on the MIT Manukau
Campus or email me iva.matagi@manukau.ac.nz

Check out the Learning Centre - Academic Writing resources on

Canvas. Book an appointment with Karen our Learning advisor if
you need help with paraphrasing or sentence structure.
APA Help
APA Referencing on the MIT Library Homepage

This is where you

will find the
MIT APA guide.
Referencing is:

A way of recording and acknowledging where you have
got the information that you have used in your

You use other people’s work by quoting or paraphrasing.

The foundation of academic honesty and integrity
(helps you to avoid plagiarism)

Did you know there are many referencing styles?
Chicago, MLA, Oxford, Harvard
There are 2 parts to an APA reference
You must do both

1. In-text citations - in the text of your assignment

….. (Greasely, 2016).

2. Create a Reference list – Separate page at the end of

your assignment listing in alphabetical order all the published
sources used.

Greasely, P. (2016). Doing essays and

assignments: Essential tips for students (2nd
ed.). Sage.
The four elements for most references:

Who = Author

When = Date

What = Title

Where = Source:
Publisher and /or Website url or DOI
Basic format: Author. (Date). Title of webpage. Website name. url

Ponen, S. (2019, December 15). Amoxicillin. Health Navigator

New Zealand. https://www.healthnavigator.org

👉Webpage dates specifically relate to the date when the
information on the webpage was updated, revised or

Do not use Copyright date

Do not use reviewed on date

Use a specific date format (on handout)
Webpage activity: MOH webpage


Basic format:
Author. (Date). Title of webpage. Source: Website name. url
MOH Website
Basic format: Author. (Date). Title of webpage. Website name. url

Ministry of Health. (2017, March 30). Overview of the

health system. https://www.health.govt.nz/new-

zealand- health-system/overview-health-system

Paraphrase & in-text citation example

Summarising original text on the webpage:

The district health boards in New Zealand are very powerful public
entities as they are charged with the overall management of health
services for their designated areas (Ministry of Health, 2017).
Grey literature example (Guidelines, reports)

Basic format: Author. (Date). Title [Description]. Publisher name. URL

Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers Te Rōpū

Tauwhiro I Aotearoa. (2019). Code of ethics.
Grey literature activity

Reference Competencies for enrolled nurses

Use the handouts to find the



URL (provided on worksheet)

Basic format:
Author. (Date). Title [Description]. Publisher name. URL
Competencies for enrolled nurses
Basic format: Author. (Date). Title [Description]. Publisher name. URL

Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2012).

Competencies for enrolled nurses.

Note on URL link – Use the landing page link

In-text citation: Group source used mutiple times
First in-text citation:
Nursing Council of New Zealand (NCNZ), (2012) illustrates
the scopes of practice for enrolled nurses.
The Competencies for enrolled nurses provides the scope of
practice for enrolled nurses (Nursing Council of New Zealand
[NCNZ], 2012).

Subsequent in-text citations:

NCNZ (2012) ……… OR …….. (NCNZ, 2012).

Books and ebooks example

Orange, C. (2015). An illustrated history of the Treaty of

Waitangi. Bridget Williams Books.


In-text citation: Orange (2015) wrote… OR  … (Orange, 2015)

Basic format:
Author. (Date). Title. Publisher. url

Books and ebooks
Basic format: Author. (Date). Title. Publisher. url

Herlihy, B. (2018). The human body in health and illness

(6th ed.). ELSEVIER.

In-text citation:
Herlihy (2018) wrote… OR  … (Herlihy, 2018)

Books and ebooks
Basic format: Author. (Date). Title. Publisher. url

Koutoukidis, G., Stainton, K., & Hughson, J. (2017). Tabbner’s

nursing care: Theory and practice (7th ed.). ELSEVIER.

In-text citation:
Koutoukidis et al. (2017) wrote… OR  … (Koutoukidis et al., 2017)

Ebook on the library database with no DOI

Herlihy, B. (2013). The human body in health and illness

(5th ed.). ELSEVIER.

No DOI – Reference as a print book

Enrolled nurses Library Subject Guide:

Journal article example

Marriott, L., & Sim, D. (2015). Indicators of inequality for Māori and

Pacific People? The Journal of New Zealand Studies, (20), 24-50.


In-text citation: Marriott and Sim (2016) wrote… OR  … (Marriott & Sim, 2015).

This example does not have a volume number – omit from reference

Use https://www.crossref.org/ to check for Journal article DOI’S

Journal article

Frey, R., Gott, M., Raphael, D., Black, S., Teleo-Hope, L., Lee, H., & Wang,

Z. (2013).  “Where do I go from here”? A cultural perspective on

challenges to the use of hospice services. Health & Social Care in the

Community, 21(5), 519–529. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.12038

In-text citation: Frey et al. (2016) wrote… OR  … (Frey et al., 2015).

Basic format:
Author. (Date). Title of article. Name of Journal, volume(issue), page range. url

Example of a reference list


Borbasi, S., Jackson, D., & East, L. (2019). Navigating the maze of research: Enhancing nursing and midwifery practice (5th


Frey, R., Gott, M., Raphael, D., Black, S., Teleo-Hope, L., Lee, H., & Wang, Z. (2013).  “Where do I go from here”? A cultural

perspective on challenges to the use of hospice services. Health & Social Care in the Community, 21(5), 519–529.


Greasely, P. (2016). Doing essays and assignments: Essential tips for students (2nd ed.). Sage.

Herlihy, B. (2013). The human body in health and illness (5th ed.). ELSEVIER.

Herlihy, B. (2018). The human body in health and illness (6th ed.). ELSEVIER.

Huygens, I. (2016). Pākehā and Tauiwi Treaty education: An unrecognised decolonisation movement? Kōtuitui: New

Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 11(2), 146–158. https://doi.org/10.1080/1177083X.2016.1148057

Koutoukidis, G., Stainton, K., & Hughson, J. (2017). Tabbner’s nursing care: Theory and practice (7th ed.). ELSEVIER.

Marriott, L., & Sim, D. (2015). Indicators of inequality for Māori and Pacific People? The Journal of New Zealand

Studies, (20), 24-50. https://doi.org/10.26686/jnzs.v0i20.3876

Ministry of Health. (2017, March 30). Overview of the health system. https://www.health.govt.nz/new-zealand-health-


Orange, C. (2015). An illustrated history of the Treaty of Waitangi. Bridget Williams Books.


Ponen, S. (2019, December 15). Amoxicillin. Health Navigator New Zealand. https://www.healthnavigator.org

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