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Applying Lean Six Sigma

Principles in Retail Stores

by Tony Curtis, Jin An and
Robert Gettys

Lean Six Sigma deployments designed

specifically for the retail industry hold
the potential to drive high performance
for companies
The Accenture Process & Innovation
Performance Service Line helps
clients become high-performance
businesses by taking an end-to-
end, process-based approach to
address key business challenges
such as complexity reduction, lean
manufacturing and operations, process
innovation, strategic cost reduction,
and growth through innovation, in
order to create competitive advantage
for clients globally. We also help our
clients become high-performance
businesses by enhancing the internal
capabilities needed to continuously
improve operational and innovation
performance. Accenture enhanced its
long-standing operations and strategy
expertise with the 2007 acquisition
of George Group, a recognized
market leader in process, operational
and business transformation, and
innovation, whose capabilities and
offerings form the foundation of this
new practice.
Lean Six Sigma (LSS) has been, in available to business today. Lean “Applying Lean Six Sigma Principles
many ways, a part of the business provides mechanisms for quickly and in Stores”: A discussion of the specific
world for decades. The LSS revolution dramatically slashing cycle time and challenges retail companies face and
began in earnest in post-World War II waste in any process, anywhere in an case examples highlighting what some
Japanese manufacturing companies, organization. Six Sigma presents the retailers have done to overcome these
creating a quality-focused culture tools and organizational guidelines challenges in applying LSS in stores.
at a level unseen before. Later, LSS that establish a foundation for
“Solving Retail Problems Using Lean
came to the forefront of American sustained, data-based improvements
Six Sigma”: A look into solving simple
companies after adoption by General in strategically important, customer-
to complex business problems using
Electric (GE) and others. critical targets. Today, LSS has grown
LSS tools and approaches.
beyond these problem-solving roots
Over time, the concepts have moved
and now encompasses high-level “Lean Six Sigma Leadership in Retail”:
from shop floors into back offices
analytical tools and deployment An exploration into the necessary
within manufacturing sites, and
guidelines that give companies the leadership roles and discussion of
eventually to pure transactional and
means to establish and maintain leadership support in successful LSS
service environments. Today, LSS has
strategy-to-execution links. deployments.
become common in financial services,
insurance, health care and many Over a series of articles, we explore
other industries, even spreading into how LSS deployments designed
government and the US military. In specifically for retail can drive
recent years, another major industry operational excellence throughout a
has begun to join the LSS movement: company, from corporate offices to
retail. individual stores, and help retailers
drive to high performance. This series
Lean Six Sigma is a continuous
provides retail-specific insights gained
improvement methodology
in working with pioneering retailers
that combines two of the most
deploying LSS. The articles in this series
powerful improvement engines
cover the following topics:

Only recently have retail companies begun to turn a serious
eye toward applying the successful principles behind Lean Six Sigma
(LSS)—for so long viewed as a part of the manufacturing world—as a
way to foster a process-oriented culture within
their organizations. As retailers become interested in building
a continuous-improvement capability to enable competitiveness,
growth and high performance, a difficult challenge has repeatedly
arisen in retail LSS deployments: How do we apply LSS in the stores
given the unique challenges? This article explores some answers to this
question and highlights examples from pioneering retailers that have
successfully deployed LSS in stores, creating significant bottom-line

Lean Six Sigma in stores methodology to solve problems, such as Best Buy, Staples and
Anyone who has spent time in a retail execute planned, methodical changes Tesco, have greatly improved their
corporate office or worked in a store and make process-change decisions. operational capabilities and not
has heard about the brilliant failures Yet in general, retail LSS deployments only driven financial results, but also
of “can’t-miss improvements” in stores. have been more difficult to embed improved their ability to grow in the
As retailers become interested in culturally than other industries increasing competitive retail industry.
building continuous improvement because the deployment process and
LSS is a comprehensive methodology
capabilities, such capabilities help methodology have not been adjusted
that provides a structured way
them become more competitive, grow, and fully developed consistently to
for retailers to transform their
and ultimately, achieve high store environments and needs. LSS
organizations to build competitive
performance. The reality today is that deployments in retail have been
advantage, customer satisfaction
corporate leaders are traditionally difficult to deploy with meaningful
and shareholder return, as well as
promoted from store management, success because approaches and
to achieve high performance.
where those who effectively react to principles used are based on those
crises are often more recognized than from manufacturing businesses. Recognizing the industry’s
those who successfully plan and Only by addressing the unique unique characteristics
prevent problems. Moreover, while challenges of the retail industry Although retailers are similar to
many improvement projects that as well as of store environments many other for-profit companies in
impact stores are driven from the will LSS drive high performance in one aspect: growth and profitability
corporate office, the changes rarely retail as it has in other industries. are the key metrics, the retail industry
include input from frontline, customer- Those retailers that have taken into has many characteristics and attributes
facing associates. While these cultural account the industry’s and their that are unique among industries.
behaviors are common, they often company’s uniqueness have been This distinctiveness is especially
lead to ineffectual decisions. successful in deploying LSS and in evident when compared to the
Some leading retailers, however, are fostering a continuous improvement traditional manufacturing industry,
discovering the value of implementing culture. These early leaders in LSS,
LSS to provide a disciplined, proven

where LSS originated. For retailers In the current era of margin managers to make choices between
to successfully deploy LSS programs degradation, retailers have turned to a options. Because of this local and
beyond the corporate office and into common practice of reorganizing the necessary decision making, corporate
stores, companies need to first corporate office regularly to manage initiatives that are designed to create
recognize and address the industry’s and reduce selling, general and better conformity among the stores
specific characteristics: administrative (SG&A) costs (the actually create more variation.
primary focus in most retail LSS Furthermore, implementation of
Direct relationship with
deployments). In addition, store costs, relatively simple changes becomes
ultimate end-user customer.
particularly labor hours, are constantly more complex than expected because
Many manufacturers may produce
being reviewed and adjusted. But these of different footprints, models, and
units to order, but never see the end
corporate-driven activities usually sizes, and created solutions are rarely
customer. Some try to simulate the
fail to adequately instill sustainable one size fits all.
interaction by posting a photograph
improvement efforts. Although
of the buyer with the product while Tightly budgeted labor hours.
labor-hour allocation, simplistically, is
other industries collect demographic To maintain profitability, store
a balance between profitability
data to predict customer behavior. labor hours are constantly being
and customer experience, neither
Most industries, however, are not as manipulated to reduce labor costs.
tightening SG&A nor readjusting
directly impacted by the distinctive, This constant constraint does not
labor allocation establishes the
constantly changing and inconsistent allow associates to work on process
framework to build real, long-term
behavior of actual customers. This improvements without impacting
positive impact to the industry’s three
intense customer interaction is store operations. Many retailers avoid
critical players: customers, employees
particular to retailers, and demands sending associates to a class to learn
and shareholders.
rapid responses to meet ever-changing to be more effective or efficient when
customer needs. Addressing retail store-specific these valuable hours away replace not
challenges only functional labor hours but also
Large number of independently
The concept of deploying LSS for customer service hours, reducing
operated stores. In manufacturing
retailers is understandably daunting store sales dollars. Moreover, because
environments, companies typically
because of not only the difficulty resources are limited, stores have little
have from a few to a couple dozen
in addressing the unique challenges bandwidth to implement additional
sites. Conversely, retailers can have
in stores, but also the limited local improvements that would serve
hundreds or thousands of stores. For
success in consistently executing as differentiators from competitors.
example, Best Buy has more than
and sustaining changes in stores. The sheer number of daily or weekly
1,100 stores, while Kroger has some
However, by understanding these processes in stores can be staggering.
2,400 and Wal-Mart/Sam’s Club
challenges, specific approaches For instance, one store manager with
around 3,900. To complicate matters
can be developed that address these a large global retailer explained that
further, individual stores either operate
issues and increase the probability of he has to manage 40 processes (e.g.,
as nearly independent entities or are
success. Some of the store challenges covering payroll, loss prevention,
actually privately owned as typical in
of particular difficulty include change regular reporting, hiring, etc.) each
the hospitality subset of retail. Each
inputs, labor hours, customer week by himself before consideration
of these customer-facing outlets has
experience, turnover, consumer can even be given to process
at least some level of autonomy,
and employee demographics, and improvements.
making corporate-wide changes
extremely complex and difficult to store autonomy: Minimized impact to customers.
execute. Typically, decisions made at Change inputs from multiple The impact on customer service within
corporate are disseminated throughout functions. Stores are inundated the stores because of expected process
the organization as one would expect, with changes and improvements changes cannot be overlooked. In many
but the challenge lies in the consistent from multiple departments cases, the negative impact of making
execution of a large number of simultaneously, forcing store store adjustments on the customer
changes required at each store. management to determine which experience is minimized by executing
solutions to adopt and which to physical changes after hours or when
Tight margin pressures. While
ignore or postpone. In addition, blocked from customer view. However,
margin is a common and important
because corporate departments are this approach potentially delays and/or
measure in most for-profit companies,
often working in silos, the changes limits what stores can implement
it is a critical measure for retail
stores are asked to implement quickly.
companies in order to remain
competitive. frequently conflict, requiring store

Retail Challenges in Deploying Lean Six Sigma

Retail Challenges
Retail Challenges CulturalCultural
Change Change
• Direct •Challenges
Direct relationship
relationship with ultimate
with ultimate Cultural
• Targeted Change
Targeted andprojects and resources
end-user customer
end-user customer aligned to aligned
strategictogoalsstrategic goals
• Direct relationship with ultimate • Targeted projects and resources
• Large • Large
end-user of number
customer of independently
independently • End-to-end
aligned• End-to-end
strategic process
views withviews with
operated stores
operated stores focus on primefocusvalue
on prime
chains value chains
• Large number of independently • End-to-end process views with
• Tight • Tight
margin margin pressures
pressures focus •onAccountability for sustainability
operated stores AchieveAchieve
high high • Accountability for sustainability
prime value chains
of improvements
of improvements and benefits and– benefits –
• Change •margin
• Tightinputs frominputs fromfunctions
pressures multiple functions performance
performance • Accountability for sustainability
Achieve high measurement measurement
of impact &ofmetrics
impact & metrics
• Tightly • Tightly
budgeted budgeted
inputslabor laborfunctions
from hours hours through through of improvements and benefits –
• Change multiple performance • Engaged •leaders
Engaged of leaders
and and
team members team members
improvedimproved measurement impact & metrics
• High • budgeted
• Tightly Highrate
turnover turnover
over rate
labor over
some35%, some
hours through throughoutthroughout the entire organization
the entire organization to to
operational • Engagedcontinuously
leaders and drive
team improvement
stores nearstores
100%near 100% per year
per year improved continuously drive improvement efforts efforts
• High turnover rate over 35%, some capabilities
capabilities throughout the entire organization to
• Inexperienced 100% per associates
associates -
year - operational • Culture • Culture
of attacking
continuously of waste
drive attacking
and waste
improvement solving and solving
50% between50%16-19
old years old capabilities problems usingproblems using disciplined
disciplined methodologies
• Inexperienced associates - • Culture of attacking waste and solving
• Constantly
• Constantly changing
50% between changing
16-19 consumer
years old • Focus of •best,
problems Focus ofdisciplined
best, high-potential
using people people
demographics on the highest priorities
• Constantly changing consumer on the highest priorities
• Significant
• Significant store autonomy
store autonomy • Focus of best, high-potential people
demographics on the• highest
• Data-driven, Data-driven,
fact-based fact-based decision making
decision making
• Significant store autonomy • Data-driven, fact-based decision making

High turnover. The turnover rate in Significant store autonomy. • Selection of high-potential
retail is more than 35 percent as an To exacerbate current challenges, associates to reduce the risk of
industry compared to 26 percent in individual store managers typically turnover of the best associates.
other industries.* Some retailers have autonomy within each store
• Creation and implementation of a
experience turnover in stores that creates replication complexities.
process for replication of findings
approaching 100 percent per year, There is usually no reward or benefit
to other stores to maximize ROI.
which has profound impact on to sharing information among stores
the sustainability of improvements. whose managers are in competition • Sustainability of the LSS program
As such, continual basic training with their peers and whose leadership by:
consumes most of the allotted traditionally has had a strong “not- - Communication at all levels.
education labor hours given to stores, invented-here” mentality toward
and store management is reluctant to mandated changes. - Replication methodologies across
invest in additional training when the districts first, then regions.
To successfully apply LSS in the stores
time required for a positive return on - Accountability for immediate and
as well as to sustain improvement
investment (ROI) exceeds the expected sustained success at multiple
changes, the industry and store-
tenure of most store associates. levels of management.
specific challenges must be addressed
Inexperienced employee and managed in the deployment - Celebration and sharing of
demographics. A contributing design and planning of an LSS success.
factor to turnover is the employee program. Another critical requirement
demographic in retail (more than 50 to establish a successful LSS program - Growth of a consistent program
percent of all employees are between is to include the active participation across all regions of the
16 to 19 years old), which impacts the of frontline associates. They interact organization.
educational and business acumen level with customers daily, observe - Institutionalization of a
of frontline associates. Retailers are customer reactions and understand certification program.
naturally reluctant to provide much today’s customers better than anyone
• Setting the goal of enterprise-wide
decision freedom to associates because else. This unique customer insight,
cultural change.
of their limited business experience. along with a tailored LSS approach
Furthermore, the limited ability of in stores, is critical in deploying LSS Retailers that have had the greatest
inexperienced, part-time associates successfully in retail. success in the initial and sustained
to learn and apply statistical tools deployments have recognized the need
makes long-term, impactful change in
Key LSS deployment to consider these key components
the stores more difficult to accomplish. components before launching their initiatives.
A single, standard approach will Other considerations must also be
Constantly evolving consumer not address the numerous yet unique evaluated to help drive understanding
demographics. Evolving consumer challenges retail companies face. of the strategic outcomes of any LSS
demographics drive the need to The possible approaches are complex deployment prior to program launch.
alter stores to meet specific local and varied, and must be designed Categorized at a high level, these
requirements. The recent trend to specifically for each particular include financial and budget
design stores based on customer organization. Those companies that components, human resources
segmentation is an example of effectively tackle these components considerations, and integration
applying demographics specifically pave the way for the successful to the existing culture and growth
to local customer demands. However, deployment of LSS and reap the strategy. By carefully evaluating
the design of more neighborhood- benefits of efficiency, cost savings, and executing these considerations,
focused stores creates a number and ultimately, achieve high organizations can successfully deploy
of internal problems. For example, performance. LSS and achieve significant results.
simple planogram changes require
hundreds of versions to satisfy each • Leadership exposure to and
* Note: The retail data includes
store’s individual needs, delaying awareness of LSS to understand
corporate while the highest level
the speed at which changes can be and support store activities.
of turnover in retail is frontline,
implemented. In addition, this type • Real-time, district-level (six to 12 customer-facing associates.
of demographic identification and stores) problem solving that includes
planning creates different experiences just-in-time instruction, immediate
for customers who visit multiple stores, application of tools, and short
causing confusion with different implementation window by the team.
footprints, design and assortment.

Achieving LSS process inventory management processes; and discovered eight critical inputs that
improvements in store 4) lack of consistent assembly process affect weeks of inventory supply: 1)
(tools, training and work space). After item order cycle and flow lead time
brainstorming possible solutions to increasing order up to level; 2) flow
Despite the inherent challenges in
improve this process, the team selected SKUs issues, or stores without
retail, retailers have nevertheless quite
and piloted the optimal solutions in maximum inventory; 3) large promo
successfully deployed LSS initiatives in
the stores that included basic training assortment; 4) promo plans and
stores. They have done so by following
for assembly, standardized assembly display quantity for bulk categories;
LSS deployment fundamentals
tools, changes to the inventory 5) ad SKU receipts of bulk items;
of leadership support, in-store
management processes, signage 6) inactive ad SKUs; 7) forward
participation, use of high-potential
changes and simplification of buys; and 8) large store assortment.
associates, frequent communication,
and emphasis on sustainability and Understanding the inputs that could
replication. The following examples The pilot reduced average missing affect excessive inventory, the team
demonstrate ways in which retailers displays (to less than 1.5 chairs addressed seven of the eight critical
have overcome the difficulties of store per store per day) and improved inputs except for store assortment,
application of LSS and successfully recovery standards, integrity of which was determined to be a separate
achieved and sustained process chair planograms, and impact of project because of the complexity.
improvements in store operations. aged inventory without impact on In one unique solution experiment,
store associates labor time. Also, the the team identified three combinations
Large global retailer: Store
process improvements generated more of system changes to item order cycle
chair display holes
than $3 million in increased sales and lead time. Each scenario was
A North American region for a large
of chairs for this single region, with piloted in a group of six stores, and
global retailer was experiencing flat
estimated benefits at $14 million all three scenarios proved effective
sales in its office chair category
upon replication to other regions in driving down inventory. Some of the
compared to growing sales in other
in the chain. other implemented solutions included:
regions. The current chair assembly
1) reduced item order cycle to one on
and display-replacement process was Large retailer: Excessive inventory
all SKUs; 2) created constrained-store
resulting in the failure of 75 percent in urban stores
promo assortment; 3) developed
of the 40 stores to replace chairs upon The amount of product inventory
replenishment process to land bulk
sale of a chair from a display. As a distributed to stores is typically driven
promo and ad items closer to sales;
result, customers were unable to see by sales and planned promotions and
and 4) established standard process
assembled chairs on display, which advertising. A large retailer, however,
for sending inactive product to
impacted their buying decisions, and operated a group of stores in urban
space-constrained stores.
ultimately sales. areas with high sales volume per
square foot but little backroom Without negatively impacting in-stock
An LSS project enlisting the expertise
space to hold inventory. The excess products or sales, the implemented
of a cross-functional team including
inventory squeezed into these space- solutions reduced inventory by 8,800
essential store associates was
constrained stores led to multiple units per store and weeks of inventory
organized to address this problem.
handling of product, difficult inventory supply from 10.7 to 7.8—a $3.3 million
Using the LSS Define, Measure,
management, inefficient use of labor, reduction in inventory.
Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC)
frustrated associates and managers
methodology, the project team Office supply retailer: Empty
as well as negative impact on the
discovered that 15 percent of chair ink and toner cartridges
customer experience.
displays were missing on a daily basis A large office supply retailer was not
(on average more than five chairs per To improve the flow of inventory taking full advantage of vendor ink
store per day). In addition, the difficult to these space-constrained stores, and toner cartridge recycling coupon
assembly process required more than an LSS project was initiated with a redemption programs. When customers
45 steps to assemble a single chair. focus on 45 stores with the smallest returned cartridges for recycling, the
selling-floor space and shelf-holding stores were not returning 33 percent
To solve these process issues, the team
capacity. The team determined the of these cartridges to vendors for
uncovered a number of root causes
stores held an average of 10.7 coupon redemption. This poor return
including: 1) gaps in current inventory
weeks of inventory supply, while rate directly reduced the retailer’s
management; 2) complexity of store
still receiving shipments five days per margin on these products—by nearly
formats and planograms as well as
week. Incorporating cross-functional $20 million annually.
lack of posted pictograms; 3) lack of
expertise, the retailer’s project team
signage that impacted recovery and

LSS DMAIC Methodology
DMAIC (pronounced d-may-ick) is the incremental process
improvement methodology of Lean Six Sigma. It is an acronym
that stands for five interconnected phases: Define, Measure,
Analyze, Improve and Control. Practitioners who use LSS follow
the DMAIC process strictly to ensure the improvements are data
driven instead of led by conventional wisdom. The five phases
of the methodology are:
Define—What exactly is the problem? Identify and/or validate
the improvement opportunity.
Measure—What data do we have? Identify and collect critical
metrics/data to understand the problem and establish baseline
process capability.
Analyze—What does the data tell us about how good (or bad)
we and the primary drivers of the process are? Identify and
validate that the true “root causes” are being addressed.
Improve—What does the data tell us are the best possible
solutions both from an impact standpoint as well as cost/
benefit? Identify, evaluate and select the right improvement
solutions, and then pilot solutions before full implementation.
Control—What do we put in place to ensure the problem
stays fixed? Establish process controls and metrics so we
don’t have to solve the problem again next year.

In the execution of a quick LSS critically, in stores. LSS is growing in
improvement project, the team popularity and success, and clearly, a
determined that nearly 6 percent of transformation in retail is happening.
the stores redeemed 0 percent of the The company that drives to high
coupons during an entire fiscal quarter. performance will be the one that
In attempting to identify the potential transitions to a data-driven, process-
causes of this problem, the team oriented culture and resolves the
learned the critical reason was the lack age-old problems of in-store
of awareness by store associates of the executions. The traditional
ink/toner redemption financial impact manufacturing and transactional
to the retailer. The team identified LSS deployments, however, are not
several quick, simple awareness and effective or even possible in retail.
metrics-reporting solutions to the By designing an LSS program with
stores. By providing visibility to an understanding of the unique
the financial and program metrics factors in retail—of each company
to the stores, the stores achieved and in the store environment—LSS
100 percent coupon redemption, can drive consistent, high-quality
resulting in an annual financial and sustainable improvements
benefit of $12.7 million. delivering similar benefits to retailers
as they strive for the high performance
Making the transition realized by companies in traditional
Although Lean Six Sigma in retail
manufacturing and transactional
may be in its infancy compared
to manufacturing industries, some
early adopters have demonstrated
successful applications of LSS in
both the corporate office, but more

The next article in this series addresses the application of
various LSS tools and approaches to solve business problems
in retail. The article also provides examples that demonstrate
the benefits LSS can deliver to retailers.

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for clients globally. We also help our
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capabilities needed to continuously
improve operational and innovation
performance. Accenture enhanced its
long-standing operations and strategy
expertise with the 2007 acquisition
of George Group, a recognized
market leader in process, operational
and business transformation, and
innovation strategy, whose capabilities
and offerings form the foundation of
this new practice.

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