Tugas (Pokok Bahasan 2)

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Universitas Udayana

Fakultas Teknik


Nama Kode Bobot Semester Mata Kuliah Syarat
1 Mata Kuliah
Photovoltaics TEK155108 2 sks 5 Energi Terbarukan
2 Dosen 1. Ir. I Nyoman Setiawan, MT.
Pengampu 2. Ngakan Putu Satrya Utama, ST., MT.
Bentuk Tugas Latihan Soal-Soal
Judul Tugas Penyelesaian Soal-Soal Radiasi Matahari
Sub Capaian SUB CPMK-2 Mampu menganalisis pemanfaatan radiasi matahari untuk fotovoltaik yang
Pembelajaran lebih optimal dalam kerjasama tim dan mempresentasikannya [C4, A3, P3]
Matakuliah (CPMK-2,CPMK-3,CPMK-5)

Kerjakan minimal 2 dari 4 soal-soal berikut :

Exercises for Chapter 2

Exercise 2.1 Solar Constants
a. The Earth does not circle the Sun in an ideal circle but rather along an elliptical path
rSE_Max=152 M.km, rSE_Min=147 M.km). Between what values does the solar constant
fluctuate in the course of a year?
b. What solar constant do you expect from Mars that is approximately 58M.km from Earth?

Exercise 2.2 Solar Spectrum

a. What does AM 0 stand for?
b. What does AM 1.5 mean and what solar elevation angle is associated with it?
c. Why is the sky blue?
d. What causes sunset glow?

Exercise 2.3 Global Radiation

a. What effects lead to the existence of diffuse radiation?
b. What approximately portion of the global radiation does the diffuse radiation in Germany have?
c. What is meant by “Sun full load hours” and what rule of thumb could one use for Germany?
d. How does the value of the previous sub-point change for a surface facing south and tilted at an
angle of 35°?

Exercise 2.4 Radiation on Tilted Surfaces

On a cloudless summer’s day, the measured global radiation is EG_Hor=850 W/m2. The Sun is at an
angle of 50° to the horizon. Assume that there is no diffuse radiation.
a. What is the optimum inclination angle of the solar module and what is the irradiance EGen
in this case?
b. What is the irradiance for a inclination angle of the solar module of 15° to the horizon?
Now take a winter’s day: EDirect_H=EDiffus_H=300 W/m2. The sun is at an angle of 25° to the
c. What is the optimum inclination angle of the solar module and what is the irradiance in this
Determine the best angle by trial and error.
d. Solve the sub-point (c) not by trial and error but by means of an extreme value consideration of
the equation EGen=f (ᵝ). Make use of the following addition theorem:

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