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Math 117 Online Exam 3 Take Home Name________________________

Santa Barbara City College Spring 2020

The following exam shall be completed on your own. You may not use any other person or additional resources
to complete this exam. You may have a ½ sheet of notes and a graphing calculator. You may not use any other
notes and you may not use your text. You have a time limit of 2 hours. This exam must be uploaded as a PDF
file in Canvas by the deadline of 11:59pm tonight. See Canvas for more details.
Student Certification

I certify that I have completed this exam without reference to books or notes (unless otherwise specified on the exam)
and without outside help of any kind. This exam is the result of my individual effort.

Students Signature Date and Time Finished

Student's E-mail Address Student's Daytime Telephone

For each of the following circle the best answer. Each problem is worth 4 points.

1. There are only two possible conclusions in a hypothesis test: reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

2. With a level of significance of a = 0.05 and a final p-value of 0.0279, you should reject the null hypothesis during
a one-tailed test.

3. When constructing a confidence interval for the difference between two means and the data is independent, we
find that the interval does not contain 0. This gives us reason to suspect that there is a significant difference
between the two population means.

4. Classify the two given samples as independent or dependent.

Sample 1: The resting heart rate of a group of runners before a marathon.
Sample 2: The heart rate for the same group of runners 5 minutes after finishing a marathon.
(a) Independent (c) Both a and b
(b) Dependent (d) Don’t choose this one

5. Determine the critical value for a confidence interval for the difference between two population means using the
given information. Confidence level c=0.95, population variances are assumed to be unequal, n1 = 14, n2 = 10
(a) t = 1.833 (c) t = 1.796
(b) t = 1.782 (d) t = 2.262

6. Given the following information, determine the correct type of test of hypothesis that should be used.
Claim: µ1 > µ2 , α = 0.10.
Sample statistics: x1 = 510, s1 = 30, n1 = 10 and x2 = 500, s2 = 15, n2 = 23
(a) 2-Sample Z Test (c) 2-Proportion Z Test
(b) 2-Sample T Test (d) 1-Sample T Test

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7. To test H O : µd ≤ 0 versus H A : µd > 0 at a = 0.01 , a random sample of size n=20 is obtained from a
population that is known to be normally distributed. If the mean difference is determined to be d = 4.5 and the
sample standard deviation of the difference is sd = 2.34 , the standardized test statistic is
(a) t = 1.6000 (c) t = 8.6003
(b) t = 9.6154 (d) t = 7.1554

8. In a survey of 120 freshmen, 72 received financial aid. In a survey of 110 sophomores, 45 received financial aid.
For a two proportion 95% Z confidence interval, calculate the margin of error. Use at least two decimal places.
Work is not required but it may earn you partial credit.


For the following two problems, state the null and alternative hypothesis and state which is the claim. Correct use of
notation as well as parameters counts!

9. [4 points] During the last three presidential elections, I claim that the mean age of a voter was greater than 30 years
of age.

10. During the last presidential election, I believe that at least 50 percent of female voters (ages 18-49) voted
[4 points]
for Hillary Clinton.

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SHOW ALL WORK NEEDED TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWERS! You must show work in order to receive credit.
Correct notation always counts. When rounding, use at least two decimal places. For all problems containing a test of
hypothesis, you must show a filled out formula for the correct standardized test statistic before taking any answers
from your calculator. For problems containing a confidence interval, you must show a filled out formula for the
confidence interval before taking any answers from your calculator.

11. Dave likes to grow cucumbers, and each year he experiments with ways to improve his crop. This summer, he
wants to determine whether the new fertilizer he has seen advertised will increase the mean number of cucumbers
produced per plant. He uses the old fertilizer on 15 cucumber plants and the new fertilizer on the other 10 plants.
Over the course of the growing season, he calculates a mean of 17.4 cucumbers per plant for the old fertilizer, with
a standard deviation of 1.8 tomatoes. He calculates a mean of 20.4 cucumbers per plant for the new fertilizer, with
a standard deviation of 2.7 tomatoes. You may assume that both samples came from populations that are
approximately normal. Assume that the population variances are not equal.

(a) Determine the best point estimate for the true mean difference in cucumber production. Correct
[1.5 points]
notation counts.

(b) Construct a 95% confidence interval for the true mean difference in cucumber production. For credit,
[5 points]
your work must include a filled-out formula for your confidence interval.

(c) [1.5 points] Interpret the confidence interval in the context of the original problem.

Page 3
12. A pharmaceutical company is testing a new drug that is supposed to lower cholesterol levels. Twelve
[8 points]
volunteers participate in a 3-month study that compares their cholesterol level before and after the 3 month
treatment. The results are below. Units of measure are mg/dL.
Volunteer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Initial Level 210 200 215 194 200 206 221 203 189 208 214 211
Level after 3 months 201 195 208 197 189 200 203 190 188 210 202 210

Construct and interpret a 95% confidence interval for the true mean decrease in cholesterol levels for people
who take the drug treatment for 3 months. For credit, your work must include a filled-out formula for your
confidence interval. If it helps, you may follow the steps outlined in the previous problem.

Page 4
13. reports that theme park travelers spend a mean of $839.00 per trip. A consumer watch group
claims that the true mean is higher. From a simple random sample of 125 people who recently visited theme
parks, the group calculated a sample mean of $851.33. Assuming that the population standard deviation is $60.25
( σ = 60.25 ), is there sufficient evidence to support the group’s claim? Use α = 0.01 .

(a) [1.5 points] Symbolically, state the null and alternative hypothesis and state which is the claim.

(b) [2.5 points] Calculate the standardized test statistic. You must show a filled out standardized test statistic

(c) [2.5 points] Find either the critical values and identify the rejection regions or find the p-value. Also, decide
whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis and state the reason why.

(d) State your conclusion. Interpret the decision in the context of the original claim. You must use
[1.5 points]
complete sentences.

Page 5
14. The National Academy of Science reported in a 1997 study that 40% of research in mathematics is
[8 points]
published by U.S. authors. The mathematics chairperson at a university wishes to test the claim that this
percentage is no longer 40%. He has no indication of whether the percentage has increased or decreased since that
time. He surveys a simple random sample of 130 recent articles published by reputable mathematics research
journals and finds that 62 of these articles have U.S. authors. Does this evidence support that mathematics
chairperson’s claim that the percentage is no longer 40%? Use a 0.10 level of significance. You may refer back to
problem 13 for the steps required for a test of hypothesis. For credit, your work must include a filled-out formula
for the standardized test statistic.

15. [8 points]I’m convinced that, on average, I spend more money at the grocery store when I take my kids. On 8
randomly selected trips to the grocery store with my kids, I spent a mean of $125.00 with a standard deviation of
$12.30. On 8 trips without the kids, the mean amount spent was $105.25 with a standard deviation of $15.50.
Assume the population variances are different. Using a complete test of hypothesis for independent samples with
a = 0.05 , can my claim that it’s cheaper to shop without the kids be supported? You may assume that both
populations are approximately normal. For credit, you must show a filled out standardized test statistic formula. If
it helps, you may refer back to problem 13 for the steps required for a test of hypothesis.

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16. [8 points]An organization believes that the number of prospective home buyers who want their next house to be
larger, smaller, or the same size as their current house is uniformly distributed (all proportions the same). To test
this claim, you randomly select 900 prospective home buyers and ask them what size they want their next house to
be. The results are shown in the table. Using a Chi-square Goodness of Fit test, can you reject the claim that the
distribution is uniform? Use α=0.05. For credit, you must show a filled out standardized test statistic formula. If
it helps, you may refer back to problem 13 for the steps required for a test of hypothesis.

Response Frequency
Larger 316
Same Size 259
Smaller 325

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