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This kind of question asks you to read these statements carefully.

You will have to use your skimming

and scanning skills to read the reading passage. Then, you decide if those statements are true, false, or
not given.

If you can find a matching statement in the reading essay, it is TRUE

If what you read in the essay dispute the statement in any way, it is FALSE

If you cannot find the given statement in the essay, it is NOT GIVEN

To finish this task, you need to follow a strategy:

First, start from the beginning

Read the first statement slowly, and remember the keywords.

This statement is a question. A question you have to find the answer to in the essay. Because these
statements follow the order of the text, you should begin with the first part of the essay.

For example, in the first question, they are “chronobiology”, “living things”, and “evolved”.

Second, use your skimming and scanning skill to look for the information in the essay

Scan the question and the keywords. Then, you go back to the essay and skim the beginning paragraphs
to find the sentence that contains this word.

In this case, chronobiology is an important one. You then go back to the reading passage and scan for
this word. You will find this text at the beginning: “Chronobiology might sound a little futuristic – like
something from a science fiction novel, perhaps – but it’s actually a field of study that concerns one of
the oldest processes life on this planet has ever known: short-term rhythms of time and their effect on
flora and fauna.”

Third, read the text carefully to make sure you get the right answer.

+) Keep in mind that the question may use synonyms instead of quoting the texts word by word. That
means you have to have a large lexicon.
+) Sometimes the facts lie in the little words. You have to read the text to find words that make the
sentence restrictive in some way. Those can be words like “just”, “only”, “always”, “every now and
then”, “all”, “some”,…

+) If you spend a little bit too long to make a decision, then the statement in question may be NOT

Let’s come back to the first question of the example. Now that you have found the text and the
meaning, so the answer isn’t NOT GIVEN. With some basic biology knowledge, you’ll know “flora and
fauna” means “plants and animals”. That can be paraphrased to “living things”. Then, notice the phrase
“have evolved over time”. The phrase “Over time” indicates a long period of time. However, the original
texts states “…short-term rhythms of time…”. These two statements contradict each other. That’s why
you’ll know the answer is FALSE.

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