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The major HR consultancy firms in Bangladesh are listed below:

1. HR Bangladesh

2. Z N Consultants

3. Reed Consultancy Bangladesh

4. Eagle Service Bangladesh

5. New Horizons

6. Grow n Excel


HR works today are moving past trade taking care of and association into more fundamental course. Their
ability and incorporated arrangements spare us the need of having devoted Human Resources group to
deal with our everyday HR activities and cycles. Grow n Excel offers a wide extent of HR reconsidering
courses of action wrapping distinctive fundamental worth based, definitive and key limits and cycles.

They can oversee us whole HR Function in a financially savvy and productive way. They are offering two
general classifications. Full outsourcing where they will go about as a HR office for the customer
association and partial outsourcing where the customer association can keep a portion of the capacities to
themselves and outsource different capacities to Grow n Excel.


The major services provided by the company Grow n Excel are listed below:

1. HR planning and Strategy, under which they follow their own rules of providing services, such as
they provide
 Vision – Value Framework
 Organizational Diagnostic
 Employment Value Proposition
 Comprehensive HR Processes
 HR Audit

2. Attraction and Change, under which they follow their own rules of providing services, such as they
 Executive Search
 Recruitment & Selection Services
 Organizational Restructuring
 Change in Management.
3. Organizational Development, under which they follow their own rules of providing services, such as
they provide
 Talent Management & Succession Planning
 Performance Management
 Leadership Competency Model
 360 Degree Feedback

4. Reward & Retention, under which they follow their own rules of providing services, such as they
 job evaluation
 compensation survey
 compensation and benefit management
 Employee Engagement survey

5. Compliance & Relationship, under which they follow their own rules of providing services, such as
they provide
 Compliance Assistance & Advisory Services
 HR Manual & Employee Code of Conduct
 Employee Communication
 Stakeholders Management & PR

6. HR Administration, under which they follow their own rules of providing services, such as they
 HR Operations Support & Outsourcing
 HRIS (human resource information system)

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