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(Printed Pages: 2 Roll No. .. (ii) Questions = 9 Sub. Code : L3L5| 61 2 Exam. Code: 01415] 0] MSc. Chemistry 4 Semester 2040) BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Paper—I, CH-521 Time Allowed : Three Hours] {Maximum Marks : 80 Note: Attempt 50% of Total Questions of Question Paper. Time: 2 Hours All will carry equal marks. Fraction will be lower digit, 1. @ (b) () 3. (@) (b) 4. (@) >) UNIT—I Explain the concept of proximity effect and molecular adaptation. Explain Koshland's induced fit hypothesis. 88 Explain Michaelis-Menten and Lineweaver Burk plots. Write a short note on typical mechanisms carried out by carboxypeptidase A. 88 UNIT—II Explain enzyme catalyzed carboxylation and decarboxylation. Write a short note on NAD* and NADP”. 88 Write a short note on secondary structure of proteins. Write a short note on coenzyme A, thiamine pyrophosphate and lipoic acid. 88 3562/NN-17178 1 [Turn over 5. (a) (b) ) 7. (a) ) (b) 9 (a) ) © @) UNIT—HI What do you understand by the term high order structure in polynucleotides ? Write a short note on dipole interactions, side chain interactions and electrostatic interactions in macromolecules. 88 Give the process of moving boundry and zonal sedimentation. Explain principle of electrophoresis and its applications in proteins and nucleic acids. 8,8 UNIT—IV Give the thermodynamics of Biopolymer solutions. Explain the process of muscular contraction and energy generation in mechanochemical system. 88 Write in detail Na‘/K” Pump. Explain the process of nerve conduction in detail. 88 UNIT—V Difference in between DNA and RNA. What are addition and elimination reaction catalysed by enzymes ? What do you understand by the term base pairing and base stacking in nucleic acids. Give the function of cell membrane. 4444 3862/NN-17178 2 1500

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