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Study Notes Dated : 2014-11-05

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1:
Do you know what your your name means?
Answer :
Decrying the mismanagement that led to the summer's catastrophic wildfires: The
Clinton administration didn't cause these fires, but their policies have left the
Forest Service under-funded and under-prepared for this crisis. I don't think it's
a conspiracy, but it's a philosophy they have that leads to explosive fires that
destroy everything.

Question 2:
What do you think of homeschooling?
Answer :
To every obstacle oppose patience, perseverance and soothing language.

Question 3:
What's the best thing to do on a cold winter day?
Answer :
Thyself shall see the act; For, as thou urgest justice, be assured Thou shalt have
justice, more than thou desir'st.

Question 4:
What do you wish your phone could do?
Answer :
EXTINCTION, n. The raw material out of which theology created the future state.

Question 5:
What are some goals you have already achieved?
Answer :
One of the most dramatic examples of the gaps between the world's technological
progress and moral rectitude is nuclear weapons. The material tools of destruction
have become so powerful that the world now lives under the constant shadow of total
annihilation. The stakes are enormous, and mistakes never carried a higher risk. It
is no longer a question of self-defense. It is a question of self-preservation.
Nuclear war is not a military problem. It is a moral dilemma. The nuclear race
involves not only a negation of law, but a negation of morality. The problem cannot
be solved by practical expediency. Its only resolution lies in the application of
the moral imperatives on which our religions and your nation was founded. This
problem will be one of your generations' greatest challenges. How well equipped you
are to handle it will determine your destiny.

Question 6:
What is your favorite shirt?
Answer :
Short words are best and the old words when short are best of all.

Question 7:
Do you have any siblings?
Answer :
But where only a free play of our presentational powers is to be sustained as in
the case of pleasure gardens, room decoration, all sorts of useful utensils, and so
on, any regularity that has an air of constraint is to be avoided as much as
possible. That is why the English taste in gardens, or the baroque taste in
furniture, carries the imagination's freedom very far, even to the verge of the
grotesque, because it is precisely this divorce from any constraint of a rule that
the case is posited where taste can show its greatest perfection in designs made by
the imagination.

Question 8:
What does your own personal hell look like? How about your own personal heaven?
Answer :
Be careful the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful the friends
you choose for you will become like them.

Question 9:
Do you play sports video games? Which ones? Is playing the video game or playing
the sport more fun? Why?
Answer :
For we must bear in mind that the greater number of garden pictures known to us are
taken from tombs.

Question 10:
What do you think the next big technological advance will be?
Answer :
The purpose of learning to employ every minute properly is to unclutter our hours,
deliver us of feverish activity and earn us true leisure.

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