Life's Teapot

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What’s your style of clothing?

Hippy, floaty skirts and tops

What’s your favourite meal – roast dinner
Favourite book,
Favourite film – Beauty and the beast
Favourite music – folk rock
How long did you not have mirrors in your house – until my 30s
Do you wear any jewellery? No, but I used to have a Crystal on a leather lace that I wore but lost it
Did you possess any kind of object that helped you get through the tough times or was a reminder of
the bad times? I bought myself a teddy when I was 40 and I love crystals
What kind of shoes do you wear? Flats usually
Do you wear makeup most of the time? No, only foundation and mascara. I prefer to be invisible
What do you do to in order to feel happy? I dance around the living room, walk in nature and spend
time with my animals.

Life’s Teapot

I sit in despair at times having always tried to prove

That I’m an ok person to myself most and others too
The only way to describe this feeling felt within
Is a damaged broken teapot with chinks on and in

Uneasy in expression, with no one to tell this too

I hide behind a confidence, invented just for you
The deepest darkest fear that I’m really bad inside
All the things you told me, so real that I hide

Impossible to decipher, in case I get it wrong

I try to fight my thoughts, not listen to your song
Criticism is hard as I absorb it like a sponge
Yet compliments so easy to disbelieve, expunge

In my teapot damaged I admire from afar

The beauty of wholeness, I strive toward my star
Not to be perfection, just to feel complete
Little girl and woman as one, not needing to compete

To believe inside the deepest, darkest recess of my heart

That I’m a worthwhile person, then freedom start
To walk tall in self-acceptance, no longer feel disgrace
So the thunderstorms go and rainbows take their place

Welled Feelings

The anger it surges from deep within

Like rising ocean waves, it builds then crashes in
Unpredictable explosions full of fear and force
Leave me bewildered lost in deep remorse

Why here why now this darkness looms

Uncontrollable madness, great feelings of doom
The tears well up and fall as pressure builds inside
This crescent of emotion roller coaster ride

Can’t get off so must endure, bear witness to the pain

The torrid memories return, to haunt me once again
Try hard to remember, to feel, we heal the scar
Almost willing the numbness of escapism, I have come so far

Not running now and facing, this will not last for long
I embrace this grey, black feeling and let it belong
To my child within who holds so dear, the need to express
The anger, sorrow, pity of her childhood distress

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