Tunis Business School Farah Marzouki Listening Test

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Tunis Business School

Farah Marzouki
Listening Test
Listen to the segment and answer these questions :

1- Complete the following statement with words from the segment: (2mks)
The United States is a country that is built by immigrants. Those immigrants whose
stories have been………………………… for the last 150 years are often also
2- The stereotypes we hear around immigrants apart from being lazy and dangerous are:
3- From what idea does the fear of immigration stem? (1mk)
4- What does the organization Galllup like to ask people? (1mk)
5- How many people listed the United States as their desired destination? (1mk)
6- What are the two questions the speaker had in mind? (2mks)
7- What is the little thought the speaker had when he was a kid at school that frightened
him the most? (2mks)

8- Say whether these statements are true or false and justify your answer in case the
statement is false: (6mks)
The speaker crossed the border illegally with his family at the age of 9. (………….)
The speaker lived illegally in this country until the age of 16 years old. (…………….)
The speaker’s mother worked illegally in one of the mushrooms plants in
Pennsylvannia (………….)
9- What is the contradiction the speaker noticed in dealing with immigrants compared to
what he studied at school? (2mks)

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