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Lecturer : MSc Luong Hai Linh

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Tel : +84 834 081 666
Learning Outcomes 8

• Understand how to determine total pressure losses

across the system.
• Know the components causing pressure drop in the
production system.
• Considering the change of the inflow and outflow
characteristics, in particular the production rate when
changing the components causing pressure losses.
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8.1 Introduction
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
8.3 Systems design and Forecast
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8.1 Introduction
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8.1 Introduction
Gas Sales
Flowing Wellhead
Pressur e Hor izontal Flowline

Stock Tank

Vertical or Inclined
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Flow Through
Porus Media

Figure 8.1 Production system

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 5

8.1 Introduction

System analysis for petroleum production systems

❖ Analyze the performance of the system taking into

account all of its components

❖ Figure out potential problems associated with the

production system

❖ Analyze the behavior of the system in response to any

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changes of a component

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 6

8.1 Introduction
Locations of various nodes
3 2 1A


N ode Location R em arks

1 Separator
2 Surface Choke Functional
3 Wellhead
4 Safety Valve Func tional
5 5 Restriction Func tional
6 Pwf
7 Pwfs
8 Pr
1A Gas Sales
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1B Stock Tank

6 7 8

Figure 8.2. Locations of various nodes

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system
8.1 Introduction

❖ Individual components analysis is adequate when

components don’t interact with each other
❖ In two phase flow, pressure drop is function not only of
flowrates but also of pressure level at the component
❖ This creates an interdependence between each
❖ Individual component analysis is no longer applicable
❖ A new tool is necessary- Nodal analysis
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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 8

8.1. Introduction
Fundamentals of the NA method

* Always consider a component in the relationships with the

* Pressure and Pressure Losses across different
components of the system are of primary interests

* The performance of a system can be analyzed via one or

more NODEs
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8.1 Introduction
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Video 1: Difference Pressure

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8.1. Introduction
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Figure 8.3 Nodal Analysis

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8.1 Introduction

Figure 8.4 Nodal Analysis- Inflow section

PInode (q) = Pr - ISPc(q,P) (8-1)

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❖ The inflow pressure at the node represents the

pressure the inflow section can deliver the flowrate q at
the node.
Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 12
8.1 Introduction

Figure 8.5 Nodal Analysis – Outflow section

P0node (q) = Ps + OSPc(q,P) (8-2)

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❖ The outflow pressure at the node represents the

pressure the outflow section requires to produce the
flowrate q up to the separator.

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 13

8.1 Introduction

❖ The equilibrium point is the point at which the inflow

section is capable of delivering the flowrate at a pressure
enough for the outflow section to flow the fluids up to the
separator P0node (q) = PInode (q) (8-3)
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Figure 8.6 Simple Production system

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8.1 Introduction
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Figure 8.7 Nodal Analysis – Node = Perforations

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8.1 Introduction
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Figure 8.8 Nodal Analysis – Node = Perforations

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8.1 Introduction
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Figure 8.9 Nodal Analysis – Node = Perforations

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8.1 Introduction
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Figure 8.10 Nodal Analysis – Node = Perforations

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8.1 Introduction
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Figure 8.11 IPR and OPR – Node = Perforations

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8.1 Introduction
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Figure 8.12 Nodal Analysis – Node = reservoir boundary

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8.1 Introduction

❖ Example:
Perform a Nodal analysis for the following well:
- IPR: Vogel with q(max)= 5000 stb/d and P(r)=
4500 psig.
- Separator pressure= 450 psig.
- The pressure drop at the flowline and the
production string is given in the following table.
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8.1 Introduction
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Figure 8.13 The pressure drop at the flowline, production string

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8.1 Introduction
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Figure 8.14 The caculation summary

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8.1 Introduction
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Figure 8.15 IPR and OPR with various node selection

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
Possible Pressure Losses
P8 Gas Sales

P5 Stock Tank


P USV P1 = (Pr - Pwfs) = Loss in Porus Medium

P2 = (Pwfs - Pwf) = Loss across Completion
P3 = (P UR - PDR) = Loss across Restriction
P7 P4 = (P USV - PDSV) = Loss across Safety Valve
P5 = (Pwh - P DSC) = Loss across Surface Choke
P6 = (P DSC - Psep) = Loss in Flowline
P7 = (Pwf - Pwh) = Total Loss in Tubing
P DR P8 = (Pwh - Psep) = Total Loss in Flowline

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Pwf Pwfs Pr

Figure 8.16 Possible pressure losses

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
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Video 2: Oilfield Production

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 27
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

* Inflow to the node:

P(R)-P(upstream components)=P(node) (8-4)

* Outflow from the node:

P(set)+P(downstream components)=P(node) (8-5)

. At any point in time t during the production process, the

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average reservoir pressure and the separator pressure are

given as constants.

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

❖ The Two Essential Principles

 There is ONLY ONE value of pressure at a node

(physical point).

 The flow rate coming into a node is equal to the flow rate

going out of that node (mass conservation).

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop


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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 30

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.1 Tubing size selection :

• One of the most important components in the production
system is the tubing string. As much as 80 percent of the
total pressure loss in an oil well can occur in moving the
fluids from the bottom of the hole to the surface.
• A common problem in well completion design is to
select a tubing size based on totally irrelevant criteria,
such as what size tubing is on the pipe rack or what size
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has been installed in the past.

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 31

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.1 Tubing Size selection :

• There is an optimum tubing size for any well system.
Tubing too small will restrict the production rate because
of excessive friction loss, while tubing too large will
cause a well to load up with liquids and die.
• To isolate the effect of tubing size. The wellhead pressure
will be considered constant in the following example. This
might be the case for a short flowline discharging into a
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fixed separator pressure.

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 32

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.1 Tubing size selection :

❖ The expressions for inflow and outflow are:
pr – Δpres = pwf (8-6)

pwh – Δptubing = pwf (8-7)

pmode = pwf
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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 33

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.1 Tubing size selection :

❖ The performance of well is severely restricted by the
outflow performance or piping system.
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Figure 8.17 Tubing size selection

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.1 Tubing size selection :

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.1 Tubing size selection :

❖ The performance of this well is severely restricted by
the outflow performance or piping system.
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Figure 8.18 Producing capacity (from Dale 2002)

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.2 Flowline size effect :

• The large effect of wellhead pressure on the pressure
drop in the tubing was illustrated in the previous.
• This is caused by the fact that at lower average pressure
in the tubing the increased volume of the gas decreases
liquid hold up and, thus, the hydrostatic pressure
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.2 Flowline size effect :

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Figure 8.19 Tapered strings(from Dale 2002)

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
8.2.2 Flowline size effect :
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Figure 8.20 Effect of upper string me (from Dale 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 39
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.2 Flowline size effect :

❖ A common cause of low producing capacity in many
wells, especially for wells with long flowlines, is the
excessive flowline pressure drop.
❖ Many operators have a tendency to use any size pipe
that is convenient or, in some cases, tie tow or more wells
into a common, small flowline.
❖ This can be very detrimental, especially for gas lift wells,
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because the flowline pressure drop increases as the gas

rate increases.

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 40

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.3 Effect of stimulation :

❖ The systems analysis approach can be used to estimate
the improvement in well capacity due to fracturing or
❖ Even though the reservoir capacity may be increased
considerably by stimulation; in some cases the wells
actual producing capacity increase may be small due to
restrictions in the outflow.
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❖ Large sums of money are often wasted on workovers

because the wrong component of the well system is

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 41

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
8.2.3 Effect of stimulation :
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Figure 8.21 Effect of stimulation (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 42

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
8.2.3 Effect of stimulation :
❖ The following example illustrates the effect of stimulating a
well and how the benefits of an effective stimulation can
be nullified by small tubing.
❖ The present flow efficiency can be calculated from the
t0 tests if the bottomhole pressures for each test are
determined using vertical curves or correlations.
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
8.2.3 Effect of stimulation :
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Figure 8.22 Effect of stimulation (from Dale 2002)

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.4 Systems analysis for wells with restrictions :

The analyses performed previously were based on well that
had no restrictions in the outflow segment. Many wells will
be equipped with surface chokes, and most offshore weIls
and located in urban areas will be equipped subsurface
safety valves.
a. Surface chokes
b. Subsurface safety valves.
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.4 Systems analysis for wells with restrictions :

a. Surface chokes
• Most flowing welIs and some artificial lift welIs will be
equipped with surface chokes to control the producing
rate, the downstream pressure or pressure surges.
• The location have a considerable effect the well's
producing capacity, especially if the well has a long
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.4 Systems analysis for wells with restrictions :

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Figure 8.23 Surfaces chokes (from Dale 2002)

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.4 Systems analysis for wells with restrictions :

❖ These chokes are usually located at the wellhead but in

same cases they may be located near the separator.
❖ The analysis wiII assume that the choke is sized such that
critical flow wiII exist, that is, upstream pressure twice the
downstream pressure.
❖ The following well is to be equipped with a surface
choke operating in critical now.
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.4 Systems analysis for wells with restrictions :

b. Subsurface safety valves
• Analysis of the effect of a SSSV in the tubing can be
conducted in essentially the same manner as illustrated
• The SSSV will be operating in subcritical flow, the
pressure drop across the valve must be calculated
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.4 Systems analysis for wells with restrictions :

❖ SSSV is convenient to choose the node pressure as the
pressure just downstream of the SSSV, since the
equation pressure drop across the SSSV depend on
upstream conditions of pressure and temperature. The
inflow and outflow expressions are:
pr - Δpres - Δptubing below – Δpsssv = pnode (8-8)
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psep + Δpflowline + Δptubing above = pnode (8-9)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 50

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.4 Systems analysis for wells with restrictions :

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Figure 8.24 Subsurface Safety valve effect(from Dale 2002)

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.5 Evaluating completion effect :

• Nodal system analysis is a convenient method to use in
comparing various well completion schemes, such as
perforating density and total perforated interval.
• Methods for caIculating the pressure drop across the
completion were presented earlier for open hole,
perforated, and gravel pack completions.
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.5 Evaluating completion effect :

❖ As was discussed earlier, the completion pressure drop,
may be included in the reservoir pressure drop
component, or it may be isolated to compare effects of
various completion methods.
❖ If the completion effect is combined with the reservoir
effect, the system analysis would be identical to the
examples presented earlier, where Pwf was selected as
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the node pressure.

❖ A different inflow curve would result for each completion
scheme, such as number of perforations used.

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.5 Evaluating completion effect :

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Figure 8.25 Effect of perforating density (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 54

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
8.2.5 Evaluating completion effect :
The pressure drop occurring across the gravel for
various flow rates can be calculated as a function of the
number of perforation, perforation size, perforation
length, and gravel permeability.
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Figure 8.26 Gravel-pack analysis, producing capacity

(from Dale, 2002)
Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 55
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.5 Evaluating completion effect :

❖ The pressure drop available for overcoming the gravel
pack's resistance lo flow for rates lower than the
maximum system rate can be read from figure
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Figure 8.27 Gravel-pack analysis, system pressure drop (from

Dale, 2002)
Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 56
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.6 Effect of depletion :

❖ As the pressure in a reservoir declines from depletion
both the inflow and outflow conditions can change.
❖ It is very Iikely that the outflow conditions will also
change with depletion or time, especially in the case of
naturally flowing well.
❖ The producing gas/oil ratio will increase in any reservoir
in which the pressure declines below bubble point
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pressure, and the water cut will increase with time or


Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 57

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
8.2.6 Effect of depletion :
❖ Before any development planning or economic
calculations can be performed. It is necessary to be able
to predict producing rate of a well or field as a function of
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Figure 8.28 Effect of depletion (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 58
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop
8.2.6 Effect of depletion :
❖ The effect of changing reservoir conditions on the
producing capacity of a well is considered in this section.
Relating this changing performance to time will be
discussed subsequently.
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Figure 8.29 Future gas well performance (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 59
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.7 Relating performance to time :

❖ Methods for calculating the producing capacity of a
well as a function static reservoir pressure were
presented in the previous section.
❖ These calculations will be more accurate if a
mathematical reservoir model other than the material
balance model is used.
❖ This will also increase the accuracy of the outflow
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calculations, since producing gas/oil ratios and water cuts

will be more accurate.

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 60

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.7 Relating performance to time :

❖ Oil wells may have be worked over or placed on artificial
lift, or gas wells may require installation of a compressor
when certain producing capacities can no longer be met.
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Figure 8.30 Determining producing capacity (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 61
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.7 Relating performance to time :

❖ This type of information also needs to be known as a
function of time to facilitate development planning or to
make economic evaluations.
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Figure 8.31 Field producing capacity (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 62
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.7 Relating performance to time :

❖ A general procedure for developing a relationship among
cumulative production, reservoir pressure, producing
capacity and time will be described in this section.
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Figure 8.32 Performance versus time (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 63
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.7 Relating performance to time :

❖ Using the following cumulative production versus
pressure data, determine when the oil-producing capacity
to the well will decline to 150 STB/day.
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Figure 8.33 Reservoir performance (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 64

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

❖ Some of the changes that couId be considered are:
1. Working over individual wells.
2. Placing some weIls on artificial lift.
3. Adding new wells to the system.
4. Shutting in some of the existing wells.
5. Changes in producing characteristics with time.
6. Effect of surface line sizes.
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7. Installation of pumps or compressors.

8. Effect of the final outlet pressure.

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 65

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

❖ The gas/liquid raties and water fractions used in
calculating the pressure drops in the piping system to this
point would be those corresponding to the individual
wells, since no commingling of well streams has
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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 66

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

❖ The concepts discussed for applying total system or
nodal analysis to single wells can also be applied to the
analysis of multiwell systems, including entire fields.
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Figure 8.34 Analyzing multiwell systems (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 67
8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

❖ The location of the node for the final analysis must be
selected at a point such that there is no further
commingling of flow streams downstream of node.
❖ Intermediate nodes must be select at any point where
flow stream commingling of flow streams downstream of
❖ A change made in any component in the system would
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affect the producing capacity offer total system.

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

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Figure 8.35 Inflow to point A

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

❖ The analysis must begin at the reservoir pressure
that is independent of rate and end at some final out
pressure that is also independent of rates.
❖ To illustrate the procedure, consideration wilI be given
to either changing the pressure at point D or looping the
surface line between points C and D.
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

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Figure 8.36 Inflow to point B

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

❖ Moving downstream to the next point at which
commingling occurs, point C the inflow expressions for
the flows coming from points A and B.

pC = pA – ΔpAC or pC = pB – ΔpAC
(8-10) (8-11)
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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 72

8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

❖ This will result in a relationship between pressure at point
C and the inflow rate into point C as illustrated in figure.
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Figure 8.37 Inflow to Point C

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

❖ The expression for the outflow from point C is:

pC = pD – ΔpCD (8-12)

❖ To determine the effect of these changes on individual

well performance, the pressure at point C corresponding
to an intersection Figure
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

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Figure 8.38 System capacity

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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

❖ The procedure outlined previously will also apply if some
of the wells are under choke control or on artificial lift.
❖ If a well is flowing through a choke in critical flow, the
well's rate will be constant unless the pressure
downstream of the choke is increased to the point al
which critical flow no longer occurs.
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8.2 Reservoir Pressure Drop

8.2.8 Analyzing multiwell systems :

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Figure 8.39 Oil producing capacity

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8.3 Systems design and Forecast
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8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Effect of tubing size on flow capacity
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Figure 8.40 Determination of flow capacity (from Dale, 2002)

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8.3 Systems design and Forecast

❖ The effect of a change in any of the components can be

analyzed by recalculating the node pressure versus flow
rate using the new characteristic of the components that
was changed.
❖ The curves will also be shifted if either of the fixed
pressure is changed which may occur with the depletion
or a change in separation conditions.
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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 80

8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Effect of tubing size on flow capacity
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Figure 8.41 Effect of tubing size

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8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Effect of flowline size
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Figure 8.42 Effect of flowline size (from Dale, 2002)

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8.3 Systes design and Forecast

❖ The effect of increasing the tubing size as long as the

tubing is not too large, is to give a higher node or well
head pressure for a given flow rate.
❖ A larger flowline will reduce pressure drop in the flowline.
❖ A more frequently used analysis produce is to select the
node between the reservoir and the piping systems.
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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 83

8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Effect of tubing size
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Figure 8.43 Effect of tubing size (from Dale, 2002)

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8.3 Systems design and Forecast

❖ If tubing is too large the velocity of the fluid moving up the

tubing may be too low to effectivetly lift the liquids to the
❖ The fluid velocity is the production rate divided by the
area of the tubing.
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8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Well restricted by piping system
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Figure 8.44 Well restricted by piping system (from Dale, 2002)

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8.3 Systems design and Forecast

❖ If too much pressure drop occurs in one component or

module, there may be insufficient pressure drop
remaining for efficient performance of the other modules.
❖ Even though the reservoir may be capable of producing
large amount of fluid if too much pressure drop occurs in
the tubing the well performance suffers.
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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 87

8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Well restricted by infow
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Figure 8.45 Well restricted by infow(from Dale, 2002)

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8.3 Systems design and Forecast

• In this case, the exercise pressure drop could be caused

by formation damage or inadequate perforation.
• It is obvious from the plot that improving performance of
the piping systems or outfow or placing the well on
artificial lift woud be fruitless unless the inflow
performance were also improved.
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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 89

8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Effect of tubing size
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Figure 8.46 Effect of tubing size (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 90

8.3 Systems design and Forecast

Finding optimum tubing size

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Figure 8.47 Finding optimum tubing size (from Dale, 2002)

Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 91
8.3 Systems design and Forecast

Finding optimum tubing size

❖ As tubing size increased the friction losses decrease
which results in a lower P(inf) therefor a large inflow.
❖ However as a tubing size is further increased the well
begins loading with liquid and the flow becomes
intermittent or unstable as the liquid level in the well
builds the well will eventually die.
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8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Effect of gas rate outflow
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Figure 8.48 Effect of gas rate outflow (from Dale, 2002)

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8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Effect of gas injection rate on liquid rate
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Figure 8.49 Effect of gas injection rate on liquid rate (from Dale, 2002)
Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 94
8.3 Systems design and Forecast

❖ A plot of liquid production rate versus gas injection rate

can be constructed by reading the intersection of the
inflow and outflow curves for various injection rates.
❖ The method can also be used to allocate the injection gas
the available among several well in field producing by gas
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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 95

8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Effect of perforating density on rate
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Figure 8.50 Effect of perforating density on rate (from Dale, 2002)

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8.3 Systems design and Forecast
Effect off perforating density on inflow
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Figure 8.51 Effect off perforating density on inflow (from Dale, 2002)
Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 97

* The nodal systems analysis – flexible method to improve

the performance of many well systems.
* It is necessary to be able to calculate the pressure drop
that will occur in all the system components
* Nodal analysis is a very important tool to design
production systems for steady state conditions.

* It can also help stability problems in wells.

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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 98


1. Calculate the pressure drop that occurs in a 200m

(656ft) section of 100mm (3,94in.) diameter line
pipe when a liquid having a viscosity of 50cp and a
density of 56,18lbm/ft3 flows at a rate of
(a) 3,93.10-3 m3/sec
(b) 2,355.10-2m3/sec
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Luong Hai Linh, MSc Petroleum production system 99


1. Production optimization using nodal analysis. Dale

Beggs. Tulsa, Oklahoma. 2003
2. Production systems optimization methods for petroleum
fields. Cheng Seong Khor, Ali Elkamel 2014
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© 2019 – Petrovietnam University (PVU)

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