CHOAY, F. - The Rule and The Model2

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The book to which I have attributed instaurational status and which I claim rcp­
resents a decisive rupture witb the rradition of che pase opens. paradoxically
enough, with an invocation co the ancients ("maiores 11osrri") in praisc of chcir ac­
complishmcnts.1 This is che liminal sign of a practice of refercncmg che pase
which nms throughout the �alise and is evidenc in Alberti 's quotations fiom an­
cienc authors2 as well as his numcrous accounts draw11 fiom mythology,.3 ancienc
hiscory (historia).4 the more or kss fantasuc hmories (/,istoriae) transmittcd by the
literary tradicion of Antiquicy.5 and e,·en historical reconscructions by Alberti him­
self. Perhap, more disconcerting is che fact that chis work dcdicated to the rules of
building contains an abundance of references to a variety of subjccts which are at
first glance irrclcvant to its purpose. lt eiq,lains d1e ongin of the winds. rcflec« on
the various types of political conscirutions, analyzes d1e insuruaon of the family,
and medicares on d1e differcnces berween che rural land-owner a.nd che urban
mercham. Finally. it sccms to confusc cheoretical rules wirh praxis: Albcrti enun­
ciares the universal rules which govem che choice of a sice for rhe city or che lay­
ing of a foundation for a wall no more carefully than he trcats rhc matrer of what
muse be done to kccp pla.�ccr fiom cracking: hc expl.úns m detad how columns
should be proportioncd according to che 'laws' of bcauty, bur also how to mix
chalk and human to produce a dovccote floor guammced to attract pigcons.
T11t l)f; ., ACl>lllt'UQJll.i� h1.•t•r1. Oh lllUkfi ANU ruu

Thw. u 1s ncc('$�.uy to unJcru.k.c nvo lundJn,cntil t,uks Fmt ofali. n 111ou� y�u. the mute interlocutor (whcthc.r olttt t1') or readcr) who wJIJ .iccom­
must bt- "hown tlut the Di · rr Jfif#itJi.JriJ p�a .m c:rr,m, 1Jnd...c;1pc only to p:iny thc tpcakcr d>roughout thc bo,ok. Wc will come ,o S<!c the cruc1,I role
thl.'.' h.1ny ,,1uor who r2ke-i thc ,hortc-ut llUttld of hci:dmg che mnenry con­ pl;¡,:d in Albcrn's tcxt ,s wcll ,s m hi. •c>th«ic thcory by this two-fold d1,l ogi<
,cnM .md nnposed b)· th1.• Juthor-. E.,.unancd m .a bapluurd m.mncr, the com­ rd�u(ul wHh the work ofbis pttdects.$0rs and wich th.i.\ "0ther' who ti h.i� intcr­
plex.ay of ;\Jb<"ru•.; editkc nu.d.:s thc ngor of tU ittucturc-. h will bt my aun to locucor: che: .mdnor who Jisce.ns both to thc sílcot \.'OICCS of thc: pase ;md thc vi­
pn:t\'C" the t!{1.,tcntc o( the tb\\ !(S.\ tt�'tull org; "hO"SC rLb'Or Albern pro­ bram \'Oict ofthc prt"Sem�
cbmb, .ind co dtmort.�tT.l(C dut che- C'Xposmoru on the \\.1mh. cons.ttrunon.s, or Thc prologue compn>CS <ltrtt p.att'l ofuncqu>I weight, Thc 6m >nd pnn­
ilie- fam1h· c; � ...�ume .111 inttmloru.l, logit.aJ, 2nd IC"t.,;" pl.t�e m thl.'.' text., .b cipil part 2, cul om• tO cdifiuoon, wbHe Lhr foUowiog r.wo á-CCtlOll-S
clo c-<":rQln pr-JCnQf ft' MOTl"U\'Cf, 1 wtll 1,,-lroton,\tr.atc th;at the nn­ m dic:atC" finr thc mom'e) tlut led Albc::ra m wntc h11. �tise• .utd tht'1l le) pbn.
poranet Albcrn gr.anb ro hittory ;and the pJ.\.I is no, uurkcd b\' md1ttomfu111, Bm .wdc írom thu nuue.r of contcm. thc prologué tt'\-nb how che Dt ,r- Jñl,fi.
but l.) r:achcr ,m 1mcizr�l pJ.rt o{ ht� ptt�ci�nt vuion .and inno,,;an,·c Jipproach. t.itori.1 funcoons z ,1 tC'Jct.
Th� 1 \\1.II fi�t :in.t1,·2C' tl1e 5m1aurc- .and fuucoomng m,m1fatcJ ,n che ,cxc.& TI1c eulc,gy in praise oí c-difiot1 on bc:-�rim wtlh .1 br1cfp:.ass.¡ge whkh tt­
.\ly \C'.'COnd auu 1, mh:rpn.-ti\.�, Jnd m <>rdcr m .ircomphs.h 1L. I will dd 1b­ \"C.Jh iu ,o;a.loc as a pandtgm: for Alb�rn. mo� 1h;an .111)' other a.ctiv11:y bmldutg
cr.nd) .ippc,ll ro tl1e ronccpru� tool� dibor.1.tC'd bv curttm t•pisc:t'n1olt�'Y• �n-­ evmces thc crcao,-e powt-n of mcn bcc"u5': lt u ?i-upc:nor ro oUlcr .;acu,'lt:it:".\ 111
thropol<>ll)•. md <em1ol<>¡t\ On th, on< lu.nd, 1 "'11 pro¡,c,,_., • n,,Jmg oí the De ).lti.\fying ckm�ck on tbc t:hrcc li.,•els on wh1ch humJ:n .tCUVlt)o fimcaon.� thos<"
,,. ardi'fi,,.,toniJ .l'$ l chN.•tv oi cdilk.ation. O:n rhc oth tr h.nd. 1 will tr)' co uopack ot t1rwsitas (nrtd.fü)'),8: m,,m,l)J1J.1S (commodity),'1 ,1.rid i'OlupJJJS (acschcac ple.1�
a J.ncnt lllC'.mmg ttrr-1cd by tht" <ex, m gcnt'r.iJ.ind by ctrt.11n mvduc n;amtivl"'.S sun-) Once n 1� uuroduccd. th1s "gm6a.n t mppt".ll"'{ 6''C" am� in
m pm,cubr. In t!Tect. IU (r,¡m bcin� h,rn,J..,,, dt,..,..,on,. ,he l,uer ,re shown ,0 the prologuc--U. 5h.u-ptned. Jc\''C'fopnJ.. �nd rmdettd op«1m,-c in ;111nop1tion
woA: on cwo ln·eh on thc «urf.Kc, thcy fi.u1-l-nOn in coníornmy wnh AJbcrui- m.. oi 1hc i:igrufk;ant rule 1t will pl:,,y ii1 rhc: book
t�nrion: .u J Jccpcr lc,�l thC') funcoon w1thout his knowlcd�c. Aficr rccogn11,1ng th-C' p;n-;¡d1gnu.t1< ,.Uue of cdi6l"20t)n. Albc-m nunmons
F1ruUy, ;¡ �cruc-rur.tJ confrononun of thc � ,t atdi¡7,at,,Ni1 \\lth tl1c Dt dr• th<" bmldtt ro \VIUU.-SS, prcscuunon th..·u u bncfbut d1.u�l "--Uh mamng:. lt n.
,huaim-., ofV1tn1nus wtll \tf\T to coufirrn my hnx,th�es: ;¡_nd mlkr ;appMl:nt in ctT«t• .an ;1utht"nric- .Jet ofn:-r�uuon JnJ b1rtb m wh1c-h Albero oppos� m
by <'oncnst th'-" �ngu.1.arny of AJbcru's. t<"A't th<" artu.m .Uld con(cf) (he \.t.lnu oí .ardutC'Cl ("A.,thítraum C)-,'l\ .. n.,nJ11tu.1mi 10
upon ,he nun who. hr ihc fortt ofhtt n:--uon and mcugl pown.un n=,pund lO
Tut Al\f"HIT[( iURf or ruc Dr "' ,ti DIFIC ◄ TO#lt.l:( thc t.'<igt'l1cit"' of nec�tl), co,nrttO<Úf)-. ¡¡ud .1ntheoc rl<-Jmrc-
Tht culo¡zy tr' 00,tiatmn L\ Ulé'1t dcfcrttd for i uuu: wlulc :t cunom L t.u- ­
Thc ten hoolu of thc /lt I'( atd!fM.iJt�ni1 .ue mcroduccd wilh J proJoguc of four mm� l\ f't'bu:J. Ar¡., for ,1. fcl1euou, r�Lmnn bct-.\ttl\ nlific.anon and 1\�
J»�7 wluch suggeso thC" sp1m Q( thL· wo:rk :mtl tt� C'C"óJIQITI}'· \Vlulr he bc!,'10� '\Jf\, l�ommodil}, ;,a,nd plelSOJ.'t', thl:' \tO�' 1or.ace\ butldmg .at .ln orig1ruf)- momrn1
modestly by :acknowlc:dging 1hc ;:ar.c(lmph1hmcm, uí thc Anc1cnts, who att ftt.. whcn m<'n cune togcchn ro (onn soocn•. Mere Alb('n1 l5 not .1fr.1>J to mv�n
quet1dy 1m•okcd in thr hnN th,u íollow. the book'" cuc-t,ri21 tone 1.s dt.ablL,hc:d in thr ortkr oft'\i:flll mnsm1ncd h)' .am:1it'1tt trad1hón l.nd ttucratcd h, lm �ut'Co•
thc nmth lmc when Albrra 11k!Jcnl¡· bcg,ns 10 ,pc..J< m che lir<r pcrnm. lt ¡, •n .son, .1,ccordu1g to whiC-11 r.he cxmcncc of WOet} n .a prtrequ¡,1t'C' for lhc b1rth
unpcnous / m which ttJ.\On i1. innm,it.<"; bue tht� f tt: 111S<p,ui1blc tinm an :inony- .aruJ dc.•,:dopme:nt�"ttl1t lkgmrung du.� Wl)' gl\'tS l�g,nnuC\ to Albero\,

,,. .,
cutt"rprtsl' .anJ .1uthl.'lnz� h1m to ,,munlncr: che conLnbut1um to the ;trt of by lhc u1finite d1\'<'"1ty ofhunun •covines cb1.>1fi>ble •ccordmg M, ;cno ofb1•
bmllWl p: c.Wm<"d fru dtt' thrrie l('\•ch oi lhc: tnad m nim. lt is JI th1.s pou1t that thc n•ry op¡><><J!lQt� Ulll\'tml/parurnlar. pubhc/pm-atc, ucn:d/serubr. Thut. 111 a
trud bc�uu 1«. work .n Jn o�mtml,! pnuo,�lc sio¡tlc p.1ralld accoum, /\lbttt, .<unult,ncotUly prc-scn0< che ma,JJ,cm:11 irin,r,n
Thc IC'\Tl flt OC'('OUt)', ,, ·htn-u¡>On hu1IJu1¡,: protn"t.\ ;ag:.unu forco dut lcd hun to undrnakc and ron"'"" J,,. book •nd rc,nh lhc prmnplc:s d
.1nd fultilb b.a.,11.: nc•c,.h.• 1, �.Hed m broad ,troles. On thc othcr hand. iu org;uunoon.Thc log1c of r:hr Slenc:n" of ;1n:h1t«rure SOYS..� tbc ,b,u,,:,.'-ll'1''"1
\lbcm �1,'\!1 ,1 Jct.ulc-d .t«ouut C\f tht tn.ilf''Cl, ,h'.\°tm1ph,hcd m thc: scn•icc of <t>g<:s of /\lbcnf! thmkintt, which. follm-,11¡: thc .cqucnoal oiu« of1hc m,d.
\'OfnlnOlL.ry. faht',n, m ""�""-.e l(l thC" n-q1.urrmc-ut-. tlut lmm.1nc. .1tt lc:J to nnfold m thrcc plus..-,.
,l��ll lll th<" Jouhlt" ficld ot the1r ruhh ...m�t rr1\JI(' -M.'tWltlO, cnn,forrm 1uturr /\e tbc lxguuung o( thc- 6�t rh.K' .m obstn';ltton l) m.adc.- whKh � am­
:,;nJ pcrpctu,illy tn\Ynt\ ""' .amrhtti \thcrn\ ,un�·. l.tun�hN lm<k-r th l' rutiebn· uken ,u; 2 gt'-'CW "Thc- buildins Í\. ,1 r0mt úf hcxi\· (,14�,J.,(i,111,,. -1"''""
,u�h.'h oi ll.1<\, rmtluc r.nron .._,r .11thuc�1, hqpm ,,,th the h.1rn�1n� of 01fJ'f«S ,¡,,..,dd.1m ('JS( ommadtnnmN.i)."l".I. 1 W\II ttfc.-r ti.) du" ..a� the .r.,,..,,,,
•'f tM Anld­
uuuml."\l ,,· .att'f'\ 1.nd thc rutnl('hn� óf n'1.·•.m�t en� \\1lh th (' C-l"("fi aou QÍ .,,� .u ◄1 ��•. Tht rc-st of thc- bo<,k ,;hows th.u lw ·ht)d, • .o\lh<-rn mc-.1n< .\ lu1.ri<
('Onun('\\� nl<lHU01<'11"- m«'�p<'1'U1� thc-,c- wu-h �.lnll<'tll" 1.\11 thc- uwtn­ btH,i)',Th11 h Tl'\)t bcouu- .\ tU.1,-c :minmn, k...& lwn tt1 .a,-..,mul.ue- ;,h.t" h) .an--
llQn t"'lf m.1thmn <'l \\,11. thr Ct\"'.1tl<'ll �,rn.,.hlfi JnJ ("lflf", AnJ th (' 11\(',U\\ b)' wluch 111Ytc bcm�": nonC'th-:IC:$� l\ll'('tU mJced � hn1hcT dun ArN\'ltk, '"' "ht., no
ho,ldmf! .:.1n Ptt'\l't1t tht' "b,111t().'tf'.ltlfi.lll ,,f t.inuh C" '" W\'11 h on� ,kn,h1 11,,,,,�t 1nm Th<" Albl.•mJn h'l-nnul..u1,n\ U1.)I ,'-1\1\ hhil, ·u� .ui t,f,•m1� ,,t
Ahh,,ulth rl<'J\Uff. , h1�h�, dC')ttt't' "''' rlc.a\UfC' l" .tlH'lll'tl,I "''up,,u")" ,,t)tlntt.1t1on. n :al'"-' d<"'.\l!l'l.l''-"' 1he,o �t1ñ,'C' ,1-.. .a ,�uhk ,ut"'tuutt "" 1h<- t,....'1\,,
\\h1'-h ,·,,nfinti. 10 rhr MlJ{'l)111fnt ofl't'1111 \ 1, thC' ult1111-1t(' ,um ,,t rd1tk,H1('n, thtu rvm,nm ch\" �rm ,,f An .aN'hcth.· th<'\1n, .a� wr w1U "<'<' Th'-"tt ,, a ñtv
A!�rn ,t,� Ot.'I! lt1\�tl '-"'l'C thh l("'\'fl (,\tri . h' cnun,utr t\\,l pror0t1tH)llC ,· t\r,lll.)(\' i..11 bl\c..t1J h:l\ ,kJih tb1C" h\\1\1 thh, .,\.\--i,\I\\ \\ hl, h ,un h,•,U'<. the, 1\\,11\. ,\f
,,htdt .1n:- ft'J'<"JtcJ m,I 'rl'h"'t thtnu¡lh'1ut tu, hot,,k 1 h�• hnt t, rlut .i. bc.umfüt ,\1 ,,.,,tdi,ufüm. 1hl,ugh 1( ,, r\\.'-t t'I il""•" U \\f"\I' f\,, n\\ ,nuh,,, ,,,J1,'C't1hn,t th<"
\°i'\I\HT\h thll\ r,111,.., t-""""" h' u, �uthor. ll\1( ,,nh II\' tfwt'lhn.-t H1 tht mf'm(,ry 1.-'lt ''°'
,h•,Lum<, atht ti...,1u.11 hnwu,\lm� tn(' ,,,,K�-t-. ,1nhtt.,i t,, 1\11'-rn .t, "1th ""
hlC\1[\" �lh'l.\tH•m. l-.u .11,,, l'I(, IU'I.(' 11 \ JI!\ h,u h 1r�,IT\,.in('lh .1ml �\', bc\\l,, .t butlJH� 1.'1.\11�•� N h.,,m (Jd·••'•' ,k-c1."tmut..:-..l h, th� mo1 ,t \� •·
th, l'\'W,(' r·w..�.., h» \\111,h 1hr 11t"(\I I\ ,1, ,ll·('rh """''"' 1tl th..- \t'IUI ot th<' 'f'C'',._
·'"'''' .11\\I uuntr ,kc,•mum,11,\ ,u,ul\· t• ,.,.,,._, A�--n, ttl\lh •'""' tha1 ,h,, t\'f•

t.u,,, u , 1hr r,t\,wn h,, l"'lnM,nt,.? 1, 111hrn:-111 m tlut t){ tht hu1l,h r Mm,"\,\rt. 1h"'" nmb1·l\m h,, l,'\t hnn "',,,n,ttfü1 th,.. '""'"''"' '"' '"""" "" ,,t1t11·,1""' "" d,'° , 1,,,i
t;n-,trt lh(' J\IJN'. ,,,•• "''-'rt' "►',oiu,h. th,· W'\'1'-. ,,,n 11lnhWT1\ ''"' \\h.u \\'(' 111 ,,, ºC'."\.'�''". ht ti,\.\'\ h.",. ,,, '""'''"''"''"''\" ''u ""t("\,,'t'h.,..,"""- t-.'""· ,h,..,_,
ttJi,h ' - .&11 lhf'I · ,,,.,,, 1r1<' ,,t C'II '"'"'"' "' ''"''"� "' "hh h 11 ,t h,uM ,,.__. •tt\f"''"' 1n,1tf\•t (Jlh lh ull, ,h,,,� un,t t\'4" th,· ,�u'"''''°' ,,1 tht ,.,,1h.'-t'' h"t tt,ult\ •"'-.,,
L,1,· r" "'"' ,,, ,ut,u ,, 1 mHtw, � h,,m th t "''I� \\Hh,\i1t 1-hm.,�tnt,1, H um,,,, m th\� .\,, ,,1 l�11M111,t:
1 ht- <'nk'R, w r,li111 Jth,11 .. ,,,1, "uh ,4 h1ul 1,·ll"h·n, ,. h, ti,, 111,hl ,, hh h '"\"' ,h.,· 1,'i,'!hh\\\\¡, ,,1 th:? �1''-"''' .,..,\\\' ,,. "'' l\''t'ill\h '�""'" \\.\\ .\t-.�1,I
.1lt\'l'\\\ \1h-,tt tu IIIHh· tu tlit• \n,10.I 011,u1r111. th,· 11\th,t'"'�••rh,, ,11'·º' 1\t hh , ,\4H"n,11\\,t ,, oh ,11 ,�., ,.,n, tA\ • tlh· H,fouh· , \l H"I, ,'-1 I"�'" ,, r1 ,, '""� ... "hh f\�or< 1 hr '\,.. •"1.',.. m111"\I tn,,u -1 ''º'". ,,, \\HOlkt ,�, '"" ".,h \lh\U , ,,u, ,., u 1�1,Mn,tl' """"', \t '" .,,, 'h'M: I;\"\ �,,. '"'' " ,, w, '""' ,,,,,,,1,, ,,. , \\t
,,1 f'lhl1, 1111111\ 111,I 111 inh, "" 01,,n l•T¡th,h11.t u, 1'''" ,,h,w,, 1 h, ,v,''""'"''" ,,1 h·wo, •'. th,, ,·,t ,N,,hm,,,u ,\f: .._ ,.-,,,,h,i\\\ \, "� th, '""'' \'"-''� \�" ,,1"''"�
,- ,l,111 1111111 .l'I .t h11hl.1m, ttt-41 luuu.m ,,,, ''l'-Ui,111 l,·,t •\lh1,u"' 1,.tlnt '-'ll ''1 hr
J"llf\,,_. ,-1i�, �""' �
l\h·Hlh\l\\ tlhj "''''"'' h, h hl ,,, ,,... ht\hl I\\�\ ,�, ""''1' ,,, ,.., .11\\i\ •1"' U\�
11,u1111,I,, h1,n1 �,hhh !u 1,J ,l .•t1w,I, 1u,I ilw r111, ,1t ,,lu, h tu ••1 ,, ,1111,,, • .._, 1,hl mnu-.: 1 , , �' l1' l\,v.: h" "'" \\",:..\\M-•,
,1,-i;,,,•,1. ') \\Uli1,111 t•r111,, t,·,t 1,11 ,, t ,, tlh· '''º'l'''"'lt\ ,11 thr ,m,Mrtth , .,,,.,,t ,1,,,, 1M, '"'�' t,�-,, h¼ t;\ '"'"� "' •'"'' h,��\ l\,t U\lht ,,\.i.\\�tct tfw ,�,�-ttm ,\,f
rcp,u.1t1uo. h°" co rcmc,lr llu:· 1rn�c.1Lc-,. of thr .:an:hnc,t ,md thl"" ,1(:chli:11L, uf na­ npc.-rJtOI' 2.11: :al�n :-it wurk which �re not íorm.tlly r<'c�m•.rd .u Ht,h by Albtlh.
c-urc. Th1{ 1\ how che ,-ca,ml tiei. 11011 <,fa rrnl�ie wh1ch l"it1tl0� ;H i1 tfl\Hnph:tl \V� w11I .tl�o U'C' d1:u m Ofder 10 J(t'llCr.ifc che u·x1 1n 11'i cnorrry, only 1wn lm1hr1
.111thtui 0..11 (Ondudt.' 1>11 nc�.auvc not<. Albl·ttt tloc,� nul c-..�t tht< honzon uf .txmntli w-111 be needcd 111 ;addíu()n tO 11hc opt:riltOI"$ unmdu('cd 1n rhe prologue,
bu11Jmg III rurrly pu,;1u-.� tem,,. nur ,ln-:'1 ht· t1it.1bb!J1 .a fumc,-.,ork h•\'ot'd ».:r1ctlv lu my .in.:i.lysi� oíAlbcrti's trt,uis.c. J h.a,·l' founJ 1t u.scfuJ to cmrloy .1 d1.t
ou lmur pm_grrnmn ímm thC' out'ict he ,m1,uti thc- .:.tll\'U) <.1f thc brnlder ,;, g-r:un rc1,ro.rnung che �m:hutcturc oí d1 r O, rr .afJi/it"t,•;11, .11. 11 h pto­
thc ,p;i<.c of \.krdtlm,n. \'.IU!,!111 tOIHt'Wherc IM"lw�cn error JHd ol>\óll"-scem·c. JCCtt.--d m tl1<' ¡•mloguc. 1k I h1,T g1,,:-11 1c 1he fonn 01 ;m �rnf.ttcr.11 trun�c- !TiOll�
H lhr \t"lónd \c1..1mn 01 thc pr\.,l,."i(UL' ,upct 1mru'-�" ,,.,t, t:hl\,m1-lu�1c:., 011 tt< lp<'X, J form which figure, thc dcplovmc11t ofhwldini,:t m llm(' ,111d 111 c- 1f :111 mtr:llcctu:.I <"nterpritj; M1d tltlf ol thc ,utwuy of hml,hn¡:t, thc:: ll urd ,r:1rt. h ll mt'.int to ,llustHtf' tb,u útc bu1h world otcup1ti 1nrrt,hin� <p.arc
1111rodurc, ;:i ntw kmd QI surerpt».it1011. whu:h th1, n111c �uhll)hC'\ J (Hle-tu­ (aJong 1hr: axis: of Jb$cm;1c,) h,, thc cxtc1u dut 11 ,s cbhor;uc-d 111 unte (.alonl{ the­
one (ottt"ópnt1detKt" brtWl"t'J1 th<' d1mno-logfr 1,1·bu1Mmg ,md , t1fthr boolo l)I\ J.XIS).The pmloi,.'Uc b ti�1n:d by� srn:ill t.tun,-tl<"• .Llso 1m'CTt('J s.o dut che
oí tite l'"k r, .,rJ,/irJtmla In tln., w.iv, 1he dmablmg �"'trm emph.1M7cs thc: rw·o­ .ipt'lr. oí 1hr l .trgc1 trwnglc n�tJ �'In 1t\ �('. lu pouuorung indu.:Jt" 1l, t,.'t'ner:auve
fold t;t:ocr-.t11vc ,mcl �nc.1log1nl uucnt ol trc:.tL\('. jt1<l cndicJtcs tluc tl1c '-f)JCc i:hmcu:r, wh1le lt� "'"(' ex¡,� thl"' C"tmdtrm �d form 111 wh1ch 1t coutun\ mosc.
(thr book) m whH h thc- hu1lt wnrld i,: mt"t.apliunully ,leploycd ¡� 1t.1C'lf. ofchc opcr:m>o ofd1e- � ,r ,ltd,/tl,JUvw i� funn, l.1�tlr, Uf.,'1llfit"\ U1c h<lntnlU{()· é'tl
rnecapham:.ill)·,:aJw .m Jrth1te( t\lr('. thc profo1,:tU-c 'i dewlopm(•nt with th,tt oftht" tcxt wh1ch follow-s 1tll1C' two 211:•
ún llm ttxtwl e,hfic:c wuh Ui m ulnph: 1m('nt101u p�cn.'t" thc- ngor :md !Onl.'1 mcludt<< l U1 the prolt�I( are- n._ttucd whcrc Cht')' 3J'fl(U m lht' ll"Xl
,rn:ngth oí th(' prq,;araun,· ,kc-1chl Udon:- txp1ormg th.11 <IUC$.tlOn, u )ht."luld be O>ooks l :and 9) Tius d1:1�r.1111 dH'I\\'> ,h.1t Albt-m\ trt'Jttc.�m wh1th tcxnul
notc.-d dut du:• prolt)h'\lt' 1, uot J.utom,mf'm\. r.uhrr. JI ¡, thc p.ari e,( rhc Alll<m.1.n '-P3\.'-t" (thl" l:<"qU('II("� uftt:s r.1�) 1) 'i)'StC1H.Jl1Clll} tl"pfCSCí\teid on th(' SJlll(' .ax"tl .1,\
comrnu.11011 111 whu;h ch� fo,1rhLuon, ,uc t$t.1bluhcd In ronf ornury , ,•nb thC' thc time ,lí comm1etiuo--cú11�1us. offcn1r 1,:uo.",'t' .,,an'\.111<' ti�t coo.. (UI>of
'prmc1ple of cconomy' mcnuoncd m 1hr cul om,• co rd1 licittoi1--whu·h will books l, l. -111 d 3•.md oflen ,1 ¡:,,:nc." tJi<'<.lry ,,f e<.Hb.rrurum\. lt ts tmutcJ on thr:
hmcuon throu¡:bout 1hc Dt rr t1(d,/i,Jtu,i1t-Albc-m lw, m J. nmunuun <'lf )p.acc lrvrJ of ll(CtMUV. whosc rule!'; .&rt'" 'iut'�l\'dy cm·t'Q.� in ttrtm dÍ form (ron­
.1nd ,,. 1th .l mmunum oí trr11111wlo¡;1ul •nd c:011tt-ptu.:d mc.1m., tn\':lllcd hu g('n... C('pt.i1,.'li'I), ma«er. ,utd rhe mJ.mpu1.aoon oí nutt�r.Til(' ,t"Coud r,ut. ,·011,utn,g ol
cr.w,"' appm.1dt JJlll rmv1tlN th(' mc-.a1lS fo, l"tlb1Jn� hu :unu. Ou thc onc �nd. hook'li 4 Jnd 5. cono:<ffi\ che lc,Tl ur couunod..1t)', dl"'.6.ned hv che �t ot �e,; (ktW)
he pn.>,'l<lC"l thc cnun,1;am� msc-nun('11t:s wluc:h coufrónt thl"' f or thc tht'orin uwcmed by thc dN-ut', aÍmC"n ,md 'iUl1UJl:atcd l'i\ )on.1.l lttt:". Boob b, 7. 8•.md "·
w1th tht >"'" of thc rt.JdC'r...,pt-n :uor..chem-collt"�p. t1c �nd thc II u( hmory wh,ch dcvotccl m ht•aucy J.nd otn:1ment, con«rn thc le\'d of ple.nutt :md fom·• thr
,ubsumrs 1hc h111ldm of 1hr p,11. On 1h� othrr 11111d, he prrMd<'S 1h; l ogi<•I 111• 1tunl pan. which cm h< cun;i,ltr<d l\l\><m'< archm:m, -,s,hmc Tli, luunh
,m.uncnt-. win,h �ervc to gcncr.ut thc rult1 QÍ c:d,úc.mon J.nd thc onlc-r of thc pl.rl. lTt".iung t'Trt'U1 ,¡nd rtpJr,1«011 JJHI t·onsi.\nn� onl) ufbo�"k 10. rom(';S tu
book. fo, my purpo�t-. s. 1 wdl ttíet to tl1C'SC' login.1 insmm1cuts .u optrJt,,n,11 crown che ml oí thc �lific('_ tt, u•rn1m.:1I rosnion cxprl;'",k't ll'- ft'c.¡_p1cuJJt1,'t"
Somc oí thr openrnn uc rxphtitl)' ;u.:lmowlcdgcd by Albero undcr rhe dc-­ fimction :md thC' fJct t.h: u n rt'Í�f"'i h."I lhc- wholc cmc-mblr of thc 'lop-Jl.'C"\ gcn('r,atcd
111 rhc pr«"cdmg book'1.. l lowt·,·c-r thc correen,� ,md non-cte,UI\T fun<uon af
noinlluuon <)f prmt1pla, p.,arJ, or rJtÍNllS. In my ..iu�ly,11, opc:r,1mn of tlus fine
che ,:ult'j, �l'\lvt•rmng n-p.u-:arion tt c.-xp�d b)-1 the bn>kcn line a.m.t dt'1C"c:füluqt
typ<' wdl be roi111d�ttd ll1()n� ;md dCSJplJted, mpci;-avd)� thc a..'("10111 o/ tht 11fJd
(wluch� the {tt"IU:n.t pb.n of thc book), thc u.,-(;,,,. ef tltt lm,ldut� aJ 11 bod)', .arrow!- dut nmvt" m opp�,non 10 che ¡pr��;rcss,¡,-elv .nctndm� mo,,:nlC'tlt t"lf tht
relic of thc- book. Fin.illv, 1 'li1g11:11IC'd wnh ID.1di.a� thc p;u-n oí thc t-ein wh("tt
l.nd che iJXiom ff J/,t 111.xonM,.y o/""'· Wc \\·di <-t'é 1.:atcr th:.t two othcr typci oí

TIU De ,tt AEDlf'ICATOI.IA! AI.AflllTI, 011. oi,uu AN'U T1,-u;
CUAJ!llP. l'&ú

All><·m dcrJmd irom th< plJn oflus prologue. Thus. 111 book 9, wluch """ ,up­ Vt>t1, to her brothcr s Hcuri>lw ,nd H1perb1u,. 10 Gallio, ,o Thraso, or ,o ch,
po<;ed m JCJJ \\'1Lh rule� gownung Lhc ofpn,·.uc bu1ldmgs. dup­ cyclopsTypluncius.'llTo thc cradttion.,.! lcg,nds, he oppO<<$ thc prc<mpti"< "sil
ters 5.6, :u,J; tn:",1t che 'ph.t.kl.\oph1,;al' l.1,,� ofb�Juty, �od ,h.1pt.:� 8 th.ruttWl 11 p111o z,4 of his own ,'Cfflon, omd :as thc: im-<ntor or coruO'Ucror ofthis ncw n.a.rr.1-

dc-JJ Y.11h thc f'l'Y'\'l"ltoon ofnTOl\, Suuibrly. u'Uft".td oíbcmg'l)' tuncmu.-d tl\'C, he .substirutcs himsclf íor che presunlcd m\-cuton oí thc first dwdlmg. who
w,d, thc rub of rop,r.mon. book 111 <k-<l!CS 11 of11> 17 ch2p1cr, to hydrol�•. irc rclrgatcd en mtWt to thc dom;un oí f.11u;1sy.
At thr thR"SholJ of the firo.t l><>ok, Alb<n, dr,-01.-s tlt< fim pm�ra¡,h oí Toe SJ.X 'principia• of conccptio1:1-wlüch onc wauld now c-.tll opo1tÍ(lnJ,
thc tiru duptcr to ;m C:\�ltlon oi me thod. On thc lr\'tl oí fonn, he ,,,U ukc � and t.hus I will hcnccíorth use tha ter m to de.s.1gnate thcm--conum rdptt­
hu, gu1Jms prmoplt'\ duuy 1nd �unpl1oty . Thn consntute). :a :s<>hca<,>us gesmre rivcly l=lit:y (�o), am,,25 compan1tfon or Roor pb11 (pártitio). wall (páoo). roo(­
tQ tbc rt1der, b� ,ilcm Interlocutor .md the �u a1tt3dy prescnc m Lhc pmlogu(", ing (1ttr11m), >tUI oprrung1 (ap,,tio11a).This e11srmble i, consticu,«i by Albero ,n
,,:hom Al�rti '",U connnuaUy u\:,-olcc .and cJll ,o w1mm wh..n r'oUo,,'5". On thc one ofthc key oprators oíhis book. l "1U rcícr to 1t hencefonl, a.< the ..«cm ef
lcvrl oí mJUcr, Al�ru d.Jmnb•tnshes .1.nd Clloks tbe t.hrcc sour('e., of hts work toult'pticm. Afü:r th� ippeannec of Lhe or1gin narr.a.nvc� t:bis axiom � nsoci2tcd
ll1nc .1rr. in ordcr oí' mcrt..u.1ng 1mpotuncc. thc p;urunonr oí wrmni;t on J_f- with the aJ.iom uf 1/1< triad, which designms thc thrcc 6dd, of>pphc.won: ne­
1.'biccccurc. the: pmrmon}• oíthc budt dom.un usclf. Jnd tirullr his own nulld.To ccssny. commodiry,, and ple;asurc.
Jr.iw up .utd JWnfy t.he pnncipll!'\o ht hlll undc-ruk.c-n to fom\Ub.te,Allx-m's re.. Aft<r the logico-mythic dcducóon which SCT\'es 10 g,,·r chem • founda­
tlcction w1U bt- cxcr� '",th moff! con6drncc, on thc buildinfi' dun on the tion. thc � opcrauo,u of c.onccption are bndJ)' dcfincd, ami thcn. in thc ordc:r
te-m. whicb .itt a.U too ofic:n 01.isJcJdiog.1nd n�n more on hís own mc:nW 2c­ oí their 6-nt 3ppunncc, thc:y ve cxanuncd onc by one .1nd m1crrros.sed f'C).('CC­
OVlty, or. more prrrucly, oo thc mrdkctu,I opcr.uimu "'th which b, proceeds m tivdy with tlch ofd1e thrtt lcvds of the to ,.�afie rult-s
his :architiectur.iJ praxu. Thm, in thc coursc oí d,c\"C' ch2ptcrs. thc- rcadcr 1�� du: rules
From tbc oprmng ofthe 6ni cluptcr ofbook I d,-'Otrd 10 rho 6gun: oí according to which , healthy and ple,s.,nt l(>Cl]ily or rtgio ,s choien. uking ,nto
thc corucruC't1\-e J:cr ('"dt U11t,mu:n1U PfPdtlinM4m'º)."' to th:u wh cch m lbCIÍ h� account thc prt'v;uling winds. ::md Lhc S)-Stcm of \.\':ltct\'\-'a}'5 1md :ipplymg a scuu..
uni\'erul ,,Juc: (''qu« rtd rmur . oiutt opus ptrti,,ut 1,dtb.11111,1fJ'lfJ ;md c:Ul be disnn• olOii,'")' whosc .slgn'\ ;ut" borrowed 6-om tht n.amnl history or man. "'runul1:. and
guu.hcd tiom 1ll mattna.l.Jt)',m othcr word5 wh;,t ,,7e would call the conccp­ pl:mu:: thc me� ofdctcrmJning thc ""'" for bu.J.ldin.g �ccordmg to t.he t"Xlg(n­
tion.ll Albcrti thc 1mpomnec oíthc rt.ilc:xj,-c dirncnsiun m his work cir$ of ropography ($lope. soil) md geomccry; ,nd thc me.u,s oí org¡mitlng :and
il,,borr")2? md thr gcocmivc v.1lue oí th• mhuca's se!f-an,lys" in rdc:lf<h­ 2.rác.ulaüng thc compa.mtaon or panU;,o �uidl'd b)' il rule oí cohttenc-c wtu..-h Ul­
mg thc rule, ofbwlcting. lcgra.tes tht' prognm wub n1mnl condioom :md l:'�n loal cw.ro1ns whosc rd•
Albero thus dnco,cn (rhJp«r .2) rhat the concepnul proccdun: be ;mvuy Alb é' rti po1nrs out Ul pamng. Ne>.t comc thc rule, for dt'tunth.ung che
brokcn down intu UX puu (r•tnrJ) or principies (¡,,innpu,). wu.h d1c two ternu tluckncss of 11u/J, 6-om thcir b.ur, for dntnbubng """" o,•ec roo/ ,upports, for de,.
bemg UJCd imc:rch.1ngc;; Thcse .:ire dcduced from �n origin narr.arivc which ploying tbc wiudows wnh IUI cyc to auanen of hyg1cne (.tír 1nd su.n). and for
�ounts 111: JlX �ut'nces Lht of the firsr hunun s.culcmcnt.Thc «ononty nnn�mg tht doon .1ccordl11g to t.hcu connetti\o't' íuucrion and 1hc gcncr-,d
of thc .arcounr Jnd1c:atn that Albcrri ,vas imcmted only "1 the J og:,c of cronon\y ofthr cd.i.ficc to wluch they be.long.
mythic epllOdc� L� unporum to hun WCIT tbe dcuih ,rnd thc ci.rcwnscanc'°'. h Comr,il.ruoon lta1 ipoc -i:a l natu'i �mong 1hcsc- ux oper.1.cio1u. ln thc tu.rr.1,­
i1 - oí no coruequencc:. he says 1rotllc:ill)-', whcthe.r '-"'t' iunbul.(' ll to fht gO<ldcs.\ uvc of ongms. 1t 1J thc only opcnúon Lh.;\t 1\ <lesii,rna.�d ll()t l7>• itJ n.amc. but by
• kn¡zthy rmrlu"c L.t<r, '" thc r•�� Jn-01al IU thl\ o¡,er.rnon- boa� 1.
r"".,.. o( tOI UlNcnon, th� rulCJ ,,... ,n &cr ,inm,d bm,,,-ro thc gcnrnl ron­
chJrtcr t¡..-.4.lhcrn't"l.-.n ch.-t ,omr.1imuon ulh upon ,di ul thc nunJ\ flO\\"Cn
C<"pnon .ind lb rt�hZlnon Thc propow:d thtnnnlot, ínmr"'·ork ,., tJ,u, 111 f,u
JnJ ,unn u r 1hc- v.holc- Jrt ut hu1ld 1n¡t ' '/r1tum ur rootin� J.lunc J1tu111� theie
r,;pcuc d. la sc:opc " mcttly c11lir¡c,d 10 ,cc.,mrncxbt< • ''"'" of proccdu'"
orcr .m,mi K thC' ,,bJ«t ,..,f .a \r1luc- Jud¡,:tnnn ··moh ui. e�- mo� m1poru.m clc-..
chlt con«:rn nt'tthcr thc conctpunn pror<-r n<►r 1lJ eu1.:uuon. Thr cornmon
'""""" OI thc l..ulJ� thc dnnrn1> \\hhh,.!01111 \\1th rM1JJnl("n1cllcnl �
fun,uon ofthNC procedum n ,o Jcl"')._,2 the niomcnt wh.rn 1� .ictUJJ wurl of
tc'"uon for 1h, '"·holt 001IJ1ng"2" in,"'-cr 10 h1,J .. hunt.111 nC'cd\ 111 rm\',dmg
cons1rucnon bcgint.. (;ivormg ;i «.ti of mitunocul 01 thr fll'OJC<'t 1mu:.
\hchcr o1g,¡11ht thc mghc, 1ht ,un, thc r.un, .rnd \'l.ttuu, rneuue-s. On thc oütcr
abcuur oí cro111m ¡od d"ay, c.n al,o lmc po,novr df«u íor n can affonl a
l1.mJ. corupJ"1uon. "hKh 1\ not h,oun,J by thc r1t1ln., Lv. , uf n� ,,ty bue nl4."'J1u o( ptOl«tlon ,� error for Albero.,�> huJJ ,, v> tuod.&mrnul .1.11 act
r.ithn •" ckrcrmmrJ k uyt<\ h tk'\"Qlc"I hl che- pbr of hunw, d1tftrcnch tlut u un ne11hrr bt uken b,dltly nor umonrnrc "1 1houc che rd1camn duc
1 v.,II unr 11tit 10 tkual 1ht rnlci ,:tncnttd b)' cht ,1x Op<-"r-.tu�m, of thc grant, n '°lcnuuty. In th4."' nme bcrwcc11 the co11cc:pnaabz.u1011 :111d the n:.alllo1t1C>t1
dXJom oí t"on1:cpoon.ll1cir nunihcr w,I v,mcty J.c-prnt..l tmm tht ,y,1c111 Albero uf 1hr rd:úit:4."', il i upplcmrot uí rdlc,uo11 on 1hr Jll'OJC'Ct .anJ che ,o.ndmnn, ot
dc-rlu•f1,.¡;.n'fn ha, 111tcnnon to ct�a .aU coocc1 \-ihl(' tXlgt"llClei.Tht- Jnrrury ot n:s n:1buuon <>et un Tht .uc:hic«-1 nw.\C R"C.O"'.tdcr .U hu, dru,t0m ..., lc-�h,"
1he cmcml..Jc, 01 ruin o. n<.1Jlttht� urnue-J � .a f:'.T.\nd \ffl.l�rur.a1 th nunc tn rtt.ummc lm pn>J«t noc on)y wuh ü,,c hclp ot dnwtngJ .1.oJ r.unan�. but ,1ho
dkc:r� tht J'\:Hlnl of thr bu1IJ1ng .1' ¡ h-.�I) •onnmt'-"' hI ÍW'lC'tlnn by mr,ms oí l110llc-l\ :H which 11tont pc-rmll ge11u111c upcrmu:ntJ.cion l lc :..hould qut' �1ion
nc-w comll.uu.·t Jrcordmtc e,, wh1ch.;1, w1th b,1np. boJ¡e;-,. th(' {tof'm�m) oí 1hc ft.1.�Wty �nd ,-;aJuc- of che rnw.1m.Jli t�t thr c-ompcic:nct ul h1" '""'rk<n,"
lhc cdafo < rtltt\t � w�rdtitlttJ ,o thc \\hol(' ;inJ .uu.cu1"t('d \\·uh oc.her tN h,, ,>wn up.t0ttC'i-�n .md. .... ,. fi:ral tot 11\J �1 rrou1, ,ubJtct 1m 1dc-.o co
('1,./ur, m a,u,11wutt mrrtll-"' """'"""' u.a m .,J,tiiM pi1t1tt r,.imku mpv11ifr11111t ,01,dt• ,hr ¡udgm,n1 ol <Xr<"rll (rmr,mffl)."
,r ")?lf J,;1 \"t11 th.., tbti,· h1H'ill ,pc-c1fic- ,md d1flt"rtm 1un(l1c->m . TJus ,, a�1-­ Only tlm1 w1II he bt ¡¡ble ,o de� cffrtm,'('I)' wuh tht d1oue o{ mattrl.AI�.
pm,1ch ialltrY., AJbcm 10 ,un¡,htv htS udc. lr,• u.:t light rd.111cm, ct,nu:�td \IIH..C' lhe- ruld fur U\trtg thctt, dcrtnd on dl(ll prt\f"Crtld. wtrn·h jt"( In
b)· thc C'\'t"f\',l.r; uugc, oí La,1�,u;i,;c.Thu,., hum th< bé-i(1nnm� dx <'ulumn 1, • ,um Jtt(11lllll('t.\ �- the- law, tlt 111turf'. Alh<-m trc.a.b c.Kh ot the nutrtub wlfüh
,mul...tnf to tl1, \\,JP"' 111 ,t, \\c1gtu-l't-1.t111),t rolt.inJ thc- umcc-pt 1,í .m <->prtunt,t .arT hkdy 10 h,c u\t'J 10 (Qmtt,1\-0llO u1 thc orJcr he ,upp,ttn Ul� tin.t ,-.�tt
tM.·cn aU tr,m�1uona.l dc-m«-nl\, 1 e•• dc>4:)t'\ ;Uhl Wlndu\H, hm :.aho ,t.un, 01, wdl :u me1.t b,, UUl'I Jk b;n�, d.w o1,1rr on il bncf 11Jrr.1u,,: 1 ;m.1lott'-)lll to t.h,U ot 1hr
r•J)(°' .:ind th ,mnt'k for <"'ln1-1c1t1n or ,undu,uon. ,u, 11 .1\,hrmn�·, .1nJ «'\\�r,.'" tir,,l hunun wul<ntt11l. ulmtt both. rul r.-p1c.U \, ht'UUtk .i.rvn.)J-:.h .tnd � ,U
AbM.� .JI. et1mr.uuuon " u,TKcn-«I ;u � -un�r ()f<l'Atlon. wh..atnTr u, " ' of bludc "'lh l'<'<P,<I h> mJmmul .--uu,m, '· h>r wh uu1crul m 1un1-
"M'hntwn. \\ h�h.rr n m\.,,l\· n ,ht t.H) o, die· lmu-.<" An,· d 1,untuon �t\\·«n \\\Xk.l. stonc. e-�rth.\Jud-hc ul,;natin tM JJ.Jll·rcm \-.Ul('b"- qu.Wnn. a11'I ruSn
thc urblH 1ut .ind ;m::h1tctture- l\ 1hm rhnun..a4."J ,u clic- wry 11:'\�I 01 dm opcrJ.. �.-.-n,ung ti\ U\<'
t1ón "t.hc Clt)· "'lile .wnH• l.uKc hou\t', .intl lhr hou\ot 1, u\ 1u..-u hi,· ,n111t ,nuU AfiC"I' th.t,. hr b �.ad\· ,,, t,q?ln u, t,...l(,... \ Jc.11sns \\1th c,;\..C,"U'U{.UUn 1Mlt�
,11-y ' I \\r ,o h tl thc ,,nthr�l) <" tbr cut("\ tor ("t'llllcrt'º" ,b..�k l) Jnd martC"t'
,�,,\ .!
.IJo(,. l 2 "'rou to w> t)(")unJ thC' �ubJ('t t .1\\IJJtk....,t h1 11 m tbe ¡-.rol�'llt\ tb.u rrnc-nt1 Lhc uru,,..niJ cut� <,rt'l.11ldu:11t '" �en!. on.L..-nn.( thnn ..,",1niln1t
1 IC'
l n"'-·t"-­
uf t'11uncut111k tl1t rule, N()\'tt11111k thr, of comtn1t1ion. Alh(l il bt-tt1ni, hl thC' JlX \lpt'nt\l,n'( A.lbeni \ \\lhJC'\:t htrt l\ "º lout--"('r ,u antdln:nu r
m cO"c'-t, by J4."Ul,,mng tJ¡(' hf"\C th.rc-c- thJi•kl'\ hl u1c-,ho,.lol t.1kJ<1' 1Ulr "h1t.- h l 1.buc, rn.1J�, cm,.._.� tn nu.1m �n '"' tt'1.
Jutt .u u \\"J\ ,n t1C;w...., ar$

n:- no, munat.ucdv f'C'�(c:l to tJ,r 'Ul,c'(C u1 t lcM'C'\'ff.nt tfl<' u.\tk'fflr .,��· ,¡r ;u dX' b.ttn O éocmJcrrJ tmm thc po,ru c..,( ..,('\'to <;,i ne C"'-Jf\., l"' r«'JC'('l
"'ªU rctaíu\ ;a ccrtain �ncra.J «:h:anctcr. Thc rult"S in qucstiou conc:cr-n butldmg governs the nlrural world and by wruch u11dcrpins die hum:an world. Thcy
mdcpcndcm oi u:s purposc. ú1at t�. Lhe pamc\lb.r. conangent cdúicts to be simuJcancously integnu.· tbc uucondicional 1mper:ui� of sudo, che physíuJ
c.rectcd. Hu rules ue 3ddrcssed .. ad unit.'l"'l'1Cm,n atdifiriPmm 41pus,""º propcrtk.s of 1rutena.b. and bas,c nccds, represcntcd in thls ca-se by che nc-é.d for
ru we quickly leaf thrnugh thc clupt<n oí book 3, n ,cems as di ough shtltcr.+1
th�e rules common to all cdificc-s coaucn ouly w.illi and roofing. 1.s Albcm's As for d,e rules concemin¡; d,e cons<roctÍon oídilTttent l)'PC$ of "�11, ,nd
lng,e hcrc deíccti\.'C? H.b the luthor. inju.xtapo,ing materials and ax10111s., omit­ roofs and thcir res.ptcrivc parts,Jfthc1r formulltron resuJc.3 fro1n the mu::C'CTO$$ing
ttd four op..-r�ticms? A doscr c:anun.3tion ttv�als that only pa,mu, ii cruJy cx­ of thc 6ve other opc-rarloru ,V11h thc rules for tbc use oí m.areri:ib. therr contcnr
cluded fi-om book 2. whcreM thc opcr.mon.s concc-mmg 1oc-:ifüy, ar<a.• :and ,s at times dcduced by the .1nalysis oí thc budt heriugc,◄S ;1nd a.t othcr rime-J: in..
opcrungs are m íact 1nduded.�lbc1t mdirec:dy. In clfrct, lhc problcms oflocaliry duced by :i new oppUc.1tion of thc ax1om oí rhc bu1ld1ng as a body, This u p�­
Jnd ilrta C3nnot be J.íssociarcd from thoo.e pcramiug: to the foundn.nons of ien«-d in book 3 in • ncw figu re. oppO>ing thc supporting skdc,wn (om•J ,nd
w.Jk.•1 Opcnin� .ue dcalr with m thc comcxt ofd1c tn-annem ofthc "·�b"2 m the collncctl� clemcnu, nervn and lig:¡mcnt$ (t1nvi. l(gamn111). to thc p:11\
whkb thcy are m.'it"rtcd. The úct Lhat tbe text ÍOC'WeS on thc opcntio1u con­ (tomplemmta). that JS. ro infill :tnd .skin of the edific:c.-KtTJtus thc n.ú� for cach el·
ccming ,v:ills and mofing thus ,.ign.ils che predonun.1ncc of thete O\'et che th�t" emcm o( 1ho w>II or ,oof will be dcttrmined by cxh•umng thc full r>ng<: oí
others. The aMcncc of co1n�rtition cznphlltU:$.. on Lhe othc:r h.and. tbe &J>C'C'I• poss1bilit1es 111 temu rn.iteriih co be used.
6ciry oí thi.J opcr:mon tmd iu othtr �a.rus_ Nowhett: d<)es Albero commcm ou Thus no ncw principie u iocroduccd ln book :l, wluch i, gcncnted by Ule
du., dtB"ercncc. whicb lS so re\�latory ofthe dcUcne Mticuhtiou ofhll sy5tt'm. combiiutioll oí rule,; formu1.ued in Wc two prrccdmg books Qtl dte :ucrom of
He-d oes no more tban sign;il it with :a silcnce whose auom�out pttsencc in che tbe building JS • bod)•.Applying 10 1he plw for thc conscruCtJon oflus te.<1 tlie
tex-t is .unplificd by thc tulOS)' to com¡,:trnt1on in book t. AJdtough 1t h e,c­ same pnnc 1plc of cconomy that ht Jd,•i,catcd for d1e built dooum throughout
dudal fiom thc k\'d ofnccr,sil)· at tho orne of ,cn,!ll eon.srrucoon. éompani­ thc Dt ,, a,d!fl,atona.•1 All,Mn h� reducted bis c¡¡ and logia! •pparatu.
tion n:nums p1t�cm m tht- sen� th;n a Is -a su-ucturmg principlc for hum.Ju 10 a n1inunum. This eoono1ny oí'd1scurs1ve rncim u .1,h1t"Ved b)• thc •ubordm.i­
tp�ce. lt des.tgnates .a spttific mentd oper.ation. Out 111 ia roncrc:t.c applit.1rion, cion o( thc odtcr oper.aaon} to those of mof and w-.tll. 1md by die medi.uíon of
thc,n of comparoaon bdong,i: tu .anorhcr levcl, du1 ofrommoduy; n, thc :L.Xiom oíthe buUdtog ;as ,;a body. F.u !&om bcing prcscmcd -" a.o ;ippro:<utUtt
role is to open .lnd adjust built �C't> to thc conao�m w.1ys '" wh1ch use 11t.1y comp;arison, this uiom consrituce!I a log;ic:d utSU1Jmr-1n whu;h ttllowi Albero to
be expres,c,d. rcdllr.c :di thc rypes of' w.a' )b :md :ill the tyJlCS o(roofs ro ;1 c:onunon d..-no1nm:a�
lfAlbt-rti úi11 to cxpbm why compuaoon is omitted from book J. ,u: cx­ cor,◄* :and thcu U> c:stIDlisha cran\fornt.lt10n1I rcbtion bc<wet·n the roof.1.1ld th<"
dusion noncthdcsi seems to confürrn t0 itfo: logic of thc l.)( rt clCdifi,otána. \Vt wJH,.¡1) :md con.scqucnllr, to cmmóatc 111 il unlquc forruu.Li Qnc ¡:;cr�er.a1 itruc­
will ser- bdow that in book� 4 1nd 5, the world of cotup,utitlon-m 01her tur:d IJ.w. �pplic.abll" on lcw.l oí ncce'S$Jt)1 to thc who1C" ofthC' bu,lt donuut:
words, tdi6ccs cons:idcrcd ,vith l\.'Sp('("t te;> &.be diJTercnces 11nd par11cubnt1es o( die' iute.rrd;i.tion oí bones. ligann•ntJ. wd , dt.1:,vs thc forid:uHclltill figure of
thcu- pbm-u also subJ�t to umvc.í'QJ rufc:5 �faave to tht Clt)' :md the how.e. , ., wluch w·.ills. opcmngs, mo6ng, .and pl\'\"nl"nu �re mcttl)• the suptrficutl ti�re.
llut this i'I 311 , univc�lhy, :.i.rWng froni t.bc iMlyris of concrt:tc cxa.n 1- Thc !olfilation cluu� rom¡,letdy ,vhcn tu baok 4 AlbC"11t mtrot.luco. tbc
plcs. ;md dis1foct 6-om ncédSU)' with its f\,1-0-fold rdcv.mcc to the rulo for roof• n:.idcr ro Ü\c lcvd oí ,·ommodity. wh1ch as :..00 thc lt\'Cl 011 wluch U, deplt))'Cd tbt"
mg :md w�. �, he llltt•r ne suuult.m cously detc:-rnLincd by thc ncccssicy thM lmm,m r�· íor r('"r pc'tu.tll)' co1Ktivintt oí nccds. tllC! lcwl QI\ wlurJt t"\."'f'r•ilC'\\'
ol-iJ�'C�� are prop,(')'ófd. l dclíber..nch· ust t.lus t<rmdf"Ji�whu:h tO<by is d.abor;ated 111 che 1920:.. b)' ptogre.s:51V1St urbanmn Jnd tht congress oí
hC'J\1.I)· frdplucd wnh connouuonr-l>e<"lU«" u .a(cC'mnt< for two di­ :1.rch1tccture. WhO)e ttpc:.rcu\.<l01'ü h;wc nevn c(;1scd to be fdt. h lc;a.d� Albc-rfl
I ero Fu·u c.1f lll. 1r mdic,u� thc o_pen:_t"ndt.�nt'� <{
me,11510™ m thc chnught of .-\b meo :u-. inquiry th;¡t u .t.11 the more .uduous m th,n hcre. he L1bon in ,�rg,n tn...
che IC'\-el 01 c:omrnochty, v.•h1ch di:-,·dop-; m .t Julecac rellnon wuh tbe 'othcr•. ntory and h.1s ut has dtSposal none oí d1e methods olfcrc:d tocby by 1.hc tidd� ol
.Sccond. m J moR" ,ex,Lilizcd $Cn&c, Jt rhc: kvrl ot rh� :ac:\thct1c:, dC'\nt (wpfd,'uu} p,ychol<>o'Y, ,ocioiogy, or culmnl aruhropology.
re-fe� to 1J11,.. plc,,u� (1,,luptJ.1), v1o•l11(h. hkc 1 bc,muful bodr. ,he bc.:1Uufül eth• Alberri beglniby ; 1fby J.ílY cluntc mdmon ,nighc not provnk thc­
ti-ce hnn!t-" ro thc- bcholdCT taX.Ollomy for wh1eh be u scuchiug, ui thc form of socfal dis11li<..1oom 1unded
Thc rule$ now no lan�r conccrn bu1ldin� m ...,.•, bue the d 1 \'tnuy of do\Vll from Anuquuy, írom the mych,c nme oí1 hc,,e\LS co th;u oí Pb.lo Jnc.i
pos-\1ble eduice1. and. 1n p.untubr,. thc noblcn of thC'JtJ lll, thC' nt)', From the bc­ Amtodc. A crit1c� cxaflUn,;:itinn convrnccs hun cbac 1.hcy ltt :tlJ dc(cr1m11c:d Í<.lT
gjnnin�.AJl>tru � that, ooce 111c ongirul ttttJ fnr shclt('r a t.itidied,. thc political pu�o wl1 1cll ;,,re 1rrelcv�m m h1� ówn prcoccu�uons. Me thl.'.rdOtt
dtn14r,J; ofthc huuun 1ubJt<t dt\·dop .;md organitt c.hC' hu1lt v.-orld ae:cordmg co decide$ to prorecd m hu own way and w1th his own mc.uu, :iC'.cordmg ro .i log ic:
lu,, 1uvcnuon� ,),nd fantwc..,. 011 an un.luuncd honzon wh1ch by deotin1tion is cx­ ;ipprupríatc t<.> tbe bu1h dom:su1 wh1cb co,uocutcs h1., \p('ciflc horí7ou s2
emp.r from thc- ndc-s or ntcc,-q'Y· Funher, he dcnounres thc false· ilC'CC'Ss.Ícy in Tlui mct.hodologica) opm.>n lt1di lmn 001 onJy m cst:Abli'\h .i ))-,,t'm o(
wtuch ,,·e .an:: IC"d to b<bc-\T.The pro<'a., dut tn1Worm� ( druund.$ / d.c.sitic;auon foundcd oo tl1t amJysis of i.;om•cnt1onat u,c :aud hcncc oí thc weo
>nd =l:,s rh<m 1«m IO be (rutucl) nmls tu, fah<ly bbdcd thcm 'ncc=ry t>f thc built world wluch wiU tUlteuon n1 book 5. but "ho to :m,gn to 1.hc c.;H('o
Thu J\ why .l.t thc monicnt whcn. despue C'\'t.ryth inJ?. Atbtnt w.i �n�I opposmon ou1 CSSC"no:al rc,lc m thc b ,c11cr2tinn oibook
ms to csr.1bhs.h
rulci für uciht)'--c\o-"<n though the�t ruk·t ,uc oí Jnothtr Jcmd .i �nd iu rul�."u
t.haJJ t-J19sc far
nc,essny-he notes thc- uudcqu.1cy of the op1:r.uors -at work Tlnn Albc.-m b�rins bis pcr.;onll 1m•t."iog;mon by Lmm�d,.atd) ' mtroduc­
lll thc donuin of
necmi� To be��. ht h.u u- hh d:'i,prJ\oll JW" of utcgon� mg an ,1lrcnuaw: ("¡mntipi'1 ,, -.•uitl in mmt(ut").54 w1uch :illows hun t0 dlmll­
p�hlic/pri,;._ '-le, �/s«ll.Ur) wlrn:h Y,"t'T(" C'\'Olcd m thc prologu e m conncction gmsh cwo c.ncgorie,, oí nil<"� to building ,,n thc IC\�l o� conunod1cy.
·\1,•nhthe mC"Xru.tnable d,,.�mty or use,. Bu1 1htt,e c.uc¡.,ori The obscrvcr, he rcmJrks. c-n �md)' ml'"n c1d1cr a\ p1rut"ubr auJ1v,duiJ, or :u
cs Ud pnwcrlc..� ¡11 thc
6ce ofthe dus:1veneu oí det.1re.gcuérltor oí ,paco, mcmbcr� t.'IÍ :a comnmnlf)'.ss 111 die s.1me w2y, t·he obJccts cl1ey pmduc.e---110-
ind c,f ,ht crmma oí co,n..
rnodtty.too rrb-ovc :md too \'lglte.They dn11.and
,1 compfcmem, tLc m�r.flluon \ubly chcir buildmg\-an be- .ipprehc-nd('d c1thcr J\ l,eJrc-rs oí dd}f",atc:c or :u
o( ;a tlC'W Oper.itor, plrts of .a who1C".sti ln thc Ítnt o)i. c:. tbc bulidul� ;)re �ub;c,t to /hlfUCufn, ruJcc;, m
Thi, nc:-w opaa1or c;ouJd be thc- onomy o( thc )i.eCond. IIIIIJ-'tr1'1I rules. In otfo:r wordi. .iny bu1lt llhj<'ct C-J.JJ b< envi};l[ted <'1..
� hum.1n u,C\. for wh ir.h thc
pmJo,guc �J thc pnnoplc and whJc-h 1.hcr from thc point ot v1ew of thc 1"'�lJOCUlilr (JJ thc: um,;.•crQJ �, he d..uMfü�.1uon
n t� now ntc<"U;iry f(• con�truct rroni
the YMlC:ty oí motrv.1t1om th1u IC3d. men to it�lí ooly füní'.tion in thc donu in oí the p:irocuW, Ul tb;u 1t mvol� mtrm•
buiJd·· "\,·fi,·n .. _ JM'-
"'" ..,.,,,. aroun d at Ihe
qu�nuty and thc ofbuiJdings. il i,lc dJITc:nmcCJ ()1 ,péafk bc:biw1or \vhic:h Jtc mutu.illy c1,d1,1SJ\-e. T11c 1;11ne hokb
"a�'º undcntlod dm tb -y were
aU dr,-elopcd for 1hu firn pu�• c. n◊t
·r -. llOr ino�
.... .,__
·'-",,,or tht other rus.01u. bc1t t.lut tht (or che opposnu:m bct,•,�e.n pubhc .; md .,n,;.•.atc, which ,hould not � coufu�OO
r.tn8C" o( d1ffcr cm work1: d.cpn,d, prmc1pilty on the w1th thc: umver1J1/p1t1.1cubr qpposi uvn, JJ1h-ou�h tl1c:r ;are ;n nmt'\ rro)(imatc
· ic:m w11h1n hum:m ni�
tu TI,j, re11ud::. hk<" thc ent:1.1'<' �
rt' .
g<: i, u whit h H trnhedJcd, would rod.1y In conc-rctc: temu. w ht thcr ,w ukt d,c c.uc of a chy (wluc-h
conmtutc a �lev-,1m crnrc1uc of thc .;irthik' ., <.1n ,ymboh:<C' publíc lOn\trUCtior1) or ;i qx-a{k bousc (wh1c.h ')"1nbob7.C1 pnv;nc
,.. in d lln)lOI Jllc uruven�hun
and bc)'Ond thc CJl)', &om road; and stttea to c!mnag., ,yuc,n.,. bu, 21'o bndg,<.
coraaucnon). o.thcr c:an be Cl'.!tUJdc.-rt'd .iltcnutC'l )" from the uru,"t"rs;¡J or thc p;a.r­
ucb<S, l!"""· pubbc ,qu¡,c:s, wd pom; thac opcnm¡;;s or -· lh« m�m oí
acu!.tr pom1 of vi"'. In thc lir,, u,c. w, wtlJ b, de ahng witb rut,, fo, .U ocie< comn1uniciuon .,,,1 conducnon runulcan<Olllly <onsatuU thc kcy chménslon of
,nd ,u hou,c,, or. 'º rollo,, Albert,\ 1<2!<>nlng" clo,ciy ... po»tblc. "' ""' té>lllT<'I
thc c1ry ind Jts compvunon..
common to .aD ann concem m itknri.c.J f,nluon tht pubhc h(e o( al] c-u­
1 n g,vuig thnc b:wc ruks. Albcm a,cfuUy m,,J. "')' modd,ng. Wlut is
ittm. utd the Íantn:.\ ,ommon to alJ hou� wlu<h C'Oncero 111 idcunc,;J Cwuon inwh-.d hctt i1 • <ysttm oí opcnnoo• idenucally 2J>Pheibk to .1lt CUJC<. And i!
thc pm-:att lwe\ oí i1J aauru. ln W s«ond �. \\'C v.,-,JJ be- dnhng wnh che ., it lupp<ru, ceruin pubhc edificc:s (umplc:s. buil;c,, ett.) .m: mmaoncd m
rulo conetmmg thi: durcrcnca 1mpok.:I oq pu0cubr bouk, �nd ClbeJ by thc d,c co= of di<: c,q,ouaon. 1t " ud"""-d}' íiom • topolc,¡;,al pamt of""" :o

dn�tty of lhetr contcxts .&nd C'lrn!ffbU.nCC'I � Jtt (our dtlfertm kmcb oí ,ndJwe bow ro 6x d,cir I"""'º" ,n glob¡l �•· Al for thc ,ndr.idwl ft.1mn::s
rob. pr&mcd .c<ordmg «> <he four rn<g<>nc. they add=: uru,..,no] pubüc.
pamculu pubhc. um,..,.,.¡ pm-.1c, ¡urucubr p m·•rc. md fonn of 1hosc, eddi.ceJ. UIC)' d<t.mruned bj- odie, rule! hnkrd ro che par·
The I""' >doptcd byAll,rn, 1n thc bnury oppo,,rinn unwcr-
acubmy of th= funroom .. -1uch. m rum. dq,rnd "" che ,oa,J ...,... ofmar
1.U.'p.zrncubr » lh� fi:ru opcntor ofbook -' thu1 21noun� to thc a.dopoon oí thc
occupma. md will noc be SJ''<n unul lutttn t-lt S.
hypothcu, ,ccord,ng 10 whicl, building,. n«..,.nl} dilfettno.,r ed by thc <on•
Alban found " �· ,o dehy me docm.<lon ofthc ot!" fo,- me ,p,c,c
diaon, or thru rc:ahz.anon, conrorm ro unn-csal rules. Tht univcn.alit)· thm m­
..,1,.., • furm of rcgulanon which, Jn <he worlrl c,í ""' and cWl'cmue, pby, thc
oí du,:e cnarc boob oflm crc,a,,.. In me prmles:ed pbc< .. I[ cxcun. ,u­
"""" u thc \'<rV han of th, D,,. .,¿,�i, u ¡,,ocm,d a tbc ,_ f'<'Í<CI
role: -» nc:ceaary m thC' wodd oí IJUlDDUtc 00Jeca. a.nd m th.u oí h unun
= of hunun ,cco;,,plnbmmo. Bu1 one.should no< auvpprd,md thc unpon oí
ilit• 1upcd.,ll',T lt jUSQlÍa U1c priont)· ..
-.ordcJ to d,c C1f) on me >ttCOd i.,,.,J of
h u ,pproprtuc to trclt th.c UDl\"C"nal rulo; �n.,,
L,_ .L paruc
.. UK • ub r oncs.
Ccm!,qucnd¡; >S "'°"
as thc gmml <h<om,c;aJ pn,l:,km, Jl'C l'C>Ol,'ed in the fin,
thC' trud. coinmoduy. t.J:1 u don DO( C"'001ff upon J!. :a sann daticn:w liom dw:

cha¡x,,, book 4 "<k\'Otcd m "' ennmv , ro,¡,,,-·•

iwa Ofth� p u-UUC Le- :md UM oi ocbtt edi6co n fu» the •¡,ph<>aoo of the rv1e of bwldin¡, i< coattmed.
tlw IS 'º
AY- thc ru.kt for COMtrncnng d,c: CU)' ,n ll'l unn'e'l'U) JSP('Cl. Thi, pmf)' bcfun, dK n,lc, ,mpbt... oa thc om h.and. ti»., fi>c-Albero th= "'DO
For Albcn,. rbc c,ry " ,he p ubbc ed1fice wh- impon ond dilfamce bm-ttn me •r¡,ruach ofthc builder oibiildia¡;s .md llut of 1hr pbn­
d1gn1ty ;,
¡¡ne.ter than "'} O<ber.5' Con1nry ro 1m h.almwJ m<thod
· � hC', to ncr oí aoes. oc. m mott conrnnpor:an· tennt.. � uchi.rccnuc Mld utbm­
point out. he dOCI not bc-gm by sccking iu huc:onoJ ongm,
or 3ru.lyta:ng 10 w,1 Ir .abo. on th< othcr lund. apl;wu why di<: cm· docs llO< nec..,.n!,.·
lmu: compcm.nru. For hun. thC' aty COnKttutt:1 .in irreducib
_ le wholc,_JtHt .u don matnW.O tU rn\'\lcgNi pmmon ID thc COUJ1C" OÍ ID(' tff"limt'. md W�. OC cbr,
thc hou,e, which D "' (¡ •iw/o¡¡,,,: nth tt <han . bmc thud l=I oi ....J,cuc ple-,,,. wh0>< rule. are cqwlh- "l'l' habk 10 thc OOY. u
"' «IJ. lt "thercforc
apabk oíbnn¡¡ conmucted by the Mx opentaon, C.111 be rrouced to > backdrop ,g,,n« wh,cb die QlOllllJllCm.,... 10 be�
. cnuneuted tn book I · fu:,m
which ,,. nil« an: dircaly d"'1ucc d. Sutc.c•u,,'tJy, . TI,e hct thatAlbcm � - mi.a ;a, hn ob;can� W COl2!l1'U<O(ffl ofm ;ar.
Ul thc ut1tuJ order cscabfühni
rn book t, Albero muna�tcs: thc WU\� ruJ
"'pcrwrung «> locali<y (ch.aprtt ncubtcd ')'><<m of rule accouot> bodl lo< thc cm<nl po<UlOn of dx cb>pccn
2) •.,. ldu::J)• W>lb (ch.,p:a.) and 4), IOO!Íng (<lupia 4) , >nd
6n>Ily the dc vot«I ,o <he cny •nd íor thCll' n-1.tlJ'\'f brc-"'T U� die � ....,,...,.. ol
op,nlngs •
, • .
e my Thn ,... head11111- die n<hc,r ond moq cl,bor.u«t (
lrom the C1.t.unlAt,e. who iocu• oo me udl1ttctun: of mdmdwl cdúice, IDd -.
dupt<r s 10 8), auQ l1<1C 0nfy m, dJ'>'<m·,
N ofm, e••---••
1w.t:11� o ÍClttula non wulun ¡:lee, thc Cll)', for Albero. tb. "'l',. indttd"" mtq:tr>I ¡>ffl of «!dicmon. 13.n u
cloc, no, tu,·e thc cxcmphey ,..iuc " tlkn on m thc wotk of Fil.ame,"' li>r
"hon1 lt u the ,UIU ot ;J¡u l,mMintt ª'"'
111<' (' UUl\ ro "IHl h .ül othcn .U'( ,uhor.. wluch 1.nJ1v1dwtc pr1,·t.lctttJ c.1t1UrK in Alt.-ru\ UWft.dflt\'. I IC' 6nt: .ti,,m�f\h�
tL1u1�-J I h!! n \\h\ AIM11 c..n, 1n dtc llr 11; ..J,,--,u�•n.1, oren th•t iml(lc- ''"m.. chc»C whu t'M'U"ñc �bt.olure .1mbont)�. l..1np .1nJ tyt.auh. fium t.htr\,I'." "'·ftn t.h.u�
d4."m nnto thc (1l\ JXl\\TI l hC' l.attt"f .trt d,vtdtJ 111 cum mm pnnu. ,c:11.JIOr'\ who txtrn\.C' ktti,bu,-r
l\uc>h.l111tt to thr pl.111 t•I 1hc prologue. htlil,i � \hc<�ulJ he dl"'OH'c.l 10­ PV'' 'c'r.Jtu1Kt'1-, tmhury c.0111111.1ndtr1,. ;,nd vuíc>m kmth oí .utnmmlfJl,►r
tlt ul.Jr cthlí1 c-,, tlw b, .au orJ1n¡:t In AlhC"rU' , u:rn11111,l1)1(Y. che p; rule" fur Utu 1ht1c: rcm:1111 rm¡>l)· u1egt1r1e, hl che c,1:1c111 that thru rtt'C11c con­
cd1fün u1rN,IC'� tmm tl1t' romt ot VSC'\\ of&ht1r �,Hu.tctc U'UoLnpuon mto lht ttm-chr:� <>fbt-h�,·,on. t,a,, h. :md obJN.ll\'n thlt clur.1,1ct11<!' 1hcm mJ
\CC'OnJ k"'fl ,,e cvrnmoJlt) l lm,r,Tr. th:.. pmg;r.an1 ,.., ,..lC 1U1ctly hllló\\c,t. ,1 11�c­ "'h,c.h mu\t be xcoounodJtcJ � thc buJ.Jtr� \\ hO\C � ol rn,Jye:1ic,n .lí'C
rm ol thc lir" --h,¡_ptrr .md .atl ,,1 thC' �..ood e h.1rcc-r \\ nh thc Unl\'C'rul �mg• J.d1 mdr1erm1mtt. Thc rnc- 1mn� 1nd mttrN uf All""rn\
n.J" h•r thf' n.111..tnKllon (lf huu\('\..-, nubh,hc-J, .alhtlt ,·et)' wmm.anly, 111 lhe C,.Jxt.momy hN m thc Í;a( t th.n u fum1'\ho i ÍDltlt'\\Vrk frk' 1hc nprt 10n UI \\hll
umc nunnct 1, thV)(' te.u tht' ul)' 1hn p.l\Yge vf llw l)r n• (Jtdf/imt1.mi1 prt-wrm ll onc: '"'ould tod.ay c:ill "p1°0)trl)11, ' Tlus 1crm. wli1t.h "ooc to � (oUl'uJ 111 1hr /)t,, .
U'rt:un numbtr oí ,hffic. ulnn to v. ha· h 1 '"''111 r-c:turu hdo,, h sboulJ he e111phJ­ •trJif,,�t.i11a, 1, u\C'J hcrr .llon¡.! v,.uh J'f"t'J1,1rtt1t('I! .md pti-.,z,.m,,,wil. to f.u 1l1utt> thC'
u.zcJ.. ho"'n-c·r. ch .u Al� 1kmot1\tt.11tn hn rt"J"<'.I tvr the .m hntt­ rc.aJcr\ romp�hnt.\ion rhC' \\utct ihoukl ni ,our1" h< ,hom of .111 ,·yl,c-rnt'Ul
tutt of che- v.·nrk �ben hf' �•.,bltiht-1 � home� b..:t\\ttn 1hr cuy JnJ the coimotJflOfl\. but gr.Tn thn dtKbuncr. 11 J,k-c¡u11rlv Jnig,ucn th«- JftJ(uLuon
ho� un thc- ln"'I of uru\t:f'Jl rul-- fc1Uo-.\inJl du,, thc rm:umdrr ot hook S oítkm,mJ for comrn1ncJ ,¡u\n. Th.� \X'm.inJ J,ouJJ be C$Db11Jn·J 1n dc1.ut z
co1:11 be �•v�n f•\'C"r cu p.nt11 .ul.o1, hu,Mm� t"X-h.lU\ll\>C'l)' ,il, �1blc, b)• intcrtf\)\.')lng thc- ,ott.11 A�nl'\ w1th die''"º p,un oí
1hc,r rt1I('", are ¡.,11,·cn 111 lht' ordcr furamfu.·d by tht' LJ.Xonmny Alhcru tlc-­ opcr;1tort, f'Ubhc/prt\':ktt .inJ ucr«l/Kcul.u, 1 1 1tn;, 111 che pmh�1c. 011t:e
�lopcd l\1r e.he fint ch.1p1c.r ot buok -1 Tbu ,y,.1cm oí clhiiliuuon. uucod'"J 1o chu \\"\1rk lw be-en xcompll,ht'.<l. che ckJucu<tn ot che p1rc.1c .ulu ruin oíbudd­
un� orJct on thc "-VIIJ at hum.u, Júícrcnco a11J tht" oí usa ,n�� th<M \\hJch 11 tht IC'\YI ut i:onu:noJ1t)· ,on<C"ffl 1ndl-..'lJu.d 00,ktutjl!\.

.mJ C'\WicC'I, a. bboml. aoJ. U\ lftlC' oí wtut thc Juthur U.Ums. u rnnJ1.r& m.u·M'tl no rnlbln11 Ali that l\ 0('1.�· 1\ 10 \UC(e-1,\1\�h ffH('f("J'tWI nch .... ,('.."',Y oi Jc­
by .anc.1cm l mn hl.t'T.ln.irt l"\'t'.n \\hen ll nun.t¡tn 10 t.rJ.111cC'nd l'.\c'mg ,1 mere n-­ numl w1th che nx op,n.atuu,, of thc aic.1ot0 oí Hnlt Cl'ltOn. whnh .-1.- .dw")°'
flc,uon oi dut rnd1uon N<mcchd�i. it IT'c�JJ, Ult' t>•�mucwn o( J Mm Jrll.t r1u.1ml:ued 111 the ume ortlC'r
_f;:mur¡lt.,."'• Al�ru begnu by pn.>f>º""t: � d.1�1fü:.auo11 clur davule1 hum;wi uuo 1 hr exttnt .anJ mc.&IHUK oítite p�r.unHUIIM ,JJ,
be mt.1.,utt'J w1Lh rtf•
thttc h.Jcr.arth1, c.akgant1 wfuch corR'\pood to dUtt rypn ofulC'ol\ r.1nkc-d x­ Crf"O\.t' to thf' r� m wh1d1 Alb«o tkt.Ub u, ,u,,n .,u·ut-.anJ. w11h e..¡ull Jt•
<.onlmg to dtC'ar d.unumhmg, ,uru,· 1h� p<)\'u uf 1Yi1o0n1 '-.,_111 Ul th( i&rb, •rki thc ltOUOII ;11d tutU','-Ult J'l(' ll!'.111\1 OÍ th• cu, ol chc good rnn « •nJ 1hmt of
upJ.c11)' to xcumuhtr w�.a.h.h 0�·•111t tlu.t d� whu cxccl m ,JI lhrn" c. .1 1- thc l)'T.lnl 1"2 licrT. thC' dilft'rT r'U.e oí cx,g,cnqn ft"\J'OUJs co th<" J1H<"fl'»Ct' tn
q.-onn o1rc le"", m nurubcr. hw,·,:c-r,A.lben• tun..(cmm h1\ mmal trudic d1v1\10u \rlc<' 1 h" t.a,l óÍ t.he ar\hHl'U ,, ptt(lk'l)· duc 1,.¡f,uccrufully 11uh l11nt,t J Je ..
mto J l\111-"'')' oppo,,ut1ou bc-twccu tht' •nuJJ d1tr ot " thc- (c:iw m11HntJ11t du:r:rm mJ.nd ..ud .1 hutldmg 1t II t'"'1'1d<"nt tlut Albl'ru, .o :a rnnr:il md1vlt!ull, 1>rdt"t'\ th�
.and "1hr nuny lr1, 1111port;m& unr, . ,,, Afier d1h. hl\ Jttc11t1on u Ml('t1tully ccn­ t-'OOl.l Lng to the tvra.1u, intl 111 Í.tct wh<"n, ;rt chl" c-od ot thc /').-- rr ....J1fliJU1n.z. hl'
tc:rcd ,,n thr firu group. l (o°"'<"'"• nthn rJ!,jn �omK oo h.l cb\.•ify thc- mrm• t''-'Ok� tht mnn.l obLpuoi:,, of .acc:hn.tctutt. h<" uu.LC"\ 11 c�.u dut 11 L\ tbr .u-•
00\ o{ thr «'lite J(cord,ng 10 thcn u.ltnb-ih.u ,,, .11..ccudmg to p,ycholc)K.K2J thn«c'; N"\('l(ft:Wbtlny 'º lnuw � 10 ,hoo\c h, (b<'llt5, i.nJ ht\ rn.�TIS.f>l
mtcn.t-AJl.'IC'rn t1 ltd d1muJ1 .1 �u.:oce oísuhdC' '-h 1ft, m mc.a.rung co cU..�'(JÍ)' Uut ,ucl, <¡ucmon, na,c 111 ;a tt'tP,S(C'I' nthCT Uuo 1h.n ofthc- }tt'1tcr,tulft oín11n
thcm .uconlmg t() polwttJ .;md wl(1Jf cr1tc:'n,1 h i, thc fumt101u they 1,rrform ru, bu1ld lnRTI1c ordcr oíthe Kcnt'\o ofbmlt 111'-'''"' lu� nothmtt tu 1..lo wnh tht
orJcr oi thc cth1ciJ. h:\ only rc<)Ull't'tutnt i.1 tn mpoud
co 1hc prognm. ro mee, nrucccd, although thesr con:mnue me:� ílJu.ur.uion.s oí.A.lbcrri\: mt:"thod aud the
tht" dcnun�t oi thc cbcnt. ll\U� whc11 Albcrn und rn.k
t" cs 10 detcrnunt thr ruln
fi.1nctioniug oflu.s rules."7 M1chcl thuJ con1� to dctcct 2 utopi.m dimcn,;:ion 1rt
for thi: produ�con thc bmJt doml.ln in uconhn<:c
v,�th the \"l.rÍOU< dcnu.nd< of thc Dr rt atd!firotoritJ. HO\\IC\ttr. unconccrncd about contT.1dictin!l hmuclí... ftw
hunun b<mlt". he cvinrcs no mott .:onct'm
íor 1.hc untrtst or 1hc v.1.Jue of thc-se p:iges fürt.hcr on Michd c:rltiritcs Alberñ íor faíhng u, takc a polioc.J pos-mon.
Jcm.:mds d� thr modc-1 n lmgum nccess
.anlr Judge tht' comcnt of thc and re-m�ks�in wich tcfcn-n,c co d,c p:LSSJgt: on thc rwo pñncn:--UUc •·r, Y
tnunculioru wh1,h �n� to csubluh the b\\'S
oí discuro,-e produC"tion. \Vhilc 0 /J rlra {Albnti/ ,mt J«I< J'"pp.,mrmsnw ,71tl...par.J, rrkvcr dt Ja pMih°,/flf d".iruMlt,
the pr.trucmg ¡n:hucct no. ,md 1ndecd should
, t1kc a sund wnh tt)p<"Ct to rJ,c b,.m p/i,s q11r dr.1 hr,'11 Je Pidto,,."68 In t'"att. � no oppornimsm. Thc Dt "
prognm he 1) �kcd to tt1hu hi1 fl mm,.
the thc: ottua.m u b.1rrcd from ex­ dl.dffirutmia is $átuated outiidt' dte �1lm oipoliti<:s, in m mckpcndcnt donum to
pf'e(nng fUCh in imrudt-.Thc quotron to
be •skcd by th� btttt rs }toi¡, ind not wluch Albcni 1ttt:mpQ. to g1\'e, r.ttional found.uion ,
"'1ty.Thu lu•u• sum1 up 10 .1 word thc proJtC '
t oí thc � rr atJifirutona. Undc.rstood m this w;ay. thc co01p.1rison wuh Ari4fodc i1 1mpn:ci,c.
f.r &oin waoong to privil c c one p�
-g m O\Tr anothcr, whcthcr urban or Nc\"<'rthclcss, impttcmon lcads Mkhd ro nonce J.U ,mtht:ntic rcbuon: Aibcrri on thC' contnrr mtcnds
tó .,� thc intirutc divtts1tv of' inca'e'Sf in the rublunuy ,vorld Vld phy!-K...1 spacc ckm'tS fium the <.:mtc
ronsaucnons v,rJ:uch m.JY he p.toposcd lO
thc .uchltcct. :md wtu,b-wlt.a1t'\'t'r t.heir sourccs ;a,s Aristotdianh1rt, and d�puc 2ll thc uccmptt ir •�cu_pcr.i.tton ' h)'
contcm--he un realiz,: by me.w'. of thc:-
J..lntC' lim.aed 5t"t. oí unj\'Cl'RI rul 1:1. Thi� Landino and mcmbc rs of che Pl:.uonk: Aadcmy at Car-tggi.� posit1.ons Albero m
dcs1tc to dcal ,vuh edlficaoon ln and ofnsdf"
' ¡\fJ autooomous dom;ain has.. how­ oppruiti,m co Pl.atomsm.
cvcr. becn more or lcss ntlsunderstoo<l
by 1.· Euuruo Garin himSC":lf suc­
cun1bcd to �nibignfry on thu p('fo.t. Thc fndced ít ¡, thí:. p:)S'S.ionatc uneresc in Ansc-orch.m trdinr-m Lann <l"nJU-
'Kk.11 etty' which he ilttnbutcS 10 AlbC'rn Albcrri ro
is iodee d propostd in '''000 loo: I Mrl ddl.JJ oology, a,rn. o( "1h.iclt :uch.irurul'e is thc nobkst o(�1J-wh1c:h � tmits
lltfJ.Slia ,md thc T rion.1- 1md to am:mpt tn cxh..tusovc «cJmu:,u oí
NJ:tt1io,tA 13m ro spe.1k Sé:C JSIdC .l:S:10· 1c>glCilJ --nñdcr.i
llf ti,e 'Afbcm:u, aty' apropos o( '1c
1 Dr rr tJOJ!fico.:oria u to 1gno� thc 'net1m u1 othtr \\'Ortb, ,o
\bar gh'eS Üui worl:: m uruquc J'dOnau� l1.ty' th(' fic.ld 111 which thc requl rcments for building :ttt gfnmttd.
.md sagn,1k UJ cktcrmm.a.tion 10 treat thc­ 1blic:/ptM<t allO\'-"
rule'.;'S ofr:di6 on ' ebbonte, thc-ory oí thc �r;1m Tbc bin.i,ry op�uon of p�
� . � � stncr fnmC'\\ 'Ork oían auconomous cfísciplmc mdcpcn­ · \W
Uf (O d.ISbU�" , "r'
·1l l\\O ,_,. ofthl:S thcon."' ·1• acror SJ.multaneou'.\I)• lcads:
dcm oíth� ttlCOl"C'Ocu.ns pP'Sldom. • • �
h 1, tUrpn�ng tha, onc ofthc most pro­ ,1te: bfc wh,ch ts t't�-
íound ��ts oí che halun Rcrwmn both 2 public hfe c.a.Uing füt pmfa.1ioiLtl,cc.and ,1, pm,
cc. and onc oí those- mos.t cardu l to 70'""-- cnmpl('S
· w1II �low w: ro fuUow d1t' ('tJc
ao,c �m�m d ll.
1 •� •-
thc �me-no: and dupbccmmn th.u h:u11t
1mst Khobn uuposed on the «-xo- of �lac� uuo rules u
Antiqu:ry, lcd--prob.1.bly bccc-.a.u� workings orAJbC'1'tlJO progr:nnming :md ro SC"( how 1t
he accordcd roo much nn p<•ru nce u,
Albcm) borrQWlng\ 6-om PUto for hi$ So<"ü.l
tu-onomy(•�o Wnjjdcr ad\-cnti­
Considt'r, ro bcgüt w1tb, die SOCÍC'ty oí pricm. in ligh�
?r dtc dcnunds oí
ttou., thc nu.mfcsto-Jike pm;agc on the dwdlm 1-: dK' \vnnfop oí
g ofthc good pnncc \fC'f'SU.' dut of t1 1e1rpu bl'IC' ,., n,·, -"
ne 1 ........ be brokcn dow into vo1ritim acrJ\lmt'
th.c tyr:mt, lgnunng it. he t<'ntcn hii :uu:nrion • n
, •. .
011 thc posmcm later i«:ordt:d to () :i.nd lhr atqm�nou ot
c:ntJ.lJ1 c:dlfu:es likt ,he. Cod. wluch GlkC'S pbtc in thc trniple. the cXC'R:I)(" o( pi(' '
subu,Wn howe.2fthough AJbé!ro " armtf thc monia1tr,y. the fü1611-
thcse com:spond to II pcrson¡f in.d.nuoon llnd
to mdi�tc th.:it dwmc ,nd hum;m kdO"•ltdgc. wbic-h has \U us )C'ttm¡.;
c.1rry onJy illu:unaw: ,':lluc-.'-"' aud the ,�up,tat I w,JJ
The !.ame mi}undtNtimdmg lc:ldt; mcm of scw:-bl LUks whJch fm't as thclT f('ltlng che 1th«JI
Michd co a.ccord .m Jb­ ,
not go mm d c,.w •--�uc t:bc cUfferwt t)'J>C'S oí rc-inp.lcs or cburchn, l<-t 1t
-" 11erc.- .:1""'
;olutc ,siluc 10 Nbtni'> dmificltion >nd 10
Lh• ediJie,-¡ ir 11!00.,, to be «>11- d in ,be kmnul.Jtion of thc pmgr:un
suffitti m p6UH out üu: unport1.1Kc �fcon:lc
u, the 1mpn:-u1ou thc�t- edúk� <hould nuke on tbO$C who frcquem thcrn, :1nd O(ll1Jr1 Y numero.. , •nd dcuilcd ''" ofrul<:$. luthcr th,n rhe urb•n howc,, Albcro
10 11,e rur.JI form dorn1ciJc, the 1111/a. • 7) • benuJC II tS frc<
. . . ,-�~•
th• mir thcr,forc pbycd b)· thc opmtio,c, wncmung, 1<>pcct1vdy. loC3lity •nd •
g,ves ·
pnonr.v •· ,
opc-n1n�. wh1ch c-nsurc through che �lcn11ln of an .tppmpriatc locarion in thc CO$t r.unu IO yv........ ,
bv urb.m lif, and on be fruly extended on "' sstc.74
oí thc
. m rcbuon .• to """ . ds
�ny .:md thc JUdic10us ¡1bcc-rn1:nt 4.">Í 1¡,crrure,; .i rnovmg ,,c:w ,md �'<>C.nive- pL s ' 11>V10g 3,pl
/\llCí 1 1'cd thc rule., for der,rm,111 ng thc loc•lity
Albcrti come< 10 the buildinj!S wh,ch are to 1
> ous<<
uf light Nor need ,v.: sreJk oí che ,>J.nous �orrs of 1 110,ustcrics whost 5itu,uiou, _,h
:IJI(1 líí1,,, ....., of th< r<rr.un'
tt._._r ·,,,-
hJnJ. thc í-arm ,,ur:k·tri.
fot cxampk ,V111 d1tTcr Jc.cordmg to thc Jcgttc- <,f �,huion dt"S1�,t ,md lhC scx ou the onc hand Lhc l�Jld-owocrs. and 011 the o1htr
ofrhe mh.ib1unl\.As for ho�¡,1t.1h,'' thcLr typology n·sponds to ;i d:lS$..1íicat1on of The l�m�r are a.1 onct: gturu . 1nd :agnculrural producen who rmuc be
orr nccd "'� group,
nulad1e1. \Ve muJt, 1cco1dmg to Albr,m, dmmgulih Contag1ou.s dise�cs. l n«n"' thc fru1ts of ,heir labor. They will ,horcf
trc.1tcd Jt J. �c-ru.ut rc1m'l\c- from thc Clll)' • .1nd non-nmtagious d 1sc.1scs. famiJy imd che other for its irucrum cnts (.in:m �tc ot
wh1d1 < �l:�d:�¡µ. one for ihe:
tom be trNtc..i "'"ª murru. The l.1ttcr. m the1r mm, cin be clat.\ificd as cithcr cur... mJ.nnnatc) :aod ti1c proe!UCIS of'"' h'"'"'
�t•Tiie íunwou of .,. m1ndlllt1h1¡\ 1111rr-
.1bk: or mcurJblc.J\cconhng to th<" durinct1on bcn,•tcn womcn n:•qu, re\ th,u dt c farm•'s hou� be
,md 111eo1 c1ght CTI)SScd with ü1e opcr.mon ofs1ru1non,
typ� t.'lf urbJ.n hosriuls Jf"C' c1w1sagl'"d wh,ch d1.ff't.r 111 thcir r. íhe worke r's home ,hould •llow tl,t
s.itc. tben form. and loc.ucd 1ca :h d •dLing of lús nmtc pl:m, For ,-chools. füulty, u-Alhcm takci h1s ut,p1rJ.aon ; � cd and nouri �hcd wit.h ccmtn 1od1ty . Jnd tt-cupcr.itc
from thc rule..., ob­ pe.uant �m 1 ,: b; \\'ilrm �
�cn-cd by thc A.ncumts m buddmg the1r pdltJ tr.Jr, he To dns en d• thc intcncction ot ihC":
2dds .a wholc sen� of com• 1u )tn"lli)t' h 111 thC': mos.t nltlon:al Wl}', ról \'".1�1 fire-
ple:mcnD courtmmg. 10 p,¡rucul.:ir, the cho1ct u(� w1II d m: m d che C()llstn 1roon • ....
no.u of comp¡¡ruuon :aud opcmng.
scrung $Jutlded úom noise,
fouJ odot'i.. 1dlc cmum. and c-mwds. h . ;1n . m't"n• .u1d duc,s pcrnutnng 1he
proofed k.m:hen (,umulicd w1th .t
AnothN problem. wlurh li� this tune m thc dom.un . Sf.l(C Wl11 h<.' devoccd ro rot. él<h
of che: �('cul.u nug­ ev:icu:u,nn oÍ w:atc-r. /\n :lU(Oll.ODlOU$
L<tncy, is the prilon. J\lbt-m beg11u hy ot:1bli,hmg prox 1n11cy co l I e ,,, ..
...a.o..\ of ;icx·C" \ to hi, �r-
tmt slecpmg III thc (tttJtdt posstblc
, typol om· of cnTJ1<S •n.:tlogow
'H Thc r,mduru
to tlut of dntUC\.. At the um�ft'��ng w1th d1c . red 111 ,hrcc 1)1)<"' "f �n.Jet1 .r
Op<rJ.tJon of loc,afüy. ccrt:un pns­ orubr :aCO\'lllCS, Goods w1.·11 be >to
, comumpaon ) ,�,11 b< "º"'d '" '·
<Jncrs !ltt not <o� co116ncd w1tl11u tl1f' C1ty; V""Ctfi c d 1 edJ cattfoUy de-
othc-r., on tht' CQutnry, ;i� to be oí furm culture (,or
k:cpt ptt°CUCly in thr cemcr. Hou�cd m d1tft'rc . · I1�1 J\Cr "·
tl1•y w11J t(' ) IUJÍn ,.m1m .ili (d.t�<cc.l
11t lgc.1t1om. more or less ,olltlr)' s1g.ned 1md ch{! crcnn.ih�d .iee x,rdu1g ro w
:and :in .1nd Jl-
.and unct,rnforuhlc .ict"cudmg to thc n.1tul't'" . n:quu-c �)OJ \·crml,uion
,nd �r.ivtty of thcir tr.insgreu1()nt, m �cvt"n t�t<'g or1ts) or p1:un.s. "h1ch u '!rnlli:t ,.tr1d
thcy occupy rhe urb,m pnwu wtnd, m.un utl. t11c pri11c i 1h. ·, o( .,¡·
,f)• timuh.J.ncowly thc- nc::cds of mosp11cn:. ,uuu ....•• ..�m eet$ «> bt ubr.uued by •1>r1ym11 l
hon(S.t auirn.,;, rn<C()Jtcn:, .1nd \.\-;udrm.72Tht- M"curn
y dc-111,mdcd by rhc fi& wiU cowr111g. •
be pmvidrll by me;1n� óÍ thr opc:1-;aclom p,crtu .
• 1 -uwm:n.. 11 '''"" ' •Jmf,• du: i' l:qmrrmtm� c.,í
mng to t11roJ, w:111\, mo6ng., .md, in "" for tl1e <l\\'dlmg· 01.. dIC lmc
¡>J.rt, oprnutg,..TI,c opcr¡¡t:Jo1u Íor optnms, thcir 1"re' (t� «w1 1 "'�
1u uuc.•,t� . tlu: 1,rc1,Jrut1011
. .1�111• .u wc:11 a� ch�C' for conip.uri­ thc ,�,u10u\ acuvtttn t1 IJt con,1,rm·
uon� w1II proV1dt"' che pn.ioncrs w11h .a. nu11111u1111 . 1 hl t. ft'\t, �.tru(umn,., ·•' cl.,,,¡('J lrom d\l•
of hnc1c-nc (vcnnbuon. liglu. .u11.I mki111,t ur m�Jh, u,tc11('t(1U1 work • scxu 1
cv.icuiiaon of W2.«t'1), plws,nl c.omforc (hC".iting. Ílc:du. .. .}(ll\'llt� .att 11 , , t\JIl1 anltrfm'iS('J wnh tht
ics íor uut<loor c:xcrc:í,c-). mo,1 puhlu·. to tl1c mOSl ¡,n, ;ue. rhc1.c
and ,,;tJJ-bcmg (pr�\'Jtc '-<"lb). Jnd • , • "•I ,o " n"' rnnkrJ lh"(onl111K h., tbttr
wdl ÍJc1htJrc •urvtill,rnu• hy tl,c wa,...
d1wroty 01 thc mc1111�"' ,. .. 0f the lwUSC'ho11
d<."U\ (apc:rtun-s pcmu1tmg 1..hc o bsctY1t1<1u1 thc
ul(ctior ot 1111: :livtcllul cclh) . . om l ot rn r,¡•¡lOi t "'llh h (v;u 1ou, \'"'
\t,1tus w1th111 '1H."I f.tful 1Y (1 ►:H'�IatJI rd.1.u
My l.w cx.11 11plc JS óuwn front pnv.itc
Ufc: 1he- Ú rHlly dwclling so dcilr co .11u•11t1,,n l) t thr- 111011r,u:e oí 1hc �
rnn c)r ,.louh.''lio). All)t'&0 l1 C\''Q,e, muth
the thcoretic.w.n of / Ulm Jr/111fmtti,:1fU1. wh01(" (<Hlstn
icuon u thc ohject or.1 J>)r- ,
r "JfC 1 ur. u., 1. .. ih , f"I�l chs1,.h.11·tte,I, N\h
o.-tur.11 rhy1h11t) ,111J (')'f;1 t'� 01t ,\rl\'

TIIE DE lt.6 AlDIFICATOJllA: ALalkTI, 011,. Du1u ANO TIMf

;amry oll, on •rccúic opmuions of localirr ,1.nd opcnings. bur rhe oricm:mon The same ombív:ilcnce m.anitc,.u itself ia the C2Sé of the house, in which
.ind .aperrutt5 whkh íollow írom dus wtll \-ary according to theu-ason�.Thus. for ce.rtain rooms are used by alJ tbc occupants ('4 ,�tdú11,, pa,us .Jliae u,1i1 .momm'J,ao
c.,mple, chcn- will bc d1tTen,m dinmg roon,s for wimcr and Iunmt«.Th• con­ others by m.ny of thcm ('·p/urimonurr"),8 1 whilc still od,m only ser\'< puticufar
cc-rn for deuil :ind thc desuc for exbauso,·cnC'ss th.u these pro1trams reve� sund mdmduili C'si,w,lon1m. ).82Thc word'uni,-m.J'indccd des1g11ares che public p:ms
as che exrn,mc oppositc of che idcolOll')' ofum,-c,s,1 needs, which siace the cigh­ of the house, or at Jcast rhose which conccrn dtC' grcacest nurnber of peo ple. For
t«mh ccntul')--but ª"°'" >11 Sn><"c the begmmng of thc ,wcnoeth ccnrury-h" the pauing of the opcr.uor, public/ L< cssentiall)' n,laáv,,: lt can ea.<ily desig­
nurked thc throry and pracocc of planrung MoreO\'t'r, and eomnry to thc re­ natc anñnomic tcnns appücable altc:m:udy ro thc same spacc, and thus ru.rru out ro
CCl\'Cd idea tlut • mi conum for commoduy emerge< only m rh, c1glueenth be as cotnpliated for A1beró -as for archmeccs mcby who conñ1tut to use h� &.l
ccnrury, no a5p«r of pracoc:il W'e s,ems too rr,vu.l or ncgligible ro Alberti: tbc Motcover. the class1fication ofhuman u,es ,s Albcrti liuaUy chooses ro ..­
pagc< he dc,-ore< to <clLin. p.mine.. and ccs.,¡,ools ali tcstify to this.76 Clblim u ,esdties, .u wc iu,-c sten, ro the coruidt-r.tcion of :l problrm too complex
lt would be casy to g¡ve addiuon,I con=• cumpl es liom the progr,ms to be formali7.ed conccpru:illy in thc Q,w11,w;:,,1c.Alb<,rri final!)' r,cintroduces thc
and rules formubccd m book 5, wh1Ch v"sdly desmbe thc day-ro-d,y cxhrcncc political aregories ofAntiquity which he w•ntcd to .vo,d. Hi> c,nzcns of d1f­
of tbe JITIVlltged el= oí t:he Julun Qwttnwnto. but thu iJ 001 our ¡,urpos, ferent nregories 2re clos,r to Lhe citfaens of cbt clmiol pclís or urbs rh,n to
hcrc; nor u u my mtcm to show bow Alb<rti slúlis constm�y bcrween thc analy­ ,hose of tbe lta�an cities oí lu.s own ame. They are classcd hierarcbicall)' ac­
su oí contcmporary ltahm lifc and the ,ncimt modcls whkh hununisa discov­ cording to thc ruturt of power impl.icrt in• G""'" rcgime. rhc olig;in:hy. • cho,cc
crcd in Latin fücratun: .md subsc.qutntly intcrprcted (nm wllhout ;a ccrtaiu wlüch reveals Alb<,rti'3 own prefereace.84
tou,h of fanwy). Our obJCCt httc is rather 10 ,how how boolu 4 and 5 u-e ar- Bue whate,.•er its lunm:. du.s uxonomy whosc rcb.tMry 11 s.ign�lled l1>·
11cubttd in che Dt ,. a,Jifwuoria, rnd hc,w mdependcndy of thcir concc::m 2nd Albcrti himsclfis the operator tbot integratcs tllc binary oppos,aon, >t the IC\'cl
the parncubr factors tb:at dct�rmmed thc.m, tb� ocw opr:r.itor omd tbe rules it of commodhy. ta- contcm m,mcn litth:, for 1t cm be modtfied lucr:wh.u a.s im­
hclp$ �ner:11e by 1mcrcros.smgs wuh tbt pn:ctding oper:tt01"1 are integntcd into pomm is tlut it is imposed as .:a. cbsstfic:moa. and 1t funcaons. h funrooru m the
thc archirecrutt and economy of tbt \">ri<. $.an1c way :as tht binuy opposition u1Uvt-rJioil.l/puticub.r. which ¡x-mu'5: thc coa­
That is why, in the prcccdmg pag,s.. 1 hn-c mmmuzcd a ccrt;un numbcr of cq,aon of • specilic mod• of producoon of thc butlt donwn; n also v.'Orn l1kr
difliculocs wluch do not impmg,, on tht Structure 2nd fuoctioning of thc oper­ the second lond of ncccssiry, rhc on• wlucli u op<'raaw m thc worla of lumun
arors of tbt D< re amifi,atori•. Bu, the,,: difficultics nontrhdc<s e,rur, as AJb<,rti de,irc for wlüch thcre ""' as )"' no mm< in the Qu,u/10alltO, In <ptue of l11lln'td
himsclf recognizcs at the bqpnning of book 5 whcn he w:mu us that thc subjccr dlfficulties,Alb«11 has thm bocn llhle to spcafy thc opcrat0r tlut hu bccn in­
he ,,-ul trca.t is :i ...largt- -and c:omplic.m�d mauer."77 Thw� as � have scien, J un­ dupensable 10 thc form11btion of che rule> of buoldrng wlucb opera u, on thc
ambiguolllly intcrprctcd w UDJ\"<na.l rule:, of commod,cy as nccessary and com­ Jn-.1 c,f co,mnodicy.
parable ro whu "" caU 10d.y culrural unovon;oh. and I havc st=sed !.he 1denucy 11 mru.uu true tlut ali of tbe 1l1ltllll opcnton are 1rulupcmahle :md con•
of tbctr foncnorung m the tw0 c:u« of me cicy md thc bow.,.Alberti doc, Juvi: anue t() be uuhud systcnunc:illy. Wc h,.., s«n tbat bmary opposioon pub­
somo difficulcy in conuiving the homology of thcsc t\VO tcmD fiom the lic/pnv,u,, which Jud no, bccn im..,kcd ,incc ,he pmlogue.. i> allcd on at ali
o( vicw of univ,,na.J l.iw.78 md he ,omccimc. confuscs the tw0 conccpa ofpub­
lewls of the programrmnc .uwyn> of thc city and thc hO<M Toe wc opcranoru
lic wd univtenal.79 of thc :wom of conccpuon ..,_.., the trut.aipuon of � prtl(tl',llffl '"'° ,¡>X<'

u. ut cktrnnmc- n,, lnouulo�� 1 hr 1,10111 ni tlir buiMIII}( ,1, 11 hod)' rrmul-< ti te tl 'li"ótc.Tlus hy polbdt), 111U!1'tSun� J..S u m.J)' be, ,c<'nu to \H "'-- be::' 111111r(t).Qfll)'
1tllm11th llun ot .� 1u·w U1C"t1phw 1t1 t, tn11111.11rnu'ln. unr whu h 1, or�1111.c,J c.o111plu:att-d :ami iucnmJ\JtaÚl,• w1tJ1 tht eontrn� oírlu: p1"C'�u1 1nolot,.'l1t.Al,1,"('
J1011nd a. , rr111,1I or�-m ni t1t1v1k�t,l 1t,uw•.111..1lngom h• 11,c J1<:,ir1· d1i· mrnm, Í.)r i1II. chCS1.� duce 111111¡¡) 1.'hip1r" \Ct'm co u,: hl he III comrlrtc- arroni "'nh d� 1-��
tJw 11uuw die- '"""" hlr 1lu,• e ny"\ l hr J'>Hk·c-.s tll 11.:,hJlllOH to 1hc ...,111<· ).cnn:: cr.U .1ppro�ch ofthe tre..1u"'° wJuch, trn1u itill'l ro fimth,,�11111cru d,r 1i.1rr,rio11 ol
IUIJI •1rno111111.1m1 "tfHH1t1uctl Not unl)' J\ thl", ny/1u.,u-.c h,onolot:,.'Y rct"tltrd thc diílCrcll l �.IJg<'� c)f l<tlúi,.1tioo w11h :m :arcount t>f thr reílt'C tl"\I thougfu wh1d1
,m,1 tk\Tlu1,c,I p.m hy r.t11. l1 11t ti,,· ··nrct .... .a nu1 lnn,c c.a111p." chr "mo11l�trry O J t \\ 1th tht
con1;uucu 1l. rr.ndt' rmg che tlu:otttic.aJ umc of rhc bmJdrr toJlt'ttmt\
t0rm ol rd1g1ou, 1111lu.1ry ,.1111r."-1ntl thc 11•dn..u7 c,u11p 1, •'tlkr .¡ ,1ty m't'"!Sf, Jé'tuJ.l cmt� ofchc ;iutho1S ,ounruct1on of 1hc tcx1 Fro01 thn pt:rtpc,ti\'e •
l lcd1t:.ttt'll to ro,unwMlit)• .uul CC'U1r1c-d uu 1hc c;11y, lxH'lk\ 4 ,tni.1 S th l» n.­ t,;ivt"n dt,ll wc- lnow thr rJmng of thc DI ,t ,1t1li8<m"'1.J took mí. In)" yc;an, lf 1t
d11nen�1011 01 Jus
\J1t'l l 1hr lo�H ,md nunomy lll A1hrrt1°\ ¡,rn.l""' Thcy tv11\t1tu1r ;1 m.l$tl'rfol ,1.r..
· noi �urpr1s111g Albcm �hout<l h:1\-e s1�rullrll thu tcntJ>'�r.d
of thc Jn.xit"nts
1n ul..umn ol n, .ahh1t<'nurc l)('twc·cn the lc,,•rl oí' nc:-ccs�uv :u1d th.11 ol Jl"\tht·Ul' pruJC<"l, m eme W.i)' or ;ino,her. and 1ha, he .shnuld h1,ic !poken
pll'.1\UI"(. Thcy d1llcr lmu, thc tJirC"c I H"C<'cdJn� hooh 111 1h:at tht')' do, 110t form .a etu1I d1ffic.:uln� \\►hich \\'t"tt' th<' e�, 01 1� th<' ruleoi: p�1tct•d
and intdh.•
'l<X�d wut. .rnd, C'"\'l'II 11 tedu¡,.cJ h> ..1 mwnmum. coulJ by \tetin,uun be dr.,,:I... m tlu:- thml p.nt ofthc lx � Dt,liji,Jtc'1iJ.
lh• <hv,dc-d UltO
upcd 1mlcfo111r.•h 1t 1\ pr:rh.1p, 111 trnl1, of tlm pott"nuJI d,Jt the \< :a.rtr,butcd Tlu� •�<:oud ¡,mloguc'. tongcr d1Jn thc first. i.\ 1dent1l.t '
hy Albtrt1 10 ,p,:icc- .:md to che 1Kuvuy o( bu1ldutl( 1, rt.lJ: che fonntr ¡11 1. 1- � p.trl:): J bio.:np iucal c oí thr 11ucllccc 111I ci:mqu<';).B ,1.nJ <pc.."C1.1Ütl\T
,.h rc
W!I.Y\ n1b1mn�d td thl" l.dtcr. "·htch O<"C11(ll� 11. tl 1fl'crtnu.1tn n .ind ,pecifia n n of )1td rul<ll()' ll1 l><"•IIIJ
• d,llkultie, c1,c011111ercd hy 1hc ,utllor {6. I)! • Jt6iuoo
1nt<'num.1bly .il ,¡ lunttton o( 1Ju· n-qun,:mcnt� or dcnund, of mdividuak ongw n.1mat1\ � .1rad ln mtn>du ,t:ion w ch� problt"m.1ac o(
(6.2): ,md finally, ;in
Uut thc- li�I oíc;ommod11y ,·omnmtNJlU.t ooc srage i11 thc pnxe:\-1 oícd- \C.-c:oon ot tl,c 0.- rr «,1•/i·
b c:-auty (6.J), from ,vluch thc pbu <c>ncludu1�
1fic.;it1on. Uu1h otJ,:acc, .at�m thctr Lruc:- lOmpfellou 01\1)• lu .;a Jughcr rcghtcr. In t.110,i,, wdl be dc.<lun·d.
ofnJmre Jnd ofthc :arts
odwr ,ygr,,h. wc muu :.dd 10 the ru!L""S Jllowm.; che dcuundi of cctmmod1 1y to be J(rhe cul�,g')' lo lK""Jut)', thc "upreme .1:du�·ttncnt
umficd cnhct rulo rc,pomhu� 10 Ú\c dnu� for lx-:auty: .icstfl cuc: pleJrutt :md » et1'hus ilim, H 11oncd u:IC'$.1 J.00 �"�.U<� 51'111
{,ora}. tesofies tO :m ;tlu\OSt n-lig1ou
che be.1uiy wtuch u 11:1 C-J.U\C .;in:- 1tie '-lm o1nrJ lhr Cn,\\'nm¡:;, .1duc\o-cmc1u of c:di- Jlcncé wluclt wdl wc:1gb 1-JC';i,vtl) 0:n 1. hc d1in:I of t..hc IX'" MJ.
covcr, ..lmbi,·
6c;tmn. :and :ilro of thc Dr rr .rrdi/ka1onJ.. who;.c 1ut Jnd longc-H «'tt1ou h dc­ B�t• A1b("l'ti beg,I\$ b)1 dc:mon.ttr:a nng th,u bc.aut)· Í\ c,1u.a1ly pcr­
,j1tatctaa.· 1 n e.
.. . .,. .t IgJ i \>DDI ..�,h ""f"" tt.'' JlJ
vo�d m them. llC', &om che lt : ;irncd. r /ltnll. 20d t lC'
CCI\...Jblc by C\'Cr)'O
J -lt>\\''t'\'l't, brforc btgum1np. m boo k (j what ht lnm•cf( ,pC':ah
... •� m v -ork� . of n.amre ,uth � thc st,n-6Urd �k.l" n
of ;¡j thc l 1te w;ay to l11e 11H)st. ,.,_L-·se
, uw.:
,lliN flJr1 oíhLJ wurk,$7 Albt:ru 11gn.1ls. 1 plU\C. ln che fint th rrc: duptrrs o! d1h­ of human kmd. Tht> lt'ntun oh�' unhtt d. in r-,u,icubr tht
,.,.'tll i, iu thc wotks
book. he Sl<'JX back fnnn Ju,¡ t.t.'-k tO tedrn, tbc ln.1.uu:-c bct'\\-"CC11 dfon, ,-emun:<l chin tb�c tunt'\ on "smgle PlSt',
verb h) íed (,mtur), wluch .ippru:s no 1�
omd rC1Ults .;icJ11cved. to p<>iut to the ,h.illC"11gn ,til.l wtmet. In (;u 1 , he í) c;itd,ing m.1tter of r.1ti01'1� .lCUVlt) ' . but r.athcr cí.;a \On of um\'l"r-
cnd as tbit oí be,nny. n,u.....
Jh (»', $ ch.1t cJm 1,. n(il a
hi, bn:-;ith bd(,rc the bst, rno.n penloui \t.lKC oí hh: w(nlc:ltll :md rlm r1;1u,c.
5.11 an.�cinct \Vhmc 11,nure b �l d\füculc to 11ppreh ..
umquc 111 tbr w1fold111g oft.hc l)r ,r atd1{i�awrin. ukcs on thc ch:a.GLc,e-r of a ncw .-.bbrcv 1,1tC'd iud provh1 ona! dditutmo: �uty 11 thit
AJbcrtl offcr� only M1
prologue, for ll..ic'h�rd Ktiluthcimc-f"'J dus o :a prcfJrc:- Albcrti h:ad wnm:n for l .ill thc ¡»tb \,,tJun a boch'1 w
r('l!ioncd («rta r.Jtio1tc) h;1tmouy (N,tannat41)
firn ve.n1on ofh15 UC'.nuc. m, momem Qf d.s:ep¡>0munt'm :ificr h:aving giveu up 1 ed but íor thi: wor\t'".•�1 Dl\ri n c
•' n01h mg nuy L-
u\Jt SK \1dd-• c:u. tak c.rl ¡,¡�¡• " or aJct' r '
lhc pruJCct to wrHc thc')' nn V11n1vms Juggt-stcd U) him by LccmdJo from orn.1n1tm. wh 1c:h
¡ 11 n:uu�. ;tS ,narvclous a it l\ rarc and tJ,us d1ffc-rcnt

cu.-.,-.,"' r,,"

tc:prc,¡cn(!. o1 form of au:ohJry :md are 1fioil bc m : ry."2 bci1my is inhtrent in the Thc formulation md cnumer:ition o( di< b:1Sic rules •n: thus Jcfi un11t die
bt".:muful c%;ccr.'' And <l1.."\pJCc tbc tlp1motu of thc»c who �,gn Jl onl )' rcbtive cnd of Úlc 1hird part t>f thc lx tt ardifirarcrio. Thi, procr.rmrurion Íi u,rprising.
.1nd CC'lnt1ngl·nr \'.1luc.Alberu v1gorous.1y re-:úfirnu t:hr cx1.stcnce ofJM<:llut<" rules and iu dfoct revub a gcnumc c:mb.,,..,.mcnr of which J\lbcrti:S long 1/J11ml of
of b<>uty. Thes< bclon�•nd rhis i, rh, <f\!X of rh, a111b 1Y.tlcnrc mcmioncd d1� 'sc.cond prologue 1w !,�"""
us a <enso. W, obsom, h,m b<ing: hmdcred b)'
JbO\"t'-both to rhc �.drn of 11uun« 1rnd t() th.:u oí:i r.1uon:1hcy proper co :all thc two main difficulrics. The ún:t conc:trns ornamcnt. omMnCTil'.JtÍon is
lrt\ (,h�c L\, tcc:lum1uC"S) whcxe ori gí111 Alb<"rn c,.t1blish� m a bric:f n.arr.uivc oí iniuaUy dcprccia1cd a11d diMocrated from archuecwr:al bcaur:y, btcr u tJ ...,b­
duc(' ph�cs: thc ,1TlS (afltJ) wcrc OOr11 of c:h.ancc:, .tnd chcn, in che cour'$C oí .i lished on the ume lc\·el .i.s-i( andccd n u nor idt'mifird wic.h---3rc:h1ttc:tural
long pf'O\:c-..1 or 1nltur,1non:J• thcy wc:rc pcrfcctcd: lim by thc ol�tv.uion oí na­ be> uiy,101 Furth<rrnore, ir ,, orn:uncnt •nd no1 b"'1ury wluch Is honon,d by di­
turt:, thcn by cxpcr1ment.mou. �nd fin:.lly by rc-;m.)mng (r,Hii>..rfoat(o), n:ct refen:ncc in rh< tirJes of die four books of thc mrrd pan o( rhe D,,., adifi·
In thc: oí the partic-ubr tcchn,quc (,m) oí cdUi�tion. tl1cs-c thrcc ait•ri• The «cond difficuliy concenu thc ,121u, of thc 'philo,ophic.1 ,•.,,• of
ph.un o.:cun-eJ ,uccC\tl\"Cly in A<.ia. Grccce, ilnd ICII)•. In othcr wntds. insofar u bcaur:y nnJ ,heu r:appon with necC\llty :md commod,r:y.
cd1fic,mon fully �alttC'\ 1ti co1-.ccpt onl)· n lhc ulrim.ttc lrvd oí acsd1 etic plc:a­ In particuln. how ¡� thc 1pcci6c1cy oíthc tlunl kvd and u.s l:iws cornp.Jt­
oían cd­
iurc. u. h m luly th�t lt :maincd .i.bsohn� bc.iuty, In dTcc:t. AJbért1 tclb us lbl< wrm thc conccpoon of bc:aur:y a, perfc<t ad.apadon? l(rh< be,uty
ifirt", like tlu( of :an anirml, mide, rn its Jd.1pt1rion to m purpO\C'. tht'n rhcrt!
th� Etn.�m and thc Jt.nmi!IO\ \\� thc fin.e m :U)lmtlatc lhe 1m1uaon c,( n; ,,
to thal o( thc livmg Cl't'ffi1rc aod. ra.htinK th:n t.hrrc •� no hc.iury wh1ch j\ not rt­ be (ormul.uc d in rcgi-ftf'f of thc1r wrn.
no nrcd íor thc lawi oí 1,c;a uty to i
: onJy w1th
ln«l ro uohty :md c<>mmodity. th,y •ppla«l 1h, «rm bcauiy ,u ,he pcrf«t mor­ Morcovcr. th i co,iccpt of\u.bpla.0011 · �tu to be 1n contnd.ktiou n<1t

pht>logiol a<bpcuon ofthe arunul to"' purp<>,<,9S lly vorrue of thc ooonomy oí thc philosophiul conccpnon 0( archuecwr,1 btauty. bur ,h<> w1Ú1 thc nodon o( 1hu� .tchic,-cd. and hy th('1r mccUccrwil v.-ork .md t h e,r prodig1oui arnvit)' ornamcm which 11 cxdudn.
thc d,n.,ohold oí
:IS but.lde�. thcy brou,.;lu .'lrch1cecrur:aJ OOuty to a lngh degrce oíperfcctfou.
h " ,bu, d<>r tb>t ,he p,oblcnn which rroublcd Nbcrn u
In dlU hntory-fo f'xt.noc so hr,t0r,cal-of:architc-ctt1rc.Albc:m cvmccs :a cmo. Un.lblr ft> tpW thcrn
thc llUrd p:irt of thr Dr ,r udf,fJJt<1tUI "�te nOf minor
nonch.ilancc' .H. c:omp¡r.¡blc- w thc tenor of h.ts ong111 nurab,'CI. h \en'CS u : J 00.,1, taving Jt .t érred thc fund.:un C"m.21 mottatll t whr.n it
cxpliot fonnubtfon, o.nd AÍfcr
íor hit ,u1emon th:u c:en.ian bWJ cxnt ("pm<«pta pr<>ba/111/ma")"' wnh rc1pce1 tA) I be,ury, he dc­
wuuld be n«c,u,y ro ln'>l d1< phito,oph1c,l ,,_., of ,n:h1ttttur,
bttuty 2nd m dcduccd Íroll't :a perícc t knowJL ·dgc ("abwlutllllma rc,g.11/")'JtJ book, to r«h
v�;>te:,. ,he fint �nd by (u thr lon�lll2 ,ccuon t,í,ht 'ac..."''ttr'
wh1ch tl U. hu cuk td dix�,.�n1oc b"-... •ui: cbvi<kd uno 1v.u catc80raci:''Th� ni�J rule, for onun1cuuúo11
pnnciplei cithcr d1rru c,•cry aipc:ct of bcaury �nd ornaimcnt d1ro ugJ1oul tht' ro r},e Jlffcmu e,�
llcfcm: 1<º"'11 h110 thc dcuds o( ,he rul« ,pphabl<
bu1ld1rlg or ,date md1,·1du;a.Jly to 11:$ v.1 nou, p:arl\. Thc formcr .¡re den ved írom
g<mc1 oí orn;uncm .u thcy :appc-;,r
· he! p.uncul,r cddk« p�n111111ed
JO t by.,,,,.
pllilowphy.1:nd 11ft' tonccrnt!d wuh Nr:tbl1d1ing thc- Jircu,on ;and lim1t1 Ul thi,
mod111u, in book 6, Albcrd lrc.lU thr �eocml rulr1 th:at i1�
va.lid (or orn..u11cn1
ut (t.lf cdtúe2uon): thc llm:r come fn:,111 thc c:xrcru:nc:e of whi,h o;v(' ,pokc. hot Tim makn n p<r-1 1 blc to ('n,mp.arc
lnJepc:ndC"ndy of any roncrC"tc fP�' --ifi1(.1uo11
.uc honc::d. M to -.�:.k, to thc rule oí phllo,Qphy .md plo1 rbe ,;0011c of thir ook J). cnunw tcJ hc-íore chc:y .are put
thc111 w1 h thc rule-• (or ,omtn ,cuou (b
i&tc.""''' AllX'ru wnounCti rh:u he w1II bcgm w1th rbe more tt'chmc..J mies o( 1hc 5 Slncc bc,uty c,n
ro wor--k m ilu ''J rmmu tl 1c 1pcc1úc proNem• of book, 4 ,nd
accond �tcgory. whilc e.he othc.n ( .. quact ,ml11t.-n11m ,.,-,,, p,(/,rndmif')IOO wUI \.Cl'Ve , Jwnln mo, 10l1otdt10). u( 1ht: h,md (a:tt•
,�,uh fmm 2,uv,oa of thc nund {,fr,110
,n af� cpilORUC. be obumcd b)
,n,to. iúfimo, ,.tpvlit,'o). •md of n-;ature itieJf. die gcncr.i J n1J� wdl

tr.:.«nown.g � �n:nt 'lmd, l'f �m,nn "11h thc \L-C opcnnom 1>t che ,nU be rh< txdus,\T 1\luc unnl w =•=• olrh< ¡,� Nin. Fuulh.
1hc- ruin of dm naOR.11 bc.UI\: ., . h,ct, •M""" '"' th.- 6N QmC' c"'1\ LD lh< -«·
lll0m OI Concrp;,oo.
Hui en rh, ln'CI ofbnut,:; UI< Lma ¡;u,ttn<J m • n"" "'luJ,�nwn. ""J rui or ch>ptn 1� dtdic.r..d to or,mnp. "111 .,,....,, b< romm­
Thc ñn.t anJ tttonJ ,,ptt.J.oon,, frr.AttJ wnh u111,hkr.1hlr .mrnO(lll h.l Jrt.u.J ,md l;rcJ tn thc ,ubJUlll:O\C ..,J thc lffl!'<DD\<. unhl.c 1h, rrr. <Jiu� Nin." ln,h
1hr pr�tm m,tJC1D\Y Thl, hn� t(.uur,
.u ftl"C11 lcn�h m che rin.c J'Jr1011hr fx rr .W1f..J,�•o.J . .ttt r10, \Trv ¡,mdu,u,� .are ,:.--.:rln:,uc,1 .md cnunt:1,urJ m
m,· J,c,<.won h' ,uthumr chan uu,kr 1hr "- ,, "� '"' 1, J,'\:,,tJA.· .1nthtth. \
hcn:� kxi!it) and .vrJ cxfn hm1ttd rowtitlme"\ h,r aa,: hro.. 1mcn.'C'nnon At. íor Ju,ufi"
""l""'" .1 �,1cn-. ,-.i
Ctlmp,lm!JOD. "bo,c pm,l,¡:,-J wm, wr �-.-J ,n lh, ..-.conJ p,n ot ti,.- cn:.a­ \\ uhou1 nnun.,J JU•U11unon, \\1lh{\ut J,'lo\,,\..•·in. Alt'C'n1
'"' t,,.,l('-l ,,.. �u
ruc-. ;t OO\v (l('(Up1C"\ 1 tmpc p,ara¡;uph.1Cl Th" bh-vtr. ,cnm ,u.rrrmntc :u ttm J.ruhmt'nc.;al r"'P'-'lfU,>I\\ In t.tcc. .uh< huf"N'h \,I'¡ ..., ch< t"I J
t ,,,, hb �•m.H k '"''dw-n. tf\,m Anu'-1'°' ' p\lf tronl th'"
�c. hut l\ nunctbcfm c-,plh:.ahk f,or u �JUf\' "''"'C'\ m pan 11\-,m thc J'C-'rf«'l �,rn."'cJ thr ,
m,,,,umrnb. rumf'\t en
.hhpunon (lit cht" C'dttice lú ll\ ¡,urf'IO'C\, thcn ,,)1n¡,.1rrnum, whJch lud }'l't't"l1otlr (,1,1\,.1.), conu•sah!c) \\THlflg\ ul n, .nulwn, hui tr\'Hn 1h
wlm11 "tll pÜ\ ,1 1t)' rt.,,lt'
ou1, whi,h he l1R"1 C"-\h tutht'\I ,1,nJ 11u•;a,u1n, ,md
th.11 J, lh hlfü h\ln on che- ln'\"l 1,l{ ,vnuuodaf\•. un h.uJh· }."t'nrntt nt", rufos .u
ui� ,,t l "-'L.., tht" 11n,nh·1 11 ,\htn thf' nsln • ,,.u,ruuu¡:- �n11u.
thu pomc In t.lct, n-en t}�)ugh tJ1c- v.t,,IU ,1,.'" ta.ttmtt.u �k,n oot arrc-,n m thr \("(- lrvm ehc- N"Nmn '-1
011d f\111 ,c,,I rhf. l)r ,r ,,rdifi._uvw. 11 11. rrrxt\.C'h. M ;a,:o, .,,J ot 1h 1t. linJ �Oltl'll� thc Lu nlihc. t't.,.alrr.,,.J\ lHhltntC"\t I"\ u>1ru1hhi10 •o
ltt I uufornur\- ""h thr �•k·r Jt n��h 1it cht /),-"' «JiJi.'IU.'fM. thl" uc\f._·,
�.tl\ ot the C'\�K<" "hh:h t'\ JnewkW oicom,unmvn b\ tht ·o'JP'IH.. , (,lt\.ill.u")· 'f iil<lu"lu¡.:h th(· ,.al"t'''no ,11
ot tb.c .l.'<h>111 ot thC' l,u1IJm¡.: �' 4 l'IIC\J)' 01 topa,, ,hl,1t1h··d "th.u ,,1 l1th,k, .t ,n,I \ 1 hMC'\C
1 1Jdn.i. ll) llh· Ullh' (\Jt. fnl 11111,111
0n ch� 01hr, tu..11d. d1t- m11.1111tnuuo11 uf ,1i,;all,, n'Hih. u, UJM:tllllt,;.'o , ,111, for fd1hn"\ W "hH h lht i,1r,1IU'lh llllC', ·'i"Ph .au· 1
.a num�r ot ruin , omcrmng. i\)r <'""óMl'lplt. fn't'Ofh·ut,IOt •n.J t oJumm I hr evi 11\1" 111111.(_ mm,,. .-11,I rh,· t\JUll 'ln 1 lh\\1.·o ,htln I hit l•
,r, ul.1 r pu"11, ). rhru ,d.1
h.•t ,,1111nu1'h1, ,fo uot •II 1 .ill "''
umn. \\hk:h •0 t.n h.L, l'IC"t'u l"mtugnj .u J "u�hr t'C-uu1lt rl c-mrul (,tu..,)," tKl\\ �-, ,.U'-l'", ,,11 thr ,m� h,unl, lh• C"ttilu,1o hmll
1htuhlJ1U 1, t1nh 1t\ .-1 d,t,1.
prnentc-,1 il\ d,r """" \l.,utÍc..JUC orn.UrW".ni: .. ,,. ,�,.,,., «J,ft. t1t<Jn.l J'ftfff,rt11,,., i<rtr , .ru,mirutJCIOII (Al1'.,11\ 11r�J(I\I' ,r\lh tth 11\0 1

\ '1iJ1'1nllllnt lrf º''"'""" t11 ,, IUltn ,, ,,1 1h, ,t,'\. ,u H11 tr"rh,h, ,1, 111 u,,l thr ut th
7 fe rt11l,<IJnhn trut,ru .1,h. rulil1\ klUll'\'1, ,md, 1¡11 ,h, otha h.tlhl ih
1lrn1M \\-llh tl1111 lum lii.1111 in
cnmmtmnr.u..1w 11111nw.ucnc\, .ami tn,plm·, 1111 ni _. llllllllHulll 1111111,.., ul t·,hh, r, hd1111rm�
íhr \t't ol r-ulr, Jn lkMlL. 7 , .1U, for 1hf\•� t u11ur1r11u whu h Jh,i. .tpf•lv 10 11114·i -.. Arn1t1 111t�
tht" tu, l.ln,1 1 l11f 1h1
cht- �U�'fll<"fll IJCH)l,. f tnt ot .aJl.t.., fnm1 Jt·.alt11K o lumdv 'Ailh eh" :,u,ih,r\= 1 lw tlu 0111,,.t.,JI I ll\, "lrn li 1n ,MI\ 1 .t\f! 1,111m
tttJucy ot •>r 11.m1r 111, rht) ,be, �1 11-'IJ)' w,th llll"' uitttr,u. l)r_.111) 1,t r\t iti,n, ,,111 t thm 111, 1tl,111 dh, 1 1t rnH 111 _.
,ohl pul 111 th ,u..uu, u 0,, lm•»'"' n,.Lc,I

1 lu, ·.uwmJly• "Hh rr,,..,.1 t to h1 .11 mott1Kl"1I 11111 nu,1111 1, 111" ,,..uh uf ,\ll, ,u, 11ft 1 ''°'tf m,I t •th,1 l1rh ,,.,.hi t, u, 111mlHh •" 11� •-'
,11, ,,1 ,lul�. m,t 111 ,,11 1 1
111 ,,11 1h, ,111,11 11f ,,hlh" w,I
lltl"tl, 111¡1 ¡ llw ,.11111,- fil ,1 h, ,11 t11,1 11 1
,¡111111 1lh
.ilmrur uh1c"1.1l\tl' ..¡1plu ,ltHltl ol hh 1111111 1plr of ... 0111111,y, whh h , ornr- 111 cl ir.
1111, 11 1 .... p• 11l,t, N, _, 1111111 1 ""\ '' 11M11
r11J co J<rllrf.Ht" wlta, W(' 111l1d1t , .all , ,,,.r,,,,,.., •t·\tl 11111 1 ,u 0111 ch1ttt,1 v..-lu11 111111h11 ""'·'" whh ti �111011,1 ltt .n 1 11 1 1
w11 .u11I 1 1111111 I 1
1 1 , , 111111) 1,r 1 h1 1,l11, ,11 ,m,1
f''\'t hr,m, Afht •u tufn ;,ur thr u..- uf 0,11 .. wu111 m,f r·f ,l111t,ur- ll•t ,,r l'"u • u, t1111i 1111 �lu,h , 111 111, 1 ,11"', 1 1 1
M 111• llll' t uf ti,,, H) t m Altw itl
J111e1 du,1 thouM l,c :;\1111kJ 011 du 01 hr-t h.a,..1. th, rn•ti•m h-f t. , ,� ,.,,.,, l,;1.b t l,si ,.,1,¡,t,th,u •1f tlu 1 -lm f, ••••• I .i111111,11l
1 .. t, ,n11- 9 1,, • 11•14" +I .,., 1'1 tt-'hh 111• 111 1
Alhc·rfi h, ¡e1w f uo,uy 111 �'l'J.n� liaury. "fu, h h 111li�,..-u1 111 f-Crlu 1 ,.,l tf uuuh 11 111 tul, 111 111 h 111 11 1y11 111111,,,l,,an
, 1''111
f im '""'IHf, whu h ,._,t" '•"' if,o • Jtl tt,/,,,.,,._.
nr ",,,.,,,, 1,, w1y. \\-111 , ,•• ttf')' 111 1lu· lll•tltllul, fllt 11h11 ¡ 11 11 11)111 lllll
1 ••lilOII l•I lfn Í'il 1 1 ,tu, it.

whor- uf All1r-ul', Jf'\ll1t:lh t .... ,.� 4•1111l\'.1l 1 11t .,. 1h 11 ,it l, llt, l 1t·.ouy,
h ,¡11,.1 nrliillulil 11, 111y ,u, ¡111 h 111�, 1,,1 w1pl1 1,, 11 HIAll• I ,1d , l,11olll ll'11

.. .,
l ,-... ,,, l't4u ¡ illt � 11 f¡ 111 ""h¡, h ,1, nuwh , ,IJH.-,-111
J1 ,rliru, 111,llr ,111 1l1r
1111 ti 1111 1� 1h .111,111 .1,,l 111'10• 1.-uun ul
utl•rn ht11111011,. ,111 •lit •Jih,·, h .11ttl
11¡, u �\\Ut11lmu11 Cu !Uh" molhrr I h, l\\;,
J1 )11tl 1<" HJIIIUlh 1111" f'\l,A t'tl m
u¡111J 1n1m .1!1111,< th1 l1m"I .,¡ 1h, 111mp1
1hrnl h,·t\\n'tl llh.· 1 h) 11t tl11• 1yr,111r
111d 11u1 t•I thr ).;1>1i.l ptmu IU l•ool. l
A, l,11 1hr •l Lhrih ruin ut thr 1.11n, 11IJ1
1 t lf), 1hr 111t1\l llllf�UL1ttt ••� tll ,,�
11t �,, •l',l ¡,ulolt, t,t,1,,n v.fu, 1, uc,
u¡iy n1o1\I ,11 l11J11I.,. 7. ll111 1hc1t 1111t11t·111
JI 11111 ,ur•1·ruu11"11"'-·•J '-'º th.u nf 1,n\-,L
', All-x:10 11110 1101 mc-1111,10 h·lhlu
l, ;1111t
l1111p1hl,. ( lculy. u "1l1'11.I 1H.1C l,l.
11pphlJHwk to u1¡,. 1frn1f"t11 thcK· C'llUU"n
ilO\ hc-Juf) n1hC"t 1lu11111.u wh1,1
t u u!llft-utif un 1'1\'ltl wli�n thf'
tulc, ot�
mo;. bf\ �.rt' í•l'lt('t\'t\al 011 thC' othf1
lunJ.m ,1llw"1'"jtl\C.' ot ho1h d.t\Slt.d
.anJ lhc rrh�tolh rtf'c\(lUr,muu, ni
1111 0\\/n 11m,,i\lhrru lJ\l:'lllh
JllUth fUHf' bft
, 11v w.iU, (,,ltkh eh(' An, li."m\ bd11"\:
(J fo h< 1.1c.rN). b:i,1ht..o,tom111c
niouu1utm,. ,4uJ ,IM"J\ e ill. rh<" , 11101o11:t,,:­
InU\ h r, alw.a,, ,l�1t,.T11..1tcJ J, trm¡,L,. 1111
A ,utiJN.I JrM.·u1.vJ napaJlv 1n .1
ÍC'\\ r.lH� ni bo,,\. lc S now n.1mt, 10 dnm­
uurc 1hut1:�n whulc chA¡,rm .Hllt
pltt of du"e n1h t-t'\. íhC' imh.aJ.u,cr
thC' 11umba ol p�go dn'Oft'I.I cu 1.h
urdan inJ rho� -Allu«W to odatt
nf Nhficc,. "JH\:ufitd by thc Jmhtt c,11"'80rio
,•1.ury 1.,f 1hc tcrm trmplum; bm m
l.1ct, 11 .U;,o re..
w-,,;i.k lhr tnt1UC1li:t"--nowhc1t mt1rr �
ne u1 Alht-m\ \\'Otk-u(Virrm
,,,,h . ,rttnfr<1, \lthich ctT« 1m' l">,
ti,'t:ly prion1& lh C'I(' l'CL.iic
t•.Ai1C"r mneiu,.c tJ1dr on..
gin> .md nng¡nµ 1h,1r r,, Albttt:a
. OJ'li(H.lnd'l d� mies for hetghtcn
Íi."4.-"ll m.tmfhti."J 1,· dttfclYnt kind.l mg thct e(..
oJ rhu-rt"hnon thc 10ul1 oÍ�it hfüJ.111
.aK,un. t.hc ". XP')Uhor, fi)IJ� C..1ncc
tht- crrJcr oítho )LX opcr-..uom
n(concc-puc,m. Aod,
u in t.he ptt'1,"cdins hck:,l, 1hc n.lrur:a
l l�lhcdc nuint.un\ in rx,,mcm11'
úcr oíthc dog,ruuc ,¡C\,htac,. wh,ch in thc:
dOC1 not btg¡.n 1-0 1mf"{,Kc ,ti
unqJ lltc '"""'' luU oi t.lupccr 5
--,11, "'I'«< ,., the col,urur. Only
thon, m <h,¡,­
trn S to 12, don AJbcro llt'Jt Ch(' ruJa
cor1tcrrung lhc Ordth.. A1 wrth
tbmg he b'at'I, írom wA!l,, opcnu\� l.ñd
mofiug tq thc: ebbor:a uon of
tc-nwooJOfO• "luch would (')Ubln), d>t-
1.andnu,k,s o( .urh lt«tunJ tbtory.A
rnt>Jutdy ->dopu thr nruudt- o/ thc mt� lben,
Jt. fun.h<'nnort', rht m.c-.�
ltt noc cxclU$1vc-Jy fOTmu4tro on thc mod,d, bm
m: IOrtli."Dma ..J:io gn"t':n m th�
� ttt-ti.mpJC' obtien"ltlom tn Ulc prnnn k'mt,
o,. more oftcn. rn tbc- tmper(«-1
\ 11\l"I l1'. (1&11 Tllf º" ., AUHltf"',n�u,1 i\llU,ll. º' Or,1a.r """ ÍIM(

1t h tltt')\c 1.U th,"'<' 0!"},,1111� ruk, thJt 1Uu,trJtt th\" .aothttK \.,f pnv,. tc \On­ b u 1ld1 11g"' • bod)• oln->dy mrtodu«d m book 6:'"a huddmg is v,ry hk, ,n •111•
,ttu1,.nt\11, rt'pl't",l"IUc.,I l 1) tht" ... ,,.,,,m" 1,,r ,uburb.111 h tJUK' $\) de.u H> .iuthor rtlJI (t#t t'tluú 1111/,rwl �,/ljirlmN).'' 131 In othrr \1.0
' n:fs, ÍrJ OOuty h:u thc ,-:;ame- ni­
ch.11 11 w,l\ .._. topic p.-i-.'>Cd owr in p rcviotu h1,.)ol,, 111J �,·cd unuJ 110\\'"1.2.., $0 turc �s of tbc amnul.To undcnund .ind produce it onc- 1mm urut.uc- namn:.
th.u tt n.mlJ t'IC" l''l"'\''ntcd u\ lchurrly dct.ail 1 ht éh .1nn .,,. f t hc- :suburb Jo hot.Uc:, hu own aegis.1.lZ and in thc prt�c ind.1c2uvt.Albcrt1 th<"n bcguu J tt..
t�'tofü•J U1 ,\nnquuy 1:--\ l'crtnc:e .mJ M t!t'rt\' l"'o ftum t.hc \\'JV i n whk h u ,, nW'k.1blc tis. The work:s oí n;m1re, he Ja)'J, cxhibit gre-.:u ae\thcur dlverSit)•.
1 me�r.uc1,.i m1t., us nn , unl sum..,u111.hnf!", .m,1 th t" 111c:Jm. b) \vlut.h u c.tpmre.� n�ury 1s prcc1sdy the co1nmoo d-enornm.ator wh,rh, wheu "� St"e Lhrec: lk-au­
hght . 1 :� thc t':.xtt'.'nt lt1d gcncnxuy .,,f,h grnund tloo,1.25 r.ubc-r ch.tu tl), hc.1gh1, uful w omen uf d.ifftttnt types, one of whom wc pn:fcr ovrr thc mhcr rwo., sull
lntl .1b0\-'\" iU, che opcnnt">\ of' 1l\ pbn, tb , wlud 1 bnnf{'S the ��t p1r4.Su� by l�.a.ds u, tu ftd ccmm thilt ind<"Jk'Odendy ofour pe rso1uJ opinion, t":tch ooc is
\'lfNt:' nt wh.:u AJbcru :i.lrc;ady de!(a·1bi.-s .u ,1,11 '".1.l'\.: h1tcctunl pmmenJdt."12' equ:ally wdowcd w1th br.1.ury. How,.tbt"n,_c:m ,.,_-c. defint' M"J.uty? E,-idcntly i1 i� J
Tln. ,-,!1,.mun ofor¡¡..n,c hc-1u')' n.itur;ally l>rm¡;'I u1 b.1ck ro tli c plulo­ 1111tter of our judt)JllCot, {\O\Trncd by ··¡ re1.10mng farulty that u ,nborn in thr
.soph.t� problrm nfbt-.1ury m .. wrum� r11klmtud11tiJ. º"liJmn,tonm1q11c,1.,11t:u• mind (animis innata q1111ed11111 ratio) "U.l Thc dund:uion ofthe ftincnoumg ofthu .
n,,."llJI wb1c-h h.u becn pl"Oilft'ss1vc1y tiling Jupc tn .:�y,,tt 1n ,malyses .ind y i.s 2 tia,k r.h uAlbnti n:fu$CS to und�rmk.e. Thu tl by no
�t�povu C'miími sr11s11s")
tcduucal prncnpuons.. Out 1h1i "e..\.trcmdy chfficuh mqu11)� .1211 put offunul the mC"ans surpnsmg . Avoiding thc .sones oí Neopbtonhm. he ha\ 111 df«t
rmdillc oibook 9, \\111 noncthdC"SS be t."Í b�"lty.AJb.cru fits 1t mto thc the s:arn<" rc-tnu 1s would túnt thret crnrurÍc:$ !_Jtt.t. Not
lated tbc pmblcm in
, uf thrcc ch1pter. (S. b, ;ind 7). \\·he� ll forra.\ a "º" <lÍ c:11cl.-,,\� be1wc<n �11d�g (or .1blc) to coniidc-r e.he qu�on ofbcaury intcrn-:tlly.
th.n is. m tttms �f
j pb m 2.J_)prehend Jt
tbc lcngc.hv cbbor:aoon o fthc ;1,csthetu· ofprivare cdtfic-� anJ thc four tcrmmal the mental strur-ru�i· chc produang sub ect,AlMrci :ittc-rn
cluprcn� wh.11.:h .n 'VC' wJ.I �ce, c,.xc-red ,h t l�I oíbc-,1,t1cy and consucutc:. sup­ � tht cxu:rioT, accordmg. to cutc� belongmg t�c produ� oll c<t.
plcment to tl1c progr:am Q( Ulc- t\\-O prologues. a ncg3ove ippr<>:1d 11 iccorJn ,g co
He dtsCO\'Crcd tb� c-r-i tcrs� tbruugh
From thc \U.rt, thc readtr 11 �tn1ck by tbc üngt.1lan ry oí the thrcr cr.ntr:11 th:it w hich if di1nm.m :d or �ltred nt- g..nci thc be:aULy
whtcb h C' scek$ to identify
( lr: ht"Ol w1t_h 1
.1nd crucial dupccrs oíbook ?.Th ry oí C' complc:<.ity, }'t't tt")Ufy of n. beluoful obJect. Thl'Cc tlW!('1 Albcrti do<" not des-, � �
to .;a d.isconcrmng h.a..\tc ,,•luch i} mamfr:nc-J m .1brupt s�ufc::s.1311 And.. oddly essent1¡a l: 1..h e- numbc r (tm111tm s) ot d�unct .1nd lill'1-
g-cucric tcrm) rurn out to bt
mough, JOO\T .ali thcy""' co11onu,aJJy J"-.<06cd ""th >ppc>I,, ,o the ,udiomy of of thc obJcC't, d1Clr proporc ion (finitiD ). Jnd thc amr� (r�líK11t10)
i b.r p.1rl:!i
o nc :anotht'r, Fn,111 thc conJun c�
the Aocu:ms. No doubt wt should vie\\ Uldr :monuli cs ,u .a ctmseque.ncc 0( oftbc obj ec-t mdfand ofilS f>Jrt" m reb.tio11 to
Uk dúlittilbesA[bcn,', ,ml,,oou, undcruluug ci,ntd h,m. For herc, 111 the h<>n ;md ,otlOlcW O u ctcnved ron,lrm 1tat, thc �.u rundan1t•nu
tion of ,mmtrus,fimiio ,
_ofbook 9,. he fonnubtn a lheory ofbciuty w h1c:h no longcr dtm cxd�i,veJy uon.s.. Wc s« thu thnt -.,� the
.lnd :ibsohm:- law oín:uurr ,md óflnrm:m produc
wuh .ardmccturc. h sc-cnu as d1ough he: w;mL1 to rcsot..-e the dtfficuln� ;ind in­ r:1hlc: 10 chosc of con.ccp uon, but c.hcy -;in: dc-
�ula ofthttc Q�Taaom com�
comp;mb1bues ÍOreihadowt"d m book 6 .md undcrlyu1g thc books th;it follow UC':cu e:<p I ICIti y '
líOnl tl1•
" obsttv
• lhOI• or nlltul'\". 1 wiU ttfor lO thc111 henccfonh
d _J
,e thc rc-5pcctwc mi� of .trut.mct .1nd �;rson in th,: protlu,uon ofhe.1ucy, tb.c. re. a� lhc thret" opcrnion'\ of tht axiom <NJti,miws.
Llbunt betwcco n.1tur.d ;md lx-:auty. and thc rd.ilnon ofru..�n to th( rra­ Alhcrti d t" votn: rh c:- ,ccon d put oí ltis pre,em;auo1 1 co thc drJimuon oí
chtion du.t gu,·crn, die dogm2tJc JiC'Sthetic. • • • l Uutcild- oí proc<'cdmft m thc pre-
thc-.c c>¡>cr.1tu>n., �nd thc 1r 1mp 11c.,1,t1om. nu •
At the bt.g1ruun¡t oí hu trQtmC'tat,A1b1.·rti .idopo-, ÍI to e.he p('lllt he .imnu l.uc:s i11 thc ,ele!v,ant lníorm,11ou to :i. n..1T-
�tm ln,hc-.auve. at tlus d
AncítnL, ("prrítíssm,iJ 1,wmm1'' }-ihe :J.eithc11c corolb ry of thc :axiotu oí che
nm•t in tbr J:>C"rfL-c::t tt:n1'c. wI,ere t I.,e prog.y; runb" art" th Anocnt"\Coufrontt"d

TtH Dt ltL AtOlf.lCA(OAIA. AJ.llkTI, o� Pn1kl! ,\t,;J)

"nh rh<" dÍ\l.'.'Nt\' ot thc works of 1uturr. th()• a·,msposcd f'1r\uuw!mmi) us bws ro Jtrrorf confinnaaon of Albcro's dogmaac aestheoc. whkb is. as we have seen.
thc: ,• .url� C1( ml·n .mJ W"<0\1trcd m r,uocubr dut a.iifice\. �cconi.inA to tht-,r pro­ ,h,t of ,he anden< order,,
f:/i,u- r111(i,h1 ) should conform 10 th.rcc gr"ar onumenctl i4,'t.1m f'fi. imas 1t only rcmanu for Albero <0 deal w1th roll«•tío. He disclmges thas !>$k
Jt.Ju rxonu,1il,trj;u• thcsc:" hl.vr bccn c.JlJN.i Doric. fonic•.md Corinthian. ;md r,pidly, in a p=gc tlut is no, wi,hout ;unbiguit)•: rolle<•rio goe< bq'Ond r.itio­
lr< p-m.cmtd u1 purdy qua.ltunvc tcnns Thc senen1 rules of tht :tKh.necrunJ ñ3.lit)'. coming to rcly on inruirion ("e.o rnagu srtltimr.,,qua,n mtdl�tur ptr 1,l1141
,lht1u:a,· ,hould rcsuh tro111 thc mtt'r(ms.,1ng of thrtt tigu rrt wnh th t: op,­ :and at lhc samt time 1t . w;o h.u much m common with tbe rules for out1ines
cr;mum of úll1t111111ta,. Bm Albero doe, not .ldhcrt: to d1c- log1c of lus pn.:ntJSt"S. (Jinirfo)."1◄2 Allx:rri ,hcn ,brupdy cn<b both h,s 'philo,ophinl' inquíry 11110
fn1 <me chmg, he p;i)" .lUcnaon tQ thc ''fi.�1ms aNiJ a·11m.tttJ1Jt," cxcept ,U bc>uty and chapt<r 7.'"-'
the l;m momcnt, :U'ld in t,\ttt'mu. Jl tbC' beglnmng of cluptcr 7. Futthtm1ore, he But thil d= nor mc>n llm he w:ill arry out the progr.un mnounced m
pnv1lc:b�fimttti.•Js the dn.,ruwon of wbkh 11; tikcn up a.t thc cnd of chapter 5 ,he two prologu�- R;uher, debbentely ab,ndomng thc cloS<'d ,nlm of bcau1:y
,md erk;ls m thc- nuddle of clurtt'f 7, at che c:<penst' of ,i.ummu .md n,IJ1h·.i.tio. which book. 10 ,v.,¡ ro h»..- ddine>tcd.Alb,ni sum, up. or more p«rucly. m•­
Th1,fimno nun.úcstt. m cíft.ct. thc �grul ,d,• omuge oi pcnniuing numcr• pimLm:s in rhc form <>Í � }<1 of ne¡.,w,.,. prcsmptions wh•t his b<cn ac<om­
1ul c.,;-pf'nSll,n.iv, Thc Anc1c11rs, Albcrta edil u,, d1SCo•"'r«I ,hu u ob pfühcd thus far in the D, ,r ,,,Jifi,ar,na He enuncmcs <h< pttC"V<> for .-,:,idmg
cys th rcc
lm(b of rula in .ucbutcture. Rules of thc firsc. krnd itt induccd from the ob­ dtose crrors for wh.ich thc :arch1t�ct mlm iJSunte re<p<>nsibtliry.Thw. wJuc IS m­
kn-:iaon oíiunu't',.lJl uf wh� donum, whcthtr 1t cn�cs Vl$lon or hcarwS,i ¡5 \'Olwd h�rc 1t nenher corrt\"ltOJt\ nor rcpl.Orion (which .ttt fo�cn ;md cttuc-d
govemed by .l srnglc: set oí Thb u why thc rulrs c.m be borrowed from in book 10) but rnth« p,r,�,111011.And among ,he P""'"m'" rule, du, ck,l ";th
l11U\.1e,al tht!'Or)' Thc pmportlOru- of �rrmgs wh
1 ch gwc me 10 the dJfTtrcut kind,­ uie thn.-c 1,, .,1, of roúiocion-:md not cxclusívdy th,r ofplwun: ,ntl b«,ut)­
oí chorJ.i m mu«c .11t dircctly tr..rupoS1bJe to cd,f ü·C'\. u1 Thc kcood pronu1lt"m.�e wúl be g1,'Tn to thc n�n,-c 2�th('O(', thc dcnunn:,mon ui super•
oot mh<"ttnt m "hlrn1on1c,, �ud bc,di� (non 111,1.11.1 .i,moniil �, (l)rpanb Ouou� om,unem1tion, .:ind thc.- :ippliot1c,n of ,he pr.map1<' of <"C011omr Fuullv,
J4$}," but
"nuy be dcrl\'td from 01her ,ourcl"s (almt1d;)."I\X Albera dO<"S uoc S. Albt ..m 11\SlS� (U\ two othtr facturs. t he.- on<" Nud, th(' nmc n«esSll' for th..­
J>ttify ihese ('I\

'othc.r so,�rtel". bu, 1t can be ;wmncJ tb.;u ht' mC".1n, thc mlnd, mJttirlOOll ofproJcCC$.. 14• wh u.--h onc must ,-,v,d dC'\"('loput¡t «.>u quidd\ ,u thr
of .J (Ct 01 .amhmt't1c¡J, gcomctn,:, ,md I nus1al rulN wh.tch 1,."-,¡U �>:pcU'k" of prebmmJt)' c.,-pcnmrnW ,,,,:rk with m<�trlt; on thr ot.h.ct lund,con ..
be .nibrumcd
muJcr thc 1er�11 OlC'.IJI'. or ntcduton,1"" which llkc d\C' fint kind ,uh:mon JI <'Jrh strp of th<' rrocru 4;1f C'thlk.».ta,"\fl wnh 'utrcrloc\1tóf'\ whoqo �J­
� iappliuble hl
c,hfirnnon, F1nJlly, tllum·;m:d by lb lJ'pl1tJ1iou to thc column ..,,,d ,'trt.:- ; :md jml¡tm<'nt pt'rn,u thc" ,u'dutccr to �"U1d C'l't\ll
,u intf'rrro�
mg ,\fl(h thc thrce 6w1tt1 (1hc- onlcn) • th·cn- 1, ,1 th,_. '" J,yb r1 d 1y1,c w ho�� ru1t."� 1hu�. de"\¡\UC" .irr,r,u-.uirf'1.. thc rrt"\Tt'IU\!C' tul� c·1fhoal � ;u-'f' nt\f .l;�mJ..
Jimult;anr:ou\l)' n�m fn..llll chre, �uurx�, Fmt, rhtrc ,, che .,blr Cü tht"
nh$crv.a«on oi 11,1 .. (:()l'Te('(l\'C' r�·tpl) of bouk 10, \\·h1d1 \;)Ut-"t'fl\ �s,�m� t"\.htir�
turr, Jttd m rnucul.n uí che proporc1om oí thl' hunrnu hody
rt(crrtd 10 b)· ltnol'J, l.� thc- fonur1· r4•rum m ., rh,b� l'{H)r co rt'ihun,,o. tht;i h.l,T l'(tt..tlt\Y
Alhctu for rhr fir,1 Lime ht'l'C' JU c..h,,an,-tt"r ? ni,1 ,k" mc.u-m
c.·mcm-.; uim out ,•,alut' ,utd .in ,uuhtunc l,."tOtr.1twr fom.:n,,n. ñ,r l'\'.t.�'Ut,thl'"\' ttttn1i,ta11' �
m he. mcommcn,ur.iblt W1th riu, ln11;uc �cm.: of IJC:a rv 1•n•r1
tN ted, ou che 011c IU1nd hy thc ;1p
"-r u:y n1thl L_P<' ror.. 1,m)l u, thr l 'IT't<"\\ of r,h1k.1twu, n)t\�H\thJt)t u, lf\tl" f1-'''',,t-"\ll". "hh·h "ilM
f,fü\mon ol ,11,11/1rmJli',,it rul..- ,, ,utd Ull chci th.H of tht- f)t ,r iu,l1/i.\t""•11.t
1�rlm by oh11crv-Jtmn ot 1hc wmld 01 bu1lt cddlL·N ,
1 hh: ,d111,,h1,l1 n� dunrl\lo.lf\t\ ,,r�,-.. Q nwut,'-\l\ 1t\rll 111 l'"'ffl•\tbt u, tht
, ... 1,,ti1 ijIw,i)'\ d coi.un1, wr ..
1fic,uu,11 ,, nn1 coi'""'º""· n,i, lut lcm(I oí rulr ,J,u
'• 111 ;l K'll\C, J)l'OYI d,;'1 ;f ¡1í1f-
J'-'ftt'\ du1 mw1lt h,c th(' urn umt m thc, 0.- ,r .J�MNM th.f' ¡,n'll--tc,m tw
,H 'I' 11 a l ''C'I

P·"' "' '"' .,...�n•" ,,rhi< wk •J1J hl, r<$l"'O\Jh1Lac:,. but •b..wt .ill 10 r.h, fort·<
1nJ .KUIUC:ll Qt hn 1mclJ«1 14 -. Tbt 1, 1n1,.al on thr \<'ene ol c.hf blllkkr tn iU ht\
gJ,,r, («hO<"d 1n th< ,an.....,"· o( th< bool). 1h, ti�-urc "" ¡11,m� bn,lh· Jur­
,n� thc 11rst C'Uk))l)• u., .u-rh.uetrurc. 1hould mJ(cJ he- .u thr conc.h.L'\1on• .ind
thr ,,:m,rnnc. if 1101 tht íonn.d. cll"urt of thC' IÑ ff�,,., lt ,� Jl)O rht füu.l
�·("ur ,,t thc tff'.lO'lo(". thc � c-o untn'J',l,ft oí dM' liN i<ffle, whtn- �fhttn
"l"''m<h hl'I P"rJ'O"C
(.)11,:e thc umtlrss rulri ot h1'• ;lCtl\1[) hJ\� unfutdcJ. tmm bool I to
,h, nudJI, oi" b(,"l �- rod 1111m,Ji.1d, follm,n¡: J brrrf n-c,p1ruL10on, thr
lKhlt«l cm Jt u� be incrodu\°tJ '" tht ,-oumtrp.¡.n.. lh(" othcr, .anJ ch<' tnith
of tht I who prf'1.tntt 1hr prok�C'- .�lbc-rn·\ tnJ«rorv C"nJ\ \\11h che rn­
umplul ltr o( tht' hcru� rhu clmJ ptnon Ju,ufin �nd .au,hcnn,�.ue, thc lir\t
lh.ic booL t) o thC" aur ,onduuon ,..¡ thC' Dt tt «Ji.,UA.vw l'\ c\lnlUmcJ
by .an .an.Jl)"Sla) ofbooL. tu. To fx �utt-. thC' bttc-r on be 11\llll(\\ lut ma.s!cJJin�
h m,•Jt\ thr rwu iuh;rccs J.mMun,cd m tht pml�ur: thC' COrrt"C'non 01 t'm11'\
1nd th t' ttp.ur CH� >U\lltnN by tdt.ti(t"\ For m th1\ lin�I �L. WU('
t.·ommun to untotJ Ho"�""''· \\ httha u " tM "' th<' r.l.'qn� (<'""-'n�
.inJ o,uurJ.I\"'\n� nr th.JC of huuun tx,n� 1t no" OJ-'l<· nq:J.n\Y1).
by corn),1ou ;ami d�•,troccion ""' Thus, thr <J'"'ude ot thr rumcd cQnchuon
of Jm1rnt rd 1 fi <'l''\ l Al�ru une� .apm finto un,h.artC'd r,nb:s, Ht dc-­
noun," thf'� uUkd b\, nun. ;ind <'(rrt"""' mdq,."'1\Jo<"n ,,hm he�
··,\1th v,h,¡t oc�hitC'OíC". orto put u more \ruJd). � "h.21 inrh,.'C' th�· ,alf,1"
thc- nnn ur th111� th:it bcc.�Jutc- t'lf thcu t:,tt,u nob,luy thC' �rb.ln.u\.S. thr r.\}:­
mg tnrm, h.J.'-Y \}'.lrt'\L ur tho� \\ h b:h ,ill...,_·._u,qumnt;. JJJ.ruuuntt tun.t' nut,":ht
t.a1.1h h.a,T .ifümrJ h'HU.nd 1t\r t"\"C't ... 1� from duJ. � d:r.a"' �rn.ul.aNr ""'º..
du1,,101h f1nt of .111. rn S-mt:t k«-J'ID(t w,th hn rnnct.Ftc- ot tulno1m. chrtt L,
thc ,ult t·onctrntJ \\Uh 1hr ttp,m �ud rn ..untrtut1t'C' ,·,f cJ1tkc'-, wh1f'h ht,
(\ICC.C'\.\(\n '"JI UlC" "'" <fflfUfl("\ hl JT<hk'O'\TI ,,, \lb<-ru rn."kcf'd.t to enun..
ca.11c- "h.u t hJvt u.11cd thr ruk <'t thr ·rm1«1wn of �fk1cnt <Jifi1.·t"\ • an­
,p,rrJ b}' ntl<"rf"St 1mJ �- .a ttip«'<l .11:c-oNrJ h> .alt ''\"rk., <'t
.arch11ct:1Ur'('. In ttrmi ,1ftht hHh.,rtc,l) "�Juc .l'-'1f.-ttrd f() ,11u:u•111 monumc-nl'\.


A(l;crti t"XplicuJy dc11gn..,1n, wirJ, thr wonh rrint,pi.,,pPttt,, ,.:tionci. <iul)' .; .1ubw:t
tJu, rule' rctlt<.h thc illUhhir uf cuntrn1r,1r.a') ' hunu.n11t1 Bue m uwr,c�uon o( thc upcn1on he wo Howe,..,,, b¡· •pplying • limcuon,I :m,!yu• wc nn 1dcn­
ur •he íC\l''Cct Ju, 10 thC' \Ao-nrL, Pl F-Ht g,cntt111,1m .m11c1p;atn thc mnct('tnth... n(y ,he whul< set, wluch I w,U prc,t11r ')-nlhc:ually in • íonnuLmon rlut u n,I­

,cmmy ;aprrnJch 01 Ru1k 1n.1H
JU\'<ly (rec com¡ureJ to tlut oíLhc Dr" ,><Jifit-ton• wd <mplO)'lll!l, once •¡,;a,n.
t t.,w("\'Cr, 1t mu1' be ld.nuutJ tJu.t bt.>ok tu dOCI noc mpc,c cht ruin 0( my own tcrminology.
tt)(lu.11 <omtrurooo of cht> D, tr .vdifi.·4f11fiJ_ h � M)·tmd thc comt:ntJ which I\Jihough thi, d.uonct10n OOt rmdc by Alb<n,, we cm á1V>dc rhc op­
the prologut' JuJ ..-.\1g,1M ron ..1nJ w.cnri,a t.bc ruk..g<J\'trncd íunc-tion of che cntoD o( tl1c O, rt otd!fi,a1onJ uno rwo c.1:tcgouo: th.tortnuf ind pA:rouf. l
tutu.J «>pcr-.1111n to pictum.que ;anc-(dotc �od ;i long. dmrrt:tu� digtc1o..1on 111•
aU tht' formcr.oíwluch th.:re ;are 6\"'c (.!ong w,th thru- corothr:u::s).o,,11ftt,�nd
hVmuvna conc� \Y.ltn .1.nd h)•dnul.ic �,\'.>fh. which occup,c,, more tbc bucr. which uc t.hrtt u, numbcT. pnMpltJ.
'""'>•dunh ofthe ttxt.Th<" tC"ntb lx•A.m Íik-t,tu:m.s 001 t.o be a cate�).We 1 havc ch<»C'n ro caJJ r.hc thcorcticll Qpc'r.tlon .uionu bc-c.2u:sc th�•
Jm�u comp..irc 1t to ;1. bfmd wmdo-..-., tlut gwa AJhtrtJ'\ cdifi« .a V Jp­
prescnccd u pro¡,os1uons wh1ch are indttputab-lt-. fo.nmmrntii.l, ;1nd poü,CS,kd oí
pc.1r.ancc, or. "T nugfn \.1cw n l\ � mtrc appc-ndu o( mN.l«tt qw.luy, lUJ)('t• gtnrcni'---C power. ·11tu, ax1ominc founcbuon u, mon:ovcr. trrc oí ,ny ck-pc-n­
tluou, to Alheru\ tcxnul cornU1J(l1on wbx:h 11 ro unpoung m .ali ns p.a.rts by
dencc upon viswl mcdi;a. lt H t.cnkmg rh.Jr. ilooc :miong Ocadl-nta.1 tfJJtat.Ltt,.
\.uruc oí thc ngQr and cohettncc of1u 2t'C"h!fcct\lll",
AJbcrti dd1.btt.ttd)· dc- cJmcd to' hb UC"J.b..\C or tO rcl,.· an che W<' of
�mc.01c figures. In .i p.?S$2gc- ofbook 3 whosc m1porwtcc )«llU to hJ.\"e be-c:n
ovc-rlookcd. Albero,1.uis thu de<,t.uon. wh1ch hu .1h-o bren 1g¡1orc-d by
bu cditors from the sixtccntb ccntu·rl (\'Vlth rhc lt.Uun rnruboon of 8.uroh
lf. A TtlJIOIPt Uf EtllffCATION

M\· .uut\.'U.'- -oow � "" c:nd. '-'1D M--e ttmO\"t'd thc doubu r.ri.�J at d1e •-,.,nrun
...__ g
..1ud thc-: Fttnch tr.aruli1oon oí Mamn) up to our own cune (wbcn: Od.i.ndt ;as
of du, duptc,,. The onln m.unuimcd b)· AJl>trn "ncx connngent. &ch sc-ction
we.U as R.rkwen h.J\'C' rcu.utcd thttr tllu1-cnnwi., m opro,,nion to tht �lnt oí
of the t.ext u » u thc- pomt �,qgncd to n bt ;a�, of oprr.uoa• .ind iípru:­
_ rJ1c text. lí, in a pcnc:,d dcdu;;at<'ti m the bq,_'t'lnony of VWQn .;1nd IB rdJaonUup
n,�, ..dv,cc lupp,n. 10 i,. •111ffl<d ,ruo du< thcoreo··' w.i «>tutrUCttQn, it 1.1 loc uC"d
mm -,s•al tuborduu1c po,Jaun. i, che- moni�t whcn thc prognm l0 uuth (2nd ¡;1\'\'J\ h1•, own profow1d conrnbunon to thc thc:ory o(pcopr-cm'C'
"_•-.. · .;1nd nnognphy ),Albt-rn JSSC'Rtd fflJt IUu>tr.abOU \\� "ÍoR"1gn·· te) h.u proJCCC
A, (o, thc d,,-..n,ry ofthc proble muli•~ •··_., budJ>. wg�\"C'
""-""- J. or n'bt0'2ry u lS

U 6td by the n.uure oí Albcm's •�ond lt\·cJ', wh1cb u depl 'td in .ac�ord ("ab i,�rln,t,, .il,m,l), ISJ )'el ftffly .ac.lnttncJ tht' ddT)('Wtu:s u \\'-'U.Id c:a\nC' him to
"1 ; th• <flU11<1.lllon oí thc dc:nuncls ,nd dcsun 11 muu utiúy .and f:rom wbich cxpltc.;1te lus pomti "ming wonh .a.lonc (1'rrli&1 1,•bl)."'l5" hu dccnwn mtut 1n­
Ju c:umoc bt- �cd. dc-cd bC" Sttn ai ooe ch.,.� w1th 11,1c-M1mg l ,vtll Rturn ro thu po1nl ,c:>mc,.,

t f-nr '.hu tea\On, whm tlluic:r.mog thr: funcaoning oft.bc-

. . unnTnaf/panacubr.. pab!ic/pn\':ilC'. UC:m.1/kcukr whlt bler,
pmcd OJJ<r.u:on
<l«onl'mg to
C.()fl( r1:tt ruffi. u ti nec(1&¡try QkM: lntO
- KCO,U.m che contmt or'°''t.J.I msoru- Tit� fir..t �out ofA.lbc-ro', o-1,N be formutu.. --d m tb.t.t \\";1.'-'":'�a.000
' �onsms ln threc p,-1rb amuJ\'m): tC'\pttt'l\..:"I� ne�:(':\)l� ,· ("'O t1U1100it)�J.J.1:J rJc�-Uf'C'

bm,t, a.ndiOt md.nidw.l uutum-e1,
Ur followm� m Albera', foo�"P• 1 Ju,,., fu "hermott" IX'C'n Thti .t�om �.-hL..J,c-. tbc- thl"\"c lc\.'Cb ( oot \SttaUfQJl�"OuJ\• lugi'7� chrono­

' ·­
.able <o do
CO\YTthc-nu11.netm\\-hlchd1etar."'-"'.UJ9!ncnkd,I t L ,,..L
�n.� shown to bl' thc loh,'lAI. ,ul-d •.x,ulog1c•I) uf .\rcluu:<tural .'lct1\,r)', .and Jctcniun�� ll1r« f) ¡,o OÍ

pmdutt o(.:i tptttfie. l1mn('(f numbcr oíoptt¡aton wtlfflC' worlongs pn�l\ rul«. 1t .al�o �\"e\ to o,:&hh\h thC' mp,a.rurc:- d1n\.1<U1 of ,he- Ot rr «,'N l.lld
genenrc borli the boolt •ud thc ruJc-j of C'<hik.itaon \\1(' b-- 1,,., ,ten t11a,
..u ..1 1( � dcrlo)'C!d lhmut:-hüul thc (rtJtik ln U\tc!'('T'OS�I� wich thc- 0thcr orcr.1t"""-

10< '"'
TUI Ot. ttl AfiP1'1C.1TOII/-I: AC.DCkJr, º' DF.HIU. ANO ,·ou

n.They also determmc e.he

\\'e ,c:c. · ,t ,U \\llrl. m thc pml�c. \dv:rc II fünLt10m to stntcn,rc thc culogy to thc olhtr ,1;:do1ru, the whole set of ruJ� of edi6otio
.in·hnc-<tUtt' rd r of t. c chapterJ of books 1 ;md 3 • .1.nd hdp to 1rrucn1rc :1nd
co�-uo�c-; e. h

s 4 through 9.
1 hr-- sCíond J..Xlon� cJn he rormuJ.1.c«t ch 1, \\.t}': 't!very build111g_1s .1 bod>•'. ordtr the m:itmcmt o( the contc:nt.S <>fbook
tJS conccmmlt acsthct1c plc-.;i;sure, is
Ovn thc ,ou1'C' of tht b1)0L u 1:'lh1b-Jt, thrrc \Upplcmcnul \'J.rlJJtl\ wh,ch e�;; The fifth uiorn, thc uiom of co,1,it"mi

be ClHh1Jcrr,1 ll"' thTc-C' corolLn\'.'\ •uic,hodolc.,gtc.1.1', 'urucrur.1r-; ;ind •organa(l. obrue oí thc- pr"t"ci:d mg one by 1ts incrocluc.t1on som�v-htrc
rcndcrt.d tbc hou;�l
opér.&Oons. lt �n be fommbted
Tht Ju\t\· rc�1� th;u. ·tit.... C\'C�- body. c,t't'). t'd.ifice i< mdh,.ocubly c:om­ othcr thJ.n in thc prologue .and ics dwiuoo uno
l'"«d of fom1 Jlld mJnd lt Jctttn\lllt'\ th< fon11 of the firsf pul of thc
1rd1tiattoni1 (thc- <r:qutntul orJcr of' tif\t thrcc book\), ,1,nJ u .1Uo,,'S, hv iutc-r­
n, ; thus: ',h, bc,uty of �" edtñce r�ulrs fiotu
Je:Wng w1th the numhc r of u s plrtS. IL\
o1>111g of tlu"l'c op<rnúon,
nd in Jrrangenlcnt', 1t u;
rctrospccuvc1y (:bnfics lhc aruhcnc
CT0\,1Jlg ,,._1th thc- fir<t .1nd Lhmf .U:lUJru., .a pomon nf tht rult"l íor bu1ld tr;J,t 10 bc­ ÍO-nnulatcd m bóok 9, ch.1ptcr 5. and 1t
prcc.d e 11: '"" m faet, ir otJly acnully
t!L"ntr.itc-d. ll 1r ,rconJ c,uolW'\ {\m1 uural ) lpcofio d 'hk t'" c,·�r)' (l ivmg,) books ((,. 7. 8. 9, ch>pter, 1 to 5) which
chlpttt' \ 5 t.hroug h 8, ;and the rules rh�re1 n.
hndy. rl1t cdilicc ,., comJ�l'\cd of a \kclcton (tl1e ,uppon). of tcndom 2nd J1K,1� 1;cocrau.� the phm of
Albcrti I} contcm [0 use under
_. lll<"mi [thc connt\ ta\·t clcmcnl,} . .mJ. J �km (1nfill111 ,md �\'<'trncnt�}'. Tlm A.\ for thc tluec pnnc1ple$, wluch
des1gr .uong thc1n ¡s 2bnril C't ennucs for thé:
cowlbry. lppropru�ly lntCJ'rntt-(cJ, pcnm5 W �ncr.mon of thc: uructuml rules v;mous fonuul.ltiont w1thout
;uuJ .att .it work .,11 chrou ghout rhe IJr
of tOO\trut:nan in hc.,ok J. Fu:uJly. the thml cotoUan (organic}, :accclrdmg to r�adcr, they 6nt :appear u1 che prologue
wh1ch tlu· mcmbc:n He uutuJo1tcd w, th ont .anothcr .ind suborrlu,attd to _
Lht " ,·,eilifir4tona.
np ubtes th.Jt�ponul r.oluc,on
ot�)J7.;auon of 1hc cnort body, pcrmn\ gc-ncnnon whcn 111ccrcros.�
d wit11-; Thm thc pm,aplt �frt.momy nr/n�eallryk
c: :md �e cd 1fic:� must co1u1 st ,,ntly of
pomon nfth<" ruJ,.., oftht' �·mnd •nd dtml p;aru ofthc tC'.'ICL h ,1ccounts
botb for :at ch<" Je�, coSt should .iJw·J)") bt' wuj;h
\\'hi. : thrr 1t 11 a oí nu.tcrUb on the l<"\"CI
thc .acbpunon oítht 1:dl6c-c ,o m purpoiei :wd ü, hJ .rnmny. th;H whic-11 cmnot be cJmun;ted, >•
lcvd of the .1csthC'tic .n wdl a� co:u On�
_ thml_ VCIOm can bt" formubtc- d 1h u\ ·t11e d n"C"n:_ny of hum3n5 ;md of 0( con\rructiou, or onu.mcnc on thr- <-ri­
die work of co11c:e puo11 1md ,1uto-·
dit'1r dcnunth t\ unlttnncd', I!!_ ordcr íor \Ut:h davtrmy 10 be
,:ffic-,u:iouitly man- nucUC'ctual expendiLurc, in thc íorm ()f : a pa­
Jf,! m lht ¡>�r,:uummg JUucc,'), 11 muu be uu.cur:iuJ '"'·' M Wl' hll� ser-u, thi\ prmc: aple pbrs
VLU ..aD ,Ub ltrU)' IJXo- tit.1uc is cncouragcd uucond.inon1.lly. J\lbcm .
c.;¡J.Jcd tbr neg;an YC .&C)t.l t.rir of
llOlnlC tr.uut.wttrk h 1111-·ol,'6 � dt"tbr,¡uon of impmrn ucul;tly imponant role in wh.n I bav,c
• 1
cc wh rch ll·gium.itcJ
paUu1,1,-n. We un ukc .u coroll1r,n l')( t ¡1b .a:-c1om ·me m<"IÍ , i
.: pphi.• non o(thc pnuu plc oífru�l­
• opp(H1ttcnu u111- As IQr thc con1o-ucuon oítht- t.::«
,-.11.JJ/p,rncul.1r. publ1c/pnv:11<. ,,mtd/1ecular, urb,n/nml c t"c.:ooomy oí Lhcorcuc.11 and conc
. lei,ure/blklr "'hiel, tty 11 numfesu:d fint wuh .,, rcmarJ.Jbl set oí
,t'r"-� to ,idinc the PK\,'T.IITI, thc furttbmc:-oul opcr.111u ullll' rnoti v;at1o n. wc íind .1
n nf thc. \Ccond lc,.-cl. at tu:aJ mt':mi.. lSS Next, Jnsu,g from thl"
thc nmc � du-,.• drtc.mune thc ,_ ~,,ucnt:111 a}iutt'JQ rrducmg thc thcowuul .3od
. vJUCf
....�•-· of the t.¡ t.tplCf\ ofthe \CC• cqua,'11cnt'lt'S wluch illso c<.,-mu
ond .u:1d tlurd r:.11(:( q( tbc [k tt Mdifi<dJi>na, . urt'. d001'\, w1fü. """ .....t, ',,,
' . .110,vs, ,.A.nd•u t1 thc ("\"JCU"�UOO (IÍsnwlr ,1nd
ccxtu1J cxpenu'n
of'opemng\ ; un ;u cc1hngs
1.n contr.uc to dtOk' whid1 pre'�d< H, 1he munb r the Jcno1 m11�u on
, .a.xiou1. of conccpuon w:itt'r !Ll'"C all ,:ubiumc:d undt

doci not hgur� • o('covni111t" · Snn.ila. t·ly, os wc h.1,•c:

m 1hc pmluw-1c. h opcm ch:.,.. nter 2 o('·oo -,,L,., ¡ • o1nd ..-;an u-eL. ,or- 1nd tloon ;are bOLh subsume-O undcr
c:I}•, thc: ho u� ..., c.on­
mul�tcd 1n th1, Y.""Jy. 'rditk.-ttvn comise, oí llliC op�utm,~ .rn, unibtt-d to � bq;e hOU-ll' :md, mvrn
n d••I.,,.111�\Yllll 1 JlC ¡O 4)rc.n, tht' cny ¡, )UbJc:C: r ro the i.amc rtilci of
Cllu-y. thc ,ur-11. thc computmon. Lhc W)J.h• th• " roe,r.• ,md t he ..ipcrturc-i o( du: 111 ,m.all. , 011:i,·r th . .u 1Tudr ri botb
luu t'd u 3 cny
ptoJt!'ctcd bmldmg,·.11-C'.k" U.X opt-r.11or• 5e� en n•e'fJC
• lollC, by mtc.rcmumg wlth C()1Up.UUt100.

l ne J. ,rn.,l'fr ,') .1111.1111•,r r'-t1Ulft'1 1h.1t nluiuuon t,<' 1n"4.:1tb
t' d m hmc. ,11.
nn..1,1 ul>ey d1 c L.iw11 uf ,nuh.uuc, :1111d ph)_111.c, 1 -'i7 .t1 wdl H .t lc,g1c unpo,cd by
1w,,�,-.c1.I ,,1 '" n\V11 tfur.mm1 h " tMI 11,J\ J. 1111t1e-r uf" �'mpcr
1111n1pr1r1n ot ,h� nund a 1-wo-fold dC1pcnJc11t e, wtuch fbr tl1c modero rr.Jdcr rec.ill,
du• �,;n..·,uc,. iif l1 ml�hO}: lmo 1 111' 1..y, r(' of lh("
'.C,1.\l111'. hm .il�, ol ,he (t'mpo
n.J dul oí phomc .sum.L.lncr. thc foundauon fot thc G<muruu1ort oí .,.U dHt'Ouf\C'.',
.tcr1luvml"rtl u1 lrfülle, LuJI "º'k: n·ny proJt'I.:
1 mu\t br brouJ,thr to 111.Jtur.&tion,
l"C'<.l)m1Jert'tl, q\tl'"Slmnc,1 l !len:' n no l,!l'l"Atc1 et1c1ny whkh J< iubJc.-Ct to thc rulo o( phone11n iu wdl as rhc« oí phooology. W1uJc
for tht' 2rrl 1 1tt•l't 1h;111 pr�­ thr phyJJ<I oí<rl>h 111dr<d o<cup,cs 111< wholo of book 2. Albem d"''º'"'
c1¡,m111\nt·\\ or h�tt'. lhn rrinupJie t,:1\.'t"l thc
(), tt o-r.lif,,Jt,•n.t th mcuphonc:;aJ
\',duc m . d tfC"tcnnmn hu1h lht· Jq-.1h AnJ th ,-cql1ei .au onsm,1,I pan oíhu: wurk, tmC" whJch owc,. norhmg 10 .1ny pre:dtc�r. to the
c- 1t1;il (,rdcnnµ of th r- 1cxt
r maU)� 1 wlll U1.C' rhc lcm, d,.,k,... te,¡Jl1 "" m dt'luu:auon oí d ie s1.x b;uu: opcunorti ofcon,cpt1on 1" 1hc tfomaua oíbu11d.Jng.
\nrubtc th t' rrmc,plt' ,lt:t·ord1ng
10 wh1c·h tht' JlíOCci\ of \"{hfic.1tm11 m1pli ft tn::iL, Jn mn1t..: powcr uf fomuhza1ion whu::h. bcmg spcn6c <o thc hurrun
M tht l.',otcflt<' oí \'ilnmt\ o1rrn" or
cypN oí •uon who 1mer.1c, \'t'tlu'1)' bnw, p2rakcs oí t11e �;une r1cccss1ty � thc b\\'1 o( nlntre. lt botb ollO\� th� a,..
Thc: txpnu (prr,1,). th.u 1\, otht·r �rchm
.·tts ucubuon of m:.1tctt2b (book 1) and ,he (ormubnon oírhc rnln of thh ,mcubi•
,mJ humJill'>l,• .:m•. r.1.Ih·d upon JO 1mt-n l:11C" cm
' ÜlC" thrtc lcV("I� o(cd1ficlt10U in
onf�r fo cY2!mt<" .md uat1qut thc dcc-l\1 cion (book 3). Th� StX urcduciblc opcrJ..tJons thl.1,\ mform "pllJJu m,utc.r. wluch
0H1 oí thc«t.111e t1,t"1,1 (or p.a­
rron; pl.i), .1n t'l-'lol' ro.Je Ctn thc 'K."Con iJ; ,ubJecr 10 1n own ipccifit l11Y.'S nc>t >USCtpublc tO ilJl}' human 1mcnuon1hcy
d lct�I. u1 the íonnuhbon and dacus.s.
of thc pro:gra.m í111i11l\•, 1hc Mtcul '"""m 1u11 Thcy cruw� 1t,: mtcgr.mon 1nlb the prinu.ry iysum. i.:onsumtes fflt- prc­
muy .u. ,a whol c: ,mm hwt' u,
worJ. ''" "'''"' tti 3 íu.U partnC"r oíthc QY, In ;a condition �ad m J[) cum rhe 'n1.1ttC"r • íroin which tl1c: bu1lt world c;:Jn be dc:vd­
archne-ct m produc111g t.he budt world
m ducw\1on uf tJlc prognm ami 1r1 . boih ope<l or e.xpre�cd. for thr sy,tcm (>Í conruucdon U .t ncceuu)·. bue not
Judgmg 1u con(onrnry to phy,.ic;al hws
anrhcnc ruin, whtT�, l:116 (pr.u'<') :and c.x-clusavc. cqndition of (."<hficatlon. lt ope.ns che w1y m me2.1ung. but ít ,10 more
become1. Ulc- C'fO\\nmg lchievrrnr:
1ientu..ll>• thc 1un oí cd16c11oon In the nt :ami ts- p,rmm mcanmgful 11nicturt, to bt" miculatcd tht_q th• phonolo¡;,nl ,y,«m
con\t'l'\JffiOtl 0(1.hc crN..riU"., the apphc
oírh . e dulog1,;,d rnnc1plc u JUOu :ilonc: a.Jlow, me:.anU1gful proposibons: ,o be romtructN.Tbn 1\ why che rulci oí
m ..1n.ifested h;· the- tnilitcm :and indch
blc prc-,en,r oí thc 6.rSC p:lrt of tbc: Df rr lltdlfi<tJtcna d() not de.ti wuh thc \'Uietl world oícdifi.ce'-·
J ¾"Cond pe-non. rhc úmiliar ym,. wh1ch .a\
\\'t: uw ;alxw(- ¡" ihc
,.ifcnt iudnor oí
di< / ofAJl><m TJús wórtd ¡, or'lly 1m:eriMblc :u .J second IC'\'t.l o( llticuboof'I (books 4
As1de from che 6\"� rht0rt'Uc.1l IIX..lOf :ind S). lt dcpcn<k 011 :i. s«ond t)"S.u:m c)Í rules wh.ich ITTmÍcrs dlc: bwlt from thc
l\S ,.md 1h,: duce pncdc:ul prmcipl
t'S ,
othcr opc:Nton o(.i. d1tfC'rem kmd 1ntroducr 3:cmiotic to the �nt..mric dom.uu. Buot d1is sccoud a.rticul..uion 1$ not oomp�r.i.blc
tbt prolngue �nd r•ch oíthc threr
mJJOr p3rl'I o( thc � ,t 0<difit.Jt�•ri12. 1 w1IJ to ch;u which c.har.,c.u:·n7t'$ ,-erl»J b:ngu:agc. lt ,1ppc:'4l'< to th( extcrnil �mlouc
oll thcm mrtJ•mr1h,r. lh St'f\-·c
�ublnh J.nd wmcrnc AJbrro's tlln.l'l' cy ro iy:,;tcm ofbngu.ige.The 6tst �tcm. ,h,�t o.íC(lcturu(oon, �n OI�) be dcpl?)-cd
rro1c<t u wcll � tht � o( nxionu:
tbc')' ;att pre-scm<"d 1n thc forni r,f bric( <'f(e'J" ;rnd. 111 .cpact on the i.-oi�tlu.1 it lS fo1cgr.ucd 11110 thc lumrchinll)' \Up<no,
mm11tnia �d)' comcructc
AJbcm I wiJJ lu\<e thc- ortt•uqn to :itta.l d by ��tcm oÍ\,=ib.Lllr cxpl"C'Sscd dcnund_or dc.sirc. \Vhcrt.a.s currcnt i:lttt.mpts lO th(­
yzc: lhc1r fitncuoning ,1od w íntCr
cheir mc.Jmng ,1t thc cnd of th11 ch::a;rt<'r fOk�ll<' or12c �n ';m:lmcc,ur:-.1 sc-miotk.s' 111T polar1zcd by thc �tubib'llOUJ :UlJ' 110-
for tbc moment, lct a iufJicc- t0 uott- (:md uon oí ÍtmcnQn.lSti Albcrti mastcrfuJJy l.SSC'rts thc corn.ub>r.:inwl Unk bct\\'t't'1 J
1ha\ n thc ohjr,� pf our ,yi- .
1c:r.wuc rrc.Jp1wl..mon) thc f,1ct thJt rt��opcn th< miv,cy oí bmldin� ,nd dcmr. md tbr u11hm1lN pmcnu•l of I Ii< bu,r.IS9
t1,rl ;dlow AJ�m c o roiutruct ;a
�('nni11e thet,ry of edJfk:itfon. whiclt :irtrcu Motto�r. he avoitk fa1hng mm thc crap of doguiamm, J.nd ftom t.hc ,-t.1.n .u-
lates 1h�� mdcpcndcot ;and Juct:1--;:'
('h1c.a.J 1:yuc:nJ\./u JU, thc \Y,tcm ormn.H.nt<f( 1.umts clut dr:m:md .md dc1:itt for built lip.Jcc ;al't' concct\�bJc by mc:u� oí
o,i''nvol\'l':f whieh
:nbicraty t.1.XQflOuuc: c:atcgtmt'$.Thc syste:1u of progr.m111unr ruh-,. he dc,..c:-lops iJ'I
\\< h»'e ,ccn. hwnn. tluc che J,--,1 oí bc.&uty doe< noc .-mcc che ..- bo­
m("ltt'ntu:y .u che .tnd dmurbs ,he uru')· whh .h othrrv.isc ch.1r.1c:trnl'cs
Nb<m's J<hcmc Tlm i, b.-c,usc m ,r11, of hu kn0\1IN!�t oí me culmrt of
An11qu1ry ••14 '" •rdurol o¡¡r•
mtUlffl � ...,11..,
lus ,n<p o: conrcmpor.n »t
.u,J 1t,; l�dmR 1JC'.as (n:nurl.abfr U1 che ()1.1/tr\'"''"·l,.Albnn dJJ not hn'l" .1cces\
,o L11t" con<;rrnuJ 1muumc1m (dC\•cloped onl)• much brl"r) wluch wuuld h.1,�
,¡]t01,\"('d lum, ,f noc to rcsoh"C', ,u lasr ca pcalM' m cle�r temu the! prohlt.m oí
:..NhC"oC'.A �-ntht-uc summuy ofthc .hm,ruJao �iuch..H'"' �\-m t."lfb->ok
') h.\, i-hown. prC"\,:nted .Albero fron1 mJtnt.tnung thc- J"C'rf«c <ohO"t'n,c \'.U hb

ttt.i.US-C:. will .dl O\, m to stx1..,t)' p�11eh • his UfltQ.Jl.a1 contr1buuon ro J 'chC"<>I')' oí
,n .u,d 10 ,.....,.,¡ thc ongm 1>1 thc nmunJmundm¡;i tlut .u-e habitu.&l11 pcrp<'­

rnk'J ttgardm� m.. f't"Uoon, ,>f thc- Dt" Md,ri..u..w Mk'IC'nl rhoughc ,n gc-n­
euJ .md NC'orllc,mbm m pJro,ul.a.r l ,,,11t'mrl\7\ m\ wn tt'rnuno1�· . un thc
lme h�nd. 111 d1,"'r-'< wh,•rc-J.s w1th thc op.:r.imt\-U hclpi to d�1gn.uc
1J.r� Allx-m lrrrurruted wuhuuc j:O\ffli,t thcm SJ'lt'OÓ( Jt'f1Cll11UJJOOn (,-ud1 �
f)l');,IUh. bf-Jul),. .tnJ on ,he 01hrr \\he-o u cm tum1J\ u1tttpm\\'� ('(1-n­
ttpt!i (soch 31 1hr ,,.�,� Jr-<hr"rl
\Ve.- h.,vr ,t"en th:11 Albtru sub.,ume" hcJul)· uuJcr fottr ,·o1u:1,:m·1c-s wh1ch .,
,lí(" ''r�"l)('J m r.1111" On thc out huki bC' orpO'd Ultrlfl)I\ ht'lllt)' to iuprl('­

IUt' bc-�un,· or ,�rtumcut th,, trrmm\ll,,t\ ): on rhc vtltC'f h.mJ. rucurJI or

,,,aµuic. O(°;.i uc_) ,, opP'(.lSCd hl 1, or ,l,wn.1n<" bc:.1uc, (nw t1ttt11utOfolf\·).
Oi'):.11Ui.;. beJut) ht,t .app<'lN, m fart • .ac che lt\'tol of tr.•mm"4l1t.i�. whett 1t n:-,ul�
fn1111 tht' '4h,c-uf ul ,..Uputwn nt ln c'.'d.16tt h) ll\ rurP""'t" h thtn romt"\ tmm .t
plth1; ú1ftílm111, •• .uulq..'\'U, h\ th,ic, 01 1hc.- .amm.'1. thc hullldll\" of \\ h"" r,am
•� Jlhl("\"ed l)} 11.1turc 1.0<"xtcmivl) \\11th thl' "'JJrt.aoQn ''"' 1\' tun'-1l01U. In c1thC'r
, J�c. ch.u of thc cd1litc 1"lr rh,u ol tite" lmnwt, 11, l"lrAtlC)' 1, Ulll\\'l'Jlly rt'1\rpublr
to .ill- 111 m,lttrm lt'Nn,. \\� 1.vulJ u, tJut 11 ".t nu.tttt 01\•..,,oJ fonn (C .:t.,,.,J,)
TIH\ '-' Alberh\ ti.nt dt'\CU\'CI)' lnJ 11 � antc�r.&1 tl't tbc '°tlH c.,r ht\ tttJtht"
Uut tf Al�ru luJ \h)p�d ,.,,Lh llu, chC'rt woulJ lu\T bttn º"' ,bml J'ltC
to •he- Jx ,,. aed1(iuJ11.11u1.'Thc tlmd p.1rt u c,mrdy l,1.wd �111 lhl' h>-rmhMI\ ,lf J
,uppk1urU1Jr\' irmul.atwn, po._�..,111g 1� nwn 1.:awh wh1rh bdoni.."'- U"I thc ,..,·orld ¡dcas111 1 wluch givc thrm new pc-rspcc-ti:vc :ind dt\. ielopmcal.L_Howc,�..!: chis •po­
,,fe nlt\lre .1n<i fnn\HtutC'- .1 poct1L� of�J16t:,mcm I')' ,·1rwc of which arch1tccn.tre cti� of'rhc: bod)'° U mort spccub.ri\'t normative.
1�. m ch� -.trn:.t scn�.Jn ·�m Llnµu.1+;c'Y•4 in l'.01\trot co b.11ul con'.trnction or On tht" orher hand� the sccond a,csthet1c, a :m:.uhem;itic'31 ' ooc.. d<k!S indccd
· l.a.n).t,1lg1.·'. Thu... thl· pO(UO- of the 1\-'IHplc·. for cx:unplt\ 11 gnvernrd by proposc J �·stt"m ofscylistic nomu. But. :u thc dognutic form of io c:xposition
tw"' \Ct, ol rol(' Thc rult" L1l tbc riru wc dcJJ wnh thc cxter1or .1.uJ :allow it to shows dc;itly, chic $)'$tl'm ü: borrowcd from Gr�o-R.0!11.m t\nt!.gu1� lll H� nu­
exprcs.s dl\-in(' [í,10\Cl"n<lenLe .tn\l thC' flUJl'"\U( guvity or n:hgion by f11t°;.\n\ or lt� mcr1cJ.I ex-1,ms10.9., wh1cb iassumcs thc forct oí b\v, .md from c.lw Pyth:agorean
in,t&.11.Juon 1u .a n.arnrJ.J tit.,.. or urbm (flnlC'M 1ud by the rreinncm of1[) \\".alls.165 ;onnoud'->n� ,e t.'\'Okt�. (t 1c pttci�cl)' th11 m.ithcm.1tical lCSthetk which is re­
n,<' ochcn Jppl)· rn thc mrrnor of thc 1e1nplc. Lh� t,."(')Jl bctng. to llrou1¡e sponit1blc íor Úlc 1nrcrprecarion not oaJy ofthe t.hird p.1r1.but of thc endtt uc-.a­
rchg-1ou� f<:rror, 1 "" conrC'mpLmon. tt•" ora �eme of my�tcryH� through tht" d,s­ fuc: :i., 3 ,vork of NeoplJtomst mspu,n:ion� Mcxt historfans oí .Jrch1tccttu'C". and
ro:.ihon of phn� ;and tht .tmcuLmon oí mofJnd opcmn�. \Vinkower in p3rricu1ar. ocglccting thc nuur.ihuic nmt1111111as inhcril't:d &o01
Ho\\'t'\·cr thh pot-tlf" wluch lx ,, ,u,t,!iwMn'..t "º cl c:>�lrly i\lC"nUÍJC\ a." Atis,otlc's "physiolog 1.un'.171 h,wc focused Qn th t t,mrimritas ;a.nd
thc dom;nn or man, u dr.1nutii::tlk �pht bl"twccn cwo trudencir1. On the onc UH! dognunc syttcm it 4iupports: the')• h�v.::: too rc:adtly uke-n Alberu to be: tbe
hmd Albc:rti rt!:nwru n�,t:'d wuh tht" ptinop1c 1;l(cconomr, wh1 ch has i 1l.SpU't'd promotc!r of ;1n cxdusi,·cly m1them:tcic.1l and N�opbtonic theory of an:huec­
hu nq:¡&m'<: .iC'\thettc ¡ntl wh1ch, by cx1rnc:ion. would movC" htm ro c:on1idrr �""'41 turé.. F-or us, on thc contr:ary, L11t dogm. ;ick :.\e-,thttk .appcm to be: a mom�ntJ.ry
¡..-.,,,, .1n .idcqu..uc 1dt'.U. He: mon� or lt:.'l< ur1consooudy ttl.11ts be,mcy � dnft JWil)' from the spirit and logit of rhe Df re aedifir.ntm'ia. Cen:ain Íornul Onument (expcrienrcd ;n a thrc--.u) " con.n1lxunnal with poctil."i. :111omahcs sc<m ro <bwn in t.his hypothesi,: thc= \'crb censes utili:icd to expt'l.--ss
On thc other hlnd,Alberti .1tttmpn to �ubh,.h �wo homologou." plllaN uf�.. che 1�''"' of th� dog¡n.,óc ac«heuc. and. thc locu, of thc origU\ n�rnriVt' which
ttónJJ l2w,; ,·m e:lther 11dt of th(" mrmncdi�tc IC'\T.I on wh1t.h rhc lltJlory m1ci. or foUows instc:ad of precede!. tbcm. But thc thesu 1 .un dcícn<l1og U supportcd
�omn1odny .lpply: to tht 11«�1ry úf the IJw, of n.11u� on the first: level ofed- abo\� aU b)• the role md the uoexpcctc:d :mthont)' gr.tntcd to the A1lc1cnts, m
1fic;10on CotrNpOnJ rhe c-qu.1Uy l'1gomu" co1\\[T;Un� oí che tnJtht matkal l:awl comrnd1 ction w1th che wholt" of tht mt of tht' book. :l5 wcll ;).S by t J1c: limhcd
on lht' thiro ln,:-1.Tlu.t i1 ht>w he u lcd to cbbor:uc sutl't'ptlriou,ly '"'<> rc,m;w.tfog sp.icc givcn m book. 9 to the th.eory of thc orden.• which futthrmtore i� s�b­
_ .
4N.1tl,ctm wh1ch are form1.1l,1tt'J 111 p.u:ill.d m thc toun.c ofbook 9 sumcd undcr the can�gory of ornan1cm. Fina.Uy, it t$ ,upportcd by the b)ock:ing
OnC' a�theuc.still 1utu�J l,m not n'duc1blc fo t.h..,t ofgood íorm dé3pu.e of pocric CTdrivil)• wh1 ch intpoS('< <)n ;1 theot)' oíCR":lti,-r. ame! thc :,,doption oí
thc fuct o( lts uruve-rs,hty, is b.uecl no, on thc body or rbe aninul but r.uher on Ütt" Crcco--Rom¡m M)'lmu; S)'StCIII.
thc hunun bodv. wh1ch funt·tfons ilmulttneou5ly .is actor and modd:rhc plC'a.. lí. lhcn. as my am.Jys\S has ihU\,'lt, �bcrti posmbc� �ut beimy prescnt.,
<un, <llb'todm-d by uchitmurol beJuty bnn¡,-. iu 1a pl,y thc 111,,1, b,;,dy oí die twn visagi.•'f. on<" univrrsal, lbt oihtr- com gcnt. and if this s.t<ond flce 11, for

_pcrron who tXJ'(."rtC"-nt't1. f:nJoyrne-nt m thr pen;cpnon of thc bcJubhll cdíficc :is him Q func-tson of time ,md history. ho" al°\" we co l' the piniJI drifi of
1mothc-r b<>dy g<>Vcrned by thc $;une proponion� (dcrnQrutr:ncd in thc CX.tmplc: book �? Albc: r-u is c:01úromt·d hcrc ,v1th in 1murmaunt:1blc dtfficulcy ncmmin.g
ofLhc an:hit«ror.i.l promenadc), Jfh Thu ae-;thet:1c role attrib\1ted to thc body i.11d tiom tl1e íac-r ,hat he gr.un'!. autonomy to the kwl of po<'U<'s. ,md oonÍ<"N on dus
tht" �xull ttSon;;incC'!\ o(1ts inte:rprcution� ,uggt'l-l. �p�•cl.llly in ligh t oíthc texu Jissol.. i:nfon not ,1 hC'uri(;úc v:alue, but r.1thC'r � nornuth·c funcnon. l lc \\dr'ltS to
of fi.b.rctc- tff'Jtcd bt'low m Chaptcr f-our• .i cómp�rl'<>n wit..h o(Frcud� ;n-r1b1,11c m:c��ity. tt1 g-i':' tht"" !l�tu) o f um, J;.1wl 172 1.0 d,o� r-ulc:s which -.u�
m,n, what wc.- wuuJd call cultural um'\> but nd1cr )tyhsoc rule.� hound to
ümtmgtnt ,:,dut"\ U�· Jc6mfü111, th(n 1 he. llHl\t lool fur thcm in lhé hbtory 9[ ,,,.,... The nunntr m which thc dogmn1c acsdu.•oc and thc bw of the ordcrs
. :cnm l:$uc h1'ton ..-..11 rro...tdc- th-cm only 1f n ha� .lJ.rc-ldr produ,rJ .1 r:¡. d ismrb �� w;irp Albe� rti's_P-�jcct thu.;-alh uno qu�tion hi, rel:ttic,11 to thc p.ut
tNnAI �·,,c111-1h.rt th1, Jb-.olutc- C"t'fo�uu: 1..�\!s,.t, follo\,.\ ín,un thC' schc.uutic hat­ Jnd co hisrory m gcn� lt opt·ns thc <¡uescroo of his �boon to Vicnwm-1� rhC'
wry of .m:h11crnrn· 1b ..ak h. ,·h,r,cr 3) wlnch Albert, ba><> o n th c bncí origtrc Rc,nu.n ;uchücc.1 who virrulll) ' mtbodid the 1ud1oncy oí thc !t.ooeots Jnd from
n.arnm� 1..,1 dtt" uti 1,i,l(,<) (book 6. ('hJpticr 2}: . rhc .an'S. Wt"tt bom of Ch;1m:c whom Allx:rn borrowcd 1101 only m:hacologicaJ infonrution bur ab:o , nwnbcr
JnJ Ob\t!f'\•.:innn. fri\lercd b, U\(,' .a.nd E--..P1-·r-imc-nt.. .1mi m,m1red b} Knowledge oí his n:arr.atives conccnung Lhc p:lSI. Tb1s IS why, brforc: :mc.-mp,ing ca ducid,ue
�md Ri:.1.-.on''1.. 'Thm.. thc work ofthe t, nurb the cnd of :a long J1,:\'d� thc n:>lc ofh1$1Qry .-ad ufrurnth't" m thc Dt rt .�dijit.:tori.1, the ume lus come ro
npmcm l11J che pocncs. <if .1rrhnc:cturr- is rc.11Jud tri rrmh.- confront�,¡ crea� w1rh thc fx .1rtl1irtctur.1. In thii- comex:t. l shaU be .:iblt to
Alh<-ru\ :argumcnt mmt be sought bt<nea,h thc :surfa�. heh1nd the word,¡ rC"pond to the quC$tion poscd m Chap·ta One oiwhether Albcm'., book IS tf­
tJut contr.i.dJct ant! coll.ibor-,ué m 1t:s nu.\kmg: th� 1rr.�,·C' pttscncc oí rlu� natur.a.l fectivcly io:a.ugun.l. Qr don st3tus m flcr belong tó th<' fx artl11ret111r.1.
o1C'\d1rac chat mfilmte\ .¡U thr th:aptt� concc:'rmll� ornamem; thc g.1p'i J:nd ex•¡
copuon, Albert, fun:cfully mu . 111•1m w1th • dogmamm th•t comradim hi11cmc JV IILBERTI ANO VITI\UVIV� -IH
t1fbcco1111ng. 01 SUVllA-�TRUC'TURAl J3().R.R0\i"IN(;
lt Ji 111 the mor!! unporunt u, ,uu.1te thc pttn� point whtrc tlH� ddfi
. of
die .Dt tt !N'd!'/itJt!.lri11 numfnt, ,�lí. bcc.iwe 1t should � ioecn .li .i ckcuJ\"C' tum­ l)id thc- De orrJ,it(ttu,J seo ,c ilS Albern's 1nodd or his <pnngboud? Art thc nu­
mg poun for thc .teq,hroc. theory oí .arcbut-ctun:. 2S thc origin oí posinons mcrous ,omnioiufüics btcwecn tht' tW'O te:\.'t:S .supcrfici:J or strucrunJ? On thc
r.nm6c,mom ve fdt cv.:•n tochy, J.nd whlch Cor ccntunt) ,wre kvcl of form.1s the idc:.-omy QÍ proccdures mJ. cxpres.rj,·� Jctu:i.l or mcrely
.tdoptcd by
Western .1n;hntru: thc pnvilc�c of thc trmh .accordcd tu :anncm ;apparem? Is «he� ll)()m íor di ffe�ncc bt:m-een rwo book..\. hotb wrmcn ,n thc
arch i tctture, ,
as corummvc brJckcung m tusmr1ol nyl«, thc prt.•ro�;m\'e th:n t-i.· fiQ.t pcrson c.ingular. both ,\-Tiui:n by arc.hHcCU 1h.uing tht ofdé6nmg the�
.... d ulved � a -1
.u1ull sroup 01 clenc, to cníorce thc rulc1o oí dus ptiCtiC\ hc1H.:cfort 1
:m :md 01.:1blishm�.t.ll oíi� rull!\ (""om,1("1 diJ.típU1111r r,Jti,,,ir.;:,"\\Tlt(';)Vi1ruvn.�). ''
lttd from bu1ldin&, uself -'' 6-om :.a rurur.11 .tt"thc.•tic.
h .as d�oc-.- Á
both :1rt1cul:mn� the'(' rule5 unng �nJ.iv1.�. $UbJuncm"t:'. ,-crbll ;aJJUtt\� or
My thesti fin� supplc-mcnury confirnut1on m l':JUI Fr:an.lSs \'crbs oí cqu:1J :i:ppropriJ.t('llCSS. ;u1d both suppft"mcnt1ng thcm w1th ,:xpl.ln�rions
.. J.naly\Cs 0(
:_pqi.1:_mc.-chn-:.l arc.hJtt'cture.17" wh1ch he· e\ ,u;; bt\'inJ.;�dt:- ¡11 du� pmcnt mdtn.uv.: =-mJ n:;,T� or .a1 1et:dou:s in tbe p:m 1erL.;c? On thc
\Ciou.,ncsi wh1ch \C'em\ to me ro be .u thc b:nn of Alb rtu 111u= ltvd oí rontcnr,. whar \bC dlk� Albcrti nukt of t.hc borrowi.nt-f'\ lli� rucces-,.
t' n ti�;,�
Ac.ct>rd 1og to Fnnkl. thc iiw�nrivC"n('i) 111..¡mfc,,�d by thc \.<.lrt--ia., wdl -:i..s prescnt�Y hlnon1.nJ 1 11L-co1u.1dcr unporurtt?
.ar,h 1t«wrc oí thc
Q11attrott11to :md mark«I in fQtUtul.1r by 1ts ••corpon:-2i
lty ',17S dcpcnili rn:m, iht Albetu not onJy dn:w from Vnruviw, or thc autboo, h�w,� uscd h)·
g.ap, in thc atdt.Colog:,nl knowlcdbre oí 11.s promutcn A!!P::1col Vurn,.¡u$, mO'.\t of his hmoric,al lnfonn:ation :md thc .1nc:-cdo1n conceuung ir­
ogy wou.Jd Mc.·nl-
1-tc� �, che rnomtut úÍ JL, có11.stnurlon ;l$ ;a �•cnafit

duC"aphnc._.u 1.1 6) ch1 t<'crPrc. �1,.limrucdon techmc.1uo. tht ty¡><>IOJ.,')' oí �1�cicm t."<hfic:es, the ord�l')..
w1u1�d by tbc ,ynehroruc .1dvcm of Ne�l;a\;HC_i,01, f luwcvcr, :rnd e,·cn clim:itc. mcieorolot,')', 4nd th� Rbuon, oí hvms thmgs to tht1r tli\"1-
m thc c.ue of
Allk.:rti. w� mwt anw,kr wuh tmph:n1s tJ1c detcrnunate role ofhn ronrncnc. '1'Y bm he :ilso f.uuil.i;in1t.-<i h111mlfwithV11ruvm'I ' :tdv1C<' on thc: C"du­
J.tithcru•• p:aru.aJ .u Jl 1s, whk. h li fouudcd prt'cuely on thc .:..x1um of
rhc bu.tlJin_g canon oí th<' .uchitt'ct. nlO AJbr:rci O\�l!i ,omc of his fund:uncl)tal opt"r,nors to
.,, bod¡- tbc Ro,11:m archncc1, likc. for c.x1mpl<', thc tr1.lJ.1r sirucrurc-11" :md th� biu.ary

1 ur DI. •t Al.tJIIICAICtlf,i: AlllK11, 0ft. 011.1111.r ,.,.. .1) TIMI

oprosioo1u publ1c. prmut-. s.1crrd/t('cul u , Jnd m<»-t of che conccpb óf hL� ic.$... In the De rr a(clj/itdlon'n, on tJu· coorra.ry, Lite threc uoriOnt; are prr:sentcd 35
thenr, bkc thJ.c ofjiu,til) J!i2 c:arly as thc prologue in chrir relatl(Hl to rr.mpor.11 .md hicr.m:-hic succi:.ssion,
lt li '1gmfic,n� hm":wr, dm tn 'P"• al ,he nu¡_,mtudc ofh,s debt.Alb,m wh1ch 1ht.n se� both to conscrucc tht book a.nd 3n;ilyu the thtee sucusswc
adopts 10 che Dr rr 1JtJiJiti1hm;.t a n:-solutcly amnl JrnLUdc u>w. and hiemth,c•li)' 21t1cubrnd lewl.s oírhc an:hit«rurnl pmc<«. \Virh All><tri, the
, ard thc :u1c1tnt
.iuthor . l-lc moc.:b h1m for M U\t' ,,fbngui�. tJ1e imp1cc1"to11 ofhu c<,n<;cpts.lkJ Llm:c lcvds undérlic: ;11, 2pprolch whic -h :un'lS 10 es.tabbsh a mc,unog and rhe:n to
h1;, i..upcrs.uuon'-, 2nd bis turg1d J,g(ati.oiu.11:1� A comp3rJÚ\'t re-:tding of che rw-o eluci<bte a gcuesis: �lidlry (which ii, furthcrmore, intc¡;r:utd w1thfo che mor�
tcxts w,11 conlirm tho le¡;mnury or /\Ibero·, Judg,nont. encompaqing 1.érm nc<:esmy). ;.:ippropr:i.:a.1rncs.< (:a .subtlcr norion tb:m utifüy). ;md
llut thts.c- ,UC' iull nr• mort t.Mn ">Upediclll dt6c1cnc1e>, .tnd 1fAlbtrn beauty .ire 1m't':1itcd with dyn;¡mi<' vaJuc. ThC)• fulfilJ 1 sm1cruring funccion ,md
bacl don1.· oo more tb:lO tmend. cbr1f)•, or bring llnlcr to che worl ofh.h, prc­ ¡>l ly ,1 toJlStrnetwe role tlut contraSts with thrir 1ntrn1 m Vill"uviu�· rex"t. when!'.
de...-�sor, wc ,,-ould IU\'1,' to pl:icc thc Dt tt 1JtdifiriJmn,1 in rhé �Jrnc (:lC from desis,uring) hi�r:irch)• oflc\·cls. tbey y:r,,-e 2t �t to rcordcr rules. orco
q;ory � the D..• .irr/iirMmiJ, whc:re 1t wonld mcrdy be� 1110� ten.1ble av:iur. org:miu knowlcdgc of :a craít. but by no rn ge11er.1tc n. Thr V1truviln
thc l'.xtem th:n he docs lll í.1ct utih2c t he .1ndient tcxt.Albcrb d<)C'J lh)t rri3d lS not funcaonal. Jt is ;uecdou.l. c-0nnngt'Jlt. :in<i could be din\injted ·with­
sub rnit
thc trc.3o�e to mere .Jmdionrion, but c:uhcr muuuon. He docs orn �ltcring J1tything in thc orp11iut1on :md score of thc Dt ,oílu'tr•fhmt.
nor restorc
thc .1.m·1ent .1uthot\ construruon, he dtmoh.sho 1t :rnd U§(') thc \Ve can s.,ty Ji much for 2lmosr .1U of' thc chcoret1cal nooons uuJbed by
nuteri.als from
r.hc ,uc of denmlmon ro constnu:t l ncw c:difice. Vírruvm:s. Constdcr. for msc111cr, che- canSOruti\-c pr indp1� of :u-chítcf!UI� ('MU­
,1 tem12J arthitcc-cure ncvcr
b�(orc secn. Thu mC"thod oí reuse can be ilJmtratc.d by ,he
tx:.mplc of thc mer,Hcd in b(lOk l . Not <>rtl)' do chcy bek pl'CO$S011, 191 1nd C"VCO 21 titll(.."$ rdc­
crud. v:u1ce. lQ-2 but thi.·y Stl'Vl" du,11 purpo<t�. ;is for rx:unpte in tllt" C'.l$e of�urytlunia and
Tht niid i1ppe.\l'$ mV,truvm, in ch.1pter 2 ofbook I.Aft r rymmdri,1;1').l thcy supc-rpt� d,enudves on thc d1rt't" Clinccpcs .anJJ.y,ed carlier: 1,_.
c- cxpl ic.iring i�
col\St1t11m'C elemcn .1� t�c .iuthor divides J.rchit.ccturc into moreóvt'f, thC)' are u«-d ne1thtr for tl1e co1)strocoon oftht tc!t:t nor for thc- p ro•
� three 6c1ch: acJ!fi..
cazw.,Rno,nomtt, mJrlunr#rl'l.l:f', Atdffitnc,'i, 1udíis �ubd dm;.rion flfarc.h1t�rtuf'C".19SThc·y hn� neithcr; foundauonl.l oor a genc�Ü\"t" role.
ividtd mto cwo <..'3tcgories:
tht." fint conum\ pn\.";&re cdtfiCC$, thc w-c;ond, w.alJs and Ncithcr c.1n 3 producave ro1t- be l.\-'tigncd tu ch.: ltonw1 .iuthorS :as.scrtio11 th:u
public- builJ.ings un
Pubhc bua.ldanS' 11rc an tum � uroun,o,d
r- 1n thre•.. ,-1 ,.. atcgot1c1 pcruunmg
.. il.,.vc · •
co tymmttrfo origi1 utes wtth d1c hum.m body .tod il$ dimcn$ioru.196\Vith Vitntvins.
defcmc. �hg.1on. md oppommny ("i,ppo1tu11itatú'J.l88Vm thk a.�rtion h merd)' cxpl;iiutory .i.nd Qllnoc be ;»."'\lJtúLm:d to the :..>dom ofthe
u\•iui thcn mdícato
th:at public b�dmgs ,hould bt" 1"2.lízcd \\'ith .in qc rofir,m
' as� ,w·u,,11. and vtm,s•
t buildmg as• body, which l< S)�tcm,u<>II)' •pphed by i\lbern to rhc producoon of
f�, .md he bndly dcfint\ thcsc
conc:cpt,,.18'1 m.a.ktng �íercncr rn dlsl'<'Jfrio for ruks on .ali of dle lcvd, of ,he Dr rr «d!lir..itcri,t. TI1esc ditforrt1c« do m.n mean
unhty ;md to .t)-mtnttm1 for be:au1'r-' 8ut :.fic:r th·, 1� ..
n •,ly """•
... tile I 1ltte rcntu otu}' ., 1h;u \\'t 01\l!t dem• tl1t cxi$ttuct m d,c �)r a,rl1itr.-tm,1 of OJX"rt1tiorul c:oncrp�. But
�.ippe.i.r mcidcn .
tally,e.. -cnnrd,-. :md only on nne occ�,;100 m ihe �me pbce.19' thC"se in fan supp�n M.,ric t.L.'<Onomics (thc- d1\'1ston of"thr: 6�1ds-o(:u-chit«nuT,of
The �n u thu . the,,· h.rvc oo dT('o on the org;uut..uion oíthc ,ext; rhey do c;-cn1.�tni('tlOO. of ed1tices,oftcmplt:'1), dic:utcd b) tr.ldinon or oppormnity. :and are
not determmc a chmnoto1,'1Q) ordcr ar pre,;cdeoce 10 thc t�tmcnt uf
tltc vat- nor thc �"ulc oí.my mtcrrog;mon orJwst16auon. not w mtnaon (ountlJrion.
iou, 1ubJCCt1i, Ir it nnpossiblc to lSS1,•n oc II lon1aJ
o o,J.:.., ,o ,¡ ,e eJu ptcr,s d n1mg Thi{ chtrerenc� in thl" fimctionu,g ufrhc �111.: conc<'pts leJ.ds to :a ditTcn-n,
wub tcchmquo oí co,mrucuou or w1th util11y. A> íor bc:mry. Cl:aude t:rrauh
l' org.;imzation ofthc 1wo \\�)tk.\ ;ind ;¡ dif.fcrtnt o,�kring n:l.Juon ;m1ó11� rhe books
correcd)• observed 11.S ()1nnipracncc in die Dt a1d,itmum, tlnt compuse thtm-Tilt" one, with ics n.mdom co.nncctfons and i.cqucnces whkh

Cll\t''ff-ll Two

m,t.un no rdmon 10 thc cnronolo¡;y oítl1c operanon, oí b,ulding. i\ • discnn­ At no ume d<>N Vicruvius otTcr ht1 rcadcr ,uch • global "'"" of the un­
tmuoui cnllecnon \.lÍ p.1m Tht! othl'.r, wnh at.\ ngomu� ;md 1rrevcr-siblc sc­ rold ,ng tcxt ofh" tremsc. Thc re•<kr 1.<condernned w • ,uccauon offugm,_o-
�uc-ncmg evmcc-s l pbn atabh,�hcd frum 1hc omsct Jml 1ntendcJ to uufold m ¡;limp,o,. One aftcr .mmher. thc ptotmia md thc txa1na rcCltc goal,
confornuty wnh thc ge,oerativc dr<1gn oí Albccti's proJCCt. accompl1.�hcd .1,nd announcc ncw mtcnumu, but nC\'ff gi,·c o1n O\'d'Vlew of tbt
Ele h oí thc ten book� of tbe De .1rd11ttítur.i begin� \\1th a prl-,;.·,mwtJ, � son \\hol�. Vi trUviw mmages-sf only on m.'O occ2::s1om-<o Jmculllc lmks .imong' mtroducrion,.md co11dude1, \\1'1d, JO r-xmm,s of .1 lcss decoran� narurc tite four book>: rctros¡x:c1ivcly. ,n thc P'"""'""' oí book 4, and pro<pcctr.-cl}•, in
whl,h )CTVCS to sum up thc content� of che book. .md .1boVe �u m �1tu�tc: it wath thc conchuion ofbook 5,but from thcn <>n he 1peak.s only oiloc.l and coruec­
ttspect to thc book ,-.hlch w1ll foUow 11 as wcU ll tn tht contcxt oí che work as uovc rc!Juom from book to bo<>k Thc Roau.n >teh1 tcc< <loes uxk«I. úvm <X·
.1 who1c. Bur wh1le thc �-"'turst5 .t.rc mtegr:d pl.rL'I uí thc Dt ortln'c<"tlltra, function­ n,r,,u ,o o:<11rn11, >llirm the deploymcnt oi•n org:m,uaoa,I loSJ< ,nd chun dut
wg ro ducicblc.' us J.tgUml"ms. rhc prc>tm,a. ,vtuJc th ey mdc-cd 5crw to mtr<><h.1cc thrn: ,re: CJSCntul link> r.lut tic,.,,., book to thc prtt<'<llng •nd/or fullowm¡z: ont,.
cach book mdl\sdu,lly, lu,c ,1,o,...,
.U m orn,rn,nu] valuc and • d 1gmsivt' fimc­ but 111 ,he <nd. che ordcr in wh1cb thc boolcs <ucc«d onc<hrr 1w nc,,,:r
uon Thcy consnrure ctn :auconomou� fragmenu, bits of Jue�ry bn1Vura :ad­ bc<n expwnecJ.197 le " no, explic•hl< bcause th<rc IS no dvn.uru.: rcLmoo to
d=d directlv ro Augu.ti,�<> whom, the worl< wa, dcdi catcd--3nd mtcndcd forgc 3D orgamc whol< out of tbe «n p,rn. Boolr. 2 cm onJ> be in­
to Wrm and duma him m thc nu.ancar of uucrludcs. bt-fi>rc retummg lum to tcrpr«ed as • porcnthem, and !)ook 7, tk>lini \V!th witcr. cm only b< l.ll<et•
thc subJcct at rund wuh rt'newed mrercst.n,.,,, wh,lt lhr «ooomy •nd log,c o{ pmcd u a suppkmm1.Thc poúli<1!1$ ofooob 9 znd tu could b< ..--Tn«l,.md
the � re ,ttd,fwrorttJ tru.kc u Jmpomblc co rcmove .lO)' pa.rt of a cn:-�tise whcrc th..,c 1wo books m,gh, JUSI as =ll """ preceded thoM, dcwt<d to �drfa;,ti,,. secuon ,md mos.t oí thr a.nccdot� 2tt ncces.�· ro .a.nd indi�iable from No '"1'1.uuuon Jwnlic< <cithcr thc precm11i<nce of rdig,ow eddic� "'"' :ill odi­
<he wbolc, ao mull pon of thc O, •r.:l111ttt111" could be supprcssed withour thc crs. or the pnonl)' •ccordt'd ,o ooul)' m rcl.aoon to ,olxl11)· .md ullbt)". or.
�1ghtcst c:ornpromll,,C ofthc authori uw:nt.aons.. rcl:lo,·dy, tht: 1norduufC' MTIOum. of q,ac:c.' g:i,--cn ut thc � u, cbC' hlrmowous
In sp1 tc ofJ.�nncN. tbc fin, p,Dt"niimH u nor n:¡lly dtffcrent &om ,be conscru.coon uf temples lt IS ,mpombk to l't'JJrC'Cnr thc org;uúz>rioo oí th< o,
others. True. Jt pIOV1dt!SV1cruviu, \\ith thc oc�ion to prcscnc hmudfro thc: orcl1i1rour.1 with • d»¡,.onm ;uulogous to th<, on< 1 lu,.,, proposcd lor thc Dt "'
<mpcror. n:mtrulmg Augunus oí thc farruly tndmon UJd s.-r,,ccs tlut bmd <he imlifit4t�ria One mu.u �h on Lhc coo,�ntiocuJ ablec. wtm:h oudutt che coo­
uchite« to tum, and to muoduce .i v.'Ork mtcndt-d to fumish thc cmpcror \\Íth ttnG" oí lh.t treJnse.
COtcn,11 for JUdgmg the udlitect's .K.compluhnu.:nn u ¡ bu11dcr, Bue the aucobi­ Mv dugnm reprcSénts th< funcnomng of tbc orcntor,; .u \Vt:"ll .u. tbc­
ognphy ofVi1J1JV1u,. in wluch he sm12,,. hmu,lf socully �nd nnplusizcs hu funcnon of ame, wb1ch. m Albttu '< Ut'>llic:. penrun tb< Jq,IO\mn1r of th<
connc-cttou to Augus.rus , u exterrul ro che the<>n:ual tcx1 oí whic:h. morrove.r, whok ,nd bnn¡;< 11110 m:ord the &Id""'! of th< >Utbor. lu., bo,.,k_ md th, knk
thc 6rst protmmm ga\'es only 2 fngmenur)' vu:w hmm:d to the contem:s ofbook Jonum Th< chro nol(I!:"� •m,; on dK- 001Ct lw,d unh..� b,·Vm-uvws ooh· m
1.This scrnon is thurfore not compaable to th� prol()b-uc or· Albem, which is •n mc.dmt.1l nunncr for thc ttt>lunc) rrcscn1.u,oa oí cctt-"n «qUCOJK« of
íounded on :and onlt,n bu cnurc: «x<. an the one h.nd by mum o(hi, biogr:,­ rule,..11:Af
pb)� wtuch l'I 61:c oí .m¡· mwlCWle or- t0eW cOrulot:1rio1U ¡nd rrdu-c::n to a purdy The <hllcrcncc b<tW<C11 che rexnul o,¡:-.uu,,aD<'ll ,-.f thc 0, � .,,,¡,¡;.• ....,
intdfccrual C'Otttprik, .and on thc oUlc:r- h.aod b) ,i.n.uc: of che maoducuon oí ind thu of the Dt ,mliitnrwrJ o,"t"rd}· ot.lrutOtt ch<" Ji.tlefft11•� ,m­
bu o¡x:ntors •nd the pl.,n o( <he work. duoblc, ,f le:ss tv1dC"nt----oct\,'f'm .\lbttn' mt.'tn-:a:� .u,d � of\·uru,·,u...-....
Tlfl 01 Al AlVUICATO•r4 A1•■kTI. 01. 0111111!: .,._,r, T1111t1

Both hl prc\cnt thc.'.' n".iJ,:r ",th .1 ,-tt ,->f rulr, 8ut thc theorc:uc:.l I of tL'rm. lf be d1d not mll'U,gt' to hbentc die d�m1� slttpmSt wubm han..2111 tf
.'\Jbcro, whl) .:addmi.\"1 ,mJ ,h.illc-ngt1 ól.Jl .tnom·mous 2nd unm�rsal }""'4,l'N h.1.1- h1J itu-mp-t 21 S)'nthc-tis f.ils wuh hu posrubo.on of 2n order �nd � .Josjc .are
..if, to bégm ,,,th .1 r,1'111I .J r,'b .l .mJ hl r�rt1.\l\'l'I�' WS('()\·tr m.d fomtulttc ,n fm uckmg, m>< " bcnu,c hn cpod, did no, pf0\1& m< conceptual m=
thc Nln of cJuil'.Jtlon wuh thc hclp l,)f opcr.m,n fot wh1ch lm CMn ju'4vncm wluch would luw :,llawtd h,m to rcwc-much lo" ro ddinc-fta pro;a:t >1
wtll he thc c\ CTHtnon. ()n tht' ,outnry, for thc ro.n.11 I ofVurunw� such. Thtt'C 1ncrrconnectC':d dcmrotJ 1re lJaing:. the obj«'Ovt' of �/wn.d.r.o;m.
who .1Lidie\,C\ Au)ttMu.s. wh� �,, dJr� 1nd !oc.ates thé tcxt. die pmblem of the hypo[b em of tht -111tor,o,ny ofthc- Jet oíbudd1ng. md che ronccpc oí 1'1N1i'-'t
dl)(u\'ermg .in,I •.ktcrmm1n� thctc rulM don no1 Jnsc h ,utlk es to bormw nmc. Thc sp;icc o( cheic :ab,c-ncc:s ddines n.,-o Mtonc:a.J mO:iMno. rn-o rncnuh­
tht'm &o,u Jll ¡Jn--.1d� givt.n carpu1., to whi<h n b only ne-cCS'Qry to bnog. ordcr de1., t\\o rdations to knowlc-d1,.� 2nd cxpcruse. Moscs Finlt1· hli proJc-ac-d dm
.and lipu.V1nu,1u" dOti not pn:xccd trom a nd.tnl mt�non. but richcr .:1 g;ap onto the «ooomic pbnc, �,-mg Wr Vimtvun tht crduuo.m. whosr: pnc­
u.ctt .icuponce uf tndmon;11: " th� p.truaru to thc rules d1c-rmd,"'tS u wdl JS uc.i knowledge he adnum. tindi h1S pnm« lunu<d b)· me homon oí• cor>­
thc p-rm'"1pl�! he- U>I:") to chn{}' thcm. Thu. ,1mnidc ,\ parut.:ul.trl)• C'<plic1t rurner soc:1cq,• wh1(: h tgnom thc oouoru: oí prod\lctl\<it}' 1nJ profü.:!I* Tius
whc-n he d�n� ,he C.ttC'gonn of tcmpfcs�•l or thc typolog)· oí anily,IS on be, ,dopccd meuphonál.l)' on thc l<VCI oi thc bool and '" tcxnul
Grcek C'lÍlfica)nl At thc nmc- h� \.,,-i., wT1nns-u \\.» not p oss1bfe forVitru\11us <O «onomv.Aíbem ·s treJWC' be-coma. thcn. thc- \\ h1c:b che Romm mtu­
tp,cJ.k 1s .t.n iutonomou� chcorL� 01 .in 2utononto1U dnciplinc- of bullding. 21.1-4 tcn couÍd uot t'\'tn ,ru.1g:tnc comtumn� thc- sn.1chmc m wh.icb no t,.-nr tS wcrt
Tht' mommt �d not yrt .im\-ed tO quotion cndmon. ro 1nugmt 2 �p;tbl.l .2nd wh1c.h is dCSJgnc-d tor p('rfcct funcoon1ht')',
UC'\'t'T bcto-tt" iottn. R.1w.ú 1nJ CUMom wett wll thc b.uu. ofmhn«tunl pr.srocc. In wr,ring thc Dt rr .udgi<Jtdrld, ,AJbc-rn o do1ng wmr1h1n,c <'thtt thin
Tbt wuc for thc- ;irch1tcct "� nc1thcr to pron10u- n--,2M)n is .10 1rutn.1• Vitru,•iw.. Wh.1t.c�r dtC' nnpuru.nce of h1, bor-M\\ mµi. he tl'lnúonru thc-1r
mtm for thc orgatu7..ltmn ol sp.1.:c- oor 10 IJbe.r:)(c--,uxf thc-rd))• to di!lcipUoc­ me.:amng by ch,msi.tiK cbc1r on:ltt. dK"-tr' figut't', thc1r fünrnotunR.lltc- oí
thc .i:rc.h tt.«t's ,ponuneuy. u \\'<lt nidler to :i.n-cmbh.·. orJcr• .i:nd <Ont�nt ind thc h1unw1g p�c-nct' ol Ülc- a,11."lc-nt u.rb.111 1..mds.t:apt> in thc- Dt rr
somctimn commen1 cm i 1oet oí bu1ldm¡t pr.acticn.. V,uu,.,m OCC".l.\ r�c­ otdefit.ito,,i, ne 111 tlTtt[ oí1itdt" un-poruncc, sm.:c Albcm hu b.uusbcJ tr2dmor1,
ogn1ZN th,, hun\.Clf whcn hC' •1.�umo t.hc C.H-k of c-xplluung thc ,r.1dmonJI
impot<d hit own ,mlt'r Jcm-cd c-xdUSJ\'tl)' 1f0111 rc.uon, 2nd propos,td 11 gcnt"�
rulC\.Y\ In Uu, 1-CfTSC', .a� Knuthcuncr corttcdy ol»c.n'CS. tbc l>t 1utlutctt1u.1 o 'l'till ª'
11nd UOJ\-C-:rs,il mcthod.Thu wh)'. C\�1 ,rhu: U11wJ inu.•uU,)CI W1S d1fícrcm.t'\'CD
;1 Pu:•nc Grm CQJl\'U'tCLngly UE."Uc-\ du, lt l.\ ume1d ;a popuLirin.cion o(
1fh&J m:,um: lu.d u, �ngm micu,mncnu,y onV11ro,•m1 tu�t("d h)• Lront.Uo
in-d.ioon.;i,l knO\vlcd�" wuhout ,1ny prutic'al purpo,c
d'fatc, 11 &J tmpOS)tblt- ro dc6nc Albero\ work only m ttl.mun cu die IÑ a,th,.
Our lck.nlM lerlg,nc-nr of t.hc lmut:.u1ón, oí rhc Vuruv1.1n c-nrc:-rpmc uct"d
urm,,1 -1nd nnt \.Ct" 1t a, in .iuthcnuc bc�rnrnng. Knauthrnncr. C\'C-n tlmugh ht
not bt 1111trpmed .l• a dcprrc.ution CJÍ 11, -.·.aluc. M>• gn;al h to \lluacc-Albcru m
w.i-' un:iblr co>hcr thC' 111ut.a1H)11 to wh1ch Albero JubnuuN thr C<"xt o(
hr, prnpc:r plac-', noc co rmm11111c tl1c onguultl)' or' m .1uthor- "ho'-C book w:u
VJtruviu,, contumt" nonc-chdCt� t.,, rm·1ugc tl,r Dt u Jtd1(tú1r1Jna only throutth
um qut" m 1h K,Cnrc U1 t.he :a.nt.1cut Y+'Urld. Vitru1,1u, h;u thc Hj,tn.11 honor ofhcm¡.; ..
die optic oí huru.11mt crudmon . ..a, 1.hc- \\nrk 1.11 :a cuun1tllc1h1C--1nnquu)•"M
,be fine ,o pthcr cogt:t.her ,1 nus111 ot .m;a1crul wluc:h h,J umd tltt'n b..· en w1Jdy
ror lmu, tht" Dt ;1,Jutt•(Wl'J ll iln cdt.fict' rJ\'tlb1"d by rnnc ,,hirh must he r't"4.:0n-­
�c.¡ncrcd, :mJ e.o .mc.•mpt to nu.kc- in orgmu:cd whnJc u( 11 111 ihi, t.en�,J\mhé
\trlltCCtl imcw I')' thc mtcrpn--wt100 of io n:-mJuu .. /\.lbc:ru n .au .a.n:bcol0tt1s1 u(
CJuud II jwufitd m u-emg hun :H ;i 'hcro' :;_• .,, 811& only 111 rhu wmc, ÍQr che
¡;ccniu,. ,\/hO\C \\\'>rk h ch;n oí recousm1n1,'I! romr.11iou llm why rfflue ro 1cc
J\.c.m1.m Jrch1tu1 n nut il c�.uc,,- in thc A1bc-rtun o, llt'n.,usunC'c \Cn,e of ,he
1h.1t thu �to1tr, ('\'Cl1 ifJu\ nlQic �tdC'11t da11t" h;ul l'«'n '"m.,'t11\tn1('l thr .ttUL11
Ctt4•ttll í•u

;1prro.1,h ut Anoqu1ry� nrH·r Lnh to opr-� ton

h1, fl\\U throry. lmm v.hJt.h ;a
OC\\ pr,h lh.C un t',,c: J..-vdoré'J Morc ,,,, •lh<m ah"l;c•h"' 1n 1hr lim oí tht 1hn-c bookJ Hnw, then, <'•n wr Jlhnfy •JI
n\1:r, Albert, l 11m,dt dc-fincd h1i. rt>\H
with rt-,pt"c;t tn Vm·uv1u, whcn. ion
111 boulr.. 2 of lw Dt p,,,,,,.,.210 he md1c thc reftrl"nrc, ro Jnctcm ,ourc-n, .ill thc 11.:irr.1uvc, 1nd ,uu•tdmc:, m tht �Nonti
.1tlº\ chat
thc �nhne<.,. cr.m,nuh rr.1rn trc.1u�? Why �rt" tbcrc: ;o m.. ,,y pcrítco, pluflf'.rfcct,., Jnd ("\�n 1111pcrfcccs. wh<"n
\·.-I ,mcru...uon, con..:rrrun;=. for r-um
rllce ,,hrrt- onr nn rn,C:uJT thc rtc-.thc
�. r1"''1ll<"nts fo, m..aL 1n1t colon ,he prncnl rndKJU\-c uf oh,,.c,n·..uan :md 1hc v.u-1ou1 rn<>dn oí·mg--thc
, bueº" thc
othcr h.10,I h 1n<Jp.lblr ot cmm íuiwr. rhr ,mpcr. mvc, thc: mh;un,o,-e, thc- Jttrund.t-..,:-, ,md tht \YrbJJ adJr<u�
cutmg the mcthoJ .ltHI tht> ndcs
for t:on1luning
thcsc íolur,., Wlty 1101 thcu .1dm1 would h,vc, ,ufficcd'
t chJt, in tlw Ot ;t tll'Ji/itdMria.A
lbcru r<-"c' Lhc
problcm of r:dJ6nt1on w1th Lhc
u.n\c- J\\Ur,mcc. thc ,,1mc ')'\Cc On.: cxpl:uuoou w ouh.t con,u, m llltrrprcung �u du, ,n.m:riaJ a, non..
nuunry, .1nJ an
temu Jll\t .. nl"C."\uluaun,u,· .a, thosc-
t"mrl<J\ed tn hu '".1nw: on pamt wuctunil, 1, ,urerfluou, .rnd orn..uncnuJ WHh hu rumo,·1.") of myah1nJ or .an
m.: "'hrn he
throrau, .1bc.,u1 nuum m \\h1c
hAnoquin. m\1 btt-n no mono cient C'\'C'lln, w1th lut borro\\ rn¡., írom lucn1urc. Albcru m1ght tuw
,ucccM · fol
M)• comp;ar10,on of 1hr two ttt'Jl
lt-'1 e.loe\ mdc:cd Jcmom1r.ritc thc w;anrcd co m.1.kc ,il dull JOUrnt') more pleJ,;111r.10 dupby lm hum:mttt lC"'2nun1t, or
role ui' tht l)t rr ..rrdltir,11.,r,11 h
.a.lso cnnhr 1m thc: mtnrrrt.mon re, givt" thc ;1pi�earlucc uf cnuforrmng to chr VHruvtJn moc:ld-.u whrn ht> bor..
J h:avc l{n,'t'n 1t.
.and funhcr t'.mph.iuic, b\· com:nu
tht" ungulanry ,,f ,. ltM ,,ho rows from thr llouun irchu«t thc d.JYuJon oí hu w<,r\ 11110 ren booki.
se r.arn coht'.ré
mto :a "holr: Jni.l .lft' für14tlotully utin
1l.arnt F--uuJh,. u y. 1JJ hdp ro chrify H"''"'"'• J iu-.,, •ln-,Jy ,,""1<'<1 ti,., 1h11 "no< th, c.,..,,u,d tlu1 oo p.ll1 o(
rhc-, m­
=0�>1,on I wlll now unJtrukc
alter IU\'1ng JcferrcJ 11 1hc ,nqu thc f>t ,r .u-,l,fioJUma i.s iupc:-rtluou, or '\CU-cont.uncd.Thu .1,\'«"'ft1on mwt oow be
,ry 111 10 ,1,.
fun,non cxcrcuc-d by thc p:m m
the hi,touul n2f'r.luv� ;and 2ncc pro\'C'n, Jud tlic proof ,v,JI mYt,Jvc � lys(C"nJlOC' cC1n1pan\on o(1�rr.at1ve1 ;uut 1h<"1r
dotM oí Lhc fx
rr o�d1tit,11,,,1a. •.., ,,,,Jmn• Sud1 .1 ('()t11p,,1,rt'C>n w1U ,hm,., th,u.unblc dtr
UIC "'�
• ti IC' tC"'Xl) 0(·L
r\')1C 111
narnu,-n ofV1au,·1w. O\C" o(Albnu .are not Jo\OCU.blc tmrn hu �.3.ll$t'.
V "tbl ... Tl A!',,;O VITlll.lVIU'\•
NAkllATl\11\ ANO J-tJ\lOr• fn onkr co define rrc-< ncl)· thc swcu-, ot tho.t tngm<"nh ,uth:ut thc rwo
IN 1111 o, #.T .• , u,,,c trt':ltl\�. l IU\'C borrow�·d .1 '-crt.un uumbrr oí couccpu from thr la.ngu1sut uudy
.... ,ttN/lf
o f me211 111¡;t. 1 n puucu1iar, 1 hive , uk,n up ch<" di,tincuou Jrlwn by Euulc
At thr hc¡.:mnmg of thn airulvs1� w� [Jc1\'\'l'"1f.lC' 1lC'CWCCll d·,,.,
f..,,. f ,, (-L•,..oun.c)
w- .1.nd Jm1oirr: (hutorn ..a.1 1urnuvt" ur
v..rr� .1.'-ton1i.hcd by the .&buncbnct
t"ocn e� thc pa.q � co thc cc· oí ttfcr­
somonv uf .inoe-m .1uchor, m J in�� \lory).ll! In tm rmJtc.wtn,J to .1 l ini(UtsOO oíUlln:lnct' (or \C'11Wltlo).fkrA Tntqt"
sccrnr�l en be ttduc1hlc to J ,ce oí pnnc
1p1 c,, rules . :md thc1r cotrunc11wnc1. no1� th.1c ''thc ccrucs oí.t r"nch ,-.:rb Jtt noc cmrlo,.Td .b nl<'mbcn of ;a. ,ml(lc­
Th1, profu..,1on .&Jt pC'.1.rJ p::irt1('."ubrJy cmba.
rr1.U,1tR whcn wc conín,1111 die ,Y,tcm.'' but ",U'<' dmribufed 111 "'"' systf'tlJ wluch are d,uu1r,t ,rnd n>�upltmcn:
r>e ,t atd,jhotória w11h tht f),. plltm4. wh1th I h.,¡�
ul-.rn (not wuhouc n:-aM>n) ury,''21J .1nd wluc-h c:orre\ Jl()IIJ to rwo d11l'cf't'J1C lcvch m thc- U"t" ol IJngu.a�c
to M lh lhc:0ttt1nl homoJO\,.-uc. for. ,r th" 0t f1Ltur.1
d.111tb_ l1le w" Ur I(' w._¡;. .._ .1\ lht' lc,"CJ oí JU(cm,r• .1nd thc otller, llut ('lf lumn-y or
OUC" ucllli,t JC"\l(,pU,•d

'4rono. tu n� ;a t.i"-41.., roJ.•J (>Í ch.e p.Ht. u n.trnnv('.

thc- .1utbor cbmtt t\'t'n mott" fim;.c(uUy
and 11,1.11icndy thc cx,lu1.1,"C p2ternny of lu" wo,k l11
. 1(, frwn ,- mull "et oí dcf: Di\COUr'\(' (,ltS<oun) u by the p,001c.;c uf che \flrC.Ú.cr, m oc.l1cr
u11t1ou., .md prmopl("i compmbJc to th<>M'. oíbwl
dmk- he íormu.bc.. , iu ldtnt:1- \\'t)l\b, .,r
by che u�c thC' iini1 pcn.on. b) tht rel.at1011 of dlt' suh_JC( t. ,llld by thi: u�
cal f.nh1on the rule\ oí a lpcc..1.fü: pnc:utt". ll muu of .tll thc ten� exccpt for tht J'ftlé:nt, ,..,uh d1t pn.�n, pl.a)·111¡;:., dc.1muu111 rolt
non�1hd�, be l"CCOfO)irC'd duc
h.btonuJ mccdotn ut' nmc:-h IN'\ num('rou, .aud 1 hstonc.�� (h4l"'-"'), on tht ochcr- luoJ, t:,c.ludc\ ihc fin.e. JJkl lb C'OlTt".bU\\"
t"l.ihc,r.ucd m thu: "-'OfL• .a.nd
>C-COnt 1 prnon. IO 1-;a_vor oí ,. thnJ ,_non
.... - �ho. u lklnTnl\lC' h..ü com,ncmP)
TUI o, ., ◄ IOIIIC4IO,IA Atli.ATI, lUI, Orsu.r ANII Ttwr

by Km¡; l'tolcmy of Alc:undm to •dJuJicare rhe g,mes he l1.1d 111,uru1rd,m "

nor founJ m th<" fk ,r «difitat¡)(JJ W Thc- 01hc-r ni�'O l)'p<'S. h<J\\'('\·t'r, ;¡re írc­
qucndy u,cd by AJbcru, cithcr as personal anccdorc,, or a, borrowrn� ítorn
Vuruvm->. sorne oí"hose u.orín S<"Cm i, 6111 gf.mce to M-c bttn �uupf)' mn­
\t Ilbed from thc Dt t1rtlut«1m,1 11110 thc De ff' aedflicdtc>rl11.
Wuh i (cw ntt c,cct"ptaons.21-4 tht' illu�trW\o'\" IUJT.JO\"CJ ofVttrU\'lU\, .t1J
bormwcd fron1 hmor1c;i:I ,rad1t10111 irc br1c(. .iu1ono1t1ous;mcnrs r_h.a co11ld
� dumn.ut'd v.nhou1 a.lcrring thc form ofhu 'thcorrnnJ ro,· or r\'t'O 1rs t"S­
scnual comem. [n cff<"ct, ccmcrcd on t::\plo1b of mdw1duals \\'tuc.h 11up1rc lhl'
RoflWl .tn:Juccet to d,� J.nd mon.liu. thar n-boon 10 lh<" 1he'OttOcJ.I contt'nc
()( thc uc.atL�C 11 oftcn vcry \1lt'lk. Thu1. tht ch.tpters �>f rhe Dt 11rrlut«WrJ Je­
""'«! to thc �ecuon of Sil« .,., illwtntod by thc b1ogr.,ph1rs oí. r<specn,·di•,
Marcus ftomlim, who moved thc rtown o( S;aJ.ap1, <e> �et u .away fmm tht"
m�nhn• .Jnd of Andrumu» of C\Trlu, who bu1h a.n OC' tOY..t'l corre­
sponding (O ht.$ c l1» 1ficJmln o( wmc&.l.b Bool 2 on rn.1tcn.1ls \'2Uno che id­
\Ynturcs o( thc wc�th)' Mausolus, who lm pilicc hutlt oí br1 d:.lir.
Hcrm<>l("t1<s, who mvent«! proporoom. :md /\g;uunw, whq p•mtrd thc fres­
e<» (oc the cuv oflralles. Jre the m�t"ti\-e ht'n,t',e; of }COrrcs cmbeddcd m the
chapeen on Jymmttn.1 2nd orrumcm.
On thc comn.ry. e.he illwtraU\'C' cumflvt"S m thc Dt r,[{ifdtori.J ;i.rc dosdy
ncd co tJ1cir comrxL Thcy 2tt consi<kr.ibly v2nN!. ,md much more numcrou� tbosc oí thc Or artJutrrtur,1, hut shont"r ,md, gr.mrrng Liu.Jc unport.ance to
thrir proti�wsn. ;uswn-c- no .1mooonl)· ihcy c.a.nnot be- dmoc-1.atrd from tJu:·
te,-a of e.he tt'' loto wh1d1 th'°y 1.rc mtcgratcd and IHt'"r.aJly Jb'lorbcd b)• d1c
pl.J)' oísh1ftcn wh1ch l"l'Írr co tht' 11hl<iJhNf 4'fflMt14ll(Jtl J\ wdJ u to th(" 1,tmmM
J'fmm1J. 1\lbcrá's rc:-fcrcnces tQ hmory, h1\ t.1t.1tu)1� ot t'1c p:a,1. whc1hcr bor..
rowcd drR'nJy from JJKIC'nl füer.uutt or f'C'Corutructt-d by lum u ;m :arducol..
ogm worktnK ·w1ch t"Vldtncc,:!Z7 ,e(V(" c1thc:-r 10 hdp comptThc:nd rhr
mocw.mon �nJ thu1 the mr..omg of cc:n.un form�. or 10 ;usuf\• Jnd rxplicatc
tct1;a1n rule'\, In 1hr, íom1c:r t.1.Sr-, he 1$ led 10 cvol<' m.uufold .llpcffl oíhum..1n
bchav1or dowu throug:h his,cory. Jc\cribin,:t tht C('rc1nony of commun,un m
c.uly Chn'íU1mry,l.?it th(' hospir.alny pohuN oí «ruin ( rran«,. .!..'"O th('
,mJ. w.i.nun,; to conunumc.-ict \\,ch C'.l(.b ot.htr .tbnut ch1i. th� 111\t'ntC'J J..m•
...'\UgC' ;mJ thui �I('(\, ·O llf n"".rhc,, rmtiuJ rivm �(' ncw üí"''lO� M <tt­
J(C' \'MJOllt L1nd> uhhclta c�ht:hc."D mJdc oflel\T.S. Q\"C1 dujt lnt() lh(" f;rt'IUtu.l):

,i �...JI¡· k """' 01 l'"'S'�"- di<') hul1 lhf fiN hm .�t1<1 1hr rinh scqurnrt,
1hC' 11rnry 1., unenupccd by .1n 'ctbnogr.1rhic' p.ircntht·sn mct'ndcd h> umtirnt thc.­
ltiluuon\ oí chr lc�('mÜJ) or m,· tr2dmcm of stquc..rJCC\ (-1) iud (S).J\9
follo" 1"!t chl). thC' l.L'I scquen-.C' (6) rt't:OOnb thf' rt"6nC"tncnt ot �Al'. \\1th
thc mvé'JlClOn of'sysnmtQ)" -m ochcr wnnh, w,th tht' ,hlVt'.UC of .an:hnC"aurc
stn.t,, Jt"IJN The rurr.1tl\� c-nd) .as WrurtJr � Jt �n• .1nd. wuh no mrumon.
V1truvms uc.klcs tht mbJ<."l'l'. 01 h1$ "1-('nmJ bool. th<' nut't'ra.a.b o(,om:mtcnon.
The \C'cond nuub, -c, flrt'\C"IH(d m bool. �. .auountt for tht on�111 of
che orden. h as mott' comphc.ic� dun e.he f'"",C"dmg �con. .1nd "''''P'S h1�C'r•
icll rnont) �nd ,;uJ><'nonry ro tht- Douc ordcr ('"rnm.J rr Jntuturtu, O.,n..·J <.si
IIJIJ ••).�"'1 h CUJ be dlnJcJ mió eitthf rcnodi 1) Ooru, "t�t'd O\'t-.r AchJI.I
.inJ tbc: Pdoponn�, 2) he ffl',trJ ;a tC"ntplc 1n Af'ltO' dcdh:.1ted to Juno."hh h
'\\.t\ by ch;ime <cnstmttrd w1th .1 t)'pt of i.:olumn \\ luc:h l""lme to'\·(' as modtl
for IJWJ)' otbc-r rrmrl� dut 1-nU. ho\\'('\'l"f. lJCW ·n,un1rlr)'; J· rhl' A.thcmlll\
fi>wulrd tlmtrcn cohm1N m ,\\u, .1.nd Ion. the1r IC', ,..,,.,_uJ cm� (Ephnu,,
Malcun. P11 tnC', S-imt\o\, e-te.) �htC'.h wuuJd ,;01utltutc lom.1: tht'SC c.1110 em·rrd
��nl'1 on thc rnodcJ ot ,h� of Ach.J.u .1nJ for ch.u rc-bOn CJ11NI thern
'Oorir' Uut thÑC' UnC'tu:ar1c1 W<rY n�-crthc-lr,,, d1ffe�nt bl'1..:.u,c 1hc-1r
columns u� "' tplt"IU of rrororuom (J)'Jlf!lffflrJ.,) bbt',t \\O thC' Ollll" hunun
tx,dy: 5) a t:Qlumn of che umc t)'rC", but bu1Jt .u.1.on.-tu1g '" th(' proport10n, ot"
r hc- ÍC"m.alr humln boc.fv. w,u m1..-ntttd ne�<. (1) thl' UJ.CCCiMH'\ of th('\(' IO\'t"l\lOf"I
• rr.111J th" 10111,: coJunm, "hh. ·h u rnott ,Jc-nde:r� 7) füu.11) che- Cortnlhun cuf ..
umn .appc.m:d. t1ratt1I 111 muuuon <>I chr bo..ty of .a rnur1.,:: ¡t1fl, 8) ihC'
Cn.mulu,tn "J' 1,uv,,r,d t'\ ü, .atlc>r thr dc-.uh of J. Coruuhu.n
girl ílm )t"CdnJ or1Jtm rurntnt', al.k, rrnl1tcd hJ tr.nLunrl. dtfTrf'\ tmm 1hr
f'irst 11t rwo rc�peru I n'\.t, u n hc:lt("r Jtbpced 10 te, i.:olllt\t. tancr 1t 1\ pl.1cC'J
m rhr firu chJrtrr oí bool. -4, foUo,l•W'I .a K"C'UOn on thr fomJ.n (.u chl"
cnd of bool 1) ,nJ • rn01pJ111nn uf 1he thrro onkr, (,t 1b, bc�111r11n¡¡ ot
ch1rrr, 1 º' bool. ◄). '-«ond. 11 no lolítcrr �ÍC'f\ CO JJ\Oll\"IHOU\ rruu.,:_OUl\h
Alfllkll, dk Ul\111 1 AÑIi T!MI
1 111 J.)f ,., ••Ll,,H 1/IUIA

ly by the .1pi\lH ..luon l'JÍ 1hr tl11 11I ,omll¡¡1y of cl1t

tccncr;ator1- oí or;t,11 111.a br.>o
m i np rt"c ,,e \e lmg\, bur Dthcr ,-r,ccdk d1.:ar,11:rcr1 ((rom nlytholog}' or hu.. ., hvd )•
: � ,1)(1ttm of 1111: h11ilJ111g ,u. 1,ook (,. thr
IM)) In ,1 ,p,c,1bc pl Jcc:, (: rercc C'tl .11 che rmJ uf« lupttr 2 of
A, tor tl1e lou, rh 1cl1rr1 1.l, loc.:Jt
Thc thu<l a1'KI l.1� ,1,unu\-e ofV1tnniu� n loqtcJ in thc liNLllld t.:haptcrof W't11 c- l1 (' of V11rn ,·1u, u.11' 1fllUIC'Cl 1,m whh
a.ix1h 1 1
uoly tc-.1ture 111h;U(1 w11l1 die wlurh ,y,.,1llflll1r1 thc
r1l<' ,,:uoc b ool 4, wd dc.1,h \\ uh -tb ._. or1gin ot. r1 lC onumrn,.1t1011 oí <'o1fHt:ih, ' 11 1 Albc-rrnm curn1,thc-/11111m
lhc un�iu t'IÍ'ay1m11e1,y ,t1r, fu, 11.hc111.1 mort' gc-n
MUth ' honc:r lh:m tbc- pn-<'cdmg 011 \"">,u ,, 11ot pn--5cmcJ .u che lcgacy uf tr: •i cc:hficmo u.Al b.-ru K'""
rnuonJI J Mllm1c ,u 1d complcu. J
uon Ncnhcr LlllO Vitn I._..m e1Jllll hl hl\ 'C 111\'tlllai •r. CY(n though he KCflb to , 1 JtLlll tt"tturc: hjllU
crll\ JU ut1lu• ,ttm,o("' l11d
eral .1nd ;1lt-1tr.u;t M.C-tpr lt 1w" y ,111f('"' of •lcv.:l<lp
h.t\'C dedu1.eJ ,1 fmm bti,.11 ofwood consttuerion ,ubm une, (or 111� ,1,c lrt{C 111l.1(
p:i,mul;u C'K.Jm J>lc: ,nd he murut :uul uucl,ul
)nly th c ti.rtl t'\\'O <>ngm rurnuvc-s fou11d m Vnnwun \.\�rt". m ¡-..,n rcuw:<I : t .h.JllC<', ornc'niat100 .llHI n:pc:
•(- l ml'III dut't" .i,b)_t1:att /Jtton ,n o1111mfir,¡unn Í,tt d1t
by APoc.m, ;rn « only 11c thc C'Xpm� of m11,1rorm:u1um wluch .ihcred thc1r liune.. thu, ,ccm , to be 1ntcm Jrd
1,0...111011 1 h1, ur.ad1L 11i.hc:1n.1 o11 10,'thc- lumny ,1f.u
tlt>n lnd mr.1r
. un¡... (tht: {i(ch .ax1mn} .1111.I lll 111pr
�p<"c lfi( npcr.acür ofhook C) lor AlbC'ru\ du�m:Hir
hum thc: JonR Ítl'\t n.irt.atnlf;". wluc-h t.&ke, u• frum thc- d.1,,•11 üf w,c1cty tL) .l) wh1d 1 rm1m ln du� l,im
< hm:uu11·' (hook t,, ,h.1111rr
che ont,..rim uf .1rr 1 lJtcuurc
_ .u .1n Mt. Albc-rtt l<K>k OnlY 1l •�••u1cmt:
1 el( ,111 Or-i�u1.11J
b <:gu1mn�. wh1C'h 11c 'P1il rnto 10-ur bnC'f tlfol<)!,t'1flll "1 icm.i, wlnch .Jn- ,)U.. 1 01' lint or 1i,ttn n ,
nuUVf', 1hr four 'k:ht111.o o(
lu �omp.&rhon wuh V1 truv

IOnomuus ,md loc.;ut1I <&t truc1aJ I'Ollll\ 111 t J 1e \racc ol d1e 1 t'XL l(' r,irn,1 tO- 1�11 1►h«I by 1hC'lf
J�. tr,u tllm, by 111(" w,y 111 wfud1
1hi.- J)r rt .u·J1{ili11om1 Jll" dbu1 thc luo, w.rn,
rnologou, m th t' fir�t th'" sC'�umt.cs º' Vlln,\•Ju, ' 1, \1lwtcd•·n c- .a.11 by thc 1 r .1,uV( mir- and
' WC tuw KCU, Jt All,c,ttt .J1,pmpu.11c, 1hC"u1,
md Jl,o..,
l� hq,'lnnrnK of thc pml'-•rue. . m 1hl' dry11 n'4 CJ( ,\lhcrt1\ 011gm
.,,,,,. Uy IlXll11t8 ('(JI'.1r1cano1t ar iht' f)rJ�IO t} (JIUlll.111 \().,, .aln-ildy P'ln11 1td
1hcy pc:río r 111 111 tl1C' tc,tt 1 1 1,1\"(: to
CI«)',Ul .an ongin.l.l l(C'",t'UfC Alben.1 •�>,'.111\
L-.-= w 1d1:. Ju,ttfü..)t1Un JHd fiov1-.1. 1u.1rum fül' 1, of Chf' 1u,c1ur1•¡
UC" .mtl thc- ,lt1JII "' 1,,ll"Jf
n;1 1ri111vc-, Nod 1111� rc-mm ,,1 lhr hN im...1 11 ¡,1, il.l
the pmje1.t t'num i.tcd ,Hld ralU't'd 10 dle/�• rt ardifiwsonn mi1 11C"l1 thr 1hv .. n11y
V11fovm,. 'fhe l� lJC"\t fl�. du� ¡,.1mo
ur1K111.1l me,, <N.,,,py \lt<,, d 1\P1iJr: ,
The kc.onJ ctJOtllf(.lt.11 M:'hcm.;i,J1u1.11cd ;u thc- be.·guauit1K t)Í tht" tim part n( ,¡, u r 111u, 1ml,
comm1c.1uu1 Mr ,¡¡JI �u11c J11c rc- n 11 wuuld he
thc. ln:'lllk" (book I • < h:apcc-r ...J,
-, r, noc .ae:tu.dJy homolotou, wuJ1 \oC'()Htllll!'\- 4 tht.c JU' prol.l SC')lll ll\ �o Ü)C'1J
hí ;md pnvJtr••• cr«l wilb
.11t.d 5 m V1tnntllL\, m dw wh .1c Alht-n 1 ( 1�ttbe," IIOt tht ' r't111Uflvt' ¡u11 ,,.4., hur 1 11., ., u11Wf' inJ1Vilfu.1I, M.J11
1 he- 'Wi:tl'11 ¡1,milplí,,
1r1111H 111g to cu11,eiw· vi chc11 .1wnt'nl� hty,111,, 11 .il�o 111 ·111
rather tht' mnPv.11u \T: l1(' luvmr of the fin.l buJldrn, thc ,,x ,rt'P, ol Um pm(cu .:te.. h ot thr füur fr
1hb ' m rh,: brft"Hllllllt( ' wrth wl,u h
t1 ukn nvN
courn for dt c \IX �r.1r1om t>fdrhc r. Joun 11 .rxroru,.au,d by •he- fomxb11011 for 1Ji(' ot 1hr (lt,ot,,dWt 0;11.111vn. Alb.-r
, 1,nnc 1J)lt' Mm,·ovr,,,1� 10 1hc- c.ür
wholr IÍ.n,t p;m o( Lh(' .,., l('IJ� 1,uJ.l(),-f¡J d \•ni uuu ;1 u,i,,,u ,,,, ,/'/,iC}ri,i,,tl( ,,,• •wd 111 10
1 11• coc>ln>UC.iil \(.h('mJ,, UH1'f.SN(t\
rh1, 1111u· 1J1r
Thc thirJ .v1d ,Jlf'1t1nt \4.h ('m_. wh 1ch op,c,11 l h' J>t,:r J oí hook 4, J.t: u1 1ly i .,, hu1or1(.1I ,u,r,111\'<'I J l1M·r"'t'f,
doint,:. ,1r 1� tl1 t111 of 1J1eu �1.1tu\
loo.sdy rtL.t('d 10 thr fihJ1 ,uid ,,.,h ,..· 1 lucn<c, 0 ( Va,- 11"'1°' TI,e l{<'ru•m 11( 1 hr hy lll or¡,C' .11 tn J1, h nt,l 1 11t hy .t, l.11111 11,
.1J.1p1t1pru11Ju11 11 .u-n1111 pluhrtl
bu 1lt worfd u no ''·"'Kt·t \C'cn 111 1cr m, u f 1cdu10Jog , 1c;1I �h,, 1 1111 unc.C'.-d m
,,_, 1u,�l1<-Ul , ttr 11011u d
1◄ , ly 111\loklllK 1lit"
pt, tN1111y Nen \\Jlll 111u1 1uUd(1{t"111Jmn
f" , 0 the de"t e m<.I dr1wnd wlutl1 1flt l'·
<cnm oí mouv.irmm, ;,((Orduw ·" ,r ;JII• uy hm., Jm ur..ilJ lf,AJ I-M"fll PI.JIIU1lly 11.Al('<' 1h..,
'-'lll'in,n V1uu\iill' l,t]J>!r'd UJIUIUI
virw, �, the v�ry dnvmu"° ío,c:e fJJ eJI1·ic.iuou h, wuh fJic Oílf(tn JI d1
11\'� l lt 1l11n l1111hl1t•• ._tu· ruytlrn
l i r n 11 1(' lllV('IIIOr oí ll1rsr tuu, uJr,,1
o' wnrk1 wluch urufy no, JUO ttJttm1c>J,1a, bu111,ov,,41pta,
I I • p mv,d rng 1J,e b ª'" 1mh 1rt1 1111m clu, i:tl 11 110 tht 1),- ,trd1Hf-fllif1f
mtnuon wl,u.h d 1t U,omJII
fm thc �<oud pu-, o( the llt'.1.t11<'. wJJO\.C.' tuln,,u wt' 1li!Vt" IC't"n,11,� .ilto m (;act
Jlt il-\�·11 Jrp('.1l h' cudllh'O lr.llhHlltl(",r "� clw l .mn ht('\U(' thl\)ll�h .nuho,s ..rtTia<. 1n¡i
.u. km•wlctl)tt"\ tlw 1riutttm11 ll,rnrnultr1:I b)'Vuru\' llH, ht �dopb .i )cJf
hl.c- (. 1,1t.l dt 1 ,i.u•um 111 p.itti.ulJr.'-' 1 In thc- c,l1,1111h lw drrl\C\ tf\., 111 the füst
p<."lurt·J,13 h}' d,.frniflJ.' 10 thr Annrm,, ,uul hr gtx,� \ll l'Jr 10 :umliutr m thtm ª"
\·mmun,c, ,\lhcrn l'<"pl.1<.r'I: tlu: 111\'thu JI cune of he.,iu111111it\ \\llh che bue 11 1, o( eruc,al
cht" JXHlll1 of 1ht· h111ldtn)( .h ;,1 hod)'- Nu1 0111) � th1J che c,uc.
.a�u.t.d .md .ihhhH ll.J 1,,I.Jmc1füo11 nf '-'IWt.itln� J11.1I, ,h ri11.1lly, ,L\ W\" h.1,t ,�en, QII tht C\r1¡.;"1n nf thc- onlct'\ 1�rfünw, 110 func­
iwportJ.llft' d1.1t 1.hc, long n.arr.HWt"
r.1rh ,·u,,t\');h.J.I \dwm.1 h lm ,Ht",I f:.11l1c:r dun t.hc ,cn1on 01 thc tl"�t tor wh id1 1nto \éVtn ep1soJr.��.fY dt,rnburc.-d brtwcen dllpt<·r� 5 .an d 7.
cwn h iS: lhvic.iblt
11-.ilon� "uh 1t, \\r<."r.ltul'-�c-r\'t.'\ J 1\um, h.11h.mln nu, fi.mctiunaJuy chcy ;,1rc mtc.l)ectc d \'cry od1Jly 11110 1hr 1hcorc. · Llisrou�t", ut eomnst
n.imuw 1\ sJwaced :tfttr
úl th\" 1urr.tt1\t"\ \.LJ11ill m ,urb. ,c,nmst w1th thc 111rrt1.1 ofthe or1f,t111 n;,rr:1t1,T� \\'ith ,he- <Hhcr nar�nves ofh1s tttatm•. AnJ, thl.i
m chc- l..>t ,1r,·l11rt,tmJ. ,, h1ch .1r(" <l.1.nnbutc,l morc or lci.< r.mJnmly but .1hv�Y" Funht'r0 10�.1l'$ prt>lilgoo,.sc, :ux· not
rhc rules for t.hc, ofwh1.:h 1t <pc.1k�.
'"'°"' ur �tenor hl thr texiual lir:1...1 \\ith wh1rh thry .uc n:la. tC"d. ( �,hc1 .i,, bul ab-0,·c .:ali ma,NYJ ,uutrl­
tlle .ihstnc r Jwmm(s-m;in� the ocJler 11

\t't' Jlt' thUSJni.o6ed.a.� l )uggt.�nJ JOO\t', in r:ikmg thc origm u.1m1iw� or 1hen .irthitt• c-1{, prtdeu s. iOn wluch dcrwc from h1,c<uicat
o1,,1, anc�c.tor\-.:and
�ool1�1c;aJ ,,hc:m;u l1i 1\lbcrn a.i. cdmtirutt\.'t' of .l �ccond rypc ofopc-r:uor whoS4: fl" O m b('utg 11 111 cu-myt hic opcrnrn r i11 thC' ccxt, 1hís Jurr.1uve-wfuch
in Lhc.· -umc w;ly ;,¡�
funmon " to ¡;iw lcg11mucy to tb, 6rst typ<, wluch muid be c.lled "logical', a fa�hion hiimririzC"� che kge ,1d oíV1tnl\'1U�tt-vcab
.utd wluc-h are c:onsmutc:d by the! 1xio1m I hl-vc c.iU ('d thcsc oper.uors of tbc ' thc thco�d cJJ d1ílicu1t i� ,hat Albem ÍJCc.'S in tbc
ti te 'history oL,rchitecn•tt
<ccond typc mttd•my1l11<2'45 beca.u)(' thcy funcoon both to comcst the m}'th :md parl ofthc /)f rt 1ledifltJJt orfa dc:voccd to :u. "S thet1c ple.:a.n1t t.
ms 2nd AJbero con­
to pl:l;)crvt--no doubt pirod1c21ly-·1ts form. Thus. thc met.l-mythic opcr.uor Thus dUs compaori\� nudy of cl1e narr:atiws 111Virruv
.1ppcl n m Allx-ru :u .1..0 epb.u:molt.>gJ caJ UUtrUmr:m,2 46 bcrwcen che­ out che ,unb1g uou� and dccuM: �1c.- pfayt':'d
hrms lll)' prcredillg 2.naly�es. h brtn�
wcient coofogicaJ myth 3Ud wh,u our contcmporuies-.aítcr cemuri c-i of crurc whieh doc:s r'H >r-c: n 1n0f- yet d:art ro nlJ ,tsdftuch,
by a hhtory of archite
�rd11ns for first c.1uscs-mugmr. ro l>é ·cultur.aJ' . Dt rt atdl'.fita m,fo to thc ¡):l!it.
;'ttld wluch come-� ro dinurb thc.- rd.uion oí che
Tht\ ff'�ding bnn� CtUf the difrttcnt it.aNs in thc /)f rt ard,{itdtorú, of thC" u undcrg irdc,1 by tht irrtdt1c iblc opp0s1t1011
lt is no,v dcar tlut Albcru's: ITTJ.USe
'history oí archHc.-<:ture· comtructcd m thrt'c- ru:gei niodcfcd 011 ;he $Cherna of ¡$ th( lo('us of 11rch1ce: ccur'1 n ,utd in :ibsrr.a,1 llmc
l�twcen 2 cimi: which
<urung. 1.s íounde d m Lh�ory.
thc t1rtt1. le diffcr1 from thc: ctial og1al s.kctchet. m thn, fa .r from gcner:mng ne- 1H whith this crt:anon. 111 1 petmancnr srnt� ofbe...:
1uvc nme. 11 vimu.lly oecup1c1 �p,1cc md ttmC' auclf. In ipm: ofit� form. it doe-s onl)' rhc 1llustr.i ci,,c n : ur.1tiw s reíer to
In srttt- oí ;in id c:nuCJJ use oí pan tense:\,
uor bcJong co Ulc meu-myduc opcr.icors: Albcru ' s hiscory of :irclnteClure l$ Th )' tvokc thc Pª"' 001 to \'Jloriz c it .u to
rcll dur.u.ion 111 rllue. C'
and reu;ucd.11lmost as .:i thc­
mcttly • pscudo--Opcmor.which hdp, h,m 10 JU5Df)· 1hc <ruth v,lue he attr,b­ c�.tlt thc crc:auvny of mue mdf, whkh ¡� mued
dur.u:ion is nt<ccsury 'º r tht'
utcs to thc •nthcac of tht Crecc;-llooun order< Tlu, ¡cJccovr and ·cultural' si,. throuAhout thc Dr rt' nrdf(t<Pt"'"' rhc :axh oí
lusrory,.?47 whu:h does not )�l really w·.1rnuu che dt'nomm.1rion 'hi.story'.c:mnot dC'ploy cd. Tlm mr.)S.1f! <-' u rcpc2H�d. sy:'ltenuttl'.Jll)'
.Jctivity of cdilkJtion to be
b)• muncn:,us �rc-n-ncf..�
tn 2ny evcr.t be" .uumibted to the legcr1dlT) rurratw1:1 ofV1 truvJu\, wluch :art' cr.i,1muct<"d from ,be beg uuunt,t oflht t,ook m tht cnd
<"IC11D>lly imp>red by thc licllen.istic tr.tdmon. ro the r:m. lhtt \\'t hiW' )t'CJ\ th:u. �, IDtm .&S it u uttrrcJ . thO r-»t t!o, \O to �vcl.k.
lo fa('r, onJy thc sccond ongm n.Jrrath-·e m tltc Dt ;UrMt(tlmJ lu, J true ation II loses th(' M-an,i ic would h.i,'e m .- trul\'
dd\l scd by chr Afücrcuu t•ntmd
echo Jn rhc De rfl atdificatoriir. che �,ory conccrning the ordtn m chap1cr 5 of tQrk.JI tcX1.T ht amhor ', w iudtíul / iipprop ri,1lc-!. 11 so ,uecdSíul1)' th:n hc tt...
book 9. Noc th:n Albcrn r<'Jidtn 11 more: !lay more f:a11hfuUy th:in he doe1 od 1cr owu c:on,cm etitm. 111 otht't \\"Onis,
duU'\ le 10 110 mott llum ;a dimrm1on oí hb
rrcccdm¡; cx;¡mpln, but whrrta.\ hc.- s1mpl.Jfie1 .:and r.umn.iJJza, ;1. ht' nontchdes.t
or hL, tr'l:ltÍ\C",
110. í(l\'Cn th.u u
.i.\•1.(01 w rhe Dt tt aedl/itau,
1:Jut wluc ,ucul iUC we "'
VI Tllt i\kt•ttlTE< T•fllk!I ot1) of ,u, Juthnn;al
td by thc tnunn;at1(m (b1tt1uwll
Jppt:21' nat only to be umfi hu uory ' C..1 n we: itill
by thc ccllmg (btond1 of
/. but .;iho to be 1-truccuri:d l"C'ly ,, d,v-our,c on
lt i, nof thto k.. bc p.andox tlu1 thC'.' ordrnng / of th<" IN "Jt.f¡{i<1Jto11iJ, thC' ,ub- rcbc;iJ ccxr ? Or 1t n, mor e pKC
\pt:�k 01 :a d1\C:u1Jru-.of .; thco noo-
-ll'Ct who .1Jdf"C'\\C\ thc n:.a.dtT ;md tnC'rt conwntfy lo tlte 1il11a/1p,, d'lmmnat,011 h Afbc:rn h.H prnduccd -, r,..1
� dncuNW" c,atcgory hÍ wluc
.1 the<lrcuul tc,c-t. Í.Kt br t..00 1p1rcd co
mm.,dQ.( n ha nwn buc.on.• ., mio hn trame Hown-er, wc hil\'t' Stt"n tlut it u onJu , c.1n 1n
.:i>Thc {)r ,r M,l,f irator 1a
1ul c:umpk w1th h11 IX p,,,m cr transe, oo p-,1inr1ng.
thc mtcUt'cw�J b in.un -� pl•Y of the .Jut hor, h11 ,p-ccubuvt c-m�rpn,t' Whiíh 1l cd .1r>d dnunct from ;aU carh
úm wurf.., .1lw unprcccdl'nt r.1.� ;md ,o wb1
2 ch
C\T>kn! m the book. TI,e onJy C'pt.\Ol..t� ofhL, p� apcncncn whic:h ,ome mto -c-r of tl,e :tmst :H m
wh1ch cx.1Jt, thc crc::at1\'C pmi.
d,s,, ,i.if11

2 c,\tt1 (t hr, pc- r•

.., conccrn r, \J ,mp
pbv in the tcxr .m:- th� �IAkd to che ut,,m d'lnmut, whcchcr th.-v nl m thc tini ptnnn ,1ngob
the :aothor ,, cousumJy prnc c .u mno v.uo r CtJm p :1r1.w>n
l mtlntonc- m hi, LhmJ.:mg. c>r ;in .irch1tccr\ ,ne ..-1:m.Th11 could.d1en. be :a k"nd 1 er. cKpremng hu pnd
o wn.11 v1cWpo1nt on tht rnd plc oí.1 d1\Coune un a
f \JttunoruJ rrÍC'f'Ct\C(' wh,eh 11 propa to lhc-orcttc.11 tcxn••md " co be unJcr- .1tH, pcrhilp,J, Y.1th ;utothcr cx.1m
• - \\'OulJ be cven mor e relcv
,tood .n l rdercncc to mt.crd&Kourse•,:;,, oíwhJch m rhJ, � v.'C cormder .l--'4 who a,,mubtcd thc
dr la mfJl:odr uf íJ1:10rte1:
tbc budt workf to be the uon-1Htt.try \tde oí thc 4."om thcorcuol tcxt, tl1C' Du,oun ,mc. llect u11 cnrcrpru.c .md
hy to an .,¡cco unt oí
prt�nuuon of hu phdmop
Al�ru '• b iogr.1ph , l u n oIds in die t)t ,r ,1tdlf,ta1Cm1J H, howc�r. ofhtJ hfc
wmnhrng ift""- -w-- thcr Oth
l • " t t evc::n ccrt.un prcu,wunccJ o,m. the' ,p�kc:.r'I
- cr tb,u1 .J ducurnvc or cvcn mu.aiaonal rcfc-rent in thc
- HO\ t.'t"l'('r. 1n thc IX pitt1 a11 .u \.\' CH " an r>�es· Dut
on, �ffirm10g "u,,a
\tncr \eme The Rory ol AJbcru thc lUlhor be fttn'- wuh hu dcch1on to wruc lí :u .a. '"ncn:'l<" h1ioor1cJ;J pcn
thc Dr ,, lHd,ficatilno 1nd p,ocecw J. .u d-tr.: muueot rdettn,c to htuu.c nf U,c 1cxt. , :and d4">ei not
uucult1n une md �1 ut1oru ar<." tbund iss doe1 not :afi«t the form
wh.s "-h progr.cuwdy r> -nente t he \Cquencm¡ uf r.h e pms o( chr book >nd rhe maafu.Kn ddl'H9m9 pr.,,tqrt;· hthcr tu.nd , ilrh«"ugh
' oo l thit'<ut'tt(.al rext. On thc
mc><hfy IL1 natu, » :a dtKOUnt

ordcr of,hc pro«du,o v ••fe,.,

uu,Q uon, and :&110 d cte-tmmc t)le pOJ1t1on 1nd or- of dcom n�:ru ung th�r" /'nn,v­
ed cxpms thc goal
g.a.niuoon of che C'bOk"'• ·o- iC.hcm.u . .
.l.\ wcU ;aJ the cho itc of 1 mtor1o.J thc De re urdifir.uori.J doC$ 1t,de prttpn<' drll'11omo
cx:am- mt,i, l U dom1 11t<'
ua 1m1J11a, 1hr 11 bplitiJ ,rr//¡t (.-1,)
Jlm:i i.1'1( d.rl/11
pl e,:, Oii
-thu uory ' 'k> uddJY d•�e hed ftom bmory ib.c ¡n 111plJ1r mi Jato. "'"
'' wh1cb n.:irnue, che -
l'1t(m1l'I qu, l ,irt!fitc, I rarda, (
Die!. 11 JHfJ s1gn!fitot" ;, m1,r ,,d ,,:mtr:
,tQg_es _of ;i the()retic:J Invcmg,Urón .a.nd ,he . cuon oí a book depeud ;a.b iOm cthan g othe r tbe ecu:uv of CTC­
,,tlj.ur, 11rl ¡uuJ11rrr:·�, 1ts
form revc
both che ord c-nng of che rvle) o f cuu1c.at100 t.r. -lnd ch c ordttlJ)� ofthc rcxt, In C'.h ,;,f tbc xurhor­
1du:1J p<KVCrTbr cnnc:J .tpprQ.;);
thc Wt .a.nil )'lu • tJ1 c whofe ..ol cne�hve J}rrJJCct of 'be f>tu a�djfiriJton'a I'- b.1�� :uion .tnd thc :J.tlirni;mon oí inrlw u cons unlly .tddrn.$cd
d lh2t stco nd pcrso n who
spc:.aklng m che tint pcrson, .m

on thc ae.ltJVJty of thc authQrwtub �C<t ofche tc:xt · Albcm ,uggMlll tlm . h1m�lf 1 u 1ht bis1c ,ensc oí tbr
procm tnch«:aU\'C, wlud
when he u1.mub.tC\ hb pe""'"' as . wnrcr to citat o( � b u1ldcr· "Uut wc s.h:aU by che fin.t; thl' \\'Clght oí ÜlC' nti"' e� wluc h lpJ>('.:tr .J­
iubju nct1i. 't",, ;md unp<:
nOY.• proccc-d co kl out thc whol< proce:u, bcgrnning firom tJlC' vc-ry fou11<b­ tc;:xt. and thc füturc mdJC-ltlVC\, txprrwoo of :a
the rule,. uf t'.liilic.auon: tht." firm
uoru, dr.smhmg u a.t tho"Rfi U't U'fr, f º"'1< I�"' abo,1t to t<rrutn,a rht building,,,,·,¡,º"' tern.ncly III tht' formubuon of ly conC:l":..b 2 hu,..
ess:1\T .ipp.a. r:nm parad ox,ul
º""' ,,nndJ."211 theorcric;a.l pivjcet: thc wholr 1mpr n, clu.'.' J,,. of IU
/ ()(tht :iuthor :rnd thtor cac1.1
111c cvolubon of �fi�rion• ils the ,� n.. re ""difi<at(Jri

., Pf't'knt'§ u, u thu, (k- tMinl tcxt that <hdtcr,;. btb.ind thl" prt:).t nt � thcory
. DiJ tO u� both
he-ro. Whcrt';l\ the Dt p11111n, .1ud tht
dr la mérho dr
tt'muncd by the: P"'Nó.n�I hmory °(thC wma lt dc,es no, ÜUt 1h11 hl\- it'd by rcfrK ncc to
co be po111trtl u¡, or cl;mf i
tory ¡, comprc·nc:d md rcduccd• uad fh:U r('(crenee, to n m!' \pond1c: (ar from wluch Í1'>1ll tuu c. to ame h.appcns t lli how
oí thc \pe.1.k t'r, tht" LX' ,r atd?}i ram· a �
bctng iccond.iry or pcdagogic;al• u Il:L\ unposc-d lb ol'dcr on tbc n;lrr.m� e.he." ,,uu.,r1M1 d'b,m,oarirn or th(' pul
f\'-'Ork "1tbou1
c l•"" o( � nustc
,n1<r prc1 tlu• ,ccrct O"'· dm ob>cur Alb< rn <U"'Ot<d bis
To ch
Jttt"1'11f'l to rc-< ntC1' the f'<'ílod m "lu .
,1 hero JL\11;\J\·i:r- the rul es t'II c�l1fi'--.u1on J.U�r hanng tihJ rcmfor.:-t"d tlicir foun-­ �· • mu� t . dcurc mto 1 (lomJ,UI
•c.had .&>Oll 111� =ñon • 2.nd
d.,n,,n, m ,� IO<U ll>Qlllffl!> . .,t,,n lu, r' wk of • ncroJucm• do� 1n w2< 11,0'"-
.-.¡-lle .,,J h< COThD'UCO ,=ose to che ded al long� WI
,a"., '"
pr"'1 ously lx:en
¡; cJicl •
thc on¡,:m 111.tnn\'c:." of thc ph\l�t\lt J.nJ. books t � 4, arn.l 6 f¡om "luch 1hcy
bad h tb= """"' bnuu
nds e( Ü>< ¡;nd> ol . che11otr Too •bohs w•• ""'
lhc- worJ ·hno· n not .W,11l(rd mn«cntk,·. lt" mc.1nt to ro1m up tbc th< c onuu, rcg,d, uon..
("fll«i l,¡• unmoav> tcd
lí• úom ,JI n t n«:<n dcnt or figura-
,&m:\llmtv of th1< 111,w,,..,l c,u .u1J d>< qu."•""·lu! dim<n,,00 ol us "'-""' -� "' fttt o,ldC
-'" iblc (.ibc ll POI "7u"'.L-u t nsk�' ,n th•
..-<tun :, Wlut '"' pos, ... , ,., ·'--"n o(bulld·
r�u�1�t, thc �tt1 t ordt'rn ofthe D,: rr ,w,/1fi,,uo1111, tht ;m:-1mcct-hc-ro wh� ;m JHOJync: o-- �-wc �"-
n� tn che _.
.;. F""-.d '° lx .u d,d no• luvc ., b
tnwnrh n ((l.'tS(',n!ird .... thc L"' dur�tt" ot tbt- {(\:l He G NI cxcq,oonil � -- d.,rtwl1 oí f'>"""'
u•-- 1un 1( 0\'lt')' , AJL -ro
�inbtv.ilc- m fit-'\JJ'C,J"-'tllmg ouwJe hum.:i.n wnc .md yt"l unmcncd U\ 1h Oo,,, b-, c1 :i pracnca1 h'UI u-i ofbwld ing.
in�. which cn� - - noo of cbt>

,omnand 1h< .,,.,.,

. '0 dTro ch•
=i:., I. th• con-

th< �· ofAtb,n,·, l. v.-bo 1mur•ooric;;,jj) ,.,,ume, h1, rol• » ch, .-dific unprcccd•n•cd rr<>J<C
e:(...thc t,,ook. JucO\-c:ttr oí th< rula oi � ,ri..m. .anJ ú\"lr "' tbc ong w ,nl) aMocu t<d ""h w,rJ<I,"'- -- nlv • be ua,r, d"
w» in <ffw for 1,u,ld,ng. couId
n,1run,-n. Thu�. üm hC'.'T<> re,.c,h'C'\. thc c;cmtn1.licnon\ .u.:comp:u1ru1� thc usk oí o n oC.• ¡¡c0< raª'" prognm oí bM own p.iroru 4r llll'""'--
ccpri "'- t,y h,s
,s "In h<
""""" ,nd consuu luoe-
U\it•<gn'U\g� fulñlJ..ngdx mc:u,,,mk: tun..nntl,. ,•f .i DWI ,llkd upon to lormu­ "' T<'l\flLTlUl
.1,n •xo fif"t pc:non wh"-- -� buil<kr-h<to sunu
Útt lul r, nun, the ntl� of c·(hfic.inou.. :mc:I oi thc An:'httcct who ha,,, thc ,mtbor­ :ation n;irr.t tl\'e
- in h
l t" C'OW'Íl.l: to tt'-
.1 secular found .in..! is 21,k to rc
,ry co t,>und ih<-,n u, thc: .oius., nnl WhC ol k,,;>< from hl'lon <.u ., ame . donum"' 11• ,d,fia tion "�'th
��, no pn . L- comnut1cd wh en h e P"", <lcd
B� Jntcgua:ng hu dLt.cour\C J-� such inco .1 ha\lOncJ.l ccn.Alhun ttcom­ ..,... ,. Th<
rnru¡,tt<"º" AJ ""'° ..., ._ . m<'
...,, o( th" odJ bi<tor
tc .,
dnn sym bol lcaJh• . .
po"C". on thc- k-.-d of hn bcx>k. m m.aJ�c- oí thos.e ongm n,1mtwc-s whosc
ns own kgub.oon ts onc�'10t1 U1
b ut uld1�s.:ab\C"". c
cu,.... eXOICD<V ,1

iOúnd.tno n 111)·th·• •
tno.lcl h, found in Vi1n1,ius .md o<ha wnun of hnn,¡wtv. .aaJ,. hkh hc !ud.
,� ssmuban.,:, .i , t'C>r). oí thc Ot- at4i_/i ,¡ a tM1.2
throu¡th e.he use- 01 1rof1)· Jnd b)· .¡n 1mpl.1nb1c Jubordm;mon to che- JrluJllon 'C'nng thc s0\,:n:1gn th
thc sl:.'"mcc oí dd..1,

4·;,._,,�. \lnr¡><d oí tbcu Dl'1hi< o, n,b;;.r,u, o,ytt.,.,...Thc O, rt «d,fi,,,,,..

m thm � somc oft.he cnmpntnC)' wh1ch lud firn Jr¡wn our ::utcnuol'l�
()t coun< Al,m,\ ._.,.,_ ,l.,bo,,o,n oí m< ruin oftd,f,nuon lrom
• luruttd ,., oí log,cal opcr>tun "<till thc fir« ull< t>f 11, k,nJ. ;and lw
pro J«t--.?''"' th, roln he .....,,,,,. 10 t>m< ;u,d dcsir<-t> ,ndccil m1u¡;uril 2nd
rmww Ull'Urpl.«td. ll1>t "Ot'\Tnh<i<" b«omn cku uw thu tb.orv ¡,lu�
1nto thr 1't"l1 "'--orld occup,n ,1 wpctfi,ul ur.aturn of thc: tcxt, whu:h U �bordt­
n .llt.J to .. (k('pCl )tnNm. v.�ror, b, \ 11'tlaC' OI .J ben.». n..ur..m"C' \\C CJ:D
rc.1J 1,rrwtc.-n thc hnt$ thc \\1lrLnK) of mych.
h chis rwntn'<' ¡wod,. .,. m ÍXI aumnx> \\a "com¡,o«J dd,l,cm.-ly
or nthcr ,urrt" by thc .11,nhor's unconsc1ou-c? T� .>m\\'Cr
nuuen hnk. \\lut ._, n,cr,tuJ IS thc- (CWltndimon dut confmnts U\, thc IX'l du1
11 ,ymbohcall> «fon 10 th• tr.adiuou ¡¡g.úru1 wlmh. fnxn thc: ouo,1.Alb,ru\ ,n­
tnprn.c •"U danoatd.

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