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Team Project Brief

• Select an existing foreign brand with the potential to enter

Czech market (no online application or online service).
• Identify appropriate target group for your brand in Czech
• Explore the structure, dynamics and trends, existing
competition on the target market in Czech republic.

• Prepare a situational analysis and SWOT analysis to identify

key opportunities/issues for the launch.

• Prepare a marketing plan for the launch of your brand on the

Czech market.
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Team Project Brief

• Final presentations of team projects will be held
on May 10, 8.30.
• Deadline: May 5, InSIS
• Team seminar work including all performed analysis and TEAM PROJECT
summarizing your marketing plan activities.
• Deadline: May 16 - InSIS
• Evaluation criteria:
✓ Depth and relevance of the situational analysis,
✓ Relevance of marketing objectives and activities for the given market
and selected target group,
✓ Logical structure and coherence between marketing goals and activities,
✓ Reasonable marketing budget,
✓ Presentation skills.

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1. Analyze your brand 2. Perform situational analysis

(you should put your findings in your seminar work, for the
• Description of the brand and products, that you plan to launch on the presentation, keep only essential information incl. main competitors)

• Identification of key attributes of your brand - functional, emotional, self-

• Recommended sources:
expressive benefits, value proposition. • DESK-RESEARCH - study of available data – reviews, webpages of
competitors, articles, government agencies…
• Identification of Brand Positioning Statement of your brand.

• Would it be suitable for Czech market?

• STORE CHECK - visit the sales channes (off-line if possible; on-
line) – analysis of competitive product portfolio, prices,
• Would you need to adapt it? Why yes, why not?
communication activities, clients, services, strengths and
• Support your arguments by figures from CZ market. weaknesses …
• Try to think about the “Big Idea” summarizing attractively your brand
positioning and preferably reflecting local consumer insights • Possible own primary research among consumers in order to obtain
• The Big Idea keep for the presentation. deeper understanding of Czech consumers.

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2. Perform situational analysis 3. Summarize your findings in SWOT analysis
(you should put your findings in your seminar work, for the
presentation, keep only essential information incl. main competitors)
• Summary of previous analysis
• You can use for example following methods of analysis of the marketing
environment: • Highlight max. 3 key issues/opportunities for the launch of your brand
from the SWOT
• Macro environment – PEST analysis.

• Micro environment – analysis of Porter´s forces, competitive hexagon.

• Try to identify also possible substitutes.

• Identify and evaluate your competition from the point of view of your
consumers (same function/occasion...).

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4. Set your marketing goals for CZ launch

• Goals should be based on SWOT and on key issues/opportunities for

your launch. TEAM PROJECT
• What do you want and need to achieve in order to successfully launch
• Calculate
• Turn over estimation for 2022;
• Reasonable marketing budget for 2022.

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2. Describe your PLAN using following scheme.

• Set out the strategy and individual activities for the goals that came from your
1. ONLY 1 INTRO summary slide of: SWOT analysis.
• The goal is the point or place you want to get.
• The Big Idea (incl. product picture) • The strategy is then the way to get to the place.
• Activity is a specific step in the path that will bring you closer to your goal.
• The number of goals, strategies and activities is not given, it depends on
• Top lines from situation analysis, incl. main competitors you.

• Key issues/opportunities from SWOT

“It takes a big idea to attract the attention of

consumers and get them to buy your product.
Unless your advertising contains a big idea, it
will pass like a ship in the night.” David Ogilvy

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3. For each ACTIVITY description, add on separate slide with 4. BUDGET
following information. • Prepare a timetable to clearly see what kind of activity is involved and what
3. Use relevant visuals budget is needed for it in the Launch Year 2022.
• Express Budget in% to see what part of your budget each activity will

• 15 min. (max.), ppt presentation; discussion

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• Prepare a short ppt presentation describing
• your brand / product (s) which you plan to launch in CZ market
• it ´ s value for CZ consumer , unique from the competitor ´ s values
• your main competitor on CZ market,
• short description of CZ consumer demographic , geographic , psychographic and
behavioral profile
• RECO: Go through the whole Team project brief and briefly check how difficult
will be to ful fill all requested steps with your chosen brand

• Submit into InSIS (coursework submission)



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