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First Word March 12 & 13, 2011


First Baptist Church Naples

Seeing God in 3-D
There is a resurgence of 3-D movies because of new
technology. As in former years, you put on a pair of black-
rimmed glasses to see various dimensions. Like a good
movie, which has interesting narrative, movement, action,
character development, emotional impact, and a rousing
music score, God’s stories in His Word draw us in, lift us up,
and send us out. God particularly used a balding, ex-farmer
with calloused hands, a fearless face, a raspy voice, a heart of gold, and
a powerful anointing by the Holy Spirit. In 2 Kings 13:20-21 we read the
remarkable story of how after Elisha’s death God used his bare bones to
raise a dead Israelite to life. While our world says, “It is over!” God still says,
“No, it is just about to begin; it’s resurrection time!” As the world thinks it is
dancing on the grave of the church, God uses His people, encouraged by
ancient stories and ignited with the fire of His power.

Everyone loves a good story. God’s unvarnished truth in the Bible does
not reflect the bottom-up philosophies of despair and darkness held in
common by mankind, but the top-down theology of hope. God’s stories
inspire our imaginations and send our minds running in different directions
with endless applications because of their timeless quality. They touch
us with freshness at different periods and challenges in our lives. While
cowardly preachers and confused teachers are afraid of offending their
hearers and tend to deal in vague terms and speak over people’s heads,
God fixes His gaze on us and brings to life and light His truths. He forces us
to examine our assumptions and exposes us to His operation in the three
dimensions of the individual, the church, and the world.

As we read in 2 Kings of the successor to the mighty prophet Elijah, we see

ultimate reality. We become like those in Isaiah 8:18, “Signs and wonders
in Israel from the Lord of hosts.” People will wonder at the change in you
and see the Savior’s sign pointing upward to Him and outward to a needy

In these next weeks, hunger for God-sightings, growth-experiencing, and

generous giving. I pray that you will have a fresh awareness of His work in
our world, a new experience of His power in your life, more involvement
in service, and increased giving to His kingdom through tithes and
offerings in our church. Let’s share testimonies, explain needs, and give
opportunities of commitment. May “The spirit of Elijah and Elisha rest on”
us (2 Kings 2:15) as we move into next level living.

Guest Reception
There is a guest reception in the Commons immediately following the
Saturday night and Sunday morning 11:00 a.m. service. Come and meet
Dr. Wicker.
Bob Reccord
Please go to
and click on the SERVE icon to
see opportunities where YOU can
SERVE the Lord right here at FBCN!
“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus
for good works, which God prepared beforehand
so that we would walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10

An Evening
of the Arts
“Let all creation
praise Him”
(Psalm 145:10)
You are invited...
to glorify God
through the visual arts!

On Thursday, April 14, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. , FBCN and
FBA will host an art exhibit and sale in the Commons lobby of
FBCN. The display will feature original works of art created by
professional artists from the FBCN church family, friends, and
FBA parents. Please contact Linda Shaw at 597-2233 ext. 301 for
more information.


March 14th – May 16th
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

First Baptist Church Naples
3000 Orange Blossom Drive
Naples, FL 34109
DC111 (Discipleship Center)
Register by Noon this Monday, March 14th
Classes are free but space is limited.

Married, divorced, single, retired, short or long term…let God use you!
Staff Anniversaries for March
Pastor Hayes Wicker Senior Pastor 19 years
Jimmy Hill Director of Single Parent Ministry 17 years
Pat Hale Operations Supervisor 8 years
Ovelio Alfonso Premises Keeper 6 years
Margery Bernhardt FBA Teacher/Librarian 6 years
Matt Jansen FBA Teacher 3 years
Dale Lewis Operations Supervisor 3 years
Sheila Nance Preschool Ministry Coordinator 2 years
Robyn Ritchie FBA PreK Teacher 2 years

High School Students...

Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
in the Student Center

Our Hispanic Congregation
Baptized the Following
7 People Last Weekend
Evelyn Baca
Edwin J. Cairampoma
Stephany Constantin
Ana Cecilia Hernandez
Ana Maria Hernandez
Edel Perez
Ana Rodriguez
First Baptist Academy
proudly presents their
first annual musical:

WHEN: 7:00p.m.
Thursday, April 28th & Friday, April 29th
WHERE: First Baptist Church Naples
Worship Center
TICKETS: On Sale Now
$15 each or $100 for a table of 8
Dessert will be served at both performances

FBA students grades 5-12!
Call the Academy office for
ticket information at (239) 597-2233 x582.

New Arrival
Josef Luis Terronez was born on March 4,
2011 weighing 7 pounds and measuring
19 inches long. Proud parents are Alex &
Rosemary, and siblings are D’Vanna & Joshua.
You’re invited to

A ministry of the deacon’s wives to the widows
of our congregation
Join us for sweet fellowship, food, and encouragement from God’s Word!
1:30pm – 3:30pm
Please sign up in the Fellowship Hallway
Prayer Shawl
The next prayer shawl gathering will be Friday,
March 18th at 10:00 a.m. in Room AD145. We are
open to and are always looking for new members.
We make prayer shawls for the homebound, those
in the hospital, women that just had babies, etc.

Children’s Ministry Volunteers Needed

Do you have a creative eye and enjoy The Children’s Ministry has an
working with others? The Children’s opening for an every other
Ministry is looking for someone who Saturday night greeter that would
would love the opportunity to serve love greeting the children and their
the Lord by heading up the hallway families, and helping them check
decorations for Kidz Summer Quest into our Saturday night ministries.
(Vacation Bible School). There are We need people to greet between
many suggestions and ideas on the 5:15 and 8:30 p.m.
Please contact Nancy at 596-8600 x350 for more information.

FAITH Evangelism
Outreach Visitation
Sunday at 5:00 p.m.
Registration for new classes has begun!
New Classes begin Tuesday, March 29th & Wednesday, March 30th!
Class sizes are limited and will be enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis. H
Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted ha
Teacher: Sherri Dorrill Author: Priscilla Shirer Tuesday Only en
What do we do when God interrupts our lives? Many times, like Jonah, we run! This study redefines
interruption showing that interruption is actually God’s invitation to do something beyond our G
wildest dreams. When Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life, the result was revival in Te
an entire city. Jo
A Trusted Friend: When It Matters Most th
Teacher: Alicia Diller Author: Clinton/Springle Tuesday Only dr
Have you ever met a woman in the hallway and she shared bad news? Did you know what to say?
Does visiting a friend or loved one in the hospital make you anxious? Are you a good listener when a R
friend has a problem? This study will give you confidence about what to say and when to refer a Te
person to a professional. Join other women who want to give a Christ-centered and caring response Ar
to hurting people – because you’ll encounter these many times in your church, family, neighborhood, pr
and workplace. th
What In the World Is Going On? 10 Prophetic Clues You Cannot Choose To Ignore re
Teacher: Mary Ann Tindall Author: Dr. David Jeremiah Tuesday Only pr
The Bible has much to say about the end times. Yet it is hard to piece together all that information in
a way that gives a comprehensive picture of what that time period will look like. This study will focus Lo
on 10 Bible prophesies and how they relate to Israel, oil, the European Union, Islam and today’s top Te
headlines. D
For Women Only: The Bible Study th
Teacher: Brenda Howard Author: Shaunti Feldhan Tues./Wed. w
This Bible study relates to important issues of Christian marriage and how a godly wife can make a to
powerful impact in that relationship. Based on the author’s insightful revelations about the inner
lives of men, this study will lead you to an important change in heart attitudes and life practices in
order to glorify Christ through your marriage.
Married to a King: The Song of Solomon N
Teacher: Paula Bulmer Author: Various Sources Tues./Wed. co
Do you like a good love story? This book of the Bible includes all the elements of a sacred romance: cl
love, courtship, engagement, marriage and sex. Join us as we learn what it is to: Have “dove’s eyes”, on
hair “like a flock of goats”, lips “like a strand of scarlet”, a “garden” that remains off-limits to any di
person besides your husband, and how your “fountain” will be blessed by God. The greatest love th
story ever told is the passionate heart of God and the redemptive love of the Lord Jesus for His Th
Bride. Te
Digging Deeper: A Theology Class for Women In
Teacher: Janet Wicker Author: Navigators Tues./Wed. tr
This seminary-level class will explore biblically the basic doctrines that are foundational and be
absolutely necessary to the Christian faith. We will use The Moody Handbook of Theology as our is
class textbook. The following studies will be examined in lecture and Q&A session along with weekly Th
reading assignments through the 8 weeks we are together: Doctrines of the Bible, of God, of Christ, Te
of the Holy Spirit, of Angels, Satan, and Demons, of Man, of Sin, of Salvation, of the Church, of Last W
Things. re
Brave: Honest Questions Women Ask
Teacher: Cindy Starkweather Author: Angela Thomas Wednesday Only
Why can’t I get it together? Am I as invisible as I feel? What am I so afraid of? It takes a brave woman
to ask these questions and dig into these topics alongside other believers. We’ve all got insecurities,
flaws, and struggles that we’re afraid to address. But if we can be brave enough to raise the questions,
God will answer us. You’ve got questions. God’s got answers. Be brave. Ask.
Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food
Teacher: Debbie Norton Author: Lysa Terkeurst Wednesday Only
Has food become more about frustration than fulfillment? This study will explore the missing link
between a woman’s desire to be healthy and the spiritual empowerment necessary to make that
happen. This is not a how-to manual or the latest, greatest dieting plan. This study will instead
encourage woman to have their deepest need met by God and not food.
God’s Gift of Art
Teacher: Linda Shaw Various Sources Wednesday Only
Join us for a “broad-brush” introduction to the visual arts, with in a biblical worldview framework. In
this session we will: Learn about God’s glorious gift of art; Look at art-view, and analyze art through
the lens of Scripture; Let creativity shine-develop your “gift” of art. Student will need to bring a Bible,
drawing pad and pencil with eraser.

a Revelation
Teacher: Vina Sterrett Author: Various Sources Wednesday Only
Are you wondering where today's tumultuous current events are leading? Revelation is God's gift of
d, prophecy to inform us. We'll study this exciting book verse by verse, examining the Lord's letters to
the churches and focusing on the prophetic texts related to End Times, including the Second Coming
of Christ, the coming earthly judgments, the final Great White Throne Judgment, and heaven with its
rewards. God promises blessing on those who read and heed this book. You'll be encouraged and
prepared to face each day without fear and ready for Christ's return.
s Loving God with All Your Mind
Teacher: Kathy Wood Author: Elizabeth George Wednesday Only
Drawing on biblical wisdom as well as personal experience, this study helps women handle their
emotions and discover inner peace that comes from focusing on what is true. You will be reminded
that loving the Lord involves action! Focusing on six scripture passages, will help you to understand
what it means to...let your mind think on what is true about God and about life, grasp and move
toward God’s purpose for life and trust the Lord in all things.

The Coming Economic Armageddon

Teacher: Mary Ann Tindall Author: Dr. David Jeremiah Wednesday Only
Never before have we read such jarring headlines, distressing news analyses, or dire predictions
concerning the world's financial future. Did Bible prophecy predict this catastrophe? Are there biblical
clues to how soon, if ever, a viable, long-term recovery can be sustained? Is the financial collapse just
”, one of several signs that we are living in the final days of Earth's history? This study will help us to
discern the meaning behind what we see in the daily news -- and understand and prepare for living in
the New Global Economy.
The Shelter of God’s Promises
Teacher: Rae Manchester Author: Sheila Walsh Wednesday Only
In a world of uncertainty, pain, and struggle, where do you find solid assurance and unshakeable
truth? In this riveting walk through some of the Bible's most compelling stories, you will study ten
bedrock promises of God, providing the foundation for daily confidence, joy, hope—and shelter. God
is the only promise maker who is always a promise keeper. And God’s promises will never fail you!
This Isn’t the Life I Signed Up For: But I’m Finding Hope and Healing
Teacher: Kim Hayes Author: Donna Partow Wednesday Only
When we’re challenged, we want to cry out, “Hey, God, this isn’t the life I signed up for! I specifically
remember signing up for great parents, a great marriage, and great kids who rise up and call me
blessed. I signed up for lifelong friendships, thin thighs, and vibrant health. Instead, I find myself in the
middle of the life I DIDN’T sign up for.” If you’re ready to discover a new approach to life—God’s
approach that promises hope and healing—then this study is for you!
Wednesday, March 23rd at 6:30 p.m.
Worship Center (East side)

The Love She Experienced Changed Her Life.

Deep in hopelessness, one woman found freedom from the past. Magdalena reveals what can happen
when women refuse to live in defeat and choose to discover their real value. It is the true story of
Jesus seen through the eyes of Mary Magdalene: a story of tenderness, freedom, and purpose. Journey
with women of our past to discover hope for your future.
The Man She Followed Changed The World.
Men’s Ministry
A Ministry for Men of All Ages
Acts-tion Heroes from the Book of Acts
Wednesday Evening Men’s Study
6:25 - 8:00 p.m. in the Chapel
Special Guest Speaker This Week: Jonathan Burnham
This is a time of worship, study, discussion, and fellowship for men
to learn how to apply God’s Word in every area of their lives.

In Sympathy
Charles Jeffords passed away on February 25, 2011.
We express our sympathy to his wife, Jamie, and the
rest of the family.
FBCN member William ‘Jared’ Barr passed away on February 28,
2011. We express our sympathy to his family.
Choose from a
large selection
of styles!

Buy 2,
Get 1 Free

Route 56: April 8-9

Bridge 78: April 29-30

Registration is required. Cost is $10 per person.

You may register online at
or at the snack shack in the Family Life Center.

For more information, please call the student ministry office at 239-449-4480.
Youth Evangelism
March 25-27, 2011
Lakeland, Florida
Early registration (by Feb 25) $90
Late registration (Feb 26-Mar 13) $115
High School Ministry will take 9th-12th grade students.
Middle School Ministry will take 5th-8th grade students.
Space is LIMITED! Reserve your spot NOW!
A non-refundable deposit of $50 is
required for registration.
Register online at
Brochures available in the Student
RUSH Center (high school), the Family Life
OF FOOLS Center (middle school), and at the
information desk in the Commons.
For more information, please pick up a brochure or call 239-449-4480

Blood Drive
Sunday, March 27
FBCN Church Parking Lot
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Please call Karen at 734-0290 to schedule a time.
Kidz Town Worship
What’s up? KidzTown is up and is a fantastic worship
service for all children to look up in worship to our
Lord and Savior. The excitement begins Saturdays
at 6:00 p.m. and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. We always have a wonderful time
worshipping the Lord together “Kid Style” with songs, games, drama, and
so much more. This week’s lesson keys in on the conflict between Jacob
and Esau. The service will show the importance of making the Lord number
one in your life. KidzTown is open to all children in 1st through 4th
grades and is located in DC120. Don’t be late! You won’t want to miss one
moment of the excitement!
Save the Date
Friday, April 1 (6:00-9:00 p.m.)
& Saturday, April 2 (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
In Room WC117
More information to come
in future First Words.
Preschool Ministry Needs
Bumbo Seat
Our Preschool Department needs
Bumbo Seats! Would you be interested in
donating a new or used Bumbo Seat? If
so, please call Kim at 596-8600 x360.

Part Time Employment

Early childhood teachers and assistants are needed
for various times and events, 3-10 hours per week,
daytime and evening hours. Training provided. No
experience necessary, but a love for young children
is a must. For more information, please call Sheila at
Upcoming Events
Saturday, March 12
6:00 p.m. Worship Service/Worship Center
6:00 p.m. KidzTown Children’s Worship/DC120
6:00 p.m. Hispanic Worship Service/Chapel
7:30 p.m. Bible and Life Groups/Various Rooms on Campus
Sunday, March 13
8:15 a.m. Bible and Life Groups/Various Rooms on Campus
9:30 a.m. Worship Service/Worship Center
9:30 a.m. Bible and Life Groups/Various Rooms on Campus
9:30 a.m. KidzTown Children’s Worship/DC120
9:30 a.m. Romanian Baptist/Modulars 3 & 4/SC117
10:00 a.m. Vietnamese Bible Study and Worship/DC220
11:00 a.m. Worship Service/Worship Center
11:00 a.m. Bible and Life Groups/Various Rooms on Campus
12:30 p.m. Hispanic Worship Service/Student Center
5:00 p.m. FAITH Evangelism/Fellowship-Recreation Gym
5:00 p.m. Praise Kids/Education Building
5:00 p.m. Project 56 Choir/DC220
5:00 p.m. Resonate Student Choir/Choir Room & WC117
6:00 p.m. Romanian Baptist Congregation/Modulars 3 & 4
Tuesday, March 15
6:30 a.m. Raising a Modern Day Knight/WC117
9:00 a.m. RefresHer Women’s Ministry Bible Study/WC East
Wednesday, March 16
4:45 p.m. Family Meal/Gym
6:20 p.m. AWANA/Education Building
6:25 p.m. Band of Brothers Men’s Ministry Bible Study/Chapel
6:30 p.m. RefresHer Women’s Ministry Bible Study/WC East
6:30 p.m. High School Ministry/Student Center
6:30 p.m. Middle School Ministry/Family Life Center-Gym
6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal/Choir Room
8:00 p.m. Orchestra Rehearsal/Worship Center
Thursday, March 17
9:15 a.m. Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)/WC117
11:00 a.m. Pray for our Pastors/AD184
6:00 p.m. Celebrate Recovery/DC121
6:30 p.m. Divorce Care & Divorce Care for Kids/DC107, DC109, DC211
6:30 p.m. Grief Share/AD145
Friday, March 18
10:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl/AD145
Last Weekend
Decisions For Christ Worship Attendance
Profession Statement March 5 & 6
of Faith of Faith Saturday Night 1,073
Joe Ercolani Mark Aitken Sunday Morning 9:30 2,252
Gladys Bitting
Dual Carol Fuller
Sunday Morning 11:00 1,211
Membership Total 4,536
Alfred Micieli, Sr.
Lothrop DeMartinez Mary Newkirk
Carolyn Elgin Ronald Newkirk
Dale & Sandra Zick

Financial Stewardship Bible & Life Attendance

2010-2011 Operating Revenues March 5 & 6
July 1, 2010 - March 6, 2011 Saturday Night 881
Budget Actual Variance Sunday 8:15 115

$5,119,576 $5,014,689 ($104,887) Sunday 9:30 388

Sunday 11:00 983
Debt balance as of March 6 Home Groups 746
$10,873,101 Total 3,113

Next Week
Deacon of the Week Dr. Wicker on the Radio
March 14 - 20 You can hear Dr. Wicker every day at 1:00 p.m.
Joe Bare & Kent Anderson on 91.5 Kingdom FM WJYO. Dr. Wicker is
If you need assistance, please call the church also on WSOR 90.9 FM at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday
evenings, and on Praise FM 89.5 at 1:30 p.m.
deacon hotline at 800-732-9573.
Sunday afternoons.
For Spanish, call 601-6051.

Wednesday Family Meal

Meal for March 16th (4:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. in the Gym)

Pot Roast, White Rice, Vegetable, Salad, and a Dessert

Tickets may be purchased at the Lighthouse Cafe during regular business hours or at the
door for $6.00 each or $25.00 for a family (please, immediate family residing in home).
Alternate choices include grilled chicken breast, hamburger, pizza, or a grilled foot long hot dog.

Cafe Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Closed
Wednesday 3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Bookstore Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Friday Closed
Saturday 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:30 a.m.. - 1:00 p.m.
Sermon Notes
Great things are happening at FBAHS!

High School students from all over the area are invited to attend

(PK-12 fully accredited college preparatory program)

Monday, March 28th from 8-3pm for FRIEND DAY

to see first hand what all the excitement is about!
CALL TODAY for more information
(239) 597-2233 x 646

Pastoral Staff
Dr. Hayes Wicker................................................................................................. Senior Pastor
Miguel Cruz.............................................................................. Hispanic Congregation Pastor
Beverly Day............................................................................. Director of Preschool Ministry
Justin Faircloth........................................................ Associate Pastor/Middle School Ministry
Steve Hayes....................................................................Associate Pastor/Biblical Counseling
Forrest Head........................................................................................ Senior Associate Pastor
Jim Hill................................................................................Director of Single Adult Ministry
Lewis Howard............................................................................... Associate Pastor/Education
Don Ingle.......................................................................................Director of Men’s Ministry
Shannon Moore.........................................................................Director of Women’s Ministry
John Patterson..................................................................Associate Pastor/Media & Technology
Doug Pigg.............................................................Associate Pastor of Church Administration
Tom Rider................................................................... Associate Pastor/School Administrator
Larry Rigley................................................................... Associate Pastor/Children’s Ministry
Dr. Todd F. Stearns......................................................... Associate Pastor/Worship and Music
Kevin Van Duser..................................................................Associate Pastor/Sports Outreach

First Baptist Church Naples

3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Church Receptionist.......................................................................................................... 597-6057
Enter ext. # for direct connection...................................................................................... 596-8600
Lighthouse Bookstore....................................................................................................... 449-4488
First Baptist Academy Naples.......................................................................................... 597-2233
24-Hour Prayer Line........................................................................................... 597-PRAY (7729)
Church Email........................................................................................................

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