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Valmet DNA

Technical overview

This brochure gives a general overview

of the functionality and general Remote

architecture of Valmet DNA. Firewall

Operation, Maintenance, Reporting Reporting, Enterprise Integration

Star or ring topology

redundant Ethernet network

Controls, Optimization, Connectivity Engineering and Maintenance,
Distributed Asset Management, DNA Historian


instrumented • Updating layered security with hardening,
anti-virus and DMZ solutions
• Information through Web Service interfaces
• Concurrent solutions for operations and
FIELD FIELD maintenance

One platform for all control applications

• Integrates major field buses and field FIELD FIELD Wireless solutions
for operation and
asset management maintenance

General Valmet DNA architecture

Valmet DNA is an automation and information plat- Valmet DNA consists of three activities.
form for process control. It combines all controls for • User interaction gathers together intuitive tools for
process, machine, quality, supervisory, drive, as well users and communities and gives everyone from
as optimizations, and mechanical condition monitor- the control room to corporate management access
ing into a single platform. Also Safety Instrumented to the same facts and information. It provides a
Systems and batch solutions are in a Valmet DNA realistic window to process events, allowing users
scope. Valmet DNA can be used also as a PLC, Soft to view and interact with the production process.
PLC, or SCADA system. Valmet DNA can range from • Automated process contains everything that runs
a micro-size system – including the world’s smallest automatically. It covers all controls, various field
fully functional user interface – to mill- and plant- interfaces, and buses and optimizations. It supports
wide systems supporting global organizations. both distributed and centralized solutions and con-
The Valmet DNA system architecture is designed nections to third party systems. A high safety level
to meet the following requirements: is achieved using integrated Safety Instrumented
• High system reliability, achieved by using proven Systems. Comprehensive information services
system components. contain history data collection to the consistent
• Flexible usage, achieved by operational functional- databases.
ity in various locations. • Secured life cycle contains tools to engineer and
• Sophisticated analyzing and reporting needs. maintain plant automation. It also ensures that
• Advanced control tasks and algorithms. automation investment is safe also in the future.
Valmet DNA is based on the knowledge of developing
Distributed Control Systems (DCS) over 30 years.
Network architecture tion automatically takes over. An alarm is generated
when the connection switches over to the backup.
Network Alarms are also generated by network failure, like
from any other Valmet DNA component failure. Net-
Valmet DNA has a decentralized structure and allows
work architecture itself offers easy way to expand the
for later extensions without disturbing existing system
network from a small system to a mill-wide solution.
parts. Different sub-processes are divided into differ-
Subnetworks are also easy to connect together.
ent controllers. If one controller stops or fails, this will
The name-based communication protocol ensures
not affect other process parts.
flexible, address-independent interfaces between
Ring topology is recommended for the Valmet
applications, within each controller and between
DNA network structure, but also star (switched
controllers. The advantage of name-based com-
Ethernet) topology is possible. All connections
munication also results in flexible and user-friendly
are normally redundant. Process controllers, user
application engineering. Communication between
interface computers, history database and engineer-
the process control environment and the informa-
ing servers are connected to the network without
tion management environment is also based on the
additional gateways. The process network is based on
same name-based protocol, allowing a seamless link
100 Mbit/s communication, and in special cases even
between these areas and resulting in a high level of
higher speeds may be attained. The communication
flexibility. There is also no need to configure data
protocol is UDP/IP combined with a Valmet DNA
transfers between controllers.
specific application protocol.
The Valmet DNA network must be separated from
Both network topologies provide robust and
the normal office network of the plant by means of
redundant network structure, as well as rapid switch-
a router. This ensures that potential problems in the
ing to backup connections. Network connections
office network will not affect the control room bus and
between PCs and ACN controllers are redundant, so
vice versa. Direct Internet access from the automation
a backup path is always available. Main and backup
network is prohibited.
connections use different Ethernet cards and switches.
If the main connection fails, the hot backup connec-


Operation, Maintenance, Reporting Reporting, Enterprise Integration

Star or ring topology

redundant Ethernet network

Controls, Optimization, Connectivity Engineering and Maintenance,
Distributed Asset Management, DNA Historian


instrumented • Updating layered security with hardening,
anti-virus and DMZ solutions
• Information through Web Service interfaces
• Concurrent solutions for operations and
FIELD FIELD maintenance

One platform for all control applications

• Integrates major field buses and field FIELD FIELD Wireless solutions
for operation and
asset management maintenance

System architecture
An additional security solution is network perimeter It provides a solution for connecting Valmet DNA to
security with Valmet DNA Security Frontier, known different customer network infrastructures, and a way
as Automation DMZ. This is a way to setup the to allow office users to share Valmet DNA information
firewall/router environment to effectively isolate the services more securely.
Valmet DNA servers that provide services to the
office network users from the Valmet DNA network.

Connection to
Subnet A office network Subnet B

> 100m Fiber optic

1U Switch
1U Switch
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U
2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U
2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U
2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U
2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U
2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U
2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U

2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U
2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U
2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U

2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U
2U 2U 2U 2U 2U
1U 1U 1U 1U 1U

Security Frontier
UU 4U 4U

Example of Valmet DNA network topologies (tree and ring) in one global network

Network and peripheral hardware

Switches used in the Valmet DNA network are either
industrial ACN switches or commercial switches, such
as Cisco or HP. ACN switches provide a redundant
industrial solution with faster switchover time. The
routers and firewalls are from commercial brands.

ACN switches
User Interaction activity
User interface
DNA Operate is the user interface of Valmet DNA,
used for operating and to viewing all process events.
Easy-to-use, obvious operations and clear pictures
ensure that the user has instantly accessible, accurate
information about the task in hand. Flexible alarm
handling enables users to solve problems and leads
right to the roots of the problem. The versatile
trending feature fulfills even the most demanding
requirements. Process control user interface is a
linking center for all process and field device informa-
tion. Integrated tools such as alarm analyzing tools,
field device status and diagnostics, as well as reports,
DNA Operate desktop
ensure that all the information needed to act immedi-
ately in all process situations is available to the user. It
is available for both controls room and offices.
the so-called basic operations have been enabled. It is
From each user interface workstation, the entire
designed for normal production personnel. Almost all
process can be controlled and supervised. DNA Oper-
operations have been enabled with some exceptions,
ate can retrieve process pictures and alarm from the
such as controller parameter tuning and changing of
other control room (other Valmet DNA subsystem).
event limits and event masks, for example. In Service
Thus central control room can be made easily without
mode, all operations are enabled. It is designed for
additional configuration of process pictures.
personnel with an intimate knowledge of the process
DNA Operate has a built-in feature to show pro-
and automation, such as maintenance and system
cess data in history mode in a normal process picture.
engineers. DNA Operate will be in default mode after
In history mode, the production data is retrieved
its start-up. The default mode is determined during
from the history database and it can step forward
DNA Operate configuration.
automatically. Thus user can all replay processes later
Hard copies of pictures are generated via color
on. User can run the same process picture in parallel
printer connected to the network. An audio alarm is
in both real-time mode and in history mode. Thus the
provided by the loudspeakers in the control room.
user can compare the current process situation to the
There is no practical limit to the number of process
earlier one.
pictures. The more pictures exist, the more memory is
Each user can be assigned a user group, user
needed for the user interface computer. The following
name and password. User groups are assigned user
picture types are applied as default: process graphic
privileges and a delay which may elapse after the last
pictures, alarm/event pictures, dedicated trend
operation before DNA Operate is reset to its default
pictures, sequence step pictures, recipe pictures and
mode. User authentication (login and password)
diagnostic pictures.
grants access rights to the picture hierarchies and to
All user interface computers are parallel. This
the actions they can perform. Users can be divided
means that by adding more user interface computers,
into three groups, each of which has different access
greater redundancy is achieved. No display servers
privileges. The mode under which the system operates
is need to use in control room. Display servers are
depends on the user group. In Display mode, the
available for office users. From each user interface,
user can only open and view pictures. All process
the whole process can be handled. The routing of the
operations have been disabled. In Control mode, all
control room network is also redundant.
DNA Operate – Valmet DNA user interface

DNA Operate is physically located in an ACN PO or
ACN WS industrial computer or a standard PC node.
Those nodes can be installed either in the control
room or in the rack room. If the distance between
the rack room and the control room is too long for
normal cables, special KVM (keyboard-video-mouse) ACN PO node
extenders are used.
Operation is done by using a mouse and a stan-
dard alphanumeric keyboard. There may be from one
to six monitors for each user interface node. They are
typically LCD monitors from 21” to 57”. ACN WS node

Display server for the office users

DNA Operate pictures can be seen in the office for the
remote users without any additional configuration.
All the changes made in the control room process
pictures are also available immediately for the
remote users. Display server can limit users to make
operations, acknowledge alarms and view picture

Picture in a history mode

Alarm processing • Alarms and events are displayed:
The Valmet DNA user interface gives the operator • in particular alarm/event list pictures
general information about the alarm situations and • in the control panel window
provides one-click access to the process picture where • in process pictures where the loop is displayed
the disturbance is located. In this way, it provides (loop-specific events)
the operator with first-hand information about the
• in the loop window (loop-specific events)
• as alarm/event list printouts
incident. Versatile tools for classification and statisti- • events and alarms can be sorted and filtered freely
cal operations support off-line analysis. in the alarm list pictures
Alarms and Events Server manages the events. • Alarms can be acknowledged in many different
It records and outputs process or system events or ways:
operation events to support the user. The server
• common acknowledgement (all alarms or one
ensures that the event data is presented to the opera-
alarm group at a time)
tor by means of alarms and/or on-screen messages • list acknowledgement (e.g. event type)
pictures, graphic pictures, loop windows, etc. and • event line acknowledgement
via a control panel on the desktop. In addition, the • by tag, directly above the tag via action menu
operator is given a number of event management • There are five priority levels shown in alarm pic-
tools, enabling fast disturbance management. Any tures. The total number of priority levels is 990.
event can trigger a sound signal. Events are displayed • Alarms are time-stamped as follows:
on the DNA Operate monitor screen and can also be • Digital inputs; time-stamping with 1 ms accuracy
sent to a printer. Alarms and Events Server can be (SOE) at I/O unit level in case of ACN I/O
single or redundant. The server is physically located in • Events derived from analogue values; at loop
the ACN PO or PC node. execution level, minimum is 20 ms.
Each alarm or event includes e.g. the following • Serial data (when time stamps can not be sent via
information: data link): at gateway node.
• alarm/process area
• priority
• event type
• alarm
• event
• operator tracking event
• mask operation event
• user
• process event
• system event
• live measurement value
• alarm limit when alarm occurs

An example of an alarm list window and filtering dialog

Event Browser is a unique way to handle alarms and capabilities for all events. All alarms and events can
events. Besides alarm and event information, it is able be also stored into history database, so Event Browser
to show additional data in the event row. For example, can be used in the history mode for later trouble-
it can display the live value of the alarming measure- shooting.
ment that shows how the situation is developing and
the alarm limits from the time of the alarm. Efficient
alarm analysis is ensured with search, sort and filter
Reporting and trending Short trends can also be stored by the process control-
DNA Report provides a flexible web browser report- ler. It offers basic trend features, without such features
ing environment that makes reports from the control as long history or drag-and-drop features.
room shareable company-wide. Reporting tools are scalable for simple production
The key benefits of the reporting and analysis tools: reports to advanced mill and enterprise wide cost
• Scalable from basic reports to enterprise integra- and production reporting. Very same tools are also
tion used in environmental and OEE (Overall Equipment
• Web-based user tools for reporting Efficiency reporting).
• Seamless information integration into DNA
• A complete set of analyzing tools for process opti-
• There may be data from several sources in a single
report through web service interface.
• Database configuration using the standard Valmet
DNA engineering tools.

Trends with alarms and events

One click

Motor runtime, Deeper alarms and

last start etc.. events analysis

An example of trend and report functions integrated into DNA Operate

Automated Process the following: processors, power distribution, and
mounting. Additional custom-built assemblies are
Process controllers also available.
Process controllers provide integrated analog and There are several ACN hardware alternatives
logic controls. Basic controls include reliable measure- for the process control platform. All of them are
ments, PID, motor and valve controls, group starts, application- and communication-compatible with
sequences, and recipe controls. There is no practical one another. ACN SR1 is a small, rail-mounted
maximum number of control loops per controller. controller supporting ACN I/O. It is intended for
Advanced controls and optimizations can be imple- small or embedded field installations. ACN MR high
mented within the same controller i.e. additional performance modular rail-mounted controller. ACN
hardware is not needed. Advanced controls include CS compact controller, which support all I/O and field
fuzzy logic, neural networks, Java programming, and bus technologies. It is aimed at field and centralized
multivariable controls. Process controllers are physi- installations. ACN RT is a large expandable controller
cally located in ACN nodes. The process controller’s for centralized installations. It supports all field bus
load depends on the application size (in terms of the and I/O technologies.
number of control loops), the scope and type of field The ACN family offers reliability in several ways;
bus or link solution, the loop execution cycles used, industrial components are used, the spare part is easy
and the ACN hardware used. to change, and all units and network connections can
Process controllers can be redundant (1:1 redun- be made redundant.
ACN RT controller
dancy). That means double hardware, same software,
power supplies, and bus connections at the I/O • Max. number of I/O channels: 6000,
level. In the event of main controller failure, control typical 2000, depending on the control cycles
automatically switches over to the backup controller • Control cycles:
without disturbing the process, and a system alarm is • ACN I/O: 20 ms...64 s, typical 400 ms
generated. • PROFIBUS DP: 10 ms...64 s, typical 400 ms
A control task executes function blocks in the • 1-3 ACN I/O field buses, 1-6 PROFIBUS DP buses,
ACN controller. Each control task execution time is 1 FF HSE bus, total max. 7 field buses
freely definable and one controller may have several • Redundancy optional
different control cycle execution times. Data from ACN CS embedded industrial controller
one controller to another controller is send cyclically. • Max. number of I/O channels: 3000,
Control cycle execution time for ACN I/O is from 20 typical 2000, depending on the control cycles
ms to 64 s and for PROFIBUS DB from 10 ms to 64 s. • Control cycles:
Control applications are made by Function Block • ACN I/O: 20 ms...64 s, typical 400 ms
CAD tool. The Function Block CAD provides a large • PROFIBUS DP: 10 ms...64 s, typical 400 ms
library of function blocks. Each loop is one applica- • 1-3 ACN I/O field buses, 1-4 PROFIBUS DP buses,
tion function. An application function contains 1 FF HSE bus, total max. 5 field buses
function blocks, definitions of tag names for controls
• Redundancy optional
(or measurements, motors, etc), cycle times, and I/O
ACN MR high performance modular rail-mounted
definitions. controller

Controller hardware
• Max. number of I/O channels: 3000,
typical 2000, depending on the control cycles
ACN controllers are available in standard Valmet
DNA cabinet installations, and field cabinet installa- • Control cycles: 20 ms...64 s, typical 400 ms,
tions. The cabinet and pedestal desks accommodate with special I/O units starting from 5 ms
• 1-3 ACN I/O field buses, 1-3 PROFIBUS DP buses,
1 FF HSE bus, total max. 5 field buses
• Redundancy optional
ACN SR1 small rail-mounted controller
• The max. number of I/O groups 2
• The max. number of I/O channels 256
• Control cycle time: 20 ms...64 s, typical 400 ms
• 1 ACN I/O field bus
ACN CS ACN MR ACN SR1 • Redundancy optional
Field interfaces
Valmet DNA provides solutions for all kind of process
interfacing needs. These solutions cover:
• centralized or distributed I/O solution with IPSP, I/O Power Supply Unit
ACN I/O IBC, I/O Bus Controller Unit I/O Units
• Standard buses like Foundation Fieldbus, PROFI-
BUS, AS-i interface, OPC and CanOpen
• Serial and Ethernet links to third-party systems

The ACN I/O is a modern I/O family used with ACN
process controllers. An ACN I/O is suitable for both
centralized and distributed I/O solutions. An ACN
I/O is mounted on a DIN rail and thus is easy to
install onto a cabinet or wall.
An ACN I/O group consists of Power Supply
Unit (IPSP), the Bus Controller Unit (IBC), and I/O
units. One ACN I/O Ethernet field bus can have up
to 16 I/O groups connected. Up to 32 I/O units can
be connected to one I/O group. Power supplies, bus ACN I/O group
controllers and field buses can be single or redundant. Mounting Base for I/Os (MB)
- MB for 2 or 8 I/O units
I/O units are mounted onto the I/O Mounting - MB’s can be connected together
Base (MB). There are several I/O units available.
Analog units provide high resolution: 16 bits for Max. 16 I/O units per IBC
analog input units, and 14 bits for analog output units.
Analog inputs and analog outputs are HART-capable
without requiring additional multiplexers. For all Both series of I/O units can be used in the same I/O
digital inputs, 1 ms time stamping (SOE) is available field bus but series can not be mixed in the same ACN
automatically without additional configuration. Units I/O group.
can be coated to meet G3 environmental conditions. There are also several cross-connection possibili-
There is an Ethernet connection to the ACN control- ties available. M80 series field cables can be connected
ler. directly below the unit (spring or screw terminals)
There are two series of the ACN I/O units: M80 or via flat cable from separate cross connection. In
and M120. M80 series includes units for a low M120 series the field cable is connected to the plug-in
current/voltage analog/digital inputs and outputs connectors in the front of the I/O unit.
(0/4...20 mA, 0/2...10 V, 200 mA/24 VDC) as well as ACN M120 series offer also possibility to have
units for frequency and temperature input. M120 redundant I/O interface for the field devices. This I/O
series units are used when high voltage isolation redundancy can be used when extreme availability is
between the channels (1500 V/2200 V) is needed and required.
when digital interface is needed for high DC/AC line
voltages without external relays.

ACN I/O M80 units ACN I/O M120 units

M80 series I/O units
Analog units Digital units Other units
AI8C, AI8CN / AI8V DI8P, DI8N, DI16P FI4V, FI4S5, FI4S24
• 8 analog input channels • 8/16 digital input channels • 4-channel frequency input or 2-chan-
• 0/4...20 mA / 0/2...10 V • Self-powered short-circuit protected, nel SSI input
AI8H opto-isolated, PNP/NPN input (24 VDC) • 0...400 kHz
• 8 analog input channels DI8U • 5 V or 24V
• 0/4...20 mA HART • 8 digital input channels TI4W3, TI4W4
AI2B • Totally floating, opto-isolated, IEC 61131-2 deci- • 4-channel temperature input unit for
sion levels for 24 DC/AC inputs Pt100
• 2 analog input channels
DI8M, DI8MN • 3-wire or 4-wire connection
• -40 ...+40 mV
• 8 digital input channels with field circuit HC8
AO4C / AO4V / AO4DV monitoring • 8-channel HART communication unit
• 4 analog output channels • DI8MN with NAMUR inputs • no analog current signal
• 0/4...20 mA / 0/2...10 V / -10...+10 V DO8P, DO8N, DO16P measurement
AO4H • 8/16 output channels
• 4 analog output channels • self-powered relay output 200 mA/24 VDC
• 0/4...20 mA HART DO8RO, DO8RC
• 8 digital output channels
• Totally floating change-over contact,
1.0 A/50 VAC or 1.0 A/75 VDC
• 8 digital output channels
• Totally floating solid-state contact with
supply/channel, 0.5 A/40V

M120 series I/O units

Analog units Digital units Other units Servo output unit
1500 VAC isolation 1500 VAC isolation
between channels and between channels and
between channels and between channels and
system system
• 8 analog input channels DII8U120, DII8U240 • 4-channel frequency input Servo outputs:
• 0/4...20 mA • 4/8 digital input channels • 0...400 kHz • 3 analog output channels
AII8V • Potential-free full-wave rectified • 24 V P-type pulse inputs • output range: -100...+100
digital inputs (48, 120 or 240 VAC) mA
• 8 analog input channels TII4W3, TII4W4
• 2200 VAC isolation between • settable range min and max
• 0/1...5 V channels • 4-channel temperature input
AII4H for PT-10, PT-100, or PT-1000 • settable dither
• 1500 VAC isolation between chan- RTD
• 4 analog input channels nels and system • field loop diagnostics
• 3-wire or 4-wire connection Digital input for valve shut
• 0/4...20 mA HART DII4U125
TCI8 down:
AOI4C • 4 digital input channels
• 8-channel temperature input • 1 digital input channel
• 4 analog output channels • Potential/polarity-free digital for thermocouples
inputs (125 VDC) • field voltage supply 24 VDC
• 0/4...20 mA • 2-wire connection
• 2200 VAC isolation between • current limit 40 mA
AOI4H channels • Supported thermocouples • shut-down function at-
• 4 analog output channels types: J, K, T, E, S, R, B, N, G, tachable to each AO channel
• 1500 VAC isolation between chan- C, D, Platinel II, and EMF
• 0/4...20 mA HART nels and system individually
DOI4RO, DOI8RO • reaction time 2 ms
• 4/8 digital output channels • power load unbalance
AIF8V • Single pole, closing contact,
• 8-channel analog input, for polarity-free
acceleration sensors • 3.0...5.0 A / 120...240 VAC or Machine protection and diagnostics units
• 0.3...5.0 A / 24...125 VDC
• 0...24 VDC
• 2200 VAC isolation between
• 1500 VAC isolation between channels AIF4E AIF4V
channels and system, no isola- • Fast eddy curent sensor • Fast vibration sensor mea-
tion between channels • 1500 VAC isolation between chan-
nels and system measurement surement
AIF8T • 4 input channels with moni- • 4 input channels with moni-
DII8P24, DII8P48
• 8-channel trigger analog in- toring outputs toring outputs
put, for rotation speed signals • 8 digital input channels
• 50 μs sampling cycle • 50 μs sampling cycle
from the synchronization sen- • Self-powered short-circuit pro-
sors (for example, RTS-226) tected, opto-isolated, PNP input (24 • offset p-p and gap average • peak and rms calculations
or 48 VDC) calculations for machine for machine protection
• 1500 VAC isolation between protection
channels and system, no isola- • I/O channels have a common • configurable filters for pro-
tion between channels ground • configurable filters for pro- tection calculations
tection calculations • 4 output channels 4...20 mA
• 1500 VAC isolation between chan-
nels and system • 4 output channels 4...20 mA to protection system
to protection system • 1500 VAC to system and
Valve position input units • 1500 VAC to system and channel-to-channel isolation
channel-to-channel isolation
• 4 LVDT input channels • 4 input channels 0/4...20 mA
• input update interval 1 ms • input update interval 1 ms
• 1500 VAC to system and • 1500 VAC to system and channel-
channel-to-channel isolation to-channel isolation
Field buses through a serial link can be used as input for other
Valmet DNA supports all major field bus solutions, control applications or can be displayed as event data
such as Foundation Fieldbus (HSE/H1), PROFIBUS on operators’ workstations. The gateway also enables
(DP/PA) and Actuator Sensor Interface (AS-i). No control signals to be sent to the third party system.
matter which field bus is chosen, the configuration of Gateway node functions are executed on the standard
all field interfaces is uniform. It ensures that configu- ACN nodes.
ration and maintenance are easy. There are extensive Full connectivity with earlier Valmet control
diagnostics both for field devices and the bus itself. system products is essential for the life cycle thinking.
Field bus and field device configuration tools and files Connections to Damatic, Damatic XD and Damatic
are also found in DNA Explorer engineering tool. XDi systems are a natural asset.
Redundancy is available as an option for different field
bus solutions. DNA Historian
DNA Historian combine process interfaces, calcu-
lations and databases into one uniform solution. Data-
bases store all measurements, set points, controller
outputs, device statuses, quality data, alarms, opera-
tions, and so on, into history databases. Physically, the
Information server is a Windows server. For trend and
event archives, ACN AS node is used.
There exist two databases. DNA Historian
database is for storing continuous process data. It
is a high-performance data management system for
collecting continuous process data. It is composed of
a memory-based database and disk-resident historian.
DNA Historian constitutes a database, which is a
hierarchical, real-time memory resident, as well as a
configurable database optimized for high-speed data
acquisition. The maximum history capacity (amount
of tag and length of the history) is dependent on
the database configuration and hardware disk size.
Collection cycles are from 100 ms to 60 s. Collection
cycles can be defined independently for each tag.
History data is compressed in the database, and actual
ACN field bus solutions
values are retrieved and shown in the trend curves
and reports. No calculated averages are needed for
Links to third party systems
storing information. History tag collection definitions
Valmet DNA is an open system which contains are created using the same engineering tools as for
versatile interfaces – compatible with commonly used creating control applications.
standards – that are used to process computers, logics, DNA Historian Alarms and Events database
and other external systems. System has the capability collects information from Alarms and Events Server.
to communicate with external systems via software Alarms include process alarms, system alarms, and
links or hard-wired links. Commonly used standards field device alarms. Operations may include manual-
like OPC Server/Client, XML, PROFIBUS, and auto changes, set point changes, etc. The maximum
Foundation Fieldbus are supported. There are several history capacity is dependent on the database configu-
supported protocols available that use a serial line or ration and hardware disk size.
the Ethernet protocol.
The gateway converts the data obtained from the
third party system into the name-based protocol, at
which point the data becomes transparent for other-
Valmet DNA applications. For example, data read
ACN cabinets and power supplies The standard power supply arrangement for the
ACN cabinets are compact industrial solutions with system is based on 230/120 VAC for control room
high packing density. There are several ready-made equipment and for controller and I/O-cabinets. It is
solutions available, as well as custom-built cabinets also possible to use direct 28 VDC, in case there is
for special use. a larger DC-supply with batteries available on site.
As a standard, every ACN controller or I/O Other power supply possibilities are also available.
group is provided with a power supply unit. Addi- Control room equipment (user interface nodes,
tionally, every cabinet (including each I/O cabinet) printers, the information management server, etc.)
is equipped with a stand-by power unit, which can is normally powered from a UPS.
keep the whole cabinet working for 30 min after the
main power is shut off. When even more operating
time in blackout situations is required, separate
UPS/backup batteries can be supplied. Also existing
customer DC-standby units can be utilized.

Large centralized controller cabinet Field cabinet with I/O and controller
Vibration monitoring is natural part of Safety Instrumented System
Valmet DNA Valmet DNA seamlessly integrates Safety Instru-
Valmet DNA is the only platform which can do all mented Systems (SIS) into the system. It means that
types of controls and asset management functions the same user interface, DNA Operate, is also used to
within one platform. It means that controllers, I/O operate SIS system. It enables the user to combine all
infrastructure, operation and analysis tools, and engi- the data from SIS with the data from process control,
neering tools are the same used in process controls, machine control, drive control and quality control,
optimizations, vibration monitoring applications and as well as with optimization data, for analyzing and
field device asset management solutions. reporting purposes. The user interface also shows
If you want to monitor vibrations Valmet DNA the diagnostic status of the safety system I/Os and
Machine Monitoring is your tool. With the tool you communication link. Ethernet is used for the fast
can monitor vibrations of e.g. a rotating machine, communication link. Redundancy is available for the
such as motor, pump or gearbox, you can just add communication link.
additional I/Os to the existing Valmet DNA. For a With a Valmet DNA SIS solution, Safety Integrity
larger condition monitoring application, a dedicated Level (SIL) 3 can be reached. Valmet DNA and Safety
process controller may be needed. User can easily Instrumented System are configured by separate set of
compare any process control data to the vibration configuration tools.
monitoring data, e.g. in a trend curve to make analysis
of the process behavior. For deeper analysis purposes,
Synchronized Time Average (STA) curves and
frequency analysis pictures are available. This unique
approach to combine mechanical condition monitor-
ing and process controls in one system gives the user
clear benefits in analysis, operation and maintenance.

DNA Machine Monitoring picture for
fo rm
lat Integrated safety
ep instrumented
On system
Drive condition
controls monitoring
Field device asset
optimizations and
quality controls

Machine controls

Process controls
Secured life cycle
Engineering and maintenance tools and maintenance is also supported by a set of other
Engineering and maintenance tools consist of the engineering environment tools.
Engineering Server and possible Engineering Work- The Engineering Server consists of an engineering
station. Multiple concurrent users can use the same repository database and necessary engineering tools.
database at the same time. The engineering server The engineering repository and the tools are installed
contains a database where all control application and on a dedicated Windows workstation. The entire
field device parameters are located. DNA Explorer is system’s configuration is handled from this Engineer-
an engineering tool that is primarily used for engi- ing Server.
neering and maintaining the application. Engineering

Function Block CAD tool is used in engineering runtime environment. Physically, the Engineering
servers or engineering workstations. It is used in Server is a Valmet DNA Windows server or ACN AS
designing function block diagrams, which are control server, and the Engineering Workstation is a Valmet
loops related to controlling and monitoring a process DNA Windows workstation. For field device condi-
controlled by Valmet DNA. Based on the diagram tion monitoring, ACN PO is used as a hardware.
you created, engineering tools create the application,
which can be downloaded into the Valmet DNA
The Engineering Server and its Workstations are Backup Server and backup methods
connected to the system network. Applications from There are several levels for Valmet DNA backup.
the Engineering Server repository are downloaded Any configuration changes are loaded online to the
directly onto application servers (Operation Server, system’s different application servers via the Backup
Process Control Server, Alarms and Events Server, Server, which is connected to the system bus. The
etc.) and the system Backup Server. backup server in Valmet DNA stores both application
Valmet DNA engineering tools manage all the and real-time parameters used in applications. All
documentation that you need during the conceptual application servers load their applications from the
design phase, the project phase, installation, and backup server. Application packages are also avail-
through years of maintenance. With modern web- able in the engineering server. The backup server’s
based network operations, you can handle up-to-date disk storage contains the configuration of each node
engineering data and view documents wherever you connected to the bus. If a fault arises in the process
need them. The engineering tools let you visualize control node hardware, only the hardware will have to
your whole plant as a hierarchical tree which enables be replaced; applications and the most recent real-
easy navigation to the desired department or process time parameters are retrieved from the backup server.
area, and even deeper. Advanced maintenance sup- There are three system configurations for the
port is provided by versatile diagnostic tools. backup server architecture: backup server is located
Field Device Manager is a tool for mill staff to in an ACN or PC node in a network, backup server is
optimize maintenance costs. It offers configuration, placed locally in each process controller, and combi-
maintenance and condition monitoring capabilities nation of above-mentioned alternatives where backup
for the field equipment. Field Device Manager ensures is loaded from functional backup server.
fast access to relevant information and helps to find Application modules are downloaded from the
the right solutions rapidly in disturbance situations. Engineering Server or Workstation, directly into
Field Device Manager is an integral part of the the runtime environment (bumpless online facility).
DNA Explorer. All field device configuration and At the same time, a copy of the module is added to
maintenance information is seamlessly located in the the database package, residing in the backup server.
same database, where also other assets, e.g. control Defined process information (e.g. controller param-
applications, automation network nodes and I/Os eters) is saved in the backup server in cyclic intervals.
are stored. Configuration and troubleshooting of The engineering server is periodically backed
the application is therefore simplified – one user up on tape. Backup includes also the backup server
environment provides all the necessary data. Both content.
configuration and condition monitoring information A full image of the Windows-node PC is stored on
is available for maintenance staff, as well as for other backup media (e.g. CD or DVD) when it is delivered
users of the plant – in the office, control room, or on to the customer. This image can be restored to a new
the plant floor. PC in case of hardware failure.

Every component (process controller, I/O units,
switch, PC etc) has diagnostics sensors.
In a component malfunctions, an alarm is gener-
ated. Alarms can be seen from the alarm list. Proac-
tive maintenance services are provided by the Valmet
DNA Diagnostics and Life Cycle Management-based

Diagnostic tool covers all Valmet DNA nodes

Security Environmental requirements
Security is essential in a real-time production envi- These conditions are in accordance with the standard
ronment. Critical production automation demands classes of IEC 60721-3-3K2.
high standard and high-quality solutions. The layered The enhanced deviating values for ACN I/O are
security approach ensures that security needs are met presented separately.
at all levels. This solution consists of configuration,
hardening and patching for all active components.
All Microsoft Windows based nodes are protected by
antivirus software. The network design follows secure Temperature +15...+30 °C
network architecture principles containing a firewall ACN CS 0...+50 °C
between Valmet DNA and office networks with ACN RT 0...+60 °C
optional demilitarized zone. The solution is life cycle ACN I/O and MR/SR1 0...+70 °C
supported: security updates, trainings, communica- Max. rate of change 0.5 °C/min
tion, audits and services. The ICT security in Valmet Relative humidity 10...75%, no condensation
DNA is based on defense-in-depth practice, where ACN I/O and MR/SR1 5...90%, no condensation
multiple independent security measures are used Absolute humidity 2...22 g/m3
to reduce the risk that a single failure could cause a ACN I/O and MR/SR1 1...25 g/m3
break in production. Air pressure 70...106 kPa
Vibration IEC 60721-3-3M1
Security antivirus software amplitude 0.3 mm (2...9 Hz)
Symantec antivirus software is the defined and tested acceleration 1 m/s2 (9...200Hz)

virus protection solution in Valmet DNA. It is tested ACN I/O and MR/SR1 IEC 60945
amplitude 1.0 mm (2...13 Hz)
with Valmet DNA, including continuous testing acceleration 7 m/s2 (13...100Hz)
of virus definition files as well as possible security Shocks IEC 60721-3-3M1
updates. Maintenance of the antivirus software is acceleration 40 m/s2
done by Valmet Customer Service as agreed with the duration 22 ms, half sine
customer. Technical solution for tested and automated ACN I/O and MR/SR1 IEC 60945
acceleration 50 m/s2,
maintenance is available if required.
duration 11 ms, half sine
Chemical conditions IEC 60721-3-3C1
Remote connections
Chemical conditions (G3) ÍSA-71.04
In modern environment communication channels
Biological conditions IEC 60721-3-3B1
between the customer and Valmet are often required
for support and services. Valmet has a secure solu- Erosion IEC 60721-3-3S1

tion for remote connections between Valmet and the Marine type approvals ABS, BV, DNV, GL, KRS, LRS,
customer. The Valmet Secure Connection Solution
(SCS) is a VPN-based solution with authentication,
authorization and accounting features. When in use,
Valmet can provide an up-to-date list of established
connections from Valmet to the customer.

Additional information
More application related information and more
detailed information can be found in the Valmet DNA
brochure, other Valmet DNA datasheets, and Valmet
DNA Technical Manuals.
© Valmet Corporation, BR81104_EN_01 04/2015

For more information, contact your local Valmet office.

Specifications in this document are subject to change without notice.

Product names in this publication are all trademarks of Valmet Corporation.

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