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Discover the meanings of dream symbols,
secrets and stories


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1000 Dreams
David Fontana
“Those who have compared our life to a
First published in the United Kingdom and Ireland
dream were right.... We sleeping wake, and
in 2011 by waking sleep.”
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Introduction 8 Dream Meetings Objects 242 Environments 343
The Art of Interpretation Tools and Implements The Home
Problem Solving Devices Architecture
The Nature of Dreams 10 Dealing with Nightmares Household Items School
Dreams through History Toys and Games Theatres and Circuses
Jung on Dreams Weapons Town and City
Freud on Dreams
Key to Dream Symbols 158 Ornaments Natural World 382
Perls and Boss on dreams Themes 160 Food and Drink The Elements and the Seasons
The Function of Dreams Identity and Destiny
Activities and States of Being 264 Animals
States of Transition Change and Transition
Captivity and Freedom Landscape
Lucid Dreaming Success and Failure
Climbing and Falling Plants
The Three Dream Levels Fear and Anxiety
Travel and Motion Qualities and Myths 416
Prophetic Dreams Optimism and Well-being
Flying Numbers and Shapes
Authority and Responsibility
Cooking and Eating Colours
The Language of Dreams 80 Sexuality
Work and Relaxation Sounds
Symbolism  Ceremonies and Rituals Ghosts and Devils
The Grammar of Dreams Art, Music and Dance Metamorphoses
Loss and Separation
Archetypes Sports and Play Myths
Faith and the Spirit
Dream Settings  Transactions 314 Stars and Planets
Children’s Dreams Self and others 206 Conflict
The Body and its Functions
Tests and Exams Further reading 450
Birth and Resurrection
Working with Dreams 124 Nudity and Dress

Giving and Receiving
Letters and Packages
Dream index 452
The Art of Recall People Subject index 458
Keeping a Dream Diary Shopping and Money Acknowledgments  464
How to Encourage Dreams Communication
Dream Sharing Rules and Regulations

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8 Introduction 9

“What if you slept? And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed? Later, studying Buddhism, Hinduism and Modern researchers also teach us that dreaming
And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven and plucked other Eastern traditions, I discovered the appears to be important to our psychological

a strange and beautiful flower? And what if, when you awoke, great importance that other cultures attach to health and that no single theory can account for
dreaming, even seeing it as providing insights its richness and variety.
you had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then?”
into what happens to consciousness after My own experiences when running dream
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834) physical death. I learned that it is possible workshops and using dreams as an aid toward
increasingly to take control of one’s dreaming, to psychological understanding have shown me
remember dreams in great detail upon waking, in addition that many people find dreaming is

I cannot remember a time when I have not

been interested in dreams. As a child,
they were an entry into a magic world which
deeper into what I came to recognize in later
years as the mysteries of my own unconscious.
The varied richness of my own dream life
to influence the content of dreams, and even to
dream consciously (so-called “lucid dreaming”).
The more I’ve studied dreaming,
great fun. Dreams break all the laws of waking
life. In dreams, the elderly can become young
again, the young can become old. The failures
convinced me that there was more to existence was such that even when I took up the study the more I recognize the inadequacy of and disappointments of waking life can be
than the commonplace experiences of daily life. of psychology in my student days, nothing suggestions by some scientists that dreaming remedied. Flying and time travel become not
When I talked to my young friends, I found shook my conviction that dreams are a vital is merely analogous to a computer dumping only possible but absurdly easy. People and
they shared the same fascination with this inner part of our mental life, carrying messages that unwanted data at the end of the working day. objects change shape and sometimes there are
world, and we often shared with each other our help to reveal our hidden hopes and fears, Nevertheless, it is important to recognize the glimpses of scenes and places that resemble
nighttime adventures (most of which probably and sometimes providing us with guidance advances that science has made in helping us paradise. So although I hope you may learn from
lost nothing in the telling), spanning the gamut and advice unthought of by the conscious, understand, if not the cause and purpose of this Dream book, I hope above all else that you
from fairytale happenings in which animals waking mind. I discovered the work of Freud dreams, at least some of the mechanisms behind will find it fun, and that it will help to enrich
talked and wishes were granted, to the most and Jung and learned how dreams can help them. We thus know that everyone, from very your journeyings into the strange, undiscovered
blood-curdling and terrifying of nightmares. the psychotherapist understand the client’s young babies to the elderly, appears to dream country that beckons to us each nightfall.
Probably I was lucky, in that most of my dreams problems, and give valuable clues on what needs every night, and those who claim not to do so
were of the pleasant kind, taking me deeper and to be done in order to put these problems right. are simply unable to remember their dreams. David Fontana

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People whose experience is of dropping every night
into a deep and uneventful sleep, a black nullity,
might be surprised to discover that, in all likelihood,
everybody dreams. Although many of us forget
most or all of the dreams that have visited us during
the night, normally we dream for about one fifth
of the time that we are asleep. Freud, Jung and
other pioneers of the unconscious have helped us
to understand that the scenarios of our dream life
are not just random mental “noise”. Far from being
meaningless, they constitute a vivid inward show of
the preoccupations that stir within our minds at the
deepest levels of our being. Dreams, in many ways,
are windows into our true, uncensored selves.

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Dreams through History 13

The Ancient World The Dreamtime

The Egyptians themselves did much to In Australian Aboriginal myth there is a

Dreams through History systematize dream interpretation during the

years of the Middle Kingdom (2040–1786 bc),
and their methods (as recorded in the Chester
creation period called the Dreamtime. It is
believed that during a primordial epoch the
ancestors travelled across Australia shaping
All through history we have sought to fathom the meanings of our Beatty papyrus) have echoes in present-day the landscape and determining the forms of
dreams. Intrigued by their strange images,and by their apparent dream directories. Dreams were understood in society. The Dreamtime is a time of origins
terms of meaningful opposites: thus, apparently yet it is also a kind of alternative dimension,
cargo of symbolism, we have searched them ingeniously for
happy dreams presaged disaster, while the in parallel with the everyday world.
insights into our present lives and for clues about our future. worst nightmare could stand for better times to As a state of being the Dreamtime remains
come. Individual dream symbols were fathomed accessible to Aboriginal people through
either through rhyming similarities between wandering the landscape and through ritual.

T he most ancient civilizations believed that

dreams carried messages from the gods.
Cuneiform tablets from Assyria and Babylon
circumstances of the dreamer are as important
in interpretation as the dream content itself.
The Babylonians revered the Jews as dream
word sounds, or through the modern method of
It was believed that dreams contained
Episodes from the Dreamtime are re-enacted
at sacred sites in which the participants
briefly become the ancestors whose journeys
dating from the end of the fourth millennium interpreters, and in the sixth century bc they messages from both good and they recreate.
bc depict a society whose priests and kings summoned the Israelite prophet Daniel to evil spirits. By ingesting
received warnings in their dreams from the interpret one of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams, herbal potions or reciting
deity Zaqar. The Epic of Gilgamesh, the great whereupon he correctly predicted the king’s spells, a dreamer would The ancient Greeks borrowed extensively
tale of a Mesopotamian hero-king written in the imminent seven years of madness (Daniel 4: attempt to induce the from the Egyptians, and built more than 300
Akkadian language during the first millennium 535). The Egyptians were also respectful of the good spirits and deter the shrines to serve as dream oracles. Mortals in
bc, is full of dream accounts, many replete with Jewish tradition of dream interpretation. Joseph, bad. Thus prepared, these shrines were subjected to the soporific
divine omens of danger or victory; in one a sold into slavery in Egypt by his brothers, the subject would sleep power of Hypnos, god of sleep, as he fanned
nightmare creature leads the hero Enkidu to the was able to rise from poverty to a position of in the temple, and then them with his wings. Once they had passed
“Land of Dust” where the souls of the dead live considerable power by correctly interpreting the upon awakening would into slumber, the god Morpheus could
in perpetual darkness. Pharaoh’s dream that foretold seven plentiful submit his or her dreams communicate with his adepts, passing warnings
Ancient Jewish tradition anticipated modern and seven lean years in the ancient kingdom to the temple priest for and prophecies to them in their dreams. Many
dream theory by recognizing that the life- (Genesis 41: 138). interpretation. of these shrines became famous as centres of

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14 The Nature of Dreams Dreams through History 15

healing. The sick would sleep there, hoping which case dreams equip us to come “nearer to
for a visitation from Aesculapius, the god of grasping the truth than at any other time”. His
healing, who provided remedies for physical ills, pupil Aristotle on the other hand foreshadowed
sometimes effecting immediate cures, while twentieth-century scientific rationalism by
the dreamer lay asleep surrounded by harmless arguing that dreams were triggered by purely
yellow snakes. Aesculapius is also said to have sensory causes. He said that the insights
summoned sacred snakes to the shrines to lick available from dreams were like objects reflected
the wounds of the afflicted in their sleep, in water: when the water is calm, the forms
and so heal them. The caduceus are easy to see; when the water is
– a device consisting of two agitated (that is, when the mind is
snakes entwined around a rod – is emotionally disturbed), the reflections
still widely used to represent healing in become distorted and meaningless. The
Western symbolism. more the mind can be stilled before sleep,
Plato, writing in the fourth century bc, said Aristotle, the more the dreamer can learn.
took a less mystical view, believing the Despite such cautionary voices however, books, the Oneirocritica (from the Greek oneiros, Eastern Traditions
liver to be the seat of dreams. popular belief in the divinatory power of meaning “a dream”).
He attributed some dreams to dreams remained widespread, and allegedly Although many of his interpretations Oriental dream traditions also offer rewarding
the gods, but others to what in affected the course of Roman history: both sound somewhat quaint to present-day ears, perspectives. Generally they lay more emphasis
the Republic he called the Hannibal’s epic journey across the Alps and Artemidorus was surprisingly modern in upon the dreamer’s state of mind. Chinese sages
“lawless wild beast nature Caesar’s invasion of Rome were prompted by some respects. For example, he identified recognized that consciousness has different
which peers out in sleep”, divine dream encouragement. the importance of the dreamer’s personality levels, and when interpreting dreams they took
anticipating Freud by more In the second century ad the Sophist in dream analysis, as a primary factor in account of the physical condition and horoscope
than 2000 years when he philosopher Artemidorus of Daldis (who determining significance; and he observed of the dreamer, as well as the time of year. They
explained that dreams were makes two brief and enigmatic appearances in the nature and frequency of sexual symbols. believed that consciousness leaves the body
a place where a person’s Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar) drew together the In his formulation that a mirror in a dream during sleep, and travels in otherworldly realms:
bestial desires run riot, unless wisdom of earlier centuries, much of it already represents the feminine to male dreamers and to arouse the dreamer abruptly, before mind and
the “well-governed soul” collected in the great library of the Babylonian the masculine to female dreamers, he even body are reunited, could be highly dangerous.
is able to replace baser King Asurna at Nineveh. His researches anticipated the Jungian concepts of the Anima Indian rsis, or seers, also believed in the
instincts with reason, in appeared in five highly influential dream and Animus (see page 103). multi-layered nature of consciousness,

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16 The Nature of Dreams Dreams through History 17

their mysteries plain. The Arabs, however, and through the Church itself. The Dominican
influenced by Eastern wisdom, continued to theologian Thomas Aquinas summed up the
explore the dream world, producing dream orthodox position of the thirteenth century
dictionaries and a wealth of interpretations. when he advised that dreams should be ignored
Muhammad rose from obscurity to found Islam altogether. Martin Luther, who broke from
after a dream in which he received his prophetic the Roman Catholic Church to initiate the
call, and dreams afterwards came to the forefront Protestant Reformation taught that dreams, at
of religious orthodoxy. In the Koran, the angel most, simply showed us our sins.
Gabriel comes to Muhammad in a dream, However, dream interpretation was too
leading him on a silvery mare to Jerusalem and strongly rooted in popular consciousness to
then up to heaven, where he meets Christ, be so readily dismissed. With the increasing
Adam and the four evangelists, enters the availability of printed books in Europe from the
Garden of Delight and receives instructions fifteenth century onward, dream dictionaries
from God. proliferated, mostly based on the works of
The belief that dreams could be divinely Artemidorus. Despite their naivety, such
inspired persisted during the early centuries of dictionaries filled a useful role in taking dream
Christendom, and in the fourth century ad was interpretation away from the seers and priests
part of the teaching of Church fathers such as St and placing it, empoweringly, in the hands of
recognizing the discrete states of waking, the symbolic attributes of gods and demons. John Chrysostom, St Augustine and St Jerome. the individual.
dreaming, dreamless sleep and samadhi, the The Hindu belief that some symbols are However, Christian orthodoxy was moving Even though the scientific rationalists of the
bliss that follows enlightenment. A passage universal while some are personal to the dreamer away from dream interpretation and prophecy. eighteenth century believed that dreams were of
on dream interpretation in the Atharva Veda, a foreshadows the work of both Freud and Jung. The dreams of the New Testament were seen little consequence, and that their interpretation
philosophical text dating from c.1500–1000 bc, as straightforward messages from God to the was a form of primitive superstition, at a popular
teaches that in a series of dreams only the last is Islamic and Christian disciples and other founders of Christianity. level the interest in dreams gathered strength.
important: the suggestion is that dreams work Traditions Prediction was redundant, because the future Moreover, dreams began to feature as prominent
progressively in solving problems or revealing was believed to be in God’s hands. By the themes in literature and art, as the new
wisdom. Hindu tradition also emphasizes the In the West, little progress was made in Middle Ages, the Church even discounted the Romanticism, led by visionaries such as William
importance of individual dream images, relating the study of dreams in the centuries after possibility of divine messages to the average Blake and Goethe, rejected the claims of the
them to a wider symbolic system incorporating Artemidorus, as it was thought that he had made believer, because God’s revelation was only in rationalists and placed a new emphasis on the

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18 The Nature of Dreams Dreams through History 19

importance of the individual and the creative reservoir of symbolism drawn upon by men
power of the imagination. and women, across all cultures, in their dreams
Your Own Temple of Hypnos
and their deepest imaginings. Stored in the In ancient Greece the Temple of Hypnos
The 19th and 20th Centuries collective unconscious are the “archetypes” (see was the place where people went to
pages 96–107) the resonant images and themes experience prophetic and healing dreams.
In nineteenth-century Europe even that inform the world’s myths and religious and You can create your own dream temple
philosophers such as Johann Gottlieb Fichte symbolic systems, as well as populating our most by establishing the bedroom as a special
(1762–1814) and Johann Friedrich Herbart universally meaningful dreams. environment conducive to meaningful
(1776–1841) began to regard dreams as worthy Although many new techniques of dream dreams – not just a utilitarian sleeping-place
of serious psychological study, and thus the interpretation have sprung up to supplement but a chamber of mystery and meaning.
way was prepared for the revolution in dream our wishes and desires from waking us up. those pioneered by Freud and Jung,
theory that began at the end of the century with The Swiss-born psychologist Carl Jung psychoanalysis and Jungian analysis continue to Establish the mood by careful use of floaty
Sigmund Freud (1856–1939). (1875–1961) worked closely with Freud between be at the core of psychological investigation. fabrics and soft lighting. Undress and get
In 1899, in his mid-forties, Freud published 1909 and 1913, but found himself increasingly The great breakthrough in dream studies in ready for sleep in pools of light, rather than
his monumental work The Interpretation of distanced by Freud’s emphasis upon the the second half of the twentieth century in the glare from a pendant. Imagine that the
Dreams. His studies as a neurologist had led underlying sexual content of dream symbols. was the discovery in 1953 of REM spirits of meaningful dreaming are readying
him to search for the causes of neuroses in the Jung’s views on dreams and on the operations (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, when themselves in the shadows.
unconscious mind, and after a lengthy course of of the mind in general form an important the most vivid episodes of dreaming
Play gentle music in your bedroom before
self-analysis he became convinced of the role counterpoint (and, many psychologists would occur (see page 41). This opened the
you retire and use it as the accompaniment
that dreams could play in providing access to say, corrective) to those of Freud. way for research. Much work remains
to meditation – or at least relaxed,
these inner depths. For Freud the unconscious, More and more, Jung allowed the to be done before we can construct a fully
contemplative thoughts. If you find this
or id, was primarily the seat of desires and non-rational side of his nature fledged science of dreaming. In the meantime,
difficult, just think of a tranquil scene where
impulses, mostly of a sexual nature, that are (powerfully expressed in his through dream workshops and
you were happy and at peace.
usually repressed by the conscious mind. childhood fantasies and dreams) other forms of analysis,
Most dreams, he believed, are simple wish- to emerge, and through a process we are building up
Project yourself hopefully into the future as
fulfilments, or expressions of repressed ideas of self-discovery he came to develop a corpus of case
you lie in bed – you are a time traveller. Next
that force their way into our consciousness when his highly influential theory of the studies for the
morning examine your dreams to see if they
our egos relax control during sleep. He argued “collective unconscious” – the belief dream scientists of
offer any clues about your destiny.
that dreaming preserves our sleep by preventing that the mind contains a vast internal the future.

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Jung on Dreams 21

Jung on Dreams
No one has been more illuminating in the history of our attempts
to understand the dreaming mind than the pioneering psychologist
Carl Jung, whose revolutionary work brought out the hidden depth
and poetry of dreams, relating them to myth and imagination.

C arl Gustav Jung (1875–1961), the founder

of analytical psychology, was born near
Basel in Switzerland, and after qualifying as a
he found among the various dreams of different
people and noticed that the individual delusions
of his different psychotic patients exhibited
medical doctor at the local university spent most remarkable similarities, and that they echoed the symbolic appearance over and over again in the and ... mysticism”, but makes it clear that the
of his life in private psychotherapeutic practice themes of myths from all over the world. great myths and legends of the world, and in our ultimate reason for Jung’s break-up with Freud
at Kusnacht on Lake Zurich. Like Freud, with His extensive knowledge of comparative deepest and most meaningful dreams. was his rejection of Freud’s insistence that life
whom he worked closely from 1909 to 1913, he religion, mythology and symbol systems Jung is often regarded as an early and ardent energy is primarily sexual. The implications
believed in the role that the unconscious plays such as alchemy convinced him that similar disciple of Freud who eventually decided to part of this disagreement for dream interpretation
in neurosis and psychosis, and in the important common themes run across cultures and company with him. In fact, Jung was already were profound. Jung saw the sexual symbolism
part played by dreams in uncovering the sources across the centuries, and thus was born his well on the way to developing his own theories that emerged in dreams as symbolic in turn of
of unconscious problems. Jung departed from belief in the collective unconscious, a genetic before he met Freud in 1907, and although he a deeper, non-sexual level of meaning, while
Freud, however, in his realization that the myth-producing level of the mind common to continued to pay generous tribute to the older Freud chose to interpret the sexual content
common themes running through the delusions all men and women, and serving as the well- man after their rift in 1913, there was a measure literally. For Jung, “grand” dreams (that is, those
and hallucinations of his patients could not spring of psychological life. Jung gave the of scientific disagreement between them from stemming from the collective unconscious)
all emerge from their personal unconscious term “archetypes” to the mythological motifs the start. were not coded messages alluding to particular
conflicts but must stem from some common and primordial images that emerge from the Ernest Jones, Freud’s biographer, writes desires, but gateways to a mythic world, “the
source. He began to explore correlations that collective unconscious. He saw these as making of Jung’s “tendency to occultism, astrology, vast historical storehouse of the human race”.

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22 The Nature of Dreams Jung on Dreams 23

Jung also differed from Freud in his method

of exploring the unconscious through dream
Objective and Subjective Jung’s analysis revealed numerous
connections between individual dream
interpretation. Rejecting Freudian free Jung suggested that there are two basic symbolism and medieval alchemy. Alchemy was
association, he favoured instead the technique approaches to the analysis of dream material: not merely a mystical forerunner of chemistry,
of direct association. Jung criticized Freud’s the objective and the subjective. The first but a precursor of the modern study of the
method because it allows the mind to freewheel, approach is literal. If you have a dream about unconscious, and of techniques for transforming
following a chain of association that leads your reprobate sister, who is idle, jobless and the base matter of psychic conflict and confusion
away from the original dream image and often sponging off her friends and family, then the into the gold of personal wholeness.
ends up in some far distant place. Through dream might be pointing to aspects of your Jung saw alchemy as a powerful undercurrent
direct association, Jungians concentrate upon sister’s behaviour that you find troubling. to Western religion and philosophy, much as the
the dream itself, preventing the client’s train However, according to the subjective dream is to consciousness: “just as the dream
of thought from wandering by returning it approach, everyone who appears in the compensates the conflicts of the conscious mind,
again and again to the original image. Jung dream represents an aspect of the dreamer. so alchemy endeavours to fill in the gaps left
conceded that free association leads to valuable On this reading the sister might represent open by the Christian tension of opposites”.
psychological insights, but thought that these your own tendencies to opt out of social Jung not only drew parallels between dream
insights often bear no connection with the responsibilties. A more graphic example symbols and their alchemical counterparts, but
message contained in the dream. One might as would be a dream of being pursued by a also found in alchemy a symbolic representation
well take a word at random from the dictionary, violent attacker, where the hidden reference of the very process of Jungian analysis and the
and use that as a starting-point. might be to the dreamer’s own aggressive development of the human psyche. In their
For Jung, psychotherapy is not a quest impulses. Jung argued that the subjective search for the powers of self-transformation,
to discover the dark secrets of our past by view tends to be much more difficult for alchemists strove to unify opposites such as
delving into childhood traumas, but a process the dreamer to accept. A good therapist will white and black, sulphur and mercury, heat and
of discovery and self-realization. Jungians encourage the client to recognize the truths Whereas Freud attempted to narrow down his cold, sun and moon, life and death, male and
believe that by being in touch with the mythic of a subjective interpretation, in a way that dream interpretations by approaching them with female, thus creating the Philosopher’s Stone.
themes of our collective unconscious, we provides insight and leads to increased self- rigid theoretical presuppositions, Jung favoured This was the single unifying principle that
gradually integrate the disparate and sometimes awareness. Gestalt therapists later extended the amplification of dream symbols, drawing also served as a source for certain of the myths
conflicting aspects of our selves, developing our the subjective approach, applying it even to out their deeper meanings imaginatively by surrounding the Holy Grail.
full potential as we pass in turn through life’s inanimate objects in a dream. placing the symbols in their broader mythic and Jung found in these symbolic alchemical
successive stages. symbolic contexts. transformations a complex metaphor for the

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24 The Nature of Dreams

union of male and female, Anima and Animus,

conscious and unconscious, matter and spirit,
that in his view led to wholeness within the Carl Jung used the term “complex”, or
human psyche itself – a process described “feeling-toned complex of ideas”, to refer to
by Jung, borrowing an alchemical term, as a “node” in the unconscious – a tangle of
individuation. unconscious feelings and beliefs that can
With his emphasis on the importance of form as a psychic disturbance and manifest
present experience (in contrast to Freud’s itself in unaccountable behaviour. He initially
preoccupation with childhood), Jung saw found evidence for complexes in word
each stage of life as carrying developmental association tests in the first decade of the
significance, and stressed that we have a capacity twentieth century, working at Zurich
for growth and self-actualization even into University. At the centre of any complex, he
advanced old age. The aim of psychotherapy, believed, is a universal pattern of experience,
and thus of dream analysis, was to give the or archetype (see pages 96–107) – typically,
individual access to the personal and collective we might have a complex about our mother
unconscious – not in order to learn the dark or father, or about our brother or sister. A
secrets of the past, but rather to discover and complex has a vitality that is not harmful in
integrate each aspect of the self into psychic itself, but when complexes conflict or are
wholeness. In the course of such integration, out of balance within ourselves, they can
men and women not only reconcile conflicting undermine our intentions and disturb our
sides of themselves, but also free an often memories, our dreams and our mental
repressed religious function. Jung discovered effectiveness in waking life. They can
through his work with his clients that this damage our inner peace by usurping power
function is at least equal in strength to the from our controlling identity, the ego.
Freudian instincts of sex and aggression. The Psychoanalysts will often work with a client
religious function has nothing to do with on their dreams to discover the roots of a
creeds and dogmas, but is an expression of the complex – a practice that operates by
collective unconscious that inspires us toward progressing together in a spirit of discovery.
spirituality and love.

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Freud on Dreams 27

are shaped by the laws of cause and effect, a are caused by psychological rather than by
view which later predisposed him to recognize physiological factors, and on his return to
dreams as subject to these same laws. Vienna he developed (partly with the help of

Freud on Dreams Later, while working in Paris with the

renowned neurologist and medical hypnotist
J.M. Charcot, he concluded that neuroses
psychiatrist Josef Breuer) the technique of free
association for identifying what these factors
might be. The results of this work with free
Sigmund Freud is still a highly controversial figure. Some believe that his
voluminous works are more important as literature than as a record of scientific
Free Association
discovery; certainly, they are saturated in imaginative power. His insights into Freud’s famous technique of free association association that arise, and then let one word or
the mind are fearless, uncomfortable, thought-provoking and profound. can be adapted as an easy way to explore image trigger another. You may end up some
the possible meanings of any recent dream distance from the original word, but intuition

S igmund Freud (1856–1939) began

his classic work The Interpretation of
Dreams with what was for 1899 a revolutionary
you have had.

Take as your starting point a dream that is still

will tell you when to stop. Then go back to the
key word and explore another pathway.
For example, free association starting from
statement: “I shall bring forward proof that fresh in your mind. Ideally, you should try this a dream image of a bicycle might run: bicycle,
there is a psychological technique which makes exercise in the morning, soon after waking. pedals, shoes, boots, policeman, authority.
it possible to interpret dreams.” Modern dream You will need a pen or pencil and a sheet of The basic idea behind free association is to
psychology was born in this sentence. blank paper; or alternatively use a page in a trick yourself into unconscious revelations. You
The Interpretation of Dreams sold only 351 special dream notebook. have deliberately lowered your guard, and it is
copies in the first six years, but eventually ran To unpack the various possible meanings of in these circumstances that you are most likely
through numerous editions, and became one the dream, take each object, person and to hit upon unexpected truths. You may
of the very few books to have changed our situation that played a significant part in the suddenly come to a word or memory that
way of looking at ourselves. Freud was born experience, and free-associate around the causes you to experience a lightbulb moment.
in Freiburg in Moravia (now in the Czech words for them, one at a time. Let your Do not be concerned if nothing of interest
Republic), and trained in Vienna as a medical imagination rove freely. Jot down, anywhere on reveals itself this time. But do try more than
doctor under the noted neurophysiologist the sheet of paper, whatever comes to mind; once, and revisit your free-association notes
Ernst Brücke. From Brücke, Freud derived his and don’t censor or edit anything out. From from time to time to see if you missed any
deterministic belief that all living phenomena the first word, follow mental chains of insights the first time around.

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28 The Nature of Dreams Freud on Dreams 29

association convinced him that many of them process” which operates in the unconscious, Freud’s Dream of Irma
lie below the level of the conscious mind, and dreaming mind, and the “secondary process”
are associated with the emotional damage which characterizes conscious thought. The Freud had this famous dream in 1895, and it wish-fulfilment. In the dream, Freud first
caused in early childhood by the repressions former process differs from the latter in that it was the first that he submitted to detailed blames Irma for her own pains. His feeling that
and distortions of the life instinct, specifically lacks organization and coordination, and consists interpretation. It concerned Irma, a young the causes may be organic represents both his
of the sexual urge, in response to the need for only of instinctive impulses, each pressing widow and family friend whom Freud was hidden wish to escape blame for the failure of
social and parental approval. Recognizing that toward its own fulfilment. Freud believed that treating for “hysterical anxiety”. psychoanalysis, and his fear that he has been
this revealed the crucial importance of the the primary process takes unconscious impulses, confusing psychosomatic and physical
unconscious, Freud then undertook a lengthy desires and fears, and turns them into symbols; The dream: Freud received Irma and other problems. He concludes “that I was not
course of self-analysis, and as a result of his these are linked by associations that have no guests in a large hall. He took her to one side responsible for Irma’s pains, but that Otto was.
discoveries he became convinced of the role regard for categories such as time and space, or and reproached her for rejecting his “solution” Otto had in fact annoyed me by his remarks
that dreams can play in providing access to the right and wrong, as the unconscious is unaware to her anxiety problems: “if you still get pains, about Irma’s incomplete cure, and the dream
mind’s hidden material. of the logic, values and social adaptations of it’s really only your fault”. She complained of gave me my revenge by throwing the reproach
Freud famously described dreams as “the conscious life. “choking” pains in her throat, stomach and back on him”. In Freud’s wish-fulfilling dream,
royal road to the unconscious”, and firmly The secondary process, on the other hand, abdomen. Alarmed, Freud examined her throat, Irma’s “pains” were not caused by his handling
believed that he had unravelled their full works by subjecting thoughts to the laws of in case he’d missed an organic cause for her of her psyche but by an unclean syringe Otto
mystery. Many of his conclusions are now logic, just as language is governed by the rules problems, and found a large white patch as had used when giving her an injection. Freud’s
disputed, but we owe him a profound debt of grammar. well as “some remarkable curly structures”, like anxiety about his own treatment of Irma was
for recognizing the questions that we should Freud maintained that unconscious instincts “bones of the nose”. Dr M. repeated the symbolized by the part played by Dr M., to
be asking about the meaning and purpose of dwell in a kind of primitive chaos, each seeking examination and confirmed Freud’s findings. whom Freud had once made an appeal when
dreaming, and about the insights dreams give gratification independently of the others in an Freud decided the infection was caused by his own unwitting mistreatment of a patient
us not only into the contents of the unconscious animalistic and amoral way. He used the term id an injection given by Otto, a doctor he knew, had led to her fatal illness. The white patch on
but also into the role that the unconscious plays (literally, “it”) to describe the primary part of the probably with an unclean syringe. In Dr M.’s Irma’s throat reminded him of diphtheria and
in our mental life as a whole. mind, and argued that it contains “everything opinion, Irma would soon contract dysentery; of the distress caused when his own daughter
Underlying Freud’s understanding of dreams that is inherited ... [and] is present at birth” – in and the toxin would be eliminated. had the disease; the nasal-like bones recalled
was his belief that the mind processes its other words, it contains the primordial instincts his worries over his own use of cocaine, which
material at different levels. His study of his own that have motivated us since the beginnings of The interpretation: Analyzing the dream, and had led to the death of a friend. This account
dreams, and those of his patients, led him to the human race, specifically the instincts for self- subjecting key parts of it to free association, illustrates how complex meanings can be
distinguish between what he called the “primary survival and for the survival of the species. Freud became aware that it was a woven together in a dream.

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30 The Nature of Dreams Freud on Dreams 31

In Freud’s view, the id dominates unconscious symptoms, which preserve an equilibrium such struggle in the mind between primary content has two major methods of disguising
life, and dreams are the acting out in fantasy in the ego by striving to allow potentially and secondary processes, and that rather than latent content in a way that can evade the
form, or the wish-fulfilment, of its desires and overwhelming anxieties and instincts to be continually competing with each other they in censor. The first is condensation: the fusing
energies. Yet dreams do not emerge directly expressed in a form which it can handle. fact coexist as partners. of two or more dream images to form a single
from this mass of anarchic instincts. If they Much recent criticism of Freud’s ideas has For Freud, dreams always have a manifest symbol. For example, Freud often interpreted
did, they would arouse the dreamer with their centred upon the hierarchical aspect of his view and a latent content. The manifest content is images of older men in his patients’ dreams as a
disturbing, often antisocial, and potentially of the mind. Freud believed that “secondary” what the dream appears to be saying, often a condensation of their fathers, on the one hand,
psychologically harmful content. Hence, they functions such as rationality, morality and jumble of apparent nonsense, while the latent and of Freud himself, their analyst, on the other.
express themselves only in symbolic form (as the role of the ego are developed only after content is what the unconscious is really trying Working by association rather than by logical
will shortly be more fully explained). the “primary” wishes and instincts of the to communicate to consciousness. The manifest connections, the manifest content amalgamates
In waking life the ego, the rational part of unconscious have been tamed and repressed, as
the mind that is grounded in commonsense if learning depends on a child’s ability to beat
reality, and adheres to an acquired moral sense, his or her way through the dark forest of primary
The Wolf Man’s Dream
keeps the id’s primitive urges at bay. In sleep, processes in order to reach the open, daylight In 1910 a rich, depressed Russian aristocrat, Terrified of being eaten, he woke up screaming
however, the ego relaxes its conscious control, clearing of the conscious ego. Later research Sergei Pankeyev, was referred to Freud for and his nurse rushed to comfort him. But the
and the id comes to the fore, flooding our mind suggests that it is more likely that there is no treatment. The analysis continued for many image was so lifelike that it was ages before he
with its mischievous agenda. To years and helped Freud to develop his could accept it was only a dream. Later he said
protect the sleeping ego from being theories. Freud postulated that Pankeyev’s that what struck him most was the stillness of
disturbed by this inundation to the obsessional, masochistic tendencies stemmed the wolves and the intensity of their gaze.
point where the dreamer is actually from an early sexual trauma. The experience
awakened, a mental device that revealed itself in therapy when Pankeyev The interpretation: Freud’s analysis was that
Freud termed the censor struggles described a childhood dream, which haunted in his infancy Pankeyev had seen his parents
to translate the id’s material into a him for the rest of his life. having sex and that he had been traumatized
less disruptive form. The purpose by what appeared to be the violence of the
of dreaming is therefore to preserve The dream: It was winter. His cot was near a act and his mother’s lack of male sexual organs.
sleep by symbolizing dream content window, which swung open and he saw several The opening window symbolized the young
in a way that renders it innocuous white wolves sitting on the branches of an old Pankeyev’s opening eyes; the wolves, his father;
to the censor. Dreams thus operate walnut tree. They had long tails like foxes and and their stillness was a deflection of the
in much the same way as neurotic their ears pricked up like those of dogs. violent motion of intercourse.

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32 The Nature of Dreams Freud on Dreams 33

the two images to reflect a similarity in and desires buried in the id, life”, while those from above result from the strives to placate the id, to persuade it that its
our attitudes toward them both. which Freud thought were the day’s events, “reinforced [by] repressed material drives are not going unheard by consciousness
The second major device sources of our dreams. that is debarred from the ego” – that is, material as a whole. If the ego should fail in this task of
used by the dreaming mind Another important idea that is unacceptable to the ego, and thus placation, or of maintaining its defences against
is displacement. Like in Freud’s interpretative repressed in the id. the id’s more disturbing onslaughts, the pent-up
condensation, displacement method is secondary revision. Freud believed that much of our conscious instincts and buried traumas of the unconscious
works by association, translating This term describes the way behaviour is also prompted by the need to can break through into our conscious minds,
one dream image into another, in which we alter the events and satisfy unconscious urges. As we go about the leading to full-scale mental breakdown.
rather in the way that metaphor images of our dreams either when business of the day, we channel instinctive Even if we escape such a fate, we may waste
works in language. When one of Freud’s patients recounting them to someone else or when energy into socially acceptable forms, using such a great deal of our energy in conflicts between
dreamed of a ship in full sail, its bowsprit trying to remember them ourselves. A Freudian ego defence mechanisms as repression, denial the ego and the id, leading to the obsessions,
jutting out before it, Freud had no difficulty analyst would look for clues in the way in which and projection in order to keep painful material depressions and anxieties that constitute
in interpreting this as a displacement image, a patient might “revise” his or her dreams, out of conscious awareness. The ego continually neurosis and undermine our happiness.
the ship standing for his patient’s mother, the lending them greater internal consistency and
sails representing her breasts and the bowsprit coherence than they in fact possess.
symbolizing the penis that his patient always Freud’s theory that all dreams originate from
imagined his forceful mother to have. the primal chaos of the id was strongly opposed
Free association was the method developed by those who subscribed to the increasingly
by Freud to bypass the condensations and widespread belief that dreams may be simply a
displacements of manifest content in order continuation of the mind’s daytime thoughts, or
to arrive at an interpretation of dreams. By reactions to events that recently took place in
following the chains of free association that waking life. Accordingly, in the 1920s, following
start from an individual dream image, either we disagreements with Jung and other psychologists
continue wherever our train of thought leads us, working on the origin and meaning of dreams,
or we suddenly stop when we meet resistance, Freud modified his views in order to draw a
a sudden blockage in the mind that usually distinction between what he called dreams from
reveals the nature of the unconscious problem. “above” and those from “below”. Dreams from
Whatever the outcome, the process enables us below arise from the unconscious and “may be
to join the “royal road” that leads to the instincts regarded as inroads of the repressed into waking

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34 The Nature of Dreams Freud on Dreams 35

However, with the help of a psychoanalyst mysteries of such a dream, we have to delve forceful in its impact, is the “Electra complex”,
who can coax the content of the id skilfully deeply into our own motivations, in territory which shows itself in a girl’s desire for her father.
into consciousness, where it can be seen and where we may feel uncomfortable. Freudian analysts still ascribe a major role to
understood for what it is, we can avoid such Freud alerts us to a repertoire of means sexuality in the unconscious. They also suggest
conflicts and strip the id of much of its power. by which wishes are disguised, concealed or that the discomfort many feel about Freud’s
Freud saw the interpretation of dreams as repressed in dreams so that the sleeper finds it approach reflects, unconsciously, their repression
essential to this task. impossible, next morning, to grasp their true of uncomfortable truths.
In Freud’s view, there are three basic types significance. For example, emotional yearnings
of dreams. In the most basic, wish-fulfilment may be translated into a completely different
Oedipus and Ourselves
dreams, such as those commonly recounted context that softens their dangerous edge. A
by children, the manifest and latent content grown-up’s nostalgic craving for the pleasures Oedipus is the most famous sexual
coincide. The dream makes no attempt to of childhood and the mother’s tender care, transgressor in Greek myth, yet his sins are
disguise its underlying significance: a dream prompted by a longing for affection that is unconscious ones. Abandoned as a baby after
of chocolate or a new teddy bear is simply a missing from their current life, may be revealed, the oracle at Delphi predicted that he would
wish for chocolate or a teddy bear, particularly in Freud’s view, in a dream of an abundance of kill his father and sleep with his mother, he
when they have been forbidden or withheld cake, packed with calories and sugar. was rescued by a shepherd and adopted by
by a parent. In the second dream type, the Those who are sceptical of Freud’s approach the king and queen of Corinth. Years later
content is similarly transparent – but much to the dream world have tended to concentrate he slew a stranger who insulted him: this
more surprising, because we are unable at the their attacks on what many judge to be an was King Laius, his father. Later, he rescued
conscious level to relate the scenario to our excessive emphasis on sex. For example, not Thebes from the Sphinx, a hideous beast who
daytime wishes. For example, we may have many psychologists these days give credence to killed anyone who could not answer her
dreamed of parachuting down into a war zone the “Oedipus complex” – Freud’s theory of a riddle. As the city’s saviour, Oedipus became
with a select band of commandos – something son’s supposed attraction to his mother and his its king and married the widowed Queen
that in real life we have never wanted to do. rivalry and hostility toward his father. The term Jocasta, his mother. Thebes prospered under
Freud’s third dream type is the most comes from Greek mythology: Oedipus was his rule, until it was visited by a plague.
intriguing. Here, the manifest content is separated from his parents at birth; later, before Discovering the truth, Oedipus blinded him-
bafflingly surreal and incoherent – for example, discovering their identities, he unwittingly self; Jocasta hanged herself. The story enacts
people we know performing irrational actions killed his father and married his mother. The a dark psychic drama that springs from the
in an unexpected setting. To penetrate the equivalent of this syndrome for a young girl, less unconscious – the source of our dreams.

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36 The Nature of Dreams

Perls and Boss on Dreams

Despite their illuminating theories and analyses, neither Freud
nor Jung was able to unlock all the secrets of the dream world,
and it is probable that no one ever will. But in the twentieth
century a great deal of work was done that greatly enhanced
our understanding – not least by Fritz Perls and Medard Boss.

The Work of Fritz Perls from the dreamer’s personal experience rather
than from instinctive or collective drives.

T he American psychiatrist Fritz Perls (1893–

1970) is best known as a founder of gestalt
therapy, which emphasizes the way in which the
Role play, Perls believed, is a more efficient
and accurate technique for interpretation than
either free or direct association (see pages 27
individual organizes the facts, perceptions and and 22). His method was to ask the dreamer
behaviour that make up his or her life, rather to dramatize each dream image in turn, giving
than the separate nature of each. voice even to inanimate dream objects, and
No less than Jung and Freud, Perls stressed sometimes adopting the physical positions that
the symbolic content of dreams, but he also such objects had in the dream, to best represent
believed that every character and object in our the message they were trying to convey.
dreams is a projection of our own self, and of the In a dream of a train running through woods,
way in which we have been living our lives. For for example, the dreamer may find that the rails,
Perls, dreams represent unfinished emotional or the trees left behind as the train rushes past,
business, or “emotional holes”, in the dreamer’s reveal more about his or her emotional state than
life history, and their symbolic content stems does the central image of the train. Act out how

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38 The Nature of Dreams Perls and Boss on Dreams 39

the trees feel as they are as Perls’ methods are dream is actually trying to say. Whereas Freud the existence and importance of Level 2 and
left behind, Perls might for working with dreams and Jung concentrated on the deeper Level 2 Level 3 dreams. In experiments such as this,
suggest, and what the rails that operate at Level 1 and 3 dreams, Boss’s approach directed attention the dream scenario is placed in the mind by
would say as the train runs and Level 2 (see pages to the real importance of Level 1 dreams. the experimenter, rather than arising from the
over them. 65–70), they run the risk In place of association, Boss developed an dreamer’s own unconscious. And Jungians and
Role play of this kind of undervaluing the shared interpretative method that allowed dreams to Freudians would point out that the elements
places interpretation firmly meaning of dream symbols, tell their own story. This depended less upon that did arise from the unconscious (lover
in the dreamer’s hands. and in particular of ignoring theories of the unconscious than upon the ability transformed into soldier, penis into gun) could
The therapist may make the crucial role of the to see “what is in front of one’s face”. give insights into the causes of the woman’s
suggestions, but the dream collective unconscious, as In one of his experiments, Boss hypnotized neuroses. Associations emerging in response to
remains the dreamer’s own defined by Jung. five women – three healthy, two neurotic – and these images might show, for example, that the
property: meaning must suggested that each dream of a naked, sexually dream revealed not only repressed sexuality but
never be imposed from the aroused man known to be in love with them also a repressed Animus archetype (see page
outside. and advancing on them with sexual intent. 103), or that the soldier and the gun represented
There need be no major contradiction The Work of Medard Boss While the three healthy women followed authoritarian and self-destructive tendencies
between this approach to dreaming and the the given scenario exactly and enjoyably, within the dreamer herself.
approaches of Jung and Freud, despite Perls’
insistence to the contrary. Both Jung and Freud
emphasized that dream images often symbolize
T he Swiss psychiatrist Medard Boss (1903–
1990) posited a relationship between
dreaming and existentialism. Existential theory
the dreams of the two neurotic women were
anxious and unaroused. In one the naked man
was replaced by a uniformed soldier armed
aspects of the dreamer’s own self, and that in the argues that each individual chooses consciously with a gun with which he nearly shot her. Boss
interpretation of dreams role-play exercises can or unconsciously what he or she wishes to be. pointed out that there was nothing symbolic
be a helpful addition to direct or free association. Thus, for Boss, dreams are not a profound about the first three dreams: they were open
The problem with the Perls method, however, symbolic language, but represent straightforward expressions of the dreamers’ conscious desires.
is that the dreamer risks being seduced by his aspects of existential choice. And even the dream of the soldier had no need
or her acting skills into losing real contact with The use Boss made of dreams in clinical of deep symbolic interpretation: it was a simple
the dream. Although Perls was confident that he practice showed clearly that dreams can provide reflection of the woman’s narrow, fear-drenched
could recognize this effect when it happened, psychological help without being interpreted world in which men were seen as threatening.
other practitioners of his technique may lack symbolically. By searching always for symbolic It would be a mistake to see this existential
his expert perception. Moreover, as valuable meaning, we run a risk of missing what the approach based on Level 1 dreams as negating

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40 The Nature of Dreams The Function of Dreams 41

REM Sleep
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is also known be synchronized with dream events, suggesting

The Function of Dreams as “paradoxical sleep”, because while it is

happening, brain activity, adrenaline levels,
pulse rate and oxygen consumption come
that the brain does not distinguish between
the imagery of dreams and that of
waking life. The same may be true of the brain’s
Are dreams a revelation from some profound creative source within closest to those in wakefulness, yet response to other dream sensations: certainly,
ourselves, or the confused residue of thoughts and images left over muscle tone relaxes and the sleeper may prove stimuli such as a spray of water, a sudden
particularly difficult to rouse. It is during REM sound such as an alarm clock ringing, a voice,
from our waking life? Is the dreaming mind a window into the mysteries
sleep that most dreaming takes place. or a flash of light, may all be incorporated into
of the dreamer’s deepest self, or a psychic garbage can containing In the 1960s researchers found that REM a dream and “rationalized” to fit its content.
random mental material that we would be wisest to ignore? deprivation appears to lead to daytime Yet however real such sensory experiences
irritability, fatigue, memory loss and poor appear to be to the brain, something prevents
concentration. Volunteers who were us from performing in full the actions and

M odern research into the physical

patterns of dreaming began in 1953
with the work of American physiologist
systematically deprived of REM sleep by being
woken whenever they entered the eye
activity phase caught up on subsequent nights
emotions that fill our dreams. There is a general
loss of muscle tone during REM sleep, and the
eye muscles appear to be the only ones that
Nathaniel Kleitman and his student Eugene by engaging in more REM sleep than usual. If are physically involved in acting out dream
Aserinsky. In their “sleep laboratory” they a subject is faced with total sleep deprivation, events. It has been shown that when dreams
observed that for short periods the eyes of because of illness or other factors, the REM are at their most vivid, certain inhibitors are
sleeping infants move about rapidly behind state has even been known to force its way produced to prevent muscles from
closed eyelids. Subsequent research revealed into waking consciousness. It seems that we receiving the relevant impulses from the brain,
that adults also manifest this phenomenon, may badly need REM sleep, and this could be thus ensuring that we do not act on sensory
and EEG readings, which record the electrical associated with a psychological need to dream. stimuli experienced in the dream.
activity of the brain, showed that these periods Recent research has shown that dreams It is perhaps this effective paralysis that
of eye movement correspond with particular occurring during REM sleep are more visual in gives rise to the dream sensations of being
brain rhythms. The discovery of a link between content than those that occur at other stages unable to run, of attempting in vain to scream,
eye movement and recognizable brain waves of sleep. Findings even indicate that the eye or of trying to walk but being stuck in sand,
was a breakthrough in dream research, and this movements that take place in REM sleep may viscous mud or water.

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The Function of Dreams 43

phase of sleep was termed REM (Rapid Eye ancestors increased their chances of survival. A
Movement) sleep. physiological theory suggests that sleep is the
Further research revealed four distinct body’s chance to relax and repair itself, and to
levels or stages of sleep, each characterized use its energies to secrete special hormones:
by particular physiological activities and brain children, for example, produce more abundant
rhythms. During the first fifteen minutes, the supplies of growth hormone at night.
sleeper descends progressively through Stages It seems certain that sleep literally gives
1 to 3, before spending about one hour in Stage the brain a rest. Production of serotonin and
4, the deepest level, when the body is at its norepinephrine, chemicals that help to transmit
most relaxed and brain rhythms at their slowest. nerve impulses in the brain, is reduced during
After this, an ascent back up to Stage 1 is often sleep. Volunteers deprived of one or two nights’
accompanied by a change in sleeping posture, sleep show increased irritability, memory failure
and it is at this point that the first REM period and poor concentration, and will literally pass
of sleep begins, usually lasting for about ten out on their feet if deprivation continues.
minutes. Thereafter, the process of descent Nevertheless, some people need very little
and ascent is repeated between four and seven sleep, and certain spiritually advanced men
times during the night, though sleep rarely again and women pass the night in a state of deep
reaches a state as deep as Stage 4. Each REM meditation rather than actual sleep. There are
episode becomes progressively longer, as does rare medical cases of people who, after traumas
the frequency and rapidity of eye movement, such as head injuries, have appeared hardly to
and the final REM period can last as long as sleep at all.
forty minutes.
There are many theories as to why we sleep.
Some scientists point to the evolutionary
advantage of sleep as a strategy to conserve
T hus much is known, and supposed,
about how the dreaming mind operates
physiologically. However, when we start to
energy and reduce food consumption. Another look deeper, into the psychological aspects
evolutionary argument is that by sleeping of dreaming, we enter murkier waters.
during the hours of darkness, when they were Although, since the discovery of REM in
more vulnerable to attack from predators, our 1953, scientists have taken dreams into the

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44 The Nature of Dreams The Function of Dreams 45

Garbage or Gold? computer that goes “off line” during the night,
and searches its files and programs, modifying
“Garbage” theories of dreaming owed their and updating them to take account of relevant
genesis to the propensity of scientists for new data and erasing or relegating to limbo
separating process from content. Such any redundant or unwanted items. In dreams,
theories crumble once proper attention is however, fragments of the material being
focused upon dream content itself. categorized and dumped emerge into sleeping
No one who maintains a dream diary over consciousness, hopelessly jumbled together
a reasonable period of time should have any and beset by trains of unwanted associations.
difficulty in recognizing that dreams have According to the “psychic garbage” theory, this
a remarkable coherence as a secret history mess of random images is what we dream.
of the self. Sadly, the belief of “garbage” There are several compelling objections to
theorists that dream recall is undesirable this approach. First, it is incorrect to claim that
laboratory, subjecting them to rigorous tests and to tell of the repressed desires and instincts precludes them from studying the content dream content is meaningless. Dreams have
analyzing them with some of the aids of modern that dwell there. Jungians go beyond this, of their own dreams, and leads them to been shown to provide vital insights into both
technology, the question that was posed by recognizing the collective unconscious, a shared disregard the very evidence that would psychological and possibly physical health, and
Freud and Jung in the first half of the twentieth creative sub-level that is vital to our well-being discredit their ideas. they can also be an invaluable aid to problem
century remains largely unanswered: do we and generates not only the images of our dreams solving. Although they may appear at first to
dream to preserve our sleep, or sleep so that we but also those of myth, legend and religious be confused and random, detailed analysis by
can dream? teachings. While this book is built on the twin that bombards it during the wakeful hours, an expert can show that they contain a wealth
Although scientists tend to agree that there foundations of these theories, it is worth pausing categorizing and storing relevant information, of meanings (sometimes ambivalent, but
must be a purpose to dreaming, they differ to test the strength of the “psychic garbage” and dumping irrelevancies. According to this meanings nevertheless) related to the dreamer’s
over what this purpose might be. However, the approach, which asserts that we dream to sort view, most of this processing takes place during circumstances. Lucid dreaming (see pages
view to which most dream interpreters since and discard our unwanted mental detritus the day, and much of the unwanted material is 55–64) shows that far from the mind being
the nineteenth century have subscribed is that in sleep, and that although the function of discarded immediately. The brain, however, also “off line”, full consciousness in dreaming is
dreams alert us to important aspects of the state dreaming is important, the content of dreams is needs a period of consolidation when it can give possible at times (and potentially at all times).
of our unconscious minds. definitely not. its full attention to clearing the backlog, and There is no evidence that people who recall
Freud, as we have seen, believed that dreams Some scientists believe that the brain operates this is what takes place during sleep. Scientists and work with their dreams are any less healthy
are coded messages devised by the unconscious selectively, scrutinizing the mass of detail have compared this operation to a mainframe psychologically than those who do not – in

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46 The Nature of Dreams

fact, the reverse seems to be true. Finally, surroundings (perhaps they are sleeping fitfully
although most dreams are indeed elusive in their in such circumstances) or when sleeping on a
signficance, some of them prove so memorable harder bed.
that years later they are as fresh in the mind as It may be that the cluttered, distracted and
the major events of waking life. undisciplined nature of our minds also inhibits
Yet if dreams do contain important messages dream recall. Adepts of the Hindu and Buddhist
from the unconscious to the conscious levels esoteric orders, and certain followers of the
of the mind, why is it that we forget much of Western mystery tradition, are said to enjoy
what we experience in sleep? There are several unbroken consciousness during their sleep,
theories about this, one of which has to do with largely because of their intensive training in
the manner of our waking. We no longer wake techniques of concentration and meditation.
up suddenly as our primitive ancestors did, alert The classic theory of dream amnesia,
to the dangers of living in the open: instead, we however, is that advanced by Sigmund Freud,
emerge gradually from sleep in the safety of our who believed that the main reason that we forget
beds, and it is possibly this that consigns most our dreams is that they are often too painful to
of our dreams to oblivion between sleeping remember. According to Freud, dream amnesia
and waking. Another theory is that we simply has nothing to do with incidental aspects of
sleep too much, and the hours that we spend the dreamer’s lifestyle, but is directly caused
in dreamless sleep may smother the memories by what he called the censor, a repressive ego
of our dreams. In dream workshops, people defence mechanism that protects the conscious
often report that their dream recall is greater mind from the mass of disturbing images,
than usual when away from home and in fresh instincts and desires that inhabit the depths of

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48 The Nature of Dreams The Function of Dreams 49

the unconscious, enabling us to embark on a

Quality Sleep
thrilling (and sometimes disturbing) voyage of
self-discovery. We could be given any message Although some people claim to dream
on the way, and its special meaning will depend more reliably when their sleep is disturbed,
on our particular personal agenda, fears and it is generally acknowledged that better
other inner concerns. sleeping patterns lead to a better quality
Many of the messages we receive in dreams of dream life. Follow these simple steps to
are connected with the hopes, concerns and ensure that your nights are peaceful and
anxieties of everyday life. Research has shown undisturbed and your dreams enriched
that women’s dreams tend to focus on domestic accordingly.
events, while men’s dreams are more often
the unconscious. For our own mental protection, matched in waking life only by arts such as set outside the home. Many dreams, however, • Avoid alcohol and sleeping tablets: both
our dreams are coded into acceptable language. poetry, painting and music. arise from deeper levels of the mind. Before repress REM sleep. Avoid coffee and tea
Dreams spring from the unconscious, and use attempting the methods of interpretation as a bedtime drink: try hot milk and honey
Introduction to Symbols symbols – a primal part of the language of the explained later in this book, ask yourself what instead.
unconscious that preceded the development of message each remembered dream might be • Before bedtime, clear your mind of all
When we turn to look more closely at the speech. As explained later in this book, many attempting to convey. For example, you may thoughts of the day. Do not allow anger or
experience of dreaming and what it can mean for of the symbols used by dreams are personal have had dreams of meeting a stranger, entering resentment to disturb your mind.
us, it is helpful to look first of all at the principal to the dreamer, having been built up through a store, or chopping down a tree. What could • If you read before you go to sleep,
semantic unit of our dreams: the symbol. experience. Others, however, appear to be such dreams be trying to say? ensure that the content of your reading
The messages contained in dreams are more universal, arising from shared levels of In a broad sense, dreams often relate to is calm and contemplative: avoid a racy
typically conveyed as symbols, which represent the unconscious mind. Such universal symbols what might be, rather than what actually is. A thriller, for example.
an idea, concept or emotion that is difficult to are often linked to animals or natural forces – dream could thus suggest that you might wish • Make your bedroom an oasis of peace,
put into words. The presence of symbols is one for example, birds in many cultures represent to enlarge your horizons, or to explore new free of clutter, with restful lighting.
reason why dreams appear to be so mysterious freedom, fire represents destruction and avenues and opportunities. Sometimes dreams • Go to bed early and get up early.
and even nonsensical to the waking mind, but purification, while water stands for life itself. seem to warn us of dangers, or to caution us to • Relax your body, consciously, tensing and
once we begin to unlock this symbolic language, By working with dreams, we come into think more carefully about a particular course of then releasing all your muscles, before you
we find that dreams are often profoundly contact with this symbolic language, which action. The one clear message is that dreams are retire.
meaningful, engaging our feelings in a way shows us a way to delve deeper and deeper into far too important to be ignored.

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States of Transition 51

States of Transition
If we think of dreams as wispy, fragmentary experiences, that is probably
because we are remembering the typically evanescent dreams from
which we often wake in the mornings. Framing the vivid intensity of
REM dreaming, our sleep begins and ends with more fleeting dream
images on the boundaries between sleep and wakefulness.

F rederick Myers (1843–1941), one of

the pioneering British explorers of the
unconscious, gave the term “hypnagogic” to the
up, and the sleeper enters fully into Stage 1
sleep where his or her mind is briefly filled
with the weird, hallucinatory dreams of the stages of sleep. When the Russian philosopher regularity, and writing not only in the dreamer’s
dreams that precede sleep and “hypnopompic” hypnagogic state. Perhaps visions is a better P.D. Ouspensky writes of “golden sparks and mother tongue but sometimes in foreign or even
to the dreams that come just as we are waking. word for them than dreams, for they lack both tiny stars ... [which transform themselves] into entirely imaginary languages. As if zooming in
These two transitional states are fragmentary the narrative complexity and the emotional rows of brass helmets belonging to Roman to scrutinize the dreamer, archetypal faces may
and elusive – like a memory slipping from our resonance of dreams encountered in deeper soldiers marching along the streets below”, he swim in and out of view; mysterious characters
grasp the moment it is recalled. Both tend to is describing the magical, visionary quality of may appear and disappear, and images are
be marked by a series of fleeting, mysterious,
Hypagogic Quick-fix hypnagogic dreams. sometimes presented upside down, or reversed
sometimes beautiful images. as if in a mirror.
As the dreamer falls asleep, the brain produces
the steady alpha rhythms that characterize a
state of deep relaxation; the pulse and breath
Try taking a nap sitting bolt upright instead
of lying down. As you nod off, your head
will jerk forward and wake you up. This is a
R ecent research on hypnagogia has
centred on its visionary quality.
Typically, hypnagogic images include formless
Hypnopompic experiences, formed in
the process of awakening, share many of the
characteristics of their hypnagogic counterparts.
rates slow down and the body temperature good way to skirt the borders of sleep, where shapes such as waves of pure colour, designs Many actually persist briefly into wakefulness.
drops. Then the alpha rhythms begin to break hypnagogic visions can be found. and patterns often of remarkable symmetry or René Descartes, the great French thinker hailed

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52 The Nature of Dreams States of Transition 53

as the founder of modern philosophy, reported

frequently seeing “sparks scattered around the
room” as he emerged from sleep, while other
Observing Hypnopompia
In the late 1990s dream researcher George
M uch recent research has attempted
to explain the hallucinatory and
sometimes trance-like nature of the hypnagogic
him up with the strange images of the transition
time fresh in his mind.
The American psychologist Andreas
writers describe waking from hypnopompic Gillespie, based in New Jersey, made detailed and hypnopompic states by exploring the Mavromatis suggested that both hypnopompic
dreams to see figures dancing around the bed notes on his own hypnopompic experiences. role that the ego plays as consciousness and hypnagogic experiences act as anxiety
or to find an alien, surreal landscape stretching Occasionally, he would see what looked like a drifts between waking and sleep. It has been reducers, drawing the dreamer away from
from their bedroom window. two-dimensional lattice pattern immediately suggested that visionary hypnagogic dreams are the trials and tensions of waking life, and
Many have also spoken of auditory rather on waking up, just before opening his eyes. a product of the ego’s attempt to regain control thus serving to promote personal growth and
than visual hallucinations in both hypnagogic This would sometimes remain in his field of over thought processes after the rapid change development. By avoiding the narrative and
and hypnopompic states. Voices warning of vision for a second or two once his eyes were in consciousness caused by the loss of contact emotional complexity of REM dreams and
impending disaster and mysterious snatches opened. If he kept his eyes closed, he could with waking reality. Another view is that these instead loosening the usual restrictions upon
of dialogue are heard as clearly as if they come study the details of the patterns for as long experiences are the very anthithesis of ego. thought, they allow the dreamer to survey
as ten minutes. Interestingly, both Gillespie Hindu and Buddhist meditation adepts the contents of his or her unconscious, like
and one of his correspondents found that teach that to reach a state of deep meditation, leafing through the pages of an illustrated book.
the lattice pattern was stationary – it could the practitioner must discard the ego on the Thus, the dreamer experiences at the level of
be scanned by moving the eyes from one way to self-enlightenment. Typically, as the awareness the creative mental processes which
side to the other. There is still much work to adept passes from one level of consciousness usually stir in the depths of the unconscious. By
be done in this field. to another, he sees visions, like those of sorting the wealth of material stored in the mind,
hypnagogia, whose mysterious images and these processes engender creative insights which
mandala-like designs serve to encourage him flash as if from nowhere into consciousness.
from within the room. Tactile and olfactory in his quest. These images bear no relation to
sensations are also common, and sometimes waking memories, suggesting that they arise
there is a complexity of awareness, as if the from a deep level of the creative unconscious.
dreamer is simultaneously seeing a vision, Hypnagogic visions were certainly an important
listening in to a quite unconnected conversation, source of inspiration for surrealist artists, such
and smelling the sweet perfume of an invisible as Salvador Dalí and René Magritte. Dalí even
garden. It is hardly surprising that in ancient and went so far as to induce them by dozing upright
medieval times many people believed that such holding a spoon and a pan. When he nodded off
experiences were visits from the gods. he would drop the spoon into the pan, waking

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54 The Nature of Dreams Lucid Dreaming 55

Exploring Hypnagogic Dreams

The very nature of hypnagogic images means wanders. Allow the images to arise in their own
that they are fleeting and elusive, yet it is not
difficult to train the mind to conjure them up
almost at will.
If you find it difficult not to fall asleep
while engaged in this practice, you could use a
Lucid Dreaming
Tibetan meditation technique to remain more The sleeping mind accepts the bizarre without questioning its
A good initial exercise, to acclimatize alert. Simply visualize a spinning disk of light reality, and so we imagine that what we are experiencing exists
yourself to this fascinating dream state, is to sit in the space behind your eyelids or perhaps
in the real world. Hence the power of nightmares. During so-
comfortably on a sofa with the TV or radio on. at your heart, and allow the images to flash
Allow your thoughts to drift and give the through it. called “lucid” dreams, however, we are aware, or become aware,
programme only half your attention, letting Another approach is to conjure up the that we are dreaming, without this causing us to awaken.
the rest of your mind wander randomly. If you images yourself, rather than simply allowing
find yourself nodding off, focus more fully on yourself to be open to them. As you drift off
the television or radio, using the stimulus to
keep yourself just within the boundaries of
wakefulness. You will notice how the roving
to sleep, picture the things that you would like
to see. Or visualize the letters of the alphabet
in sequence. Often these willed images will
M any people have, at one time or
another, experienced lucid dreams.
Imagine you are dreaming about finding an
have woken up. You are aware that this is an
extraordinary and important dream – perhaps a
life-changing one. You feel a sense of power, you
mind moves between levels of consciousness, transform into related geometric shapes; or ancient book in the cellar of someone’s house. can make wakeful decisions within the dream.
recapturing snatches of rambling stories, they will spontaneously spin off into seemingly You know you shouldn’t be there, yet when Eventually, of course, you do wake up. And,
producing vivid images of strange landscapes random, unrelated visions. you come across the book, you can’t resist the looking back, you know that you have been
or mulling over memories so old you had By experimenting with hypnagogia, you are temptation to open it and see what it has to say conscious all the time you have been dreaming.
almost forgotten them. This is an effective not going to learn about your unacknowledged to you. Perhaps it contains answers to some of But you can’t recall that enlightening sentence.
introduction to the world of hypnagogia. anxieties and desires – that is the realm of REM your questions about life. Somehow you know It was just a dream after all.
To explore the hypnagogic state further, it sleep. What you will do, however, is familiarize that you are dreaming this, yet the realization So exciting are lucid dreams that we think
is useful to develop a relaxed watchfulness; yourself with the workings of the brain – and does not end the dream. You decide – and it’s of them as experiences to be encouraged.
When you go to bed, focus on an inner space at the same time have potentially enjoyable, a conscious decision – to open the book. You And in fact we can, to some degree, train our
behind the eyes. Just let your attention rest on hallucinatory experiences, rather like someone read a sentence and are amazed at its profound consciousness to enter the dream state and take
this point, gently returning to it when the mind enjoying the Northern Lights. insight. You decide to remember these words control of our dreams. However, it is a discipline
and write them down immediately after you requiring preparation and practice.

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56 The Nature of Dreams Lucid Dreaming 57

The British dream researcher Celia Green the binding on the book in meticulous detail. alert the dreamer to the fact of dreaming. The
has pinpointed several key differences between During lucid dreams the dreamer may have accompanying excitement and an uncanny
lucid and non-lucid dreaming. Lucid dreams access to all the memories and thought functions sensation of what might be termed “mind Training ourselves in lucid dreaming is some-
appear to be free from the irrationality and of waking life, and may feel no real difference expansion” make the experience unmistakable. times seen as a major step toward enabling
narrative disjointedness of the more usual between sleeping and waking. But above all, as Colours assume a vivid brightness, and objects our consciousness to leave the body in an
non-lucid state, and are sometimes seen and we have seen, the dreamer is aware that he or stand out with illuminated clarity. Perhaps most “out-of-body experience” (OBE). In lucid
remembered with remarkable precision – we she is dreaming. remarkable is the dreamer’s ensuing ability to dreams, consciousness wanders in the “astral
may not be able to remember the words in the Usually this awareness dawns abruptly. control dream events, deciding where to go and realms” – worlds created by thought and
book we picked up but we can recall exactly Something inaccurate or illogical in the scenery what to do, and able now to experiment with the imagination. In OBEs, by contrast,
what the cellar was like and we can remember or events of a conventional dream can suddenly dreaming environment. our mind often remains on the earthly plane
Yet intriguingly, however much power the and is aware of physical reality, often
dreamer may appear to have, he or she can never including the presence of its owner’s body
totally control the passage of a lucid dream. The in the room. The line between an OBE and a
decision, for example, to visit a tropical island lucid dream, however, is often blurred.
in a dream may be the dreamer’s own, but the
island on arrival will prove every bit as novel
and surprising as any seen for the first time in asserted that advanced adepts in the meditative
waking life. The Dutch physician William Van arts retain consciousness throughout dreaming
Eeden, a prolific lucid dreamer who coined the and dreamless sleep, and thus experience all
phrase “lucid dreaming” in 1913, described the their dreams as lucid. Tibetan Buddhists teach
dream world as a “fake world, cleverly imitated that lucid dreams give us invaluable practice
but with small failures”, and cited as an example at exercising control in the afterlife – an
a lucid dream in which he tried to break a claret environment comparable in many ways to the
glass that resisted all his efforts, but appeared dream world. By applying ourselves to such
broken when he saw it a few moments later, techniques, we can eventually free ourselves
“like an actor missing his cue”. from the illusory cycle of life and death. Indeed,
Some of the world’s great religions have Tibetan Buddhists maintain that the prime
seen lucid dreaming in a mystical light. Within purpose of dreaming is to give us a nightly
the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, it is often opportunity to gain this control.

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58 The Nature of Dreams Lucid Dreaming 59

I srael Ragardie, a leading exponent

of the Western mystery and
alchemical traditions, wrote that
and then to visit it in a “dream
body”, visible and substantial
to others.
unconscious mind, but may consciously decide
to face the fears, desires and energies that reside
there. Rather than running in panic from a dark
False Awakenings
Allied to lucid dreaming, and perhaps a half-
an advanced practitioner “no In all cultures, and among and mysterious force or a terrifying monster way house to it, is the sometimes disquieting
longer passes the night initiates as well as adepts, that inhabits the shadows at the edges of the dream experience known as false awakening.
in deep oblivion”, but the ability to control the dream world, lucid dreamers possess the control False awakening dreams are imbued with a
instead maintains a events of a dream arises from to summon such demons at will, then turn to vivid clarity similar to that of lucid dreams,
consistent level of a high degree of mental control confront them, aware that because they are yet the dreamer is not aware of dreaming,
consciousness so in waking life. Instead of the only dreaming there is no real need for fear. but believes that he or she is awake, and may
that “all is one unconscious working its Freudian Once challenged, such forces usually lose their dream in great detail of getting up, washing,
continuous, free- mischief below the level of power, because in dreams, as in waking life, the having breakfast and setting off to work –
flowing stream consciousness, or whispering its greatest fear is often fear itself. By confronting only to wake up properly a little while later
of awareness”. wisdom unheeded, in lucid these demons in the unconscious, the dreamer and realize that none of these actions was in
Some esoteric dreaming the conscious and not only lessens the terror that they are able fact carried out. They then have to repeat the
teachings unconscious minds seem to induce, but may also harness the energy of whole process for real.
even suggest to establish effective which he or she was previously afraid.
that seizing communication and
the initiative cooperation with
in dreams each other. The
allows one to lucid dream is their
perform seemingly joint creation, and
inexplicable acts in the by increasingly
waking world. Some bringing it under
Hindu mystics have conscious control, the
claimed that adepts can dreamer reaches deeper
appear at will in a number levels of self-knowledge.
of places at the same time By being aware of, and even
by practising dream control, dictating, the course of a dream, the
then using this control first to visualize a place dreamer can not only reach further into the

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60 The Nature of Dreams Lucid Dreaming 61

Although lucid dreaming may seem to the

uninitiated to be an instance of the irritating
tricks our minds play on us, in fact it can be
pleasurable and therapeutic, and can even offer
a way to increase our self-understanding. At an
advanced level we can use lucid dreaming for
the purposes of radical self-examination. For
example, we might consciously create a door in
our dream, behind which we anticipate finding
the reasons for a certain action or predicament
in our waking lives, or at least a relevant clue or
symbol. Controlling the dream, we can unlock
the door to find the answers that escape us in our
waking hours. Another approach is to imagine
a wise counsellor whom we can approach in our
lucid dreams to ask for timely advice about our
problems or dilemmas. Such a creation might
be a personalization of our own unconscious
wisdom, but he or she may bring to light
information charged with a truth and profundity
unavailable to the conscious mind.

I n sustained lucidity we also have the

power of choice and the ability to
question: Which path shall I take? Could I
persuade this person to relinquish his weapon?
How would it feel to fly high above the rooftops?
Or, in a surreal lucid dream, Which of these
fishes should I dance with? It can be powerfully

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62 The Nature of Dreams Lucid Dreaming 63

therapeutic to explore in this way the curiosities awareness. Or else you might visualize, as often
How to Be a Lucid Dreamer
of our own imaginations, test our responses to as possible throughout the day, a simple action,
events, and slip in and out of control. such as a walk in the park or making a cup of For many, lucid dreams are the Holy Grail, Use your hands as a cue
People with a high degree of mental discipline coffee. If you then see this action in your dream, or Philosopher’s Stone, of a fulfilling dream This is a shaman’s technique. During the day,
are more likely to experience lucid dreams. The it is possible that its appearance will make you life. Here is a checklist of some strategies you tell yourself that you will look at your hands in
best way to encourage them is to hone your conscious that you are dreaming. might like to try in your attempts to master the next dream you have, and that this will be
mental powers. Techniques such as meditation The simplest technique of all is that known the art. your cue to understand that you are dreaming.
and creative visualization provide background as “auto-suggestion”. Simply affirm to yourself Assert this intention to yourself with
training for the mind, and can only be beneficial. repeatedly throughout the day this simple Meditate regularly conviction – you must really mean it. With luck
In addition, a number of more specific assurance: that as you sleep, you will become The self-awareness developed in meditation your unconscious will pick up on this
techniques can be tried. You might adopt the aware that you are dreaming. This in itself may can spill over into your dream life, making you intention and carry it out while you are
shaman’s approach of studying a significant be enough to put your dreaming mind on alert. aware that you are dreaming, usually by alerting dreaming, thereby giving you the intended
object closely just before sleep. If the object Faith and self-belief are powerful mental you to dream anomalies – for example, people signal to become lucid. If you prefer, you can
then appears in a dream, it will jolt you into tools, but patience is the most powerful tool of who can fly, animals that can talk, or other dis- apply this method to an object – such as your
junctions of waking logic. Creative visualization, front door or your kitchen table.
which involves vividly visualizing your goals as a
way to make them psychologically more attain- Banish stress
able, can also be helpful in this respect. Anxiety can interfere with our ability to have
lucid dreams, so it can be helpful to set up
Commit to observation subdued lighting in the bedroom, and perhaps
During the day, keep telling yourself that you play some gentle music at low volume, just
will watch for any anomalies that may later before you retire for the night. If you use a
occur in your dreams. To reinforce this candle, always be sure to extinguish it before
approach, do reality checks while awake – you climb between the sheets.
asking yourself, for example, how you know
that you are not dreaming at that particular Adopt a shamanic persona
moment (for example, because your cellphone As you lie there before sleep, think of yourself
has just rung and you have had a detailed, as a shaman who has a mission to accomplish
realistic conversation with your brother). for the sake of the community.

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64 The Nature of Dreams

all. It is important that you don’t force the pace,

Studying the Time Dimension
nor become too frustrated when early attempts
fail. Just keep trying, in a spirit of hopefulness. Lucid dreaming has helped to resolve the
For the purposes of experimental research,
scientists have invented various machines to aid
dream control. Such machines, strapped to the
question of whether dream events occupy a
normal time span or whether, as is popularly
believed, they condense time. Findings by
The Three Dream Levels
dreamer’s wrist, detect REM sleep, and emit a Stephen Laberge at the University of Freud proposed a threefold hierarchy of the mind, with a fourth
small electric shock, which should not awaken Stanford, California, in which lucid dreamers level added by Jung: the conscious mind, the preconscious, the
the dreamer but simply startle them into an carried out previously agreed eye
awareness of dreaming. These are impracticable movements to signify their progression
personal unconscious, the collective unconscious. In accord
for use in the bedroom, but if you can harness through a series of pre-arranged dream with this model there are three main classes of dream.
your own mind’s potential ability to bring about events, suggest strongly that dream time
lucid dreaming, you will have created a mental
machine of your own, which is unsurpassable
by science.
approximates to real time. The dream may
cut out irrelevant intervals, but that is the
only way that it manages to beat the clock.
T o understand the nature of dream
experiences, the first thing we must do is
recognize that they stem from different levels of
Other Classifications
The classification of dreams into three levels
the unconscious. is not the only way of approaching the
However, mind levels have no actual, subject. It can be an interesting exercise,
physiological existence: they are simply labels when studying your own dream diary, to
that psychologists have given the different group your dreams in the following sets of
functions of the brain. Freud was the first categories, or even make up your own.
to categorize thought processes in this way,
by separating the unconscious mind into • Past / present / future
two distinct tiers: the preconscious and the • Desires / fears / intentions
personal unconscious. Later, Jung added a third, • Self as dreamer / self as dream character
deeper level, which he termed the collective • Strangers as the world / strangers as
unconscious. Dreams offer us new insights from known individuals / strangers as emotions
each of these levels and increase our awareness • Action dreams / mood dreams
of them, often providing a vital route toward • Mostly surreal / partly surreal / realistic
self-understanding. • Mild / strong / neutral

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66 The Nature of Dreams The Three Dream Levels 67

Perspectives on the Mind

Like an iceberg with most of its bulk well The id: When we are newborn babies, the id
below the surface, the unconscious mind is (otherwise known as the it) enables us to get
difficult to study. Below is a brief attempt to our needs met by crying when we are hungry,
place it in a historical perspective, followed by cold or craving attention. With no thought
a summary of the influential three-part beyond the satisfaction of our own desires, the
division of the mind proposed by Freud. id is based on the pleasure principle. It is primi-
tive, chaotic, and unaware of time or space.
Nowadays we tend to think of the unconscious
as the discovery of Freud and Jung, but in fact The ego: Born out of the id, the ego (or the “I”)
the concept predates them. There are usually develops during the first three years of
references to a deeply stratified mind in the an individual’s life. It is based on the rational-
ancient Hindu texts known as the Vedas, which ity principle and takes into consideration the
date from between 2500 and 600 bc. In Europe needs of others and the fact that selfishness,
the sixteenth-century physician Paracelsus impulsiveness and instant gratification may
comes even closer to our modern understand- damage our interests in the long run. The ego
ing of the mind. In a passage on psychosomatic is our consciousness and confronts reality in
symptoms he describes how a disease can be a rational way. The ego of infants is weak and
caused by an idea, “assumed by imagination, unformed and can only let go of bad memories
affecting those who believe in such a thing”. completely, not repress them.
Freud broke away from his predecessors in
identifying the dark side of the psyche, with The superego: The superego usually develops

T he preconscious is the most superficial of

the three layers of the unconscious mind.
Trivial anxieties, factual knowledge, ideas,
dreams alike. Dreams that reflect the concerns
of the preconscious mind are termed Level 1
dreams. They reflect waking preoccupations
all its uncomfortable urges and phobias. He
named the principal parts of the mind the id,
the ego and the superego. His ideas caused
by the age of five. It is the moral part of the
psyche that develops in response to the values
of our caregivers. The superego is essential for
memories and fully acknowledged motivations and events, and their interpretation tends to outrage at the time and were seen as besmirch- the well-being of society as a whole. However,
and ambitions reside here, and they can be be fairly straightforward. Our minds are always ing childhood. However, they have since come too harsh a moral code will result in guilt and
readily accessed by our consciousness and our looking backwards at events that have recently to form the backbone of modern psychiatry. the repression of the id’s instincts.

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68 The Nature of Dreams The Three Dream Levels 69

happened, and Level 1 dreams appear to be For example, if you recently dialled a wrong readily be accessed by the waking memory.
an extension of this retrospective tendency. telephone number and that incident occurs Freud called this level the id – that is, the
However, because Level 1 dreams focus on in a dream, it might perhaps suggest deep, primitive, animalistic aspect of self which, when
the routine, unremarkable events of the day, unconscious anxiety about your failure to we are awake, is held in check by the ego of
they can mislead us into believing that they communicate your true self to others in general consciousness. The id accommodates desires,
are invariably without significance. In truth, or in the context of a specific relationship. In emotions and motivations that have been
everything that we dream is meaningful, and if this way, seemingly inconsequential Level 1 repressed, as well as half-forgotten traumas and
the dreaming mind has selected commonplace material can serve to release some challenging other experiences locked in deep, unreachable
subject matter, instead of deeper concerns, Level 2 messages if you approach your dream parts of our memory.
perhaps there is a reason for this. The dream interpretation with sufficient thoughtfulness and Long-forgotten memories and deep personal
may, in fact, be using low-key events as an imagination. issues are the stock-in-trade of Level 2 dreams.
indirect means of addressing Level 2 or 3 The second level, the personal unconscious, Often they represent situations and events quite
material that is more difficult to access directly. is again unique to each of us, but cannot alien to those of waking life. A dreamer may scenarios are important expressions of hidden
find himself or herself in a strange role or an urges that the ego forces us to control, for our
incongruous situation, interacting with strangers own peace of mind and functional effectiveness,
in unexpected ways or behaving entirely out of as we go about our daily lives.
character. The dream may have an intriguing The third, deepest level of the mind is what
atmosphere about it, and linger in the memory Jung identified as the collective unconscious.
as if crying out for interpretation. Memorably, he described it as the “vast
Each of us has our own distinctive repertoire historical storehouse of the human race”. Here
of symbols stored in the personal unconscious, are stored universal archetypes – the symbolic
and these are the symbols that constitute the language of “grand” or Level 3 dreams. Such
language of Level 2 dreams. Veiled in metaphor dreams clothe universal fears and desires in the
as an acceptable way to address various taboo symbolism of myth – since myths too derive
subjects, these dreams ask us to confront from the collective unconscious. Most of us
our hidden needs and desires. We might, are unlikely to have grand dreams often, but
for example, find our dream selves enacting when we do they will tend to have great impact
disturbing scenes of violence or lust in ways upon us. They deal with profound themes such
that would be unthinkable in waking life. Such as spirituality, life and death, love, sacrifice,

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70 The Nature of Dreams

transformation and heroism. Typically, the

symbols operating at this level are universal in
their resonance, and usually they can best be
understood by studying their appearance in the
myths and legends of different cultural traditions
around the world – a technique that Jung termed
“amplification” (see page 108).
“Grand dreams” tend to appear at the key
transitional stages in life – for example, during
the pangs of adolescence, or after the birth of a
child, or at the onset of menopause or at times of
People differ widely in the frequency and
ratios with which they experience these three
categories of dreaming. Those who take up
self-awareness practices such as meditation,
or those who begin a period of psychotherapy,
tend to report an increase in the number of
Level 3 dreams. Variations in your rhythms of
waking and sleeping can alter the usual pattern
you perceive in your dreamlife, and it is well
worth experimenting to see if this happens. For
example, you could try setting an alarm clock to
wake yourself at various stages during the night,
recording the dream memories in a notebook
each time you wake up. You might discover, for
example, that your most vivid and meaningful
dreams take place in the early hours of the
morning and are normally lost to the memory.

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Prophetic Dreams 73

Dreams That Foretold Disasters

The case files of premonitory dreams tend personal: the dreamer is involved in some way

Prophetic Dreams to be dominated by clairvoyant impressions

of disasters. Not all of the events dreamed
about have ended badly, however – unlike the
in the forecast scenario, so that the dream
presents itself as a paranormal intuition that
breaks through everyday consciousness with
The notion that dreams might give us clues about our two examples given below. There are many a warning: do not board that ship, do not take
accounts of people whose lives have been that plane. However, there are also dreams that
destiny, as individuals or as a tribe or nation, is deeply rooted
saved by an unsettling dream that deterred prophesy disasters in which the dreamer is not
in antiquity. The flight patterns of birds and the entrails of them from being in the wrong place at the directly implicated, as if some kind of social
animals were also consulted about the future. But dreams have wrong time – for example, commuting to work conscience were at work. David Booth’s dreams
offered a more poetic and evocative kind of signpost. on the day of a terrorist attack on their route. of America’s worst air disaster are a poignant
example of this type.

C an dreams bring us news or information

through channels that defy the
conventional logic of everyday life? Many
knowledge of future events, by which people
have dreamed of impending disasters, including
the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 and the
Titanic clash
In April 1912 the supposedly unsinkable Titanic,
the world’s largest passenger ship, sank in the
David Booth’s ten dreams
In 1979 a 23-year-old car rental office manager
people feel intuitively that they can. Telepathic Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Science North Atlantic after hitting an iceberg, with from Cincinnati, Ohio, named David Booth,
dreaming, to take one example of what might has no explanation for this apparent ability to the loss of more than 1,500 lives. The event dreamed on ten separate nights of an air crash,
be called a paranormal dream, has even been see into the future, but there are many well- was remarkable not least for the sheer number and found the experience so disturbing that he
demonstrated clinically. In a famous experiment documented cases based on reliable testimony. of premonitions about it. A US businessman contacted the Federal Aviation Administration,
at the Maimonides Hospital in Brooklyn, One of the most striking and strangest cancelled his voyage after his wife in Nebraska but of course they took no action. The dreams
New York, some volunteers concentrated on a examples of clairvoyant and precognitive dreamed of the incident in concrete detail. showed an American Airlines plane banking
selection of target pictures while others slept. dreaming are those in which people without More than one daughter dreamed of her to the right, turning over, and crashing to the
When awoken during periods of REM sleep, any knowledge of horse racing successfully mother struggling in the waves – one discov- ground. Booth’s last dream of the crash was on
the sleepers reported a statistically significant predict race winners. A curious proviso seems ered only later that her mother had booked the very day it occurred – an American Airlines
number of dreams that were clearly influenced to be that the money so gained should be used herself on the voyage. Hundreds of such DC-10 came down near Chicago, killing all on
by the images. for charitable purposes. Several dreamers have dreams and other forms of premonition were board as well as some people on the ground –
Another well-known aspect of paranormal reported the loss of their ability if they spend reported, and nineteen were authenticated. 274 fatalities in all. Booth subsequently became
dreaming is precognition – clairvoyant their winnings on themselves. Premonitory dreams are often highly known, controversially, as a psychic.

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74 The Nature of Dreams Prophetic Dreams 75

An electrical engineer and retired English York (see pages 76–78), reported a case of a man
civil servant named Harold Horwood developed who dreamed the winners and runners-up of
the ability to consistently dream winners as horse races on three successive nights.
an incidental result of intensive meditation Belief in the predictive power of dreams is as
practices, numbering among his successes many old as written history. In many ancient cultures a
major events in the British racing calendar. dream that warned of impending flood, invasion,
Another successful dreamer of horse race pestilence or the end of a ruling dynasty
results was the Irish peer Lord would be treated with the utmost solemnity
Kilbracken, who over a short and respect. Thus forewarned, a dreamer
period dreamed nine winners might succeed in averting the catastrophe by
and later became the racing rescheduling the battle, arresting the palace
correspondent of a London daily newspaper. spy or, like Noah, building an ark to survive the William Dunne that any consistent attempt warn the French authorities of the imminent
Dr Thelma Moss, an American dream coming deluge. to examine whether or not dreams can really catastrophe, telling them that 4,000 lives would
researcher, includes among her collection of The legacy of European scientific rationalism provide glimpses into forthcoming events was be lost in the explosion. Subsequently, he was
tipster dreams the remarkable case of a woman has filled many of us today with a deep published. In 1902 Dunne, a British aeronautical amazed to read in a newspaper that the volcano
who dreamed up to four winners a week over scepticism, yet stories of predictive dreaming engineer, had a dream that successfully foretold had indeed erupted. The headlines, however,
a period of four months, while Montague remain relatively commonplace, especially the eruption of Mount Pelée in Martinique. told of 40,000, not 4,000, deaths, and Dunne
Ullman, founder of the Dream Laboratory at the when they relate to the dreamer’s own family In his dream, he became convinced that the was later to conclude that it was not a vision
Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, New or friends. But it was not until the work of John volcano was about to explode and hurried to of the volcano itself that had alerted him to

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76 The Nature of Dreams Prophetic Dreams 77

the disaster, but a precognitive experience of which they select happenings from the past, The degree of success that these experiments Maimonides team completed between the years
reading the newspaper story and of misreading wandering backward and forward through time, enjoyed is almost unparallelled in the history of 1966 and 1972, nine yielded positive results,
the headline that told of the number of deaths. sometimes combining the past and future within parapsychology. Of the twelve projects that the some of these at a very high level of significance.
A further series of precognitive dreams the same dream. His book, An Experiment with
convinced Dunne that coincidence was no Time, published in 1927, detailed an intricate
explanation for the frequency and sometimes and elaborate physical theory to account for this
detailed accuracy of his premonitions. He kept a apparent flouting of scientific logic.
dream diary for more than thirty years, recording In 1971 Montague Ullman and Stanley
his own dreams and those of his friends, to Krippner, working with the Maimonides Dream
gather evidence for his increasingly radical ideas. Laboratory team in New York, for the first time
Dunne believed that dreams are able to make devised a method to investigate precognitive
use of future events with the same freedom with dreaming under laboratory conditions. They
worked with Malcolm Bessent, a gifted
English sensitive who had a track record of
precognitive dreams. Before going to sleep,
Bessent was told that he would be exposed to
a “multi-sensory special waking experience”
on the next morning, chosen at random by
the experimenters from a catalogue of
possibilities. Researchers woke him up after
each REM period to record what he had just
dreamed and independent judges matched his
dreams to the “special waking experiences”
that followed them. Two separate experiments
were done. In the first, lasting eight nights,
Bessent had accurate precognitive dreams on
five of them; in the second, lasting sixteen
nights, of which only eight were designated for
experiment, again the hit rate was five.

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78 The Nature of Dreams Prophetic Dreams 79

During the course of the 1970s and 1980s, the Dreaming Sports Results
Maimonides Dream Laboratory also carried out
a number of experiments to test more general An enjoyable and entertaining way to test 2. Scan the first dream
forms of ESP, in dreams, such as telepathy precognitive dreaming is to try to predict the In the morning, try to remember if your
and clairvoyance, using famous art prints as winner of a sports event. Of course, there dreams suggested or contained a name or a
targets. An “agent”, located in a separate room is no need to place bets in order to follow number. Ask, too, whether “left” or “right”
or building from the subject, would concentrate this exercise. It is based on the system of were emphasized in any dream, indicating
upon one of these randomly chosen images in elimination developed by Harold Horwood. which list might contain a winner. Make a note
an attempt to “transmit” it to the dreamer and (see page 74). The method is ideal for sports of your conclusions.
incorporate it into his or her dream. Again the involving multiple competitors, such as a
results were highly impressive: psychologists horse race or a motor race. You cannot apply 3. Jumble the lists
declared an accuracy rate of 83.5 per cent for a the technique to a binary result – that is, On the next night, redistribute the runners
series of twelve of these experiments, a finding a football or baseball match, for example, randomly into two new lists, keeping the same
against odds of over a quarter of a million to one. dreamed in detail of the unexpected death of his where there will be one winner and one number for each runner. Repeat steps 1 and 2,
Researchers have collected a number of aunt some 4,000 miles away in Wales. Abraham loser. But even with binary sports you could filing your successive lists together with your
clairvoyant dreams apparently related to the Lincoln dreamed of his own death in 1865. In adapt this technique to see if your dreams notes on the dreams you have had.
sinking of the Titanic. Similarly, a retrospective his dream, he wandered around a “death-like” will predict for you the champion team of a
appeal in the British press for dreams connected White House following the far-off sounds of knockout competition or league, or the top 4. Repeat the process
with the tragedy at Aberfan, a mining town in “pitiful sobbing”. Every room was familiar scorer over the course of a season. Repeat this procedure every night, progres-
Wales where an avalanche of coal waste buried and light, but there was no one there. He sively isolating a runner by identifying which
140 people alive, produced impressive results finally entered the East Room to see a corpse 1. Make two lists candidate has been suggested most often – by
that led to the establishment in 1967 of the laid out with its face covered, and wrapped in Pick a race one or two weeks ahead, give name, number or inclusion on the chosen list.
British Premonitions Bureau and the American funeral vestments. When he asked the weeping each runner a number and divide the runners
Central Premonitions Registry. mourners who was dead, he was told: “the randomly into two lists, each on a separate 5. Use your intuition
Dreams of the death of loved ones, or so- President, he was killed by an assassin”. A piece of paper. Before going to bed, read the Look out in your dreams for any kind of clue
called “farewell dreams”, are not uncommon. loud burst of grief from the crowd awoke him lists and think about the names and numbers. or sign. If you find that a name or number is
One of the best-known is that of the explorer from his dream, and it was only a matter of Put one list on the left side of the bed, and the strongly suggested in a dream, there is no need
Henry Stanley, who after his capture at the days before the assassin John Wilkes Booth did other on the right. to continue with your work on the lists.
battle of Shiloh during the American Civil War indeed shoot him dead at the theatre.

50 - 79 THE NATURE OF DREAMS.indd 78-79 3/12/10 11:36 am


When we wake in the morning, it is often the bizarre
nature of our dream memories that convinces us of
their unimportance. What possible relevance can the
nonsensical images of the night – the faceless stranger,
the monkey that lives inside your neighbour’s
wardrobe, the car without a steering wheel – have for
our conscious life? However, a similar question could
be asked of a foreign language. Until we learn their
meanings, the unfamiliar images of the dream world
will make no sense to us; but once we start to explore
this new idiom, a whole new dimension of significance
will be opened up.

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Symbolism 83

Dream symbols are visual metaphors representing objects, memories,
emotions, ideas, anxieties, hopes, aspirations, frustrations – or even,
sometimes, ourselves or other people. They can take almost any form that
could be recognized by the senses: an inanimate object, a snatch of music,
a landscape, an event. Symbols are the starting-point of dream work.

S ymbols are the “words” used by dream

language: each one represents an idea,
a memory, a mood, an insight, arising from
we can never be sure that we have understood
them – and the connections between them –
until we have worked upon them in the light of
the dreamer’s unconscious. However, unlike our unique life-history and our experience. No
the words of a foreign language, many dream matter how weird or laughable particular dream
symbols can change their meaning from one symbols may appear to be, the dream has chosen meanings are suggestive rather than specific), the general currency of everyday life. Many
participant to another. Moreover, again in them for their particular ability to convey the and so to translate them into waking sense of these have elements of common usage, but
contrast to a foreign language, the dream has no intended message. The most apparently trivial requires attention to the context, mood and others may make sense only to the dreamer.
fixed grammar, instead linking its semantic units symbol may unlock a potent memory or a telling setting of the dream, and the circumstances of Thus, a tree, for most of us, may represent
together according to idiosyncratic principles insight into the way we are now or the way we the dreamer. In other words, everybody has a protection and fertility, but for a dreamer who
of logic which must be studied carefully before might be in future. dream-symbol system unique to themselves. once fell from a tree’s branches as a child it may
they can be properly teased out and understood. In waking life, symbols usually denote Generally, Level 1 and 2 dreams, which stand for danger, darkness, and the guilt of a
In every sense, dreaming represents a something specific – a cross, for example, arise respectively from the preconscious and forbidden escapade.
personal language between the unconscious and may suggest Christianity, a stork may suggest the personal unconscious (see pages 65–69), Although making obvious sense at the literal
the conscious mind, and although we can learn childbirth. But dream symbols are more make most use of symbols that carry particular level, a Level 1 or 2 symbol may carry sufficient
the typical meanings of many dream symbols, connotative than denotative (that is to say, their associations for the dreamer, or that arise from emotional charge to be of special meaning in

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84 The Language of Dreams Symbolism 85

Symbol Safari the dreams of particular people. For example, as books, plays or TV programmes (even though
Given that symbols play such a part in our be a suggestion of admiration here. Similarly, if rage may be symbolized for one dreamer by an these may have had little apparent impact on
dreams, anyone interested in dream interpre- you have a miniature seated Buddha on your angry farmer, because it was a farmer who once the conscious mind). The dream plunders
tation would do well to acquaint themselves mantelpiece, perhaps this tells the world that threatened to shoot him for trespassing; while images shamelessly from the dreamer’s memory-
with some of the characteristics of symbolism are quietly contemplative, with a deep spiritual for another dreamer it may take the form of banks, choosing the motifs that most readily
before they start. Below are a few exercises side; or perhaps that you appreciate the the Chinese puzzle that once drove her to the serve its immediate purposes. We might think
that will attune you to the symbolic idiom. mysterious atmosphere of the East. limits of frustration over a long summer holiday. of the dream as an mixed-media collage artist,
Level 1 and Level 2 symbols can be taken not poring with concentration over a vivid palette,
Everyday metaphor Products and advertising only from the dreamer’s direct experience, but rumaging through boxes of junk and salvaged
Listen for the metaphors (compressed similes Be alert to the packaging, labelling and also from more peripheral aspects of life, such materials, combining fragments until just the
or likenesses) that you and others use in advertising of commercial products – from cars
speech. You might “sail” through an exam or and cameras to perfumes and shampoos. For
have a “bruising” encounter. You might feel each product analyze the associations of the
“shattered” after a long hard day. Be aware of name, the imagery of the label and the broader
the literal meaning of such expressions, and context of the advertising. In your explorations
visualize the literal scenario – for example, if you will come across trees, flowers, animals,
you are shattered, think of yourself collapsing castles, streams, sunsets and sunrises, and
into small shards and fragments of the self. much else. Consider why those things have
been linked with particular products.
Visual messages
Consider how people communicate messages Movies
visually, through their dress, their interior Study the symbolism of movies – the
decoration, and so on. For example, a brooch setting, the lighting, the colours. One critic
fashioned as a rose suggests beauty, love, analyzed the whole of Casablanca in terms of
romanticism, with perhaps the idea that the the symbolism of white and black, light and
most splendid things in life are those that reach shade. Since the movies and dreams have much
a moment of glory and then start to fade. in common, this kind of thinking will help you
Since a rose is a lover’s gift, there might also to acclimatize to the dream world.

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86 The Language of Dreams Symbolism 87

right creative impression has been achieved.

Symbols in Level 3 dreams, by contrast,
usually carry a universal meaning, derived from
F reud and Jung disagreed fundamentally
over what is meant by a symbol, and this
was one of the reasons they parted company.
images as signs, not as symbols. Jung maintained
that the substance of a symbol “consists of our
unconscious contents that make themselves
For Freud, a phallic symbol represented
a penis; for Jung, it was “the creative mana,
the power of healing and fertility”. Most
the collective experience of humankind. Not In Freud’s view, symbolism takes place to felt, yet the conscious is unable to grasp their psychologists and anthropologists who have
only are the archetypes common to us all (see translate sexual and other repressed desires into meaning”. A sign, on the other hand, represents made a study of symbols favour the more
pages 34-8) but so are the forms in which they acceptable form, thus protecting the dreamer a fixed interpretation of a dream image, and creative approach of Jung. The American
typically arise into awareness. The problem with from being so disturbed that he or she wakes up. therefore one restricted to a meaning that is mythologist Joseph Campbell insisted that
Level 3 dreams often has less to do with the He also gave a fixed meaning to dream symbols, already conscious. Treating a dream image as “consciousness can no more invent, or even
interpretation of their symbols than with modern so that, for example, guns, daggers, doors and a sign not only denies us access to its deeper predict, an effective symbol than it can foretell
reluctance to recognize that dreams can help us caves all represent sexual organs – clues to meaning, but further represses that meaning or control tonight’s dream”.
to draw upon a reservoir of wisdom beyond the our animal instinct, in whatever context they and thus widens rather than narrows the gap Unlike a sign, a symbol can carry a variety of
range of our waking minds. appear. For Jung, however, this was to treat between the conscious and the unconscious. meanings which, although they are all facets

80 - 95 THE LANGUAGE OF DREAMS .indd 86-87 3/12/10 11:35 am

88 The Language of Dreams Symbolism 89

of the same truth, each benefit from separate Consider, too, the context of the symbol: a
Dream Symbolism at Work: an example
inspection. Thus, under analysis the image of flower offered by a lover may signify something
a gun may emerge even for the same dreamer quite different from one offered by an enemy. The dream described and analyzed here show An analyst decodes the symbols
as representing thunder and lightning, male The meaning of a dream symbol can also be dream symbolism in operation. The dreamer The dreamer associated hair and his trip to the
procreation, destruction, and the toy the modified by its appearance – for example, its is a male sales executive working for a large barber’s with a “seedy” and ineffectual vanity,
dreamer once used to terrify a childhood friend colour, texture and size. A pink dog is likely conglomerate. He has always wanted to be and associated the barber’s behaviour with
into parting with his candy. All of these four to symbolize something quite different from a novelist, but now spends much of his time the way that others lavish praise and attention
meanings reflect the central theme of power, but a black dog; the meaning of an empty vase writing misleading but highly effective sales where it is not due – a situation that he clearly
they show respectively that power can be used is likely to be different from that of a vase of publicity material. associated with his work as a copy writer.
to destroy, to do good, to do evil, or to reinforce a flowers. Finally, think about the connections The two silent men should have been called
childish urge to intimidate and exploit others. between dream symbols, by looking for The dreamer describes his dream to the barber’s chair before him, yet they
Because dream symbols are often bizarre and complementary meanings: a train, a dagger and “I was in a barbershop awaiting my turn. The missed their turn. Could this suggest that
apparently unconnected, we tend to dismiss a snake may all be phallic in their significance; a place was small and dark and I had the there were deep, still latent aspects of the self,
them as irrelevant. We might wonder, for circle, a star, water and a temple may all relate to impression of brown paintwork and a seedy such as his gifts as a writer, that should have
example, at the relevance to our lives of a maze, the desire or need for spirituality. atmosphere. There were two men ahead of me, been prioritized but had not yet been given a
a puppet, a wild beast or even so mundane an Starting-points for the meanings of some sitting on my right, but the barber called me in chance to shine.
image as an unwanted gift. To understand the common dream images can be found in the first. I was rather put out by this, and thought The dreamer felt that the mirror in which he
meanings of symbols, we must patiently and directory of symbols on pages 84–93 of this he wanted to ingratiate himself with me. could not see his face was an indication of his
diligently try to determine how these metaphors book. Bear in mind, though, that any such “When I went to sit in the chair, however, lack of self-knowledge. He had allowed his true
bear on our own circumstances. Interpret your directory can offer only general pointers. I found that I was in the barbershop on my self to disappear in the falsity and deception
personal lexicon of dream symbols in the light Individual dreamers are far more likely to own. The mirror in front of me was old and the surrounding his professional life.
of your life history and recent experience: fire discover the true meanings of dream symbols if silvering had decayed with the damp so I was His scrutiny of store windows indicates the
might symbolize destruction, but it could also they use the directory entries as prompts rather unable to see my reflection. Then I was dreamer’s search outside himself – though he
represent starting something afresh, such as than literal descriptions. Think of yourself as a outside, looking in the windows of some should have been looking within. The hunt for
a new relationship; a castle might represent detective, a decoder, an explorer of dark places stores. I think I was trying to find some scissors scissors might suggest some recognition of the
security, but it could also imply feelings of – and as an archaeologist of the mind who, to cut my own hair, but was unsuccessful. I need to control his vanity. The final image of
isolation. Only by examining your own responses working with fragments, has sufficient skill and heard a hissing sound and said to myself, ‘ the burst balloon may connote both shattered
honestly will you arrive at a valid interpretation. imagination to reconstruct the whole. the balloon has burst’.” illusions and punctured self-esteem.

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The Language of Dreams 91

The Grammar of Dreams

Pioneers of psychology in the twentieth century have taught us
that dreams are not merely a jumble of random events and
sensations, but follow an inner logic, reflecting the preoccupations
of the inner self. How, more precisely, does this logic work?

B efore Freud (see pages 28–33),

scientists thought that dreams were
entirely haphazard and in no way logical. Freud,
Connecting with the Surreal
This simple exercise is designed to increase
however, refused to pay lip service to such your sensitivity to the surreal – an essential
conventional expectations. With subtle and ingredient of the dream world.
imaginative resourcefulness, he traced various
ways in which dreams used their own strange 1. Think of three unconnected objects that
logic to convey their profound messages from symbolize different parts of your life –
the unconscious mind to the waking self. He perhaps your work, your leisure time and
showed how dreams bend the rules of time and your principal relationship.
space, presenting events in startling sequences,
2. Try to think of a surreal story that
mixing past and present, near at hand and far
connects all three aspect of your life and
away; and he demonstrated how the physics of
incorporates the three objects. Imagine this
matter and identity are flouted, so that one thing
story as a strange cartoon – one that you are
may become another, or suddenly acquire the
storyboarding in your head, like the producer
characteristics of another – which is a slightly
of a movie.
different observation.

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92 The Language of Dreams

U ntil the revolution in dream theory

brought about by the work of Freud
and Jung, few philosophers disagreed with
connections” so that dreams are in no way
“affected by reflection or commonsense”.
Freud himself likened a dream, with its
the nineteenth-century German physicist absence of helpful interconnections between
Theodor Fechner’s assertion that in dreams one image and another, to a sentence that
“it is as though psychological activity has been lacks conjunctions – the words, such as “and”,
transported from the brain of a reasonable man “if”, “because”, “when” and “or”, that form
into that of a fool”. His attitude did no more logical connections between concepts and give
than paraphrase what philosophers had written language much of its coherence.
about dream logic since Roman times, when the However, Freud observed that connections
statesman and scholar Cicero maintained that between things can be demonstrated by means
“there is no imaginable thing too absurd, too other than words – as is the case, for example,
involved, or too abnormal for us to dream about with art. He believed that “the madness of
it”. One minor German philosopher wrote in dreams may not be without method, and may
1875 of the “laughable contradictions [that the even be simulated, like that of the Danish
dreamer] is ready to accept in the laws of nature prince [Hamlet]”. Although dream connections
and society”, while four years later one of his do not follow the rational logic of language and
colleagues asserted that “it seems impossible philosophy, it is possible that they adhere to a
to detect any fixed laws in this crazy activity ... more oblique rationale in order deliberately to
dreams melt into a mad whirl of kaleidoscopic disguise the meaning of the dream.
confusion”. The often bewildering nature of this logic
What disturbed rational philosophers was not reflects the dreams’ origins outside the tidy
only the apparently “nonsensical” content of the confines of the conscious mind. A dream can
dream images themselves, but also the apparent be a response to events in the outside world,
absence of rational thought and higher mental or it can originate within, expressing aspects of
functions in the logic that links dream images the dreamer’s deep-seated preoccupations and
together. In 1877, for example, one writer spoke feelings; it can be a means of fulfilling desires
of “an eclipse of all the logical operations of or of highlighting unresolved emotions in the
the mind which are based on relations and dreamer’s everyday life. The contradictions and

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94 The Language of Dreams The Grammar of Dreams 95

conflicts implicit in these complex processes and important linking device and one which the clothes are not neatly stowed away but are with which various dream images appear to
are, not unexpectedly, reflected in the grammar operates through association – as one when lying there untidily, requiring us to deal with individual dreamers over a period of time. Thus,
and syntax of dreams. Often enigmatic, halting one object resembles another in some way, or their presence. Moreover, the bed is an even furniture, body parts, cars and cats may appear in
and fragmentary, the language of dreams can recalls or invokes feelings about that second more intimate place than the wardrobe. Thus, descending order of frequency for one dreamer,
warp time, bringing historical and contemporary object. Many of these associations are forgotten the dream (depending while for another
figures together. It can mix the familiar with the or repressed at a conscious level, making the as always on context) subject, women may
unknown, and work fantastic transformations by connections harder to unravel, but they can might reflect appear more often
its own brand of psychic “magic”. Like certain be revealed through appropriate techniques of interference by the than men and outdoor
kinds of movies, the dream world has dissolves dream interpretation. By deciphering them, the owner of the clothes settings more often
in which one scene merges mysteriously psychoanalyst lays bare not only the operation in the dreamer’s own than indoor. From one
into another. Inanimate things move of their of dream logic but also its profound subtlety. life. year to the next it has
own accord, and may talk, and even become The complex operation of dream logic Dream researchers been shown that these
intensely threatening. may be demonstrated by taking a relatively since Freud have frequency patterns
People or animals may fly, or a person may commonplace example: that of dreaming of identified internal remain remarkably
bark like a dog, or walk naked in a crowded finding someone’s clothes in your wardrobe. consistency as playing constant.
place. The meanings dreams hold have to be This dream may have a wish-fulfilment aspect, a key role in the Another important
teased out from such complex and contrary reflecting admiration for the other person’s operation of dream form of internal
happenings. qualities: by acquiring their possessions, we logic. Analysis of consistency in
Clinical experience showed Freud that gain some of their characteristics for ourselves. Level 1 and 2 dreams dreaming is the
dream images interconnect by means of four However, there might also be an aspect of (those generated by symbolic dimension.
main linking devices. The first is simultaneity, resentment at the intrusion of something the preconscious and When using symbols,
when dream images or events are presented foreign into a place that is thoroughly private personal unconscious) the dream is
together within a single scenario. The second and domestic. This might possibly suggest shows that each unconcerned with how
is contiguity, when dream images or events the envy with which admiration is sometimes dreamer may have his or her own particular way incomprehensible or bizarre they might appear
are presented in sequence. Thirdly, there is tinged. A comparable dream would be the of manifesting this consistency. to the conscious mind. It selects them solely on
transformation, when one image dissolves into discovery of someone else’s clothes on our The most common form that consistency the basis of their associations with the material
another. And lastly there is similarity, revealed bed: we might reasonably conclude that this takes, labelled relative consistency by the to be expressed, and is likely to repeat the more
primarily through indirect or direct association, has a similar meaning, except that there is an American dream researchers Calvin Hall successful ones in dream after dream to get its
which Freud considered to be the most frequent additional element of inconvenience, in that and Vernon Nordby, lies in the frequency message through.

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Archetypes 97

Archetypes are the universal themes, or in Jung’s words
“mythological motifs”, that emerge from the collective
unconscious and reappear in symbolic form again and
again in myths, symbol systems and dreams.

J ames Hillman, the contemporary

(American) founder of archetypal
psychology, refers to archetypes as “the deepest
this source as a reservoir of spiritual truth or as
an untapped dimension of our own minds is of
less importance than that we acknowledge its
patterns of psychic functioning”: they are “the existence.
roots of the soul governing the perspectives we In our “grand” dreams, archetypes appear
have of ourselves and the world ... the axiomatic, as symbols, or take personified form as the
self-evident images to which psychic life and our particular gods and goddesses, heroes and
theories about it ever return”. heroines, fabulous beasts and powers of good
Without access to the myth-making vitality of and evil that are most familiar to our conscious
the archetypes, we are confined to a few rooms minds. Jungians stress, however, that we should
of the splendid mansion that is the mind, and never identify with individual archetypes,
shut out from the creative source of our own because each is only a fragment of the complete early schooldays, puberty, adolescence, early function of helping the dreamer to shape his
psychic life. self. By integrating the many archetypes of parenthood, middle age, the menopause, and or her future. He advised dreamers to ask
In most instances, archetypal dreams leave the collective unconscious, Jungians hope to old age. They also occur at times of upheaval why they might have had the dream, and to
us feeling that we have received wisdom progress towards individuation (see page 23–24). and uncertainty, and mark the process toward assess its potential impact. If archetypes are
from a source outside what we commonly Archetypal dreams are most likely to occur individuation and spiritual maturity. Jung personifications of our psychic energies, then
recognize as ourselves. Whether we describe at important transitional points in life, such as saw archetypal dreams as having the special their appearance in dreams may be a signpost to

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98 The Language of Dreams Archetypes 99

psychic blocks must be dealt with before further encompassing, dramatic power, described by
progress is possible. Whitmont and Perera as a “numinosity which
Dream archetypes are vital to the search creates a sense of awe in the dreamer”. The
for our “true selves”. By looking out for them dream may be set in a historical or cultural
in dreams, and learning to recognize them, environment far removed from that of the
we can build bridges that stretch over to our dreamer, symbolizing the fact that he or she
unconscious. Each archetype is a link in a chain is travelling outside the boundaries of waking
of mythic associations. By identifying one sensory and psychological experience. It
archetype, we can draw other archetypes into has also been found that archetypal dreams
dreaming awareness, and so delve deeper into convey a sense of great significance to the
the creative power of our collective unconscious. dreamer, prompting him or her to see in them
According to the Jungian analysts Edward “some suggestion of enlightenment, warning,
Whitmont and Sylvia Perera, we know that or supernatural help”. Above all, archetypal
we have entered the world of archetypes if dreams have about them what Jung called a
our dreams confront us with elements that are “cosmic quality”, a sense of temporal or spatial
rationally impossible in everyday life, and that infinity conveyed by dream experiences such
the direction of our future development. of the alienated personality reflect personal lead us to the “realms of myth and magic”. as movement at tremendous speed over vast
As we have seen, archetypal energies can take concerns and the dreams of the integrated Many dreams reject in various degrees the distances, or a comet-like flight through space,
many different forms, appearing in dreams as personality reflect supra-personal themes such as constraints of waking reality, but the moment an experience of hovering far above the Earth,
symbolic events or realistic or mythical beings. birth and death, immortality, and the meaning of that we find ourselves in a shape-shifting or a breathtaking expansion of the self until it
Initially, at least, the archetypes that appear in existence. world in which we encounter charismatic transcends its narrow individuality and embraces
human form are most easily recognized. However, Jung cautions that if archetypal men and women who seem larger than life, all of creation. Cosmic qualities can also emerge
Jung found archetypal dreams occurring in all dreams contain potent material that appears heroes rise unscathed from mortal wounds, in our dreams as astrological or alchemical
walks of life, experienced as much by “people greatly to contradict the ideas and beliefs of tall, dark strangers enter through locked doors, symbols, or as experiences of death and rebirth.
who are inwardly cut off from humanity and the dreamer’s conscious mind, or that lacks and fugitives turn into trees as they run away, Many archetypal dreams involve magical
oppressed by the thought that nobody else has the moral coherence of genuine mythological we may justifiably suspect that we are in the journeys or quests which often, like the quest
their problems” as by those far advanced on the material, then a deep division, born of resistance presence of archetypal powers. for the Holy Grail, represent a search for some
individuation process. Yet in these two extreme and repression, may exist between the collective Archetypal dream images and events aspect of ourselves. A common theme in fairy
cases the dream content is different: the dreams unconscious and the dreamer’s waking life. Such often appear to have a predetermined, all- tales is that of the young hero who must journey

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Archetypes 101

Swimming to the Stars: an example of an archetypal dream

The dreamer is a university professor. She has drawing room, the dreamer’s ability to float to
a formidable academic reputation but risks the roof and her power to touch the stars.
compromsing it by declaring her increasing She has been swimming in the sea, indicating
interest in mysticism and spiritual growth. a desire to travel deeper into the archetypal
unconscious. But she then tries to wash the
The dreamer describes her dream saltwater from her body in a shower, sug-
“I had been swimming in the sea and went to gesting that she wishes to “sanitize” whatever
stand under a freshwater shower further up insights she has discovered while swimming. In
the beach. The water ran over my back but this she is only partially successful: her back,
before I could rinse my front, I found myself that aspect of herself that holds her upright in
in a smart drawing room. Still in my bathing public, is “cleaned” but her front, the side
suit, I was dripping water on the carpet. There visible to her own eyes, remains unsanitized.
were several well-dressed women there who The sudden transition to the drawing room,
looked at me disapprovingly. Next moment I where she drips water onto the carpet, reminds
floated up onto the roof. It was night, and the her that she cannot be her true self in an
stars seemed larger and brighter than in life. I artificial environment, especially under the
stretched out a hand to touch them, and for a disapproving gaze of her colleagues, the
moment held one in my hand. I wanted to put well-dressed ladies of the dream.
it in a pocket but was still in my bathing suit. A She then floats up through the house,
voice said ‘Put it under your chest.’ I was trying representing herself, to the roof, where she can
to a foreign land to discover his manhood, or true him or her from their social background. to fathom out how to do this when I suddenly see the stars, archetypes of higher states of
self, before returning to slay a dragon, or rescue A common archetypal journey is the night woke up.” consciousness, and can seize one with her
a suffering maiden. When such themes appear sea passage, in which the hero is swallowed up hands. She is still thinking conventionally in
in dreams, they usually symbolize a journey and nearly destroyed by the monster that he has The archetypes analyzed wanting to put the star into a pocket, and on
into the unconscious, where the dreamer seeks attempted to slay. As in the biblical tale of Jonah The archetypal nature of this dream is waking can still not understand how to put it
to find and assimilate fragmented parts of the and the whale, the hero still manages to destroy suggested by its most irrational elements: the “under her chest”, and so integrate her higher
psyche in order to achieve a psychological the monster from within, to escape and finally transformation of the beach into a self fully into her conscious life.
confidence and wholeness that can differentiate to reach land in a symbolic representation of the

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102 The Language of Dreams Archetypes 103

dreamer’s successful quest to reclaim life-energy creatures as the phoenix may not embody The Persona the Animus is symbolized by noble gods or
from the depths of the unconscious, and thus primary archetypes in themselves, but may be heroes, such as Hermes, Apollo and Hercules.
deprive unconscious impulses of the power to
dominate conscious behaviour.
used by the dreaming mind as representatives
of the archetypes. For example, sphinxes in
dreams may symbolize the occult wisdom of
T he Persona is the way in which we present
ourselves to the outside world – the mask
that we adopt in order to deal with waking
If Anima or Animus appears in our dreams in
these exalted forms, or as any other powerful
representation of man or woman, it typically

O ther archetypal journeys, such as sea

voyages toward the rising sun, can
represent rebirth and transformation. Dreams
the archetype of the Great Mother, while the
Hindu deity Garuda (half man, half eagle) may
stand for the fierce, purifying energy of the
life. Useful and non-pathological in itself, the
Persona becomes dangerous if we identify with
it too closely, mistaking it for the real self. It
means that we need to integrate the male and
female within us. If ignored, these archetypes
tend to be projected outward into a search
may also involve baptism and other forms of Wise Old Man. Jung saw the Dragon, however, can then appear in our dreams as a scarecrow or for an idealized lover, or are unrealistically
ritual initiation, emergence from the primal as a primary symbol, related to the collective or a tramp, or as a desolate landscape, or as social ascribed to partners or friends. If we allow them
depths of a cave, or alchemical archetypes overbearing social aspect of the Great Mother, ostracization. To be naked in dreams often to take possession of our unconscious lives,
such as the phoenix rising from the flames who must be slain if the hero is to be free. represents loss of the Persona. men can become over-sentimental and over-
that destroy the past and leave the dreamer One archetype with a profoundly numinous emotional, while women may show ruthlessness
free to create his or her future. Such mythical quality is the Spirit, the opposite of matter, The Anima and Animus and obstinacy. However, once the process of
sometimes manifested individuation has begun, these archetypes serve
in dreams as an
impression of
infinity, spaciousness,
J ung’s studies and clinical experience
convinced him that we each carry within
us the whole of human potential, male and
as guides, taking the dreamer deeper and deeper
into the realm of inner possibilities.

invisibility. The Spirit female. The Anima represents the “feminine” The Wise Old Man
may also appear as qualities of moods, reactions and impulses in
a ghost, or as a visit
from the dead, and its
presence often indicates
man, and the Animus the “masculine” qualities
of commitments, beliefs and inspirations in
woman. More importantly, as the “not-I”
T he Wise Old Man (or Woman) is what
Jung called a mana personality, a symbol
of a primal source of growth and vitality which
a tension between within the self, the Anima and Animus serve as can heal or destroy, attract or repel. In dreams
the material and non- psychopompi, or soul guides, to the vast areas of this archetype may appear as a magician,
material worlds. Other our unacknowledged inner potential. doctor, professor, priest, teacher, father, or any
primary archetypes Mythology represents the Anima as maiden other authority figure, who by its presence or
are described on the goddesses or women of great beauty, such teachings conveys the sense that higher states
following pages. as Athena, Venus and Helen of Troy; while of consciousness are within the dreamer’s grasp.

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104 The Language of Dreams Archetypes 105

However, like the wizard or the The Trickster The Shadow be totally eliminated, it is often represented
shaman, the mana personality is only by dream characters who are impervious to
quasi-divine, and can lead us away from the
higher levels as well as toward them. Jung
himself enjoyed a lifelong relationship with
An archetypal antihero,
the “ape of God”, the
Trickster is a psychic amalgam
J ung defines the Shadow as “the thing a
person has no wish to be”. Everything
substantial casts a shadow, and for Jung
blows and bullets, and who pursue us past
every obstacle, and into the blind alleyways
and eerie basements of the mind. However, it
a mana personality of his own: he called of the animal and the divine. He may appear in the human psyche can also take the form
him Philemon, and frequently passed his days dreams, as he does in mythologies around the is no exception: of the brother or sister
talking and painting with him. world, as a monkey, fox, hare or clown. “unfortunately there figure, or the stranger
Jung likened him to the alchemical Mercurius, can be no doubt that who confronts us with
the shape-shifter, full of sly jokes and malicious Man is, on the whole, the things we prefer not
pranks. Sometimes seen as an aspect of the less good than he wants to see and the words we
Shadow (see opposite), the Trickster will appear or imagines himself to prefer not to hear.
mocking himself, but at the same time mocking be”. According to Jung, Because the
the pretensions of the ego and its archetypal the more that we repress Shadow is obsessional,
projection, the Persona. this side, and isolate it autonomous and
The Trickster is, in addition, the sinister from consciousness, the possessive, it arouses
figure who disrupts our games, exposes our less chance we have of in us strong emotions
schemes, and spoils our dream pleasure. Like stopping it from bursting of fear, anger or moral
the Shadow, he is a symbol of transformation – forth “in a moment outrage. Yet Jung insists
indestructible and able to change his shape and of awareness”. that it is not evil in
disappear and reappear at will. He often turns Concealed under our itself, merely “somewhat
up when the ego is in a dangerous situation of civilized veneer, the inferior, primitive,
its own making, through vanity, overarching Shadow reveals itself in selfish, violent and often unadapted and awkward. Its appearance in
ambition or misjudgment. He is untamed, brutal actions. It feeds on greed and fear and can dreams indicates a need for more conscious
amoral and anarchic. be projected outward as the hate that persecutes awareness of its existence, and for a more
While the Trickster may sabotage our efforts, and makes scapegoats of minority groups. convincing moral effort in coming to terms with
he may indirectly assist our development by In dreams, the Shadow usually appears as a its dark energies. We must learn to accept and
challenging with paradox, and by revealing the person of the same sex, often in a threatening, integrate it because the unpalatable messages it
absurdity of material possessions. nightmarish role. Because the Shadow can never gives us are often indirectly for our own good.

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106 The Language of Dreams

The Divine Child Not only is the energy of the Great Mother The Hero
divine, ethereal and virginal, it is also chthonic

T he Divine Child is the archetype of the

regenerative force that leads us toward
individuation. It is the symbol of the true
(generated from the earth) and agricultural:
the earth mother was worshipped as bringer of
harvests. Always ambivalent, she is an archetype
T he Hero is the awakened inner self in
both men and women that aspires to inner
growth and development, and sets out on a quest for true understanding.
self, of the totality of our being, as opposed of feminine mystery and power who appears in The tasks facing the Hero
to the limited and limiting ego which is, in many forms: at her most exalted as the queen of are often symbolized as physical
Jung’s words, “only a bit of consciousness, and heaven, at her most consuming as the Sumerian challenges requiring great skill and
floats upon an ocean of the [hidden] things”. goddess Lilith, the gorgon Medusa, or the courage, and often necessitating the help
In dreams, the Divine Child usually appears witches and harpies of myth and folktale. of the Animus (from whom he is at times
as a baby or infant. It is both innocent and For Freud, however, the symbolic dream scarcely distinguishable), the Anima or the
vulnerable, yet at the same time inviolate and mother was far more a representation of the Wise Old Man. This archetype may also
possessed of transforming power. Contact with dreamer’s relationship with his or her own appear as an antihero – whose mistaken
the child can strip us of the sense of personal mother than an abstract archetype. Freud ideals lead him to enter a series of
aggrandisement upon which the ego so greedily observed in fact that most dreams involve three futile adventures from which he
feeds, and reveal to us how far we have strayed people – the dreamer, a woman and a man – and emerges with credit, but to no great
from what once we were and aspired to be. that the theme that most commonly links the effect. Whenever a dream involves
three characters is jealousy. Freud believed that physical or psychological challenges
The Great Mother the dream woman and dream man most often (fighting adversaries, climbing a
represent the dreamer’s mother and father, and sheer rock face, solving a riddle), you

T he image of the Great Mother plays a vital

role in our psychological and spiritual
development. Its prevalence in dreams, myths
maintained that they symbolize aspects of the
Oedipus and Electra complexes from which
men and women respectively suffer. (In Greek
can suspect that the Hero is involved.

and religion is derived not only from our myth Oedipus, unaware of his actions, slew his
personal experiences of childhood, but also from father and married his mother: Freud saw this as
the archetype of all that cherishes and fosters symbolizing the early male sexual desire for the
growth and fertility on the one hand, and all that mother, and the jealousy of the father. Electra,
dominates, devours, seduces and possesses, on conversely, desired her father and was jealous of
the other. her mother.)

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108 The Language of Dreams Archetypes 109

Working with Archetypes Dreaming in Greek

Archetypes loom large in the collective resonate at some level of your experience. As a preparation for working on your dreams Hercules’ twelve tasks
unconscious and in the realm of dreams. They The more you familiarize yourself with the using the Jungian technique of amplification, a Another Hero figure is Hercules, or Herakles,
may go unrecognized by the dreamer, but mythic repertoire, the easier the process of helpful first step is to familiarize yourself with famous for his almighty strength. Son of the
often their occurrence is indicated by a sense amplification becomes. the myths of ancient Greece. These form a great god Zeus by a mortal mother, he is given
of heightened perception – we may feel a kind dramatic body of narrative, with a rich variety twelve “labours”, or tasks, to perform by King
of inner resonance when we encounter them. Amplification in practice of archetypal figures and episodes, often linked Eurystheus of Tiryns, as penance for a terrible
The universal meaning of any archetype we Jungian dream amplification typically moves together so that the characters – both human murder. The tasks include killing a monstrous
meet will, of course, interact with subjective through deepening layers of profundity. For and supernatural – drift through each other’s lion, vanquishing a nine-headed serpent (the
associations stemming from our own personal example, if your dream features a knight on stories. Read Robert Graves’ masterly source Hydra), and cleaning out the Augean stables
experience. In order to understand an horseback, “natural amplification” might lead book, The Greek Myths, for a detailed over- piled high with thirty years’ worth of dung
archetypal dream’s deeper levels of meaning you to a sense of leadership or combat. Next, view of the tales. from 30,000 cattle.
and specific relevance to the individual, Jung you explore “cultural amplification”, which
proposed the interpretative method known might suggest that the knight is, let’s say, a de- Two great quests Orpheus in the Underworld
as “amplification”. This involves exploring the fender of the faith – perhaps your faith in your The voyages of Jason and Odysseus offer a Orpheus was a great musician, whose lyre
myths in which an archetype appears and own abilities. Finally comes archetypal amplifi- wealth of archetypal meaning. This derives in charmed even the animals. He fell in love with
considering how they might relate to aspects cation. This might lead you to think of Parsifal, part from the universal motif of the a nymph, Eurydice, and married her. Then a
of your own life. the Arthurian hero who in medieval legend dangerous journey – whether a homecoming serpent bit her on the ankle and she died and
Simply reading mythic stories and reflecting meets the crippled Fisher King and glimpses (in Odysseus’s case) or the search for a precious was taken to the Underworld. Overcome with
on them in waking life is a good way to prepare the Holy Grail. He does not recognize the Grail object (in Jason’s story, the Golden Fleece). grief, Orpheus went to the Underworld, whose
yourself. Jung considered Greek myths to be and fails to ask a question that would have But the significance of these quests also draws king and queen were moved by his pleas. They
especially suitable for Westerners, although healed the injured king. On learning of his error upon the encounters these heroes have en allowed Eurydice to follow Orpheus back to
any mythological tradition that appeals to you he undertakes to return to the royal castle and route – with dragons, giants, seductresses, the land of the living – on condition that he
– Celtic, Egyptian or Hindu myths or fulfil his quest. He ends up being one of only monstrous one-eyed shepherds, sorcerers, and did not look at her before reaching the exit
European folktales, for example – will be two knights who accompany Sir Galahad and so on. Jason, for example, wins the Fleece with of the Underworld. But Orpheus could not
equally appropriate. Some myths may seem complete the Grail quest with him. Pondering the help of Medea, a sorceress who falls in love stop himself turning around to see her ... and
intuitively appropriate to your circumstances this tale, you might start to think about how, with him: the treasure is guarded by a dragon, lost her forever. The story has obvious links
but all have emerged from the great store- in life, you failed in a quest, but how in the end but Medea charms the creature with her voice with intense love, temptation, loss, and human
house of the collective unconscious and will you helped someone else to succeed. and sprinkles a potion into its eyes. weakness.

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Dream Settings bones and skulls. He interpreted
the cellar to represent the personal
A single dream episode may involve a string of apparently unconnected unconscious, while the cave he understood

dream actions, which may take place in a variety of dream locations. to be the collective unconscious – the repository
of ageless, archetypal symbols to which all
These may be realistic or fantastic, or a mixture of the two. Sometimes humankind responds.
the dreamer remembers no setting at all – just a featureless space in On the strength of his own experiences,
which the narrative takes place. At other times, the location plays a Jung subsequently encouraged his followers to
examine the dream scenery that featured in their
crucial part in the dream, and may even arouse a strong emotional
dreams at progressively deeper levels in order to
response: a forest, for example, might be experienced as frightening or reveal its symbolic meaning. A tree, for example,
threatening, or a house might stimulate feelings of comfort or pride. that initially represents the cherry tree under
which the dreamer played as a child, and which
therefore stands for shelter and sweetness, can

A lthough dream settings may often seem

strange or unreal, they are seldom
arbitrary: usually, they support or contribute to
dream location; and, far from implying lack of
profundity, we should note that Jung’s famous
dream of his own house helped to inspire his
later in the interpretation serve as a symbol of
the mother, later still as the Tree of Life, and
finally as the sacrificial tree upon which
the overall meaning of the dream, sometimes in theory of the collective unconscious, showing Christ was crucified. Similarly,
unexpected ways. By attending to the setting how the most apparently mundane scenery a house may be taken progressively
of a dream, you are more likely to be able to can carry a remarkable cargo of symbolic to signify the dreamer’s body,
penetrate its meanings. information. his mind, his mother’s body
In fact, dreams are set most often in familiar Jung dreamed that he was in a house that was which once nutured and
locations, reflecting the immediate interests his own yet was unfamiliar. Exploring its many sheltered him, and even
and memories of the dreamer. Research has floors, he discovered an ancient cellar, leading – by a common process
shown the house to be the most common down from which was a cave containing pottery, of dream punning – his

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112 The Language of Dreams Dream settings 113

From Scrapyard to Café: a dream setting analyzed

The dreamer is a woman in her late The setting analyzed
twenties, who holds a responsible and Steps downward usually represent a way into
challenging executive position with a firm of the personal unconscious. The dreamer claims
realtors (estate agents) in a big city. to enjoy her dreams, and has high
expectations of what they may reveal to her
The dreamer describes her dream (the grand stairway), yet in fact the steps lead
“This is one of a series of dreams in which I find only to the broken, discarded rubbish of old
myself in a scrapyard, surrounded by old and memories and useless objects.
broken objects, or new gadgets that, whatever But things aren’t exactly as they seem. There
I do, somehow refuse to work. The scrapyard is a man working among the junk in the
setting is puzzling, because I have no memory backyard, perhaps signifying that psychological
of ever visiting such a place. healing and creative activity continue in the
father’s family or “house”. Generally, the more its special quality, and that invests nightmares “In this dream, I found myself standing at unconscious mind, even though we are usually
creative and imaginative the dreamer, the with their chilling power. A house may be the the top of a long flight of steps. They seemed unaware of them, and that what may seem like
more likely it is that such progressive levels dreamer’s own, yet in a nightmare it can appear to lead down to a backyard full of rubble and psychic rubbish can be of great value, if we
of meaning will emerge, and that the dream to be saturated with an eerie emptiness never scrap metal, yet the steps themselves were approach it in the proper way.
scenery itself will be varied and striking. experienced in waking life. wide and grand, like those in the garden of a He tells her that he has “fixed” the old car,
Many artists have received their inspiration Frequent shifts of location are characteristic chateau. perhaps symbolic of a disappointed aspiration
from the scenery of dreams. Painters such as the of dreams. The settings may be logically “There was a man in the scrapyard working or ambition. The road on which they speed
Italian Surrealist Giorgio de Chirico (1888–1978) connected, but they may often appear in a on an old car, and I asked him why it wouldn’t away together represents escape from the
and the Belgian Surrealist Paul Delvaux (1897– disjointed, seemingly random sequence. As go. He said it worked now, he had fixed it, and confines of the city (other people).
1994) are particularly credited with capturing the with the more obvious foreground elements in a then we were driving down a freeway, but But the car is outside the dreamer’s
dream atmosphere, drawing also upon Freudian dream, items of dream scenery can also suddenly going so fast that I felt afraid the car would control, and she is afraid. The café might
dream symbolism and setting familiar images transform themselves. A sheltered bay may turn fall to pieces. We stopped outside a café, but suggest a refuge, but the wreckage of the past
in bizarre contexts. It is the juxtaposition of into a deep carpet, a distant farm may turn into there was no one in there to serve us. There is to be found even here. Perhaps working on
the ordinary and the extraordinary, captured a slaughterhouse. By means of these reversals, were parts of old cars all over the café floor – the problem is preferable to escaping it. The
in their paintings, that gives dream scenery the dream drives its message home, startling I tripped over them as I paced the room.” settings of the dream underline this message.

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114 The Language of Dreams

the mind out of conventional habits of thinking background can have a significance which may us to interpret the dream. If puzzled by a dream
so that deep emotions and preoccupations are emerge as central when the dream is subjected location, ask yourself whether it is connected
hauntingly exposed. to thorough analysis. with anywhere you once lived or took a vacation.
Dream landscapes, far from being merely Ambiguities in the possible meanings of It can help if you describe the setting to another
a backdrop to the action, are often deeply dream settings need to be rigorously explored. member of your family, who may have clearer
experienced in themselves. A landscape may For example, if green fields in a dream are memories of your childhood.
ache with loneliness, or be suffused with a bordered by a distant town, does this make Train yourself also to think of landscapes
mysterious sense of well-being. If the landscape the dreamer feel secure to see evidence and cityscapes in terms of their underlying
has gentle contours and evokes strong feelings, of civilization nearby, or does it provoke symbolism, which works in much the same way
one possible interpretation is that it symbolizes resentment at the man-made intrusion? If the as the symbolism of objects. When a dream
the body, especially the mother’s body. Freud dream shows a cave, could this be a place of shows you a mountain, consider the possibility
believed that landscapes in dreams, especially shelter if the weather turns bad? Or is it likely that it might suggest lofty aspiration or an
those containing rocky crags (male) or wooded that something scary is lurking there? exalted state of being. The forest, like the
hills (female), often operate as symbols of The circumstances and character of the ocean, can represent the depths of the collective
genitalia. Dream places can also represent the dreamer will of course be highly relevant to such unconscious; but unlike maritime settings,
topography of the mind itself: for example, a deliberations. Although unfamiliar surroundings forests also have overtones of refuge – as well as
strange neighbourhood in a remote part of town might for one person represent feelings of loss seasonal change if the trees are deciduous. River
can be a symbol of the unconscious. Nocturnal or bewilderment, for another they might signify valleys, which are sometimes read as female
scenes, similarly, can suggest the murky depths a desire to travel or to explore. A castle might sexual symbols, can also suggest fertility and
of the inner self. suggest contented security, or an over-defensive well-being.
It is vital, during interpretation, to remember attitude to life. And, of course, it should be People who interpret dreams sometimes
the details of the dream landscape if the full borne in mind that the same person is likely to neglect the fact that natural features may be
meaning of the dream is to be revealed. If a react differently at different times in their life as subjected to mythic amplification, just like
scene is set in a garden, is it formal or informal their circumstances alter. dream characters. Lakes may superficially
in design? Is it well-kept or overgrown? If there Dream settings may also be places, suggest peace and contemplation, but, the story
are flowers, how do they smell? If there is a road, insignificant in themselves, where formative of Arthur’s sword Excalibur, lifted from beneath
does it wind and double back upon itself, or is it or traumatic events occurred, deep in our past. the water by the Lady of the Lake as the king
long and straight, an easy journey home? Even Often our memories of such places will be lost to was dying on the lakeside, suggests they may
those parts of the scenery that appear to be mere consciousness, and this may make it difficult for carry a more melancholy significance.

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Children’s Dreams 117

Children’s Dreams
In children’s dreams, parents, siblings and teachers tend to loom large,
as do friends, who can appear in all their childlike ambivalence –
sometimes supportive, sometimes cruelly aggressive. A child’s dream
world is often characterized by images of insecurity and change,
as he or she strives to deal with formidable new experiences.

W e are born dreamers. We may even

dream in the womb and certainly spend
much of our early life in dreams. About sixty per
are old enough to tell us about their dreams, the
content primarily reflects their waking interests
and emotions, as we might expect.
cent of the sleep of newborn babies is passed Robert Van de Castle and Donna Kramer
in the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state (see of the University of Virginia analyzed many frequency of animal images would seem to dream emotion. Robert Kegan, an American
page 41) where most dreaming occurs – three hundreds of dreams from children aged between reflect children’s basic interests, but also most developmental psychologist, has suggested
times the amount spent by most adults. Since two and twelve, and found that from an early probably the way in which animals symbolize that this high level of aggression represents the
babies sleep for fourteen or more hours a day, age girls’ dreams were longer than those of their wishes and fears. Van de Castle, however, difficulty that young children have in integrating
this adds up to a great deal of dream time. boys, and contained more people and references considers that these themes may also arise from their own powerful, spontaneous impulses into
Although it is obviously impossible for us to to clothes, while boys dreamed more about the more primitive, animistic nature of a child’s the social order and control demanded of them
know exactly what small babies dream of, it is implements and objects. Animals featured much thinking – their closeness to the uncultured self. by adults. The wild animals, monsters and bogey
probable that much of their dream content is more prominently in children’s dreams than Children report around twice as many men of children’s dreams also seem to symbolize
triggered by physical sensations, or consists of in those of adults, and the ratio of frightening aggressive acts in their dreams as do adults. children’s inner awareness that such impulses
dreams about physical sensations. After the first animals such as lions, gorillas, alligators and Occasionally, children play the role of aggressors, lurk just below the conscious surface of their
month of their lives, visual and auditory images wolves to non-frightening animals such as but more usually they are victims, and fear has behaviour and may break out and wreak havoc
probably also begin to play a part. Once children sheep, butterflies and birds was far higher. This thus been shown to be their most common in the conscious mind if self-control is relaxed.

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118 The Language of Dreams Children’s Dreams 119

The Exploding Truck: a child’s dream

The dreamer is an eight-year-old girl who is interpretation on children’s dreams; instead,
having problems with her teacher at school. children must be helped to find their own
This dream took place after a school trip to a associations and draw their own conclusions.
science museum, which the teacher claims the This girl has been having problems with her
child did not enjoy. teacher, which she is unable to communicate
to her parents. In the dream, the threatened
The dreamer describes her dream explosion outside the school is clearly
“There was a big truck with a boiler thing associated with the teacher (“my teacher said
behind it outside the school, and my teacher ... ”), and may represent what appears to the
said she thought it was going to explode. child as the teacher’s unpredictable outbursts
“A man got out of the truck and came of anger. The image of a boiler to symbolize
toward me, and I was scared and ran away. anger may emerge from the visit to the science
Then I was in the car with my daddy. We were museum, and may also originate from the
driving away from this man, and my daddy cliché “to boil over with rage”. The
went through a red stop light and up on the
pavement but there was nobody there. Then
someone came up to us and said that the thing
threatening man who looms toward her from
the truck may symbolize the fear she has of
her teacher, and her wish to escape from her.
F or Kegan, the common experience in
children’s dreams of being eaten alive
is particularly significant, since it represents
of representing and accepting the punitive role
that parents play, while the child’s own acts of
aggression toward parental symbols in dreams
had exploded, and my daddy said we must She relies on her father to make good her a terror of losing an emerging yet fragile can symbolize rivalry directed toward the
go back to the school and see what had escape (“then I was in the car with my daddy”), sense of self in the face of powerful conflicts same-sex parent, or simply their wish to be free
happened. But I didn’t want to go back there.” but knows that he can only do so by between inner impulses and outer demands. In of the dominating force that adults exercise in
breaking the rules of the adult world: jumping psychoanalytical theory, as well as representing daily life.
The interpretation a red stop light. But his efforts come to noth- aspects of the dreamer’s self, the bogeymen of Freud laid particular emphasis upon this last,
Children’s dreams tend to be more episodic ing. As soon as he hears of the teacher’s anger children’s dreams can also symbolize parents wish-fulfilling, aspect of children’s dreaming,
and fragmented than those of adults. This (“someone said that the thing had exploded”) and other powerful adults. A young child has so much so in fact that he considered that
reflects their more limited experience, but he decides that they must return to school, the serious problems in consciously reconciling the children’s dreams “raise no problems for
may also be caused by memory failure or a scene of the child’s problems. She must learn loving, providing aspects of a mother or father solution” and are “quite uninteresting compared
tendency to run several dreams into one. It is a to accept the adult world that her teacher with their function as agents of discipline and to the dreams of adults”. He believed that a
mistake to impose an outside, adult both embodies and symbolizes. reprimnf. Dream witches and wolves are ways child’s relative lack of sexual desire during the

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120 The Language of Dreams

so-called “latency” period (approximately age of his or her own inner nature.
seven to puberty) simplifies the nature of their Anthropologists have identified several
wish-fulfilment during this time, leaving the cultures in which childhood dreaming is allowed
way clear for “the other of the two great vital by society to play a far stronger role in children’s
instincts” to assert itself – desire for food. psychological development. While researching
Jungian psychology, however, claims a level among the Temiar people of Indonesia, Richard
of interpretation for children’s dreams that goes Noone and Kilton Stewart discovered that
beyond that of wishes and desires, recognizing children were routinely asked to recount their
in the bogeyman, hero and heroine the dreams each morning so that the adults of the
archetypal images already activated in the child’s group could “train” them to deal with their
unconscious, and symbolizing not only aspects dream fears and challenges in order to enhance
of waking life but also the child’s mystical sense their psychological development during sleep.

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122 The Language of Dreams Children’s Dreams 123

Joan Halifax, among several anthropologists

Helping Children with Helping Children to Learn from their Dreams
interested in tribal attitudes to dreams, has
Nightmares As children grow, they go through a series of try not to sow any doubts in young minds,
emphasized the crucially important part that Never say that a nightmare was “only a developmental stages, each of which helps while at the same time avoiding giving the
dreams play, sometimes from as early as five dream” – it is important not to trivialize a different, specialized kind of learning to impression that lucid dreaming is guaranteed.
years old, in the life and training of the shaman, dream experiences. Listen to the child’s fears, take place. It is important to grasp these • Tell children your own dreams – provided
by helping him or her to travel in and deal with comfort him or her gently and then explain opportunities because it becomes much that they are not too disturbing! They will
the spirit world. that the monsters we meet in dreams don’t harder to learn as we get older. The ability to love to hear them, and if you follow the habit
So strong is the belief in the creative power of really mean to frighten us. Help the child dream is a case in point. If we encourage our of exchanging dreams with your kids from
dreaming among Australian shamanic cultures to create a dream helper, who will win children to remember and heed their dreams time to time, they will no doubt find this an
that children are taught that the world itself was unpleasant dream creatures over to their early in life, while still open-minded, we can enjoyable and fascinating treat.
brought into being during the “Dreamtime”. side, or help him or her to confront them. save them much effort when they are older. • Don’t try too hard to interpret children’s
However the images, events and symbols of dreams. Welcome them, rather than worry
childhood dreams are understood, there is little 1. Talk to the child about who they would like Children can follow much the same procedures that their dreams reveal parts of themselves
doubt that these dreams play a vital role in the to help them in their dreams – it might be as adults – from keeping a dream diary to using that they don’t understand. You might,
psychological development of children, and that a character from a fairy story or a favourite a helper to deal with nightmares (see opposite). however, explain that a dream event can
they can have a powerful influence upon what book, a figure who has appeared in their Parents, and other adults close to children, can stand for something else. There is no harm in
happens in the years to come. dreams before or, very possibly, an animal. help them by following a few simple guidelines. asking, “What do you think this stands for?”
As adults we may not dream any more with 2. Ask the child to describe their helper – or “What do you think this might mean?”
the intensity that children dream – or not so what they look like, what qualities they have • Invite children to tell you their dreams, and • If the child is really interested in exploring the
often. But those early dreams can resurface from and how they might chase off or transform find time to listen carefully. Children always meaning of dreams, use fairy stories, which
the monsters that appear in their nightmares. learn what is important from the significant have the same archetypal quality as myths
3. Now ask the child to imagine that they adults in their lives. and legends, to provide amplification (see
are back in the dream and to summon their • Resist the temptation to say to children that page 108). For example, Cinderella is a story
dream helper there with them. In their their dreams are “silly” – instead, reassure of goodness triumphing over evil and of the
imagination they can call on their helper and them that their dreams, and their feelings transforming power of grace. Jack and the
ask them to assist in chasing the demons about them, really do matter. Beanstalk demonstrates that a pure heart can
away. Talk through the process with them and • Confidently suggest to children that they can bring greater rewards than materialism, and
reassure them that this is exactly what will influence their dreams. This ability depends demonstrates the value of courage. it also
happen next time they fall asleep. upon the conviction that it can be done, so shows the power of the mind.

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To obtain the full benefits of a rich and illuminating
dream life, there are certain skills we need to obtain
– starting with basic techniques to ensure that
our dreams do not simply slip away into oblivion,
forgotten the next morning. There are a number of
methods you can apply to improve your dream recall.
It is important to keep a dream diary or notebook, not
only to jot down your dreams as soon as possible after
they have taken place, but also as a place to record
your interpretations. This section covers this and
other approaches to dream recall and also offers some
practical tips on how you can prompt dreams – even,
if you are lucky, dreams on specific subjects of your
own choosing.

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The Art of Recall
The first stage of working with dreams is the art of remembering them.
Many people claim never to recall their dreams, and some deny having
dreams at all. However, with practice, and the right technique, it is
not unusual for people to remember several dreams each morning.

S tart with a positive attitude.

Remembering dreams is a habit, and can
be cultivated. The best way is to tell yourself
contents. During the day, think back to the
dream of the night before, even if its details
have faded, and try to relive the emotions
during the day that you will remember your associated with it. Reread your notes and be
dreams that coming night, and upon awakening patient: it may take weeks or months before you
next morning lie still for a while, focusing your regularly remember your dreams, but success
conscious mind on whatever images, thoughts will come if you persevere. To speed things up,
or emotions have emerged from your sleep. occasionally set an alarm clock for about two
Contemplate these perceptions and prod them hours after you usually fall asleep: you will stand
inwardly to see if they prompt dream recall. a good chance of awakening immediately after
Keeping a dream diary makes it possible to the first, dream-laden period of REM sleep.
build up a detailed, sustained picture of your Some dream researchers advise subjects to
dream life. Write down (or sketch) everything collect at least a hundred dreams before starting
you can remember – small details as well as analysis, as it may take this length of time before
main themes – and make a note of any emotions the common themes emerge coherently. It is
or associations that emerge from the dream’s always worth searching for connections with the

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128 Working with Dreams The Art of Recall 129

Each of us dreams, but we may not be aware

of it. Only by developing our powers of dream
recall can we begin to recognize the fullness
T he possibility that we have been
programmed to exclude dreams from
our consciousness is another psychological
of our dream life and interact with the dream obstacle that may prevent us from remembering
process to enhance our self-understanding. them. Repression, the mind’s in-built defence
A marked difference exists between our mechanism, is designed to cushion us against
recollections of real-life events and those of memories, desires or fears too painful or
the dream life. To remember reality, we must troubling to be admitted into our consciousness.
exercise memory; to recall our dreams, we must Material of this kind may be associated with
relax the rational operation of memory to allow childhood or adolescent traumas or with
for the peculiar characteristics of the dream thoughts or actions that we have been taught
world – incongruities, disconnected narratives, make us bad or unlovable. It may relate to
and even subjects that would normally be seen socially uncomfortable drives such as sex, or to
as morally taboo. unrealistic aspirations and hopes that we once
The key to dream recall is wanting to entertained but have now had to admit will
remember. A defence mechanism of the never be realized.
conscious mind automatically protects us against This is the kind of intimate subject matter
memories that may be shocking or distressing. that can emerge in dreams, only to be expelled
We do not consciously tamper with our dreams, or locked away by the mind at the moment of
but our process of recollection can in itself waking. If we can bring such experiences into
act as a censor, so that we unwittingly distort consciousness, we may be able to learn much
events of the day, but remember: the dream has Dreams are elusive. Scientific experiments our dream memories to insulate ourselves. As from them. A high proportion of this material
a reason for choosing these events, and may be have shown that a dreamer who is awakened as a Sigmund Freud noted, dream amnesia may be is much less damaging and more natural than
using them to symbolize deeper material. Note dream comes to an end will recall roughly eighty a repressive defence of the ego. If we can train it might seem (even though it may have been
anything significant about these events and any per cent of its events. After only eight minutes, our minds to develop a more positive attitude wrongly labelled bad by others before we were
memories that they spark off. Such memories recollection falls to around thirty per cent. toward our dreams, accepting whatever strange old enough to form our own opinion); the rest
may lead back to long-forgotten experiences to Over time the dreamer may be left with only encounters come along in a spirit of inner needs to be recognized and laid to rest.
which the dream is trying, in its own symbolic five per cent recall or may even lose the dream discovery, then we can recapture some of the Catching dreams requires us to be as serene
way, to draw your attention. altogether. content that otherwise eludes us. and patient as possible. The best rod fishermen

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130 Working with Dreams The Art of Recall 131

Memory Training for Dream Recall remain totally calm, but they are observant and techniques. If we can learn, similarly, to clear our
Remembering your real life and remembering enough rooms, use areas of the garden as well quick to cast when they see fish rising. When minds of unnecessary tensions, we may go some
your dream life are completely different if you wish – for example, the shed or gazebo a dream breaks into consciousness, the fisher way toward sharpening our own awareness of our
processes. However, your dream recall will and the compost heap or rockery. Fix these of dreams must hook it quickly into memory rich interior lives.
certainly benefit from any improvement you stages in your mind, in a particular, logical before it plunges back into the murky depths of Other theories suggest that the manner of
can bring to your waking memory. Use the order. Then go through your shopping list and the unconscious mind. our waking allows our dream memories to fade
following techniques and exercises to stretch allocate each item to each successive stage or You can aid your memory by keeping a during the hypnopompic (drowsing) state.
your memory’s capacities. room in turn, visualizing each of the items in dream journal permanently by your bedside. Or that we sleep too much, and so sandwich
position there. Use surreal associations to link If, one morning, you find that your dreams are dreamful sleep with periods of deep oblivion.
Changing rooms the item clearly with that part of the house. especially vivid, try to work out why: are there Perhaps the predominant reason that we
Closely observe all the contents of the room For example, if you are at the front door and variables, such as the softness of the pillows, forget our dreams is that we do not regard them
that you are in, and then go out of it. Ask a the first thing on your list is toothpaste, the temperature of the room, or some change in as worthy subjects for our attention. In contrast
friend to make a small change to the room imagine cleaning your teeth using the letterbox your evening routine, that might be responsible? to other cultures and eras, the contemporary
– perhaps by repositioning an ornament or flap as a mirror. Continue through the house Experiment to find the ideal conditions for Western lifestyle fails to recognize the power
a small piece of furniture, or by introducing until every item has been placed somewhere. eventful sleep. of dreams. It would be unthinkable for a Lapp
something new, like a bowl of fruit or a vase. Later, in the store, when the times comes to Dreams offer a route to self-understanding, so reindeer herder or a Xhosa tribesman to say that
Now go back into the room and try to spot the remember your list, imagine yourself walking why do we forget them at all? Almost certainly, he or she never dreamed, or that he tended to
change. With practice, you should be able to through the house in exactly the same way. At the stresses and strains of everyday living – the forget his dreams. He would have learned of
detect even the tiniest of differences. each stage ask yourself what you placed there. anxieties that rush back into their significance in childhood,
The memories should come flooding back. consciousness upon waking – especially as a pathway enabling
The memory house • deaden our dream recollections. him to get closer to the world
Train yourself to remember shopping lists, Although we cannot use memory exercises and Those Hindu and Buddhist of the spirits. Most Westerners,
rather than writing them down. There is a way techniques (check out the books of memory adepts who are said to enjoy however, are still brought up to
to do this that draws upon time-honoured champion Dominic O’Brien to find more of unbroken consciousness (see believe that dreams serve no
memory techniques, practised in ancient them) directly to remember dreams, they do page 46) while sleeping recollect real purpose, and should not be
Greece and Rome. Let’s say you have ten items have positive benefits for dream work. Using easily the entirety of their taken too seriously.
to remember. What you do is identify ten them keeps your memory supple and strong, dreams. This clarity would seem The transfer of material from
stages or rooms on a walk around your house, and enlarges its capacity – rather as physical to result from their mastery of the unconscious world of sleep
starting with the front door. If you don’t have exercise increases your bodily abilities. concentration through meditation to conscious, waking life is a

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132 Working with Dreams The Art of Recall 133

A Vivid Dream, Rooted in Childhood delicate process. It can easily be disrupted by a helpful last thing at night. The unconscious is
conscious mind that refuses to acknowledge that immediately aware of any doubt in our conscious
Dreams from childhood tend to be very mem- corridor, with very high, dusty windows. The the exercise is worthwhile. However, as soon as minds, and all too often responds to this
orable, because they are deep-rooted and creature ran into a room at the end of the we start wanting to remember our dreams, we uncertainty rather than to the message. Sincerely
disturbing. Sometimes such dreams push corridor, and I thought, ‘Now I’ve got you’; but are on the road to succeeding. believe that you can remember your dreams, and
other, less dramatic dreams out of our minds when I ran into the room the door slammed you will find that your dream memory becomes
– until we have exorcised them by accurate
interpretation. Here the dreamer is a female
athlete, successful and single-minded
and locked behind me, and the creature turned
a horrible face toward me and screeched in
triumph. I woke sweating and shaking.”
A relaxed approach to dream recall,
coupled with a hunter’s alertness to any
signs of dreaming, can not only reverse dream
far more accurate.
On a physical level, try to sleep on a harder
bed or in a different room, or simply change the
on the track, but less adept in handling her amnesia, but also promote better sleep, calmer position of your bed – these alterations may be
relationships and wider social life. The interpretation dreams and even lucid dreaming (see pages enough to trigger an alertness that comfort and
This is one of the strangely “real” nightmares 55–64). Consider what you really feel about habit can weaken over time.
The dreamer describes her dream that have plagued the dreamer since dreaming and try to eliminate any negative Above all, use the power of creative
“It was summer and I was standing on an open childhood. They typically start with a man or associations that you have, such as the plague of visualization to increase your chances of
road stretching to the horizon. I could feel the woman running in menacing slow motion. As childhood nightmares. Negative attitudes toward remembering your dreams. Before you go
hot sun on the back of my neck. Then I saw an athlete, the dreamer can usually “solve” her the activity of dreaming can themselves impede to bed, spend some time in a chair in your
someone approaching in the distance, and problems by running faster than her recall. There may be deep-seated unconscious bedroom. Clear your mind of its cluttered
realized that, though they were running, they opponents, but in her dream she is unable reasons why you forget what you have dreamed. thoughts. Then visualize intently the experience
were moving in terrifying slow-motion. I to escape. She herself interpreted this as her Maybe you fear the power of unpleasant dreams. of waking up next morning. Imagine the scene
was rooted to the spot and everything went powerlessness when dealing with others. The Or you might feel that it is self-indulgent to be in vivid detail: the light through your eyelids,
deathly cold. Then somehow I was sitting on horse may represent the force of her interested in dreams, or that paying attention to your first view of the room, the feel of the
the back of a horse, but it just kept eating the emotions, which prevent her from forming them may make you less effective in waking life. sheets or duvet – whatever is normal to your
grass, and refused to move. I dug my heels in, a stable relationship. Only “horrible stuff” Tell yourself that your dreams are helpful, and experience. Weave into this composite image
but they just sank into its sides and some emerges. The horse/corridor is a symbol for that you will begin to remember them; make an the recollection of your dream. Affirm that you
horrible stuff came out. Then I was suddenly her emotional dysfunction: the high windows effort to welcome what your dreams can teach will dream and that you will certainly remember
chasing someone, determined to catch them prevent her from seeing her life in a broader you about yourself, and keep in mind the power your dream. When morning comes, mentally
and teach them a lesson for giving me these perspective. The final, claustrophobic horror of dreams to help you to become a more fulfilled applaud your subconscious for its efforts.
nightmares. I don’t know if it was a man or a means that “I lead myself into my own difficul- and effective human being. Such affirmations, The mind responds surprisingly well to the
woman, but I ran along a long, high-ceilinged ties; I am my own worst enemy.” delivered with confidence, are particularly combination of confident insistence and praise.

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Keeping a Dream Diary 135

Keeping a Dream Diary

The dream diary is an established genre of self-exploration.
Many great writers have kept a notebook by the bed to record
whatever they could remember of their nighttime adventures
of the unconscious. Add drawings and interpretation notes and
you will have a fascinating workbook of the inner self.

W hatever methods you use to help you

to remember your dreams, a dream
diary is essential. Keep a pen and notebook by
simple and open. Use a medium-sized notebook,
not a pocket-sized one, because it’s good if you
can confine all your material to a single double-
Monday, October 8th
Very vivid, bright colours, woke up with feeling of frustration, even anger
I am in a toy store, surrounded by old-fashioned toys. I buy a box of large wooden soldiers with
your pillow, and write in it as soon as you wake page – that way you can ponder the whole dream red coats, but when I take them to the counter to pay, the assistant tells me that they aren’t for
each morning. Make as little other physical and your first thoughts about it more easily. You sale. His face is in shadow, but I notice his black clothes, with triangular wing collar. Instead of the
movement as possible – even turning over in might try writing the dreams on the left-hand soldiers, he asks me to choose a book from a large bookshelf which I have not previously noticed.
bed can banish dream memories. Don’t delay pages and reserving the right-hand page for Feeling disappointed, I take a book at random, and turn the pages. It is full of pictures, and one of
your writing until later: even the most vivid interpretations, comments, sketches and any them shows a box of wooden soldiers. I’m annoyed, because the man has tricked me. He didn’t
dreams will quickly fade or become distorted subsequent analysis. even bother to say hello.
in detail. Make sure that each entry is dated, and that as Interpretation notes:
There are many different ways of keeping much detail as possible is recorded – sometimes Is this about childhood – always wanting more toys than Mom and Dad could afford? Why the old-
a dream diary. Some writers suggest having the most apparently insignificant aspects of a fashioned setting? – like a Victorian toy museum. Could it be about grandparents? They were keen
separate columns for events, characters, colours dream turn out to be the most revealing. Write that I study, and they always gave me a book for birthdays and Christmas – usually an
and emotions, but categorizing memories during in the present tense: try to relive the dream as inappropriate one. Related to Sarah [the dreamer’s wife] thinking I should read more? Who could
recall can be another way of losing them. The you record it, and make a careful note of your the toyseller represent? Work connections?
best approach is probably to keep the layout emotions. On the facing page is a typical entry.

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136 Working with Dreams

Your Dream Sketchbook

Even if you would claim no artistic skills for their clothes are more important than their
yourself at all, a sketch can often catch the features, and clothes are not too difficult to
mood of a dream more successfully than
a written entry. In any case, making notes
immediately after you have roused yourself
draw. Animals can be represented in a similar
way. Familiar features such as trees and trains
are also easy. Do not worry at all about
How to Encourage Dreams
from sleep requires you to make a mental getting the perspective right. However, do Each of us has the ability to dream imaginatively and vividly. If our dream
adjustment that can sometimes interpose take account of scale – one person might be life seems barren, we can use numerous techniques to encourage it to
itself between you and your dream. It all bigger than another because he or she looms
blossom. By experimenting with various adjustments in the bedroom,
depends on how natural a writer you are larger in your life. If anyone speaks in your
– some people find they can do a sketch dream, write their words in a speech bubble, such as moving the furniture around or varying the temperature, as well
without losing touch with the experience. as if drawing a cartoon. as using visualization, it is often possible to enrich our dream life to a
surprising degree. In time, we can even learn, through auto-suggestion,
• Even hasty doodles in your dream diary • The resulting sketch is likely to end up
will help you to record and remember your looking like a child’s drawing. Do not be
to guide our unconscious minds into realms of our own choosing.
dreams. However, for more detailed depic- embarrassed by this: remember that children
tions it is a good idea to keep a separate
sketch book.
are closer to the inner life of the unconscious
than we are, because there has been less time
for a cultural overlay to be imposed.
T he circumstances of sleep have a crucial
effect on the likelihood of your having a
dream. Avoid alcohol and stimulants just before
enlightenment, it is useful to cultivate the art
of visualization. For many people, this means
rediscovering an ability that has been lost to
• Artistic ability is not important in the dream bedtime, but do have a soothing beverage, such them since childhood. We may think that we
sketch book: what really matters is that you • As an alternative to simple pictorial as cocoa, if you wish. Ensure that the bedroom look at the world perceptively, but many of us
sincerely attempt to convey the emotional representation, you could try summarizing is a pleasant, comfortable environment – and do not: instead we attend to the world’s surfaces
feel and atmosphere of the dream. The very your dream as a diagram. Place the most perhaps one decorated with objects (ornaments, with only half our attention, relying on habit and
process of sketching your dreams may trigger significant or unusual feature at the centre photographs, mementoes and so on) that have automatism to get by.
further dream recall. of the page, and arrange any subsidiary personal significance for you. If you find dreams As an introductory exercise, try staring,
symbols around it.Use arrows to indicate elusive, try varying some aspect of the room, or without blinking, at an object or a scene. Close
• Simplify your drawing, even to the point of movement or action. Pondering the diagram try sleeping in a different position. your eyes, but keep the image in your mind,
being diagrammatic. For example, it is best to as a whole can be a helpful starting-point for Dreams are essentially visual experiences, so remembering as much detail as you can – watch
render human beings as stick people. Often interpretation. to realize the full potential of dreams for self- as it lingers in your imagination. If you find

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138 Working with Dreams How to Encourage Dreams 139

that the image remains rather vague, open your to have more fulfilling and revealing dream
eyes and remind yourself of the details. Then experiences, as well as paving the way for more
close your eyes and try again. If you find this vivid dream recall. Furthermore, the meditative
exercise difficult, choose a simple object such as state can even encourage lucid dreaming (see
a lighted candle, building up to more complex pages 55–64).
visualizations once you have mastered the basic Deep meditation produces a state of mind
approach. By training our consciousness in this akin to that of sleep. The breathing slows,
way, and practising visualization exercises before the pulse rate drops, oxygen consumption
we sleep, we can help our unconscious to dream is reduced and the patterns produced by
about particular themes or images. As we sleep, our brainwaves become more regular. This
these topics may vividly and memorably play provides a mental space free from stimulation,
themselves out. a forum for creative imaginings. There may
To incubate a particular dream, you need to even be fantastical visions, similar to those in counting one as you inhale, two as you exhale. symbolism: simply take the image into your
visualize carefully chosen cues – perhaps the hypnagogia (see pages 50–54). In REM sleep Don’t worry if your thoughts keep wandering: mind and let it rest there, with your eyes open.
architecture of a house or a significant landscape, the mind is actively dreaming, while the body is daily practice will make it increasingly easy to Subtly, this process will help to open out your
or a loved one’s face. You could even consider still – also a characteristic of meditation. Some control your attention. mind and make it more receptive to experiences
collecting cues in physical form by the bedside. people, at advanced levels of spirituality, are Various other techniques can help you to such as dreams.
Through these mental devices, we might, for able to meditate in place of sleep. concentrate and attain a meditative state. You More specifically, by meditating on an image
example, incubate a dream of someone who Meditation allows the mind to free itself can repeatedly and rhythmically speak a word or that has already emerged in your dream life, you
is separated from us by distance – having a from immediate concerns. If you have never phrase (mantra) that has no connotations for you. may be able to encourage dreams that develop
photograph of them by your bed, or perhaps meditated before, begin with a basic breathing Or you can recite a verse of poetry or a prayer, or the idea embodied by this image.
a ring or scarf or something you have used meditation. Sit comfortably in a quiet room. visualize an image – perhaps a geometric form As we have seen in connection with the art of
together, like a chess set or camera or maybe a Relax your body by tensing and then releasing such as the mandala used in Eastern meditation, dream recall (see pages 126–133), an invaluable
book or an old theatre programme, might help to its various muscle groups in turn – starting with symbolizing wholeness. Authentic mandalas technique for dream-life enhancement is
produce results. the toes and moving upward. Fix your attention tend to be too esoteric in their symbolism to “creative visualization”, which is based on the
on your breath, focusing your awareness on be of use to any but the committed meditator. idea that by giving imaginary visual form to

M editation, by cultivating concentration

and receptivity and making space for
“leakages from the unconscious”, can help us
your nostrils and experiencing the sensations of
breathing in and breathing out. If your attention
wanders, concentrate again by mentally
However, that is no reason for you not to try
meditating on abstract geometrical shapes, even
quite complex ones. Do not worry about the
our hopes and desires, we may help them to
be realized. During a breathing meditation you
might visualize your conscious self peeling itself

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140 Working with Dreams How to Encourage Dreams 141

away from your body and crossing over the room Contacting the Unconscious of determined work instructions that
to sit in a chair opposite you. Then you might on our part, it may are clear and
imagine this conscious self moving into the
space of the unconscious mind and unlocking
the doors leading into your dreams, which it is
A s you progress with your dream work,
delving into dream symbols and
archetypes and making discoveries about your
apparently fail to
yield any insights,
or indeed any
unambiguous, such
as “I am going
to remember my
then seemingly free to explore. All the time, inner self, the unconscious becomes, in a sense, dreams at all – only dreams”, or “I am
you are controlling the action of your phantom your companion. It acts as both object and ally of to reward us when going to dream
consciousness as it makes its discoveries. It your researches. Your aim is to coax it into giving we least expect about my change
is entirely possible that this control will be you the benefits of its insights through dreams it with the result of career”, or even
absorbed subliminally into your dream life, so that are rich and revealing. that we have been “I am going to
that you will be able to make a conscious choice While doing this, however, you must bear in seeking. It is important to be patient, and not to fly in my dreams.” Repeat such affirmations
to have a dream that night – with reasonable mind that it has its own way of operating, which waver in your belief that the unconscious will frequently during the day.
confidence that such a dream will take place. is very different from that of the conscious mind. perform for you. In the evening, listen to music which you feel
The latter is generally rational, logical and linear; The unconscious does, however, resemble echoes or represents the dream mood you wish

The Gates of Ivory and Horn it seeks out patterns and relationships, thrives on the conscious mind in that it responds well to to experience; read romantic or mystical poetry,
consistency and predictability, thinks principally praise. You must befriend it, letting it know visualizing its symbols and pondering the deep
The ancient Greeks believed that the gods in terms of words, and can readily test itself how much you value it. Reward it verbally metaphors involved. Watch and listen as your
sent true dreams to us through gates of on what it has learned. The unconscious, on and with warm feelings for the dreams it gives
horn, while less meaningful dreams emerged the other hand, is much more unruly in its you, and make sure that you thank it for any Inducing Creative Dreams
through gates of ivory. Before sleeping, the operations. It tends to be stubborn and wilful, improvement you see in your dream life. Ask
Many writers, painters and musicians use
dreamer would ask his or her chosen god for and to behave in a manner that is inconsistent what further help you can give to it, and wait in
their dream life as a source of inspiration.
favourable dreams. You can perform a similar and unpredictable. Sometimes it obstinately silence for the answers it provides.
There is probably something self-fulfilling
exercise, using the Greek gods to represent refuses to cooperate: we are all familiar with the Never regard actions of this kind as fanciful.
about this process. The excitement generated
your psychic energies. Conjure in your mind way our minds can lay an anxiety to rest, while Eventually, they can become an effective aid
by a dream that “wants” to turn itself into art
an image of the gates of horn, and choose our emotions, prompted by the unconscious, to your self-integration, producing a range of
alerts the unconscious to a rich and
one of the gods – perhaps Apollo, god of the continue to worry away. psychological benefits as well as improvements
rewarding seam of the self. It is as if the un-
arts, or Aphrodite, goddess of love. Imagine It would be unrealistic to expect the in dreaming.
conscious has been given a new playground –
the deity sending you dreams of creative unconscious to respond to us with an attitude of The best way to approach the unconscious
inevitably it will choose to return there.
wisdom, inner harmony and well-being. reasonable compliance. Even after a long period is through simplicity and repetition. Give it

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142 Working with Dreams How to Encourage Dreams 143

Shamanic Dream Practice mind learns to absorb impressions. Resist the Inspiration from dreams can help us to carry
Dissolving the Mental Wall
Shamans induce dreams in order to gain temptation to reduce these impressions to the out an essential task of creativity: playing with During sleep, our dream selves travel freely
important insights from the spirit world – level of rational, linear thought by expressing our ideas, trying them for size and rearranging through our inner world of the unconscious.
insights they can use to heal the sick, guide them as words. them until they make a coherent whole. The visualization below, based on time-
hunters to their prey and learn the destiny Contemplating archetypal themes in honoured techniques employed in both
of their tribe. In their tents or huts, or just literature, such as the story of desire and Dreams in View: a parable Eastern and Western traditions, is designed
outside, they perform special rituals to ease enthralment recounted by Keats in his poem to open up our waking selves to the
the transformation to another realm. Devis- “La Belle Dame Sans Merci”, can bring benefits Imagine going to the theatre to watch a play, but unhindered creativity of the dream world.
ing your own neo-shamanic dream ritual is a to our dream lives. being shown to a bad seat, far from the stage
good way to deepen your relationship with It may be helpful to think of the unconscious and behind a pillar. You have a limited view, and 1. Imagine yourself looking out of a window
your unconscious. as the source of your psychological life, and to are able to take in only fragments of the action. in a stone tower. You see two different types
see the conscious mind as a kind of overlay that You find that you can make little sense of the of terrain, with a high stone wall between
• Incense is a safe, pleasant and practical filters the unconscious through learning and play. The next week you pay another visit to the them. One landscape is the familiar realm of
way to provide smoke for a harmless ritual experience. The more rigid and inflexible the theatre. The play is different this time, but your everyday reality. The other is the
to arouse the creative imagination. Light conscious mind becomes, the more thoroughly seat is the same. Again, you catch only glimpses. landscape of the dream world, where the
an incense stick and hold it successively it prevents the energy of the unconscious from You try on one more occasion – perhaps you laws of nature and logic are suspended.
toward each of the four points of the emerging into awareness. have just been unlucky. But again your evening
compass, representing the four elements: We can also encourage the different aspects is disappointing. You are tempted to give up, 2. Imagine the power of your own thought
in your mind, link East with air, South with of the mind to work in unison by employing a vowing never to visit the theatre again. making a breach in the wall – as if a storm had
fire, West with water, and North with earth. simple visual metaphor. Visualize the conscious However, theatre-goers who have been to the battered it. Through this hole the atoms and
Hold the stick high toward the sky (in mind as a staid, puritanical doorkeeper holding same plays but have had a better view of what molecules of the dream landscape start to
shamanic traditions, representing the father) shut the door through which the unconscious was going on insist that their experiences have flow into the everyday landscape. It is like an
and then toward the earth (representing the is vainly trying to enter. Now imagine the been worthwhile, telling you of the beauty and invasion of the energies of dreaming.
mother). conscious mind opening the door and greeting interest of what they have seen.
• Devise your own visualization and form of the unconscious as a long-lost brother or sister, If you have followed the advice of this 3. Now imagine the wall between the two
words to accompany each of these and watch as the two aspects of the mind agree chapter, you will have gained for yourself a landscapes dissolving altogether. What
movements, asking for dreams to be sent that they both have much to learn from each prime seat in the nightly theatre of sleep. you see is one parish, full of wonders and
from the four directions, and from the sky other. Feel certain that from now on, they will You are now ready to make some significant surprises. You live in your tower, but you can
above and the earth beneath. work together in harmony. discoveries about yourself. appreciate the landscape beyond.

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Dream Sharing 145

advice on a troubling subject. Conversely, if you Start by recounting the dream, trying to recall
are the narrator, do not be tempted to disguise as much as you can. Next, give your emotional
the dialogue as a joke if what you are really reactions to the dream and its setting. Did you

Dream Sharing looking for is a thoughtful, sensitive reaction.

Your dreams are a deeply personal part of
your life, and it follows that you should think
behave as your waking self would have done? If
the dream was unfinished, how would you have
liked it to end? If it was unsatisfactory in some
A dream is a very personal experience, and it takes a certain amount twice before using them to entertain way, what improvements would you have
of boldness to discuss its symbolism honestly with someone else. The mere acquaintances. After liked? You can then generate direct
observing the ways in associations from the most
effort, however, is worthwhile. A co-worker in your interpretation can,
which his patients would potent images and events
by their mere presence, prompt you to surprising insights. And if they revise their dreams of the dream, and perhaps
are skilled, they can help to coax significant revelations into the open. when recounting them lead into a discussion
during psychoanalysis, of possible overall

M ost of us, at one time or another, have

related a dream to another person. The
motivations behind such dream reports are many
inner lives, as we listen to ourselves translating
the dream into a narrative. Our own ideas
about its meaning, combined with those of our
Sigmund Freud
identified a process that
he termed “secondary
When listening to
others, the important thing
and various: we may describe our dreams simply friend, can take us in unforeseen directions as revision”. This refers to is to help the dreamer
to shock or to entertain; or perhaps we seek the dialogue develops. It is good to have such the dreamer’s tendency to to remember his or her
fresh perspectives on a dream experience that conversations as soon as possible after the dream distort dreams as he or she dreams as fully as possible.
we think might be meaningful; or ultimately experience, to retain vivid sensations and deeply recollects them, to make them Use open questions – such as
we may be seeking confirmation of our own felt moods. Try to get into the habit of thinking more coherent and consistent and to “How did you feel about this event
interpretation. However, there is another, more that your dream is recent news, hot off the press impose a spurious order upon the outpourings of or character?” or “How would you like the
basic function served by dream talk, and that is of the imagination – akin to what you did last the unconscious. dream to have ended?” – to help your subject
to help us arrive at a truer understanding of what night, only much more personal. Prepare for dream talk by mutually to uncover interpretations. Feel free to suggest
has actually taken place: by setting ourselves the When listening to a friend’s dream account, undertaking a vow of honesty. Make it clear that some ideas of your own, but always express
task of description, we are encouraged to relive remember that profound sensitivities may be you will present the dream in all its untidiness, them as questions. For example: “That suggests
the dream as accurately as possible. exposed. Even if the dream is being told in a rounding off no rough corners. Avoid the so-and-so to me; does that make sense?” Never
Sharing a dream with a friend or partner can spirit of playfulness, the true motive may be to temptation of trying to bridge any gaps in logic forget that it is the other person’s dream, and
also open up a whole world of insights into our open up an intimate dialogue, or to elicit your through the exercise of waking imagination. that in the end, only he or she can interpret it.

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Dream Meetings 147

Guidelines for a Dream Meeting

Work with a partner, close friend or relative as you listen, enter the scene in your
who is interested in the attempt, and who imagination, filling in the details and telling

Dream Meetings is at least open-minded as to its chances of

success. People who have a close emotional
bond with each other are more likely to be
each other what you see. This stage of the
operation is best performed with relaxed
personal contact rather than over the phone.
The idea of arranging to meet a friend in a dream may strike you as successful in this undertaking than casual
extremely fanciful or surreal – indeed, there has been at least one Hollywood acquaintances. 4. After several of these preparatory sessions,
decide to meet at the appointed place on a
science fiction movie that incorporates the notion. However, someone
1. Spend some time planning and preparing particular night at a set time, and feel
with a high level of self-awareness and mental control should find dream for your dream meeting. It is good to start the confident that you will do so. Make your
meetings perfectly possible – if they are prepared to put in the effort. planning at least a week before the night in arrangements very detailed, and rehearse them
question, to allow your unconscious to inwardly as frequently as possible, especially

O ne way to test our ability to control our

dreams is to arrange to meet someone
in them, and to share the same dream. This
wander aimlessly in the dream world, without
direction or purpose, this is by no means
inevitable. One way to harness the dream body’s
acclimatize to the idea – and hopefully take
the plan for granted.
just before sleep. If your companion is a
sleeping partner, it is good to snuggle up close
to them and say “See you shortly” as well as
may seem wildly improbable, yet people who energies more effectively is to give it specific 2. Decide together on a meeting place that has “Goodnight”. Otherwise, convey the same
are emotionally close to each other can have tasks, such as meeting a friend. pleasant, but not over-intense, emotional as- message of au revoir over the telephone late
very similar dreams. This might be because Oliver Fox, an English researcher and writer, sociations for you both. Spend time “tuning in” that night.
they share many of the waking experiences that agreed with two friends to meet in a dream on a to each other, talking about the chosen place,
provide the dreaming mind with its subject nearby village green. That night Fox dreamed discussing your shared memories and 5. In the morning, make a point of telling
matter, but sometimes the shared dream is quite that he met one of his friends there, but not the enjoying feelings of mutual harmony. It is each other your dreams as soon as you can.
unexpected in content and can be corroborated other. Next day the friend who had been present helpful to engage in such conversations over a Compare your dreams carefully, and look for
by comparing specific details. recounted a similar dream, while the absent series of meetings or telephone calls. correspondences.
Some Western mystical fraternities and friend could not remember dreaming at all.
Eastern spiritual traditions actively encourage It is worth persisting with dream sharing, 3. When the mood feels right, visualize with 6. Be patient, and be prepared to try the
their members to share their dreams as part even if you have no success initially. If you your dream sharing partner the place that you experiment many times. Defeatism and
of the process of realizing their true nature. do succeed, it is fascinating to discuss the want to visit. Describe the scene to each other; scepticism are major obstacles to success.
Although the dream body is usually left to differences and similarities with your sharer.

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The Art of Interpretation 149

the recurring themes that emerge from a dream to the original stimulus. Try to ensure that each
diary. Whether analysis concentrates on these association is specific: if the dream contained
themes or on powerful individual dreams, a red car, it may be its colour, rather than the

The Art of Interpretation a good way to start is to separate the dream

material into discrete categories: for example,
scenery, objects, characters, events, colours,
fact that it is a car, that is of most symbolic
significance. When no more associations come to
mind, put the paper aside and go on to the next
The symbol directory in this book (pages 158–447) is intended as a wide- emotions. You should not be too rigorous about dream symbol with which you want to deal, and
ranging tool for dream interpretation. Before you use it, read this section this process: these categories may well overlap, so on, until all the desired categories have been
on some of the basic principles of the practice. There are no inflexible and the memories themselves may be vague covered.
or confused. But try not to ignore apparently Jung suggested that direct association
rules, but there are approaches that many have found work for them.
unimportant details, because these may be the becomes easier if the dreamer imagines
very aspects that carry the most meaning. that he or she is describing each element to
“When read correctly, [dream] images tell us who we dogmatic dream dictionaries, which ascribe Start by selecting someone who has never
are instead of who we think we are. They speak to us specific meanings to dream experiences without something from encountered such a thing
about our actual impact on others, not about what we any exploration of alternatives. Dreams that whichever of the before. He also advocated
would like that impact to be.” arise from the personal unconscious (Level 2 categories appears elaborating upon direct
Montague Ullman dreams) are especially inclined to use images most relevant, and associations, linking them
and associations from the dreamer’s own life subject it to the process to any personal reactions

D reams are a conversation between the

unconscious and the conscious levels
of the mind – levels that speak subtly different
history and subjective inner world.
Successful dream interpretation depends on
learning a few simple techniques and making
of Jungian direct
association. Write
down the object (or
or responses that may
arise for the dreamer in
response to the original
languages. Although the conscious mind may a special study of your own dreams to unravel whatever) in the centre dream image.
think that it understands what the unconscious their very personal messages. Other people of a sheet of paper, or a If few associations
is saying in dreams, it can, like a naive and can make suggestions as to the meaning of page in your notebook, arise from a dream’s main
inexperienced translator, make a nonsense of the your dreams, but only you can experience your hold this in the mind, elements, the dream may
true meaning. inner world, and you are the final authority and note down all be operating at Level
Although the language of dreams is in some in interpreting the information that your associated images and 1, carrying little or no
respects consistent for us all, we have personal unconscious is seeking to convey. ideas that come to symbolic meaning, and
idiosyncrasies that limit the usefulness of The best way to analyze dreams is through you. Keep returning simply serving as a literal

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150 Working with Dreams The Art of Interpretation 151

Some Dream Interpretation Tips reminder of the significance carried by certain which requires us to trace connections between
events in the dreamer’s life. At best, it might be the symbols of the dream and related archetypes
The guidelines below are not exhaustive Wordplay providing clues about the solution to problems in myth and folktale.
but are aimed at providing a set of Most of our inner mental activity is conducted that have been worrying the dreamer at a Jung stressed that the analyst should always
watchpoints or tips that can be trusted to in language, so it is hardly surprising that conscious level. involve imposing a dream interpretation upon
increase the likelihood of a successful dream language can feature in dreams, even if its If the dream has a deeper resonance for the the dreamer: the meaning is uncovered only
interpretation. Use these points to get started role may be disguised. For example, if a dreamer, however, it might be operating at if it provides him or her with a self-generated
as a beginner, or to free the imaginative dream shows a pine tree, it is possible that Level 2, using symbolism. This is where dream insight, whether welcome or unwelcome, that
blockages that will inevitably occur, even to the reference is to “pining” in the sense interpretation becomes really interesting, as rings true. Interpretations should always “act”
the experienced analyst. of melancholy emotion – especially if you we begin to encounter the unconscious mind for the dreamer, setting his or her life “in
remember someone using that word in a way communicating its deepest messages. motion” again.
Resemblances that concerned you. When a name appears in If Jungian direct association fails to uncover
If the meaning of a symbol is defeating you, a dream, consider the meaning of the word any such significance, Freudian free association
ask yourself what it most resembles. The or its individual syllables. “Ray” is a name, may be helpful, allowing the mind freely to
textbook example, of course, is the Freudian for example, but also a beam of sunlight. follow a whole chain of thoughts and images
interpretation of a pencil as a penis or a tunnel “Mulholland Drive” includes “Holland”, a flat set off by the individual dream element, with
as a vagina. country that may suggest openness or lack of one idea emerging spontaneously from another.
Notice how clever the pencil symbolism is – excitement; and “Drive”, which might suggest Jung complained that such freestyle associations
this is typical of the associations made by the “car” – confinement, or a wish to take to the lead the dreamer too far away from the original
unconscious. A pencil has an appropriate shape road. The dreaming mind likes occasional puns. dream, but Freud’s method can reveal significant
for the association, but also contains lead – a repressed memories, urges or emotions that
creative substance that is expended in a Function / operation direct association may fail to reach.
meeting of pencil and paper (male and female). When an object appears in a dream, consider A dream that seems mysteriously important
The tunnel also has double significance: it has a its function and its mode of operation in all to the dreamer is well worth scanning for
vaginal shape and admits a forceful the ways you can think of. For example, a pair archetypal symbols (see pages 103–107), which
visitor, the train (penis). Bear in mind that of scissors has a hinge and you never find one if they are present suggest that the dream is
dream resemblances need not be sexual. A blade separate from the other. Perhaps in operating at Level 3. For these “grand” dreams
globe of the world resembles a beach ball; a some way the implement suggests balance or Jung recommended, as a further way of teasing
ribbon, a road; a child’s kite, a bird. inseparability? out their meaning, amplification (see page 108),

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Problem Solving
We normally think of reason and logic as the obvious tools to
use in working out the answer to a conundrum. But then again,
experience tells us that a breakthrough in our thinking can sometimes
come to us from nowhere, as if out of a clear blue sky. Dreams
can provide unexpected solutions to all kinds of questions.

T he prescription that we should sleep upon

problems is well known. Although the
conscious ego is inactive while we sleep, some
in a dream. Working hard on the problem, he
fell asleep and dreamed of molecules dancing
before his eyes, forming into patterns, then weight, dreamed their respective values and be indicated by an old three-legged stool from
part of the mind continues to work, processing joining like a snake catching its tail in a dream subsequently found all but one to be correct, the dreamer’s childhood.
information, storing memories, sometimes representation of the so-called “benzene ring”. a discovery that led to the publication of his One of the most astonishing of all dream
untying even the knottiest intellectual, We can sometimes obtain a demonstration periodic law in 1869. discoveries, involving visitation by a dream
emotional or moral problems. Unencumbered of the problem-solving power of the dreaming When dreams offer symbolic rather than literal ghost, is that of H.V. Hilprecht, Professor of
by the conventions of the conscious mind, mind if we visualize an unsolved anagram or solutions, interpretation can be more difficult. Assyrian at the University of Pennsylvania.
the unconscious is free to take an unorthodox mathematical puzzle while drifting to sleep. The scientist Niels Bohr identified the model of In 1893, Hilprecht was trying to decipher
approach that can provide the very breakthrough Instructing the mind to work on the puzzle, just a hydrogen atom in 1913 after a dream in which inscriptions on drawings of two agate fragments
that we have been racking our brains for. before sleep descends, can often stimulate a he stood on the sun and saw the planets attached believed to come from finger rings dating from
Sometimes answers are actually given in dream solution. to its surface by thin filaments as they circled c.1300 bc and excavated from the ruins of a
dreams. A famous example is that of the German The answer may come literally, unfiltered overhead. Numerical solutions, in particular, temple at Nippur in modern Iraq. Discouraged
chemist Friedrich Kekulé who claimed that his by symbolism. The Russian chemist Dimitri may be conveyed in symbolic form, perhaps by lack of success, Hilprecht retired to bed
ground-breaking discovery of the molecular Mendeleev, after many fruitless attempts to using associations lodged deep in the personal and dreamed that an ancient Babylonian priest
structure of benzene, in 1961, came to him tabulate the elements according to their atomic unconscious. For example, the number 3 might appeared before him to inform him with a

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154 Working with Dreams Problem Solving 155

wealth of background detail that the fragments understanding, and this is why a psychoanalyst
The Blue-sky Dream Oracle: your inner life coach
were not separate rings at all but part of a will spend so much time helping us to delve into Submitting your personal problems to unconscious might be preparing for you. In
cylinder that the priests had cut up to make our past experiences. By bringing our anxieties the hidden wisdom of the dream world is fact, it is better to do this analysis a few days
earrings for a statue. If they were put together, to the light of day, we can release ourselves from certainly worth trying. Look for quick answers, before you submit your issue to your dreams.
the priest told him, the original inscription their power – or at least ensure that the pain by all means. But if you fail to find them,
could be read with ease. Hilprecht awoke and they cause is considerably diminished. interpret the dream as just one further step Visualizing the question
confirmed the truth of his dream, receiving final The anxieties that can be addressed in this in the process of self-exploration that you are Before you go to sleep, hold the images in your
proof when he examined the fragments in the way are the deep-rooted ones – the chronic conducting through your dream work. mind, and ask your unconscious if it will kindly
museum at Istanbul. issues in our lives. Often we spend hardly any give you an opinion as to your best course
Dreams can help with personal problems time thinking consciously about such problems, Framing the question of action. Think of your chosen imagery, in
as well as intellectual ones. Asking your which is precisely why they are so dangerous Express your dilemma to yourself as clearly a relaxed way, without emotion, before you
unconscious for help is a matter of holding the to our peace of mind at the unconscious level. as possible. Write it down and tinker with the climb into bed or as you lie waiting for sleep
issue in your mind before going to sleep, feeling However, there are also many anxieties that words until they seem just right. Then try to to come. Do not think about your dilemma,
relaxed and confident in the knowledge that you are specific, temporary, and fully present to our convert the dilemma to symbolic language. For only about the visual symbols which you have
have no need to worry about the solution during conscious understanding. Indeed, we may spend example, if you are unsure whether to travel chosen to embody it.
the night: your sleeping mind will do all the hours of time turning them over in our minds. or to stay at home (a very simple example by
work, and may reveal the answer in the morning, Issues related to our childcare arrangements, way of illustration), think up an image for each Next morning
either as a fully-formed reply or buried in a our life–work balance, our financial prosperity, alternative – perhaps a hearth and a train. When you wake, record any dream you might
dream. When you wake up, you may find that even our vacation plans, all fall into this have had, in the way you normally do. But
you simply “know” the solution. If not, search category. Often our worries will revolve around a Exploring the associations before you subject the dream to detailed
for it in your dreams, where it could appear dilemma: there are arguments on both sides and At some point during the day, think through interpretation in your usual way, just consider
symbolically, or as a visual or verbal pun, which we cannot work out what to do for the best. the various implications of each possible whether you have received an answer to your
may need further interpretation. In the same way that dreams can come course of action – ponder on all that the question. Did either of your two symbols
up with blue-sky answers to intellectual hearth means and all that the train means. appear in the dream? If both, what relation

W e have seen how working with dreams,

and particularly their symbolism, over a
period of time can enable us to reach a new level
conundrums, similarly they can enlighten us
about the best course of action in a specific
personal situation. Some guidelines for using
Do not go through these probably quite
uncomfortable thoughts just prior to sleep,
however – they would disturb your night
was implied between them? If only one, was
your dream telling you to avoid it or embrace
it? If neither did your dream choose its own,
of awareness. Many of the ghosts that haunt dreams in this way, as a wise oracle of advice, and muddy any possible answer that the different language to answer your question?
us can be eliminated by the spotlight of self- are given on the opposite page.

144-157 WORKING WITH DREAMS indd.indd 154-155 3/12/10 11:33 am

156 Working with Dreams Dealing with Nightmares 157

Nightmare Quick-fix
Worry about nightmares can be self-fulfilling:
if we actively fear meeting the monster or

Dealing with Nightmares dentist again, we are investing energy in

visualization – the same visualization which
in a positive context is a highly effective
Bad dreams are a kind of haunting – the ghost of a fear or trauma stalks dream cue. The answer to this problem lies in
not trying to counteract this syndrome (for
our sleep and may bring terror, which leaves its residue long after we have
example, by imagining a tranquil landscape
woken. Occasional nightmares are of no great concern, but regular ones before sleep); rather, we must accept that the
need serious work, starting with a probing analysis of dream symbols. nightmare image may manifest itself and find
a way to make the image less threatening if it
does so.

H istorically, nightmares were thought to

be caused by nighttime visitations from
demons: the “mare” was a monstrous being that or suppressing in real life. They permit us to
Transforming the monster through
visualization, just prior to sleep, is one key to
success. Picture the creature of your dreams
descended upon sleeping souls to satisfy its lust. vent fears and frustrations directly, in ways that, as vividly as possible, and imagine it, with
In modern times, however, the most widely held because of social pressures, may be difficult or equal vividness, tamed by the superior power
view is that bad dreams force us to confront and impossible within the confines of daily life. of wisdom or enlightenment. It can be useful
deal with the events, actions or reactions that we As a nightmare unfolds, the pulse and to imagine wisdom in humanized form, as a
may feel particularly angry or emotional about in respiratory rate of the dreamer can double. In dream helper – a figure that you consciously
waking life. the face of acute danger, the dreamer tends introduce into your dreams. For example,
During a nightmare, the traumas that we face to awaken, using consciousness as a means of you might visualize Perseus, the Greek hero
tend to feel terrifyingly real. We might be locked escape. But often the dream lingers in the mind, who rescued the maiden Andromeda from a
in combat with a murderous animal or person; and the dreamer feels unsettled in its aftermath. malevolent sea serpent.
be unable to save a loved one from peril; or Nightmares can even “stalk” us – recurring In some nightmares there is no clear
even be the perpetrator of a violent act. These night after night until we may be afraid to enemy, but you can still make progress by
scenarios cause our dream selves to experience go to sleep, or at least we remain in a state of visualizing a dream helper to point out to you
the emotions that we have been grappling with hypnagogia, hovering on the margins of sleep. that the threat in the dream is not real.

144-157 WORKING WITH DREAMS indd.indd 156-157 3/12/10 11:33 am


Dreams are a conversation we have with ourselves,
in a symbolic language that sends messages
between the unconscious and conscious levels
of our minds. We are the authors and actors of
our dreams, and ultimately the best judges of
their meanings. Remember that no interpretation
offered either by this directory or by any other
outsider is likely to be correct unless you, the
dreamer, recognizes it as authentic.

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 158-159 3/12/10 11:28 am

160 161

Identity and Destiny

Each of our dreams has relevance to ourselves and to our
If we are afraid of losing direction in bearings may be followed by frustration
relationships. Just as we have individual personalities in waking life, our lives, this may give rise to dreams in and panic. In dreams a map can represent
so we have our own characteristics in dream life, and these aspects which we are trapped in clinging fog or self-knowledge, and a failure to read
mist, or wandering in a setting shorn of its signs warns us that we are in danger
of the self must be recognized in any dream interpretation. all the landmarks by which of becoming unknown
However, by collecting and comparing the experiences of different we normally orientate territory to ourselves.
ourselves. If our dream Fears about loss of
dreamers, we can broadly identify the types of dreams that are journey is fraught with identity may give rise
most commonly reported, and the actions and events that most anxieties, we may not be to dreams in which the
ready to leave the secure dreamer is unable to recall
often take place in them. These predominant dream themes seem
confines of the conscious his or her name when
to arise out of our common preoccupations, the universal currency mind, and should take challenged, or is suddenly
of the dream world. stock before approaching unable to produce vital
the “true self”. Struggling identification documents
to find the way, we may when they are demanded.
become increasingly One of Freud’s patients,
disorientated – an example suffering from an acute
of a dream using an obvious identity crisis, dreamed
metaphor to express itself. that she was stopped by
But if the route in the dream becomes a policeman as she was walking down
increasingly clear, and the goal is a street. The policeman asked her to
excitedly anticipated, it may be time to produce her identity card. When she
tread a new path. showed it to him, she was horrified to
Provided that we can read it, a chart or discover that the card bore her picture,
map is the symbol par excellence of a sure but where her name should have been
and predictable direction; if it proves printed she saw the word “Hysteria”
incomprehensible, however, our loss of written instead.

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 160-161 3/12/10 11:28 am

162 Themes Activities and
Identity Being 163
StatesandofDestiny 163

Getting lost remove a mask, or is forced by others to wear

one, this suggests that the real self is becoming
A maze in a dream usually relates to the increasingly obscured. Wearing a veil over the
dreamer’s descent into the unconscious. It may head indicates the dreamer’s wish to become
represent the complex defences put up by the invisible – an introverted desire to withdraw
conscious ego to prevent unconscious wishes from the outside world.
and desires from emerging into the light. Lost
among towering trees or tall reeds, we may feel Distortions
our progress to be impeded by insurmountable
obstacles. As in the tale of Hansel and Gretel Looking into a dream mirror and seeing
which many of us will recall from childhood, this someone else’s face reflected there is the classic
feeling might evoke a profound longing for the dream of an identity crisis – the sudden sense
comfort of a mother. of not knowing who we are. The face in the
mirror may give clues as to the nature of the
Losing control identity problem. Closed eyes often indicate an
unwillingness to face reality.
Anxiety about a loss of direction in life may
cause dreams of hurtling out of control in a Drifting
car or train. Similarly, fears of loss of personal
identity can prompt dream experiences in which A rudderless, drifting raft can be a cause of
the dreamer hunts desperately for the alarm, raising fears of directionlessness and lack
correct road or street in a strange town. of control over our lives. On the other hand, as
Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav (1772–1810) said, not
Masks and disguises knowing where we are going can sometimes be
the best way of discovering the real self.
These represent the way that we A raft can also be a wholly positive image,
present ourselves to the outside representing a means of survival and a realization
world and even to ourselves. If that we are capable of riding our sea of troubles
the dreamer is unable to rather than becoming overwhelmed.

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 162-163 3/12/10 11:28 am

164 Themes Change and Transition 165

The Jungian technique of amplification hero must face in order to complete his
may reveal associations with mythical quest. Jonah’s voyage, shipwreck and
images of transition, such as the Greek journey inside the whale across stormy
hero Herakles crossing the River Styx: seas carries similarly archetypal imagery,
on one side lies the land of the living; suggesting the dangerous crossing of a
Change and Transition on the other side, death, the entrance to threshold, the past left behind and the
the Underworld and the terrors that the future stretching mysteriously ahead.
Our conscious minds are often unaware accompanied by feelings of dread. The
of the psychological and emotional dream might focus on the worst kind
upheavals that follow major changes of scenario that we imagine the change
in our lives. However, the unconscious ahead is likely to bring to us. Such a
mind tends to know better, and some troubling dream may be converted to a
psychologists these days believe that positive purpose if we can accurately read
in the two years or so following even its significance: acknowledging the fears
propitious events such as marriage or indicated in the dream is the first step
promotion we are more prone not only toward finding ways to deal with them.
to psychological disturbance but also Sometimes the dream will use coded
to physical ailments that may appear as ways to highlight the need for change, or
symptoms of unrest. perhaps its inevitability. These themes
If in our unconscious minds we are may appear in dreams as an attempt to
nervous and insecure in the face of exchange old or faulty goods in a store,
change, our dreams may be filled with or as the act of redecorating our homes,
comforting images of our former ways changing our clothes, or buying new
of life and our old familiar surroundings. books or CDs to replace the ones that we
Alternatively, the dreaming mind may had bought before. Dreams of crossing
show our underlying anxiety about a a road, river or bridge may indicate the
particular transition by an exaggerated risks that change can carry, or symbolize
sense of strangeness, perhaps its irrevocable and unavoidable nature.

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 164-165 3/12/10 11:28 am

166 Themes Change and Transition 167

Destruction and ruin Object coming to life Transformation Unfamiliar surroundings

Images of destruction can relate to life-changes If an inanimate object comes to life in a dream, Dreams in which the seasons change or where If unfamiliar surroundings make the dreamer
that dramatically break with the past. A house it may be that a previously unacknowledged the dreamer metamorphoses – for example, feel lost, apprehensive, or full of regret, the
standing in ruins may convey the broken family inner potential is now ripe for development. from an infant into an old man – indicate dreaming mind may be trying to say that he or
that will be left by a divorce; fallen trees can If the metamorphosis is frightening, such deep inner transformations. A dream can use she is not yet ready to leave an old way of life
symbolize a move to a new locality or perhaps inner energies may need acknowledging and a transformation to move from one symbol to behind: it is too soon to master a new set of
even a family uprooted by emigration. channelling into more acceptable forms. another, but sometimes it is the change itself circumstances. On the other hand, feelings of
that seems to carry significance. A dream in excitement accompanying the dream suggest
Bridge which the protagonist changes sex, for example, that the dreamer is ready for change, and should
may represent acceptance of the masculine or seize whatever opportunity has arisen. To dream
A bridge marks the frontier between the feminine aspect within the self. The werewolf of finding ourselves in an unfamiliar household
comfortable present and the unpredictable has lodged itself in the popular consciousness or workplace often represents an anxiety about
future. Crossing the bridge indicates our ability through movies and folk legend, and it is not being placed in a new and unaccustomed role.
to move forward – our underlying strength to uncommon for such monstrous shape-shifting
cope with life’s journey, especially in the face of to appear in our dreams, reflecting deep-seated
difficult events such as moving home, leaving a anxieties of various kinds.
partner or losing a job.

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 166-167 3/12/10 11:28 am

168 Themes Success and Failure 169

Success and Failure

How we react to success and failure When warring against the Greeks, the Prussia, dreamed of his country’s rise Amplification of Level 3 dreams may
does much to dictate the Persian prince Xerxes dreamed to power before it grew to become the reveal associations with classical themes,
future course of our lives. of a crown of olives whose lynchpin of a new unified Germany. such as the story of the Greek warrior
These two sides of the branches spread out over However, most dreams of success or Bellerophon who captured the winged
same coin are among the world but then failure are linked less to actual events horse Pegasus and soared toward Mount
the most common suddenly vanished, an than to the dreamer’s state of mind. Olympus to claim a place among the
preoccupations of accurate omen that Dreams of failure often contain gods. Pegasus threw him; and having
our dreams, as of his conquests would situations such as ringing a doorbell or fallen back to earth the warrior passed the
our waking lives. soon be lost. Many knocking on a door without reply, or rest of his days as an outcast on the Plain
We can enjoy other monarchs, finding oneself without money to pay for of Wandering. Such archetypes remind
success and suffer generals and a taxi or settle a debt, or losing a contest us of the dangers of overstretching our
failure in our jobs statesmen have or an argument. natural limits.
or in business as had prophetic Success in dreams may be indicated
well as in more dreams of success by a favourable outcome to a transaction,
subtle transactions or failure. King often accompanied by feelings of
such as arguments, Richard III of fulfilment or even elation. A fence or
or in relationships. England dreamed hurdle commonly stands for a particular
An upcoming of evil spirits before challenge confronting the dreamer
job interview, for his defeat at the in waking life, and jumping over the
example, is a common Battle of Bosworth. obstacle may represent not only the
stimulus for dreams On the night before possibility of success but also the
about success and failure. Waterloo, Napoleon confidence upon which that success may
Whatever our anxieties, we dreamed of a procession depend, and which the dreamer must
often believe in our hearts that of figures bearing symbols strive to acquire.
failure can be overcome, although more of his triumphs, which were ominously Level 3 dreams (see pages 65–70)
certain still is the knowledge that success followed by a figure in chains and fetters. sometimes reflect success at a deep level
is usually short-lived. Otto von Bismarck, prime minister of of personal growth and transformation.

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 168-169 3/12/10 11:28 am

170 Themes Success and Failure / Fear and Anxiety 171

Prizes Fear and Anxiety

Trophies carry a value far beyond Anxiety is probably the most common Typically, the dreamer has the sensation
their material worth – just as a emotional state expressed in our dreams. of trying to cope with several duties
cup’s value is not intrinsic, but In waking life, the mind is often able to simultaneously, or of trying to complete a
depends upon what it can hold. In distract itself from troublesome issues, never-ending task. Other anxiety dreams
dreams, even if the nature of the but in sleep all the doubts, worries and include walking through clinging mud,
prize remains obscure, the sense of fears that we banish to the backs of our moving in agonizingly slow motion,
triumph is normally unmistakable. minds march across the stage of our and crawling through a narrow tunnel
dreams, demanding to be recognized and (a symbol often believed to represent
Breakdown in filling our mind with unsettling, highly birth anxiety), being choked by smoke,
communication charged symbols, and with dark, troubled watching helplessly as cherished
moods. Such dreams not only indicate possessions are destroyed, and trying in
Failure to make oneself heard, or how deeply rooted our anxieties can a high wind to hold together the broken
otherwise to give a good account be, but also they remind us of the need fragments of something the dreamer
of oneself, suggests feelings of to tackle the source of these worries, holds dear. If anxiety stems from social
inadequacy. By drawing these feelings either by confronting a specific external inadequacy, the dream may involve
to the attention of the dreamer, the challenge or by learning to be less fearful public embarrassment such as spilling
dream indicates the need to confront of life’s predicaments. a drink, grotesque incompetence on a
them in waking life. Failure to make The anxieties that we face in our crowded dance floor, or forgetting the
oneself understood on the telephone can Winning a race dreams are not necessarily major. Even names of important guests while trying
suggest weaknesses in the dreamer’s ideas. trivial anxieties will surface: Did I put to introduce them. On the other hand, it
This indicates a recognition of any kind of the cork back in the wine bottle? Will is worth examining such dreams closely
Fame significant potential within ourselves. The I miss that TV programme? However, to see if such seeming ineptitude in
unconscious mind may be prompting us to we should be aware that a seemingly fact contains an element of defiance –
Dreams of sudden glory amid the applause of act courageously or with confidence. To come superficial theme or image can be expressing our feelings of frustration
friends, family or strangers may suggest that second or third in a race may suggest that the symbolic of more deep-rooted worries. with the oppressive bonds of social
the dreamer is starved of attention or lacking in dreamer has underestimated the difficulties of Anxiety dreams are recognizable by convention. One classic dream features
confidence and self-esteem. performing at the highest level. the emotional charge that they carry. an exam paper that appears unanswerable

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 170-171 3/12/10 11:28 am

172 Themes Activities andFear
States Being 173
andofAnxiety 173

Drowning to perform expected transactions with other

people (for example, introducing them by name),
Dreams of drowning, or struggling in deep the underlying message is one of psychological
water, may represent the dreamer’s fear of discomfort.
being engulfed by forces hidden in the deepest
reaches of their unconscious minds. Trying to run
Being chased One of the most common anxiety dreams
involves trying to run but finding that one’s
Dreams of being chased by an unseen legs stay rooted to the spot. Similar are dreams
but terrifying presence usually indicate that of walking through clinging mud, or moving
aspects of the self are in painfully slow motion.
– the traumas of our schooldays can consciousness (as a prelude to dealing clamouring for integration into Recent research suggests that
plague us well into adulthood, providing with them) repressed desires and consciousness. The dreamer’s such dreams may result from
an image for feelings of inferiority. If we energies of a powerful nature. fear usually dissipates if he mechanisms in the brain that
dream of being naked or wrongly dressed Whatever form they take, anxiety or she can turn and face the prevent us from acting out our
for a certain occasion, this can stem from dreams are not there to torment the pursuer and gain clues as to dreams as we sleep, stopping
recent social embarrassment, general dreamer, but to draw attention to the what this symbol represents at us from running in our beds or
social unease, or some other vulnerability urgency of identifying and dealing with the conscious level. wreaking havoc in the bedroom.
in waking life. A dream of falling may the sources of anxiety, which may wreak
also be a reflection of insecurity. havoc in the unconscious if left Social Narrow spaces
The dreaming mind is not always shy to themselves. Anxiety dreams also embarrassment
of melodrama – a walk to the scaffold, offer the opportunity to exorcise our The distressing dream
falling into the hands of evil captors, fears through dream interpretation and The key to understanding dreams of failing to scenario of being confined in a small space can
or being forced into committing some discussion. By analyzing the issues perform competently in public is to detect the sometimes be a constructive inner protest,
terrible crime, may reflect relatively that our dreams highlight, we prevent mood of acute embarrassment. Whether the pointing to the struggle of creative energies
mundane problems. The point of such ourselves being dogged by the free- dreamer is revealed as inappropriately dressed to find expression. We may be anxious that
extreme forms of terror is to impress floating worry that can cloud both our (or undressed), inept at a simple task (such as a something or someone, maybe a tedious job or
upon the subject the need to bring into waking and dreaming lives. pouring coffee out of a coffee pot) or unable a tyrannical boss, is keeping a lid on our energies.

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 172-173 3/12/10 11:28 am

174 Themes

Optimism and Well-being

An optimistic or happy dream can occur branches. Some people interpret these
at any time, even when we are feeling dreams as prophetic of future success;
the full weight of life’s burdens. Such others believe that they show that the
dreams may leave us exalted and content journey toward fulfilment has begun, but
not only with our everyday lives but also without any guarantee that the goal will
with the world as a whole. They may be reached.
introduce us to higher beings, or take us Good luck or well-being dreams often
flying through the dream world, opening contain configurations of the dreamer’s
our minds to the infinity of time and lucky number. If, for example, the
space. dreamer’s lucky number is 3, they might
Sometimes optimistic dreams contain dream of choosing between three paths
symbols of good luck or peace – either or perhaps being given three gifts. More
images that are personal to the dreamer, potent still are dream visions of the
such as a lucky stone or colour, or cultural rainbow, the archetypal symbol of hope
symbols of good fortune such as black and reconciliation. The dreamer may
cats, four-leafed clovers, doves or olive seem to be watching a rainbow forming
in the sky over his or her house (a symbol
of the self), or flooding the far-off hills in
light (a symbol of achievement). In Level
3 dreams (see pages 65–70) the dreamer but it may also stand for the deep may produce associations with the
may even be bathed in rainbow light, contemplative waters of the unconscious Elysian fields, the paradise of classical
suggesting a baptism into a new phase of mind; while red represents not only mythology. Christian symbolism is
personal growth and development. anger, but also (depending on the filled with accounts of paradisal Golden
As in waking life, colours in dreams context) the passion and drive of fire. Ages, from the Garden of Eden to the
can represent individual emotional or When worked on through the New Jerusalem of Revelation, an era
spiritual states. Blue, for example, is technique of amplification, dreams of spiritual well-being that will last a
often thought to symbolize melancholia, that indicate well-being and optimism thousand years.

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 174-175 3/12/10 11:28 am

176 Themes Optimism and Well-being / Authority and Responsibility 177

Honey and bees and contentment – but as a paradise lost it may Authority and Responsibility
also warn us against complacency. Yet even if
The Israelites believed that the Promised Land we imagine ourselves to be driven from the People in positions of authority and need to become more fully integrated
flowed with milk and honey; the Greeks and garden, like Adam and Eve, the vast unexplored responsibility in waking life often report into his or her public role. Authority
Romans regarded honey as the food of the gods. landscape beyond can present us with an dreams that reflect their status. Such and responsibility dreams may also
Bees were endowed with special wisdom, and exciting new vista of challenge and opportunity. dreams may involve episodes such as reveal frustrations and resentments felt
their appearance in dreams can be regarded dealing with emergencies, sitting at a about the over-dependency of other
as an auspicious symbol, with connotations of Light desk and receiving requests for decisions people: such dreams fulfil a dual purpose
peace and prosperity. from all sides, or carrying symbols of by allowing these feelings harmless
For Jung, the appearance of light in dreams office such as a ceremonial chain. expression and by drawing attention to
Garden of Eden “always refers to consciousness”. Such dreams On occasion, authority and the over-stretched role that the dreamer
confirm that profound insights are illuminating responsibility dreams merge into anxiety is being called upon to play in his or her
Like the land of milk and honey, the Garden the conscious mind of the dreamer, as if he or dreams. The dreamer may seem to waking life.
of Eden is an ancient mythic landscape of bliss she is about to “see the light”. be giving orders that no one obeys, or When amplified, authority and
suffering a sudden rejection at the ballot responsibility dreams can reveal classical
box or at the hands of superiors. Such links – for example, associations with the
images draw attention to the dreamer’s account in the Aeneid of the Roman hero
feelings of insecurity and indicate the Aeneas. While fleeing from the flames of

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 176-177 3/12/10 11:28 am

Authority and Responsibility 179

Stack of paper fulfilment, disclosing a deep-seated desire for Taking control

intimacy that substitutes royalty for the mother
To dream of a desk stacked high with an or father. If a head of state or government When we dream of taking control in the midst
unending pile of papers is a typical anxiety such as a president or prime minister appears of catastrophe when everyone around is
dream for those in authority, suggesting the as a friend seeking advice, the dream might be panicking, we may be expressing an aspiration
near-impossibility of handling the growing expressing a yearning for a closer, more confiding to exercise more responsibility, perhaps in
demands and stress that come with increasing relationship with a parent or other important the workplace or possibly in our personal life.
responsibility. The dream may help the dreamer authority figure, or a desire to be entrusted with We could also be feeling that our leadership
to see that he or she is not dealing effectively a position of responsibility. qualities are not appreciated as much as they
enough with incoming work. should be.
Parliament buildings
Wearing a tall hat Judge
Seats of government, such as the Houses of
Crowns and tall hats are traditional symbols Parliament in London or the United States If we are the judge in a dream, this suggests
of authority, raising the wearer above his or Capitol in Washington, may represent a desire an appreciation of our powers of judgment –
burning Troy, Aeneas bravely fulfilled his her peers and colleagues. To dream of having to wield power over people we know. Unruly perhaps we should follow our “gut feelings”
responsibilities to his family by leading a crown or tall hat knocked off one’s head or chaotic scenes in the debating chamber may in some matter that preoccupies us. If, on the
his father and son to safety. This was may symbolize anxieties about the loss or indicate a crisis in our personal authority at contrary, we are standing before the judge as
not an easy task since he had to carry his inappropriateness of the dreamer’s status. work, or inner turmoil about which of several a defendant in court, not knowing why we are
father, the aged Anchises, on his back options to follow when faced with difficult there, we may be feeling persecuted by the
while leading Ascanius, his young son, by Royal or presidential figure choices between possible courses of action. forces of moral or civic authority.
the hand.
Such classical archetypes may remind A king or queen often relates to parental
the dreamer of the psychological authority. A Freudian
importance and intrinsic heroism interpretation of dreams
of facing up to one’s duties and of dining or even having
responsibilities in waking life, and sexual relations with
of wielding the power of one’s own royalty is that they
authority for the good of others. represent classic wish-

158-179 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 178-179 3/12/10 11:28 am

180 Themes Relationships 181

Relationships New parents often have anxious for Eurydice. Orpheus was a minstrel,
dreams – of accidentally rolling upon a linked with the gods Dionysos and
When analyzing dream relationships, it is presenting as a screen on which our true baby in the bed, for example, or losing Apollo; his music tamed wild animals,
particularly important to remember that feelings for others may be revealed. them in a crowd. These dreams don’t rivers and storms and even persuaded
the dreaming mind’s intention is not to Thus, in the course of dream analysis, make them bad parents. Rather, they are the rulers of the dead to let him take his
duplicate reality but, rather, to comment a friend transformed into a stranger may an expression of concern and indicate lover Eurydice back from the realm of
on reality. The unconscious thus reveal a fundamental ambivalence in awareness of the great responsibility now death. Orpheus was told that he could
frequently uses characters in a dream as the dreamer’s general feelings about resting upon their shoulders. lead his love back to the land of the
symbols, rather than as attempts to depict friendship. Sudden rejection of a loved Even inanimate objects may living so long as he did not look back
actual people with whom the dreamer is one may indicate the dreamer’s rejection represent relationships in our while leaving the Underworld. He
involved in waking life. of some part of his or her own nature. dreams. One of Freud’s patients once could not resist, however, and lost her
As revealed by direct association, Separation from one’s children may dreamed of borrowing a comb, and this for eternity when he turned around.
a complete stranger in a dream may suggest the loss of cherished ideals or the was seen as revealing her anxiety Even after being killed and torn apart
represent characteristics of a wife or failure of personal ambitions. about a mixed marriage. by the maenads for refusing
husband, while a partner may stand for At other times, dream characters do Failure to make a telephone any longer to honour Dionysos,
some aspect of the dreamer. The dream indeed seem to represent themselves, in connection may suggest loss of his head continued to sing,
is more concerned with its message order to draw attention to unrecognized intimacy in a relationship, while lamenting the passing of his love.
than with portraying aspects of our dreams of intense heat or cold Another archetype sometimes
people as they really relationships with may reflect burning passion or cool revealed through amplification is the
are. The dreamer is them. Frequent indifference toward a partner. witch, symbol of the all-consuming,
already familiar with dreams of family During amplification, symbols punitive, terrifying role of the Great
waking appearances, members may show an from a Level 3 dream may provide Mother, and established throughout the
and the task of the over-dependence upon associations with mythical themes world in myths and fairy tales. Russian
dreaming mind is the family – perhaps such as the love between the Egyptian folklore, for example, tells of an evil
to draw attention an excessive need for deities Isis and Osiris. Isis, the ancient old hag called Baba Yaga, who lives
to those things that emotional or financial Egyptian symbol of motherhood, is said in a log cabin that moves around
are less obvious or protection or an to have loved her brother and husband on dancing chicken legs and who kidnaps
that have been left inability to break free Osiris even in the womb. No less strong and imprisons young children, making
unacknowledged, from family ties. was the love, in Greek myth, of Orpheus them her slaves.

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 180-181 3/12/10 11:26 am

182 Themes Relationships 183

From time to time the Great Mother Spider’s web Mending things
can be a source of guidance – although
in folktales seeking out her aid can be The spider, who traps innocent victims in its Repairing an appliance such as a radio or
dangerous and should not be attempted webs and eventually consumes them, often refrigerator often indicates the need to work at
except by those who are pure of spirit. symbolizes the devouring mother, who a relationship to prevent it from deteriorating.
Rather as the witch can symbolize consumes her children through possessiveness An appliance that is broken or has been
the destructive aspect of the Mother, or her power to arouse guilt. The web itself is dismantled may also carry this meaning.
the giant or ogre can symbolize that of also a common dream image and may reflect
the Father. Again, folktales and legends an unconscious fear of commitment and Feathers
about giants exist all over the world, from insecurity about intimate relationships in general.
the Old Testament Philistine Goliath to Alternatively, we may feel that we are trapped Feathers, whether or not they appear in the
the evil Ravana in the Hindu epic the within a specific emotional entanglement and same dream as birds, often represent a gift,
Ramayana, and Fionn mac Cumhail, need to extricate ourselves before we are expressing the desire to show warmth or
the legendary leader of a band of Irish psychologically devoured by our partner. tenderness to someone close to the dreamer. As
warriors called the Fianna. quills, feathers can have phallic overtones. But
Dreams about malevolent giants may feathers fluttering separately through the dream
be a subconscious response to a power represent warmth and tenderness, perhaps in
struggle with an overbearing authority the form of a peace-offering or a gesture of
figure, perhaps an employer or a family affection.
member. Alternatively, they could
indicate a troubled relationship with Hotel Birds
a partner. We may feel that our needs
within a relationship are not being taken In dreams, hotels often represent impermanence, Birds can take on a meaning associated with the
seriously enough or that we do not have a point of transition in a relationship, or a shift, qualities we frequently attribute to them: for
sufficient influence over important or even a loss of personal identity. They may also example, a bird of prey, a nest-stealing cuckoo
decisions. If this is the case, it may be suggest the price that has to be paid to sustain or a thieving magpie may represent the threat of
time to stand up and assert our wishes a relationship – whether financial or emotional. adultery, while the soft-voiced cooing of a dove
more explicitly. Sometimes they may symbolize the potential for suggests reconciliation or the need to soothe a
an illicit.encounter. troubled relationship.

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 182-183 3/12/10 11:26 am

184 Themes Relationships / Sexuality 185

Fire Caring action Sexuality

This is a powerful and ambivalent dream symbol. Helping a person in distress, even if they appear For Freud, unconscious sexuality lay shooting, are associated with rape: the
Fire destroys, but it also cleanses and purifies. to be a complete stranger, often represents behind much of our conscious behaviour, obvious link is the brutal invasion of the
In dreams it can signal a new beginning, or the affection we feel for someone close to and he found sexual imagery to be the body. He interpreted preoccupations with
represent disruptive emotions – perhaps the us. Conversely, if we dream that we are on the main driving force of dream symbolism. asexual body parts as hidden wishes for
flames of passion or envy. receiving end of the caring action, we might be He believed that many acts of violence, abnormal sexual activity. Freudians often
expressing a need for affection. such as those involving knifing and associate mutilation with castration; and
Unsuitable pairing Some detail of the dream or
direct association can generally
Concerns about an unsuitable be used to identify the person in
partner, for yourself or for question.
a close relation or friend,
can be expressed when the Family quarrel
dreaming mind pairs together
inappropriate objects. You An argument with family
might, for example, witness a members or a partner often
rabbit riding a bicycle or see a indicates something unrelated
man wearing a bird cage for a hat. to troubles within that relationship. Children
storming out of the house, for example, can
Water seeping through cupped represent loss of professional ambition.
Wrong phone number
Running with two cupped hands full of water to
someone dying of thirst can signify a desperate Repeatedly getting the wrong person on the
sense of love lost as a close personal relationship telephone or being transferred to an answering
draws to an end. A similar meaning may be machine can indicate a breakdown
carried by a dream of gold dust running through of communication with someone important
your fingers. in your life.

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 184-185 3/12/10 11:26 am

186 Themes Sexuality 187

beating oneself or others, particularly Jung, Jung believed that it Velvet or moss
small children, with masturbation. however, took owes as much to the
Riding a horse or bicycle, chopping a different view dreamer’s longing In Freudian dream
wood, or taking part in any rhythmical of such imagery, to live in comfort analysis, velvet
activity connotes sexual intercourse. proposing that it might relate instead to and peace with and moss usually
The same meaning may be attributed to the archetypal themes of fertility and a loved one, represent
the crashing of waves on the seashore, creativity. Although modern psychologists as with the pubic hair.
travelling by train, and the insertion of still agree that sexuality can be a release of Other dream
any one object into another, such as a significant part of our dream lives, few sexual tensions. interpreters
key into a keyhole. Acts of deflation, now hold with Freud’s reductive lexicon Many sexual see in them
such as a collapsing balloon, can refer to of sexual dream symbols. They tend to symbols make symbols of a
impotence; locked doors or windows are prefer Jung’s approach, which amplifies sense in both more generalized
seen as representing frigidity. sexuality into the wider framework of Freudian and longing for
world myth. Jung discovered Jungian terms, and gentleness or the
that erotic scenes on Hindu their true meaning comforts of nature.
architecture, far from being may be a fusion of
pure expressions of animalistic the two. For example, Whip
desire, instead celebrate mystic while Freud saw ascending
union between earth and sky, and descending stairs or ladders as a Although whips in dreams can be a negatively
mortal and divine, matter symbol of intercourse, to Jung this was an charged symbol of sexual submission, more
and spirit. They represent a archetype representing the link between generally they can represent the dreamer’s
wholeness in which man and the spiritual and the physical. awareness of power, domination and obedience
woman become a single, perfect Be sure to bear in mind the possibility within a relationship.
entity. of an asexual interpretation: climbing
The eroticism of sexual stairs might be an expression of ambition Quills and candles
dreams may derive simply from or perhaps a recognition of personal
the context, mood and colour of growth; falling down stairs, on the other Quills and candles often symbolize the penis.
our dream landscapes. Where hand, could indicate anxiety about They may appear in dreams as general symbols
the sexual act occurs explicitly, overestimating your abilities. of the Animus (see page 103) and masculinity.

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 186-187 3/12/10 11:26 am

188 Themes Sexuality 189

Cup Purse Domination

A classic female sexual symbol, drinking from a The purse is a common female sexual symbol. Dreams where one partner dominates
cup is interpreted by Freudians as representing It can stand both for the female genitalia and the other may not overtly be about
oral sex with a woman. Even in the Jungian view, for the womb. As a purse can be both opened sex but can have sexual overtones. If
cups are associated with the Holy Grail and and closed, it sometimes represents the female in the dream we are the dominator,
therefore the virgin Grail-bearer and femininity. power to give or withhold favours. we may feel insecure within a close
personal relationship and resent our
Cornucopia Hats and gloves lack of control. Alternatively, we
may be trying to mask a sense of
The Horn of Plenty is an Hats, caps, bonnets and sexual inadequacy. When a dream
ambiguous sexual image: gloves are frequently does involve explicitly erotic sado-
if it spills forth its riches used by the dreaming masochistic acts, it might suggest a
and its shape is obvious, mind to represent the secret enjoyment of power games
it is male; if we plunge female genitalia, because or else repressed sexual fantasies
into the horn to feast on they enclose parts of that we fear would be unacceptable
its gifts, it is female. the body. to our partner. According to Freud,
dreams about domination express an
Shoes Explosion incestuous desire for intimate contact
with a parent.
Some dreamers who report seeing shoes in their Explosions frequently denote a dream of orgasm.
dreams associate them with sexuality, as they Fireworks can symbolize a sense of sexual well- Plane crash Church
can be entered by other objects, or by parts being and fulfilment, while more destructive
of the body. Women’s shoes can sometimes explosions may indicate unexpressed sexual Studies have shown that women frequently A dream of a church offers a potent
stand for dominant female sexuality, which may urges. The damage caused by a bomb blast or an connect plane crashes with rape, or fear of rape. combination of sexual and religious symbolism.
come from the infant’s experience of his or her accidental explosion might relate to the harm For men it can be connected to impotence A towering steeple is a very masculine, phallic
mother’s feet. Shoes can also denote authority we believe might follow – either to ourselves anxiety. Flying, of course, is a common phobia, symbol and can represent male sexuality or
and domination – recalling times in childhood or to our partner – if we were to act upon our and the dream may stem from troubled patriarchial authority. Bear in mind that a dream
when our parents “put their foot down”. pent-up urges. anticipation of a trip. of a church may also have spiritual connotations.

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190 Themes Sexuality 191

If we are unable to enter the church, we may Making love

have encountered an obstacle on our spiritual
path. When we dream of a church with a Dreams where we are making love to someone
skyward pointing spire and an arched portal, the to whom we are sexually attracted are a classic
symbolism is both male and female – perhaps example of Freudian wish-fulfilment, especially if
reflecting an intimate bond with a partner or our desire is illicit. For many Jungians and other
an inner conflict between our animal urges analysts, dreaming of making love may not be
and our faith. about sex at all, but may simply indicate an

intense yearning for creative expression or the Gushing water

need to integrate more fully contrasting aspects
of the self. Any object from which water gushes – a flowing
tap, for example, or a freshly opened bottle of
Kissing champagne – is often a symbol of ejaculation. It
may also herald a new burst of creativity.
The Jungian view is that the image of kissing
“derives far more from the act of nutrition Bed
than from sexuality”. In this interpretation the
pleasure of a dream kiss stems from infant The bed is often the scene of sexual adventures
memories of our suckling at our mother’s breast. and can be a loaded symbol when it appears
in our dreams. If the bed is unmade this can
Red rose indicate that we are being careless in our sexual
behaviour. However, if the bedclothes are
Roses are a traditional symbol of romantic tucked in tight, we may be feeling inhibited by
love. However, Freud understood red roses to convention. To dream of searching for a bed can
indicate the female genitalia, or the blood of suggest that we are having difficulties accepting
menstruation. our sexuality.

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 190-191 3/12/10 11:26 am

192 Themes Emotions 193

Emotions by this conflict can be Even such trivial

extreme – though anxieties can erupt
Each of our dreams tends to have a foreboding, he could not bring himself unacknowledged into our dreams
distinct mood, which can be more to plant a kiss. The dream’s mood by the conscious – perhaps
memorable, and no less significant, than had affected its action, just as a film’s mind. Dreams because two
the content of the dream itself. Perhaps musical soundtrack can be a more potent can be helpful kinds of
surprisingly, this mood need not be manipulator of the viewers’ emotions in drawing emotion are
in keeping with the dream’s subject than even the dramatic events on screen. attention to reinforcing
matter: for example, a man dreamed that Dream moods can sometimes be so the things each other:
a woman, for whom he felt unrequited pervasive that they tend to linger for that deeply jealousy
love, begged him to kiss her. This was some time after we have woken up, even affect us at and fear.
the fulfilment of his longing, but he if the events of the dream quickly fade the emotional Anger,
found that in his dream, which was from memory, or cannot be recalled at all. level. similarly,
filled with a sense of After a disturbing dream we will often We are all is often
awaken with a “dream hangover” – that familiar with fused with
is, a vague sense of free-floating the irrational frustration.
anxiety. Conversely, a good dream character of Some
can raise our spirits, allowing us to our emotions. If emotions
begin the day bathed in a glow of we know that our we project
well-being. beloved partner is onto other
Accurate dream interpretation seeing an attractive people
mostly requires us to recognize the work colleague for or external
emotions that are stirring within lunch, this can be situations; other
our inner self in waking life, enough to trigger emotions, such
since these emotions are very intense jealousy. It may as shame and
often pulling us in particular preoccupy us until we see embarrassment, we
directions that go against the our partner again that evening internalize. Both types
logic of reason or morality. and can reassure ourselves that can consume us, eating at our
The tension generated nothing untoward has happened. happiness and personal well-being.

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 192-193 3/12/10 11:26 am

194 Themes Emotions 195

Anger and frustration of Sisyphus, a Greek mortal punished by the when misunderstanding has compromised a
gods by being forced to roll a huge rock up a hill relationship: the dream is not literally portraying
Anger is a powerful emotion that is often for eternity: whenever he reached the top, the the beheading of a partner, but is symbolically
denied, repressed or misunderstood by the rock would roll back down, and he would have removing the source of a current problem.
waking mind: hence its frequent occurrence to start all over again. Such mythic archetypes
in dreams. It is not always negative. Anger can may help the dreamer to come to terms with Thwarted tasks
represent valued aspects of psychological frustration, or to recognize that it is pointless to
development such as courage, determination, rebel against the “gods” of the unconscious. Several major spiritual traditions deliberately
leadership and self-assertion, and is also frustrate their initiates, setting them
associated with the purifying effect of justified Jealousy and envy pointless, never-ending tasks to eliminate
indignation. Even its more negative forms can be the proud and tenacious hold that the ego
valuable when they erupt into dreams, because Jealousy and envy are some of the most has on consciousness. In dreams, apparently
here their absurdity or destructiveness may destructive human emotions and can ruin even meaningless tasks (such as building a house
become more apparent. Moreover, dreams will the happiest of occasions. Metaphors such as of cards) may serve a similar purpose or may
sometimes indicate areas toward which one’s being “eaten up” with jealousy or the “green remind the dreamer that the ability to live with
anger should more properly be directed. eyed monster” abound and our dreams will unavoidable frustrations is a sign of maturity.
Closely linked with anger, frustration is also often draw on these when we are having trouble
a commonplace experience in dreams. We may assimilating another’s good luck or success. Dam bursting
find ourselves missing a train or an appointment,
searching in vain for a parking place or for Bottled-up feelings Anything that suggests a controlling force giving
somewhere to leave luggage, or unable to read way before fierce energies from within can be a
an important message or to convince someone A dream may draw attention to repressed anger potent image of anger or frustration contained
of the truth of an argument. In all such instances, or frustration by images such as a bottled-up gas beyond the point of self-control. A flood
the dream may be reminding the dreamer of or volatile substance, and to unbridled anger by blocking a familiar pathway may represent the
the need to discover the cause of his or her flames roaring out of control. Unacknowledged dreamer’s frustration, and may suggest the need
frustration, or to deal more effectively with it if anger toward particular people may emerge in to find an alternative and perhaps preferable
its causes are known. dreams when the dreamer prepares poison for route. In this way the dreamer is being reminded
Amplification of frustration dreams may them, or defaces their photograph. Dreaming that there is often more than one way to deal
provide links with archetypes such as the story of decapitating a loved one is common with frustrations.

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 194-195 3/12/10 11:26 am

196 Themes Loss and Separation 197

Loss and Separation bereavement. We can also experience the loneliness of the nymph Echo, who
loss when a dear friend or family member in response to her lovelorn calls received
The need to continue with life, valuable relocates to a place far away or if a back only the echo of her own voice.
as this often is in helping the mind to friendship goes through a difficult patch The dreamer may find such archetypal
deal with bereavement, sometimes through some difference of opinion or precedents useful as a focus for dealing
means there is insufficient time to grieve misunderstanding. with loss.
over the death or departure of a loved Loss of any kind can be symbolized
one. In such instances, our dreams may by the despairing search for a friendly Empty purse
do the grieving for us. Images of loss, face in a crowd, or by the symbolism of
which often haunt the waking mind ashes or dust. Dreams may be steeped The sudden discovery of an empty purse or
for many days after the dream, are in nostalgia, providing warm or poignant pocket may indicate the loss not only of a loved
part of the healing process, however images of a past way of life or occupation. one – through death, divorce or separation – but
unwelcome they may seem at the Some part of the unconscious mind needs also of the affection, comfort and security we
time. to repeat these experiences over and over derived from their presence.
Losing a treasured possession again as an emotional safety valve until it
can also induce a real sense of can finally accept that the loss has really A loved one receding
bereavement and our dreams may wish taken place.
to emphasize this point. Remember Sometimes, bereavement dreams look Distance is often used by the dreaming mind
that dreams often use extremes of ahead rather than back into the past. as a symbol of bereavement. A loved one may
emotion to highlight disturbances in The dreamer may see the loved one in be seen receding into the distance, or waving
the psyche, although even the most happy circumstances, or be visited and goodbye from a far-off hilltop, or going out
personal or valued of objects pales into reassured by him or her. Such dreams through a gate or doorway. The feelings of grief
insignificance beside the distress of can leave the waking mind with feelings that accompany this image are often mixed with
losing a loved one, our dreams are not of well-being, even elation, and in many resentment – especially if the deceased ignores
afraid of using the same symbols and instances are so realistic that the dreamer us when we try to attract their attention.
themes to express our sense of loss. other reasons. When a major intimate feels certain of the reality of life after If, on the other hand, we dream that a loved one
Although death is the most extreme relationship ends, either in divorce or death. is happily waving goodbye to us before fading
form of loss, we can be separated separation, the feelings we experience Amplification (see page 108) may into the distance, this can indicate that our grief
from people close to us for countless are often in fact very similar to those of provide links with classical stories such as is fading as we become accustomed to our loss.

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198 Themes Loss and Separation 199

House without lights seeing them get pulled from us by the mass of Incongruous emotions Alternatively, the dream could point to a
people. It is not uncommon for a sense of loss state of denial – in order to protect ourselves
A house in a dream often represents the to be accompanied by a feeling of resentment To feel intensely sad, upset or angry at what emotionally from the searing pain of loss, we
dreamer or those things that give life its stability and abandonment. ought to be a happy event – a birthday party, are subconsciously refusing to countenance the
and orientation. The mournful image of empty for example – can suggest that we need to take reality of death.
or dark windows suggests the extinction not Being locked out time out from the distractions of everyday life in
only of the loved one but also of vital aspects of order to grieve. If we experience inappropriate Losing an object
the dreamer’s conscious life. To find yourself standing at a door, unable to happiness in a setting which in the waking world
find keys or otherwise enter, can represent the would normally be sad, the dream may be A dream of losing a precious or valuable
Ashes or dust seemingly impassable barrier of grief. Simply by pointing out a state of denial – a subconscious possession may represent the sense of loss we
making us aware that this obstacle exists, the refusal to face up to loss. To feel elation at a feel when someone important to us is no longer
We often associate ashes or dust with the dream may mark the beginning of the healing dream event such as a funeral can also, however, a part of our life. Alternatively, this may be an
disappearance from our lives of a treasured process. From this point, we may be able to start indicate a very positive state of mind – belief in anxiety dream related to an object that we have
person, object or experience. Recalling the envisioning ways to ease open the doorway to a an existence beyond the grave, perhaps, or an actually lost, or it may indicate that some part
words spoken at Christian funerals, ashes are a future beyond our grief. acceptance of death as a necessary part of life. of the self has changed and moved on.
potent symbol of both the crematorium and the
grave. Just as funerals take place as much
to help the living with their grief as to mourn
the passing of the dead, so a dream involving
ashes can symbolize laying to rest a painful or
difficult experience.

Losing someone in a crowd

The scenario of losing sight of someone we
love among a great throng of people is a dream
commonly associated with bereavement. We
might simply find that they are no longer with
us, or we might have the traumatic experience of

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 198-199 3/12/10 11:26 am

200 Themes Faith and the Spirit 201

Faith and the Spirit dreamer with profound feelings of the Buddha or “awakened one”, tells of
exaltation and inner peace. how he grew up as a prince, sheltered
Many dreams may be essentially Level 1 and 2 dreams often depict the from any suffering, but left that life to
spiritual. With our body’s senses numb spiritual world in more immediate and seek enlightenment. Another example
to external stimuli, the mind enjoys a practical terms. Dreams involving priests is the Norse myth of Odin, who gave
spiritual freedom, akin to the soul leaving and other religious officials may represent up his right eye to drink from the Well
the body in religious ecstasy. the authority of the established Church, of Wisdom in order to guide the world
Carl Jung was the first to recognize while Old Testament prophets, Christian through the turmoil of Ragnarok, the
the ways in which dreams can enact a saints, Hindu avatars or Buddhist battle at the end of time.
spiritual quest. He saw the search for bodhisattvas may symbolize aspects of the Through spiritual dreams, we can
spiritual and religious truth, beyond dreamer’s spiritual identity or aspirations regenerate our sense of wonder
our everyday material lives, as one of or our unconscious reactions to spiritual and regain our sense of the profound
the strongest energies of the psyche, institutions. potentiality that lies beneath the
welling up directly from the collective Dreams that we may be tempted surface of things.
unconscious – that vast genetic reservoir to interpret in sexual terms, such as
of myths and symbols that projects climbing mountains or trees, may actually
archetypal images into our conscious portray spiritual progress. A church,
minds, especially in our dreams. whose thrusting spire was seen by Freud
Religion and spirituality, more than as a phallic symbol, may represent the
any other themes, express themselves Spirit, the opposite of “matter”, which purified self or the richness and mystery
in “grand”, Level 3 dreams. The in dreams may appear embodied as a of spiritual teachings. An eagle’s soaring
“message” is often imparted through ghost or represented more abstractly as flight may signify spiritual aspiration,
dream revelations that suddenly throw an impression of infinity or spaciousness. while a fall to earth could warn against
a clear light upon the past or illuminate The Wise Old Man may also appear the dangers of spiritual pride.
the dreamer’s way ahead. The dreaming in spiritual dreams, as a guide toward Amplification of spiritual dreams could
mind may encounter archetypal images spirituality or as a teacher of truths. Other usefully focus on one of the creation
which communicate profound messages archetypes may take the form of symbols or incarnation stories, or perhaps on a
about our spiritual needs and directions. or religious icons. Transcendental quest for enlightenment. The life story
Jung termed one of these archetypes experiences may occur, leaving the of Siddhartha Gautama, who became

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 200-201 3/12/10 11:26 am

202 Themes Faith and the Spirit 203

The Buddha destroyer as well as the creator, paradoxically

fearsome yet benign, dancing inside a ring of fire
The Buddha taught that truth is that both purifies and liberates.
found within, not without. His
appearance in a dream often Being of light
serves to remind the dreamer of
the need to find the stillness at Central to the Jungian interpretation of dreams,
the centre of his or her the being of light is an archetypal image
own being. embodying a universal spiritual principle relevant
to all cultures and all religions. A figure is often
Hindu deities shown bathed in light, or surrounded by a
brilliant halo – a generalized symbol of divine
Hinduism is a faith of many deities, energy, readily acceptable to the conscious ego.
with a complex, multilayered
symbolism. Brahma is the source Virgin Mary
of the cosmos, Vishnu is its
protector and Shiva (see below) The Virgin Mary embodies the divine feminine
is the destroyer of demons and principle that appears throughout the religions
creator of life. Their appearance of the world as a symbol of purity. In dreams,
expresses disturbing passions but also great love she often represents a supreme and selfless love
and creativity and liberating energies. or compassion, and the power that rules the
heavens through grace and sanctity rather than
Shiva through authority and strength.

Eastern religions have permeated Western Priest

culture, and thus may find their way into our
dreams. For example, the Hindu deity Shiva A priest, rabbi, pastor or other holy person may
Nataraja, Lord of the Dance, may appear represent the authority of the Church. Such a
as the dual aspect of divinity: he is the figure may also stand for a parent dispensing

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 202-203 3/12/10 11:26 am

204 Themes

spiritual and moral wisdom to us as children – the infant Christ, may occur at a time when we
perhaps we yearn for simple moral certainties. are on the verge of a spiritual transition, while
the archangel Michael leading the heavenly hosts
Jesus Christ against Satan is a symbol of light driving out
the forces of darkness, perhaps pointing to a
Dreams about Jesus can occur at critical personal “demon” that we need to overcome.
moments of our lives, such as when we are
close to death, or at times when personal or Prophets and saints
spiritual issues are a major preoccupation. One
of the most powerful images is that of Jesus on Holy figures represent our religious aspirations.
the Cross, a multifaceted symbol of life, death, In our dreams they can offer guidance or
resurrection, sacrifice and salvation. encourage us on our personal quest for
enlightenment or spiritual fulfilment.
The Last Judgment
Heaven may appear as an idealized landscape or
it may appear as it does in religious art – skies To dream of standing before God may be an
ablaze with light and God surrounded by angels image of the Last Judgment. Perhaps some
and cherubs. Another common depiction of negative aspect of our psyche must be dealt
paradise is as a wonderful garden. This may be with before we can enter the spiritual plane.
an intense wish-fulfilment dream or a reassuring
message in bereavement. Eagle in flight
Angels A majestic eagle, osprey or condor soaring
across the heavens is a common dream symbol
In the Christian tradition angels are heavenly of spiritual aspirations, but its sudden fall toward
messengers bringing the word of God to the ground may warn us against the dangers
humans. A dream of the Annunication, when the of taking counterproductive pride in our
archangel Gabriel told Mary that she would bear spiritual progress.

180-205 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 204-205 3/12/10 11:26 am

206 207

The Body and its Functions

Symbols relating to ourselves and our interactions with others are In ancient Egyptian, wrote that for a man
frequently integrated into our dreams. Bodily symbols, for example, Greek, Roman and to dream that he is
medieval European clean-shaven can
are commonly used in a symbolic capacity by the unconscious to cultures, the body indicate “sudden
refer to an obvious underlying metaphorical signficance. In the case was used as a shame and problems”,
metaphor for the while Thomas Tryon,
of physical organs, the meaning may relate to their shape (as in the spiritual world. This a nineteenth-century
Freudian approach) or to their function – for example, the tongue is view is reflected in English dream
the maxim coined by interpreter, insisted
necessary for clear articulation of ideas or emotions. Similarly, when
the philosopher god that to dream that
a person appears in a dream, it may be their symbolic associations Hermes one’s belly is larger
rather than their actual identity that provides the most useful clue Trismegistus, “As than usual foretells an
above, so below”, increase in family or
for intepretation and in the biblical property, while seeing
idea that God created man in his own one’s back in a dream predicts bad luck
image. Dreams also may link the body to or (perhaps more obviously) the coming
the spiritual realm. The bodily condition of old age.
of the dreamer or of other characters in Freud associated dreams of excretion
dreams may reflect traits in the dreamer’s and toileting with the anal phase of
psyche, or levels of psychological or psycho-sexual development. The small
spiritual progress. child experiences erogenous satisfaction
More straightforwardly, dreams may from excretion, and this experience,
allude to the body as a warning to attend if insensitively handled by adults
to health problems, or as a way to express during toilet training, may leave the
feelings about diet or exercise. For early individual with permanent feelings of
dream workers, dreams of the body could shame, disgust and anxiety over natural
reveal the future. Artemidorus (ad 170) functions.

206-225 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 206-207 3/12/10 11:25 am

208 Self and Others Activities
The Bodyand States of Being 209
and its Functions 209

Left and right spiritual health. Bright eyes suggest a healthy aggression. The mouth is also, however, a symbol
inner life. Dull or closed eyes, on the other hand, of communication and self-expression, and its
For Jungians, an emphasis upon the right side of may point to feelings of anxiety, emotional appearance in a dream can represent unexplored
the body in our dreams often refers to aspects blockage or a lack of communication. creativity or unspoken emotions.
of conscious life, while the left side represents
the unconscious. The left is traditionally Heart Teeth
linked with misfortune or untrustworthiness
(sinister means “left” in Latin), and dreams that The heart carries archetypal significance as the Artemidorus interpreted the mouth as the
concentrate on the left hand or left side of the centre of our emotional life, and in particular home, with the teeth on the right side its
body may reflect our reservations, conscious as the symbol of love. Blood can connote the male inhabitants and those on the left side its
or otherwise, about an individual or a venture. pulsing life-force, spilled blood its sacrifice female. Teeth (falling out, broken, and so on) are
Conversely, the right side is associated with and loss. The heart can reflect our need for the focus of many anxiety dreams – since the
trust (hence the saying “right-hand man”) and unconditional love, nurture and emotional mouth is the only part of the head where we
good luck, and dreams focusing on the right side security. If broken or imperfectly formed, the Head can feel sensations in repose, this is unsurprising.
may have their roots in a sense of optimism. heart may point to insecurities in our feelings To dream of losing teeth can indicate a fear of
toward someone close to us. A head may symbolize an authority figure, such losing our youth or vitality; and by extension,
Bones as our father. From the rear, it may signify an our sexual energy. But if we dream of losing baby
Face emotionally distant father; or, if he has died, a teeth, this can be an optimistic symbol of the
Bones can represent the essence of things. Being sense of loss. The head can also represent transition to a new stage of our lives.
stripped or cut to the bone may signify a sudden We rarely see our face as others see it: in our intellect and capacity for rational
insight, but also sometimes a deep attack on the photographs the colour may not be true and in thought – perhaps we are not responding to a Back
dreamer’s personality. Broken bones may suggest a mirror the image is reversed. Seeing our own situation logically?
fundamental weaknesses, whereas a skeleton is face may therefore alert us to a need to consider If in a dream a person turns their back on us, we
commonly associated with death. who we really are and perhaps discard the face Mouth may feel abandoned or let down by someone
we habitually present to others. A dream image or something in our lives. If we see the back of
Eyes of a face may also be an instance of dream For Freud, a dream about a mouth may a parent, we might feel that they have not given
wordplay – perhaps you need to “face up” to represent fixation in an early stage of psycho- us sufficient support and nurturing. If a group of
Eyes are symbolic windows into the soul and a difficult situation? Or maybe you sense that sexual development, marked by immature people have all turned away from us, the dream
provide clues about the dreamer’s state of someone is being “two-faced”? characteristics such as gullibility or verbal may be a response to exclusion.

206-225 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 208-209 3/12/10 11:25 am

210 Self and Others

Blood sexual matters. Alternatively, a dream in which

a nose features significantly may be urging us to
Fundamentally, blood symbolizes life itself, but it “follow our nose” and listen to our instincts.
is a complex symbol with many different facets
of potential meanings. If the blood suddenly Ears
pours away, this may represent violent emotions
or the feeling that someone or something is When ears appear in our dreams, they may be
draining the life from us. Perhaps we are exerting urging us to pay greater attention to the world
a great effort in a relationship around us. Perhaps we are so
or the workplace and not being wrapped up in our inner lives
appreciated for it? Spilt blood that we have failed to notice
can also indicate pain, suffering the words or behaviour of those
or injury, either physical or around us – they may be trying
emotional, or if it appears as a to tell us something important.
stain we may feel some deep-
seated guilt. Blood can also be Hair
associated with menstruation
and therefore with renewal and Hair is a symbol with a
female sexuality. In male dreamers this may point multiplicity of meanings. Often a symbol of
to a fear of women’s physicality or even to fears vanity, it can also express a woman’s sense of
of sexual aggression. femininity or the strength and assertiveness of
either sex. In the biblical story of Samson and
Nose Delilah, Samson loses his strength when his hair
is shorn, and for many people the loss of hair
For Freudians, a prominent nose is a phallic is an obvious sign of receding youth. Hair loss
symbol. The common “Pinocchio” dream of can also have positive connotations – to shave
the nose growing longer as a punishment for one’s head can represent new beginnings or the
lies is usually interpreted as revealing guilt over renunciation of worldly ways, and shaven heads
behaviour that is less than honest, especially in are often associated with monks.

206-225 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 210-211 3/12/10 11:25 am

212 Self and Others The Body and its Functions 213

Skin An open, outstretched hand can symbolize

generosity or the hand of friendship, while
The skin represents the appearance we present a hand made into a fist can represent anger,
to the outside world. Smooth, blemish-free aggression or strength.
skin may indicate an unrealistic yearning for
perfection, while scars and imperfections Arms
can express a sense of personal
inadequacy. Wounds Arms can be either an instrument
and scars might of punishment or a means
also represent of comfort. They can be
painful emotional defensively crossed or
experiences, our open to opportunities.
attitude to which Raised arms might
may be revealed suggest authority or
in the dream – conflict and perhaps
depending on whether arms in the sense of Legs return to the warm protection of the womb.
we seek to conceal weaponry. If we dream of The abdomen is also said to represent our “gut
them or wear them with outstretched arms, we may Legs can represent our foundations, whether we instincts” and intuition.
pride. be craving comfort or physical feel that we are strong and well-supported or
contact. Arms encircling us might that we “don’t have a leg to stand on”. They can Breasts
Hands represent a yearning for consolation. also indicate an urge to move forward, perhaps
in a relationship or career. A woman’s bosom can suggest the unconditional
Hands represent action, whether good or Fingernails love of the mother and may express a desire
ill. Washing our hands suggests denying Belly to be nurtured or to nurture. As the source
responsibility and evokes the image of To dream of scratching the face of a friend or of all our nourishment and therefore of life
Pontius Pilate washing his hands to indicate colleague does not necessarily mean that we Since antiquity a round belly has been a symbol itself during our earliest months, breasts are
his innocence of Christ’s death. To be unable want to hurt them. Rather, we may be expressing of female fertility, for obvious reasons. To understood by Jungians to represent a desire for
to wash a stain from our hands might imply a desire to scratch beneath the surface of their women this may symbolize maternal feelings, spiritual renewal and regeneration. A dream of
a feeling of guilt that has not been absolved. persona in order to get to know the true person. while to both sexes it can indicate a desire to breasts may also be a sexual wish-fulfilment.

206-225 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 212-213 3/12/10 11:25 am

214 Self and Others The Body and its Functions 215

Buttocks of doing so; while to dream of finding a toilet achieving a higher level of consciousness. More adolescent sexuality with awkwardness rather
engaged indicates jealousy of another’s position mundanely, a dream that focuses specifically than sensitivity.
Large buttocks can represent female sexuality or creativity. Causing a toilet to overflow on washing hair may be associated with our
or, more simply, frustrated sexual desire. indicates fear about losing emotional control, or desire to rid ourselves of a partner, friend or Lack of privacy
failure to discipline creative energy. colleague, while vigorous cleansing of the body
Bodily functions may stand for an obsessive need to rid ourselves If the dreamer is anxious that a toilet lacks
Washing and bathing of responsibilty for an action that we feel was privacy, this may indicate fear of public
Excretion usually represents the dreamer’s public shameful or morally wrong. exposure, or a need for greater self-expression.
anxiety or shame, or his or her urgent wish Washing can be a potent symbol representing In Freudian terms, the dreamer may feel
to express or unburden the self, whether for purification and renewal. Many different faiths Rubbing with a towel frustrated at not finding a suitable opportunity
creative or for cathartic reasons. Menstruation have rituals of cleansing, from the Christian for self-expression. On the other hand, dreamers
can carry similar connotations, and is often rite of baptism to the act of washing your feet Rubbing the body with a towel can symbolize openly flaunting their toilet functions may reveal
associated with a sudden release of creative before entering a temple. Jungians understand masturbation, which in turn can be indicative a tendency toward exhibitionism. Alternatively,
energy. To dream of unsuccessfully searching dreams of washing as representing an act of of sexual frustration. Masturbation can also be the dream might be an expression of anger at
for a toilet may indicate a conflict between the purification or rejuvenation that is performed associated with feelings of guilt or shame not receiving greater public esteem or financial
need to express oneself in public and a fear before embarking on a new stage of life or if our parents or teachers handled our reward for a creative or professional endeavour.

206-225 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 214-215 3/12/10 11:25 am

216 Self and Others Birth and Resurrection 217

Birth and Resurrection and spiritual energies constantly recreate Egg

themselves. Concerned with existence in
The universal human experiences of moon. In the Jungian conception of all its aspects, the collective unconscious In many mythological traditions an egg is
birth, death and ageing often feature the collective unconscious there is no serves as a kind of channel through described as the source of the cosmos and all
prominently in our dreams. We are all finality but rather a constant cycle of which new or renewed mental and existence. Discovering an egg, a baby, a newly
a part of this continual cycle, which not change. In our dreams, as in our myths, spiritual energies can stream into the hatched bird, or any other form of birth, can
only encompasses the grand progress death may figure not as the end, but as conscious world. indicate the emergence of new possibilities in
of our existence and that of the world part of an overall process of growth and Dreams often enact rebirth and the dreamer’s life, and may also emphasize the
around us, but also the cycles that occur transformation. Just as life is born from renewal by taking the dreamer back to need for careful nurturing.
within our lives: the beginnings and death in the material world (many of the childhood. A dream of being a child
ends of relationships or the passing world’s religions celebrate the death and again may thus reflect adult concerns Birth
of the seasons and the phases of the rebirth of the year), so our psychological (such as the need for a new start or
fresh inspiration), rather than a wish to Birth, whether from the dreamer’s own body
revisit our formative years. Similarly, or otherwise, is frequently associated with new
if we dream that we are older than we ideas and solutions, sometimes simply as wish-
actually are, age may simply be standing fulfilment, but sometimes as a clear indication of
in as a symbol for wisdom, or for mental actual possibilities waiting to be explored. Birth
rigidity or physical infirmity. If someone can also symbolize a new spiritual awakening
other than ourselves appears in a dream within the dreamer, although it is important to
younger or older than they are, it is remember that as newborns we are vulnerable
possible that this reflects envy of their and dependent on others.
vitality or their breadth of experience.
Resurrection – the return to life of Seed
deceased people, animals or trees – is a
classic dream archetype, often associated Dreams involving seeds or bulbs can signify the
with new life suffusing old ideas. germination of new ideas or the beginning of a
Alternatively, such dreams may warn of new stage in our life. Great things can grow from
the return of problems that have not yet small beginnings, so long as they are nurtured in
been laid properly to rest. the right environment.

206-225 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 216-217 3/12/10 11:25 am

218 Self and Others

Nudity and Dress

The Western tradition offers two attitudes toward the dreamer during the
strikingly different interpretations self-display stages of childhood.
of nudity: on the one hand, childlike Clothing is similarly ambivalent. It can
innocence; on the other hand, a profane take the form of the brilliant garments of
and illicit attachment to fleshly pleasures. light worn by the saints, gods and angels,
After falling from grace in Paradise, or it can stand for earthly vanity, an urge
Adam and Eve covered their nakedness; to deceive by appearances or to conceal
shame had entered their consciousness, shame or imperfection.
and the world could never be the Although a cover for nakedness,
same again. clothes may by their cut, line or function
In Level 3 dreams, nudity (like the draw attention to what they purport
archetype of the Divine Child; see page to hide. Dreams about bras or trousers
106) can represent the dreamer’s spiritual may therefore represent thoughts about
nature, or the authentic self. In Level 1 breasts or genitals, or about maleness,
or Level 2 dreams, it can stand for a range femaleness or sexuality.
of meanings spanning vulnerability, a Clothing, particularly in auspicious
desire to shed defences, a freedom from colours, may represent positive aspects of
shame and a love of truth. Excessive the dreamer’s psychological or spiritual
anxiety about the nudity of oneself or growth, but when over-elaborate may
others may suggest a fear of honesty and suggest a weakness for worldly display.
openness in relationships, or a failure to Because clothes can make the wearer
accept and integrate one’s own sexual seem taller or thinner, richer or poorer,
energies. For Freud, nudity could also than he or she really is, they can stand
represent a longing for the lost innocence for self-accusations of hypocrisy: a flashy
of childhood, or an expression of the waistcoat, for example, may represent our
dreamer’s repressed sexual exhibitionism, knowledge that we are deceiving others
usually the result of punitive parental in some way, creating a false persona.

206-225 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 218-219 3/12/10 11:25 am

220 Self and Others Activities andNudity
Statesand Dress 221
of Being 221

The female nude of Eden. Nudity can also be a sign of openness Disgust at another’s nudity
and honesty, indicating an acceptance of the
Venus and other classical goddesses were often true self or a willingness to face facts as they are. To be distressed or disgusted by the
portrayed naked, or almost so. Such divine In an anxiety dream, however, the same sense nudity of another person suggests
nudity was used as a symbol of love of openness might translate into a feeling of anxiety, disappointment or aversion
and sacred beauty, or in the case of vulnerability. when we discover their true nature
the nine Muses it represented the behind the pretensions of the persona.
divine truth of the arts. Nudity Accepting nudity Where there is nothing inherently
in a powerful woman, such as offensive about the body, the dream
Diana, the Roman goddess To be accepting of nudity indicates an may show an unwillingness to let other
of the hunt, can help to appreciation of freedom and naturalness. people be themselves. Equally, to
suggest the Animus, the Although Freudians interpret dreams where we respond with revulsion to the nudity of
active principle in woman. enjoy the nudity of others as wish-fulfilment, others may indicate that we are
To Freudians the female they can also indicate an ability to see through cautious or unwilling to engage in an
nude is usually an expression of the defences of the people around us and to emotionally or physically intimate
sexual desire. For women it may accept them as they are. If we enthusiastically relationship with someone.
indicate lesbian tendencies or a welcome the nakedness of the people we meet Others unconcerned about
craving for self-exhibition. in our dreams, we may be frustrated with the dreamer’s nudity Male nude
affected behaviour and artificial personas of
Nakedness those we meet in waking life. To dream of being naked in a public place Dreams involving a male nude are interpreted
among other people who are unconcerned or by Freudians in much the same light as dreams
Dreams in which we or other people are naked Nudity in children oblivious may suggest that you are not worried about a female nude, indicating heterosexual
can have many different meanings and in order about what others think about you. It may also or homosexual desire or, if the dreamer is male,
to interpret them it is important to look closely Nudity in children often represents innocence, indicate that we should discard as groundless unexpressed leanings toward exhibitionism. To
at the mood of the dream and the context although it is sometimes associated with the any fears that we will be rejected if our real self Jungians an idealized male nude is associated
in which the nudity occurs. In general terms, archetypal Divine Child (see page 106). If the – psychological, spiritual or physical – is revealed. with classical images of Greek and Roman gods
nakedness often indicates a yearning for lost dreamer attempts to cover up the nudity of the Perhaps we need to learn to be more accepting and may express a profound love of culture,
innocence – a childlike lack of self-awareness young, this may indicate prudishness, artifice or a of ourselves as we are or to open up about past beauty and art or an aspiration to higher
that harks back to Adam and Eve in the Garden general discomfort with self-expression. emotional traumas. spiritual goals.

206-225 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 220-221 3/12/10 11:25 am

222 Self and Others Nudity and Dress 223

Tight or loose clothes connection to the Far East or perhaps, if the keep the guise of the persona in place. Anxiety
kimono feels like an incongruous garment, our dreams featuring a belt that is malfunctioning
Over-tight or constrictive clothes (especially dream may be pointing to some aspect of our often reflect concerns about keeping up our
formal attire such as a suit or dinner jacket) own persona that feels foreign to us. public image and not transgressing the norms
usually indicate that the dreamer is inhibited or of acceptable social behaviour. Belts are
restricted by his or her public or professional Sweater unravelling also binding and restrictive, and to dream of
role. More rarely, they suggest that the loosening one may represent a desire to escape
dreamer has ideas above his or her station A dream in which a woolly garment unravels may the confines of our inhibitions or those imposed
or that they are aiming at more than can be be drawing our attention to a growing sense upon us by the moral code or conventions of
achieved in present circumstances. The Freudian of disillusionment, either with an individual or the society in which we live.
interpretation fixes on their revealing nature with a cherished scheme or ideal. Jungian direct
and understands tight clothes to represent a association can be used to identify what the Turban
preoccupation with the breasts or buttocks, sweater represents to us.
the shape of which they reveal. Conversely, To Muslims and Sikhs turbans represent status
wearing loose clothes can indicate a desire Hat and membership of a particular community.
to be free of constraints and the inhibitions They carry connotations of dignity and also of
of morality and social convention. Their Hats hold a number of different meanings: Jung dominant male authority. For people who are
shapelessness can also, however, suggest that believed that hats symbolize thought and that not a member of a turban-wearing religious or
the dreamer is trying to conceal their true form the type of hat we find ourselves wearing in our ethnic group, the garment may be associated
and, by extension, their nature. dreams is therefore very significant. If we change with the unknown and the exotic. The dreamer
hats or acquire a new hat, we may be at a stage may be craving new horizons or experiences.
Cloak of personal development where we are open to
new ideas and willing to discard previously held
A particularly ambivalent dream symbol, beliefs, now outmoded.
the cloak can stand for illicit concealment
and secrecy, for mystery and the occult, or Kimono Belt
for protective warmth and love. Freudian
psychology typically associates the cloak with Kimonos are associated with the East and Belts hold up our clothes and may therefore
enveloping female sexuality. especially with Japan. We may feel some cultural represent social propriety and the need to

206-225 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 222-223 3/12/10 11:25 am

224 Self and Others Activities andNudity
Statesand Dress 225
of Being 225

Boots specific qualities concerned. Feelings of shame example, might be encouraging us to use and
at being seen in underclothes can indicate display our best personal qualities.
We may speak of “giving something the boot” an unwillingness to have these attitudes
and the boot being “on the other foot”: made public. Ring
depending on the context, a dream in which
boots play a significant role may be drawing Dress or skirt As a symbol of matrimony, a ring can stand
our attention to the need to remove a negative for commitment and fulfilment. It is also an
influence from our life or it may reflect a change It has become normal for Western women emblem of the continuous cycle of life, with
in status or reversal in fortunes. High-heeled to wear trousers instead of a skirt, so the connotations of eternity.
leather or lace-up boots can also have overtones appearance of a dress or skirt may indicate a
of sexual domination, while walking boots, which need, for both men and women, to integrate Shorts
protect our feet and provide us with stability and express the feminine aspects of the psyche.
and grip when walking over difficult terrain, can Some dresses have particular connotations – a Shorts often represent youth and inexperience,
signify the need to remain grounded during Armour dream in which we are wearing so a dream of wearing them might indicate that
challenging episodes of our lives. a beautiful ballgown, for we do not feel ready for a challenge we face.
A dream of wearing heavy clothing or armour
Fur indicates that we are being over-defensive in
our life. The dreaming mind may be indicating
Wearing fur in dreams may point to delusions that with more self-confidence, openness and
of grandeur or to nostalgia for past glories. social ease, we would not have to take such
Used to line the robes of judges and royalty, extreme measures to protect ourselves from the
white ermine is a traditional symbol of moral perceived dangers in the outside world.
purity and can represent childlike innocence
or an aspiration to a position of moral or social Underclothes
responsibility. For Freudians, fur is a symbol
of pubic hair, although a dream in which the Underclothes may represent unconscious
dreamer is wrapped in a comforting garment of attitudes and prejudices, feelings that we
fur indicates a yearning to return to the warmth prefer to keep “under wraps”. Their colour and
and safety of the womb. condition can give important clues about the

206-225 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 224-225 3/12/10 11:25 am


Over a lifetime, we will probably meet not only into the self but also into how
many people in our dreams. Some the self may appear to others.
are straightforward representations Conversely, Jung maintained that the
of a person we know and are perhaps frequent appearance of a dream character
involved with, in which case the dream is who is everything that the dreamer would
probably about our relationship with this not wish to be represents the archetype
individual; others represent, in a more of the Shadow – the hidden, repressed
abstract way, particular qualities, wishes side of the self (see page 105). However,
or archetypal themes; others again stand not everything about the Shadow is
for aspects of the dreamer’s own self. negative: by recognizing the Shadow,
Such is the condensed economy of dream we acknowledge our darker aspects,
symbolism that a single character can integrating them into consciousness; if
at times fulfil all three functions in the we ignore the Shadow, on the other hand,
passage of a single dream. our darker nature may appear again and
Detailed analysis is often required again in our dreams, disguising itself in
before the exact function of a dream increasingly destructive forms.
character can be identified; but, as with When very beautiful or powerful men
other areas of dreamwork, certain general or women appear in our dreams, they are
tendencies are apparent. often representations of the Anima and
Jung established that a dream Animus archetypes (see page 103), the
companion who appears in various guises feminine and masculine principles that
in several dreams, but is recognized as coexist within all of us at the level of
the same character, represents aspects of the collective unconscious. Such figures
the dreamer’s real self. By reflecting in encourage us to cultivate the masculine
waking life upon the behaviour of this or feminine aspects of our personality,
character in the various circumstances of whichever is weaker at that stage in our
the dream, we are provided with insights lives, and to seek strength in its qualities.

226-241 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 226-227 3/12/10 11:24 am

228 Self and Others People 229

Giant in a difficult situation. If, however, he appears

unwell and infirm, he might symbolize fears of
In adult dreams, giants may ageing or death, or in the case of male dreamers,
represent recollections impotence anxiety.
of childhood, when all
adults towered above Hag
the dreamer. For children,
they may represent The aged crone appears in the mythology and
present realities, such as the folk legends of cultures across the globe. Closely
frightening side of the father. linked to the Jungian archetype of the devouring
But although dream giants Great Mother (see page 106), the hag can be
are awe-inspiring, not all of both a helpful figure and a hostile one, but in Silent witness Widow
them are unfriendly. Some either case represents our latent inner wisdom.
may symbolize the care To Freudians, the hag often represents castration A person who is present in a dream but refuses Freudians see the widow, who has lost her
and protection that the anxiety or unresolved issues with our mother. or is unable to speak often represents an husband and therefore the male energy from her
strong can give to the imbalance between emotion and intellect, one life, as symbolic of castration anxiety for men.
weak. If you see yourself as Beggar overpowering the other to render it speechless More generally, the widow may respresent death,
a Gulliver-like giant, surrounded by tiny people, or impotent. or an experience of great loss.
this can point either to feelings of superiority Beggars can appear in our dreams to remind
or to a heightened sense of self-consciousness. us of the chimerical nature of our material Hooligan Child
Perhaps you are blowing your insecurities out of aspirations or perhaps as a symbol for low
all proportion? self-esteem. They are at the very bottom of the Refusing to behave in accordance with the rules Dreams in which we picture ourselves as a child
social scale and they depend entirely on others of society, the young hooligan can represent often hark back to lost childhood innocence as
Old man for support; however, their lives are not tied to the desire to throw off old conventions or well as the unconditional love of our parents.
a daily routine of work nor to one place of rest. inhibitions that may be constricting our personal A child can also often represent aspects of
An elderly man is often a representation of the It is possible that a dream in which the symbol growth. Conversely, this may be a symbol of our ourselves – perhaps a sense of vulnerability or a
Wise Old Man archetype (see pages 103–104). of the beggar, or perhaps a gypsy, occurs may destructive potential, and in Jungian terms may playful side to our nature that we do not often
He may provide us with guidance, for example represent a yearning to escape the drudgery and be expressing some part of the urges of the dark express, or a yearning to start afresh after taking
in identfying the right course of action to take confines of daily life. side of the persona, the Shadow. a wrong turning.

226-241 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 228-229 3/12/10 11:24 am

230 Self and Others People 231

Family Mother and the return to the earth which must occur in Twins
order to make way for new life. Jungians see the
When our whole family appears in a dream, The mother is a complex dream symbol Great Mother archetype (see page 106) as having Often representing different aspects of the
we may be yearning for the warmth and with many layers of meaning. On a universal, a profound effect on our psychological growth. dreamer’s personality, happy twins suggest that
togetherness of the home. If we can see our archetypal level, mother nature is a symbol of In the Freudian interpretation, however, the opposing aspects of the self are integrated
family but are not a part of the group, this may rebirth, fertility and continuity. She gives life and mother can be either an object of unconscious and in harmony. If we dream about twins in
indicate a feeling of estrangement. nourishes, however, she also represents death desire or a figure that represents castration conflict, however, this may represent inner
anxiety. Dreams of our own mother may carry turmoil.
aspects of either interpretation, or they may
literally be about our relationship with our Brother or sister
mother. How we interact with her in our dreams
may carry clues as to the nature of our present Dreams involving our siblings may invoke
relationship and to issues that might have memories of sibling rivalry and jealousy.
resulted from our upbringing. Although the intensity of the competition can
be startling when it comes to light in our
Father dreams, it may stem entirely from our
storehouse of remembered experiences and
As with our mother, a dream in which our does not necessarily mean that the rivalry has
father plays a significant role may simply be persisted into adult life.
addressing aspects of our relationship with him.
The emotions we experience within the dream – Uncle or aunt
anger, resentment or pleasure, for example – are
of vital importance when we come to interpret The dreaming mind often uses uncles and aunts
the dream. Freudians, however, view dreams as substitutes for our mother and father when
about our father as explicitly sexual – either expressing our unconscious feelings toward
expressing sexual insecurity or incestuous desire, either or both parents. Jungians might interpret
depending on whether the dreamer is male or an uncle as representing the Animus of a female
female. To Jungians the father is more likely to dreamer and an aunt as the Anima of a male (see
represent the Wise Old Man archetype. page 103).

226-241 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 230-231 3/12/10 11:24 am

232 Self and Others People 233

Grandparents dreaming mind’s way of gently reminding us of It could also express a wish to reconnect aspects of the self that we find difficult to
the ephemeral nature of popularity. with friends or family whom we feel we have understand or accept. Alternatively, this dream
Our grandparents can represent the Jungian neglected. If somebody who is no longer a may indicate that we have difficulties with
archetypes of the Wise Old Man and the Great Audience part of our life, perhaps a former partner or a communication, either in general or with one
Mother. They may also be used to symbolize the deceased relative, appears at the gathering particular issue or individual.
safety and security of familial love and support. If we dream that we are greeted with rousing the dreaming mind may be highlighting our
Often our relationship with our grandparents applause at a public meeting, we may have sense of loss. Landlord or landlady
is less fraught than that with our parents, and achieved some breakthrough in our waking life.
a dream in which they feature may indicate a Perhaps we have finally received the recognition Boss A dream image of a house is often understood
yearning for a similarly untroubled relationship. we feel we deserve. If, however, we are faced to represent the self. To dream that someone
with jeers from an angry crowd, this may reflect While a dream about one’s boss may reflect else owns our house can therefore indicate
Friends feelings of paranoia or low self-esteem. anxieties stemming from the workplace, our that we do not feel in control of our own life.
employer can also represent aspects of our Perhaps a parent or partner is overly dominant,
A dream where our friends fail to recognize us Company relationship with our parents. If in a dream we or maybe we feel that our actions are dictated
or pretend they do not know us may express a find ourselves asking for a pay rise this might by events rather than by our wishes.
lack of self-confidence. It could also, however, A dream where we are the host at a party or reflect a craving for more attention from our
indicate doubts we may be having about gathering might indicate a craving for attention parents or for more overt expressions of love. If,
a particular relationship. Or it may be the or a desire for the affection of our friends. on the other hand, we are made redundant, this
may be the dreaming mind expressing the pain
of parental rejection. Dreams where we are
the boss may stem from a desire
for a dominant sexual

An individual or a group of
people speaking an unintelligible
foreign language may symbolize

226-241 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 232-233 3/12/10 11:24 am

234 Self and Others Occupations 235

Occupations a more personal Dentist

and committed
Occupations feature prominently in emphasizing that the dreamer will approach to Perhaps unsurprisingly,
dreams. Whether focusing become increasingly frustrated relationships. a frequent cause of
on one’s own trade or unless he or she adopts a clearer Alternatively, dentist dreams is
profession, or on that of sense of direction in life. it may be toothache. When
other dream characters, Often we find ourselves emphasizing we do not have
such dreams usually relate dreaming of a current the dreamer’s problems with our
to aspects of the dreamer’s role or project, in which helplessness in teeth, the Freudian
own personality. The case the dream may be understanding interpretation is that
workplace is a rich source pointing out areas where complex issues, or dreams in which we
of metaphor, embracing both we are functioning unproductively, perhaps signifying have a tooth extracted
objects and actions, upon which or misusing abilities or letting new that it is necessary are an expression of
dreams draw freely to express their opportunities slip by. to pay greater castration anxiety.
special purposes. Even those dreams that appear simply attention to detail. More generally, bureaucrats Jung, on the other hand, found that when
A visit to the optician, for example, to replay incidents from the previous may symbolize the impersonal machinery of women dream about going to the dentist,
may indicate a short-sighted approach to working day are usually intent on a world that resists our efforts to succeed, this is often associated with giving birth – the
relationships providing clues about whether in work or in creative projects or even dreaming mind turns the dentist into the
or to other personal or why things went badly or in resolving niggling everyday problems. symbolic midwife or obstetrician.
professional issues. We well, or suggesting how
may find ourselves trying matters might be more Engineer Builder
to sell newspapers to successfully dealt with in the future.
unheeding We may see the engineer as a redeemer, fixing Houses are usually understood to represent the
passers-by – a dream experience that Bureaucrat the cogs and wheels of our world in times of self, and as result a person working on a house
may signify an inability to alert others to trouble. Working in a basement, in the depths often represents our father or someone who has
important information of some kind, and A dream of dealing with bureaucracy often of our unconscious, he may prevent destructive been similarly influential in our life. If the house
perhaps the need for a fresh approach. A relates to a lack of emotion, either in the urges from disrupting our conscious life. He is not yet completed, then the dream may be a
dream of applying for a number of jobs dreamer or in those with whom he or she may be a close friend, beloved relative or reflection on our childhood and the dependent
could indicate a similar need, perhaps comes into contact. The dream may be urging trusted advisor. relationship that we then had with our parents.

226-241 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 234-235 3/12/10 11:24 am

236 Self and Others Occupations 237

Conductor precious metals when they are brought to

the surface of the earth, the wisdom that we
Depending on the mood and context, a dream uncover within our unconscious needs to be
in which we are the conductor of an orchestra subjected to the examination of the conscious
may indicate either a wish to dictate the mind in order to provide us with true insight.
actions of others or a desire to exercise more
control over our own creative impulses. The Sailor
religious associations of music might mean that
this dream expresses a yearning for spiritual Owing to their connection with the sea and
guidance. therefore with the unconscious, sailors typically
represent the adventurous side of the dreamer,
Mechanic and the desire to explore unknown reaches of
the inner self.
A mechanic surrounded by a multitude of car
parts may represent our frustration with the Chemist
task of keeping our life in order. The seemingly
impossible job of reassembling an engine from Jung linked the ancient practice of alchemy to Admiral which a plumber features significantly may reveal
its constituent components, of finding the right inner transformation. A modern equivalent of concerns we have about our health, or else may
tools and discovering the source of the problem, the alchemist, a chemist may symbolize the Freudians see ships as a phallic symbol. In relate to a process of psychological or emotional
echoes the challenge posed by the chaotic dreamer’s quest for spiritual fulfilment. a similar vein, a dream in which we are an exploration and healing.
events of everyday life. admiral may indicate a need for more control
Doctor in a relationship, or perhaps even a desire to Nurse
Miner dominate our partner sexually.
If, in a dream, we are the patient, then the Our interpretation of a dream image of a nurse
Anything underground is usually related to doctor often becomes the subject of what Plumber depends on whether we see ourselves in the
your subconscious mind, and so the miner, psychoanalysts term “transference” – where role of patient or carer. In the former case, our
working deep beneath the surface of the earth, we redirect toward doctors, for example, the The pipes and valves of a house can represent dream may indicate a desire to be mothered;
can represent a process of self-discovery. In emotions that surround our relationship with both our internal organs and the innermost in the latter, it may be an expression of our
the same way that ores are transformed into our parents, either in the present or in the past. workings of our mind and emotions. A dream in maternal instincts.

226-241 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 236-237 3/12/10 11:24 am

238 Self and Others Mortality 239

Mortality fears – for example, a concern about the in life circumstances. Symbols of death
annihilation of the personality or the may also draw the dreamer’s attention to
The collective conscious minds may be self, or a dread of judgment or divine forthcoming irrevocable events, such as
unconscious takes the filled with anxieties about retribution, or of hell, or of the manner of retirement, losing a job, moving house, or
long-term rather than our own death or about death, and so on. ending a close relationship.
the short-term view, the ultimate or actual loss Death in dreams sometimes carries Reading the obituary of someone
associating death with of loved ones or friends. precognitive warnings about the future. during a dream, or seeing their
change rather than Fearful dreams about Abraham Lincoln dreamed his own death tombstone, or attending their funeral,
with finality. However, our own mortality may only days before he was assassinated, may suggest the dismissal of that person
at an individual level, indicate the need for us seeing his corpse laid out in funeral from a job, or their relegation from the
death has always vexed, to come more to terms, vestments in a room of the White House. dreamer’s affections, or their fall from
terrified and fascinated in conscious life, with our Many dreams of death, however, have grace in some other way.
us, and the Level 1 and 2 inevitable fate. Dreams no association with mortality at all. Some Dream images relating to the dreamer’s
dreams (see pages 65–70) about the death of others, may relate to aspects of the dreamer’s own death can carry similar meanings,
that lie not far below the surface of our though, may depict more generalized own psychological life, or to a change although The Golden Dreamer, a dream
handbook published in 1840, saw such
images as denoting a speedy marriage
and success in all undertakings.

The dream image of a funeral often reflects
a moment of closure, such as the ending of a
relationship, rather than death. Where it is a
stranger’s funeral, this can be a reminder of the
passing of time, of the irrecoverable nature of
the past, or of the importance of not entering
into too many emotional attachments.

226-241 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 238-239 3/12/10 11:24 am

240 Self and Others Mortality 241

Symbols of death Coffin Cemetery

Medieval churchyards are replete with momenti While the dream image of a coffin may A graveyard or cemetery is
mori (reminders of mortality), and scholars of obviously represent death, or our fear of death, not only a place in which to
the time often kept skulls on their desks as it can also signify the ending of one phase of mourn and bury our dead,
objects of reflection. Hourglasses and the figure our life and the beginning of a new one. In the it also provides a focus for
of the reaper are also important Freudian interpretation, a coffin’s remembrance. In our dreams
symbols. Dreams of such deathly open lid and gaping insides gives it a cemetery may represent
paraphernalia may remind the overtones of female sexuality. family unity, reaffirming the
dreamer that life carries a limited continuity between past and
span in which to complete projects, Grave present generations.
or may
point to An open grave Obituary
forthcoming might seem
finalities such like a morbid The experience of reading
as the end of reminder your own obituary is a fairly
a marriage. of our own common dream. It may point
mortality. to anxieties about losing
Burial However, it your social standing or being
can also be a very positive symbol, fired from your job. If it is
Being buried alive can represent encouraging us to leave behind the obituary of someone
feelings of claustrophobia – the unrewarding aspects of our life you know, you may harbour
either physical or figurative. More and embrace new ways of thinking some unexpressed resentment
generally, burial may suggest and behaving. In a not dissimilar against them.
the repression of our instincts – vein, Jungians might see tombs as
anxieties we choose to ignore or associated with the Great Mother Hanging by Freud to symbolize male castration anxiety,
desires we decide not to express. It archetype – the quiet of the grave and therefore fear of impotence and the loss of
can also symbolize laying a painful providing a safe space for rest, Execution by hanging and other means such as sexual virility. There might also be a suggestion
emotional experience to rest. regeneration and rebirth. beheading by the guillotine was understood of feeling guilty about a crime, real or imagined.

226-241 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 240-241 3/12/10 11:24 am

242 243

Tools and Implements

The dream world is furnished with a multiplicity of objects, some Useful implements often
feature in dreams about
familiar to the dreamer, some strange and unrecognizable. All have performance. They may
potential significance, but sometimes it is the more obscure items indicate anxiety about
our abilities or draw
that provide the richest clues in dream interpretation. However, not
our attention to as yet
all associations are oblique, and some have obvious symbolic links unexplored talents.
with waking experience. A camera, for example, often represents a
wish to preserve and perhaps cling to the past, while hiding things
in obscure places may stand for a wish for self-concealment. The To Christians nails may invoke
the Crucifixion. They can
object’s function is usually its most important aspect, although be symbols of suffering and
shape, colour and texture can also be significant. sacrifice. In some cultures,
however, they are believed
to have protective qualities – the
Romans, for example, drove a nail
into the wall of Jupiter’s temple every
September to ward off disaster.

Hammer Nuts and bolts

A hammer channels brute force to drive a Nuts and bolts can represent the practical
stake into the ground or a nail into a wall or a aspects of a task, and their appearance in a
piece of wood. It can represent willpower and dream may highlight the need to think beyond
determination, perhaps in an issue of moral or the theoretical considerations. Freudians focus
ethical judgment. on the sexual connotations of their shapes.

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 242-243 3/12/10 11:22 am

244 Objects Devices 245

Devices Flashlight or Television

The world as we know it is full of Clock or watch Dreams in which
ingenious devices – from hand-wound Just as we use we appear on
clocks to the latest in computing The ticking of a clock equates with the beating a flashlight to television may
technology. Any of these may appear in of the heart. Hence, a racing clock can symbolize provide light in suggest a need
our dreams, whether we use them on a emotions running high; a stopped clock, lack of the darkness, so in to communicate
regular basis or not. emotion. Clocks may also evoke the transient our dreams they emotions or ideas
nature of life and the relentless passage of time. can represent the that we have
Umbrella search for truth difficulty sharing
Computer and integrity in with others in
Rain may seem unpleasant when we get wet a world which waking life. They
but it is essential for the fertility of the earth While the Freudian interpretation sees may sometimes can also represent a
and, indeed, for the functioning of all life on our keyboards, disk drives and USB ports as seem dominated plea for attention,
planet. To shelter under an umbrella in a dream symbols of female sexuality, Jungians prefer by the forces perhaps from a
may indicate that the dreamer is denying him- or to understand computers in the light of of corruption, greed and ignorance. If a torch loved one or maybe from a wider audience. We
herself access to sources of physical or spiritual humankind’s shared wealth of wisdom. A flickers or goes out this may symbolize loss of may even be craving fame, or have had a taste of
nourishment and growth. The sexual symbolism formidable resource, they can also appear hope or the death of a dearly held ideal. celebrity status and be eager for more.
of an umbrella depends upon whether it is open in our dreams as representations of work-
(female) or closed (male). related anxiety – an overflowing email inbox Radio Camera
or impossibly cluttered desktop can indicate
Telephone concerns about the extent of our workload. The radio is a powerful dream symbol because, Cameras offer us a way to capture memories
more than television or even newspapers, it that might otherwise slip away from us. When
Telephones more often than not represent Machinery requires us to use our imagination to provide things are moving too fast or we are in the
communication, or the breakdown of the visual dimension of the information it middle of radical change, we may dream about
communication. If we fail to make ourselves Competent use of machinery can indicate broadcasts. A dream-radio may therefore stand taking photographs of people or places or
understood on the telephone, this can suggest enhanced personal power. If the dreamer for the dreamer’s inner voice. Interference or events that we feel we might not otherwise
weakness in our ability to convey our thoughts, becomes a machine, this may stand for a loss static may suggest that we cannot hear or are remember or which we would, perhaps
feelings or ideas to others. of sensitivity. not listening to our innermost thoughts. unconsciously, like to hold firm in our minds.

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 244-245 3/12/10 11:22 am

246 Objects

Household Items
Some objects we handle daily without Matches
giving them much thought. These same
items also commonly crop up in our Matches are associated with fire and light, and
dreams. The familiar is a powerful foil to a dream image of lighting a flame with matches
the surreal and the dreaming mind makes could indicate a desire to ignite any of the
good use of it. qualities linked to these elemental symbols –
purification, passion or spiritual enlightenment,
for example. A flame that is extinguished or
matches that fail to light can signify
loss of faith or spiritual doubts.

Books variously represent wisdom,
the intellect, or a record of the
dreamer’s life. Inability to read the
words in a book may indicate the
dreamer’s need to develop greater
powers of concentration and
awareness in waking life.

Garbage can
A garbage can frequently signifies unwanted
memories or duties, or aspects of the self
that the dreamer wishes to discard. It can also
suggest a desire for new beginnings.

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 246-247 3/12/10 11:22 am

248 Objects Household Items 249

Mirror Soap Hairpin Cushion

Seeing a strange face in the mirror often An obvious sign of purification, soap may The Freudian interpretation emphasizes the A cushion can be associated with an individual
indicates an identity crisis. If the face is startling represent feelings of guilt you seek to wash arched shape of a hairpin and points to female who protects us from hard knocks. Sometimes
it may stand for the Shadow, the archetype that away or a desire to cleanse your life of negative sexual symbolism. A woman taking a hairpin it may be drawing attention to the need to learn
represents the dreamer’s darker side. Somebody influences. The childhood threat of having your from an elaborate arrangement and releasing her to deal with difficulties on our own.
walking out of a mirror may hint that new mouth washed out with soap may reverberate hair from the confines of a bun or chignon is a
aspects are emerging from the unconscious, in your dreams as a warning against casual classic image of feminine seduction. Chair
while an empty mirror can represent the clean obscenity or speaking ill of others.
slate of the dreamer’s mind before the ego Wheelbarrow An image of female sexuality, a broken chair, or
overlays it with wishes and self-images. Pins and needles one that collapses underneath us,
A wheelbarrow cannot move unless we push may signify the end of a sexual
Drinking glass Pins and needles usually have sexual overtones it, and therefore carries connotations of action relationship. How comfortable
and dreams that feature actions such as and energy. We may use a wheelbarrow to clear we find a dream-chair may,
Like the cup, the drinking glass is a classic female threading needles or sewing can be an unwanted growth from our garden or move for women, represent how
sexual symbol. A broken glass can symbolize expression of sexual desire. We may even prick debris that is blocking a path or obscuring comfortable we are with our
lost virginity – a wine glass is traditionally our finger with a needle and draw blood. a view. It is a dream symbol associated with own sexuality, while for men it
broken at Jewish weddings. Jungians see glasses change and with clearing aspects of our life or may convey our true feelings
as equivalent to the Holy Grail, and therefore Broom of the self that may be impeding our personal or about a sexual partner.
associate it with love and truth. spiritual development.
Just as we would use a broom to sweep dust
Basket from a house in the waking world, in our dreams Bag
a broom often signifies a process of clearing
Filled with fruit and vegetables, a basket can out old ideas or habits to make way for a fresh A bag can be a symbol of our hopes for the
be a symbol of fertility and abundance. Its approach. A broom can also, however, have future. If we feel weighed down and unable
shape lends itself to an interpretation of female overtones of intolerance and authoritarianism to carry it, we may feel burdened by our
sexuality. Depending on the state of the basket’s – clearing a debate of dissenting voices, for responsibilities. If the bag is empty, this may
contents, the sexuality symbolized may range example, or purging an organization of its signify a sense of purposelessness or, more
from youthful exuberance to ripe maturity. divisive factions. positively, a desire to seek out fresh goals.

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 248-249 3/12/10 11:22 am

250 Objects Toys and Games 251

Toys and Games

The most obvious symbolism of toys Puppet
relates to childhood and perhaps to
a nostalgic yearning to return to its If toy dreams focus on asserting control over
comforts. Toys can also, however, have problems, puppet dreams are about asserting
more complex overtones – the world of control over people. Glove puppets or
dolls and mechanical trains is one we marionettes suggest manipulation and a lack of
can control, and dreams in which these free choice. The dreamer may discover that the
objects appear may occur at times when puppet stands as a symbol of the wish for power
we are having difficulty controlling the over others, or a lack of control in his or her own
adult world. Individual toys can have life, referring to the cliché that somebody else is
specific associations, as can different pulling the strings.
types of games. In adult dreams games
are often microcosmic representations Spinning top Soft toy interpreters, however, believe that it is more
of the dreamer’s life. A board game may likely to represent the exciting, unpredictable
enact the advances and setbacks of a The hypnotic spinning motion of a top Dreaming of soft toys often represents comfort, and varied nature of life.
recent experience. recalls a trance-like state of deep meditation. security or uncritical emotional support.
It is one of the most ancient of toys and may The dreamer may be seeking an unqualified Dice
Toy train appear in our dreams when we are delving into emotional acceptance by others, harking back to
the unconscious. the relationships of childhood; or alternatively Dice stand for chance and may express a feeling
To dream of a toy train may represent our wish the dream may be registering a refusal to face that random, arbitrary factors, rather than
to assert control over the direction and power Doll reality, or may be registering the need for more ability or effort, are governing our personal or
of our own life, even if this means reducing natural or more tactile contact with loved ones. professional progress.
it to something restrictive, predictable and Dolls may represent the Anima or Animus, the
mechanical. A toy train may also suggest the qualities of the opposite sex within ourselves. Swing Board game
dreamer’s urge to return to the small, secure Jung also found that dolls sometimes indicate a
world of childhood where other people take lack of communication between the conscious Freudians link the rhythmic motion of playing Dreams about board games frequently represent
reponsibility for our well-being. and unconscious levels of the mind. on a swing with sexual intercourse. Other dream the dreamer’s progress through life, with all its

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 250-251 3/12/10 11:22 am

252 Objects Toys and Games/ Weapons 253

ups and downs. They may be wish-fulfilments, example, sin and sexuality in snakes and ladders, Weapons
in which the dreamer competes and wins, or or the unconscious and conscious mind battling
they may reveal a fear of competition. Specific each other in the “inner” and “outer” tables of Weapons are a symbol of both authority Ineffective weapon
games may have their own symbolism – for backgammon. and masculinity. Although Freudians
do not hesitate to highlight the sexual Any weapon that refuses to fire in defence of
significance of weapons, there are other the dreamer suggests powerlessness: the dream
possibilities: they can suggest frustration is indicating to us that we must find better ways
as well as aggression, and they indicate of arming ourselves against the challenges of
the strength of our desire for change. the world. For Freud, a gun or knife that refuses
They can also represent the power to to function suggests sexual impotence or fear
fight repression and a means of making thereof; or perhaps the loss of another form of
our opinions heard. power.

Knives and daggers

The knife is by far the most Tank
common male sexual
symbol. It can represent the penis in its ability A tank indiscriminately flattens everything
to penetrate, and can stand for masculinity in in its path, and its appearance in our dreams
its associations with violence and aggression. may suggest that we are unwilling to listen to
It may also represent the “sword of truth” that opinions other than our own. The turret and
cuts through falsity and ignorance, or the will to prominent cannon of a tank make it one of
cut away false desires. As an emblematic item the most aggressive of phallic symbols, and
of dress, a Scotsman’s dirk or a Sikh’s kirpan our response to it can prove enlightening. An
symbolizes traditional male authority and the accompanying feeling of panic may suggest
ability to protect. The dagger is also the weapon underlying sexual anxieties, while a sense
associated with furtive assassination and its of excitement might indicate a craving
appearance in our dreams may reveal concealed for a more boisterous, even violent, type
feelings of animosity. of sexual experience.

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 252-253 3/12/10 11:22 am

254 Objects Weapons / Ornaments 255

Torpedo Axe Ornaments

Phallic in shape, the torpedo is another An axe has the potential to be a creative Objects that are not primarily useful wisdom hidden in the depths of the collective
symbol of male sexuality. Travelling by stealth rather than a destructive symbol, clearing but are valued for their aesthetic unconscious.
underwater, it may imply a desire for illicit away unwanted growth in order to make space qualities or inherent worth make for
sexual relations. for new life. It can symbolize the dreamer’s interesting symbols. Many, such as those Turquoise
readiness to make a clean break from the past embellished with diamonds or rubies,
Artillery or their determination to find a way through have traditional associations (eternity The vibrant blue colour of turquoise associates it
an emotional impasse. Sometimes an axe can and power respectively); others, with the sky and with the heavens, and in
High-power missiles, cannons and field guns represent an executioner’s axe – a powerful such as shells or vases, may be our dreams it can represent our higher
are all obvious phallic symbols. They can also symbol of judgment: perhaps we have a guilty significant because of their aspirations. Turquoise is believed to
represent the obstacles that seem to be ranged conscience and need to take steps to assuage it, shape or decorative function. have protective qualities: in Europe
against us. This can be especially true for women or perhaps we seek retribution for others. and Asia it is traditionally used to ward
in traditionally male Shell off the “evil eye”.
occupations. Who are Mace
the “big guns” blocking The shell is a profoundly spiritual symbol Pearl
your road to success? The function of a which often represents the unconscious – and,
mace is now primarily through its links with the sea, the imagination. Pearls are associated with water, the moon
Bow and arrow ceremonial rather It also stands for the divine female: Venus was and shells – all symbols of the feminine. They
than aggressive. The born from a shell off the coast of Cyprus. represent woman, love and marriage, and are
The traditional weapon spiked club, often highly valued. Freudians understand pearls to
of Cupid, the dream ornamented with Jewel symbolize female sexuality, especially if inside
image of a bow and precious metals and an oyster (an image of the vagina) or adorning
arrow can symbolize jewels, has become an Jewels often suggest a valued aspect of the a woman’s neck or ears. Pearls also have
the tension of holding emblem of authority, dreamer or of other people. Diamonds (see also overtones of purity and are seen by Jungians
the arrow of our and its appearance in page 256) typically represent the incorruptible as an aspiration to spiritual cultivation and
socially unacceptable our dreams can denote true self. Rubies denote passion, sapphires truth, transcendence of the material world. In China
unconscious impulses a desire for status and and emeralds fertility. Jewels may also represent pearls represent genius in obscurity, hidden as
in check. responsibility. buried treasure, the archetype of divine they are inside the coarse oyster shell.

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 254-255 3/12/10 11:22 am

256 Objects Ornaments 257

Diamond Jade perhaps not being completely honest about Horseshoe

their emotions or sexual conduct.
Diamond is created when In China, jade is traditionally Horseshoes are a well-known good luck charm
coal is subjected to intense said to be the sperm of the Fan and their appearance in our dreams suggests the
pressure. The appearance of celestial dragon, vitrified promise of success. Their cup-like shape gives
a diamond in a dream may be as it fell to earth. The Fans were once imbued with a rich symbolism them a sexual symbolism made explicit in the
an unconscious suggestion that a substance represents a and could even be used as a means of game where they are thrown over iron pegs.
stressful situation may result in the powerful union of heaven and communication, transmitting furtive messages,
creation of something brilliant. The earth, and symbolizes fertility and usually about love. Today, much of the language Vase
dreaming mind might use the idea of a the primal cosmic energies. of the fan is lost to us but the object has
diamond in the rugged rock to suggest that retained its association with flirtation and is still The hollow form and lithe lines of a vase make it
we may need to look beyond the rough exterior Plastic flower very much an image of female sexuality. A fan a possible symbol of female sexuality. Its shape
of an individual to understand their true nature. that appears to be cooling the dreamer’s ardour means that it may also be a representation of
Diamonds can also symbolize clarity, eternity Flowers often symbolize sexuality, and fake may in fact be fanning the flames of passion. the heart and the emotions.
and pure being. flowers could suggest that a sexual partner is

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 256-257 3/12/10 11:22 am

258 Objects Food and Drink 259

Food and Drink Cucumber appear whole or cut in half. In either case, as
befits a sumptuous fruit filled with seeds, figs are
Food represents nourishment, whether Oyster Freud, an inveterate smoker, once claimed that a symbol of fertility and sexual desire. Adam and
physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar” – meaning Eve are traditionally depicted wearing fig leaves.
Different types of food have very To Freudians, oysters, that not all elongated shapes are phallic. He
different meanings. A shiny red apple, with or without a pearl, are a representation would probably not, however, have said Peach
for example, should be interpreted in a of the female genitals. They also may suggest the same of a cucumber. An
very different light from a juicy red steak. esoteric knowledge. unapologetically phallic In traditional Chinese iconography, peaches
Moreover, food can be rich in personal symbol, the size of a are a symbol of purity and immortality –
associations. Whether you love or hate a Spaghetti cucumber in a dream may peach boughs were laid outside houses in the
certain type of food, were forced to eat it provide information about New Year. In the West, however, peaches
by your parents or were told that it was Spaghetti is a highly charged erotic symbol our sex drive. more commonly represent lasciviousness.
exceptionally nourishing will have an evoking pubic hair and the genitals of
impact on its significance both sexes. We may dream that we Grape Chocolate
when it appears in your are swimming in spaghetti
dreams. or perhaps that our hair is Grapes often stand for luxurious sensuality. Chocolate or any other luxury food generally
made of pasta. These dreams They are a fruit to be shared and playfully fed represents self-indulgence and self-reward. It
Ham or bacon might suggest a need for sexual to a lover, expressing oral sexuality. Grapes may suggest guilt and, by extension, various
fulfilment. are also associated with the product of their experiences or indulgences that the dreamer
For many people bacon is a juice: wine. Wine symbolizes intoxication, wild feels should be resisted or denied.
fundamental part of a filling Eel abandon and the ability to transcend the prosaic
cooked breakfast, while a joint of routines of daily life. But for Christians wine may Oatmeal or porridge
ham conjures up memories of homely A phallic symbol, on account of its shape, represent the blood of Christ and therefore have
family meals. Both are associated with a sense whether we respond to an eel with excitement overtones of sacrifice and rebirth. A deeply comforting food, porridge is associated
of satiety and fulfilment. For Jews and Muslims, or aversion can be indicative of our attitude with our early years when we received
however, these are prohibited foods and their to sex. The dream-image of an eel may also be Fig unconditional love and care from our parents.
appearance in dreams might represent the wordplay on the phrase “as slippery as an eel”, Its sticky, glutinous texture could also, however,
constraints of religious morality or a sense of not suggesting that an acquaintance may not be Figs can represent a man’s testicles or the female stand for an emotional impasse or a feeling of
belonging or of exclusion. trustworthy. sexual organs, depending on whether they sluggishness or stagnation.

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 258-259 3/12/10 11:22 am

260 Objects Food and Drink 261

Bread Cornflakes
Bread is a powerful symbol of life, of the Cornflakes have been inextricably linked,
abundance of nature and of fertility. Whether through advertising, to an idealized image of
it represents male or female sexuality depends family life. When they appear in our dreams,
on the shape of the loaf – a french baguette has they may express a wish for domestic harmony.
obvious phallic connotations, while a round loaf
may remind us of the pregnant female form. Carrot
Toast As well as being an obviously phallic symbol,
carrots are associated with good sight and
A great comfort food, toast may remind us especially with the ability to see in the dark.
nostalgically of family life when we were A dream image of a carrot might suggest that
growing up. It can encourage us to enjoy life’s we need to examine events closely in order to
simpler pleasures and to relish the daily routines clearly perceive the truth.
of domesticity. Burnt toast might signify the
distress caused when our relationship with a Salt
partner or our family is acrimonious.
Salt is a powerful preservative and has
Jam remarkable purifying properties. Its appearance
in our dreams may be a sign that we need to
The dreaming mind often uses jam to symbolize protect ourselves against corruption. Although
a sticky situation from which we need to today we treat salt as a commonplace table
extricate ourselves. Like other red substances, condiment, in ancient Rome and ancient China
strawberry or raspberry jam can represent blood it was considered so valuable that it was used
and therefore anger or violence. Alternatively, as currency. Perhaps our subconscious mind is
it might signify anxiety linked to female sexuality drawing our attention to the potential value of
and the issues surrounding it, such as virginity someone or something that might otherwise
or menstruation. escape our attention.

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 260-261 3/12/10 11:22 am

262 Objects Food and Drink 263

Mashed potato ourselves as one of the tiny figures on top of the Banana self-awareness or a paradise lost. There are also
cake can be an expression of satisfaction at our significant sexual overtones to the biblical tale
If we dream that we are eating buttery, creamy achievements so far. This is an obvious phallic symbol. A dream about and a dream about stealing apples might suggest
mashed potato, this can be an expression of eating or peeling a banana can be highly charged a desire for an illicit sexual relationship.
nostalgia for the comforts of childhood. Lumpy, Coffee and tea sexually. However, bananas can have non-sexual
tasteless mash, on the other hand, might symbolism: a banana skin lying in our path might Ice cream
recall unpleasant experiences at school or the A daily part of life for many people, coffee and convey misgivings about the potential hazards
neuroses of adolescence. tea carry overtones of routine and rejuvenation. of pursuing a course of action . Ice cream is a sweet treat that must be enjoyed
Both can be social beverages and as such may immediately. If we try to save it for later, it
Wedding cake suggest a desire to spend more time with our Butter will melt and we won’t be able to enjoy it at
friends. Coffee is generally seen to be the more all. The dreaming mind may use ice cream as a
A wedding cake can represent new beginnings caffeinated of the two and can imply a need In the past, butter was used in the preparation of metaphor for the importance of living in the
full of potential. If we find ourselves dwarfed for stimulation. Tea enjoys a more domestic sacrificial meats and can therefore be associated moment and partaking of life’s pleasures and
by the cake, staring up at its many tiers, we image and might suggest that we could do with with prayer, renunciation and sacred energy. In opportunities without dwelling too much on the
may feel overwhelmed by a commitment that spending more time at home or cultivating our another instance of dream wordplay, butter may disappointments of the past or the potential of
we have made, marital or otherwise. To see relationship with our family. signify flattery, as in the common phrase “to the future.
butter someone up”. Perhaps our subconscious
is warning us that someone is encouraging our
conceit for their own ends.

The Old Testament
story of Adam and Milk
Eve imbues apples
with a rich and varied Milk usually signifies kindness,
symbolism. As the sustenance and nourishment, often associated
forbidden fruit of the tree with maternal love. Freudians might understand
of knowledge, they can represent temptation, it to represent semen.

242-263Corr KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 262-263 3/12/10 11:22 am

264 265

Captivity and Freedom

Dreams often a key or some other
focus on the means of escape.
We perform many activities in our dreams – some may be routine preoccupying The dreamer’s
things we do every day, such as eat and travel to work, while conflict between own need for
the restrictions freedom may be
others may seem completely alien. Dreams of flying, for example, that life places symbolized in
might seem impossible and absurd, but they frequently symbolize upon us and our similar ways, with
urge for freedom. the dreamer playing
important aspects of personal or professional life and bring a Another common the role of victim
remarkable sense of exhilaration. Other common dream actions theme is our need and struggling to
to dominate others break free from the
include climbing, falling, travelling and evading or escaping capture.
by holding them captive, possessing restraints imposed by others.
All have their own particular connotations and must be interpreted them, or placing them under some kind Awaiting execution is the most extreme
carefully in the light of the mood of the dream and the context of of obligation to us. Even a seemingly curtailment of freedom, although in
selfless desire to protect or nurture dreams this may relate to apprehensions
the dreamer’s own intuitions and experiences. those closest to us may arise from about potentially auspicious events,
an unacknowledged self-gratifying such as marriage or the birth of a child.
tendency, in which service becomes a Freedom or captivity may also symbolize
form of domination. Although it can of aspects of psychological life that are
course symbolize more genuine motives, being too tightly controlled by the
the urge to save others from danger dreamer, or have been repressed into the
frequently represents the dreamer’s personal unconscious and are clamouring
desire to secure their dependency or for expression. Potential abilities that the
indebtedness. These motives can be dreamer is refusing to acknowledge may
shown more blatantly, as when the also be represented by captivity dreams,
dreamer forcibly holds down or smothers as may ideals that are being denied, or
another person, or withholds from them the urge to find spiritual purpose.

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266 Activities and States of Being Captivity and Freedom 267

Being tied up Confinement opportunities in life. Some dream interpreters, Leaving jail
however, would suggest that such dreams
A dream of being tied up may indicate the In waking life the things that confine us are more actually carry a much darker symbolism – a A dream in which we are released from jail
dreamer’s need for freedom, but was seen usually practical or psychological than physical. desire for the ultimate release, an escape from may be accompanied by feelings of elation.
by Freud as a reflection of repressed sexual A prison in which the dreaming self finds itself life itself. If you have been feeling troubled or It can represent a positive response to the
fantasies – often the desire to indulge in some locked up may represent a relationship or job in depressed, a dream of this type could be a signal beginning of a new phase of our life and a
form of bondage or sado-masochistic sex. which we feel trapped or frustrated. It can also to seek outside help and speak to a professional, sense of the desirability of change. Feelings of
Such dreams may date back to early childhood, signify a set of fixed ideas or beliefs, a moral or at least to a trusted friend. anxiety accompanying a dream of liberation are
and can be involved with sexual domination standpoint which is restricting our personal
by parents, or the urge to sexually dominate a development and preventing change.
parent of the opposite sex.
Dreams in which we escape from shackles or
Bondage, of course, can have overtly erotic bonds often represent a desire to be released
overtones in a dream, reflecting sexual urges in from a situation or a relationship that no longer
the dreamer that are perhaps unacknowledged makes us feel happy or fulfilled. If you are
by the waking mind. However, in a non-sexual religious, or come from a religious background,
context it can also suggest repressed spiritual you may be finding the spiritual, moral or
aspirations. physical demands of your faith a burden rather
than a source of enrichment.
Setting people or animals free
Breaking out of jail
Dreams of setting someone free may indicate
the dreamer’s altruistic urge to serve that person Escaping from jail, perhaps over a high wall, can
by releasing him or her from psychological represent a desire for unhindered expression,
bondage. Freeing animals from captivity more emotional or creative. It can also signify a
often relates to releasing the dreamer’s own determination to take control of our destiny and
emotions or primal energies. a realization that we need to create our own

264-283 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 266-267 3/12/10 11:20 am

268 Activities and States of Being Freedom and Captitivty 269

also, however, not uncommon and can be an Climbing and Falling

expression of concern about the challenges of
freedom – when we leave home, for example, or Logic suggests that climbing dreams insecurity in an area of worldly ambition,
when we retire. indicate success, and falling dreams such as a profession or social milieu.
failure, but other interpretations can Falling from a burning building may
Lock and key reach a deeper level of meaning. For suggest that the dreamer has been under
Freudians, climbing dreams represent insupportable emotional pressures as a
The dream image of a lock and key has overt a longing for sexual fulfilment. They result of his or her aspirations.
sexual overtones and can be a loaded dream also connote aspirations in other areas Amplification on climbing and
symbol. To see ourselves unlocking a box may of life. Falling can symbolize failure or falling symbols may provide links
convey a sense of sexual liberation; if the unjustifiable pride, as in the fall of Icarus with mythological archetypes such as
box will not open, however, this may be a sign of who flew too close to the sun; but it can the biblical figure of Jacob, who saw
sexual frustration. also represent an abrupt and unsettling angels climbing up and down a ladder
descent into the unconscious. set between heaven and earth. In the
Trap Tripping and falling, an experience that Renaissance, Jacob’s ladder became an
happens particularly during hypnagogic important Rosicrucian and alchemical
Animals are often the creative or destructive dreaming (see pages 50–54), often symbol, usually shown with seven rungs
aspects of the self in their uninhibited form. emerges as a reminder of the perils of (seven steps to heaven), representing
Dreams in which an animal gets caught in a trap over-intellectualization – living too much the link between the physical and the
– a mouse in a mousetrap, for example – may in the head and failing to take care of the spiritual self.
suggest that you feel that your creative energies more emotional aspects of life. Dreamers
are being stifled. rarely report distress when hitting the Ladders
ground: they either wake up just in time,
Being arrested or find the ground to be soft and yielding. A ladder can symbolize the attainment of higher
Such dreams remind us that apparent awareness or the descent into the unconscious,
To dream about being arrested often disasters may often lead to no long-term depending on whether the dreamer is ascending
indicates feelings of guilt, especially if stolen harm. or descending. A ladder featuring in our dreams
goods or past misdemeanours are subsequently Dreams of falling from a rooftop or can also be linked in the same way to the rise
discovered. from a high window usually indicate and fall of our fortunes.

264-283 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 268-269 3/12/10 11:20 am

270 Activities and States of Being Climbing and Falling 271

Elevators nature of the environment. listening to only our head and ignoring
Freudians see mountains our heart is especially perilous. Tripping can
As with ladders and stairs, and hills as symbolic of also be a metaphor for social awkwardness.
elevators (lifts in the breasts and representative
UK) can represent the of a yearning for our Steps and stairs
connection between the mother’s embrace.
spiritual and the physical Climbing a flight of stairs is a common dream
life or they can be a dream Vertigo image representing personal growth or career
reflection on our personal advancement. To dream that we trip and fall
or professional progress. The dizzy, spinning down a set of stairs might suggest that we have
Elevators differ most from sensation that can taken on more than we can reasonably cope
other means of ascent overtake us when we are with, or that we are overestimating our abilities.
or descent because they at a great height tends Ascending or descending stairs can also have
imply that our fate is less to be a dream symbol spiritual or psychological connotations. Jungians Slippery slopes
the result of our own of anxiety. Often it understand stairs as having a similar archetypal
efforts than a consequence of chance and the represents the unease that accompanies a significance to the ladder in the biblical story The relatively common dream
actions of others. Sometimes an elevator may heavy burden of responsibility, or sheer volume of Jacob’s ladder (see page 269), representing in which we attempt to climb up a
suggest the rise of thoughts from the dreamer’s of work, at home or professionally. The dream the link between the spiritual and physical life. descending escalator, a slippery slope
unconscious, or a descent there in search of may be urging us to talk to our partner or Walking down stairs can also represent the or a greasy ladder suggests failure to make
new ideas and inspiration. An elevator and shaft superiors about our concerns. descent into the unconscious mind; how easy progress in a desired area, and may
also have sexual overtones, similar to those of a we find the journey or what we discover at the serve as a reminder either to
train and a tunnel. Tripping or stumbling bottom of the stairs can be significant indicators abandon the attempt
of our psychological state. or to seek a more
Climbing a mountain To dream that we trip or stumble may suggest Freudians take a different view and see appropriate way
that we are taking too intellectual an approach going up and down stairs as a symbol of up. You may have
Mountains are the male aspect, or on a to life, relying too much on logic rather intercourse. Similarly, a gaping stairwell may taken on more responsibility than
loftier plane the higher self. They suggest the than intuition to solve problems. A stumble invoke the female sexual organs and a staircase you can handle and be in danger of
determination needed if one is to reach the often relates specifically to emotional or with its balustrades and banisters could even jeopardizing the project and your own
summit, as well as the dangers and the rarefied psychological problems, in relation to which represent the phallus. well-being as a result.

264-283 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 270-271 3/12/10 11:20 am

272 Activities and States of Being Travel and Motion 273

Travel and Motion

Freud was convinced that dream events The dreaming mind reveals the need
incorporating travel or motion typically for progress in life, but indicates that Leaving the familiar behind us to depart on a
represent disguised wish-fulfilments for decisions on ultimate goals must be journey can be symbolic of making a new start
sexual intercourse, the specific details of taken at the conscious as well as the or of the beginning of a quest for a higher
the dream reflecting the dreamer’s sexual unconscious level: as these conscious meaning to our existence. If we dream about
tastes. However, travel and motion can decisions are made, so they are mirrored leaving our baggage behind us, this suggests that
stand for many other aspects of life, in in the unconscious, and taken further in we are ready to move on from ingrained patterns
particular for progress toward personal dreams. of thought and behaviour or the trappings of
and professional goals. Some dream images connected with our everyday life.
The destination of dream journeys travel reveal their meaning without
may hold mythical or metaphorical much difficulty. Much is conveyed by On the move
associations. To travel westward may the nature of the pathway that stretches
indicate a journey toward old age and ahead. An open road usually suggests Closely linked to the dream symbol of
death, while an eastward journey may new possibilities for progress, while a departure, travelling invokes a sense of progress
signify rejuvenation. Travelling to rocky path may indicate obstacles. toward a personal, spiritual or professional goal.
Rome, where proverbially all roads lead, The scenery through which the Freudians associate dream journeys with the
may indicate thoughts about fate, love dreamer is passing on the journey also rhythm of motion and therefore a desire for
or death. Other dreams about dying, reveals aspects of his or her inner life. To sexual intercourse.
symbolized in travel, may concern dream of a journey through a desert,
themselves with holding onto or letting for example, may indicate loneliness, Walking
go of luggage. aridity, or lack of creativity. Further
Jung noted the appearance in grand insights come from the means of A walking figure is a classical image of the
(Level 3) dreams of the archetypal transport: Jung noted that travelling solitary thinker and when it appears in our
quest for meaning and fulfilment, and in a public vehicle often means that dreams it may suggest that it is time for some
certainly that dreams of setting out on the dreamer is behaving like everyone concerted reflection. The landscape that
a journey are far more frequent than else instead of finding his or her own provides the background to our walk may be a
those of arriving at the journey’s end. way forward. figurative representation of our troubles.

264-283 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 272-273 3/12/10 11:20 am

274 Activities and States of Being

Car However, if you see yourself driving the taxi, the are on the wrong train can denote
image may express a willingness to guide others missed opportunities, while a broken-
Freud considered that the smooth running on their personal journey. down or derailed train may turn out
of a car was a symbol not so much of sexual to be a blessing in disguise – what
wish-fulfilment as of progress in psychoanalysis. Station may at first appear to be a disastrous
Alternatively, it may represent free will or disruption of our plans may in fact be a
voluntary actions performed by the dreamer. A station suggests a conscious decision. The signal to change our plans and take our
choices available at a rail or bus station are own route away from the tracks.
Taxi analagous with those faced in life – whether
to stay or to go, to travel far or near, to make Sea voyage
Taking a taxi can symbolize a tendency to a journey cheaply or expensively. Waiting at a
take a back seat in life and let others do the station implies feelings of expectation which can Jungians understand a sea voyage
driving, rather than relying on your own efforts. result in disappointment or a pleasant surprise, to represent our exploration of the
depending upon the context. unconscious mind. If the sea is calm and
our journey is smooth, this may imply
Train that the dreamer is at ease with the
deep waters of the unconscious. Being tossed phallus and the figurehead to breasts. A stormy
A train is a male sexual symbol about in a stormy sea connotes strong emotions. sea that tosses the ship to and fro can suggest
according to Freud, its rhythmic noise Amplification may connect a dream of a sea high passion or a tumultuous phase in the
and motion is understood to represent voyage to the biblical story of Jonah and the dreamer’s sexuality. A ship that sinks can signify
sexual intercourse, particularly in whale, highlighting the danger of running away overwhelming desires or a doomed love.
the dream image of a train entering from the messages of the unconscious.
a tunnel. A train journey can also be Ferry
representative of our journey through Ship
life. The fixed route of the rails can A ferry can symbolize the transition between
suggest that we feel trapped into Freudians view the sea as representative of the different states of awareness. A ferryman,
following a certain path and are no womb and a ship therefore as a highly charged suggesting Charon in Greek mythology,
longer in control of our own destiny. sexual symbol. They link the size of the ship to must be paid for his services, and may be a
Missing a train or discovering that you the voracity of the libido, a jutting prow to a representation of the archetypal Wise Old Man.

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276 Activities and States of Being Travel and Motion 277

Docks Horse-drawn vehicle

Docks may appear in dreams of departure and A horse-drawn vehicle careering out of control,
can suggest that familiar ground is being left with the horses wild and uncontrollable, can
behind as we start out in a new direction or be a very anxious dream image and one that
begin the process of self-discovery. If we dream signifies concern that we are not in control
of arriving into port after a long journey, the of our own destiny. If we dream that we are
dock can represent a place of calm and safety travelling in an old-fashioned cart or carriage it
after a turbulent time in our life. may suggest that our personal development or
professional advancement has been hindered
River crossing by an attachment to an outmoded pattern of
thought or action.
Amplification associates river crossings with the motorcycle goes and the more exhilarating the Buddhists to represent the Buddha’s teaching of
five rivers which in Greek mythology were said Bus ride, the stronger the desire for independence. the path to enlightenment. Jungians associate
to link the realm of the living with that of the Bicycles and motorbikes also represent the need the wheel with powerful creative energy, seeing
dead. The dream symbol of a river crossing can Any type of public transport is usually for balance – we must maintain an equilibrium it as a symbol of the sun and therefore of the
have connotations of death or may represent understood by Jungians to represent a tendency between the forces of the conscious and libido as a source of life.
the transition between different states of to conform, do what we are told and follow unconscious mind in order to make progress.
consciousness and a journey into the deepest the crowd. A bus dream may therefore be Freudians focus on the sexual symbolism of Intersection or crossroads
depths of our mind. encouraging us to be more independent in our straddling a roaring engine and see
thoughts and in the way we act. the dream image as highlighting a In dreams, as in waking life, crossroads
Row boat or canoe powerful desire for sex. represent a point of decision. Decisions
Motorcycle have both a positive aspect and a negative
Freudians emphasize the phallic symbolism of Wheel aspect: the road that we choose to take –
canoes, which makes paddling representative A motorcycle is a compelling symbol for example, with a new partner or a new
of masturbation. Other interpretations would of independent action. In the Jungian For Buddhists and Hindus a wheel symbolizes job – entails rejection of what went before.
link a row boat to our journey toward personal interpretation the dreamer who sees him- or the cycles of life, death and rebirth. It also Depending on the context and mood, a
development and highlight the effort that herself riding a motorcycle is determined carries overtones of morality and truth, and crossroads can also symbolize a coming together
exploring the self, like rowing, demands. to direct his own destiny. The faster the the eight-spoked Wheel of Dhamma is used by of people or ideas, or a parting of ways.

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278 Activities and States of Being

Congestion Path
Bustling crowds impeding our progress on foot Obstacles to our progress toward spiritual
are one of the irritations of urban living and in enlightenment or fulfilment can be represented
our dreams might express the stresses of city in a dream by a steep or rocky pathway.
life. Alternatively, a dream where we struggle However, in keeping with the biblical imagery
through a large crowd or get stuck in a traffic of the broad way leading to perdition and
jam may symbolize our frustration with the slow the narrow way to life, dream interpretation
progress of an important project. sometimes reveals that a seemingly difficult
pathway is, nonetheless, the one to take.
The dream significance of running depends very
much upon what we are running toward or away A horse toiling along a towpath dragging a heavy
from. Running to escape pursuers is a common barge can represent a sense of being weighed
anxiety dream (see page 173), while running down by the burden of our responsibilities or,
toward something can suggest impatience to alternatively, of our life’s journey being slowed
reach a desired goal or conclusion. by troublesome memories or difficult emotions.

Road Swimming
When roads appear in our dreams, they Large bodies of water are usually interpreted
frequently symbolize our journey through life. as representing the waters of the womb or the
A narrow road can represent the moral or depths of the unconscious mind. Swimming may
practical constraints that dictate our choices, therefore symbolize birth or the desire to return
while the open road represents freedom. If to the safety of the womb. Jung understood
we dream about a motorway or major highway, the dream image of swimming toward land to
we may want to fast-track our ambitions or represent spiritual rebirth. Swimming against the
spiritual progress. tide can suggest a personal struggle.

264-283 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 278-279 3/12/10 11:20 am

280 Activities and States of Being Flying 281

Flying Flying a kite Airplane

Flying dreams often bring a remarkable symbolizing important aspects of To dream of flying a kite carries similar Flying in a plane often carries relatively
sense of exhilaration, and some dreamers personal or professional life. Instead of connotations to other flying dreams, but straightforward associations, such as a wish to
speak of a strange recognition, as if flying flying under their own power, dreamers emphasizes the controlled freedom of some travel or see the world, but can also suggest
is a skill that they have always possessed, may find themselves in a vehicle of some aspect of the dreamer, just as a kite is controlled a desire for rapid progress, or to achieve
yet for some reason have forgotten how to kind, no matter how incongruous, or in the wild natural forces of the wind. Such spectacular success in a particular enterprise.
use. Rarely are flying dreams experienced they may be leaping into the air on giant dreams can also represent exhilarating but Freudians see airplanes as phallic symbols, often
as unpleasant or fearful, and the sense of strides, like the three strides with which ultimately unproductive schemes. associated with a new sexual adventure.
freedom and exultation that they convey the Hindu god Vishnu measured the
often opens the dreamer’s imagination to boundaries of the universe.
the infinite possibilities of life. It is rare in dreams for flying to become
Dreamers do not always fly alone, confused with falling. Usually the
but may be surrounded by friends or dreamer floats gently to earth, having
strangers, suggesting that others share enjoyed panoramic views of the world
their insight into the true nature of below. On occasions, the descent may
things. They may be accompanied be by parachute, sometimes interpreted
by an animal or by an object, perhaps as indicating the safe resolution of a
difficult challenge. Alternatively,
flying may involve an exhilarating
element of delightful danger (as in
hang-gliding), suggesting the wish
to take more risks in some aspect
of work or of a relationship. Being
taken into the air against one’s will,
on the other hand, may indicate
that the dreamer is being forced
into taking risks that they don’t feel
comfortable with.

264-283 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 280-281 3/12/10 11:20 am

282 Activities and States of Being Flying 283

Flying in an Wings perhaps or a lucky escape from an accident. A activity when it appears in a dream. There
incongruous vehicle parachute may also suggest that we need to “bail may also, however, be a warning inherent in
Greek and Roman myth out” while we still can: we may be involved in a this fundamentally impossible scenario: do
Often the incongruous associated wings with business venture or an emotional entanglement not lose contact with reality. Perhaps our
vehicle that transports fame, in the form of with which we are not entirely comfortable. unconscious mind is urging caution in the face
us through the air in our Mercury, swift footed of overweening ambition or a meteoric rise to
dreams is something herald of the gods Floating or hovering in the air social or professional prominence. It is important
that represents comfort who spread renown that we do not take on more responsibility
and security, such as a accross the globe. Floating in the air, the world spread out beneath than we are capable of fulfilling, or we may find
bed or an armchair, and A dream in your feet, can be an exhilarating and optimistic ourselves brought down to earth with a bump.
the dream suggests which
a desire for we grow
adventure wings and
tempered by a fly may represent a
strong predilection for yearning for celebrity
ease and safety. and success. It might
also, however, be a
Hot-air balloon warning against excessive
pride, recalling the story of
Balloons are associated most Icarus who made wings from
frequently with fantasy, the wish feathers and wax but plunged to his
to escape and the desire to rise above the death when he flew too close to the sun.
conflicts of daily life. They can also represent
the need to be more objective and far-sighted Parachute
in one’s thinking. The fire heating the hot air is
similarly significant – it might signify the drive Parachutes provide us with a safe way to fall
behind a much beloved personal project and when an aircraft runs into trouble. A dream
needs to be tended carefully to ensure that it about a parachute may express relief at the end
burns evenly and doesn’t go out. of a difficult or dangerous ordeal, an operation

264-283 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 282-283 3/12/10 11:20 am

284 Activities and States of Being Cooking and Eating 285

Cooking and Eating Frying frigidity, a threat to fundamental happiness or

social distance, and may suggest that you feel
Eating has always been associated life, food and eating demand a wider There is a constant risk of burning your unable to communicate with or cut off from the
with sexuality. Freud recognized that interpretation than the strictly sexual. food when you fry it, and it needs to be people around you.
the mouth is the first erogenous zone Spoilt or bad-tasting food can suggest tended carefully. In this sense, the dream activity
discovered by young children, and that a sourness at the heart of the dreamer’s of frying may represent a project that we need Baking
throughout the lives of individuals with emotional life; while waiting for a meal to pay special attention to in order to ensure its
certain forms of personality fixation, that fails to arrive can point to neglect, successful completion. Whether we are baking bread, biscuits or cake,
orality may remain inextricably linked emotional disappointment or lack of Alternatively, frying may be significant the dream activity of baking has overtones
with sexual gratification, and may give adequate support. because of the smoke that it produces: smoke of fertility and nurturing. Freudians would see
rise to specific personality traits, such as The dreamer’s reactions to food can can be a symbol either of sacrifice and death or the rhythmic process of kneading dough as
verbal aggression. also be significant. Impressions of having of cleansing and purification. representative of the act of sexual intercourse
Even before Freud, however, dreams overeaten can variously represent greed, while the way in which yeast causes bread to rise
involving eating and food were often lack of discrimination, sensuality, or Picnics echoes the swelling of a woman’s belly during
interpreted in sexual terms. Certain foods short-sighted behaviour. Refusal to pregnancy. Baking is a fundamentally creative
such as peaches accept food Eating in the open air usually represents a desire process and may also represent a need to
and other fruits may suggest a for naturalness and simplicity, and for an escape express unexplored artistic urges.
traditionally desire to end from convention. You may feel frustrated with
stood for dependency conventional formality. Eating in a restaurant
lasciviousness, upon others,
while others while cooking Social meals Eating a meal in a restaurant involves a multitude
such as bread food for other of transactions. A menu that we are unable to
symbolized a people can Social meals that carry a positive emotional read, or that we have difficulty choosing from,
more restrained, indicate the charge often reflect a confirmation of might signify a troubling or overwhelming
fertility- urge to nurture, intimacy with others, whether they be friends, decision. A bill that we cannot possibly pay
orientated to give support family or individuals in our local community. could represent worries about money while an
sexuality. or to offer Shared interests, harmony, peace and warm unexpected or ungracious dinner companion
However, emotional social relationships may be reaffirmed. Meals might betray a subconscious mistrust of a close
as staples of involvement. experienced as uncomfortable may represent friend, lover or business partner.

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 284-285 3/12/10 11:19 am

286 Activities and States of Being Cooking and Eating 287

Fasting and gorging significance depends on what we are doing to Meat We also talk about a project coming “to fruition”,
the fish: eating it, for example, or just watching in which context fruit can signify the rewards of
For Freud, food often represented the two vital it swim; and the state it is in: whether it is whole, In Nordic and shamanic belief, to eat the hard work or creativity and the fulfilment of our
life-instincts – self-preservation, or greed, and headless or gutted. The prolific spawn of fish meat of an animal or adversary is to absorb expectations or ambitions.
species preservation, in other words sex. He saw increases its sexual connotations, while a great its strength and energy. Freudian psychology
the mouth, through which food enters the body, shoal can represent the abundance of nature. suggests that for the modern Drinking
as the primary erogenous zone, and fasting and dreamer this absorption is
gorging as a symbol of sexual desire (denied or Innards or offal of one’s own instinctive Jungians see liquid of any
indulged). A dream in which we gorge ourselves energies, which have kind as representative
senseless might suggest feelings of intense Intestines were used in ancient times to divine hitherto been repressed of life-force, and dreams
sexual desire, perhaps the result of a long period the future. Their appearance in our dreams might or denied. of drinking may signify a
of deprivation. It can also be a violent, self- be a subconscious suggestion that we follow our desire to better understand
destructive activity conveying repressed anger, “gut instinct” and listen to our intuition. Sunday Roast the nature of the universe.
especially if we tear apart our Drinking alcohol to the
food in a bestial, ferocious The Christian tradition of point of inebriation implies a
way. Fasting may stand for roasting a chicken or a joint of meat need to develop a higher level of
self-punishment or for on a Sunday and eating it as part of a large consciousness.
purification and self-denial. family meal might conjure up nostalgic images of
our childhood. If we have abandoned the weekly Vegetables
Fish rituals of going to church and sitting down at
the table with our loved ones, the dream may be A generous spread of vegetables, perhaps as part
Jungians understand fish to expressing a desire to partake more in traditional of a Thanksgiving meal or harvest celebration,
be symbolic of the unborn family or community activities. can signify a desire to enjoy the generous
child and therefore of the bounty of nature. This can be a very positive
primal life-force, “because Fruits dream image reflecting satisfaction with a
the child before its birth lives job well done that is now bearing rewards. If,
in water like a fish”. Freud A great proliferation of fruit is an archetypal however, we are yearning for an abundance of
saw fish as a genital symbol, image of fertility and its appearance in our vegetables, we may be concerned about our
although the exact symbolic dreams might suggest a desire to be pregnant. financial welfare.

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 286-287 3/12/10 11:19 am

288 Activities and States of Being 289

Spices prominently may suggest a craving for more Work and Relaxation
excitement in our lives. The upright jars of a
Spices add flavour and variety to otherwise spice rack can have phallic overtones and can Most dreams are highly active, and it anger at his or her own impotence. The
dull dishes and a dream in which they feature indicate a need for more sexual spontaneity. is rare to find oneself relaxing: a dash dreamer may even find other dream
to the airport to catch a rescheduled characters reduced to dummies or dolls,
flight is a more likely image than lazing and find himself or herself furiously but
under a palm tree, cocktail in hand. ineffectually trying to shake them awake.
However, dreams that symbolize a desire Work-related dream episodes
for relaxation, or that involve active characteristically take on aspects of
preparations for potentially relaxing anxiety dreams or nightmares. Such
experiences such as vacations, are themes as loss of control or failure to
commonplace enough. perform a job successfully recur regularly.
Dreams are realistic about vacations, If your situation at work is so bad
and recognize that in many cases that you dread being there at all, this
they can be highly stressful episodes. might appear as a dream journey to
Thus, the unconscious mind may use the workplace that takes the form of a
vacation dreams symbolically – perhaps punishing race through knee-high mud.
a particular vacation experienced in the Colleagues may also be symbolically
past – to represent anxieties in other represented, in ways that reveal your
areas of the dreamer’s life. emotions or responses toward them. For
Sometimes the dream contrasts the example, an overbearing boss might be a
dreamer’s own agitated state with the mugger who attacks you as you work.
relaxed behaviour of people all around, Dreams can show us the way forward
emphasizing the subject’s own need for in our working lives by highlighting
stress-reduction. At times, the dreamer problems that our professional pride
may feel intensely irritated by the might otherwise prevent us from
inactivity of others, and this suggests acknowledging. By heeding their
a deep-seated resentment at receiving messages, we can make needed changes
insufficient help in waking life, or to enhance job satisfaction.

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290 Activities and States of Being Work and Relaxation 291

Packing for a vacation

Preparations for a vacation generally
suggest a need to escape from
everyday problems, or to seek new
excitements and experiences. A
wish to travel light can indicate a
recognition of the unnecessary
“baggage” that we usually
carry with us throughout life.
Overpacking may suggest a
perverse insistence on clinging
to the problems that burden our
inner lives. Anxiety about how much
baggage to take away may represent a fear of, or Beach
preoccupation with, death.
We often associate beach vacations with long
Desert island holidays and happy childhood memories.
Troubles on vacation Isolated places The combination of sun, sea and sand can be
Standing alone on a desert island may indicate purifying and rejuvenating, and a dream visit
Being on vacation yet still beset with trouble A mountain retreat or remote cottage might a sense of abandonment and isolation, perhaps to a beach may leave us feeling refreshed and
and anxiety frequently suggests an inability to express an urge to run away from the trials and in the wake of a divorce or bereavement. The revived. Beaches can also, however, have some
escape from the responsibilities of normal life. tribulations of our waking life. We might feel image of an island, marooned in a boundless sea, much more disturbing connotations. Freudians
One disaster after another – troubles with the as though there are too many people making could also reflect the relationship between the might see the tall towers of a sandcastle as
hotel reservation, bad weather, sudden illness – demands on our time and be desperately conscious and unconscious minds. We phallic symbols suggestive of castration anxiety
can signal a fundamental pessimism that may be yearning for some peace and solitude. Far away may be more comfortable on the firm ground when they are washed away by the sea. Equally,
the result of a habitually stressful life or could from the hurly-burly of human habitation, an of the conscious mind, yet we cannot escape burying our mother or father in the sand could
alternatively be a warning against over-idealizing isolated place might also represent a wish for a the troubling presence of the deep unknown – be understood as an expression of a murder
an alternative lifestyle to our own. more minimalist, less materialistic way of life. the unconscious. wish inspired by an Oedipus or Electra complex.

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 290-291 3/12/10 11:19 am

292 Activities and States of Being Work and Relaxation 293

Rush to the airport exhilaration and heightened emotions that so Secretary Filing cabinet
often accompany a holiday romance. Or perhaps
A frantic dash to the airport in a car or taxi, to we are craving greater spontaneity in our sex life There is an ambivalence about the dream figure The dream image of a filing cabinet may suggest
catch a plane for our vacation, can reflect our with our regular partner. of a secretary. Typically female, she shields that we need to keep our facts and information
fear that life’s pleasures will elude us. an executive from unwelcome calls and straight. An open filing cabinet perhaps denotes
Swimming pool organizes his or her timetable. In this sense, a willingness to learn and an openness to new
Seclusion on vacation secretaries are associated with a nurturing, ideas and points of view. If, on the other hand,
The water in a swimming pool can represent motherly persona. A dream in which a secretary the drawers of a filing cabinet are closed, we
An erotic adventure in a romantic arbour our conscious or unconscious emotions. The features in a subservient role, however, might may be concealing something – perhaps an
or a small cove screened by high rocks is a appearance of a pool in our dreams may suggest be an expression of unexplored desires for incident in our past or an aspect of the self.
commonplace topic of vacation dreams. As well a need to dive in and explore the true nature sexual domination.
as being simple wish-fulfilment, such dreams can of our feelings. A swimming pool with no water Meeting
highlight dissatisfaction with aspects of a real- in it might reflect a feeling of emptiness and an Falling from an office window
life relationship. We may be craving the freedom, absence of emotion. A dream in which we are late for a meeting
A dream in which we fall from a window in a tall might reflect anxieties stemming from our
office block might stem from concerns about workplace responsibilities. If we arrive only
our abilities to fulfil managerial responsibilities, to discover that we have left our notes or
or perhaps deep-seated anxiety about the equipment at home, we might be worried
possibility of losing our job. that we are not sufficiently prepared to face a
forthcoming challenge.
Losing a job
When, in a dream, we sit down at a desk, our
unconscious mind may be urging us to take A dream in which we are fired can signify a desire
some time to evaluate our problems and come to end a relationship or situation which is having
up with some rational solutions to them. An a negative impact upon us. It could also reflect a
untidy or cluttered desk might suggest that our lack of self-esteem. Deep down, we may not be
personal affairs need attention and that we need convinced that we are capable of fulfilling the
to reconsider our priorities. responsibilities that we have been given.

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 292-293 3/12/10 11:19 am

294 Activities and States of Being

Ceremonies and Rituals

From the beginnings of history, the to assume their new roles, leaving their
cultures of the world have used festivals everyday identities behind to
and rituals to celebrate important enter the archetypal world
recurrent events, to honour of the unconscious.
the gods for maintaining Dreams associated
life’s course and to mark with Christmas or other
the passage of time. major religious celebrations can
Every society uses ritual to represent peace, generosity, goodwill,
celebrate transitions in our lives, as we family and friends or, at a deeper level, a
pass from one stage to another, from birth confirmation of spiritual truths. Wedding
through puberty, marriage, parenthood or other anniversaries can serve as
and death. By sacrificing reminders of transience, or, more
animals or enemies captured positively, as indications of
in battle, our forbears hoped the significance of human
to imitate nature’s cycle of and family ties, of the vows
birth and death, offering the and undertakings associated
life of another so that their with them, or, if the emotional
own existence could be spared and charge is negative, of the restricting
the gods could bring fertility to the earth. commitments involved.
Ritual is also a form of drama, and in Dreams involving baptisms or
dreams invites the dreamer to escape christenings frequently represent
the confines of the conscious mind, purification, new beginnings, or the
passing into the fabulous world of the acceptance of new responsibilities.
imagination. Performers may wear In Level 3 dreams, they can
masks or special clothes, symbolize important initiations
sing a particular song or into whole new areas of wisdom
recite ritual incantations or spiritual progress.

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 294-295 3/12/10 11:19 am

296 Activities and States of Being Ceremonies and Rituals 297

Fertility rite Sacrifice Wedding event – with a desire to identify with the Hero
archetype (see page 107). A thirst for recognition
Images of fertility rites in dreams often emerge A dream image of human sacrifice might be A wedding often suggests the union of opposite could also point to underlying insecurities
from the collective unconscious. Jung saw a warning from the subconscious mind of yet complementary parts of the self, and and lack of self-esteem. It may be that we are
them as indications of attempts to abolish the psychological dangers of acting like a the promise of future fertility. In the case of worried that other people will not value us
the separation between the conscious and martyr. A “martyr complex”, where we give Level 3 dreams (see pages 65–70), it may be of unless we can provide them with proof of our
unconscious minds, and to forge a union excessively of ourselves in the hope of receiving archetypal significance, symbolizing the union worth.
between the dreamer and his or her inherited, the approbation and gratitude of others, is within the dreamer of the fundamental creative
instinctive self. Such rituals may involve ultimately unfulfilling and psychologically forces of life – male and female, rationality and Ritual renunciation
sacrifice to a corn god or harvest deity, unhealthy. The sacrifice of a human victim imagination, conscious and unconscious, matter
representing the death of the past so that might also recall the death of a loved one. We and spirit. Any ritual that involves taking symbols of
future fertility and prosperity may be ensured. may need to let go of their memory in order Wedding dreams can also represent a vanity from the dreamer, such as hair, clothes,
For Freudians, individuals who often dream of to be free of our grief. If the deceased passed positive affirmation of family ties or important or jewelry, may adumbrate the need for some
symbols associated with fertility are probably away after a long illness, the dreaming mind commitments. If we, or a close friend or family renunciation of worldly power or pride, or
preoccupied with pregnancy. might even be expressing a sense of relief. member, is getting married in the near future, of some aspects of the ego. Very often such
our unconscious mind might use dreams about renunciations are undertaken for religious
weddings to highlight concerns we have about reasons, and a dream where we take up the habit
the marriage. If the bride or groom fails to of a monk might express a desire to concentrate
attend or if someone loses the wedding ring more fully on the spiritual aspects of life.
we may have doubts about the commitment of
either party. If no guests turn up, then we might Coronation
be concerned that one or other of the two
families does not approve of the union. A coronation invests a monarch with both
the power and the responsibility of kingship
Receiving an award or queenship. A dream in which we are the
monarch being crowned could be an affirmation
Jungians might associate a dream situation of our readiness to take on a new role. It could
where we are presented with an award – a medal also, however, be a sign of excessive vanity or
for bravery, perhaps, or a trophy at a sporting self-centred egotism.

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 296-297 3/12/10 11:19 am

298 Activities and States of Being Ceremonies and Rituals / Art, Music and Dance 299

Communion identifying most or many of these motifs with a Art, Music and Dance
wide range of archetypal symbols.
The Christian sacrament of In various ancient cultures,
communion represents the Circumcision such as those of Greece and
transubstantiation of Christ, Hindu India, it was believed
or the union of matter and For Freud, the circumcision of young Jewish and that the arts already existed
spirit. Its appearance Muslim boys represented a ritual substitute for in another dimension, and
in our dreams might castration. He understood it as a that the task of the artist was
express a powerful preemptive strike by the father to act as a channel through
desire to connect against a possible rival. which these blessings could
with higher spiritual enter into the physical
powers. Bar Mitzvah world. Thus, the arts were
always associated with the
Halloween Freud believed that the Jewish rite of passage, gods. The Greeks honoured
the Bar Mitzvah ceremony, was saturated with Apollo, deity of music and
Halloween, or All Hallow’s Eve, is a festival that Oedipal symbolism. He felt that both the the sun, and the nine Muses,
derives from an ancient tradition of marking declaration, “Today I am a man”, and the opening daughters of Zeus, each of
the transition between the light and dark parts dance between the thirteen-year-old boy and whom was responsible for
of the year. It was believed that on this night his mother represented the rivalry between a one of the artistic domains.
the boundaries between this world and the young man and his father. Hindus worship Sarasvati,
Otherworld became blurred, allowing spirits, the harp-playing goddess of
both good and bad, to pass through. It is a Diwali learning. It is noteworthy
time of transformation, and when it appears that the poet Robert Graves
in our dreams it may represent a profound The festival of light celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs attributed his poetry to a
shift in our outlook on life. The celebration as and Jains signifies the triumph of good over muse he called the White
it occurs today is invested with a panoply of evil. A dream in which we take part in Diwali Goddess. Similarly, in
symbols, from dressing up as black cats, ghosts celebrations might represent a personal triumph dreams, the arts represent
or skeletons to carving pumpkins and ducking over our baser nature, or an awakening after a not only the personal
for apples. Jungians would have little difficulty long period of depression or mourning. creativity of the dreamer,

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 298-299 3/12/10 11:19 am

300 Activities and States of Being Art, Music and Dance 301

but also a way by which we goat, who charmed the of the piece. For example, the jazz standard
can access higher levels of nymphs of heaven and ‘Autumn Leaves’ might express regrets about the
consciousness. enchanted mortals with his Discordant music passing of time.
Sometimes we awaken from insidious music.
our dreams with the dying If we dream of giving an The chaos and confusion of discordant Beautiful music
notes of an exquisite artistic performance, this music can suggest creative potential that has
melody in our heads. may be emphasizing become distorted. Alternatively, clashing or Beautiful music in dreams can symbolize the
We may be unable our own unrealized off-key music in a dream can indicate a sense infinite potential of creative life, the heavenly
to remember what potential; while being an of disorganization or tension within areas of “music of the spheres” that the Greco-Roman
instruments played, or observer or listener may the dreamer’s everyday life. It may be that our world believed could be heard by the human ear.
what sequence of notes evoke the joy of sharing circumstances are “out of tune” with our needs
they produced, but we in a creative experience, or desires. The discomfort suggested may be Dancing
wake up uplifted and or it might highlight a profound, at worst, pointing to a feeling of being
inspired. Such music need to draw inspiration from badly adjusted to the pressures of daily life – for For Jungians and Freudians alike, dance in level 1
usually comes from Level 3 dreams (see others. Certain instruments, such as the example, we might be ill at ease in our job or and 2 dreams can represent sexual courtship, or
pages 65–70), and symbolizes the states harp, have always symbolized especially unhappy about the invasiveness of the internet. stand as a metaphor for sexual intercourse.
of mind associated with higher levels of celestial qualities, while others (such In Level 3 dreams it often symbolizes
inner development. as wind instruments) have often stood awareness of the rhythms of life, the
The eighteenth-century Italian for more sensual energies. Similarly, powers of creation and destruction
composer Giuseppe Tartini dreamed that different genres of music have entirely (symbolized in Hindu culture
the Devil appeared to him, and played different connotations. While punk music by the dance of Shiva Nataraja), or the
such a beautiful solo on the composer’s or rock and roll might be associated with wild creative power of the imagination.
violin that even the inferior copy recalled rebellion, folk music in our dreams could It usually carries positive connotations.
by Tartini upon waking (The Devil’s represent the more down-to-earth side of Dancing in a frenzy may be an
Trill) is considered to be his best work. our personality. Familiar music expression of a powerful desire to achieve unity
The Greeks would have recognized Because dreams draw upon the same between the body, mind and spirit, or of an
the archetype that appeared in Tartini’s sources as the imagination, they can A snatch of a familiar song or melody will often overheated sexual appetite. Group dances such
dream not as the Devil but as Pan, the provide artistic inspiration, yielding ideas, have nostalgic associations and you might as line dancing or Scottish ceilidhs might invoke
lustful fertility god, half-man and half- or sometimes complete pieces. consider analyzing the lyrics or even the title a sense of community.

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 300-301 3/12/10 11:19 am

302 Activities and States of Being ActivitiesArt,
Statesand Dance 303
of Being 303

CD or MP3 player Clarinet Trumpets Drum

These platforms for playing recorded Sometimes the symbolism of musical Trumpets can herald both great success and Drums can symbolize earth magic and altered
music may be neutral in themselves, instruments depends more on their great disaster, from the fanfare that greets a king states of consciousmess, and have particular
the important thing being whether shape or the way in which they are to the ringing notes announcing a cavalry charge. associations with the shamanic cultures of
they are working correctly or not. A played than on the sounds that they Trumpets are supposed to herald the Day of Siberia and elsewhere. Drumming plays a
malfunctioning device might be a generalized produce. Freud saw clarinets, oboes and other Judgment and may signify a need to make a fundamental part in shamanic ceremonies and
indication of some frustration or physical wind instruments that are played vertically as major and immediate change. can have a meditative and even visionary effect
ailment. A scratched CD may suggest that a symbolic of oral sex and potential indicators of on participants. If a drum or a drumbeat is a
small imperfection is niggling away at our peace excessive gullibility or verbal aggression. Flute significant part of a dream, this may suggest a
of mind. Perhaps we feel guilty about our deep-seated need to reconnect with our roots
perfectionist expectations. String instruments All kinds of pipes, flutes and reed instruments and to explore the spiritual aspects of the self.
are linked to Pan, the goat-horned fertility god, The drum also has martial associations and might
Gramophone The shape of many string instruments – violins, giving them strong sexual connotations. The be linked to otherwise unexplored feelings of
cellos and guitars, for example – evoke the story of the pied piper of Hamlyn, who lured the aggression.
A gramophone can indicate nostalgia, or a shape of the female body, and playing them can children of the town from their homes, might
yearning for times past. A broken gramophone represent the act of sex. A violin might remind suggest overtones of seduction or bewitchment. Procession
might evoke feelings of disappointment, some us of Nero, the Roman emperor who is said to A fife is a type of small flute used in military
event we have been eagerly anticipating may have played the fiddle while Rome burned. marching bands. The dream image of a fife A dream procession may have all the features
have been cancelled for example. If we dream might represent repressed feelings of anger or of a flamboyant carnival or it might be a
about a broken record that endlessly repeats Singing aggression. formal occasion such as a grand state pageant.
the same few bars of music it may represent An exuberant parade is a dream symbol of
a warning from the subconscious about The sound of voices raised in song has celestial Piano celebration and an expression of joy, affirming all
the dangers of constantly talking about our qualities, evoking hymns and songs of praise that is good in life. It is helpful to consider the
problems. Our friends may have had enough as well as angelic choirs. Singing is a profound A piano seen playing on its own might represent significance of the costumes being worn and any
of listening to the same gripes time and time expression of human emotion, and a dream in the death of a good friend or aquaintance. If it is floats going past. Also, was there anyone you
again and perhaps we should consider lending which we sing might signify intense feelings, of out of tune, then perhaps we need to pay more know in the audience or in the parade? A solemn
a listening ear to the people who have been so sorrow or love, or perhaps devotion to a higher attention to the urges of our mind or body – we procession can represent the importance of
patient with us. being or cause. may be out of tune with our own needs. standing up for a cause we believe in.

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 302-303 3/12/10 11:19 am

304 Activities and States of Being Art, Music and Dance 305

Painting Museum Ultimately, we will tend to be disappointed in subject can indicate how we imagine they feel
the end if we have placed someone high on a about us. If we are creating a self-portrait, the
While successful painting can represent the A museum might appear in our dreams as a pedestal. face we draw or paint will reflect our own mood.
dreamer’s creative potential and even, at Level hallowed protector of cultural treasures or a
3, the rightness of his or her vision of life, symbol of stasis and a veritable mausoleum for Portraiture Art auction
unsuccessful attempts can indicate creativity art. A dream where we create a great ruckus
that still seeks proper expression, or reflects and disturb the reverential silence of a museum Freudians would suggest that the phallic If we feel anxious about the true value of our
inner turmoil or uncertainty. Vivid colours may might suggest a desire to overthrow existing symbolism of a pen or pencil gives the dream creative projects, we might experience a dream
stand for unconscious energy, while drab ones artistic conventions. activity of sketching a portrait a sexual quality. scenario where our work is put up for auction.
can indicate the placing of a veil between the We may be attracted to the one whose likeness The people bidding might represent those
dreamer and the immediacy of his or her insight. Sculpture we are taking. The expression on the face of the whose approval we most desperately crave.

Artist Sculpture has a highly sensual, tactile quality.

The materials used, the scale employed (whether
Freud declared artistic achievement to be lifesize or monumental) and the subject matter
“psychoanalytically inaccessible”. Whether the portrayed all affect our response to a piece,
medium is paint, stone, words or film, the artist both in the dream world and in waking life.
represents expression by intuition rather than by A sculpture that comes to life in a dream might
reason or logic. recall the Greek myth of Pygmalion, who carved
a statue representing his ideal of womanhood,
Exhibition only to fall in love with it. Luckily for Pygmalion,
Aphrodite, the goddess of
When an artist holds an exhibition, he exposes love, took pity on him and
himself to the critical gaze of the general brought the statue to life.
public. A dream where we put the products of In all likelihood, a dream
our creativity, real or imagined, on display may that explores similar themes
represent feelings of vulnerability connected represents a warning about
to a dearly held ambition, valued talent or the dangers of idealizing either one particular
cherished personal project. individual or the opposite sex in general.

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306 Activities and States of Being

Fancy dress ball Organ

A dance or a ball in Organs are associated with
which everybody is churches and with
in disguise might ceremonies such as
represent our weddings or funerals.
perception of the Their appearance in our
public personas of dreams might suggest
people we work that we are ready to make
or socialize with. a major commitment, or
Their costumes perhaps that we are scared
could give us clues of death.
either about their
true nature of about Bugle
the image that they
are trying to project. Traditionally, the sound of the
Our own costume may be bugle is a call to arms or action,
similarly telling. suggesting that the dreamer must
arouse his or her hidden potential, or
Harp must become more alert to the pressing
necessities of life.
Harps were known in Egypt at least 5,000
years ago. They produce sound as if from Whistling
nowhere, coaxed from the strings without
the help of breath and may be images of the Surprisingly, whistling sometimes carries magical
spiritual side of the self. They are traditionally overtones, as when a sailor whistles for the
associated with the gods and heaven, from the wind. Another possible connotation is the link
lyre carried by Apollo the Greek god of music to between humans and animals, as in a master’s
artistic depictions of angels carrying harps. call to a dog.

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 306-307 3/12/10 11:19 am

308 Activities and States of Being Sports and Play 309

Sports and Play of the escapade. Sports are essentially a may convey the message that there is an
type of game but with winners and losers element of play in the universe itself, or
To the small child there is no difference Dreams about sports are similar: and a formal set of rules. They can be that from one perspective the world is in
between play and work: all is simply the type of sport, the prowess of our used to represent our progress through essence what Hindus call leela, the divine
activity, and the only distinction is opponents, the role we have on the life, especially in situations when we are play that constitutes life.
between enjoyment and boredom. The field – all contribute to the significance involved in some form of competition.
dreams of adults Play symbols are open to a wide
retain this lack of range of interpretations. Freudians, for
differentiation. example, link the rhythmical motion of
Thus, in dreams, playing on a swing to sexual intercourse,
play and games may while others maintain that this dream
symbolize work and symbol is more likely to be reminding
other serious issues, the dreamer of the excitement and
just as work dreams freedom of childhood.
may relate to more Dreams of play often emphasize that
personal aspects of creativity carries a non-serious element,
our lives. and that the best ideas come when
The symbolism the mind is in a playful, relaxed mood.
of dream play Conversely, such dreams may suggest
resides sometimes that the dreamer is taking serious
in the objects issues too lightly, or that what seems an
used, sometimes innocent diversion may be to others a
in the nature of matter of profound concern. Playfulness
the play itself or may also indicate that we are breaking
its outcome, or in certain rules upon which a relationship or
the other people some other important issue depends.
who accompany In Level 3 dreams, play may be linked
the dreamer as with the archetype of the Trickster, or the
playmates. Divine Child (see pages 104 and 106), or

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 308-309 3/12/10 11:19 am

310 Activities and States of Being Sports and Play 311

Chess Fortune-telling Baseball

The game of chess is a rich mine of symbolism The significance of a dream in which a prophecy Baseball involves a wealth of sexual symbols,
representing the fundamental dualities of life: is made or a destiny foretold may depend on from the phallic bat and long-peaked cap to
black and white; life and death; male and female. our attitude to fortune-telling. Sceptics might the gloves and tight trousers. Freudians would
Sexual rivalries and schemes of the utmost be experiencing a change of heart perhaps emphasize the sexual significance of
cunning can be seen to be played out on the about something, and may be more willing to the game still further and highlight the Oedipal
board as each player attempts to checkmate the consider a point of view that they competitiveness between the players and the
other’s king. It is a battle between light and dark, would characteristically have rejected. To those father figure of the umpire.
and we should examine the pieces that we play for whom crystal balls and palm reading are
– humble pawn or deadly queen – for insights not immediately associated with bogus magic, Cricket
into our unconscious. a dream featuring fortune-telling might suggest
concerns about our prospects – professional, Similar to the equipment used in a baseball
Lottery financial or romantic. The prediction that game, the bat, gloves and stumps used to play
is made may be an expression of our hopes cricket have a strong sexual resonance. In its
A dream in which we win the lottery may simply or fears about the future. amateur capacity, this quintessentially English
be a wish-fulfilment of the desire for wealth. game is more relaxed than many other sports
Freudians understand money dreams to be Sports arena and its appearance in our dreams may convey
connected with anal preoccupations, and a Boxing a wish to swap a fiercely competitive work or
lottery win might represent a desire to move Sports can symbolize personal achievement home environment for something less stressful
away from retentive hoarding toward sharing or social interaction. The formal setting of A violent sport, boxing may represent feelings of and more laid back.
what we have with others. any kind of sports arena – a football pitch, a aggression and anger. If we find ourselves boxed
tennis court or an athletics track – lends itself into a corner the dream might convey anxiety Regatta or yachting
Wager or bet to the suggestion of competition, possibly about a situation in waking life – perhaps we feel
in an institutional setting such as a school or as though events have slipped out of our control To Jungians, sailing in a regatta is most likely
A bet placed with a bookmaker or a wager made the workplace. A dream in which we court the or that we are being forced into a decision to symbolize the exploration of the collective
with a friend might stand for a risky venture that admiration of an arena full of spectators that we would not otherwise make. Enduring a unconscious. Freudians see the activity as
we are undertaking. Have we fully considered might suggest a deep-seated need for the knockout might stand for a guilt-ridden desire representing our inaugural journey out of our
the implications of this gamble? approval of others. for self-punishment. mother’s womb.

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312 Activities and States of Being Sports and Play 313

Soccer Horse race Skating Skiing

The excitement of a game of soccer brings to The rhythmic movement of riding a horse The dream image of skating might recall the The descent down a mountainside
mind a state of sexual arousal. A goal might is a Fruedian sexual symbol. The whipping phrase “skating on thin ice”. Perhaps we are is a classic Freudian symbol of
symbolize orgasm, while a near-miss could action of the rider might signify unexplored involved in some venture that risks sexual intercourse, to which
represent feelings of sexual frustration or sado-masochistic urges, while the hurdles that our personal integrity or financial the exhilaration of skiing
even fears of impotence. Jungians might we jump can invoke the obstacles we must security? Skating can also be adds a delicious thrill.
interpret a dream win or loss as a reflection of overcome in order to fulfil our sexual desires. a liberating activity and may Our enjoyment of
our spiritual progress. There is also the added dimension of winning or convey a sense of freedom skiing is usually
losing: the euphoria of triumph can suggest and exhilaration, especially if we accompanied, and
Fencing orgasm, while a bitter failure might indicate find ourselves perhaps heightened, by a
anxiety about our sexual prowess. performing frisson of danger, perhaps
The sexual symbolism of fencing is apparent, A rocking horse may have similar moves we would suggesting a sense of
from the phallic connotations of the sword to sexual overtones to a real horse, not consider guilt accompanying
the thrusting and parrying of the opponents. although the gentle attempting in waking life. Perhaps our sexual urges or the fear of being caught in an
The fencers’ masks hide their identity, and rocking motion might now is the time to step illicit sexual act.
the most significant moment of the dream also represent a craving for outside our comfort zone
may be when they are removed. With what comfort and security. and try something new? Hide and seek
or whom have we been duelling? A
partner? A sibling? Or our own Role play The significance of the childhood game of
unconscious urges? hide and seek depends on which role we play.
A dream involving childlike If we are hiding, then our dream might be an
role play (mamas and papas, expression of anxiety. Maybe we fear that some
cops and robbers or cowboys and indians, past misdemeanour might return to haunt us, or
perhaps) might imply that the persona we perhaps there is an issue in our present lives that
adopt in our waking life does not represent the it is necessary, but distressing, to address.
true self. We may have experienced a personal Jungians might interpret dreams in which we are
transformation, yet the image that others have the seeker as embodying a quest for spiritual
of us has not changed accordingly. enlightenment.

284- 313 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 312-313 3/12/10 11:19 am

314 315

Even the most trivial dream transactions can reflect profound truths Violence in dreams is often strangely Violence toward the self
abstract, happening as if on film. Even if
and important issues. Some may be direct interactions with other the dreamer commits an act of violence, Violence toward the dreamer often represents a
people, the classic example being shopping – shops can symbolize the emotional charge may remain sense of guilt and a desire for self-punishment.
curiously neutral, which suggests that the This may be related to the ending of a
the array of opportunities that we encounter in our lives. Other
dream is simply using relationship or the
transactions may be less obvious – a dream scenario involving an physical violence death of somebody
examination may at first seem to involve only us, the protagonist, as a metaphor for close to us. Perhaps
battles of other kinds we feel, consciously or
but on closer inspection we find that there is an exchange with – between theories or unconsciously, as though
the examiner going on. When one person performs some kind of ideas, differences of there was something
opinion, or conflicts that we could have
action upon another, all kinds of obligations and emotions may be within the dreamer’s done to prevent this
stirring below the surface. own mind. difficult event happening.
When the Alternatively, dream
dreamer is the victim of violence, and violence may represent a lack of self-esteem and
the emotional charge is high, the dream maybe even a sense of self-loathing. Whether
may represent an assault upon status the destructive urges that result from negative
or relationships, or a threat to finances, self-regard erupt into waking life or fester
health, or general welfare. If the subject within our subconscious, it is important to
enjoys watching violence in dreams, address them before they cause us serious harm,
this may be linked to unacknowledged physical or psychological. Dreams in
aggressive impulses within the self. In which we are hurt or attacked can also
Freudian psychology, dream violence indicate that the dreamer is too vulnerable or
toward the father or mother is often apprehensive in the face of the outside world,
associated with a wish to throw off as if violent outer forces are battering him or
authority. her into quiet submission.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 314-315 3/12/10 11:19 am

316 Transactions Conflict 317

Violence toward others demand for order against the instinctive urge Jungians might highlight a connection to the Enemy
of the unconscious to rebel. This may indicate a biblical story of Jacob wrestling with the angel
This often represents a struggle for self- need for reconciliation rather than victory, and of God; we may be resisting the difficult path of When the dreaming mind casts as an enemy
assertion, or a fight against unwanted aspects of acceptance of our darker side rather than a futile enlightenment. someone with whom we have no quarrel it
the dreamer’s inner or outer life. Violence against attempt to drive it out. could be time to examine that relationship
a child can represent failure to accept the child Killing more closely. The dream may be an alert from
in oneself, while violence toward an older man Wrestling our subconscious that despite appearances
or woman may indicate a refusal to listen to the Killing can be a remarkably positive dream that person is not to be trusted. A bitter foe
wisdom of others. Lashing out indiscriminately at A dream in which we wrestle a formidable symbol and may have nothing to do with violent may also represent the Shadow, the Jungian
those around us might represent a struggle with opponent suggests that we are grappling with or aggressive urges. For dreamers who have conception of the darker side of our self.
the undesirable urges of our subconscious mind. a problem in our personal or professional life. been undergoing a process of psychotherapy or
Facing a sumo wrestler might signify a sense self-discovery the image of people or animals Bruise
Wars and battles of being dwarfed by the difficulties we face. being killed can represent painful memories or
destructive habits of mind that we have decided When the dreaming mind presents us with an
Jung saw wars and to exorcise. The murder of an authority figure image of a bruise it might be a reflection of our
battles as a sign might suggest a desire to escape the moral or current emotional state. Perhaps somebody has
of major conflict social constraints of our present lives, or it might verbally lashed out at us and left us feeling hurt
between aspects represent an as yet unresolved grudge against a and vulnerable? The area of the body that has
of the dreamer’s parent, boss or schoolteacher. been injured may be significant.
conscious and
unconscious minds. Fist fight Punchbag
Such dreams are
likely to reflect a The immediacy of a fist fight suggests a A dream in which we see or violently pummel a
struggle between desperate struggle, perhaps with elements punchbag may suggest that we are looking for
deep instinctive of ourselves or with someone or something an outlet for our frustrations. It is important
forces and the rules that is oppressing or trying to control us. If we to consider who or what the punchbag might
of conscious conduct. find ourselves paralyzed and unable to throw represent and to ensure that we do not make an
The battle classically a punch the dream may indicate a feeling of innocent individual, or ourselves, the victim of
pitches a conscious helplessness or lack of self-esteem. our unexpressed anger

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 316-317 3/12/10 11:19 am

318 Transactions Tests and Exams 319

Tests and Exams

Examinations can be among the most Facing an interview panel
stressful experiences in life, so it is
hardly surprising that they crop up in Oral examinations can be even more anxiety-
our dreams long after our school and provoking than written ones. The interviewers
college years. Among the most anxious of facing the dreamer on the panel may represent
examination dreams is that in which we aspects of the self, suggesting self-rejection.
arrive to face a test without having done To be tongue-tied in the face of the panel may
any revision, or must search frantically for suggest that the dreamer has no convincing
the examination room long after answer to the voice of conscience or that he or
the bell has rung to indicate that the she refuses to confront feelings that demand to
start is imminent. be expressed. Such dreams might also suggest
Even when we have grown up and a difficult relationship with a parent or other
left school, life is full of tests. From job authority figure who would be classed as an
interviews to meals with prospective “interrogator” by psychologists. These people Examinations represent the remote powers of bureaucracy
in-laws, sometimes it feels as though our constantly probe and question us, and, although and authority that sometimes seem to control
performance is constantly being assessed, they often have good intentions, their behaviour A dream in which we run, often late, down the dreamer’s life, making arbitrary decisions that
and for some of us, perhaps, that we are can constitute an invasion of our privacy and corridor after corridor trying to find an have a profound effect upon our future.
being found wanting. may seriously undermine our confidence. examination room might evoke a sense of
powerlessness over our own destiny. Dream Forms and applications
examinations may also stand for a sense of
being on trial in any area of our personal or A dream in which we find ourselves required to
professional life. Failure in a dream test can be a fill in an unintelligible questionnaire may convey
highly uncomfortable experience, encouraging feelings of helplessness in the face of seemingly
the dreamer to face up to shortcomings that insurmountable problems. An application form
he or she may otherwise have been unwilling might suggest that something is missing from
to see. Particularly when taking place in cold, our life – it can help to consider whether the
impersonal surroundings, an examination can dream specified what we were applying for.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 318-319 3/12/10 11:19 am

320 Transactions

Giving and Receiving

Giving is a symbolic form of social making inappropriate attempts to
interaction and, as a dream image, become acceptable to others. As with
provides clues about the nature of our any dream image that appears exciting
relationships with others. Of course, and attractive on the outside but turns
whether the gifts are welcome or out to be intrinsically defective, a gift
unwelcome is crucial to their meaning. that goes wrong suggests disappointed
Receiving many gifts on a festive expectations, some kind of hidden
occasion such as a birthday emphasizes agenda, or evil masquerading as good. An
the esteem in which the dreamer is held entirely empty gift box might represent
by others, but if the gifts arrive at less hollow promises – perhaps with a
appropriate times, they can indicate the warning from our unconscious that the
bombardment of unwelcome advice to promised financial reward or personal
which the dreamer may be prone. gains from a lucrative-seeming scheme
Buying a present can suggest our wish may never materialize. Often a present
to make a special effort for the person that is never fully unwrapped relates to
concerned, or, more nebulously, can hidden mysteries, which the dreamer has
represent our feelings of generosity started to unravel but for the moment
toward them. If the present is particularly remain at least partially unknown: the
expensive, this may be a symbol of the message is that with further perseverance
dreamer’s wish to make special sacrifices, we might eventually understand
or to help or serve the other person in an their true meaning. A popular dream
especially important way. On the other interpretation book of the nineteenth
hand, showering presents on others, century suggested that to give a present
particularly if they are rejected, may in a dream foretells adversity; and that
indicate that the dreamer is being too if the recipient is a partner or a lover,
insistent in their gift of advice, lavishing the action may indicate inconstancy or
attention where it is not wanted, or sickness in the person concerned.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 320-321 3/12/10 11:19 am

322 Transactions

Incongruous gift either evoke the oral pleasures of infancy or Letters and Packages
represent excretion – and therefore perhaps
A gift that appears inappropriate to the dreamer, an anal fixation that might lead us to be overly Receiving goods or messages through the
or causes other feelings of unease, may indicate controlling or mean-minded about money. mail in a dream often heralds something
the unwelcome attentions of another person – unexpected, such as a new opportunity or
or praise or esteem of which the dreamer feels Bouquet of flowers challenge. The dreamer’s response to the
him- or herself to be unworthy. If the dreamer contents of the package may give clues
is the giver rather than the recipient, the dream A bouquet of flowers is an almost universally to the meaning. For example, failure to
may be a reminder to present our weaknesses – recognized symbol of love or appreciation. take a letter out of the envelope may
or our true nature – more accurately to others. The beauty and transience of flowers speaks suggest that full use will not be made
across cultures as an external expression of our of the chance on offer, while a sense
Box of chocolates innermost feelings. The colour and type of the of anticipation before opening it can
blooms in a dream bouquet can be especially indicate a more
A box of chocolates may stand for the significant: while daisies might suggest innocence positive attitude.
multitude of opportunities and varied pleasures and playfulness, red roses could perhaps convey The identity of
that life offers us. In Freudian terms, it might high passion and sexuality. Like a dream gift the sender (often an
package that turns out to contain an unpleasant aspect of the dreamer’s
surprise, a decaying bouquet of flowers can unconscious) may also be
imply disappointed expectations. important. If the dreamer runs
after the mailman, this can suggest
Gift-wrapping taking a more positive attitude toward
Gift-wrapping an object in a dream can suggest Rarely do dreamers report actually
that we are trying to disguise something, reading a message received in the mail
perhaps rather desperately. We may be hiding – dreams prefer to leave such obvious
feelings of distress behind an optimistic veneer, resolutions to the waking mind.
or we may be more selfish than we seem; or Sending a letter may also suggest that
perhaps we need to face an uncomfortable truth face-to-face communication is difficult for
that we have hitherto repressed. some reason.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 322-323 3/12/10 11:19 am

324 Transactions Letters and Packages 325

Stamp The mailman carries messages that often a letter to find only a adventure or, if it is of a
symbolize new opportunities, and so to dream blank page inside, then place where we have lived
A letter without a stamp may suggest an that the mailman is passing our door without our unconscious may be or visited in the past, it
aspiration that cannot yet be realized, or leaving a letter often serves to draw attention prompting us to take more might suggest nostalgia for
perhaps a failure to attend to important details to the dreamer’s disappointment, either over control of our life. that period of our life.
in life. An envelope covered in stamps may be a particular issue or over the general direction
a symbol of passionate enthusiasm or else the of his or her life. If the dreamer runs after Anonymous letter Envelope
excessive efforts that can stem from insecurity. the mailman, this might represent a decision
to take positive action and create our own An anonymous letter can Freud saw envelopes as a
Mailman opportunities. be an alarm signal from the symbol of female sexuality.
unconscious. We may be An unopened envelope
If the dreamer is acting as mailman, or is carrying Unintelligible letter experiencing a period of might represent virginity
a message for someone else, this may indicate emotional turmoil and it or perhaps a woman’s
a willingness to take responsibility, or to be A letter that is written in a foreign language or may be time to take stock reluctance to enter into an
entrusted with secrets. It can also relate to our in an indecipherable script can signify frustration of the direction that our intimate relationship. It can
power to give or withhold pleasure from with a seemingly unresolvable issue or a sense life is taking. Alternatively, also represent an issue that
others, or to a dawning awareness of our that our communication with others could we might feel that others we are reluctant to face.
personal significance. be more effective. Alternatively, if we open know more about us than Opening an envelope or
we would prefer. inserting a letter into one
can signify the act of sexual
Postcard intercourse.

Postcards are generally a light-hearted means Deeds and certificates

of communication. Open for anybody to
read during their transit, their appearance in Deeds and other formal documents such as
our dreams may suggest a desire for more birth or marriage certificates often appear
laughter and openness in our life. The picture in our dreams during times of upheaval or
on the front of the card can also be significant transformation. They might suggest a craving
– it might indicate a yearning for travel and for stability and certainty or they might be a

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 324-325 3/12/10 11:19 am

326 Transactions Letters and Packages 327

response to an upcoming rite of passage. A dream in which we click on “Send” before the
dream in which we burn deeds and documents message is ready could reflect concerns about
could signal a point of closure in our lives; or communicating an idea that has not yet been
alternatively it could be an expression of a deep- fully formulated – perhaps, but not necessarily,
seated desire for significant change. in a work context. Clicking on the “Delete”
button could point to a yearning to delete an
Parcel undesirable person or situation from our life.

Like envelopes, Freudians understand parcels Contract

to represent the female sexual organs. Your
response to receiving a dream parcel may be A contract might evoke a personal or
suggestive of your attitude to female sexuality, professional commitment about which we are
especially if you are a man. New love or having doubts. Tearing up a dream contract
anticipation of seeing our partner might inspire a might be a form of wish-fulfilment, expressing
dream where we tear open a parcel, eager for its our desire to escape from an agreement that
contents. If, however, we are reluctant or even we are bound to or perhaps from a relationship,
frightened to open a parcel, we may be afraid with a husband or lover, that is unwholesome.
of the serious emotional commitment that can
accompany intimate relationships. Ink blot
Email Obscuring part or all of a letter or other form
of verbal message, an ink blot can represent a
Most people today send more emails than miscommunication or ambiguity. A tear stain on
letters, so it is not surprising when web- a letter may conjure up feelings of guilt about
based forms of communication appear in our a hurt that we have caused. Alternatively, if the
dreams. Accidentally sending an email to our tear was our own, it could evoke the emotional
entire address book might represent a warning pain of bringing a relationship to an end. As with
from our unconscious about the dangers of the psychological Rorschach test, the shape of
being too public in our opinions. An anxiety the blot can also be significant.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 326-327 3/12/10 11:19 am

328 Transactions Shopping and Money 329

Shopping and Money Window display Store counter

Stores often symbolize the array of To dream of seeing a window display full of The display of tempting things at, for example,
opportunities and rewards that are attractive but somehow unattainable items a deli or jewelry counter forces us to select
available to us in our lives. Our ability to often suggests that the dreamer feels excluded from a wealth of different options. This may be
use these chances may be signified by from the good things in life. The dream may pure wish-fulfilment, but there can also be an
the amount of money we dream of having also be reminding him or her to look elsewhere element of being overwhelmed by too much
in our pockets. for more attainable, and perhaps ultimately choice. If we are looking for a present, perhaps
The dreaming mind may concoct more worthwhile, benefits. Jung believed that we feel we do not know the person (even our
any number of shopping metaphors to dreams involving a chemist’s, or drugstore, often partner) well enough to choose wisely.
symbolize our ability or failure to take relate to alchemy and the processes of inner
advantage of life’s opportunities, or to transformation.
find solutions to particular problems.
We may find ourselves in a store just Store interior
before closing time, unable to find what
is wanted before being shown the door; The dream image of a store might represent
or the shelves may be too high and the our view of the opportunites that life presents.
dreamer unable to reach up to them; or How much we buy, and whether the items we
the items on display may be so many and interpreted dreams of hoarding money as purchase are the ones we were looking for, can
so various that the dreamer cannot choose representative of anal fixation, perhaps say much about the way we understand our
between them. as a result of mismanaged infant toilet ability to achieve our goals. A dream in which
For Jung, money represents power training by overzealous parents. Anal we cannot find the items that we intended to
– the ability to achieve an objective. fixation is a trait usually associated with buy suggests frustration at not getting what
To find that we have insufficient cash people with obsessively orderly, highly we want out of life. If we are frantically rushing
to pay for what we want can symbolize controlling personalities. to the stores in a race against closing time,
a perceived lack of the abilities or Also, of course, dreams of money the dream may convey our concerns about
qualifications needed to attain some may simply reflect anxieties about our life being too short to accommodate all the
particular goal. Freud, on the other hand, finances – especially in times of economic attainments we would like to notch up.
saw money as a symbol of excrement. He uncertainty during the Obama era.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 328-329 3/12/10 11:19 am

330 Transactions Shopping and Money 331

Trading Bill or check Selling Safe

A trade can Receiving a bill Selling is essentially the art of persuasion. We Freudians would see a safe as a symbol of the
symbolize any form highlights the may be trying to “sell” an idea or project to our female sexual organs or perhaps of sexual
of interpersonal fundamental truth work colleagues or close family, or we could be coldness. An item that we lock up in a safe
interaction. Our that it is necessary to deciding whether or not to “buy” somebody could equally, however, represent a secret
personal, professional invest our personal else’s idea, explanation or excuse. Anything from that we desperately want to conceal, or
and intellectual lives resources in order the decision to move house to a proposal of perhaps a hoarding instinct with all its implicit
are full of trading: we to progress. We may marriage will involve some form of persuasion obsessiveness. In the Jungian understanding,
unconsciously evaluate be shocked at how and a dream in which we are attempting to sell, money represents the power to achieve spiritual
the qualities that every much we have to pay. or being sold, something (especially if we think enlightenment and a safe may therefore
prospective colleague, However, a large bill is that the item is of dubious value) is frequently an represent a storehouse of wisdom.
friend or sexual as likely to represent expression of anxiety about these transactions.
partner has to offer the extent of the
us, and what they are opportunities open to Rent
likely to want in return. us as it is to symbolize
the personal cost. In Jung famously postulated that the dream image
Pedlar or hawker an anxiety dream we might be unable to pay a of a house represents the self. Paying rent
bill, because our wallet is empty or our credit might suggest the importance of preserving
Street pedlars conjure up images both of cards have been rejected. This could represent the integrity of the self – giving our opinions
freedom and of inferior goods. Unfettered lack of self-esteem or fear of social humiliation; their due even in the face of the disapproval
by rent and by the responsibilities of normal equally, however, it might simply be related to of an overbearing parent or other authority
storekeepers, they work on the margins of real-life money worries. A dream in which we figure. If, however, the dream highlights the
respectable society, and hence may represent a write an invoice or receive a payment might fact that we do not own the house then it may
yearning to escape the bounds of our everyday suggest that we feel we deserve to be rewarded convey a lack of self-assurance. We may be
lives. Alternatively, we may be unsure about the for our efforts in some sphere – personal, experiencing an identity crisis or we might not
motives of a new acquaintance or perhaps we professional or spiritual. Scrutinizing a restaurant feel comfortable with our body. Perhaps we
are questioning the honesty of the other party bill closely may reflect some mistrust of people have recently put on or lost a lot of weight and
in a business deal. in our life – even of friends or family. are finding the change difficult to accept.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 330-331 3/12/10 11:19 am

332 Transactions Shopping and Money 333

Odds and Bazaar

Heaps of spices,
A store selling rolls of brightly
miscellaneous coloured cloth,
odds and ends sizzling tureens of
– pens, pencils, wonderful, fragrant
spools of thread, stews – the sights,
buttons, ribbons, sounds and smells
paperclips and of a Middle Eastern
the like – may bazaar might evoke Pawnbroker – perhaps about a failed marriage or poor
represent all a craving for travel examination results in a favourite subject.
the quotidian or just a desire for Visiting a pawnbroker might suggest a feeling The dreaming mind may use the concept
details of life. It new and exciting of desperation. We may be worried that our of “investment” to symbolize any kind of
is important to experiences. In our spending has got out of hand, or perhaps that emotional, intellectual or professional input.
strike a balance dreams as in waking we are going to be forced to sacrifice some Our time and energy are precious and the drama
between the life, however, the treasured ambition or ideal. The low price that of a dream stock market crash can reveal the
big picture and narrow streets and we will get for our goods may also suggest that frustration that we feel when efforts turn out to
the small – but persistent hawkers we feel undervalued in some respect. We may have been wasted.
if we do not of an exotic market not be receiving the recognition we believe we
pay attention may also feel deserve, either in the workplace or at home. Market
to the minutiae, claustrophobic and
and in particular intimidating. We Stock market crash An open-air market is usually a colourful affair,
to the little may be finding it offering a proliferation of goods for our perusal.
chores, the big difficult to adjust A dream in which there is a disaster in the In dreams, it may represent the possibilities open
picture may start to break up We should also, to a new job or to some other alteration in our financial markets may involve an image of a to us beyond the usual channels. Such a dream is
however, be careful not to become so engrossed circumstances. Trying to haggle with merchants banker or stockbroker throwing themselves from especially likely to occur at a time of transition
in the nuances of a situation that we miss its might represent an interaction with a demanding the window of a skyscraper. The dreamer may be or change – when we leave home as adolescents,
fundamental truths. friend or relative. expressing a feeling of intense disappointment for example, or upon retirement.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 332-333 3/12/10 11:19 am

334 Transactions Communication 335

Communication Disagreement other party refuses to listen to our point of

view, or remains obstinate in the face of our
Good communication is the mainstay of advice, or to make pleasant conversation. The airing of a disagreement can reveal your arguments, we may feel insecure about our
our lives with others, in both personal Sometimes the dreamer may find others doubts about hitherto deeply held convictions ability to communicate our needs or ideas.
and vocational settings, and poor tearing up something that he or she has – the dialogue that appears in the dream is
communication, conversely, can prevent written. a dramatization of your own inner conflict. Making a speech
us from being happy or successful – Being tongue-tied in front of an However, this can signal a constructive moment
indeed, it can drive us to despair. It is audience, or being ridiculed by those in your personal development, an openness to A dream in which we frankly address an audience
unsurprising, therefore, that many dreams present, suggests insecurity about testing new ideas in the light of experience. may represent a desire to have our point of view
focus on communication issues. When ourselves or our beliefs or ideas. aired and understood. Perhaps there is some
we feel that communication is poor, this Quarrel issue about which we would like to set the
may be for all kinds of reasons other Unruly audience during public record straight. The rousing cheers of an adoring
than competent articulation of ideas – for speaking A major quarrel in a dream may represent crowd might be a wish-fulfilment symbolizing
example, it may be related to feelings feelings of frustration in our waking life. If the our desire to be fêted by those around us.
of social inferiority. Interpretation often An audience that refuses to be quiet while we
needs to look beyond the boundaries of are addressing them may relate not only to a
the ostensible subject to understanding lack of sympathy for the speaker, but also to a
in the broader sense. general confusion of ideas in waking life. The
Typically, communication dreams absence of an audience suggests a total neglect
portray the dreamer as unable to make of the dreamer’s ideas by others, or a complete
him- or herself heard over the noise made lack of recognition of his or her achievements. A
by others, or desperately trying to attract yelling and catcalling mob at our feet may reflect
attention, or trying to alert others to our own true feelings toward other people in
what the dreamer sees as an impending general – are we guilty of believing ourselves to
disaster of some kind. But we may also be “above the crowd”?
hear others dismissing us in various ways Alternatively, the dreaming mind may use
or making disparaging remarks at our the image of an unruly audience to disguise
expense. Listeners may turn away in the identity of one individual whose behaviour
contempt when we try to give opinions or toward us is unacceptably aggressive.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 334-335 3/12/10 11:19 am

336 Transactions Rules and Regulations 337

Rules and Regulations Rule-breaking supports us in a time of stress. Alternatively,

however, they may represent someone on
Rules carry associations of structure, Obeying rules can indicate that the Dreams in which the dreamer defiantly breaks whom we are overly dependent. Perhaps it is
compulsion, control. If, in a dream, we dreamer is too easily led by others, but the rules – for example, by taking photographs in time to speak up for ourselves and voice our
seem to be giving strict instructions to may also signify loyalty and integrity. an art gallery or having a rowdy picnic in a public opinions confidently. Similarly, a dream in which
others or to ourselves, the unconscious For interpretation, it is often helpful to library – often hark back to early childhood. The we find ourselves in the role of the attorney
may be drawing attention to a desire explore the nature of the rules obeyed. dreamer’s natural urge toward self-assertion and could emphasize the importance of representing
to make life less arbitrary and more The unconscious may be encouraging testing the limits imposed by others may have our own best interests.
predictable. If it is others who are making us to look more carefully at beliefs or been restricted by parents or teachers, and his
the rules, the underlying message may conventions we have allowed to go or her rebellious nature may still lie repressed Jury
be the need for more discipline in life, or unquestioned. in the unconscious, asserting itself by dream
the need to be aware that our direction To dream of arguing about rules may transgressions. Such dreams of misbehaviour can Think carefully about the individuals who make
is being circumscribed by limits imposed signify an inner conflict of some kind express a healthy creative urge. However, if the up a dream jury: these are the people who
from outside. – perhaps a clash between instincts crime is more serious – for example, stealing a will decide our future, and their identity may
Dreams in which we stand accused of and conscience. Or it might reflect the car – there might be guilt involved; or fear of provide an important key to the inner workings
breaking rules of whose existence we adjustments that we need to make to others exploiting our weaknesses. of our psyche. The appearance of friends, family
were unaware emphasize the unfairness our priorities within the context of a or work colleagues may be connected to some
of many life new or changing Lawsuit event in our lives, on which these people would
experiences. relationship. be expected to have a view. Their opinion might
Such dreams may Exposure to TV A lawsuit might represent the dreamer’s desire to have a significant impact on a decision about a
help to release and the movies punish people who oppose his or her actions or job, say, or our choice of partner, or any other
the dreamer’s has given most disagree with their opinions. Alternatively, it may decision we might make. A dream in which we
frustration, or of us sufficient suggest a deep-seated need to win the approval fail to recognize any of the jury can indicate a
else signify that knowledge of of our peers – perhaps represented by the jury. sense of being at the mercy of fate, or other
we have not fully the courts to forces beyond our control. To see our own face
come to terms furnish a dream, Attorney or lawyer on the jury suggests that we might have some
with injustice even if we lack influence on our own destiny – or that we
and perhaps direct personal The eloquent attorney who speaks for us in might be in the position of judging someone in
desire atonement. experience. court could stand for a friend or relative who particular, either voluntarily or against our will.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 336-337 3/12/10 11:19 am

338 Transactions Rules and Regulations 339

Plaintiff Subpoena or summons Debt collector otherwise illicit inclinations. Robbery at gunpoint
or knifepoint can express fears of violence,
Acting as plaintiff in a trial and suing for some An order to appear in court may represent guilt A debt collector appearing at our door, especially sexual violence. Similarly, a burglar
perceived injury or injustice might be an (as a cross-examination often does), but it could or anyone else involved in the process of breaking down a door or otherwise entering a
assertive act or it may stem from feelings of also be a call to stand up for an individual or repossession (of a house for example), might house without permission can convey our fear
paranoia. If the dream is a product of a vindictive cause that needs our help. A dream of being serve to draw our attention to some obligation of rape, of letting people get too close to the
desire to see the other party punished, then required to attend court could also reflect we have been neglecting. There is also, of true self, or of emotional entanglement. The
losing the case could highlight the self- resentment at any obligation placed upon us. course, the obvious literal meaning of anxiety shadowy figure of a highwayman may represent
destructive quality of our anxiety. Winning about personal levels of debt – a feeling that the side of the self that craves freedom from
the case, on the other hand, far from being a Verdict may be so strong it permeates the unconscious. social constraints.
positive outcome, might point to feelings of
self-righteousness or malevolence. Although a judge may represent our father or Thief or burglar Crime
another significant authority figure, a verdict,
Cross-examination whether positive or negative, more often than A dream in which we are mugged or burgled is A dream in which we commit a heinous crime is
not reflects our own judgment of ourselves. likely to stem from anxiety, by no means an indicator of
A cross-examination in court perhaps resulting from an inherently violent or anti-
could represent some aspect some aspect of a sexual social personality. Rather, the
of the dreamer’s life that is relationship – in dreams, a dream may be expressing
being subjected to intense and real or imagined partner is a sense of guilt, or perhaps
challenging scrutiny. The questions often depicted in terms of a more general desire to
themselves may represent doubts – possession. If our dream self escape from the social,
either the dreamer’s own or doubts is the thief, the object we are financial or moral inhibitions
that he or she imagines in the stealing may be significant to placed on our waking life.
minds of others. Alternatively, the the overall meaning – phallic
dream may express our frustration symbols, such as a gun or a Trespass
at being expected to explain car, or symbols of the female
ourselves – perhaps because we sexual organs, like a purse A dream in which we enter
feel guilt about something we have or a locket, might confirm another person’s house or
thought, said or done. connotations of adulterous or land without their permission

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 338-339 3/12/10 11:19 am

340 Transactions Rules and Regulations 341

or neglect. Years on, we may still resent an

inattentive parent, or perhaps more recently
we have been left to fend for ourselves by
the death of a loved one or the break-up of
an emotional relationship. Do not rule out the
possibility of this being beneficial for you in the
long term – the dream may mark the beginning
of greater psychological independence.

Smuggled goods tend to be both desirable and
fraught with risk. They could stand for aspects
of the self that we prefer to keep private, or
can convey a desire to venture into unexplored psychological or personal issue and run away perhaps they represent valuable new insights
realms of emotional, intellectual or spiritual from rather than confront our problems. that we wish to share with our friends.
experience. The frisson of danger may be part Alternatively, he may be a courageous figure,
of the satisfaction we gain. A dream trespass bravely negotiating a hostile environment. Counterfeiter
may also have a sexual dimension. If we are Perhaps we feel that a cause we have been
the trespasser, this may suggest a desire to fighting for is not our own, or perhaps it no A counterfeiter might represent a warning not
commit adultery or usurp someone’s place in a longer seems like a worthwhile expenditure to take the promises of others at face value.
relationship. If we are the victim rather than the of our energy. The combination of fear, guilt If the one pressing fake goods or money on
perpetrator, we may fear betrayal or violation. and relief when we dream of being a deserting us is someone we know, our unconscious may
soldier may make the scenario particularly be urging caution in a personal or professional Poison
Deserter appropriate as an expression of the anxiety relationship that we would not otherwise have
surrounding the act of ending a relationship. questioned. A dream in which we attempt to Administering poison to somebody we know
The soldier who deserts his post is an If, on the other hand, we are a hapless soldier pass off fake notes for real may invoke a may reflect unacknowledged hostility, or else a
ambiguous dream image. On one hand, he may left at our post by a comrade in arms, the sense of frustration with our progress toward desire to rid ourselves of some emotion that is
represent the temptation to ignore a difficult dream may invoke a feeling of abandonment personal fulfilment. “poisoning” our peace of mind.

314- 341 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 340-341 3/12/10 11:19 am

342 343

The Home
Any of life’s possible social situations or settings – from a humble Domestic events are among the cooking or materials for cleaning are
most common subject matter for nowhere to be found, and total strangers
classroom in a village school to the Oval Office of the White House dreaming. Mostly, they occur in Level may suddenly appear and treat the house
– can appear in a dream. When a setting corresponds to an actual 1 and 2 dreams: these often incorporate as if it belongs to them.
apparently trivial events from the recent Since the home is where we conduct
memory, we know that the dream might well be rooted in our past
past (and especially from the previous such a major part of our lives, and since
circumstances – for example, if we dream of a factory where we day) which the dreaming mind has the activities we perform there are
once spent an unhappy period of employment, it is possible that selected because it recognizes their value so richly varied, there is a wealth of
in symbolizing (and thus helping to available domestic symbolism. Every
whatever troubled us there is continuing to affect us today, in access) significant material that is stored room of the home is laden with potential
a completely different environment. Situations, of course, all come in the dreamer’s unconscious. significance, and every implement – from
When interpreting domestic dreams, the shower or stove to teaspoons and
with their own characteristic paraphernalia, which offer scope it can be helpful to look for anomalies chopsticks – can be seized upon by the
for symbolism. between the dream material and waking dreaming mind for its own purposes.
experience. Often the
dream is set in the Whitewash
dreamer’s own home,
or involves familiar Whitewash can stand for
domestic routines, yet a cover-up of potentially
some of the details may embarrassing or damaging
be strangely inaccurate. misdeeds. These hidden
Items of furniture may truths may be our own,
be in the wrong place, or our unconscious mind
domestic implements might suspect that others
or appliances may have are concealing something
grown or diminished about their character or
in size, ingredients for their past.

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The Home 345

Cooking Pots and pans

When food is being prepared for other people, Cooking vessels are often sexual symbols.
this may indicate a wish to influence others, Whether the handle or the pot appears more
or make them dependent. As a symbol of obvious in the dream may indicate whether male
togetherness, preparing a meal can suggest a or female sexuality is intended. The meaning
quest for love and affection. If the emphasis is has much to do with what is going on inside
on the food itself, the underlying meaning may – a nutritious broth or something more self-
be the dreamer’s desire to mould some truth indulgent or cooked to impress others?
or insight into a more palatable form, or to
synthesize the disparate elements of our life into Dish
something nourishing for the soul. The cooking
fire is traditionally the focus of the household A dish of freshly cooked food is usually served
(indeed, focus is Latin for “hearth”) and thus can hot to be eaten immediately. In our dreams
symbolize the deepest centre of our being. this may represent inspiration or ideas that
should be acted on right away, or a problem we
Carpet or rug should tackle as soon as possible. A dish of cold
leftovers may imply attitudes that we should
The precise significance of a dream carpet leave behind us in order to progress.
may depend on its hue or on any pattern that
embellishes it. A floral design may be a symbol Kettle
of a garden, and perhaps of the Garden of Eden.
More universally, it may evoke the Tree of Life, The protruding spout of a kettle gives it phallic
a concept that appears in a multitude of belief connotations and makes it a predominantly male
systems and mythologies all over the world. In symbol. The boiling contents might represent
accord with the idea of the house as a symbol passion. As with very hot water and steam, the
of the self, a carpet covering up access to a image should alert us to the potential damage
lower floor may signify that we are smothering that strong emotions can cause to people who
impulses from our unconscious. come into contact with them.

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346 Environments The Home 347

Table aggression or the tensions within a seemingly Cracked household objects and bad habits. Now may be time to look deep
harmonious domestic situation. Spoons have a inside ourselves and to cast aside those aspects
The image of someone hiding under a table female symbolism on account of their rounded Cracked objects suggest flaws in the dreamer’s of the self that are less than constructive in
probably has its roots in childhood – a shape and capacity to contain. If we feel character, or in certain of his or her arguments, order that we can make a fresh start.
tablecloth can create a tent-like enclosure that vulnerable or overstretched, then a dream image ideas or relationships. A cracked or broken vase
may be a suitable place for a child to hide. What of a spoon might express a desire to be “spoon- or cup may symbolize lost love or a broken Window-cleaning
makes the hiding-place precarious, in an anxiety fed” or nurtured. A teaspoon or sugarspoon heart. A dream where we storm around a
dream, is the fact that it is impossible to get could resonate with us as a sign to take things house breaking things usually indicates anger A dream in which we wash and polish the grime
away from the shelter of the tabecloth without slowly or in small doses, while a soup spoon or or disillusionment with whatever is symbolized from the windows of our home can stand for
being seen by people at the table. Dreams may ladle might encourage us to drink deeply of the by the item that we smash. Although Freudians a desire to gain a clearer view of life. Our view
also feature a table as a surface on which to pleasures that life offers. would understand a broken window to be a of the outside world may be obscured by too
display objects. Interpretation could explore the female sexual symbol, Jungians would be more much introspection or by an inability to see past
idea of the table as a metaphor for openness Teapot likely to interpret it as a representation of the our own preconceptions.
– anything on the table surface is going to be dreamer’s disillusionment with the world.
visible to anyone nearby. As with a kettle, the spout of a teapot may Washing machine
give the object phallic connotations. An ornate Vacuum-cleaning
Cutlery teapot might suggest the beauty that The swirling waters of a washing machine can
we could find inherent in our daily Vacuum-cleaning is a very thorough means of sometimes evoke the womb. Perhaps it is time
Collectively, a routines if only we were to ridding a house of dirt and may indicate a desire to deal with past issues, including even deep-
set of cutlery look for it. to completely erase a bad memory or past seated childhood hurts, that need to “come out
may represent action. Vacuuming dust or ashes may convey a in the wash” in order for us to lead a healthier
the dreamer’s Doing the wish to move on from our grief after the death psychological life.
domestic ambitions. dishes of a close relative or friend. The dream image of clothes may draw
Individually, each attention to the nudity they are meant to
component can have Like washing hands, Spring-cleaning conceal. The action of hanging clothes on a
very different connotations. washing dishes may suggest a publicly visible washing line might suggest a
Knives and forks are essentially desire to wash away guilt or shame, A dream where we thoroughly clean our home subliminal yearning for the lost innocence of
scaled-down versions of weapons perhaps caused by some sexual (especially in springtime) may symbolize a need childhood or alternatively it might indicate
and may suggest either tamed experience. to purge ourselves of uncomfortable memories exhibitionist urges.

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348 Environments

Colander or sieve our failings or it may signify a need to harden

ourselves against criticisms directed by others.
Water, flour or sugar draining through the holes Or perhaps we want to cover up the cracks in a
in a colander or sieve may represent our life- relationship.
force or energy draining away. Is there someone
or something in our life that is sapping our Cookie jar
strength? A sieve may also stand for the process
of developing a new attitude to life, “sifting” or The cookie jar or biscuit tin of our childhood
“rinsing” away outdated or unhelpful modes of was probably a source of treats and rewards.
thought or behaviour. A dream in which we find ourselves looking
longingly at a cookie jar on an impossibly high
Furniture polish shelf may be redolent of a craving for praise or
recognition which never seems to materialize.
Varnish or polish can both protect and enhance The variety of cookies or biscuits in a cookie jar
the appearance of furniture and floors. In our could represent an important choice that we
dreams it may symbolize a desire to gloss over have to make.

342-377 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 348-349 3/12/10 11:18 am

350 Environments Architecture 351

Architecture other by stairs and doors. In dreams, each room

and floor can stand for different aspects of the
Houses in dreams usually represent the down to a cave, scattered with bones, personality or mind, which should be connected
dreamer, and can symbolize his or her pottery and skulls. He interpreted the (integrated), but often are not. Jung saw the
body or the various levels of the mind. cellar as the first layer of the unconscious, different floors as symbolizing the unconscious,
Like bodies, houses have fronts and and the cave as the “world of primitive the conscious, and higher spiritual aspirations.
backs, windows that look out onto the man” within himself – the collective Locked doors or precarious stairs may suggest
world outside, doors through which food unconscious. Freud, however, interpreted the difficulties we can face when we plumb the
is brought, and other openings through Jung’s dream as a form of wish-fulfilment, depths of the unconscious.
which waste is later expelled. and found in the image of the bones and Given the phallic symbolism that Freud
It was from a dream of a house that skulls a symbol of thanatos, the death- attributes to steps and stairs, a dream in which
Jung formulated his theory of the wish, possibly toward Jung’s wife. Library we ride passively between floors on an escalator
collective unconscious. The house Other buildings can also represent may suggest an emotionally detached sexual life.
seemed unfamiliar but was undoubtedly aspects of the self. Courts of law may A library typically represents ideas, and the
his own, and after wandering its various symbolize our powers of judgment, ready availability of knowledge. Books on a shelf
floors he discovered a heavy door that museums may stand for the past, while out of reach may represent ideas beyond the
led down to a beautiful and ancient factories or mills often relate to the dreamer’s present understanding. If in the dream
vaulted cellar. Another staircase led creative side of the dreamer’s life. we are unable to concentrate on what we are
reading, the ideas we are entertaining may not
be productive for us. A library can also signify
the dreamer’s inner knowledge: consider looking
inside the self for answers – the extent of our
intuitive understanding may be surprising.

Rooms and floors

Like the mind, a house consists of different
levels and compartments, all performing
different functions and connected to each

342-377 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 350-351 3/12/10 11:18 am

352 Environments Architecture 353

Attic preoccupations unwisely abandoned. If, Door and protect. We can surround ourselves with
however, the chest resembles a coffin, it may be emotional walls, or even walls in the form of a
Situated on the uppermost floor of a house, an time to let go of aspirations that are ultimately A door opening outward may indicate a need hectic timetable or overbearing commitment
attic usually represents our higher aspirations unrealistic. An excessively orderly attic may to be more accessible to others, while a door to our work. Although we may successfully
or creative ambitions – the garret was the indicate a doctrinal or otherwise formulaic opening inward can be an invitation to self- insulate ourselves from hurt by building walls,
traditional workplace of the artist or writer. approach to our spiritual life or an over-reliance exploration. If a locked door proves frustrating it is important to remember that we also cut
Often a confused jumble, the contents of an on logic and reason in our pursuit of creative for the dreamer, this may suggest that he or she ourselves off from many good experiences.
attic may reflect feelings about the disorder endeavours. should search for a new skill or idea to serve as a
in our life. As in a real attic, we will need to key. A door that is lacking a handle is a common Basement or cellar
sort through the clutter diligently to arrive Window dream symbol that can reflect a range of
at a plausible interpretation. A chest full frustrations – from lack of advancement at work The basement or cellar of a building often
of paraphernalia may hint at projects and Freud interpreted both doors and windows as to being denied fulfilment within a marriage. relates to the unconscious. A dream of walking
feminine sexual symbols; Jung associated them down a set of cellar stairs may represent
with the dreamer’s ability to understand the Ceiling determined or tentative self-exploration. The
outside world. Looking into others’ windows items that we find in a cellar may evoke different
(voyeurism for Freud) can suggest the dreamer Modern usage refers to a “glass ceiling” as impulses – food and wine may suggest sexual
is too curious about others’ lives, perhaps using a metaphor for the obstacles hindering the passion, while scattered bones may reveal
this curiosity as a substitute for self-examination. advancement of women in the workplace. repressed homicidal tendencies.
Anybody who feels that there is something
Balcony preventing them from achieving their Chimney
professional or personal goals may experience
A balcony is a classic Freudian symbol for a a dream in which they bang their head on the A powerful sexual symbol, a chimney can be
woman’s breasts – balcon is in fact a colloquial ceiling, perhaps after they have started to rise either female or male depending on whether we
French term for breasts, while a balconette is from the floor. view it from inside or outside. A chimney that
a bra. A dream of standing on a balcony may has collapsed may represent fears of impotence.
express our desire to return to the mother’s Walls Traditionally, witches were believed to exit
breast. Freudians would suggest that for male hell through a chimney on the way to their
dreamers it has overtones of the Oedipal rivalry There is a duality inherent in the dream symbol Sabbat gatherings and we may associate this
felt by a son toward his father. of walls, in as much as they can both imprison symbol with black magic and the dark arts.

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354 Environments Architecture 355

Living room Bedroom

Jung understood the different rooms of a house We associate the bedroom with birth, death,
to represent different compartments of the sleep and sex. In a shared or family house, the
self. As the room that we are most comfortable bedroom may be the only space we have that
revealing to others, a living room or lounge may is truly private, and so for some people it might
signify the conscious mind. represent seclusion, safety and the innermost
self. The bedroom can also appear in our dreams
Kitchen as a last resting place. Dreaming of parents
asleep in their beds might reflect memories of
The kitchen is the room in the home associated their death, or express our fear of losing them.
with love, nourishment and creativity. A wealth An empty bedroom may evoke our own death.
Furniture a symbol of modesty, they can also represent of male and female sexual symbols exist in the
exhibitionist urges – think of the classic image of food and utensils we may find there, and the
The furniture in a house may represent our a velvet curtain lifting on a bright stage. environment is rich in maternal associations.
thoughts and emotions. A dream in which we A warm oven or glowing hearth may be a
are wandering around an unfurnished house Wardrobe vivid symbol of the deep-seated love that the
may point toward a unsatisfied emotional life, dreamer has for his or her family or friends. If,
with blocked feelings. Alternatively, it might Clothes frequently represent the Persona however, we dream of something burning in the
symbolize a fresh start and our readiness to (see page 103) – the face that we present to kitchen, this may point to some conflict with the
furnish our lives with new experiences. Mending, the world. A wardrobe containing a number people we are closest to.
cleaning or rearranging furniture could imply of different outfits may suggest the different
a craving for emotional healing or a desire for “faces” we adopt in different situations, and Utility room or scullery
more order in our personal lives. within the dream our reactions to these
different outfits can suggest which one we As the room used for storing utensils, washing
Curtain feel most truly represents the inner self. An clothes and doing other necessary backroom
overflowing wardrobe may represent exuberance chores, a scullery or utility room in a dream may
Curtains may express a desire to cut ourselves or even exhibitionism. A locked wardrobe may be associated with the unconscious mind and
off from the outside world. While ostensibly suggest a desire to hide from public scrutiny. the processes that go on there.

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356 Environments Architecture 357

Bathroom Garage Shed

Although relaxing in a long bath is a Despite being associated with traditionally A garden shed can be a place of retreat or it may
popular way to relieve ourselves of masculine activities, a garage containing a car be a storage place for a jumble of things you
the tensions and worries of the day, a can be a symbol of female sexuality. A dreamer want to keep tidied away out of sight. A dream
bath in a dream may go a step further who is working in the garage fixing a car may be in which we visit a shed used for storage in this
and evoke the safety of life in the experiencing sexual problems in a relationship. way can represent a project that we abandoned,
womb. If there is a window open, our perhaps prematurely. A shed that shows signs
unconscious may be reminding us of Fountain of regular use – for example, as a study – may
the responsibilities attached to our be yet another symbol of the workings of the
life out there in the real world. makers or professionally. There might also be a Fountains are imbued with a rich mythic unconscious mind. Think carefully about the
hint of our moral “harvest”, or karma. Seeing a rat symbolism identifying them as the source of objects that you found there.
Farm or spiders in a barn may indicate a guilt nagging life, knowledge and eternal youth. For an artist
away at our well-being. suffering from creative block, the dream image Greenhouse
The dream image of a farm may convey a desire of a fountain may herald fresh inspiration. As the
to return to a simpler, more pastoral way of life. Fence source of life, a fountain might represent our A riot of exotic growth in a greenhouse might
Or perhaps, even in an urban setting, we seek to mother, or perhaps a new rush of energy after remind us of the unacknowledged instincts
feel more connected with our roots or with the Recalling the saying, “Good fences make good a long period of depression or unhappiness. suppressed within the unconscious.
practical realities on which we depend. We may neighbours”, a fence can suggest the steps we
not necessarily wish to move to the country – take to protect ourselves from the intrusion of
only to live by more traditional values within our others – often at the risk of ignoring our
town or city. Alternatively, a farm may suggest a social responsibilities and the possibility of
particular form of career frustration: a yearning rewarding relationships.
for a job that is more socially responsible.
The womb-evoking water of a waterworks may
A barn is a classic image for the good things we appear in our dreams as an all-encompassing and
have harvested in our lives – whether as home- potentially intimidating symbol of our mother.

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358 Environments Architecture 359

Factory Bar or pub

A factory may represent the dreamer’s creativity A bar or a pub can be a place where we socialize,
viewed from the perspective of hard work. or it may be the setting in which we drown
Depending on the context, the dream may our sorrows. As somewhere associated with
emphasize either the productivity of the factory, overcoming inhibitions, a dream pub might
or its mechanical, stereotypical nature. Workers be the arena in which we express our truest
on strike might represent some obstacle to our emotions. We may find ourselves telling a
creativity – lack of time or resources perhaps, stranger our darkest secrets or dancing with
or writer’s block. An endless production line can wild abandon on the tables. The convivial
suggest boredom and frustration, and it may be atmosphere of a bar might also convey a craving
time to look for a new job or career path or for for company – highlighting feelings of loneliness.
new sources of inspiration. If, however, we become embroiled in a brawl, the
dream may be pointing to dangerously repressed
Gasworks emotions that are close to spilling over into
destructive, uncontrollable anger.
The sulphurous smell of natural gas and its Drunkenness in a dream might represent
flammable properties link a gasworks to the intoxication with life – a powerful sense of Tower impregnability and may represent somebody
Christian conception of hell. Symbolically, hell well-being and joy. However, if the experience who is important to us but remains emotionally
in turn can be synonymous with the dark chaos is not pleasurable but uncomfortable or even A tower is a powerful phallic symbol. For male distant and detached.
of the unconscious, and a dream set against the frightening, then the dream might be a warning dreamers the strength and sturdiness of a tower
background of a gasworks may have a sinister that we are losing control – perhaps we are in may reflect their sexual confidence or lack Law court
or frightening feel. The darker sides of the danger of developing an addiction to alcohol or thereof. Many European folktales feature young
psyche are often difficult to confront, and our to drugs, or perhaps we feel as though our life women imprisoned in towers by tyrannical kings Dreams set in a court of law may reflect conflicts
response to the gasworks in a dream may be is at the mercy of chance or the manipulations or fathers. These stories, and similar scenarios in within the self or between people we are close
connected with our attitude to the daunting of other people. A dream of being a lone our dreams, may resonate with women who are to. It may be that our capacity for judgment
task of exploring our unconscious. When the drinker in a dark bar may reveal a desire to subject to the oppressive influence of masculine is being stretched by a major, life-changing
dreamer senses an imminent explosion this obliterate difficult memories or to run away authority, whether in the family, the workplace decision, or by a complicated power struggle
usually relates to bottled-up emotions. from our problems. or in society. Towers are also significant for their between family members or work colleagues.

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360 Environments Architecture 361

Clock tower lighthouse warns ships away from dangerous the masks, or personas, we might have worn
rocks, so a lighthouse in a dream may represent a in the past.
From major landmarks such as warning about a potentially hazardous situation.
London’s Palace of Westminster A fog-probing lighthouse beam will indicate an Palace
to more commonplace area to avoid rather than one to navigate toward.
examples such as on a town The elegant façade of a beautiful palace may
hall or village church, clock Windmill represent the persona that we present to the
towers act as markers of time world. If the interior of the palace seems shabby
and geographical position. A windmill grinds the flour that is needed to in comparison with the outside, the dream might
A ticking clock is a common make bread and may represent the dreamer’s be a warning about aspiring to levels that we
dream symbol for the heart role as the main provider for his or her family. cannot plausibly attain.
and for the passage of time or The “daily grind” of work may be tiresome but it
of our life. Clothed in the phallic is usually essential. Place of worship
form of a tower, we end up with
an image of masculine drive and Castle A church, cathedral or temple can represent the
the courage it takes for us to pursue spiritual side of the dreamer, or else a longing
our true ambitions. The chimes of a clock A castle is a form of house and may appear in for peace, wisdom or perhaps, more vaguely,
tower ringing the hour may herald a major the guise of a fortress, a fairytale palace or a a clearer sense of purpose. To feel that we are
event or personal watershed such as a wedding prison. To dream of being inside a castle suggests a stranger inside a church may remind us of
or the birth of our first child. cancan. The movie Moulin Rouge may have security, but may also remind us that the very the distance we have yet to cover if we are to
helped to implant this image in a cinema-going strength of our psychological defences isolates become more adjusted spiritually or gain a more
Eiffel Tower audience. us from others. The defences represented by respected place in our community. A spire has
a castle’s thick outside walls can protect us obvious phallic connotations, while a dome may
The Eiffel Tower, in Paris, is a powerful phallic Lighthouse from pain, but at the expense of meaningful suggest feminine roundedness – in both the
symbol and presents the dreamer with a relationships and emotional maturity. If we physical and the psychological senses.
probable image of male sexuality. The tower may For Freudians a lighthouse is an unmistakable envision ourselves lowering the drawbridge A church spire may also be important as an
also stand in for the popular view of Parisian phallic symbol, rising out of a maternal sea. More of a dream castle, then perhaps we are ready obvious place for a lightning rod, and if one
life – perhaps the heady brew of revolution modern interpretations look to its function to embark on a new emotional attachment. A features in our dreams, this might be a reference
and romance, with overtones of art and the as a beacon and a guide. Just as the beam of a ruined castle may represent the destruction of to a feeling of vulnerability to sudden disaster.

342-377 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 360-361 3/12/10 11:18 am

Ruined or burning house Unfinished building
Our house in ruins may be an exaggerated A house is a classic symbol for the self – the
image of some nagging problem – perhaps quite body, mind and emotions. The dream image
a trivial one, that has no connection with our of an unfinished building reflects the fact
domestic circumstances. However, the same that we continue to change and develop all
image can also suggest a sense of personal through our life. Careful interpretation of
dysfunction. Areas of the building that need the specific symbolism might provide us with
repair may convey our concern about a specific unexpected insights about what aspects of the
failing. A burning building, although an image of self we should work on – better access to the
destruction, may have positive connotations as basement of the unconscious perhaps, or more
a symbol of catharsis. Sometimes we need to windows to the outside world. If we dream of an
purge the self of attitudes and ideas that are no architect’s plan, that might suggest some major
longer appropriate. project that we are keen to embark on.

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364 Environments School 365

School Carrying a school bag be a complicated response to a homosexual

relationship or a homosexual urge, perhaps a
School experiences are among the authority, and may represent the father or A school bag full of books, pens and paper repressed one.
most formative in life, and can appear mother, an elder sibling, or others, held may, if carried happily, relate to the dreamer’s
frequently even in the dreams of the in love or fear, who have determined the accumulated knowledge, and desire to continue Teacher
elderly. Sometimes the dream relates to course of the dreamer’s life. Alternatively, learning. If the bag is heavy or uncomfortable,
specific happenings remembered with a teacher may stand for that censoring this may signify that some aspect of the past, Our teachers have a formative effect on our
pride or embarrassment, or repressed. aspect of the dreamer’s personality that present or future is a burden. lives, whether for good or evil. Their authority
However, a dream will often use a keeps our more unruly impulses in over us is comparable to that of our mother
generic school to convey its message. check. Ruined or dilapidated school or father, and they can in fact figure as dream
Dreams of finding ourselves back at Dreams in which the subject is symbols of our parents. If the teacher who
school, but demoted to a lower class, summoned to the principal’s study may A dream that returns us to childhood only to appears in a dream is one whom we revered and
sent out of the signify inferiority, witness decay or desertedness in the school- respected, we should take careful note of their
room in disgrace guilt, or simply a house suggests that we are still carrying advice, for the wisdom they pass on to us may
or stripped of dread of having disappointed childhood expectations, or represent a missive from the unconscious.
some coveted one’s misdeeds disquieting memories. Sometimes there is
responsibility, found out. Being an added sense of the passing of time, the Punishment in class
can symbolize publicly praised impermanence of life, and the need to look
childhood by a teacher, or forward rather than dwell in the past. When we dream of being punished at school,
insecurities that being awarded a there is often an implied reference to submission
have still not school prize, or Bullying to an authority figure. Corporal punishment
been resolved. winning a school may reveal a desire for sado-masochistic sex.
As well as the sporting fixture, We usually identify with the victim rather than A punishment doled out for not doing our
school setting, may illustrate the the bully in a bullying dream. Often this will homework often suggests a sense of guilt at not
school personnel dreamer’s belief, or relate to some painful childhood experience. meeting personal or professional obligations.
may also be need for belief, in Alternatively, it may point to a desire to Being forced to stand in a corner, which used to
manifest. The his or her abilities dominate or be dominated, perhaps in a sexual be a common school punishment, may reflect a
teacher is a as a pupil or as a or sado-masochistic way. If both the bully and feeling of social exclusion; copying out lines may
classic symbol for person. the victim are the same sex, then the dream may reflect a dissatisfaction with routine.

342-377 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 364-365 3/12/10 11:18 am

366 Environments School 367

End of term life. Sitting at the back Exercise book

of the classroom to escape the
Celebrating the end of a term and teacher’s attention may suggest a tendency to The state of an exercise book or notebook
the start of a vacation may be tinged with regret shirk responsibility. Eagerly raising our hand to can convey the state of the dreamer’s psyche.
for loss of friends who become less accessible as answer a question, however, may imply a desire A notebook covered in scribbles and doodles
they return to their various homes. Or the dream to prove ourselves. may suggest either creativity or confusion,
may be expressing optimism about a new phase
in our life – or relief at the ending of a difficult
or unrewarding phase.

If we dream of spilt ink staining our desk or
books, this may suggest that we have committed
some offence against our own moral standards
or those of others. Black suggests a heinous
misdeed or perhaps a misdemeanour conducted
under the shadow of night, while red may signify
blood or sexuality.

Typically, the classroom represents learning,
and its lifelong importance. It can also stand for
competition, public esteem or censure, or the
need to rethink aspects of our personal, social
or professional concerns. The classroom can
also symbolize nostalgia, or the dreamer’s need
to rekindle the passion of an earlier stage of

342-377 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 366-367 3/12/10 11:18 am

368 Environments School 369

or possibly a mixture of both. A neat, School bell power of knowledge to vanquish ignorance. The
ordered notebook can reflect an writing that the dreaming mind projects onto a
organized approach to life, or a wish An alarm clock ringing in the waking world may blackboard may be symbolic of the principles
for more order in a disordered feature in a dream as a school bell. Dreaming of and ideals that have guided our path. Although it
state of being. If we look at the bell may herald the ending of classes and is important to stick by our principles, we should
a notebook and discover symbolically of a difficult episode in our life. If also remember that cherished ideas, like chalk,
sketches where there the bell rings for the end of a recreation break, are not necessarily permanent: wiping away the
should have been lists the dream may be expressing regret at the text may clear a space for something new.
of vocabulary or rows ending of some pleasurable experience, perhaps
of sums, then perhaps a romantic or sexual one. College or university
the dreaming mind is
drawing our attention Playground Higher education can symbolize our nobler
to an inner seam of intellectual or spiritual aspirations. There may
creativity waiting to be A playground may represent the need for more be an element of abstraction or impracticality
discovered. leisure. If we are watching other children play in the course we are studying: could this reflect
while refusing to join in ourselves, the dream guilt over our self-indulgences?
School desk may be pointing to our self-imposed isolation.
If we have been excluded from the games, we Graduation ceremony
Freudians would see a may be suffering from low self-esteem and a
traditional school desk, with fear of rejection. Reluctance to file back into A graduation ceremony is usually a highly
its lid and storage compartment, class once the bell rings may be a response to significant rite of passage, and in a dream can
as a symbol of the female sexual an unpleasant situation in our professional life, relate to other landmark events, especially those
organs. Rummaging around inside a desk or a preference for distraction over hard toil – a that confer a sense of achievement,
can therefore relate to sexual intercourse, either our initials into a dream desk might reveal a failure to look our responsibilities in the face. such as the birth of our
experienced or desired. Another way of seeing preoccupation with establishing our identity in first child.
the same dream would be to focus on the desk the eyes of the outside world. The desk, being Blackboard
as representing the dreamer’s personal domain a place for concealment, may also suggest
in a classroom full of people. Echoing our need the unconscious itself – perhaps the youthful The white letters we inscribe onto the dark
for individuality and personal space, carving unconscious, before adult experience impinges. background of a blackboard can reflect the

342-377 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 368-369 3/12/10 11:18 am

370 Environments Theatres and Circuses 371

is excluded from the revelation that is

about to appear to others.
If we actually find ourselves on the
Theatres and Circuses stage, or in the circus ring, participating
in the drama, it may be that we are
enacting some inner tension or impulse,
The dream world is a kind of stage, a and have something to learn from the
theatre in which magical transformations character or performance on display.
take place, images leap from the depths But if the dreamer is an onlooker, this
of the imagination, and the drama of may indicate the danger of being taken
life unfurls. Some dreams take this in by the powers of illusion or else
metaphor to its natural conclusion, using perhaps an unfulfilled wish to throw off
actual theatres, cinemas or circuses as the conventions of ordinary existence
their setting. Such dreams are usually and become part of a more instinctive,
characterized by a particular clarity and colourful and exciting world.
vividness, sometimes reminiscent of the Actors may represent other people
qualities of a “grand” dream (see pages of importance in the dreamer’s waking
65–70). The atmosphere of excitement life, or they may invoke the archetype of
and expectancy in the dream may mirror the Persona, the mask that we assume
the feelings we experience in such to confront the outside world. The
settings in our waking life. interplay of humans and animals may
A dream theatre is an illusion within carry particular significance, relating to
an illusion, and may appear to offer the the interaction between the conscious,
dreamer an understanding of the mystery rational mind and the unconscious,
that lies behind the world of appearances. instinctive mind.
However, the dreamer may at times find
the theatre or circus ring empty, or the
cinema screen blank, and experience a
haunting loneliness, as if he or she

342-377 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 370-371 3/12/10 11:18 am

372 Environments

Stage Actor or actress

A dream stage is one illusion inside another, Often a representation of the dreamer’s chosen
and represents our efforts to understand public image, an actor or actress can evoke
appearances. A dream in which we, the dreamer, our highest aspirations. More blatantly, it can
appear on stage may reveal a preoccupation with reveal our basest urges. The reception that the
the image that we project to others. audience gives to the performance may signify
how convincingly the Persona disguises the
Stage play dreamer’s true self. A famous actor or actress
may represent the Animus or Anima archetype,
Dreams involving a theatrical production often or perhaps our mother or father.
reflect the dreamer’s darker unconscious urges.
The events unfolding on stage can give us vital Comedian
clues about the emotions that we repress in
waking life. Is the play a comedy or a tragedy? A Comedians are a version of the Trickster. Though Movie waking life. Jumping from a burning building,
farce or a fantasy? What profound impulses are often mild in their rebellion against society, they for example, may be a fantasy escape from a
dramatized? How well do the actors play their nonetheless poke fun at established norms and The glamorous world of the movies may evoke a relationship. A sense of the unjustness of the
parts? All of these questions may be relevant to perhaps at the dreamer’s pretensions and self- desire to add a glossy veneer of acceptability to demands made on us can be heightened by the
the dream’s meaning. image. Consider whether the comedian provokes our more difficult unconscious urges. Given that lack of recognition that the stunt performer
well-being, outrage or jealousy – sometimes we movie stars are globally adored, there may be receives for his or her bravery: ultimately it is the
may find ourselves envying their subversiveness. an element of wish-fulfilment. Particular movies star who gets all the credit.
inevitably seep into the unconscious. When
TV talk show interpreting a movie dream, do not forget the TV game show
fact that the cinema is two-dimensional.
A talk show might suggest a yearning for The big-money prizes available on a TV
exposure or celebrity. Alternatively, it might Stunt performer game show may be an indication of financial
express a desire to air our opinions. Perhaps worries. Or the dream may point
some issue that we feel strongly about has not This dream image may express a concern that to low self-esteem (we need luck to bring us
been adequately discussed. excessive demands are being made on us in our success) or a fear of public humiliation.

342-377 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 372-373 3/12/10 11:18 am

374 Environments Theatres and Circuses 375

Circus Acrobat
A dream circus may be an exhilarating whirl of The acrobat represents a combination of
performances, with tumbling clowns, daredevil strength and grace, and thus the union of male
acrobats and feats of strength or bravery. The and female. Trapeze artists may signify spiritual
mulitude of acts and entertainers performing courage, demonstrating to the dreamer that
within the ring can be a reflection of the multi- only by risking our own safety can true inner
faceted nature of a busy life. Perhaps we fear progress be made. If the dream features you and
for someone’s safety – could it be our own? Or your partner as a pair of acrobats, then it may
perhaps there are concerns that one of the acts be expressing a sense of deep harmony. Trust,
will fail, recalling our own fears. communication and coordination are implicit in
the acrobats’ performance and only by working
Juggler together can they succeed in their act. More
obviously, an acrobat dream may reflect a fear of
A juggler may convey anxiety about the number falling from the heights we have gained.
of tasks that we must juggle to keep abreast
of our responsibilities. A dream in which the Lion-tamer
number of juggled balls or spun plates keeps
increasing may represent a cry for help in the The lion-tamer symbolically triumphs over his
face of a seemingly never-ending to-do list. baser instincts, not by repressing them but
instead by bending them to his will. In Jungian
Clown terms, tamed animals indicate the impressive
results that people can achieve when working on
The clown is an aspect of the archetypal their primitive urges.
Trickster, making a fool of himself or herself to If you believe the lion might stand for
mock the posturings of others – and perhaps someone you are close to, perhaps you desire
also the dreamer’s own pretensions or inflated unrealistically to control the impact of their
sense of self. Alternatively, a clown may reflect character or their passions. Or the tamer’s whip
anxiety that our behaviour is incompetent. may express sado-masochistic desires.

342-377 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 374-375 3/12/10 11:18 am

376 Environments Theatres and Circuses 377

Fire-eater Ringmaster Tightrope-walker

The fire-eater may The ringmaster commands the skills of both A tightrope-walker precarious on a high wire
represent the fierce, angry humans and animals, yet performs no acts may be a warning that we must proceed with
aspect of the self – the himself. He thus feeds upon others, and his extreme caution, or it may represent a general
inbuilt resentments and presence in a dream may indicate the ultimately feeling of being required to do the impossible.
frustrations. By ridding barren nature of power that comes from status
himself of destructive or position, with limited skill. A ringmaster Snake-charmer
power, the performer in a dream may be also identified with an
indicates the possibility authority figure, such as our father or boss. It is A snake-charmer luring a cobra from its basket
of controlling these also possible that a ringmaster will be seen as may indicate a danger of being taken in by gaudy
impulses. He often stands exerting genuine powers, like the conductor of promises or insincere flattery. The exoticism of
for effectiveness, mastery, an orchestra – without his central point of focus, the snake-charmer might also evoke a craving for
the outrageous action that the whole show might collapse. In this respect travel or excitement, or perhaps for an initiation
overcomes difficulties. there may be a suggestion of the Wise Old Man. into Eastern mystic or religious practices.

The stage conjuror is the
master of illusion, performing by trickery acts Performing animal
of transformation that might take the genuine
magician a lifetime to achieve. He is thus the For Jungians, performing animals at the circus,
master of the shortcut, and of unexpected such as horses, elephants and seals, represent a
solutions, but also of cunning and deceit. dreamer’s base instincts, and the extent to which
Winning admiration not for his mystic we can work with our more primitive self to
powers but for his human skills, the circus produce results that the conscious mind might
magician may impress upon us the need to be not have thought possible. Freudians see training
wary of someone whose charisma might only be animals to perform tricks for humans as an
superficial. expression of a desire for sexual domination.

342-377 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 376-377 3/12/10 11:18 am

378 Situations Town and City 379

Town and City Village Ruined city

Just as the house stands for the self more intimate relationships. The city’s Suggesting a slower pace and smaller scale of Ruins tend to suggest neglect and decay rather
in Jungian psychology, so the town or vast size can be intimidating, and one living, a village may appear as a pastoral idyll to than deliberate destruction. A ruined town
city represents the community, the tendency for anyone who is overwhelmed dreamers disillusioned with the big city. There or community may be drawing the dreamer’s
social environment beyond the self, by this might be that they retreat into might also be suggestions of surveillance, since attention to a neglect of social relationships,
including family and friends, and the themselves. Another approach, of course, in a village it is difficult to be anonymous. or of aims or ideals in life that were formerly
whole network of responsibilities which would be to try to make a personal mark more steadfastly kept in mind. Or if the ruins
inevitably enfolds us (like a network of within the concrete jungle. Walled city are ancient rather than recent, we may be
streets radiating from a square or market If the houses themselves are vague yearning for a never-to-be-recovered – and
place). and shadowy, the dreamer may lack self- A wall around a city (or individual house) perhaps over-idealized – past. A moonlit ruin
A busy town, or one with doors and knowledge or understanding of other suggests a wish to may be a romantic
windows open, or bustling cafés, may people. A city beneath the ground or keep others out, wish-fulfilment – a
represent the warmth of the dreamer’s the sea typically relates to the dreamer’s but also to protect yen for adventure and
relationships with others; while a town unconscious, which points to the treasured possessions. intrigue.
with wide, empty streets or vast, desolate common links that all of us share with A walled city may
piazzas can indicate a sense of isolation or others – an antidote against isolationism. also signify an urge to Metropolis
of rejection from society. Freud, characteristically, sees in the resist change and to
A large, impersonal city in a dream may image of the town an all-embracing keep out new ideas. When a futuristic
suggest that archetype The dream may be city appears in a
the dreamer of woman – suggesting that such dream, it may have
is conscious of inviting us a wall is necessary if been influenced
having many or forbidding social values are to by science fiction
acquaintances us according be maintained, or it movies. Sometimes
but few close to whether may be inviting you the implication is
friends, and the streets of to recognize that a the dehumanizing
may be pointing the town are wall already exists effect of high-tech
to the need brightly lit or and to ponder its machinery – the loss
to establish dark and empty. implications. of the personal touch.

378-415 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 378-379 3/12/10 11:17 am

Town and City 381

Town on a hill
Typically, a town or city on a hill, particularly if
it appears in a Level 3 dream, suggests wisdom,
heaven, the home of the gods, the stronghold of
the righteous. The image may suggest a goal or
ideal toward which the dreamer is striving, and
may provide reassurance that such ambitions
are ultimately attainable – as well as a reminder,
perhaps, to keep our feet on the ground in a
spirit of humility.

Slums and favelas

The dilapidated part of town with dirty
streets and ramshackle houses may represent
social relationships of which we are ashamed.
Alternatively, however, we might be craving
more honesty and openness in our relationships
than we can find with people who are more
concerned with keeping up appearances.
If the town represents the self rather than
our interaction with others, then a dream set
in a slum district can suggest low self-esteem.
Wandering around the areas that most people
avoid could also, however, reveal a wilingness to
explore the less attractive aspects of the self.
The dream may stem from a submerged desire
to confront whatever dark urges are lurking in
our unconscious mind.

378-415 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 380-381 3/12/10 11:17 am

382 383

The Elements and the Seasons

Dwellers in towns and cities may feel far removed from the natural The elements and the seasons are Earth
frequently associated with Level 3
world, yet our rootedness in nature and our longing to reconnect
dreams, because they relate to the natural Dreams of sitting or lying on the ground may
with it are fully recognized by the unconscious. When interpreting energies and rhythms of life, and thus suggest realism, an end to extravagant flights of
a dream it is a common mistake to focus exclusively on the human serve as powerful symbols both of the fancy. The earth can also symbolize fertility and,
dreamer’s own psychological make-up like water, can represent the feminine. Fallow soil
contents. However, if landscape features, animals or plants appear, and of significant life changes. can hint that new ideas are imminent: the old
even peripherally, these may carry an important cargo of meaning. Spring is an obvious signal of new ground must be ploughed up and sowed with
beginnings, while high summer indicates the seeds of new life which in time will grow and
While attending to specific symbolism, remember that nature has achievement, and the need to savour the blossom.
generalized significance too – as the life-force, the essential vitality moment instead of always thinking about
of all living existence. the past or future. Fall is the season of Fire
harvest, the reaping of what we have
sown, as well as the time when we notice Fire consumes but also purges. Evoking powerful
decay. Winter may be the unconscious, emotions such as envy, lust and passion, fire is
the darker, hidden side of the dreamer’s an ambiguous symbol – it destroys, yet in doing
self, but it may also indicate a fallow so purifies and clears a path for fresh growth.
period – a time of reflection before fresh In dreams it can suggest the need for sacrifice,
ideas burst forth. but at the same time promises to open up
Rivers and streams are particularly new opportunities. Fire is a masculine energy,
potent metaphors for the passing of time and represents all that is overt, positive and
and the depths of the unconscious. conscious. Out of control, however, it may point
Rain, the fall of water through air, can to the need for the dreamer to take better
suggest the imaginative and rational parts charge of unbridled passion or ambition. It hints
of the mind, which are complementary. at the importance of clearing up troubling issues
It is also life-giving – it can spoil a picnic that have been cluttering a relationship – or
but enable long-term growth. perhaps of making a fresh start.

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384 Natural World The Elements and the Seasons 385

Air Water Rainbow Wind

Air is associated with freedom, the spirit and Water is the symbol par excellence of the A universally auspicious symbol, a rainbow A light, warm wind represents a welcome
clarity of thought. We may find ourselves unconscious, the depths of the imagination, stands for redemption, good news, promise change; a high wind or gale, a threatening or
bounding in great leaps across the countryside, the source of creativity. A dream of swimming and forgiveness. In Level 3 dreams it can be dreaded change. If the wind blows away the
floating gently down to earth, or travelling in suggests that the dreamer should venture into associated with the magical quest for the dreamer’s house or possessions, this may be a
a balloon or on a cloud. This is the element this realm, but if he or she struggles to float, treasure of self-knowledge, or for the bridge warning of tumultuous emotions or a tendency
that symbolizes otherworldly concerns, but this may be a warning that more caution and between heaven and earth that awaits the toward self-destrucion.
the dream may also be warning of the dangers more careful preparation are required. Freud enlightened mind.
of losing contact with reality. Air may express associated water with the womb. According to Rain
self-confidence, an ability to think clearly and this interpretation, a dreamer floating happily Sky
act decisively. The very breath of life, air may in water may be expressing a wish to be “back By enacting the fall of tears, rain may symbolize
symbolize what is vital to our health and home” with their mother. Like air, of course, The sky signifies spirituality and contemplation. sorrow, but of course it also has positive
well-being – if we are being choked by pollution, water is indispensable to life, which means that A clear blue sky may denote pure and overtones of growth and regeneration.
something may be depriving us of this need. it may carry similar symbolism. transcendent thought, while a cloudy or stormy More specifically, rain can represent spiritual
sky shows an inability to think clearly or to development. Freudians equate rain with
perceive important truths. urination and dreams involving rain may occur
when we have gone to sleep with a full bladder.
Snow can symbolize transformation and
purification – or, if it is melting, it can suggest Stormy weather in a dream may indicate a wish
fears and obstacles dissolving in the dreamer’s to force things through to a definite conclusion,
path. Ice can indicate petrifaction, a halt to or to shake things up for the sake of a change.
progress, or an obstacle impeding the creative There might also be the implication of emotional
flow of the dreamer’s mind. Both snow and ice crisis or catharsis. A hurricane flattening vehicles
may represent a lack of emotional warmth, a or ripping up houses may signify the fragility of
suggestion that the dreamer has paid insufficient the material or non-material world that we have
attention to his or her feelings. constructed for ourselves.

378-415 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 384-385 3/12/10 11:17 am

386 Natural World The Elements and the Seasons 387

Thunder Lightning Flood River

In many early belief systems, thunder was Lightning suggests inspiration, with the idea For many, a dream flood will have biblical A river’s steady flow represents the relentless
believed to be the voice or action of some that flashes of brilliance are short-lived. There is overtones. It may be the necessary preparation march of time. Standing in a river suggests
powerful deity. The Greek god Zeus was the god also a destructive side, of course. Lightning and for new life and a fresh start. This understanding clinging to the present; crossing a river may
of Thunder, as was the Norse deity Thor; and thunder can also be reminders of the awesome fits both Freud’s conception of the waters of represent the risks involved in changing course.
in the Judaeo-Christian tradition God spoke to power of nature, and of the forces that lie the womb and the Jungian idea of the Deluge as
Moses in a voice of thunder when giving him the beyond the dreamer’s conscious control. As the simultaneously deadly and life-giving. A dream Dawn
Ten Commandments. As children we instinctively phenomenon that sparks fire on earth, lightning in which our house or town is submerged by a
fear thunder, although later in life most people also has a sexual symbolism of sperm. flood may convey a feeling that we are being The dawning of a new day may signal the end
overcome this. As such, thunder may represent overwhelmed by our responsibilities at home of a long period of grief, illness or depression.
the wrath of our father or another powerful Hail or at work. In the Freudian view of a flood as a Like spring, sunrise suggests fresh hope and
authority figure. The fear from which a dream mother-symbol, the dream might be interpreted new energy. The dream may also relate to the
like this may originate could be buried way back Accompanying a thunderstorm, hail may as an expression of incestuous desire. dawning of an idea or understanding.
in childhood. represent the pricks of a guilty conscience.
Sea Daylight
Jung believed that turning to face the sea Daylight streaming through a window is an
indicates that the dreamer is prepared to optimistic dream symbol, full of energy. The
confront the mysteries and the fears of the dream may be encouraging us to stir ourselves
unconscious; while creatures emerging from the and get out into the world, to make the most of
deep represent powerful archetypal forces. the opportunities on offer. A shaft of daylight
For Freud, the sea is a symbol of female could also be drawing our attention to a specific
sexuality, and tides express the ebb and flow of object within a dream – think carefully about
sexual union. what it might have been.

378-415 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 386-387 3/12/10 11:17 am

388 Natural World The Elements and the Seasons 389

Summer’s day Fog or smoke Twilight

A warm summer day Fog or smoke can suggest Twilight is a time of transition or ambivalence –
may be a pleasant confusion clouding our neither day nor night. Outlines blur and objects
experience, reflecting insight. We may be struggling look less or more frightening than they are. A
optimism and contentment. Hot to comprehend some new idea or feel dream that takes place in twilight may occur at
sun and dazzling light could also, overwhelmed by the implications of an a period of change. Dusky light may allow us to
however, represent a spiritual important decision. A shaft of light breaking look objectively at a situation that we would
or intellectual shock or a sudden through the fog may suggest that the confusion normally shy away from examining directly.
break with a long-held belief. If the sun feels is only temporary. Smoke has important spiritual
oppressive, the dreamer may feel that the ideas connotations, as well as suggesting the fog of Falling leaves
of others are being foisted upon them. war. Native Americans believe that smoke is the
vehicle upon which our prayers travel to the Falling leaves can be an expression of the
Burnt wood creator; and sweet-scented incense is an integral dreamer’s anxieties about death and decay.
part of religious ceremonies all over the world. Similarly, heaps of damp leaves lying in piles on
Charred wood might suggest the husk of a the ground suggest the withering of hope, and
relationship or a crusade for which our passion Cloud may point to a pervading melancholy. The bright
has died, or it may indicate a fear of irreversible red and yellow hues of fall leaves may, however,
change, however caused. The appearance of a cloud in an otherwise inspire optimism – reminding us that beauty can
clear blue sky reminds us that no state of calm be found even in decay and of the rejuvenation
Earthquake contentment can last forever – perhaps we that will follow the winter.
should enjoy the present while we can.
To Jungians, an earthquake represents the A cloud that passes over the sun may suggest Darkness Sand
eruption of the dark forces of the unconscious. the obscuring of insight, perhaps by emotion;
Pent-up and powerful, they threaten to engulf while an image of a dear friend or relative Darkness can represent the repressive forces of The body sinking into warm sand can suggest a
the dreamer’s conscious life. An earthquake floating on a celestial cloud may reveal a desire the unconscious mind that prevent the dreamer desire to return to the womb. Sand is a common
may also represent the liberation of our to make the thought of death more palatable. from examining the uncomfortable thoughts dream-image of time passing – in an hourglass
creative energies or, to Freudians, the release of Clouds may also be a metaphor for unrealistic that dwell there. Light in the dark may suggest a or slipping through the fingers. A sandcastle
unexpressed sexual passion. thinking – living with “our head in the clouds”. breakthrough in our personal development. submerged by the sea is a symbol of transience.

378-415 KEY TO SYMBOLS copy.indd 388-389 3/12/10 11:17 am

390 Natural World Animals 391

Wild beasts Butterfly
Animals are particularly powerful dream that eating an animal allows us to absorb
symbols, and usually carry a universal some of its powers. Eating a deer, for Freud considered that ferocious, untamed Butterflies are often taken to symbolize the
meaning – although they can also appear example, is thought to make the hunter animals represent passionate impulses of which soul and its transformation after death. Taoist
as specific animals known to the dreamer, fleet of foot, while a cooked rabbit can the dreamer is ashamed – the more numerous mythology preserves the story of sage Chuang-
in which case their significance tends encourage fertility. and diverse the animals concerned, the more Tzu who was unsure whether he was a man
to be personal. As well as real animals Animals in dreams may be frightening threatening and confusing these impulses may who had dreamed that he was a butterfly, or a
(general or specific), dreams may also or friendly, wild or tame, and their be. Wild beasts may also symbolize our deepest butterfly now dreaming it was a man.
make use of animals encountered in demeanour can help with interpretation. fears, especially about death.
movies, myths or fairytales. Sometimes, They may even speak or change their Fish
too, there may be a reference to animal form. In the Native American tradition, Bat
associations embedded in the similes and the shaman seeks a power animal in Fish have commonly been used to symbolize
clichés of idiomatic language (linking dreams, who will then act as a wisdom To many people, bats are a demonic symbol divinity, and often stand for the spiritual
foxes with cunning, elephants with long guide and protector during the shaman’s representing blind folly and the darkest urges abundance that feeds all men and women. In
memories, pigs with gluttony, and so on). journeys to other worlds. of the unconscious. In the Chinese and Native dreams they can also represent insights into the
Animals have always signified our A dog can represent devotion, as American cultures, however, bats are a symbol unconscious. Fish caught in a net and brought
natural, instinctive and sometimes baser symbolized by Argos, the first creature of good luck and rebirth. Remember, just as bats to the surface represent the emergence of such
energies and desires. In dreams, however, to recognize the Greek hero Odysseus have the power to navigate in the dark, so we insights into the full light of consciousness.
they commonly draw our attention to when he came home from his epic can use our instincts or intuition to guide us in
undervalued or repressed aspects of the wanderings; but a dog can also stand times of uncertainty. Wolf
self, and put us in touch with a source for the destructiveness of misused or
of transforming energy deep within the neglected instincts (think of the hounds Dove Wolves may symbolize the untamed impulses
collective unconscious. Devouring an of the Greek hunting goddess Artemis of the unconscious. Wild and savage, they can
animal can represent the assimilation of tearing the mortal Actaeon to pieces after A dove is a symbol of peace, love and pacifism, be a frightening spectre terrorizing our dreams.
natural wisdom, just as in Nordic myth he invaded her privacy). Cats are among as well as hope – as in the dove that Noah saw In some circumstances, however, a lone wolf
Siegfried learned the language of animals the commonest dream animals, and often with an olive branch in its bill. A dove’s presence may be an inspiring image, associated with the
after eating the heart of the dragon stand for intuitive feminine wisdom and in our dreams can reflect a desire to promote courage and tenacity needed to pursue a path of
Fafnir. Many native cultures also believe the power of the unconscious. harmony and agreement. spiritual development and self-fulfilment.

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392 Natural World

Insects Moth
Insects, like many other small creatures, occur The dreaming mind may use the image of a
frequently in the dreams of small children. moth attracted to a flame as a metaphor for
A dream of killing insects may be recalling a something that we are drawn to despite its
childhood hostility toward a brother or sister – negative effect on us. In its most severe form,
perhaps one that has persisted into adult life. this dream may even represent a death wish.
Moth-eaten clothes full of holes might stand for
Worm a relationship that is slowly falling apart.

Worms symbolize death and decay, and may Fly

appear in dreams robbing us of our financial
prosperity or the affections of a loved one. Valiant warriors in ancient Egypt were rewarded
They do, however, play an essential role in with golden flies that they wore on a chain
decomposition, and worms feeding on a corpse around their neck. In a different vein, flies may
may evoke the continuity of life after death, or be a dream image of annoying but relentless
a metaphorical extension of that idea. pursuit by nagging creditors, self-important
advisors or persistent admirers.
Mosquitoes can represent the tormenting
instincts of the unconscious – the waters where Monkeys often represent the playful,
they breed. mischievous side of the dreamer, and may
symbolize an undeveloped yet instinctively wise
Earwig aspect of the unconscious that may require
expression. A monkey is also one possible form
This is predominantly an anxiety symbol, since of the Trickster archetype. In the East, it can also
it used to be believed that earwigs crawled into symbolize the untamed, chattering mind that
people’s ears while they were asleep. needs to be stilled by meditation.

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394 Natural World Animals 395

Lion that the dreamer

needs to enter
The lion almost a phase of
invariably introspection
appears in and subsequent
dreams as a regal renewal, or they
symbol of power may simply act
and pride, often as a reminder
representing that from death
the archetypal, will spring new
powerful and life. Female
admired aspect bears are also
of the father. A remarkable for
lion hunting and the aggression
killing its prey with which they
may conjure defend thier
up resentment about our father’s authoritarian cubs. Hence, a bear may appear as a symbol of
tendencies. Jung, however, believed that the lion protection – a spiritual guardian perhaps or a Horse Bull or ox
in the wild represents our latent passions – a reminder of our duty to watch over those who
dream of the creature may represent an urge to are closest to us. The horse generally symbolizes our harnessing A bull or ox is one of the most potent of all
embrace our instinctive energies. of the wild forces of nature. A winged or flying the symbols of male virility. When their great
Toad or frog horse can represent the unleashing of energy strength is harnessed to a plough, oxen represent
Bear for psychological or spiritual growth. In Freudian the fertility of the earth and the rewards of
As the warty familiars of witches, dream interpretation, a horse is a symbol of hard work. This powerfully built animal evokes
A bear is a powerful dream symbol recalling the toads are often associated with the darker sexuality, especially if ridden. Wild horses can both the creative force of nature, and the ever-
ever-repeating rhythms of nature. During the impulses of the unconscious. Frogs, on the other represent the terrifying aspect of the father, present threat of barely contained violence. The
coldest months of the year, many bears retreat hand, are more likely to conjure up images of or the untamed impulses of the unconscious. dream setting of a bullfight may suggest a need
into caves and enter a kind of hibernation. Not fertility and rejuvenation, on account of their Occasionally, the centaur (half-man, half-horse) to harness the passionate aspects of our nature
emerging again until spring, they may suggest prolific spawning. might appear, suggesting mind–body balance. in order to make personal progress.

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396 Natural World Animals 397

Cow Rabbit Turtle or tortoise Whale

The milk, dung and meat of a cow are the Rabbits are a common dream symbol of The long-lived turtle or tortoise, with its Whales may be associated with the biblical story
essential building-blocks of human survival in fecundity, pointing to pent-up sexual passions robust shell, is a dream image of perseverance of Jonah and therefore with spiritual rebirth.
many parts of the world. As a dream symbol, or a desire to start or expand a family. They may and wisdom. A glimpse of a turtle or tortoise In the Freudian understanding, they can be a
a cow presents a serene image of fertility and also suggest our inability to act when we are poking its head from its shell has obvious phallic symbol of the womb and therefore suggest an
maternal femininity. Milking a cow, however, may paralyzed by fear, like a “rabbit in the headlights”. connotations, while the protective mobile incestuous desire for our mother.
be an expression of an incest-wish. Alternatively, if we dream of a rabbit, perhaps home into which these creatures may retreat for
the unconscious is pointing us toward a need to safety may symbolize emotional withdrawal or
burrow away and conserve our energy. defensiveness.

Hare Beaver
In many folk traditions, the hare plays the part of Industrious and hard-working, a beaver can
the archetypal Trickster (see page 104). A dream be a symbol of action and accomplishment. A
hare may alert the dreamer to one or more of dream in which a beaver’s dam impedes a river
our more absurd pretensions. may be a metaphor for a blockage in the flow
of our creative inspiration or in our abilities to
Deer communicate or give.

The elegant deer may represent a delicate kind Shark

of femininity, perhaps stronger than it appears –
perhaps even a version of the Anima archetype Sinister circling sharks may represent the
(see page 103). In our dreams a deer can invoke unconscious forces we most fear. Sleek and
the gentlest aspects of our personality as well terrifying, they might also suggest “loan sharks”
as our natural grace and beauty. A deer that is – creditors seeking to dismember our home,
killed by a hunter can symbolize an innocent and possessions or business. The gaping jaws,
instinctive spirituality destroyed by the darker revealing razor-sharp teeth, can represent the
urges of the unconscious. female genitals in castration-anxiety dreams.

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398 Natural World Animals 399

Pig Goat Mouse

One of the most intelligent farm animals, the Goats have a dual symbolism – the idea of a A furry little mouse may conjure up an image
pig nonetheless has a reputation for gluttony, scapegoat conjures up the image of an innocent of pubic hair and often implies a preoccupation
ignorance and filth. Pigs can symbolize our most victim taking the blame for another’s misdeeds. with sex. A mouse darting in and out of a hole
ignoble instincts and our propensity to pursue More familar, however, may be the goat as a may be a male sexual symbol; a mouse caught in
base, material pleasures. Pigs wallowing in muck personification of the Devil, lecherous and a trap might indicate castration anxiety or fear
may evoke an anal fixation. leering, complete with cloven hooves, horns and of being caught while performing an illicit sexual
stinking breath. In this manifestation a goat may act. A mouse can also convey the dreamer’s
Cat represent a guilty conscience about our sexual timid first steps toward spiritual awareness,
urges or misdeeds. with traps and cats and poison representing the
Cats represent the mysterious, the intuitive potential pitfalls awaiting us.
and the feminine. Creatures of the night, they Dog
are not only soft and beautiful but also fiercely Rat
independent, and deadly to their prey. Like dogs, Dogs usually appear in our dreams as faithful
they may appear in companions and guides. Rats are often a feature of anxiety dreams and
our dreams as a guide They may accompany us of dreams expressing self-loathing or shame. The
or companion. Yet we on our journey into the image of rats rummaging around in the bowels
should be careful where unconscious, warning us of the earth is both anal and phallic and can Parrot
we follow them – as the of danger and helping express feelings of guilt or even anger about
accomplices of witches, to keep our darker our sexuality. The parrot’s bright plumage and talent for
they may be intent on urges at bay. A bulldog imitating human speech can make it a dream
letting our unconscious symbolizes stubborn Sparrow symbol of insincerity. The bird may represent
urges get the better of determination while a someone (perhaps yourself) who clamours
our higher aspirations. pack of wild dogs can The sparrow too can have sexual associations (in for attention yet fails to make a valuable or
A black cat may also represent the violent China it was linked with the penis and eaten to individual contribution. In Chinese folk tales,
signify a presentiment forces and untamed boost virility, while in Greece it was associated parrots inform on adulterous wives – hence a
of luck – whether bad passions that lurk below with Aphrodite). However, like any other bird, it link with guilt and entrapment. Alternatively, a
or otherwise. the surface of the mind. can also be a symbol of the spirit or soul. parrot may evoke the teeming jungle.

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400 Natural World Animals 401

Owl Vulture Leopard Swan

An owl is a powerful symbol of transformation, This bird is a harbinger of death, and the sinister Just as the leopard does not change its spots, Swans are a preeminently sexual symbol, their
and its appearance in a dream may herald image of vultures circling in the sky may suggest so we cannot change or deny our true nature. white feathers evoking an ideal of feminine
death and rebirth in some aspect of your life. our forebodings about the future outcome The dream image of a leopard may be a warning virginity, their long necks evidently phallic.
Associated with the darkness that aids them in of some enterprise. More obviously, vultures against trying to be something you are not.
their hunting, owls represent the unseen and may reflect the dreamer’s apprehension of Snake
the unknown. In a dream the creature’s ability to death or illness, or perhaps concerns about an Crocodile
see in the dark could be significant – suggesting inheritance. The snake in the Garden of Eden represents
perceptiveness and intuition. “Owlishness” is a This primeval predator lurks low in the water, temptation, yet we should also understand it
keen interest in study, sometimes at the expense Tiger disguised as an innocuous log or rock. In as a representation of human sexuality, which
of healthy social interaction. The sinister cry of our dreams a crocodile may represent our in itself is natural and blameless. Freudians see
the owl is sometimes the moment Unlike lions, tigers tend not to be unconscious fears or urges, waiting their chance snakes as inescapably phallic. In the Jungian
at which an owl associated in Westerners’ dreams with to burst through into our conscious mind and conception a snake is a symbol of the dark,
dream ends. nobility or majesty. Nonetheless, they seize us in their voracious jaws. unseen, unfathomable aspects of the
are a terrifying image of violence, self that must be confronted in order to
beauty and power. A tiger may Elephant achieve personal fulfilment.
symbolize the wild or aggressive
impulses that stalk the jungle of An elephant in a dream may suggest robustness Zoo
our unconscious or the fierce energy and indifference to pain, as well as insensitivity
of the ego’s will. to the emotions of others. Perhaps we are Different animals symbolize different aspects
thoughtlessly trampling over the feelings of of the dreaming psyche. A zoo, in which all the
Panda people around us, wreaking havoc where we animals are locked up together, is, therefore, a
Tranquil and sedentary, the panda is the should be proceeding with tact. Long-lived and metaphor for control over the various turbulent
totem animal of peace and contentment. intelligent, elephants may also be associated and potentially conflicting aspects of the self.
Its dependence on low-energy bamboo as a with our grandparents or with the wisdom of A zoo from which the animals are escaping
food source might reflect the dreamer’s over- older generations. Now may be a good time to signifies that the dreamer feels unable to keep
dependence on one particular source of income seek the advice of someone more experienced control of the distractions in his or her life, or of
or emotional support. than yourself. The trunk can be a penis symbol. his or her emotions.

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402 Natural World

Landscapes frequently express the
dreamer’s inner nature or their emotional
life. As the theatre where we carry out
our day-to-day activities, the habitual
setting of our world can be mirrored or
vastly upset in our dreams. Just as, in
waking life, landscape has the power to
move us spiritually, or drastically alter our
mood, similarly the setting of a dream
can inspire in us a sense of wonder,
contentment, excitement or dread. A
completely unknown landscape may be
a composite of real places.

A dream of looking out over an idyllic pastoral
scene may represent a desire for a slower, more
grounded pace of life. City-dwellers in particular
may respond to such a setting as the image
of the good life. If, however, the countryside
of our dreams is drenched in rain or viewed at
a distance through a window, the dream may
carrying a warning about the dangers of aspiring
toward a utopian way of life. Freud saw the folds
of a rural landscape as symbols of the female
genitalia or a woman’s curves.

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404 Natural World Landscape 405

Hills Mountain Olive grove too long before putting their ideas into practice.
An orchard containing many different varieties
Hills lack the intimidating aspect of mountains For Freud, the primary significance of mountains This is an optimistic dream image. Olive trees of tree points to a rich inner life or possibly to a
but they may also be less sublimely fulfilling to (and hills) lies in the similarity of shape with traditionally represent peace, prosperity and bewildering profusion of choices.
climb – though there may still be a wonderful a woman’s breasts. A dreamer looking up at a victory. An olive grove may stand for an end
view from the summit. They might appear in our daunting summit may be expressing anxiety to strife or family conflicts or for triumph over Garden
dreams to reassure us that self-understanding is about confronting their sexuality. Similarly, a adversity. Alternatively, the dream may signify
an achievable task and not one we should feel dreamer standing proudly on a mountaintop the beginning of a new period of creativity. Analogous with the conscious self, a garden
too overwhelmed by. Hills also have Freudian might reveal a sense of sexual well-being or suggests a loss of control when it is overgrown;
connotations of the female anatomy. a desire for domination. Jung understood Vineyard learning and the fruits of labour or study when
mountains to represent the self. A summit can it is well-tended. A walled garden may represent
give us a sense of perspective, while looking A vineyard may evoke the exuberance, abandon virginity or naivety. There is also a spiritual
up at a peak from below may suggest the and enjoyment that the wine made from dimension to the garden, embodied in the
challenges we will face during the process of its grapes will eventually bring. Harvesting idea of Paradise. For all major religions, gardens
self-realization. There may also be suggestions of the grapes can be an image of karma – the represent the blessings given by God (the divine
spirituality and transcendence, since a mountain consequences of our actions or thoughts. gardener) and the ability of humans themselves
is halfway to heaven. to achieve a state of harmony or grace.
Forest or wood
An orchard heavy with fruit is a dream image
The dark forest, with its dense, seemingly of abundance and fertility. It may be a dream
impenetrable vegetation, may be an apt symbol of pregnancy or of phenomenal
metaphor for the depths of the unconscious creativity. In the spiritual and intellectual sphere,
mind. According to Jung, a dream of being scared an orchard containing only unripe fruit might act
to enter the forest may express our anxiety as a reminder of how much work we still have to
about examining the unconscious closely. Freud do before we can attain our goals. Fruit rotting
understood the forest as a symbol of pubic hair in heaps on the ground can signify that the
and penetrating the tangled undergrowth as an dreamer is spoiling his or her chances of success
evocation of the sexual act. by failing to recognize their potential or waiting

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406 Natural World

Jungle Island
Wilder and more exotic than a forest, a jungle An island may be a place of refuge and safety,
suggests an even deeper anxiety about what or an open-air prison. Surrounded by sea it can
the unconscious may hold. Savage beasts, symbolize the firm ground of the conscious
trailing creepers and poisonous creatures large mind, where the dreamer may instinctively
and small evoke the dark urges that lurk in the prefer to stay, avoiding the murky seas of
deeper recesses of the mind. There may be the unconscious. A dream of swimming
implications of hidden treasure – perhaps the toward an island to escape a rough ocean can
jungle contains a lost city? The movie King Kong express a desire to regain control of our life
as well as cinematic tales (or real-life experience) or a fear of hidden impulses we do not wish
of Vietnam have no doubt rooted themselves to acknowledge. The Isles of the Blessed in
deep in the mind. Greco-Roman myth and Avalon in Arthurian
legend have a spiritual dimension – the island as
Desert heavenly reward and a place of refuge and peace
to retreat to after death.
Depending on the attitude of the dreamer,
a desert may be an image of sterility and Riverbank
desolation, or an inspiring landscape with space
for reflection, purification and rejuvenation. Like an island, a riverbank may represent a
If the connotation is of a lifeless wasteland, it place of safety to which we are struggling to
is important to consider what aspects of our return after swimming in the waters of the
life might feel barren – our career, home life, unconscious; or we may dream ourselves by the
creativity, or the spiritual self. Amplification side of the river contemplating the waters of the
around the Arthurian myth of the wasteland inner self. If the river appears to be bursting its
presided over by the wounded Fisher King can banks, we might be afraid of being overwhelmed
be productive. The flowering of the desert by our unconscious urges. An artificial
could be the gifts we take for granted in a habit- embankment could suggest an emotional life
bound existence. that is overly constrained by reason.

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408 Natural World

Plains or prairie Bog

The open plains evoke freedom and imagination, A bog with its deceptively stable surface and
but crossing them may require courage and sucking, water-soaked earth may be a dream
determination. This dream image may resonate representation of the Great Mother in her most
strongly with dreamers who are beginning a new possessive, controlling form. Trying to navigate
chapter of their life or embarking on a daunting a path across the mud can suggest the difficulty
new project. There may also be hints of the inherent in breaking free from energies that
desert (see page 406) or of exposure – the self in threaten to stifle our independence, or from
the full gaze of the divine. intractable problems of various kinds.

Stile or gate Pit or quarry

These methods of transition may suggest an in- Although Jungians see a pit as a symbol of
between state, crossing two worlds, or else the our unconscious urges, Freudians would be
means to overcome an obstacle. Freudians see a more inclined to understand the image as an Valley Cliff
stile as a sexual symbol because of the straddling expression of anxiety about female sexuality.
action required to negotiate it. A valley is often an image of female sexuality. A sheer cliff wall may represent a seemingly
Fields A steep gorge or ravine with trees hugging its insurmountable problem. The dreamer may have
Trench sides and rapids raging across its floor suggests reached the end of the road in some way – a
Fields waiting to be harvested can suggest ideas a dangerous or exciting sexual experience. For relationship that cannot be mended or a job
For many dreamers, trenches will be associated and inspiration waiting to be put to good use. both male and female dreamers a valley may in which they cannot progress. Standing at the
with the death-traps of the First World War They may also symbolize the rewards that we relate to a new relationship, or to an exploration top of a cliff looking down into a rocky gorge or
and therefore with feelings of siege and can reap after a period of hard work. A field of the feminine aspect of their sexuality. A lush, angry sea may suggest that we are being forced
“entrenchment”. The dream may represent a that has already been harvested might convey abundant valley with a wide river and grassy into a decision we are reluctant to make; or it
warning that our professional, social or financial that the dreamer has garnered all that is useful margins unites the elements of earth and water may herald positive change. Frightening as the
situation may not be as secure as it at first from a recent burst of creativity and is ready for and is a symbol of fertility and plenty. This may prospect is, this could be the time to take a
appears, or perhaps our conscience or self- something new. Lying in a meadow on a sunny feature in the dreams of people experiencing a leap of faith. If a cliff looms above us, have we
esteem is under siege. day may be a wish-fulfilment dream of peace. fulfilling sex life. already fallen? Perhaps the only way is up.

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410 Natural World

Well Dolmen
A well can represent the source of our creativity Dolmens and other prehistoric remains can
and of our most valued talents. A dream in suggest a desire to connect with our roots or to
which we try to draw water from a well that universal instincts and intuitions. Alternatively,
has dried up might indicate fears that our inner they might indicate an aspiration to a way of
resources will fall short of what is required. life untainted by the superficial luxuries of
A well may also stand for the unconscious modernity – reflecting an ascetic impulse, which
mind. Dropping a stone into a well and listening is often motivated by a spiritual quest.
for a splash might reveal a tentative desire to
make contact with our latent instincts; drawing Cave
water from a well can convey a desire to bring
our deepest emotions into the light of the A cave can be an archetype of the unconscious,
conscious mind, whatever uncomfortable truths or an image of the womb, representing a desire
we might thereby discover. to retreat from the hurly-burly. The dark interior
may signify the mysteries of the self; the light
Lake outside, our spiritual aspirations. Traditionally,
a cave is where the germinating powers of the
A lake is a rich metaphor for the unconscious earth are concentrated, where oracles speak and Waterfall Hedge
mind, and also a place of rebirth and where souls ascend to celestial light.
enchantment (through the feminine symbol of The steep descent and turbulent water of a Hedges may combine the female sexual
water). Whether we value the unconscious as a Spring waterfall may evoke a significant and perhaps symbolism of dense vegetation with the image
storehouse of intuition, or fear it as the hiding- difficult change. We may feel as if we are being of a wall or fence as a barrier that acts as both
place of our least palatable instincts, will affect The clear, fresh waters of a spring can represent pulled along toward this change against our protection and constraint. The image of a hedge
what we see when we peer into the water. The maternity, purity and the source of life. Freudians will, or we might be eagerly anticipating the may suggest that you see a sexual or romantic
lake may be deep blue and teeming with fish or would see the gushing water as an image of exhilaration that will accompany going over the involvement as a restriction on your freedom.
it might be murky, suggesting unknown horrors exuberant sexuality, while for Jungians the water edge. The sudden drop and gushing, foaming In a social context, there are connotations of
beneath the surface. A lake can be a place of of a spring is associated with the source of our water can also suggest orgasm (for men or suburbia – its perceived uniformity, and perhaps
recreation or it can hide a monster. inner being and spiritual energy. women) or a major emotional release. strange goings-on behind curtains and topiary.

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412 Natural World Plants 413

Oak tree Palm tree
Plants are the lungs of the earth and Tree
transform the sun’s energy into a form An oak often symbolizes majesty and wisdom, Palm trees flourish in tropical climates, with
that animals can consume. In dreams Reaching from the earth up to the heavens, with offering dreamers a sense of physical or spiritual their roots near water (feminine) and their tops
they can assume primal significance in roots spreading far underground, trees can be protection. We might also associate an oak in the sun (masculine) – thus providing a vivid
connection with growth and harmony a symbol of the whole cosmos. For Christians tree with male sexuality or an imposing male image of sexual or psychic union. Extrovert and
trees may also evoke the cross on which Jesus authority figure such as an unyielding father exotic, a palm may appear in dreams as
Christ was crucified. Moreover, a tree can – for the Celts this tree was linked with male a representation of a good life in a place of
represent the dreamer’s personal development potency and wisdom. The dream image of an heat and abundance; or it may be associated
– roots may relate to the unconscious, or to acorn can act as a reminder of the potential for with self-indulgent opulence. There is also a
our sense of stability; the trunk, to the material something tiny to turn into something great. religious dimension, linked with Christ’s entry
world and our physical strength or talents; the into Jerusalem.
branches, to our highest spiritual aspirations. Plane tree
Evergreen tree Commonly planted in cities, plane trees may
represent the only natural element in a world Blossom can signify spring but it can also
In modern times fir trees are often associated of concrete, stone, brick, glass and steel. Their suggest female virginity, especially when it is
with the celebration of Christmas and their appearance in our dreams may remind us to pink or white. It may also indicate spiritual or
appearance in a dream may reveal the dreamer’s remain in touch with our true feelings and intellectual potential – or else naivety.
attitude to this yearly festival or to family innermost instincts, and to keep artifice and
gatherings at this season. As a symbol of eternal sophistication in their true perspective. Flowers
life, evergreen trees can represent a powerful
faith or an enduring love. Evergreen forests Nuts The petals, pollen and pistil of flowers make
can be formidably uniform and cheerless, and them an appropriate symbol of the female
hence can be seen as a kind of green desert. Opening a nut to enjoy its kernel is likely to sexual organs. Wild flowers can suggest a desire
The pine, in the East, is a symbol of longevity or imply a reference to the female genitals. A nut for sexual freedom. Flowers also have spiritual
immortality. The yew, common in graveyards in that is difficult to crack may correspond to a connotations. (The symbolism of some particular
England, is associated with death. problem that is difficult to solve. flowers is given on the following pages)

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Lotus Orchid Cornflower
The lotus flower is a Buddhist symbol of Orchids are a symbol of virility or fertility – they The cool blue petals of a cornflower may be
spiritual awakening. Just as the lotus rises from take their name from the Greek orchis, meaning linked to spirituality. A dream in which dried
the muddy depths of a lake or river up into the testicle. Their rare and delicate beauty has been cornflowers appear may reveal a faith that is
light, so we too can cultivate our awareness prized for centuries and has come to symbolize dessicated. Cornflowers can also imply surprising
to transcend the physical and bloom in the luxury and artful splendour. strength and determination – the flowers may
full sunlight of enlightenment. This flower also be delicate but the stems are remarkably tough.
suggests less elevated kinds of human growth – Sunflower
for example, the opening of the heart – as well Daisy
as birth and rebirth. Sunflowers evoke happiness, optimism,
openness and the life-giving sun they resemble. We often associate daisies with the daisy chains
Chrysanthemum The sunflower turning its face to track the sun, we made as children. Their white flowers and
however, might suggest that the dreamer is too nostalgic associations can make them a dream
Orange and yellow chrysanthemums are easily led or distracted. In dreams, the sunflower symbol of prepubescent innocence.
autumnal flowers, seen by the Japanese as a can also indicate a memory of Van Gogh, who
symbol of happiness, long life, perfection and famously painted them – in which case the Iris
the sun. Their appearance in our dreams may association might be with intense creativity or
signify any of these overlapping qualities. madness. The iris evokes ambivalent sexuality, the upright,
phallic stem adding a masculine dimension to
Clover Mistletoe the flower, whose form suggests the female
The three leaves of a clover may appear to In today’s world we tend to associate mistletoe
Christians as a dream image of the Holy Trinity with kissing at Christmas, but for the Celts it Gladiolus
(the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). For was a healing plant, with power to ward off
dreamers of other faiths or for agnostics it evil. Although a parasite, taking nutrients from Named for the shape of its leaves, the gladiolus,
might instead evoke the union of mind, body the branches it lives on, mistletoe keeps the from the Latin gladius, meaning “sword”,
and spirit. Finding a four-leafed clover is host tree green in winter and may denote the traditionally represents moral integrity and
believed to be a symbol of good luck. continuation of hope through hard times. strength in the face of adversity.

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Numbers and Shapes

The Jungian concept of the collective unconscious puts special Popular dream interpretation has always
placed great significance upon the
emphasis on archetypal dream symbols – those derived from the occurrence of shapes and numbers.
universal pool of experience that manifest themselves in myth and Jung noticed the prevalence of
archetypal shapes such as circles,
religion. These symbols will appear from time to time in our dreams,
triangles and squares in the dreams and
perhaps making us think initially that they have nothing to do with doodles of his patients. As his clients
our own lives. Even if we are not spiritually inclined, we are likely began to progress toward psychological
health, geometric designs, often with
to think in terms of values and responsibilities, as well as – to put it circles radiating from a central point,
simply – happiness. We are all searching for fulfilment in some way, began to feature with increasing
prominence in their dreams. Jung saw
and it is the archetypes, with their universal freight of significance, striking similarities between these
that can act as helpful signposts along our pathway. patterns and the religious diagrams, or
mandalas, that Tibetan Buddhists use as
a focus for meditation.
Once Jung had identified this
geometrical archetype, he found its
equivalents in all the myths and belief
systems of the world. The mandala
seemed to him like a map of the
integrated human mind, reflecting in its symbolic, mythological and occult
beauty and complexity the development traditions. Most people also have a
of the psyche toward wholeness. “lucky number” – one which has
Numbers also represent archetypal reoccurred significantly throughout their
energies of the collective unconscious, life. Various cultures subscribe to the idea
and play a major role in the world’s that numbers such as three and seven are

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 416-417 3/12/10 11:16 am

418 Qualities and Myths Numbers and Shapes 419

divine, and their appearance in dreams Two

has been taken to be a revelation from a
higher power. For Freud, dream numbers Two is the number of duality, divine symmetry,
were usually “allusions to matters that and balance. It represents the coming together
cannot be represented in any other way”. of male and female, father and mother, and of
Numbers in dreams may not be given the opposites that emerge from the one and
directly (though this is by no means define the created world. Two is a dialogue
uncommon). In dream recall the dreamer rather than a monologue, and may evoke
may be aware that objects or characters the interaction between the conscious and
were presented in certain numerical unconscious minds. It also suggests ambiguity of
patterns, or that actions tended to be meaning and the presence of doubt.
carried out a set number of times. Dream
interpretation and amplification can then Three
focus upon these numbers and identify
the significance that they might carry for Pythagoras called three the perfect number: it
the individual dreamer. is the number of synthesis and the threefold
nature of humankind, the union of body, mind
One and spirit. Three is also the symbol of the active
creative force made manifest in father, mother the four elements (earth, air, fire and water) and da Vinci’s famous Renaissance image of the
One is the prime mover from which all manifest and child and in the Holy Trinity. To Freud, three Jung’s four mental functions of thought, feeling, anatomy of a man).
creation flows, the single principle from which was a symbol of the male genitals. It is also a sense and intuition.
diversity is born. In dreams it may represent the textbook complication in a relationship: “two’s Six
source of all life, the ground of being, the still company, three’s a crowd.” Five
centre of the turning world. One can represent Six represents perfection. It is the number of
the self (“oneself”) or the erect phallus. It can Four This is the number of the pentagram, the five- love, and in dreams it stands for a movement
suggest harmony and union within a family or pointed star that represents humankind, the link toward new understanding and inner harmony.
other group, but may also carry connotations of Four is the number of the square, harmony, and between the heavens and the earth, with feet on Six may stand for our intuition or our “sixth
conformity – the denial of diversity. It can have the stability on which the world depends. It the ground, arms reaching toward the horizon, sense” or it may evoke the alchemical symbol
associations too with totalitarian authority. relates to the four seasons, the four directions, and head in the skies (recalling Leonardo of the battle between good and evil: two

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 418-419 3/12/10 11:16 am

420 Qualities and Myths

Nine Twelve
Nine is the number of indestructibility and Twelve is the number of a new spiritual order.
eternity, of three multiplied by itself. It has There are twelve disciples of Christ, tribes of
the remarkable property that the digits of its Israel and signs of the zodiac. In dreams, twelve
multiples (up to a certain point) always add up may suggest a vision of truth. Twelve months
to nine: 18 (9x2), for example, if added together make a life cycle in nature, perhaps prompting
(1+8), makes nine, as does 72 (9x8), 81 (9x9), the dreamer to prepare for the future.
and so on. Nine can symbolize gestation (the
human gestation period is nine months) and, by Thirteen
extension, the completion of a creative task.

Thirteen is traditionally an unlucky number in
Ten the West – the treacherous Judas Iscariot was
the thirteenth guest at the Last Supper. Despite
For Jews and Christians ten may be associated this, its appearance may be a cause for optimism,
superimposed triangles, one pointing up to seven-year cycles. In the West a twenty-first with the Ten Commandments that God gave to since the thirteenth month is the first of a new
heaven and the other pointing down to hell. brithday is a major coming of age celebration, Moses, and therefore with moral judgments and annual cycle and thirteen is the number of the
while Jewish boys adopt adult responsibilities at the law. It is also the number of the incarnations original twelve apostles , plus Paul.
Seven the beginning of their fourteenth year. of the Hindu god Vishnu, protector of good and
destroyer of evil. In a dream, ten might be seen Zero
In Christianity and Hinduism, seven is the Eight as the perfect score.
number of God, the mystical number. In dreams, Zero represents infinity, the void, the

it is the number of risk and opportunity, and This is the symbol of the initiate, of the Buddha’s unmanifest. It might remind the dreamer of a
of the power of inner transformation. There Noble Eightfold Path, and of regeneration and Tibetan mandala or of the wholeness of a circle.
are seven chakras and seven deadly sins. Seven new beginnings. Eight symbolizes eternity – Eleven is the beginning of a journey, reminding When placed to the right of other numbers
echoes the rhythm of life (the seven heavenly because, apart from zero, it is the only Arabic the dreamer that a new beginning (1) need not it multiplies them by ten and therefore has
bodies identified by ancient astronomers, the numeral to have no beginning or end. Turned be an abandonment of what has already been overtones of abundance and fertility. It can
twenty-eight-day lunar cycle divided into four on its side, it is a lemniscate – the mathematical learned (10). Broken into it’s constituent numerals also signify the female principle, entry into the
seven-day weeks), and life is said to pass in symbol for infinity. (1+1) eleven can represent two. mysteries, or a sense of completion.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 420-421 3/12/10 11:16 am

422 Qualities and Myths

Thousand inside a circle, or vice versa, suggested the union Rectangle

of matter and spirit.
A thousand symbolizes vastness and the great A rectangle in a dream may be a reference
expanse of time and of the universe. It may Triangle to the Golden Mean, a geometric figure
bring to mind the millennium and the idea of of ideal proportions symbolizing a
completeness. The triangle is a geometric representation of the harmonious relationship between earth
number three and therefore of the associated and heaven. Less grandly, in a Level 2 dream,
Circle trinities of the father, mother and child; mind, a rectangle might be suggestive of a sports
body and spirit; and the Father, the Son and field or swimming pool. Rectangles can also
Without beginning or end, a circle symbolizes the Holy Spirit. A triangle with an upward- carry some of the associations of a square (see
perfection, completion and the infinite. We may pointing apex is believed to signify good, while opposite page).
find protection within a circle, perhaps worn a downward-pointing apex suggests evil. Freud
as an amulet in the form of a bracelet or ring, saw the triangle as a symbol of the sexual organs Spiral
or we may feel imprisoned within its encircling – male if pointing up, female if pointing down. Cross
walls. For Jung, a circle was an archetypal symbol Spirals, a dynamic symbol of the life-force,
representing the whole psyche, just as a square suggest energy, movement and creative Today the cross is primarily associated with
represented the body. Freud, on the other hand, power. We may envision them as staircases, Christianity. However, the symbolism of this
understood circles to reveal a preoccupation snakes or whirlpools, or perhaps as conical shape long predates Jesus Christ. We find
with the vagina. In this interpretation, spheres shells or celestial galaxies. Alternatively, they crosses appearing in religious traditions across
can also be sexual symbols, suggestive of might appear simply as the churning of a void. the globe from the ancient Egyptian ankh to
testicles or breasts. Spirals are a symbol of sexual intercourse but the Hindu swastika. On a universal level the
they also represent spiritual progress. Some cross represents the union of earth and heaven,
Square interpretations hold that a spiral rotating of humankind and the divine, and of the ground
clockwise evokes our higher ideals and spiritual and the sky. It can also represent the four
A square symbolizes the material world, aspirations, while one that turns counter- directions or four phases of the moon. For
evoking both its totality and its limits. Like the clockwise signifies descent into the unconscious. Christians the appearance of a cross in a dream
four walls of a house or castle, a square suggests More mundanely, a spiral may relate to anxiety might be a reminder of sacrifices that have to be
stability but also restriction, stagnation and about some situation in your waking life that made for one’s faith – in parallel to the sacrifice
inhibition. For Jung, a symbolic image of a square appears to be spinning out of control. Jesus made for the world.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 422-423 3/12/10 11:16 am

424 Qualities and Myths Numbers and Shapes / Colours 425

Cube the five wounds of Christ or the four primal Colours

elements combined with spirit. Some people
A cube gives depth to the symbol of the square believe that a downward-pointing pentagram People woken during episodes of REM Red
and accentuates its association with stability represents mastery of the physical world over sleep almost invariably report that they
and completeness. If a cube appears to the the spiritual world, and therefore associate it have been dreaming in colour. The Red is the colour of vitality, passion, anger and
dreamer to be particularly solid or weighty, this with black magic. Medieval sorcerers associated colours themselves are often one of the sexual arousal. Red wine is often associated with
may suggest spiritual or intellectual immobility. the pentagram with Solomon’s reputed powers most revealing aspects of dream imagery, excess and sensuality, but at a deeper level can
The form may also evoke the shape of a die (the over nature and the spirit world. and colour is also a key element of all the represent the altered states of consciousness
singular of “dice”), signifying the arbitrary forces major symbolic systems of the world. associated with Dionysos, the Greek god of
of chance. Pyramid As with other dream symbolism, divine ecstasy. Red is also the traditional colour
the meaning of particular dream of demons and devils, representing the base
Star A phallic symbol in Freudian terms, a pyramid colours varies from one individual to urges lurking in the unconscious. The turbulent
may also evoke the famous type of tomb built another, depending upon the particular energy of red is not necessarily negative – fire
A star shape may appear in our dreams with for Egyptian pharaohs – intended as a ramp to associations held in the unconscious, and blood are, after all, symbols of life itself.
either five or six points. The superimposed eternity, a portal through which the soul of the although universal meanings also come
triangles of the six-pointed Star of David suggest deceased king could travel to join the gods in into play. The primary colours are usually Yellow
the dualities of good and evil or male and the heavens. As well as hinting at otherworldly most significant. Violet, a combination
female. The five-pointed star, usually aspirations, pyramids combine the symbolism of of the primaries red and blue, has an In Chinese symbol systems, yellow was sacred
known as a pentagram a square base and peaked apex, suggesting the especially mystical, enigmatic quality, to the Emperor, and in dreams this colour can
or pentacle, may solid emotional or material base that may be suggesting at one and the same time a represent the wise use of authority and power.
connote needed if the dreamer is to pursue his or union and a tension between the dual Conversely, as in the saffron robes of the
her spiritual aspirations. creative forces behind the universe. Buddhist monk, it can represent humility and
Traditionally, gold and silver stand the importance of service. Yellow can also be
Triskele for sun and moon, masculine and associated with sunshine, enthusiasm and joy,
feminine, day and night. For Jung, these although pale yellow may sometimes suggest
The three rotating limbs of a triskele symbolize hues represented the conscious and sickness and decay. In the West, yellow may
dynamic energy. A common motif on the unconscious levels of the mind, and their be associated too with cowardice and deceit –
shields of Greek and Celtic warriors, this juxtaposition suggested the path toward think of the term “yellow-bellied” or the artistic
symbol may also represent martial prowess. psychic wholeness. portrayal of Judas Iscariot wearing yellow robes.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 424-425 3/12/10 11:16 am

426 Qualities and Myths Colours 427

Brown Blue East and especially China, it is the shade most

commonly associated with mourning. More
Brown represents soil, the earth Blue is often a spiritual colour when it appears usually in Western society, however, it signifies
and fertility, but may also evoke the in our dreams, suggesting the infinity of the purity and virginity.
autumnal melancholy of falling or sky and space, and the robe of the Queen of
rotting leaves. Freudians see brown as Heaven, the symbolic form of the Virgin Mary. Purple
the hue of excrement and therefore Christ has also been shown wearing blue and
suggestive of anal fixation and Krishna is depicted as blue-skinned. On the The colour of royalty and imperial power, purple
compulsive orderliness. other hand, a cool, celestial blue may symbolize conveys magnificence and majesty. In dreams it
the intellect and open-minded rationality. A may suggest a desire for opulence and luxury –
Green deeper blue is more likely to signify the infinite or possibly a wish to control others.
depth of the unconscious mind. Blue may also
Green is the colour of nature, suggest a mood of melancholy, as when we say Pink
the elements and the forces of that we are “feeling blue”. As with green, there
regeneration, bringing new life from is considerable ambivalence here, and much will Pink is linked to femininity and childhood, as
the death of the old. Leaves, grass depend on context – trying to assess a dream by well as human flesh. Being surrounded by soft
and the green shoots of spring the particular shade of blue you remember is an pinks may suggest a nostalgic craving for the
symbolize hope and a fresh start. unreliable process. safety and comfort of infancy.
However, when we say that someone
is “green”, we mean that they are
naive or immature, and a dream that is strongly Orange Black and white
dominated by the hue may be an anxious
response to a new responsibility or position. Orange combines the yellow of the spirit and Black, the void from which the universe was
Green is also associated with jealousy and we the red of the libido: it can represent fertility, created, can represent infinite creative potential.
may dream that we “see green” or are eaten up hope, new beginnings, and the dawning of Though linked with death, mourning, night and
by a “green-eyed monster” when we experience spirituality. It is a hue that may stimulate activity evil, it may also suggest glamour and mystery.
this destructive emotion. To confuse matters and even the appetite. Orange is also the The colour of clerical robes, it has overtones of
further, green may suggest sickness and decay colour of fall leaves and as such may represent renunciation. As the absence of colour, white
and evoke fear of death or ageing. transition and a time of change. may suggest ghostly desolation or sterility. In the

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 426-427 3/12/10 11:16 am

428 Qualities and Myths Sounds 429

Sounds Alarm clock Voices

Sounds in a dream should not be Babble The intrusion of a ringing alarm clock into our Disembodied voices may represent the inner
neglected during interpretation. Music dreams might be the result of a real-life alarm self clamouring for attention. We may be too
especially tends to be meaningful. It Unintelligible babbling, which may sound angry, sounding to wake us up, or it may be imaginary, distracted by the demands of everyday life
may be that a melody has personal can occur in our dreams at times of intense suggesting a preoccupation with time or to listen to these deeply sourced promptings,
associations, or perhaps it is the title stress. We may be frustrated that we cannot deadlines. We might be worried that we are but it is important for our mental and physical
or lyrics of a piece that are significant. make out the words, and this might tinge the running short of time to complete an allotted health that we do so. Voices from angels or
When the melody is unrecognized or not dream with a mood of anger. Consider what task or achieve a personal goal, and perhaps we heavenly beings might suggest a higher spiritual
remembered upon waking, it could be might have caused this feeling, and see if you are experiencing stress and anxiety as a result. calling, while the voices of family or friends may
that the music is can take remedial resonate with a guilty conscience – perhaps we
carrying a more action. Marching band have failed to take these people seriously.
general message.
For example, Hearing your Hearing the sound of a marching band from afar
it can denote a name may signify that we feel isolated – perhaps
beguiling danger, excluded from the community in which we live.
like the flute- Hearing someone The sound of the drum and the fife might also
playing of the call your name may evoke the military recruitment bands of years
Greek nature suggest that you are gone by, suggesting the call of duty or a sense of
deity Pan, which about to enter the looming or ritualized conflict.
enticed mortals public spotlight– by
from reason into making a speech at an Laughter
the primitive important conference
world of nature. or a dear friend’s Laughter can express many emotions – well-
Strange, half- wedding, for example. being, scorn, relief and embarrassment among
heard voices It may also be a signal them. If we laugh in awkwardness or fear, the
can suggest the to voice your support dream may reveal a guilty conscience. If we are
promptings of for a cause that you surrounded by people laughing at us, then we
inner wisdom. believe in. may suffer from feelings of persecution.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 428-429 3/12/10 11:16 am

430 Qualities and Myths Sounds 431

Melody Whisper Kettle whistling

Music is a common symbol of personal A whisper is likely to represent our inner voice: The sound of a kettle whistling on a hob alerts
creativity, and a melody that haunts our dreams, the dream may reflect nagging doubts about us to the fact that the water has boiled. In a
even if we cannot recall the tune, may represent some issue or planned action, or it might be dream this sound may suggest that events have
an invitation to tap into our creative potential. urging us to act in accord with our instincts. “come to the boil” and that the time is ripe for
us to take action.
Gunfire Air-raid siren
Gunfire can represent execution, violence, war For dreamers who lived through the Second
or crime. We may identify a single shot with World War, the wailing of an air-raid siren might Shouting may be a warning or a call to action,
the starting pistol that signifies the beginning either conjure up nostalgic memories of a or it might simply be a way of alerting us to
of a race, and therefore with a pressured different era or be a fast-track to a nightmare. someone’s presence – for example, when a
situation or a fast-approaching feelings. If we do not swear in our everyday lives, Even for generations who have no memories of friend shouts to us in a crowded meeting place.
deadline. Or gunfire the dream may be encouraging us to express the war, movies and TV programmes will have There is no obvious symbolism in such a dream –
might evoke the ourselves more openly. established an air-raid siren as an omen of death but perhaps you are failing to give someone the
dreamer’s wish to and destruction. The dream may act as a warning attention they might deserve, or perhaps they
eliminate a rival: we Cock-crow about an approaching emotional storm. are warning you to stop what you are doing.
may be vying with
a competitor for A cock crowing can be a call to wake up, literally Baby crying
the affections of a or metaphorically, and seize the opportunities
potential partner or on offer. It might suggest a spiritual awakening A crying baby may symbolize a part of the self
for a promotion. or else it could be an admonition from the that has been neglected. We may have set
dreaming mind that we should cast off our our creative talents aside to pursue a more
Swearing idle fancies and get down to the work in hand. lucrative profession, or we may have abandoned
Christians may associate the sound of a cock other ambitions. For female dreamers the sound
Foul language is usually an expression of anger, crowing with the denying of Christ by the of a baby crying could be a straightforward
fear or frustration, and so the dreaming mind apostle Peter, reminding us that people we rely expression of maternal instincts, though perhaps
may be drawing attention to unexplored on sometimes falter. with various forms of guilt mixed in.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 430-431 3/12/10 11:16 am

432 Qualities and Myths

Ghosts and Devils

The witches, vampires, werewolves and and destroy ignorance, illusion and false
shadowy ghosts of children’s dreams motivation. One nineteenth-century text
often symbolize those aspects of the self on dream interpretation even suggested
that the child is unable to understand or that to dream of ghosts and spectres
integrate into his or her world-view. was actively propitious, foretelling good
If childhood monsters persist into the news from distant places. To try to see a
dreams of adulthood, it could be that the monster as a potentially beneficent force
work of comprehension and integration can sometimes help when more obvious
remains uncompleted. The dreamer, interpretations fail.
fearful of forces beyond the reach of the
conscious mind, may be still trying to Ghosts and spectral figures
reduce reality to safe and predictable
dimensions. The image of a ghost as an insubstantial being
As with all nightmares, such dreams may suggest knowledge that now requires
serve the purpose of urging the dreamer fleshing out and empowering by the conscious
to turn and face the pursuing dark forces, mind. Such images may also suggest fear of
and see that it is only fear that turns death or of an afterlife bereft of sensation and
them into monsters. By recognizing emotion. Dreams of ghostly figures hovering
and accepting the many energies that over the dreamer’s sleeping body are related
make up our psyche, we may in time to OBEs (Out of Body Experiences), in which
come to a closer acquaintance with the dreamer’s “soul” or dreaming body appears
our unconscious, where most of the to shed its physical form. A dream in which a
mysteries of life reside. deceased friend or relative appears as a ghost
The Tibetans often equate monstrous may suggest that we are still mourning them: it
dream images with wrathful demons may be some time yet before we fully recover
and guardian deities – the powers within from our grief. Ghosts can also symbolize
the self that, properly used, can deter dimensions of life that seem mysterious to us.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 432-433 3/12/10 11:16 am

434 Qualities and Myths Ghosts and Devils 435

Monster The Devil Fairy Demon

A monster often represents hidden impulses The Devil often represents In traditional folklore, fairies can be of either sex; Imps, spirits and fiends may represent our “inner
that fill the waking mind with disgust. By the dark unconscious – our however, in our dreams they tend to be female. demons” – the dark urges or unresolved conflicts
projecting them in the form of a strange and disturbing baser urges. For male dreamers a fairy may represent the in the unconscious that drive us to anger or
terrible creature, we are denying responsibility Dreams Anima, or repressed homosexual urges. addiction or cause depression. These demons
for them and separating them from the self. about may also represent a subversive inner voice that
the Devil often Vampire encourages the dreamer to transgress social
have an archetypal quality, norms – a voice that may have right on its side.
and tend to be vivid and dramatic. We may The dream image of a vampire suggests that
find ourselves locked in a desperate struggle someone or something is draining our energy. Zombie
between good and evil, running out of We may feel as though the responsibilities of
time and resources to save the world, our job are sucking life from us, or we may be Dreams in which we are desperately fleeing or
or perhaps our loved ones, from trapped in a relationship that is exhausting us fighting zombies can relate to any situation in
domination by the forces of emotionally. Freudians would interpret the image our waking life that we want to escape or need
darkness. In the Jungian of fangs piercing skin as a symbol of to confront – even quite a trivial predicament,
interpretation, the sexual intercourse. since the dreaming mind often exaggerates.
Devil is usually a
of the Shadow
archetype. It is
important to
integrate rather
than reject those
aspects of the self
we judge to be “bad”,
for what
we struggle
against persists.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 434-435 3/12/10 11:16 am

436 Qualities and Myths Metamorphoses 437

Metamorphoses Words transforming into images House transformed into a car

We live in a world where transformation transformations also play a major role in Freud once interpreted an elephant in a client’s As we have seen, the house is the classic symbol
is the norm – though its pace may be our dreams. Often they serve as a kind dream as a pun on the word tromper, the French of the self. Thus, a house transformed into
so gradual that we are unaware of it. of shorthand, a bridge passage between for “to deceive”, which sounds like trompe, the something else is likely to be a comment on the
The endless alternation of the seasons, one dream subject and the next, linking word for “trunk”. Puns of this kind may enable state of the dreamer’s psyche. A house changing
the cycles of Earth and sun, the young images in the way a dissolve does in a the dreaming mind to give visual form to human into a car can indicate the importance of
growing old, the present melting into the movie. Equally, they can be meaningful qualities and preoccupations. movement and progress, but it may also warn of
past, are the essential warp and weft of a in their own right, drawing attention to the loss of firm foundations in life. Alternatively,
human life. relationships between different aspects One object into another such a dream could be suggesting that the
Our perceptions of this constantly of our lives, and between the various dreamer is losing a sense of his or her own
shifting world are as unstable as the world preoccupations of the unconscious. Transformations can point to a desire to change humanity, becoming mechanical, overbearing or
itself. Objects appear subtly different Sometimes a whole scene will transform ourselves, and may give us important clues ruthless in pursuit of personal or professional
each time we look itself into another, about what specifically we would like to alter. A objectives.
at them, depending like a vision conjured skateboard that turns into a house, for example,
on the angle of view, by an enchanter. might express desire for greater stability. Animal into person
on our mood at that It is relatively
moment, on our level commonplace too for Dreamer transformed into a An animal transformed into a human being can
of attention, and on the dreamer himself or plant represent conquest over the dreamer’s primal
tricks of the light. The herself to change – for instincts; a human transformed into an animal
same pattern of change example, from young To become a plant (or a tree, like Daphne in can stand for descent to the more bestial levels
affects our perceptions to old or from victor to Greek myth) is normally an image of nurture and of the psyche, or for the rediscovery of natural,
of ourselves and victim. And settings integration, although for some dreamers the loss spontaneous emotions. A hyrbrid, part man, part
others, and especially may also be unstable of mobility might be significant: the dream may beast – with, say, a boar’s head on a human body
our apprehensions of – a place of security be a warning against becoming too rooted in our – may stand for the impossibility of casting off
people’s characters and can become suddenly ideas or in our routines. Conversely, to transform our animal instincts or baser urges. The dream
values. threatening, a tornado from a plant into a mobile being may signify may be encouraging us to stop denying these
In view of all this, it can sweep through a a moment of awakening, when we shake off aspects of the self and work toward accepting
is hardly surprising that living room. inertia and take positive action. them and integrating them into the whole self.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 436-437 3/12/10 11:16 am

438 Qualities and Myths Metamorphoses / Myths 439

Agents of transformation Seasons changing Myths

Agents of transformation, such as the wizard, A change through the seasons (such as we In ancient Greek, mythos (from which the collective unconscious in personalized
magician or shaman, may appear as dream sometimes see in romantic movies) or from English word “myth” derives) originally form, and may indicate the relationship
characters. They stand outside the rational, day to night or vice versa is often a message meant “word”, “saying” or “story”, but of such energies to the particular life-
social world but have the power to change it. about our relation to time and potentiality. later its meaning shifted to “fiction” circumstances of the dreamer.
Such a figure may be a manifestation of the Winter turning to spring suggests new ideas or or even “falsehood”, as distinct from Universalized figures in the dreams
Trickster archetype (see page 104), who often new hope, perhaps after a difficult emotional logos, or “word of truth”, the currency of of Westerners often call to mind Greek,
appears when the ego is in a dangerous situation, experience such as an episode of depression or historians. However, we now believe that Egyptian and Christian equivalents – the
through some misjudgment or moral lapse. A a traumatic end to a relationship. When spring myth contains its own truths, and that mythologies with which we tend to be
magician may also represent the means to effect turns to summer the dreaming mind may be many of these truths transcend time and most familiar. The Resurrected God,
a change, though we should be wary of relying urging us to enjoy the present. The onset of place, resonating with profound meanings the Hero, the Saviour, the Trickster,
on others to make things happen – perhaps we winter may suggest that now is the time to take at a level deep within the psyche. If the Wise Old Man and the Young Girl
need to take action ourselves. stock and conserve our energies. dreams and myths stem from the same are all recurring themes. Sometimes
roots in the collective unconscious, as the mythic content is undisguised: a
Jung believed, then it is not surprising princess in a tower, for example, would
that mythical elements may be found be unmistakably a character of legend.
in the dreams even of people whose However, more oblique references are
last direct contact with myth is a distant also encountered, such as the Hero
schoolday memory. expressed as a movie star or as someone
Jung recommended the use of myths coming to the rescue
as a repertoire of parallels which would in a modern context
help a dreamer tease out the meaning (perhaps, for
of a dream – the process of amplification example,
(see page 108). With Level 3 dreams, to repair a
amplification is made easier by the fact broken-down
that the dream material often contains car, truck or
explicit mythological themes: these household
represent the archetypal energies of the appliance).

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 438-439 3/12/10 11:16 am

440 Qualities and Myths Myths 441

Mermaid Odin Dionysos

Combining the symbolism of fish and Like Zeus, the Norse deity Odin was the ruler The Greek god Dionysos, known
femininity, the mermaid is a powerful image of the gods, and may appear in our dreams as as Bacchus in Roman myth, was
of the mysterious otherness that haunts and a representative of paternal authority. He is an associated with nature, wine, fertility
fascinates the male psyche. In dreams, the ambivalent mythic figure: a poet, a wanderer, the and divine ecstasy. His followers,
mermaid typically embodies the Anima – a god of war and of the wild hunt. One famous a wild roaming band of women
bringer of secret wisdom and, at the same time, story surrounding him tells of how he sacrificed known as the Maenads or Baccants,
a seductive temptress, luring the overt, active, his right eye in order to drink from the well of danced in ecstatic frenzy, tearing
male energies of the conscious mind into the wisdom – he may convey the price that the wild animals apart and eating their
uncharted depths of the unconscious. dreamer must pay in order to develop spiritually raw flesh. In dreams, Dionysos
or intellectually. can stand for heightened states
Zeus or Jupiter of consciousness or a recognition
Achilles of our deeply instinctive primal
“The father of gods and men”, Zeus energies. Dionysos expresses the
(Jupiter to the Romans) was the Like the Arthurian Lancelot, need to take risks if we dare to
supreme ruler of the gods in Achilles is a flawed hero. He is explore our full potential. Pan, half
the Greco-Roman pantheon. unashamedly human, given to fits of rage, man and half goat, serves a similar
He may be an uncompromising jealousy and vindictiveness, yet he is half Herakles function: symbol of instinctive nature, in dreams
representation of our father mortal, half god. His personal he reminds us of natural beauty and of the
or he may evoke the anxiety failings have their physical Another Greco-Roman hero, Herakles (or forces of male potency and growth.
the dreamer feels in the presence counterpart in the form of his Hercules to the Romans) represents the
of some other formidable authority vulnerable heel – the one part of strengths and weaknesses of brute force, and Minotaur
figure. Enraged and throwing thunderbolts, he his body that was not dipped in the River depending on the context of the dream may
may stand for repressed feelings of anger or for Styx when he was an infant. It is this weakness suggest that we proceed with greater or lesser Half man, half bull, the Minotaur was a
the strictness of a parent. Famous for his sexual that eventually results in the hero’s death in the aggression. Herakles is also notable for the series monstrous hybrid that lived in a labyrinth on
exploits, Zeus appearing in our dreams might Trojan war. In our dreams, the “Achilles heel” of apparently impossible tasks he was required the island of Crete until he was slain by the
also indicate a desire for adventurous sexual can refer to our fatal flaws and act as a warning to perform. The dream may express frustration hero Theseus. In our dreams the Minotaur may
activity, perhaps with a new partner. against complacency. with problems that never seem to end. represent the dark urges of the unconscious.

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442 Qualities and Myths Myths 443

Poseidon or Neptune Aphrodite or Venus Narcissus Dragon

Poseidon (or Neptune) was the Greco-Roman Aphrodite, or Venus, was the Greco-Roman According to Roman myth, Narcissus was a Dragons are an archetypal symbol of power,
sea god. A stormy character carrying a trident, goddess of love and beauty. She symbolizes handsome young man who fell in love with his dominance or creativity. In the East they are
his appearance in our dreams can suggest passion and lust and may encourage a female own reflection and wasted away from pining formidable but benign creatures, representing
disturbances in the deep waters of the dreamer to be more at ease with her sexuality until he died. The story warns of the dangers of the emperor and the forces of heaven as well as
unconscious. Alternatively, his tempestuous and her body. Male dreamers might find her vanity and may urge the dreamer not to become primal energy and good luck.
nature may reflect a tendency to mood swings desirable but perhaps also threatening. too attached to appearances.
or herald a sudden flash of creative inspiration. Grail
Eros or Cupid King Midas
Artemis or Diana The Holy Grail is the cup from which Jesus
Son of Aphrodite, Cupid was the god of sexual Granted a wish by Dionysos, King Midas asks that drank at the Last Supper; it was later used to
The Greco-Roman goddess of the hunt, Artemis desire, evoking playful concupiscence everything he touches should turn to gold. The catch his blood at the Crucifixion. Often the
conveys an image of proud and self-reliant, if but also, through his arrows, the pain that gift turns out to be a curse, however, when it Grail will represent the dreamer’s quest for
vindictive, womanhood. For female dreamers she love can cause. transpires that the spell covers food – he almost spiritual perfection, but it can also refer to the
may evoke a desire to assert control and shake starves. The dream figure of King Midas may heightened importance that we often attach to
off traditional conceptions of femininity. Male Jason and the Argonauts represent a warning about the danger of greed the quests on which we choose to embark. The
dreamers might interpret Artemis as a dream and of idealizing material things. Grail also has a Freudian connotation as a symbol
symbol of an overbearing mother. Jason’s quest to find the Golden Fleece lends of female sexuality.
itself to a Jungian interpretation. An archetypal Unicorn
Medusa hero, Jason must slay the unsleeping dragon Excalibur
of his unconscious impulses if he is to achieve The unicorn is portrayed as pure white with a
One of the three Gorgon sisters, Medusa was spiritual fulfilment and purity, represented by single horn protruding from its forehead, and it Arthur’s mythical sword could only be pulled
endowed with snakes for hair and a visage so the Golden Fleece. He fails to kill the dragon was believed that only virgins were capable of from the stone in which it was embedded by
terrible that it instantly turned anybody who however, only putting it to sleep with a magic taming one. By the Middle Ages it had come to the future king of the Britons – who had not yet
looked at her to stone. She may represent a potion – ultimately compromising his quest represent chastity and faithfulness in marriage. been revealed. As a dream symbol the sword
negative self-image or the danger of uncovering by letting his impulses lie dormant. The myth The unicorn is also a Christian symbol for the may stand for the evidence that should show
destructive urges without attempting to reminds us that spiritual fulfilment requires Virgin Mary, impregnated by the Holy Spirit and the world that we are worthy of acclaim or
understand them. total commitment. is a common motif in religious art. heightened responsibility.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 442-443 3/12/10 11:16 am

444 Qualities and Myths Myths / Stars and Planets 445

Superman Cerberus Stars and Planets

An archetypal hero, Superman is the alter ego of Cerberus, the three-headed dog of Greco- Throughout history and the universe.
journalist Clark Kent. Reflecting his campaign to Roman myth, guarded the gates of Hades, the across cultures, men and Heavenly bodies
defend the world from evil, Superman remains Underworld. In dreams he may represent the women have tried to normally appear
chaste, keeping at bay the advances of Lois disturbing instincts that lurk in the unconscious read their destiny singly in dreams,
Lane, despite the fact that Clark Kent is in love mind, discouraging us from exploring the in the night sky. but if there is
with her. We may identify Clark Kent (there are unknown aspects of the self. Fascinated by the more than one,
parallels with the Arthurian Sir Lancelot) with motions of the it may be their
guilt about allowing worldly concerns to distract Chimera heavenly bodies, juxtaposition
us from our quest for spiritual enlightenment. every major that is
Alternatively, the twin selves of Superman may Sister to Cerberus, the Chimera was a monstrous civilization has important.
reflect a duality we perceive in our own life – beast composed of multiple animals. Its three developed its own The sun and
the part that we act with friends or colleagues heads – a lion’s, a goat’s and a snake’s – might way of associating moon together
may be at odds with our self-image. represent character flaws such as pride, lechery them with the may represent the
and deviousness that the dreamer perceives mystic powers that relationship between
Maiden in distress within himself or herself. Less likely is a wordplay determine our fate. the conscious and
on the modern use of the word “chimera” to Level 3 dreams about the unconscious, the rational and
A common symbol in myth and folktale is the suggest an illusion or foolish fantasy – and heavens often convey a sense of the irrational; while Saturn and Venus can
rescue of a young maiden by a brave hero. perhaps a predilection for daydreaming. eternally unchanging nature of ultimate stand for the relationship between male
Usually a prince or warrior, the hero may reality. We may feel ourselves to be at and female.
represent the noble, uncompromised side of Leprechaun one with the stars, our identity absorbed Dreams are riddled with paradoxes,
the unconscious – the part that is not bound into the far reaches of the universe. and to look out is also to look within.
by conventional wisdom and dares to set out This mischevious Irish elf may be a permutation Rarely, even in Level 1 and Level 2 Thus, gazing into the night sky can be a
to seek the truth. The maiden herself is often of the Jungian Trickster archetype. Attempts to dreams, do the stars and planets carry symbol for examining the unconscious,
imprisoned in a castle by an overbearing father catch a leprechaun or steal their pot of gold are negative connotations, although some where the infinite possibilities of the
or rejected suitor, her incarceration representing rarely successful: the dream may be reminding us dreamers interpret them as emphasizing imagination make the everyday
the repression of unconscious wisdom by the not to try to take shortcuts in the process the insignificance of human life in the concerns of the conscious mind seem
inflexibility of the rational mind. of self-development. face of the vast impersonal forces of small and insignificant.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 444-445 3/12/10 11:16 am

446 Qualities and Myths Stars and Planets 447

Stars Sun Venus Comet

As well as representing fate and the celestial The sun has strong connotations of the Like its namesake the Roman goddess of love, Although comets were once interpreted as
powers, the stars can stand for the dreamer’s masculine, the world of overt things, the the planet Venus has erotic associations. More portents of disaster, a dreamer today is more
higher states of consciousness. A single star conscious mind, the intellect, and the father. generally, its brightness as the “evening” or likely to associate them with a warning of
shining more brightly than the rest can signify In dreams, a hot burning sun can indicate the “morning star” at twilight or dawn is often dazzling but temporary success, followed by
success in competition with others, but may intellect’s power to make a desert out of the taken as propitious. Its appearance in a dream rapid descent and eventual destruction. A comet
also serve to remind the dreamer of his or her dreamer’s emotional life. Conversely, the sun may signify our highest aspirations or most can also represent ideas and insights flashing
responsibilities toward those of lesser ability. hidden by clouds can suggest the emotions honourable ambitions – though without giving a brilliantly from the unconscious, or a sense that
The brightest star could also be the one that overruling rationality. A solar eclipse may suggest sense of whether they are well-grounded. our lives may take a turn toward the dramatic.
is closest to destruction. Ever present in the troubling events or emotions interfering with
night sky of the Northern Hemisphere, the Pole creativity or spiritual development.
Star aids navigators and may act as a symbolic
guide for those exploring personal or universal Earth
A dream of leaving Earth may arise from fear
Moon of death or estrangement from our friends or
family. Earth viewed from space might suggest
The moon often represents the feminine aspect, feelings of isolation or loneliness.
as the queen of the night, and the mystery
of hidden, secret things. It is also associated Mars
with water (because it governs Earth’s tides),
with the imagination, and with the passing of Associated with the Roman god of war, the red
time. There may be an implication of natural hue of the planet Mars carries connotations of
evolution. A full moon may indicate serenity and anger, passion and aggression. Alternatively, as
stillness, signifying the dreamer’s potential for the planet closest to Earth and the one on which
rewarding contemplation, or it may be a symbol many scientists hope to find life, its appearance
of emotional and spiritual completeness. A new in our dreams may convey a longing for, or
moon is an obvious symbol of fresh beginnings. preoccupation with, companionship.

416-447 KEY TO SYMBOLS.indd 446-447 3/12/10 11:16 am

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