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Student: Nadia Citlalli García Balderas

Date: 16/May/2020
Final Paper.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

How do I know if your child, close family member, or friend has this disorder? Well,
deciding whether a person has attention déficit hyperactivity disorder is a multi-step
process. There is one-time test to diagnose ADHD and there are many other problems,
with can be handled in a similar way.

You’ll wonder, ¿What other problemas do they look like? Mainly many are alredy known,
such are anxienty, depression and various aspects of learning, ¿right? Which, present to
su, a symptomatology similar to ADHD. Many times parent’s or family members say this
¿It is not the same? ¿How my son, my family member, etc… can present this?

Psychologists or health professionals specifically use a diagnostic and statistical manual 
called DSM-5, which manages an association to diagnose it. I can say, “I’m hyperactive,
because I don’t stand still” or “I have attention deficit, because my parents never listen to
me or pay attention to me”, however, if we leave that way, I think everyone would have.

Now, if we go to an exam as such, the sympoms have to be present from the level of
development of the person.

If inattention is managed with symptoms depending on age, they would be present as


1. Six or more symptoms of inattention for 16 years olds.

2. Five or more for adolescents 17 years of age older and adults.

As mentioned above have, they are present for 6 months and are inappropriate.

Teacher: Victor Hugo Gasca Guevara

7th Semester

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