Mining Update, August-September 09

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August-Sept- 2009
LIST OF CONTENTS when a poor tribal take a bamboo to weave
baskets, he is booked within no time. This is
Editorial 1 what we see in many tribal areas more
Cartoon Space 2-3 particularly in Orissa.
News 4- 20
All the players in mining business make huge
Public Hearings Notices 21 money. But when it comes to pay a small
Environmental Clearance 22 fraction of it as the royalty to the state, those
mining companies play gimmicks to deprive the
Forest Clearance 23 state of its legitimate share. They have huge
About EPG 24 money that runs in several crores in contesting
elections, to offer diamond studded gold crown
to lord Balaji at Tirupati that had made national
EDITORIAL news but when it comes to pay even 10% of the
market price as royalty, they shed crocodile
tears. These crocodiles do not speak a word on
The mammoth Mining Scam of 4, 500 Crore that
tribals this time despite they know that the tribals
has surfaced recently is like the opening of a
whom they have pushed out of their lands are
Pandora’s Box. It is the reason why the people of
suffering uncertain future. Their peaceful abode
Orissa are poorest in a state which is bestowed
that was lush green is now wearing a look of
with huge natural resources. The state govt. has
environmentally degraded area, roads totally
failed to accept the challenge by not taking quick
broken with pits of all the sizes, no safe drinking
and strong actions to nab the real big heads
water, elephant menace etc. But no body speaks
involved in the scam, but has also adopted a
a word about them. We also need to look at the
delaying tactics by ordering a departmental
speed with which state is anxious to ink one
inquiry to be conducted by the Secretary of
MoU after another that has a captive mining tag.
Ministry of Mines, who has also failed to know
In the name of development, in the name of
what is happening just below his nose.
providing jobs, all that mineral wealth is allowed
to be looted to those faces who have nothing to
Suspending few officials is nothing but a very do with the state or its people but to make money
tactful drama simply enacted to fool the people. at a jet speed. . When people in power join hands
They know very well that after few months with mineral mafias, operating legally or
people will forget the issue. Again these illegally, such scam are bound to happen as has
suspended officials will get back to their place. been surfaced recently. In this time of mega
Their dirty game will restart again. It is not that crisis we people have an important role to play
the top officials did not know any thing as to for the sake of our state. This is also the test for
what is going on at Keonjhar in the name of the Media that they are also pro active and not
mining. Besides Mining department, Forest the puppets in the hands of any one to hide the
department is also partner to this crime. Who can facts from coming out. It is now up to the people
believe them that thirty six hectares of forest of the state to see how they take to the streets to
land is used for illegal mining where large scale unveil the real face of this so called clean state
activities of men, machinery, materials and government.
transportation is going on round the clock. But



pollution control devices and ensure
continuous operation of ESP, else to stop
Novel method to detect operation of kiln. A delegation of OSPCB
pollution in sponge iron units that visited West Bengal had found the
technology effective. Even OSPCB had
The Hindu, 05 August, 2009 floated tender for installation of the
technology in few sponge iron units.
BHUBANESWAR: A novel method with However, sources said, sponge iron units
the potential to detect pollution in sponge were hesitant to adopt the technology since
iron plants in the State seems to have no it would have cost around Rs. 8 lakh per one
takers. And Orissa State Pollution Control interlocking system. At a time when Orissa
Board (OSPCB) has been finding it difficult State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) has
to convince industry owners in this regard. gone on slapping show-cause notices to
Although industrial units swear by their polluting sponge iron plants during past five
commitments to check pollution, they years, the technology could have provided
reportedly show little interest in the the opportunity to monitor pollution sitting
‘Interlocking System’, a software-based at a distance. During past five years, 137
technology, which could not only raise show-cause notices were slapped on
alarm on pollution being caused by a sponge ‘polluting’ sponge iron units. But pollution
iron unit but also bring the production goes unabated. With low manpower strength
process to a grinding halt. The technology to monitor pollution in the State, the
can prevent bypassing of untreated flue gas technology could have proved handy for the
through emergency cap of the rotary kiln of OSPCB. As many as 107 sponge iron units
the sponge iron plant, malfunctioning of operate in the State with 244 kilns and
Electro Static Precipitators or any other 33,225 tonnes per day installed production
pollution control device attached to kiln. capacity. It is learnt that the OSPCB too did
According to Orissa Pollution Control Board not show the resolve to make it mandatory
sources, the interlocking system would for all sponge iron units.
ensure automatic stoppage of raw material
feed conveyor to the kiln-based on real time Sea erosion threat: villagers
data from the plant control system in case of
any non-compliance is reported. The non-
yet to be rehabilitated
compliance report is generated by the
software and displayed on the computer The Hindu, 06 August, 2009
monitor for information of the plant operator
as well as recording in computer server as BERHAMPUR: The inhabitants of
back up data and later it can be as legal Podampeta village in Ganjam district, who
evidence, sources said. The system was first are under the threat of severe sea erosion,
mooted in neighbouring West Bengal. After are yet to rehabilitated despite efforts since
receiving more number of public complaints past two years. Continuing coastal erosion
and high air potentiality of the sponge iron since past two years has brought the
units, West Bengal Pollution Control Board coastline too close to this fishermen’s
decided to develop such interlocking system village. The sarpanch of the area, Dilip
with the help of Tata Consultancy Services Chhatei, says during the high tides on full
to eliminate the human factor in operation of moon and new moon days, the inhabitants of

the village live under the threat of dumping yards within the city and to dispose
submergence. They are unable to leave their of all solid waste at Bhuasuni on the city’s
houses and village as the alternative spot for outskirts. A division bench of judges
their rehabilitation is yet to be sorted out. Laxmikanta Mohapatra and Indrajeet
The village near Kantiagada under Ganjam Mohanty directed the BMC for making the
block is inhabited by around 300 families. “waste to energy power project” at Bhuasuni
The festivals like Rakhi Purnima that fully functional and close all temporary
coincided with the full moon are no more dumping yards by August 31. The court
festive in the village as they think it may be issued the order yesterday after going
the last day of their village. On Wednesday through affidavits submitted by the state
evening a group of officials, including the government and the BMC, making identical
local Block Development Officer (BDO), R. claims that the process to discontinue
Singh, reached the village to camp for the multiple garbage dumping and enable solid
night as a major high tide is expected during waste disposal at Bhuasuni was underway in
the night. Some decades ago, sea was almost a phased manner. The high court has been
one km away from the village. Now they do pressing for adoption of a single-point
not have a proper coast to prepare dry fish or garbage disposal system by the BMC since
to park their boats, says D. Jogendra of the August 2007, while monitoring solid waste
village. The panicked inhabitants of disposal in Bhubaneswar as part of a PIL.
Podampeta have been demanding About 61.41 acres of vacant land at
rehabilitation. But despite efforts since past Bhuasuni under Bhubaneswar tehsil had
two years the administration has not been been allotted by the government for the
able to earmark an alternative site for single-point dumping yard vis-à-vis waste to
rehabilitation. Two weeks ago, energy power project in February 2008. The
administrative officials made a survey of BMC, however, has been disposing of
three alternative sites. The inhabitants of nearly 450 tonne garbage at seven dumping
Podampeta want to be rehabilitated near the yards located within the city daily. The court
sea coast. According to the sarpanch, the fixed September 4 as the date for the next
problem for their rehabilitation is that the hearing and further directed the state
government land on which the Podampeta government, Cuttack Municipal Corporation
inhabitants are ready to get rehabilitated is and the BMC to file affidavits by then
now under the possession of other people, giving a status report on steps taken by them
who do not want to vacate it. One such patch to implement the ban on the use of recycled
is located at the border of Khallikote and polythene bags in the state. The court is
Chatrapur tehsils. It is now being used as a monitoring solid waste management in
village fair ground for the nearby villagers. Cuttack and Bhubaneswar as part of a PIL
The Podampeta inhabitants are ready to get filed by advocate S.N. Panda and unchecked
rehabilitated on government land near the use of recycled polythene as part of PIL
Aleswar temple, which is again under illegal filed by the Orissa Federation of
possession of others. Consumers’ Organisation. The Orissa
government had imposed a ban on “sale,
Garbage row gets another import or store of non-biodegradable
polythene carry bag” (less than 20-micron
deadline thick with effect from January 26, 2004), but
had not followed it up with a ban on
The Statesman recycled polythene. The government had
also ordered a ban on the non-biodegradable
Cuttack, Aug. 8: Orissa High Court has set a product on April 24, 2008. While there was
fresh deadline of 24 days for the unabated manufacturing and use of
Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation polythene bags despite a ban on it, the
(BMC) to phase out multiple garbage government lacked sincerity in

implementation of the ban. Besides, the Jaiswal to fasten the process for providing
CMC and BMC had achieved nothing necessary forest clearance to MCL. Mr.
tangible even after empowering them with Patnaik also urged the MCL authorities to
power to enforce the ban, it was pointed out undertake a plantation drive in Talcher
to the court. town. Mr. Jaiswal also addressed a gathering
of Congress leaders at the party’s State
Vigilance report on mining headquarters here. A memorandum was
handed over to him by the Pradesh Congress
Committee on the occasion. In the three-
The Hindu, 11 August, 2009 page memorandum, the PCC demanded
rationalisation of royalty regime by a change
BHUBANESWAR: The Vigilance over to full ad-valorem basis or aligning
Department has submitted a preliminary with international best prices. The party also
report to the State government on illegal demanded timely revision of both coal and
mining activities in Keonjhar district. non-coal minerals such as iron ore,
Among other things, the vigilance sleuths manganese, chromite and bauxite etc., and
have found that a private company was suitable compensation in case of delay as
involved in illegal mining of manganese for recommended by the Eleventh Finance
the past two years. The State government Commission. The party said that the ruling
ordered a vigilance probe into the matter Biju Janata Dal had no moral right to blame
after the illegal mining issue was raised in the Central government on the royalty
the State Assembly last month. revision issue. “The Chief Minister and his
party nominee while serving as Union
Union Minister says no need Ministers, Coal and Mines had betrayed the
for revision of royalty on coal interest of the State in failing to effect
royalty revision and giving due
compensation during NDA regime,” the
The Hindu, 11 August, 2009 party said in its memorandum.
BHUBANESWAR: Union Minister of State
for Coal Sri Prakash Jaiswal on Saturday Nalco accused of neglecting
countered the State Government’s demand peripheral villages
for revision of royalty on coal saying that The Times of India, 14 August 2009
there was no need for the said revision. The
royalty on coal will go up automatically if KORAPUT: Elected representatives of as
the production of coal was increased, Mr. many as 13 panchayats, located close to
Jaiswal said. Talking to presspersons after Nalco at Damanjodi in the district, have
his meeting with Chief Minister Naveen charged the navratna PSU of deliberately
Patnaik here, Mr. Jaiswal said the prevailing neglecting the development of the peripheral
royalty on coal was more than sufficient. villages. The sarpanchs and samiti members
Mr. Patnaik, however, was not happy with of these panchayats, under the banner Nalco
Mr. Jaiswal’s remarks. The State Periphery Development Parishad (NPDP),
government would take up the issue before have demanded an all-round improvement
the Finance Commission for compensation of the villages. "Nalco claimed that it has
of the losses suffered by the State due to spent crores of rupees over the years in the
non-revision of royalty on coal, he told name of development of villages close to the
reporters. Mr. Jaiswal, who met the Chief company unit. But there has hardly been any
Minister along with officials of Coal India noticeable change even in areas adjacent to
and Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL), its alumina and mines complex. Ever since
discussed about the various hurdles facing the unit was set up here, people of the area
MCL. The Chief Minister assured Mr. are living in a neglected condition,"

president of NPDP Bijay Muduli alleged. opt for another location as it had been facing
"On several occasions during the past problems of land acquisition in Orissa.
several years, we have placed our demands “Posco is facing problems of land
before the Nalco officials. But they keep acquisition. They have decided to move to a
ignoring us. Instead of utilizing Nalco's different place,” he said. But later, the
peripheral development funds for these minister’s office clarified that Posco would
villages, the money has been used in urban not move out of Orissa but may shift to a
areas like Jeypore, Koraput and other places nearby location. Posco India general
of the state," Muduli added. The NPDP's manager Saroj Mohapatra said: “We are
demands include jobs for villagers in Nalco, committed to the project. We never had any
electrification of their villages, medical plan to shift our Orissa project, nor do we
facilities to villagers at par with Nalco have now.” But Posco India officials
officials, availability of drinking water admitted that some villagers at the proposed
facilities, educational facilities to the plant site were still opposed to it and efforts
children of peripheral villages in the schools were on to “win them over”. Chief minister
managed by Nalco and construction of roads Naveen Patnaik said the state government
in the village among others. Members of had not received any communication from
NPDP alleged that farmers of around 20 Posco regarding its relocation. “We have not
villages have been badly affected. Many received any proposal from Posco for
people here are suffering from skin diseases relocation of its steel plant project,” Patnaik
caused by chemical wastes dumped on open said in New Delhi. State steel and mines
fields by factory workers. Due to mining minister Raghunath Mohanty said he was
activities, several perennial sources of water confident the Posco project would come up
have gone dry and the water level in the at the proposed location as per the MoU.
low-lying areas has dipped drastically. "This The South Korean steel major had signed an
time, if the Nalco authorities do not pay MoU with the Orissa government in June
heed to our demands within 30 days, then 2005 for establishment of a 12 MTPA steel
we will forcibly occupy and plough the plant near Paradip port. Billed as one of the
lands located inside the Nalco township," largest FDI projects at $12 billion, the mega
Muduli added. Local Nalco officials said a steel plant, however, has failed to take off
couple of day's ago, the elected because of local resistance over land
representatives of these panchayat had acquisition. Out of the total requirement of
submitted a list of projects to be undertaken 4,004 acre, around 500 acre was private
at their respective villages. In the next land. So far, the state government had failed
Rehabilitation Periphery Devlopment to acquire any private land because of stiff
Adivisory Committee (RPDAC) meeting resistance by local villagers. “We are
their demands will be looked into. negotiating with the local people,
government officials and others,” Mohapatra
No plans to move, insists said. “Employment will not be a problem.
Not a single person from the three gram
Posco panchayat areas will remain unemployed
after physical construction starts,” he said
The Telegraph
Survey on pollution clusters
Bhubaneswar, Aug. 18: Posco today ruled
out any possibility of moving out of Orissa
in spite of the Union mines minister hinting The Telegraph
at an alternative location for its proposed 12-
million-tonne steel plant. The minister, B.K. New Delhi, Aug. 18: The government will
Handique, told reporters on the sidelines of a conduct a fresh survey to identify critically
conference in New Delhi that Posco might polluted industrial hubs across India in the

next two months, environment and forests up some of their lakes and rivers using
minister Jairam Ramesh said today. The modern technology. "It would be a good
survey will use scientific criteria to identify idea for India to emulate. We do not have a
the clusters and will be aimed at developing major scientific institution in the area of
action plans for each of them, Ramesh said, environment although we have major
outlining decisions taken at the end of a institutes in the fields of agriculture and
national conference of environment industry," he told Indian journalists on
ministers. “Some industrial clusters have Tuesday. His ministry will send two
really dangerous levels of environmental delegations for studying Chinese methods of
pollution,” Ramesh said. The conference dealing with industrial pollution and
attended by state environment ministers also cleaning of lakes and rivers by 2009 end,
agreed to a survey of 17 categories of highly Ramesh said. The Indian teams will mainly
polluting industries to track compliance. focus on the kind of technologies used by
States have agreed to develop a time-bound China in the environmental field. "China has
action plan to deal with polluting industrial followed a more scientific approach in
clusters. The plan would be jointly cleaning rivers and lakes than what we have
implemented by the central and state done," the minister said while lamenting that
pollution control boards. Ramesh said states hundreds of crores spent on cleaning up the
had agreed to concentrate on the Ganga and Yamunna rivers have not yielded
modernisation of forest administration. He significant results. India and China are due
said forest activities would receive an to sign an agreement to collaborate on
unprecedented increase in funding from Rs several areas of climate change tomorrow.
3,600 crore in 2008-09 to Rs 8,300 crore this Another agreement for joint research on
year. Tibetan plateau will also be inked tomorrow.
New Delhi is also seeking Chinese
India to use Chinese models participation in the research for management
of coastal zones. It wants an institution from
for cleaning air and water: China to join hands with the National
Jairam Ramesh Institute of Sustainable Coastal Zone
Management, which is being set up at the
The Times of India, 25 August 2009 Anna University in Chennai. The minister
invited Chinese environment scientists to
BEIJING: India wants to emulate China on attend the next conference of the Indian
various issues concerning use of technology Science Congress in Shillong in January.
and management controls to reduce Ramesh said China have five times the
emissions and poisoning of rivers, Jairam installed capacity of electricity compared to
Ramesh, minister of state for environment India. National Thermal Power Corporation,
and forests (independent charge), said on which is India’s largest electricity company,
Tuesday. Ramesh also told his Chinese hosts would rank seventh if compared to Chinese
that India would like to be made part of a companies, he said. He was impressed by
mechanism on climate control issues, which the high degree of maintenance and
have China, Japan and South Korea as housekeeping at a power plant near Beijing,
members. The hosts have promised to take which he visited on Tuesday. Forest security
up New Delhi’s request with the two other is fighting a losing battle
member-countries. "We must be plugged
into what they are doing," he said. Ramesh Illegal mining continues
was full of praise for the Chinese Academy unchecked
of Research on Environmental Sciences,
which he visited today. He was also
The Hindu, 25 August, 2009
impressed by Chinese successes in cleaning

JODA (KEONJHAR): It may sound strange, excavation of minerals is continuing in
but it’s true. The investigation into the many interior and forested areas of the
illegal mining activities of a private district even today. According to the people
company by the Vigilance Department in in Joda area where large-scale illegal mining
this mineral-rich district has not led to had been going on since 2000, illegal mining
stopping of the organised loot of minerals. and trading of minerals could be checked
In fact, illegal mining and transportation only if the State government fills up the
continues unchecked. Hundreds of trucks are vacant posts in Mines, Forest and Police
standing idle in this mineral-rich district departments as soon as possible.
since the arrest of several officials of the Investigation into just one case of illegal
Mining and Forest departments of the State mining will not put an end to the loot of the
government. The number of trucks engaged State’s mineral wealth.
in transportation of iron ore, manganese and
other minerals in the region has come down Nod to Rs 2000cr projects
from about 30,000 to about 8,000 at present.
A majority of trucks were not being used not
because there was no work, but because very The Telegraph
few transit permits were being issued by the
authorities concerned during the past couple Bhubaneswar, Aug. 26: The state-level
of weeks. The post of Deputy Director of single-window clearance committee, headed
Mines in Joda town of the district has been by the chief secretary, today cleared
lying vacant after the arrest of Madan proposals to set up industrial projects
Mohan Biswal by the Vigilance Department drawing a total investment of Rs 2,037
on August 11. The Deputy Director of Joda crore. With the decision, decks have been
issues the transport permits to the mining cleared for signing MoUs by promoters
companies and mines operators. The State concerned with the state government,
government, which has failed to fill up the sources said. The committee also forwarded
post, has asked the Deputy Director of two more proposals for setting up of two
Mines at Koida in neighbouring Sundargarh thermal power plants to generate 3,300MW
district to hold additional charge of the post with a total investment of Rs 14,275 crore to
of Deputy Director of Mines at Joda. the high-level clearance authority, headed by
Keonjhar district alone has more than 100 the chief minister. The final approval of the
iron ore and manganese mines. The Mines authority is needed for the two power
Department also has large number vacant projects since the project cost exceeds Rs
posts in the district. There are only six 1,000 crore limit each. While JR Power Gen
employees in charge of the 28 weighbridges has proposed to set up a 1,980MW thermal
in the district. According to sources, illegal power plant at an estimated cost of Rs 7,988
mining and transportation of minerals has crore at Kishore Nagar near Angul, BGR
increased since the arrest of the officials, as Energy has submitted proposals for
there was no one to oversee the entire establishment of a 1,320MW power plant
mining operation. While traveling from one with an investment of Rs 6,287 crore in
end to another one hardly finds any mining Nayagarh district. Industries director
staff at work at the check gates or Hemant Sharma said the committee gave its
weighbridges. With a sudden decrease in the final nod to Hindalco’s proposal for setting
number of transit permits, mines operators up an aluminium re-rolling plant with a
are using the permits that had been issued to capacity of 2.85 lakh tonnes at Hirakud in
them earlier or taking away minerals by Sambalpur district with an investment of Rs
using fake permits. The case that is being 850 crore. The proposal of Rashmi Cement
probed by the Vigilance Department Limited to establish a 2 lakh tonnes ferro
pertains to alleged illegal mining by Ram manganese plant at Haridaspur in Jajpur
Bahadur Thakur Limited. But illegal district with an estimated cost of Rs 300

crore and Dhananjay Industries’s 40,000- the extraction and sale of chromite ore by
tonnes ferro alloy plant at Choudwar near the company,” said the sarpanch, who is
Cuttack with an investment of Rs 180 crore leading the agitation. People of the six
were also cleared. The committee also villages are also peeved as improvement in
cleared the proposal of Kaushal Ferro healthcare, education, drinking water
Manganese for establishment of a re-rolling facilities along with electricity and roads as
mill with a production capacity of 2 lakh promised by the company had also not
tonnes at Padiabahal in Sundergarh district followed during all these years. “We had
with an investment of Rs 82 crore. The last given our lands hoping all-round
proposal, which got the nod, was submitted development of our area. But nothing has
by Bhubaneswar Power Limited to set up a happened,” said one of the villagers.
135MW power plant at Anantpur near
Athgarh in Cuttack district on joint venture
with Tata Steel and Jasper at an estimated Mine scam: HC notice to
cost of Rs 625 crore.
Centre, CBI
Hunger strike over unused The Times of India, 15 September,
The Telegraph Court has issued notices to the CBI, Centre
and state government on a petition seeking
Cuttack, Aug. 26: People of seven villages probe by the premier investigating agency
began a relay hunger strike at Kalinga Nagar into alleged multi-crore mining scams in the
over the 17-year delay in establishing of a state. Pratap Rout, a high court advocate, in
ferro- chrome plant by Misrilal Company. his writ on Monday appealed to the HC to
At least 65 acres of fertile agricultural land direct the Centre to institute a CBI probe
were acquired from 50 families for the into Keonjhar and other mining scams that
project.Backed by the local sarpanch, the have surfaced in recent days in Orissa.
villagers are demanding “setting up of the Adjudicating over the PIL, the bench of
ferro-chrome plant or return of lands acting Chief Justice I M Quddusi and Justice
acquired from them for the purpose”. “The Sanju Panda had issued notices to the CBI,
villagers have continued with the hunger Centre and state government to file their
strike over the past five days in a non- counters within four weeks. The case would
violent manner,” Kalinga Nagar police come up for next hearing after receiving the
station inspector-in-charge K.C. Mund said counter affidavits from the opposite parties,
today. At least 55 villagers had so far joined the bench ordered. Rout, in his petition,
the relay hunger strike at Baghabahali, 65km pointed out that since major mining in the
from here, the police said. The agitating country is in the Union list, Centre should
villagers are drawn from Badasudi, step into the alleged mining scam which has
Baghabahali, Hanumantapatana, Pankapala, rocked the state for the past few weeks.
Nimapalli and Ragadi. According to Pingal Earlier, Berhampur-based activist Subrat
sarpanch Bhabani Purty, nearly 67 acres of Chandra Tripathy, had, in a PIL, requested
cultivable agricultural land were acquired the HC to order a CBI probe into the
from around 50 families for a proposed Keonjhar mining scam, saying the ongoing
ferro-chrome plant by Misrilal Company in vigilance enquiry into the matter would not
1992. The government had also provided the reach a logical conclusion. Meanwhile,
company 655 acres at the Saruabali chromite industry-sponsored development work has
reserves in Sukinda Valley to meet the raw been badly affected in Keonjhar after the
material requirements. “While no plant has high court imposed a stay order on
come up so far, there has been no let-up in collection of peripheral development funds.

The peripheral development committee has
already held discussions on the future course BHUBANESWAR: With Orissa attracting
of action as per the court order. Among huge investments and with increasing
other things they discussed ways by which number of development projects, there is an
they can properly utilize the balance PDS immediate need for roping in cost and
fund of Rs 74 crores. More than Rs 150 management accountants (CMAs) in the
crores are yet to be deposited by different execution process. Calling for creation of a
companies. They also decided on giving special finance cadre in the State on the line
priority to all incomplete projects, on which of the Indian Costs and Accounts Service,
work has already begun or funds have been CMAs say they can contribute more for the
allotted. This was the first meeting held after development initiative. Many Centrally-
the court imposed the stay order on PDC aided projects are facing hurdles due to lack
activities. The meeting that was held on of matching grants. Even many are getting
Friday was attended by the Keonjhar MP, adverse comments due to the delay in
MLAs, zilla parishad presidents and issuing utilisation certificates (UCs). But a
members and other department officials. CMA can very well manage the situation by
Collector (Keonjhar) Debajani Chakraverty evading the `crisis situation’ suggesting
said, "We will ask the companies operating appropriate `funds swapping’ and `interest
in Keonjhar to adopt at least five backward saving options’ to facilitate the work.
villages within 50 km of their project site. Speaking to this paper, former president of
They will strive for the overall development Institute of Costs and Works Accountants of
of these villages." The committee decided to India (ICWAI) and member of Cuttack-
carry out development work in this way, due Bhubaneswar chapter, Prabhakar Mohanty
to the stay order on the government funds. said, `Expenditure monitoring mechanism’
The MLAs were asked to deposit project has become a major area of concern where
proposals within 15 days after consultation both the CMAs and chartered accountants
with the concerned area BDOs. The (CAs) can play a vital role so that the
companies will form periphery committees `mismatch’ arising out of `idle funds’ or
for the areas in which they are interested in `fiscal scarcity’ can be managed effectively.
spending the money. The local committees ``In fiscal matters many committees are
will inspect the ongoing project work and formed and consultants are engaged to file
spend the PDS fund to upgrade the reports, but none of them has experts from
healthcare, education, road transport, the professional institutes like ICWAI,’’ he
drinking water and irrigation facilities in the said adding this will definitely help in
district. From 2002-03 to 2006-07, the creating more revenue. ``With the help of
demand for the PDC fund was Rs 260, professionals, matching contributions for
26,51,510. Out of that, only Rs Centrally-aided projects can be arranged
153,28,29,516 have so far been deposited. from the open market by creating an
During this time, a total of Rs 73,59,27,052 infrastructure finance corporation which can
has been sanctioned for 976 projects. The accelerate the infrastructure development
PDS committee was formed under the process,’’ he said. Being one of the rich
Societies Registration Act during 2003-04 sources of mineral wealth, Orissa has a bad
and the funds are to the collected under record for peripheral development activities
decision of ministry of industry. and people still live in poor and unhealthy
conditions around industrial areas. Creation
‘Rope in CMAs in execution of a peripheral development authority
managed completely by professionals can
of projects’ bring in rapid change; he said adding even
industries allege that despite depositing
Express News Service, 15 September, funds with the district administration, there
2009 is lack of infrastructure development in the

areas concerned. As the cost and time iron ore and coal, but more and more sponge
overrun factors are bane of major projects, iron units are managing their shows by
their timely completion can also be ensured lifting ore from unauthorised sources,
by involving CMAs and CAs in the thereby promoting illegal mining, said an
decision-making process and the State expert.
Government must seek the help of the
central body of ICWAI to find out a way out Kalinga Nagar PR bats for
in this regard, he suggested.
Tata project
OMC cancels ore linkage to PNS, 16 September, 2009
erring sponge iron units
The elected panchayat of the Kalinga Nagar
PNS, 16 September, 2009
region has approached the Visthapan
Virodhi Janmanch (VVJM) for talks with
It’s a peculiar situation. On the one h and, the Jajpur district administration. They have
many sponge iron plants are demanding a sought the VVJM’s cooperation for bringing
long-term agreement with the State-run peace and industrialisation. The elected
Orissa Mining Corporation (OMC) for sale representatives like Zilla Parishad and
of iron ore and the Orissa Sponge Iron Panchayat Samiti members and Sarpanches
Manufacturers’ Association (OSIMA) has have appealed the VVJM and written a letter
time and again sought the intervention of the to the tribal organisation to extend its
State Government to meet the shortage of cooperation to the district administration for
iron ore and demanded for a long-term establishing Tata Steel’s project in Kalinga
contract with the OMC. On the other hand, Nagar. In the recent past, the PR members
most of the sponge iron plants having had paid a visit to the Tata Rehab Colonies
contracted to take iron ore from the OMC at Sansailao, Danagadi and Gobarghati and
are just not lifting the raw material. This has expressed their satisfaction over the lifestyle
come to notice of the OMC Board. At least and other means provided by the company
28 sponge iron units have not lifted the for education, skill development and other
stocks for the last two years. Then, the amenities.
question arises as how these sponge iron
units are running the show. “They have not NSS begins publicity
lifted a single ounce of iron ore in 2007 and campaign against mining
2008,” revealed an internal report. So, these
plants are lifting their raw materials from
illegal and unauthorised sources, felt the The Hindu, 16 September, 2009
members of the OMC Board. While other
sponge iron plants are asking for ore, the BERHAMPUR: The ‘Niyamgiri Surakhya
OMC is not in a position to provide it to Samity (NSS)’ has started publicity
them as it is tied up with these plants. campaign for a major mass movement in
Taking this situation into consideration, the remote areas of Rayagada and Kalahandi
OMC has decided to snap ties with all these districts against the mining by Vedanta
28 sponge iron plants, said sources in the Alumina Limited (VAL). The NSS is
OMC. “They will not be allowed to lift iron planning to hold a large anti-Vedanta rally at
ore from the OMC in future,” said an Muniguda in Rayagada district on October
official. More than 100 sponge iron units are 5. A week-long ‘padayatra’ in areas to be
operating in the State. The OSIMA has affected by the bauxite mining by the
always complained that they are struggling company would precede it. According to the
because of shortage of raw materials like action committee member of the NSS, Rabi
Kumbhruka they have already started the

efforts to garner support for the rally and PNS, Cuttack, 16 September, 2009
‘padayatra’. It is mostly being done through
interpersonal communication. Mr.
Kumbhurka informed that a meeting was The Orissa High Court on Tuesday issued
held at Sakata village of Muniguda block on notices to the CBI, Centre and State
September 12 to chalk out the plans in detail Government on a petition seeking probe by
of this campaign. This meeting was also the premier investigating agency into
attended by the former MLA of Bisamkatak, alleged multi-crore mining scams in the
Sarangdhar Kadraka, who has decided to State. Pratap Rout, advocate of the High
help this anti-Vedanta movement in the area. Court, in his writ on Monday appealed to the
The CPI (ML New Democracy) has also HC to direct the Centre to institute a CBI
extended its support to the movement. The probe into Keonjhar and other mining scams
‘padayatra’ would start from Idurupa village which have surfaced in recent days in
of Lanjigarh block in Kalahandi district on Orissa. Adjudicating over the PIL on
September 29. It would conclude at Sakata Tuesday, the bench of Acting Chief Justice
village on October 5. The protestors who IM Quddusi and Justice Sanju Panda has
would have gathered up at Sakata would issued notices to the CBI, Centre and State
march to Muniguda for the large rally. Mr. Government to file their replies within four
Kumbhurka said their main aim is to make weeks. The case would come up for hearing
people and government alert about the after receiving the counter affidavits from
illegal mining by the VAL in Niyamgiri the opposite parties, the bench said. Rout in
hills, which would affect the life and his petition has pointed out that since major
livelihood of people of the area. They have mining in the country is in the Union list,
chosen Muniguda as their site of agitation as Centre should step into the alleged mining
it is a major base for the company. Bhala scam which has rocked the State for the past
Chandra Sarangi, the spokesperson of the few weeks. Earlier, a Berhampur-based
CPI (ML New Democracy) said “People activist, Subrat Chandra Tripathy, in a PIL
should know how the VAL had started had requested the HC to order a CBI probe
mining in the Niyamgiri hills without proper into Keonjhar mining scam, saying the
environmental clearance”. The VAL is ongoing vigilance enquiry into the matter
setting up an alumina refinery in Orissa at an would not reach a logical conclusion.
estimated investment of over Rs. 4,000
crore. The construction of refinery unit is Nalco in talks to set up nuke
complete. It is to depend on ores mined from
Niyamgiri region. But the mining has been power plant
delayed due to court cases and protest by
Express News Service, 16 September,
green activists. It faces stiff opposition of
the locals of around 104 tribal villages to be
affected by this controversial mining project
KORAPUT: Nalco has begun exploratory
who have formed the NSS. The affected
talks to establish a nuclear power plant with
persons include more than 7,987 primitive
the support of Nuclear Power Corporation of
Dongria Kondh and Jharania Kondh tribals
India Limited (NPCIL) in Ganjam district.
of the region. Green activists also allege that
Nalco CMD Chittaranjan Pradhan said this
mining in the area would affect the water
while addressing the media at Damanjodi
flow in the major rivers of south Orissa that
here yesterday. Pradhan also said a power
emerge from the Niyamgiri region.
plant is coming up at Jharsuguda. Moreover,
a smelter plant in Iran is also in the pipeline.
HC notices to CBI, Centre, Besides, there is a proposal to set up a coal-
State on mining scam plea based power plant in Indonesia.
Commitment and joint efforts of

administration, people and Nalco authorities Singhdeo told mediapersons that 11 of the
could bring about development and make 50 ESI dispensaries had been closed due to
people self-reliant in the periphery villages shut down of industries. However,
of company’s Damanjodi project, he said. proposals have been submitted for
He expressed concern that people residing in establishment of ESI dispensaries at new
periphery villages are still living in pitiable industrial hubs. The possible locations
conditions and the health services are not up identified for the new dispensaries are
to the mark despite the project completing Kanhia, Lapanga or Badamal, Damanjodi,
25 years. He said Nalco has requested Lanjigarh and Khuntuni. These places are
district administration to identify a land for going to have either thermal power stations,
construction of a 25-bed hospital within 20 steel or aluminium projects. The Minister
km radius of the project. He said machinery said the Centre had approved Rs 62 crore for
of the company has been upgraded to match upgradation of the ESI hospital in the city
the best in the industry, but the input cost while renovation of Choudwar hospital has
remains high with 21 per cent of the total been taken up at an estimated cost of Rs 68
cost going towards human resource crore. The State Government had already
management. There is a need to produce provided 25 acres of land for the proposed
greater results with minimum inputs medical college and hospital to be set up by
especially at a time when the entire industry, the ESI Corporation. The corporation had
mainly the aluminum sector, is facing hard requested for another 15 acres for future
days due to recession. He said the company expansion of the medical college and the
is planning to go for massive expansion both Government has given its assurance.
in the country and abroad by maximum Presently, over 1.48 lakh persons are
utilisation of its human resource. High grade insured under ESI scheme and over 5.56
bauxite reserve of Pottangi mines would lakh people are provided medical facilities
support the third phase expansion while the by the ESIC. The State has submitted a
process for obtaining the mines is in the last proposal to the ESI Corporation to extend
stage. Deals are in the final stage for the medical benefit to another 2.04 lakh
acquiring mining areas at Gudem and people working in industrial areas. The
K.R.Konda mining sites at Chintapalli in Labour and Employment Department
Visakhapatnam district and some other proposal to fill up 16 assistant labour officer,
places near Godavari region in the nine regional labour inspector, five junior
neighboring Andhra Pradesh, he said. Nalco stenographer posts was approved by the
Mines and Refinery Complex executive Finance Minister. The Minister said
director P.K.Mahapatra and general manger financial concurrence has been obtained for
(H&A) R.P. Swain were present. use of hired vehicles by the district labour
officers (DLOs) who are not provided with
ESI dispensaries in new official vehicles. The Finance Minister also
approved the department proposal for
industrial hubs construction of buildings for district labour
office and assistant labour office which are
Express News Service, 22 September, operating from rented buildings. Presently,
2009 24 assistant labour offices and district labour
offices are functioning in rented buildings.
The Government has submitted a proposal to
the Centre for opening six dispensaries
under the Employees State Insurance (ESI)
scheme. After a meeting with Finance SCB still struggles to
Minister Prafulla Ghadei on several issues improve situation
having financial implications, Minister of
State for labour and Employment Puspendra

Express News Service, 22 September, guards, they are an open invitation for
2009 unscrupulous elements to come into play.
Hospital Superintendent Prof DN Moharana
CUTTACK: Open and uninhibited today admitted the shortcomings and
collection of hazardous medical waste claimed that steps were being taken to
material from the disposal unit of the SCB correct the anomalies. The process for
Medical College and Hospital among all increasing the strength of security staff from
other concerns has exposed the rot seeping the present 50-odd to over 100 had started
through the premier health institution of the and new deployments would be made within
State. Though among the first hospitals of the next fortnight. Measures would also be
Orissa to have implemented the Biomedical taken to ensure proper segregation of
Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, biomedical waste at source and then dealt
1998, to adopt best practices in medical with the waste immediately and
waste disposal in the early years of this appropriately, he said.
decade, it is still struggling to effect any
significant improvement in the situation.
Industrial pollution takes a
Lack of proper handling of biomedical waste
as per their categories stipulated under the heavy toll
law from the point of origin has led to a
complete failure of the system. Waste is not Express News Service, 22 September,
segregated and put in the coloured bags and 2009
bins as per their category, thanks to the
deeprunning apathy among the workforce. SAMBALPUR: Not much has changed for
According to the Rules, human anatomical the people of Kaliapada, situated opposite
waste like body parts and organs, Shyam DRI Private Limited. Located in
microbiology waste, blood, fluid and items Pondloi village along the State Highway 10
contaminated with blood and body fluids in Rengali block, the company is on an
including cottons, dressings, plasters, etc. expansion mode but will it deliver what the
should be collected in yellow bags and 40-odd tribal families inhabiting the village
incinerated or disposed of under deep burial have been looking for? No, at least this is
system. Waste sharps like needles, scalpels, what the villagers strongly feel. They feel
blades, glass along with other solid waste cursed and their fate sealed with no end to
like tubes, catheters, intravenous sets should
their sufferings as class and caste hierarchy
be put in blue or white punctureproof
push them into the darkness of life.
containers and either incinerated or
destroyed in autoclave or microwave. The Ironically, Kaliapada is the worst-hit among
sharp implements should first be mutilated the project-affected villages which includes
by shredders before disposal. But, nothing is Pondloi, Babuchakli, Nisanbhanga,
working, according to the rules, here it Charpada, Terchapada, Chatnapada and
seems. After the administration of injections Gurupali. Their woes are innumerable with
or drips, the used needles can be seen none to show any concern. Emissions from
discarded at the bedsides. Sources said that the plant turn the cultivated crops black
despite regular training and sensitisation, the rendering it unfit for sale and consumption
fourth class staff including ward attendants while pollution has led to diseases. With
and sweepers, who collect waste from unemployment still a major problem for
wards, as well as paramedical staff like many, the villagers are also deprived of
nurses, who administer the injections, drips road, drinking water, electrification and
and medications, are disinclined to do the minimum wage for those working under
job properly. Thus, all waste gets mixed up
contractors in Shyam DRI. Their resentment
and dumped at an unsecured space without
was visible when a group of women, with

children in tow, called on the regional international firms to pump out fuel from the
officer of State Pollution Control Board ill-fated Mongolian vessel. Over 900 tonnes
(SPCB) here, Shitikantha Sahu, demanding of fuel still on board and Indian technology
road, electrification, drinking water, unavailable for taking the oil out,
minimum wages and employment international firms will have to be called in.
opportunities. The once rippling waters of There were tell-tale signs of oil reaching the
nearby beaches. Locals also feared a fire
Matuali joar (flowing stream) in Kaliapada
mishap though Orissa State Pollution
is now covered with a layer of black smoke
Control Board (OSPCB) as well as the port
particles. But Sahu expressed helplessness authorities said the apprehension is
as the issues need to be raised in the unfounded. It was the sight of dead fish and
Rehabilitation and Periphery Development crabs and thick layer of black sand along the
Advisory Committee (RPDAC). coast that raised concern and fear of the
Maintaining that they cannot raise their worst. A two-member team of OSPCB, led
voice in the presence of higher caste by scientist Dillip Kumar Behera, collected
villagers and the landlord, Jayanti Oram said the samples on Tuesday. The slack point of
although they attend RPDAC meeting they the vessel was high and there is little chance
fear to speak up. Similar sentiments were of fire mishap, Behera said. As the concern
echoed by Rajshree Oram who confided that grew, PPT decided to float a tender. ``As a
since they eke out a living working for the medium-term measure, we have decided that
higher caste villagers from neighbouring the fuel must be pumped out of the ship.
villages they are forced to suffer silently. To International technology is available for
this,’’ Deputy Chairman of PPT Biplab
make things worse, whatever little periphery
Kumar told this paper. The firm will be
development work is being undertaken, is
given 45 days to pump out oil, which is a
being executed in the other project-affected tedious task and would require time. Kumar
villages which are much less affected said the vessel is under surveillance and
compared to Kaliapada. Meanwhile, Sahu there has been no sign of a spillage yet near
has taken up the issues with Shyam DRI Black Rose. Also, no floating oil mass has
management and work on the village pond -- been found. Whatever has been found along
which had turned black due to emission -- is the coast could be small quantity of lube oil
being cleaned and embankment being from engine, he said. The port has decided
strengthened. The company has also been to hire experts who have underwater
requested to construct an overhead tank for technology to plug such leakage. ``Indian
supply of drinking water and redress the firms have expertise and we will locate them
grievances of the villagers. Efforts will also at the shortest time possible’’, Kumar said.
be made to develop Kaliapada as a ‘model The PPT has already sought help from
project-affected village’, he added. Maritime Port Authority of Singapore and
Indonesia to avert any disaster after mv
Black Rose sank off the Paradip coast on
Eco disaster: Can it be September 9. Tilted dangerously, the
averted? abandoned vessel is partially floating.

Express News Service, 23 September, Govt to set milestones for 13

2009 mega projects
concern over oil spillage from the sunken Express News Service, 23 September,
Black Rose grew, the port authorities on 2009
Tuesday decided to seek expertise of

BHUBANESWAR: The State Government Patnaik in this connection. However, there is
has decided to set milestones for each of the no solution to the problem faced by
13 mega projects for their timely company.
completion. Though memoranda for
understanding (MoUs) were signed for the ‘Manganese ore in enemy
establishment of these projects at different
times, there has been no progress in many hands’
cases. Steel and Mines Minister Raghunath
Mohanty, who reviewed the progress of the Express News Service, 23 September,
mega projects, told this paper that based on 2009
the milestones, stock taking will be done
again after six months. The Minister said BHUBANESWAR: Upping the ante against
that the companies, which signed the MoUs the State Government over the multi-crore
for the projects, have been asked to mining scam, president of the Orissa
accelerate the pace of execution of their Pradesh Congress Committee (OPCC) KP
projects. He, however, maintained that the Singhdeo has written to Prime Minister
State Government wants all the 13 mega Manmohan Singh and Union Home Minister
projects to come up. Asked whether the P Chidambaram demanding a probe by the
State Government has threatened to cancel National Investigation Agency (NIA) into
the MoUs if the projects did not progress in the matter. Addressing a news conference
a satisfactory manner, the Minister said that here today, Singhdeo said that manganese
no such decision has been taken as yet. The ore illegally mined and transported from the
State Government now only wants to State has landed in the hands of enemies and
monitor the implementation of the projects this should be probed by the NIA. It is a
and asked the companies to accelerate the strategic matter, Singhdeo said, adding that
pace, he said. The Minister said that the illegal mining from Keonjhar is only the tip
progress of the projects will definitely be of the iceberg. The OPCC president said that
taken into account in the next review officials from the Indian Bureau of Mines
meeting. He said that no company wants to (IBM) had come to the State to probe the
withdraw from the projects proposed to be matter after the issue was taken up with the
set up in the State. However, despite the Centre and it has found largescale
optimism of the Minister, all the projects irregularities. Stating that Congress has all
have fallen far behind their schedule except along raised the issue in the Assembly and
one. With the locals again organising outside, Singhdeo said that it was Congress
themselves to oppose the Posco project, it MLAs who raised the issue in the Assembly.
seems that there is little chance of any Former Union minister and Kalahandi MP
progress if a settlement is not reached soon. Bhakta Charan Das also raised the issue at
The State Government has so far not the national level, he said. The OPCC
evolved a method to assuage the feelings of president had yesterday written to Union
the locals and progress with the land Minister for Mines BK Handique
acquisition needed for the mega projects. demanding a probe by the NIA into the
The review meeting revealed that only one matter. But what has surprised political
third of the land proposed to be utilised for observers here is that despite repeated
the mega projects has been acquired. The demands from the State Congress leaders,
progress has been so slow that several the Centre has so far not acted tough on the
companies have given up hope for any early State Government. After repeated demands,
settlement of the dispute. Already two years a team from the IBM was despatched to the
behind schedule, it seems that Posco is in a State to inquire into the matter. Sources,
hurry to launch the project. Two high-level however, maintained that the IBM does not
delegations of officials from the company have jurisdiction over such matters.
have already met Chief Minister Naveen Secretary of the All India Congress

Committee (AICC) Harendra Mirdha, who Influential Biju Janata Dal leader and party
is here to assess the progress of membership Rajya Sabha member Pyari Mohan
drive of the party, blamed the State Mohapatra said not a single family in Orissa
Government for its lack of commitment to was rehabilitated to its satisfaction since
implement the welfare measures launched 1948. Stating that providing jobs to
by the Centre. Mirdha said that the Centre displaced families was not a sustainable
has provided sufficient funds in the health, rehabilitation, Mr. Mohapatra said
education and infrastructure sectors. But the companies should try to develop livelihood
State Government has failed to utilise the of people residing in their project area. State
funds, he said. The Congress leaders also Agriculture Minister Damdor Rout said
criticised the State Government for the arrest there had been no proper evaluation if
of Lakshman Choudhury, a journalist of benefit of industrialization had really
Parlakhemundi, on the grounds of his having reached people. There was big gap in
links with the Naxalites. provisions and implementation, he said.

Industry told to include R&R Orissa exposed to e-wastes

as major investment segment
PNS, 23 September, 2009
The Hindu, 23 September, 2009
Electronic wastes, known as e-wastes, are
BHUBANESWAR: National consultant on turning out to be dangerously hazardous for
Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) S. the people of the State. While Government
M. Jaamdar here on Tuesday asked officials are busy tackling the solid and
industrial houses to include rehabilitation of medical wastes, they seem to have coolly
families being displaced by their projects as forgotten e-waste. e-wastes consist of
one major segment of their total investment. discarded old computers, mobile phones,
Speaking at a workshop on “Rehabilitation televisions, refrigerators, radios, basically
and Resettlement” organised by Orissa any electrical or electronic appliance that
chapter of Confederation of Indian has reached its end of life. Orissa generates
Industries (CII), Mr. Jaamdar pointed out more than 1,000 tonnes of e-wastes
that expenditure made by companies on annually, say experts. But no proper study
R&R was not even one per cent of their total has been taken up till date, they admit. e-
project cost. He said Corporate Social wastes are mostly generated in the State’s
Responsibility (CSR) cannot be substituted large towns like Bhubaneswar, Cuttack,
by R&R. “CSR is voluntary. It is meant for Berhampur, Sambalpur and Rourkela. The
general welfare of people. But R&R is State Secretariat has turned out to be a
mandatory which directly benefits people. dumping ground for e-wastes as officials
Companies should make higher allocation of store these hazardous materials without
funds on R&R,” Mr. Jaamdar said. When a disposing them off. While experts in the
national policy on R&R became a law, it Orissa State Pollution Control Board
would bring about a perceptible change in (OSPCB) are burning midnight oil to control
rehabilitation of displaced families, he said. hazardous substances from solid wastes and
The national consultant of UNDP hailed medical wastes, they are yet to take note of
R&R policy formulated by Orissa saying it these e-wastes. The Department of
was comprehensive, integrated and Information Technology (DoIT) is also not
progressive. Most of the provisions of bothered about the problem, feel experts.
Orissa policy were incorporated in the While e-wastes contain both valuable
national policy, he said. Mr. Jaamdar was materials such as gold, palladium, silver and
not the only one who was critical of copper, they also have harmful substances
handling of R&R issues by companies. like lead, cadmium and mercury. In the

absence of suitable techniques and illegal mining activities. The multi-crore
protective measures, recycling of e-wastes mining scam has rocked the state and the
can result in toxic emissions to the air, water ministry had been moved to intervene. It had
and soil and pose a serious health and asked a team of Indian Bureau of Mines to
environmental hazard, warn experts. Rag ascertain facts and the team did confirm
pickers and wastes dealers find it easy to illegal mining activity in Orissa. Meanwhile,
adapt to the new waste streams, resulting in vigilance sleuths searched the house of Mr
a large number of new businesses focusing SM Dasmahapatra at Cuttack today in
on the reuse of components or extraction of connection with another mining case
secondary raw materials. So far, e-waste registered earlier.;sns
recycling system is purely market-driven.
Some of the recycling processes are Legal action to be taken
extremely harmful and have negative impact
on the workers' health and the environment. against vessel owner; Orissa
There are no rules for e-waste management, Pollution board conformed
and some time the wastes are burnt on the Oil spill
roadside. Experts say the burning of printed
wiring boards showed alarming
concentration of dioxins in the surrounding
The Orissa Diary, 24 September, 2009
areas, where open burning was practised.
These toxins cause an increased risk of
cancer if inhaled by workers and local Union Minister for Chemical and Fertilizers
residents or by entering the food chain via Mr Srikant Jena has directed the Paradip
crops from the surrounding fields. Port Trust authority to be high alert to tackle
any kind of pollution due to oil spill from
sunken vessel 'Black Rose' on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, PPT has urged near the minister
Five more framed in mining to take steps for giving permission from
scam central government to take legal action
against the vessel owner and its company
The Statesman manager. Mr Jena visited Paradip and
interacted with port officials for the
BHUBANESWAR, 23 SEPT.: The state development of Paradip port and also
vigilance today instituted cases against three reviewed port activities. PPT chairman Mr
more officers of the mines department and K.Raghuramiha also highlighted the
two others in connection with illegal mining performance of port activities and informed
and the trading of iron ore in Mayurbhanj about the steps being taken to check oil spill
district. Official sources said the cases were from sunken vessel.PPT has sought the
registered against the deputy director of intervention of the national and intentional
mines, Mr Baripada LM Soren, inspector of experts to retrieve oil from sunken vessel.
mines Mr PC Sahu and mining officer Mr Union Minister Mr Jena has directed port
BK Sahu. The lease holder Mr BK Das and officials to be watchful for leakage of oil
owner of Jai Jagannath Movers who was from sunken vessel to avoid marine
operating the mines Mr PK Das. Preliminary environment so far. Later, Jena visited
investigations revealed that they had IIFFCO plant and interacted IFFCO officials
indulged in illegal mining and transport on Wednesday. Meanwhile, PPT has sought
causing a loss of over Rs 10 crore to the the intervention to obtain permission from
state. The ore was being sent to sponge iron central government to take legal action
units in West Bengal and other states. The against vessel owner and its company
mines ministry has sought a detailed report manger. On the other hand ,the fishermen
from the state government on the alleged communities and residents of Paradip has

got sigh of relief after the reduction of oil get electricity. According to National Hydro
spill from sinking vessel 'Black Rose' in last Power Corporation (NHPC) sources, more
24 hours. Panic gripped last two days due to than 200 villages in Gajapati, Ganjam,
oil spill from sunken vessel. Locals and Nayagarh and Angul districts of the State
fishermen have already felt the impact of the are proposed to be electrified through
oil leakage in form of dead fishes and crabs alternative power sources. The NHPC is
dotting the Paradip shore. They also find a entrusted with the rural electrification work
thick layer of greasy black dusts on the in six districts , including Ganjam and
beach. Later, the officials of Orissa State Gajapati districts of south Orissa under the
Pollution Control Board rushed to the spot Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana
and visited the spot to ascertain the cause of (RGGVY). About 100 remote villages in
oil spill from vessel. Meanwhile, the leakage Gajapati district and 35 villages in Ganjam
of oil from sinking vessel has been reduced district are being planned to be electrified by
so there is no sign of oil near the proximity unconventional power sources. Similar
of sinking vessel. Similarly, the percentage efforts would be taken up in 35 remote
of oil flow on sea surface has been reduced villages of Nayagarh district and 33 villages
in last 24 hours. Even dying of sea fishes, of Angul district. Remoteness of these
crabs, marine species have not sighted on villages makes electrification through
seashore at Paradip on Wednsady bringing conventional power source a costly and
sigh of relief among the fishermen tough task. Most of these villages are
communities, environmentalists and located in dense and inaccessible areas. Due
residents of Paradip. Senior scientist Mr to technical difficulties these villages could
Dillip Kumar Behera of OSPCB has not be taken up for electrification under the
expressed that oil spill from sunken vessel RGGVY. According to sources the selected
has been confirmed but the oil spill is low so 203 villages would be electrified under the
marine pollution has yet witnessed. He also Central government sponsored Remote
warned that large scale oil spill from this Village Electrification Programme (RVEP)
sunken vessel can not be ruled out so by the Orissa Renewable Energy
OSPCB has directed the Paradip Port Trust Development Agency (OREDA). It was
authority and Indian Coast Guard to take decided at a high level meeting on rural
precautionary measures to check electrification held in Bhubaneswar recently.
environmental and marine pollution . It is It may be noted that complete rural
learnt that sunken vessel has 23 , 847 metric electrification of Ganjam, Gajapati,
tones of iron ore cargo (fines) , 924 tone Nayagarh and Angul districts under
furnace oil , 50 tone diesel and 40 tone RGGVY was targeted to be over by
grease which have posed threat both human September 30. In Orissa rural electrification
being and marine spices due to oil spill. work is on in 26 districts under the RGGVY.
Electrification of several extreme remote
Renewable energy to be used low populated villages and hamlets are
being taken up under the Biju Gramin Jyoti
in remote villages Yojana of the State government. The
government selected 1,786 villages in the
The Hindu, 29 September, 2009 State where provision of power through
conventional method would not be possible.
BERHAMPUR: Thanks to alternative These villages are to be electrified by
sources of power some of the most remote renewable energy sources in a phased
villages in the State would now be able to manner.


M/S Crackers Expansion of existing
India (Alloys) sponge iron plant of
Ltd., Village- 60,000 TPA to 29.09.09
1 26.08.09 village, 13593/IND-11-PH-272
Gobardhanpurp Integrated Steel Plant of ( 10.30a.m )
ur, Dist- 1.0 MTPA and WHRB
Keonjhar of 54 MW

N.B- Earlier this public hearing was scheduled to be held on 06.03.09 but due to
certain unavoidable reasons it could not be conducted.




Project Details Received on Approved on

Project No: J-
Project Name:
Expansion Proposal of
Unchabali Iron & 25.05.09 23.07.09
Manganese Ore Mines
District: Keonjhar
Village: Unchabali
Company: M/s Smt.
Indrani Patnaik

(Source- Ministry of Environment & Forest’s website )



Project Details Received on Approved on

Project No: J-
IA.II(I) Project Name:
Expansion Proposal of
Unchabali Iron &
25.05.09 23.07.09
Manganese Ore Mines
District: Keonjhar
Village: Unchabali
Company: M/s Smt.
Indrani Patnaik




No project cleared in last three months in this category


File Number: 5-ORC074/2008-BHU
Area: 33.722 ha
Description:DIVERSION OF 33.722 HA OF
District: Angul


File Number: ORC092/2009-BHU
Area: 34.826 ha
Description: DIVERSION OF 34.876 HA Joint field inspection
OF FOREST LAND IN IN VILLAGE to be carried out by
District: Keonjhar


No record found

(Source- Ministry of Environment & Forest’s website )

Environmental Protection Group, Orissa

Environment Protection Group, Orissa, is an informal forum, where a number of

individuals with rich experience and expertise in different fields have joined
together with an aim to safeguard the state’s rich biological diversity, its people, its
economy and diverse culture of various ethnic groups, especially tribals, from the
clutches of existing ‘development paradigm based on extractive mining and
During various informal discussions a felt need for and interactions with many
groups/forums/individuals it was felt need of proper, authenticate information at
right time. Keeping this, EPG, Orissa has decided to bring an update on Mining at a
regular interval. This is the first Step towards strengthening of the voices of


™ The news items which are reproduced in this e-magazine were published
in Bhubaneswar/ Calcutta editions of various newspapers during the
period August-September, 2009.

™ Information on Environmental Clearances, Pending Projects and

Rejected Projects etc. have been downloaded from the web site of MoEF,
Govt. of India.

™ EPGORISSA has tried its level best to place the information as published
in the newspapers and websites.

™ For any legal matters or for other purposes please collect the original
news items and MoEF orders.

™ This magazine is only for private circulation.

EPG ORISSA is not liable for any legal proceedings.


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