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For the

Maths National

Introduce the right words at the right time
to ensure progress in primary maths

Indispensable checklists
for each year group

Guidance on the
importance of
spoken language
Organised to support
the raised expectations
of the 2014 Programme
of Study

eBook for use on any device

Rising Stars has worked with leading primary mathematics experts to bring schools the resources
they need to deliver the new National Curriculum programme of study for primary mathematics. Take
a look at our new and published resources to find out more about how Rising Stars can help raise
achievement in your school.Maths resources to cover every area of need
Click on a cover to find out more
Lower Higher Embedding learning & CPD online
Planning Teaching & Learning Assessment
attainers attainers homework courses

Primary Fluency with Problem Picture Maths Maths for Skills Builders Mathematics Mental Assessment Essential
Mathematics Fractions Solving and the More Able Times Tables Progress Tests Maths Tasks CPD
Planning Framework Reasoning


Primary Fluency with Problem Picture Maths Maths for Learn, Skills Builders Mathematics Mental Assessment Essential
Mathematics Fractions Solving and the More Able Practise and Fractions, Progress Tests Maths Tasks CPD
Planning Framework Reasoning Decimals,
Revise Percentages

LowEr KS2

Primary Fluency with Problem Picture Maths Maths for Learn, Skills Builders Mathematics Mental Assessment Essential
Mathematics Fractions Solving and the More Able Practise and Fractions, Progress Tests Maths Tasks CPD
Reasoning Decimals,
Planning Framework Revise Percentages


Visit the Rising Stars website to download our

Maths Catalogue and find out more about how our
maths resources will suit your needs.

Supporting schools through
curriculum change
• Medium-term planning framework • Mental Maths
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The Head Teacher
The Maths Co-ordinator
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Letter from Rising Stars 3

Introduction 4

Mathematical Vocabulary Checklists 9

Early Years Foundation Stage 10

Year 1 13

Year 2 17

Year 3 22

Year 4 27

Year 5 33

Year 6 39

Rising Stars Maths resources 45

March 2014

Dear Maths Colleague,

With teaching of the 2014 National Curriculum due to begin in only six months’ time, we know
how busy you are planning how to implement the new primary mathematics programme of study
in your school. As you know, one of the key messages across the curriculum is how important
spoken language is in helping children to develop and make progress. Teachers have told us
that checklists of mathematical vocabulary for each year level are a useful tool to ensure that the
right language is introduced at the right time. Here at Rising Stars we are dedicated to providing
resources to support you in every way we can, so that is exactly what you will find in this book!
Written by primary maths expert and NCETM Coordinator, Caroline Clissold, you can be sure
that the word lists match the expectations of the new curriculum perfectly.

Alongside developing this book of Mathematical Vocabulary, we have also been working
hard with our partner schools and curriculum specialists to produce a range of flexible maths
resources. These are specifically designed for the 2014 curriculum, to give you the confidence
to deliver the new mathematics programme of study with ease.

Whether you are looking for resources to help inform your medium-term planning, embed
problem-solving, develop reasoning and mental calculation skills, improve teaching of tricky
topics such as calculating with fractions, or are looking for help in assessing progress effectively
in a world without levels, we hope you will find the resources to suit your individual school’s
needs at Rising Stars.

We hope you find this Mathematical Vocabulary book useful and if you would like to find out
more about any of the other Rising Stars Maths resources, please don’t hesitate to contact our
dedicated customer services team on 0800 091 1602.

With very best wishes,

Andrea Carr
Managing Director
Rising Stars

You can now find fun maths challenges for your class at
Did you
know? Have a go at this month’s mathematics challenge,
written by our maths expert Caroline Clissold!


The importance of spoken language

“The national curriculum for mathematics reflects the importance of spoken language
in pupils’ development across the whole curriculum – cognitively, socially and
linguistically. The quality and variety of language that pupils hear and speak are key
factors in developing their mathematical vocabulary and presenting a mathematical
justification, argument or proof. They must be assisted in making their thinking clear
to themselves as well as others, and teachers should ensure that pupils build secure
foundations by using discussion to probe and remedy their misconceptions.”
National Curriculum in England, Department for Education, 2013

Using correct mathematical language The productive use of spoken language in

is crucial for thinking, learning and mathematics allows children to evaluate
communicating mathematically. Children their learning, support others’ suggestions,
may build knowledge through remembering challenge ideas, reason or justify and ask
information that they hear, but it is only when questions. Therefore, it is important to
they put these ideas into their own words encourage children not just to learn and
that it becomes clear whether concepts have remember the correct vocabulary, but also to
been learned effectively. It is in listening use these words regularly to communicate
to children talking about mathematics that mathematically. This will play a vital role
we, as teachers, can best assess what they in enabling children to develop their
are actually learning and understanding. mathematical thinking, as appropriate use
This enables us to identify and address any of mathematical language is essential for
misconceptions that might be developing. developing an argument or proof.

We need to encourage children to explain Using mathematical vocabulary can help

what they are doing and why they are doing all children to make links across areas of
it. We must offer them opportunities to mathematics, across the curriculum as a
use mathematical language frequently, for whole and also within real-life situations.
example by participating in paired activities, It can especially support lower attainers,
group discussions and games as well as enabling them to build confidence,
other dialogues. This will help children to communicate and problem solve, so should
learn new vocabulary, to use words they be an integral part of every mathematics
already know more accurately, and to express lesson. Teachers need to plan the
new ideas and new thinking. introduction of new words into lessons
and provide opportunities for children to
Spoken language in mathematics can be rehearse and use them on a regular basis
thought of as a rehearsal for recording so that they begin to remember both the
as well as an outcome in its own right. It words themselves and their meanings. It
allows children to extend and develop their is also essential that other adults working
reasoning skills as they explain and justify with children use mathematical vocabulary
their thinking. It provides the opportunity to accurately and consistently.
review existing knowledge, to explore new
ideas and to extend their understanding.

4 Mathematical Vocabulary
Using mathematical vocabulary

“Approaches which explicitly aim to develop spoken vocabulary work best when
they are related to current content being studied in school and when they involve the
active use of the new vocabulary.”
The Education Endowment Foundation, 2014

Barriers to acquiring pairs of equal sides’, could lead to

children not recognising that a square is
mathematical vocabulary also a rectangle, or not understanding that
For children to participate effectively in a rectangle is also a type of parallelogram
mathematics lessons, they must acquire the and quadrilateral. A good definition
appropriate vocabulary to enable them to should be complete and concise, for
explain their thinking and make progress in example ‘a rectangle is a four-sided shape,
different areas of mathematical knowledge. all four of whose angles are right-angles’.
There are several potential barriers to this, It is important that teachers, teaching
which teachers should consider when using assistants and other adults are consistent
language in the mathematics lesson. in their use of mathematical language.

• Many words used in mathematics are

terms specific to the subject area which Introducing new
may rarely be encountered outside the
lesson, for example, multiple, factor, mathematical language
trapezium, denominator. It is important
Children should be introduced to the
to introduce these words explicitly first,
appropriate vocabulary at a time when
explaining their meanings clearly.
it is relevant and required. As teachers,
• Some words used in mathematics have sometimes we will expect children to
different meanings when used in an remember and begin to use particular terms.
everyday English context, for example, On other occasions, we may simply be
face, take away, match, odd, lots of, introducing words so that children can hear
product. It is important that children their sound and develop a knowledge that
explore all the meanings they know a mathematical term exists. For example,
for these words first, then focus on the when children in Year 1 learn about halves
mathematical definitions to understand how and quarters, to gain a real understanding of
the terms are used in a mathematical what these are they need to know what the
context. Using specific mathematical numbers that make them represent. It can
vocabulary, such as ‘multiplied by’ instead be useful to introduce the words numerator
of ‘lots of’ can help to avoid confusion. and denominator to describe the top and
bottom numbers of a fraction. At this stage
• Misconceptions can arise when it is not essential that children remember
mathematical vocabulary is used these words, but this modelling will help them
imprecisely. For example, imprecise and become familiar with the terms, gradually
ambiguous descriptions of a rectangle as beginning to use them accurately and with
‘a shape with four right angles and two understanding in later years.

Introduction 5
Once new mathematical language has been The checklists have been organised by year
introduced, children must be allowed to try group to provide relevant vocabulary for each
it out, misuse it, see when it works, and domain in the 2014 National Curriculum in
understand how it fits with what they already England: mathematics programme of study
know. In this way, they will eventually make it for key stages 1 and 2. Where appropriate,
their own. We therefore need to ensure that words have been further classified into
we give children opportunities to speak this specific areas. For example, the lists of
mathematical language within conversations words for the Measurement domain contain
rather than simply practising the words. words related to length, weight, capacity and
Teachers and other adults in the classroom volume, time, temperature and money, as
should be aware of potential misconceptions, well as general measurement vocabulary.
for example using the term capacity (rather
than volume) to describe the amount of liquid The book begins with the vocabulary that
inside a container instead of the amount a the children should be introduced to in the
container can hold. This type of inaccuracy Mathematics area of the Statutory Framework
should be corrected whenever terms are for the Early Years Foundation Stage. It
heard being misused. progresses through KS1 and KS2 to the
words that children would be expected to
The final stage of embedding understanding know and be able use in Year 6. The words
of new mathematical vocabulary is learning to listed for each year group include all the
read and write the words, ultimately spelling vocabulary from the previous year/s for
them correctly. Children should also be reference, with new words for that year
provided with opportunities to develop these highlighted in red from Year 1 onwards.
skills. Providing access to mathematical
dictionaries in the classroom and encouraging These lists will help teachers identify key
children to make use of them is especially language for a topic and integrate their use
helpful in securing their knowledge. Asking into lesson plans. They can then ensure that
children to label displays of their work, new vocabulary is introduced at the right
including writing captions on working walls, time and that familiar words continue to be
will also be useful, as is referring to the words consolidated. When working on a particular
in further sessions. topic it is helpful to display the appropriate
vocabulary in the classroom. In this way
children are reminded of the words that
they need to know and use. If space allows,
Using this book include symbols, diagrams and drawings to
illustrate the meanings of new words visually.
This book provides a series of checklists to Providing mathematical dictionaries near to
support teachers in identifying the words that the display will encourage children to look up
the children need to understand and use in any words they don’t know.
order to make good progress in mathematics. The checklists are suggestions of vocabulary
The book is for class teachers, support staff appropriate for each area of mathematics at
and any other adults in the classroom. It may each year level to ensure that children are
also be helpful to share lists of relevant key equipped with the language they need to
words with parents and carers on a regular make expected levels of progress. Though
basis to enable them to focus on certain comprehensive, the checklists are not
vocabulary at home to support learning. necessarily exhaustive and more words can
be added if you wish.

6 Mathematical Vocabulary
Vocabulary development Effective questionING
It is important to introduce children to the Whilst children may be able to remember
correct vocabulary at the appropriate time new terms, learning the meanings of words
and within a suitable context. It is often requires more than memorisation. To help
helpful to do this using relevant real-life children understand mathematical ideas
objects, mathematical manipulatives and and support them in using mathematical
visual representations such as pictures and terms correctly, it is vital to employ a variety
diagrams. All children need regular, planned of questioning techniques to promote good
opportunities to develop their mathematical dialogue in mathematics lessons.
vocabulary in order that they become familiar
with the language and are not confused by Open and closed questions
mathematical terms. They need to acquire
the words necessary for them to take part in As teachers, we should be asking a variety
lessons and activities, respond to questions of types of question. Effective questioning
correctly and carry out tasks successfully. will include both closed questions with a
Fun games and activities, such as the single correct answer (What sort of number
following example, can be a useful way to do you get when you add two odd numbers
rehearse words and their meanings regularly. together?) and open questions with a number
of possible answers to encourage children
to think more deeply (What sort of numbers
‘Just a minute’ word game do you get when you add three consecutive
numbers together?). Encouraging children
Choose a topic that the class is working on.
to explain their thinking and methods is also
Write up to 20 relevant mathematical words
vitally important. The answers given will
on separate pieces of card. Ensure that
provide teachers with useful assessment
familiar as well as new words are included.
opportunities and evidence of children’s
Create enough sets of cards for small groups
level of understanding. Follow-up questions
of children to use. Demonstrate what the
such as How do you know? or What makes
children need to do: say the meanings of
you think that? as well as Can you give me
the words on the cards. Ask the children to
another example? are essential to probe,
identify the word you are describing. How
develop and consolidate understanding.
many can they say correctly in one minute?
Planning open questions that have more than
Next, organise children into mixed-attaining
one answer or more than one route to arrive
groups and give each group a set of cards.
at an answer gives more children a chance
Choose the most confident child to begin
to respond. Open questions can also offer
describing the words on the cards as you
greater challenge and extension opportunities
previously demonstrated. After a minute,
for higher-attaining children, encouraging
the describer role passes to the next most
them to search for alternative, less obvious or
confident learner. Repeat until all the children
more general answers.
have taken a turn, finishing with the least
confident learner. The children can use or
adapt each other’s definitions or create Question types
descriptions of their own. For each turn, the
group should note how many words were Sometimes we may just want to ask
identified correctly. Does their score improve questions to check the recall of facts,
by the final turn? for example, What is 6 multiplied by 9?

Introduction 7
What is 23 + 27? Sometimes we may ask Useful question starters
questions that involve applying those facts,
for example, What are the factors of 42? When planning open questions, the following
What are some multiples of 8? The ability question stems and sentence starters can be
to recall and apply knowledge is key to helpful:
becoming fluent in the fundamentals of
mathematics. However, children should also • Explain why ...
be asked questions that require a higher
level of thinking. This is important to develop
• I wonder why ...
conceptual understanding, to encourage • How do you know ...?
children to follow lines of enquiry and justify • Does anyone know ...?
their reasoning, and to assist them in seeking
solutions to problems. • What will happen if ...?
• How will you know ...?
Questions that can help to develop more
complex thinking, include those which require
• How can we find out ...?
children to: • Can you describe ...?
• Convince me ...
• predict or hypothesise • Is there another way ...?
Roughly how much is 51 multiplied by 47?
Estimate the number of counters in the
• What makes you think that ...?

• represent mathematical ideas

How could you show that on a number
Can you represent the problem using

• apply mathematics to solve problems

How could we count these?
How could you test a number to see if it is
divisible by 6?

• make generalisations
What does that tell us about numbers that
have a 5 or 0 in the ones position?
What can we say about the total angles in
a quadrilateral?

• reason mathematically
I have 58p in my pocket, what coins could
they be?
Why is the product of two odd numbers
always odd?

8 Mathematical Vocabulary
Mathematical Vocabulary Checklists


NUMBER Estimating
Number and place value how many …?
Number estimate
zero nearly
number close to
one, two, three … to twenty and beyond about the same as
teens numbers, eleven, twelve … twenty just over, just under
none too many, too few
how many …? enough, not enough
count, count (up) to, count on (from, to),
count back (from, to) Addition and subtraction
count in ones, twos, fives, tens add, more, and
is the same as make, sum, total
more, less altogether
odd, even double
few one more, two more … ten more
pattern how many more to make …?
pair how many more is … than …?
how much more is …?
Place value take away
ones how many are left/left over?
tens how many have gone?
digit one less, two less, ten less …
the same number as, as many as how many fewer is … than …?
more, larger, bigger, greater how much less is …?
fewer, smaller, less difference between
fewest, smallest, least
most, biggest, largest, greatest Multiplication and division
one more, ten more sharing
one less, ten less doubling
compare halving
order number patterns
first, second, third… twentieth Fractions
last, last but one parts of a whole
before, after half
next quarter

10 Mathematical Vocabulary
measure time
size days of the week, Monday, Tuesday …
compare day, week
guess, estimate birthday, holiday
enough, not enough morning, afternoon, evening, night
too much, too little bedtime, dinner time, playtime
too many, too few today, yesterday, tomorrow
nearly, close to, about the same as before, after
next, last
just over, just under
now, soon, early, late
quick, quicker, quickest, quickly
slow, slower, slowest, slowly
old, older, oldest
length, height, width, depth
new, newer, newest
long, short, tall
takes longer, takes less time
high, low
hour, o’clock
wide, narrow
clock, watch, hands
thick, thin
longer, shorter, taller, higher … and so on
longest, shortest, tallest, highest … and so
on money
far, near, close coin
penny, pence, pound
Weight price, cost
weigh, weighs, balances buy, sell
heavy, light spend, spent
heavier than, lighter than pay
heaviest, lightest
Properties of shape
Capacity and volume shape, pattern
full flat
empty curved, straight
half full round
holds hollow, solid
container sort
make, build, draw

Vocabulary checklists 11
bigger, larger, smaller across
symmetrical next to, close, near, far
pattern, repeating pattern along
match through
to, from, towards, away from
2-D shape movement
corner, side slide
rectangle (including square) roll
circle turn
triangle stretch, bend
whole turn, half turn
3-D shape
face, edge, vertex, vertices STATISTICS
cube count, sort
pyramid group, set
sphere list

Position and direction
over, under
what could we try next?
above, below
how did you work it out?
top, bottom, side
on, in
outside, inside
in front, behind
front, back
beside, next to
middle, edge
left, right
up, down
forwards, backwards, sideways

12 Mathematical Vocabulary
NUMBER one less, ten less
equal to
Number and place value one more, ten more
Number one less, ten less
size R
first, second, third… twentieth 1
one, two, three … twenty
teens numbers, eleven, twelve … twenty last, last but one
twenty-one, twenty-two … one hundred before, after
none next
how many …? between
count, count (up) to, count on (from, to), half-way between
count back (from, to) above, below
backwards Estimating
count in ones, twos, fives, tens guess
equal to how many ...?
equivalent to estimate
is the same as nearly
more, less roughly
most, least close to
many about the same as
odd, even just over, just under
multiple of too many, too few
few enough, not enough
pair Addition and subtraction
Place value add, more, and
ones make, sum, total
tens altogether
digit double
the same number as, as many as near double
more, larger, bigger, greater half, halve
fewer, smaller, less one more, two more … ten more
fewest, smallest, least how many more to make …?
most, biggest, largest, greatest how many more is … than …?
one more, ten more how much more is …?

Vocabulary checklists 13
take away
Y measure
how many are left/left over?
E how many have gone?
A one less, two less, ten less …
R how many fewer is … than …?
guess, estimate
1 how much less is …?
enough, not enough
difference between
too much, too little
too many, too few
is the same as
nearly, close to, about the same as
number bonds/pairs
missing number
just over, just under

Multiplication and division Length

centimetre, metre
length, height, width, depth
multiplied by
long, short, tall
high, low
wide, narrow
thick, thin
longer, shorter, taller, higher … and so on
longest, shortest, tallest, highest … and so
doubling on
halving far, near, close
array ruler
number patterns metre stick

Fractions Weight
fraction kilogram, half kilogram
equal part weigh, weighs, balances
equal grouping heavy, light
equal sharing heavier than, lighter than
parts of a whole heaviest, lightest
half scales
one of two equal parts
one of four equal parts

14 Mathematical Vocabulary
Capacity and volume usually
litre, half litre once, twice
capacity hour, o’clock, half past, quarter past, Y
volume quarter to E
full clock, clock face, watch, hands A
empty hour hand, minute hand R
more than hours, minutes 1
less than
half full
quarter full
penny, pence, pound
price, cost
Time buy, sell
time spend, spent
days of the week, Monday, Tuesday … pay
months of the year (January, February ...) change
seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter dear, costs more
day, week, weekend, month, year cheap, costs less, cheaper
birthday, holiday costs the same as
morning, afternoon, evening, night how much …?
bedtime, dinner time, playtime how many …?
today, yesterday, tomorrow total
before, after
earlier, later GEOMETRY
next, first, last Properties of shape
midnight shape, pattern
date flat
now, soon, early, late curved, straight
quick, quicker, quickest, quickly round
slow, slower, slowest, slowly hollow, solid
old, older, oldest sort
new, newer, newest make, build, draw
takes longer, takes less time size
how long ago? bigger, larger, smaller
how long will it be to …? symmetry, symmetrical, symmetrical pattern
how long will it take to …? pattern, repeating pattern
how often? match
always, never, often, sometimes

Vocabulary checklists 15
2-D shape next to, close, near, far
corner, side along
Y point, pointed through
E rectangle (including square) to, from, towards, away from
A circle movement
R triangle slide
1 roll
3-D shape turn
face, edge, vertex, vertices stretch, bend
cube, cuboid whole turn, half turn, quarter turn,
pyramid three-quarter turn
cylinder count, sort, vote
group, set
Position and direction list, table
over, under, underneath GENERAL
above, below pattern
top, bottom, side puzzle
on, in problem, problem solving
outside, inside mental, mentally
around what could we try next?
in front, behind how did you work it out?
front, back explain your thinking
beside, next to recognise
opposite describe
apart draw
between compare
middle, edge sort
left, right
up, down
forwards, backwards, sideways

16 Mathematical Vocabulary
NUMBER Place value
Number and place value tens, hundreds
Number digit
number one-, two- or three-digit number
numeral place, place value
zero stands for, represents
one, two, three … twenty exchange
teens numbers, eleven, twelve … twenty the same number as, as many as Y
twenty-one, twenty-two … one hundred, two more, larger, bigger, greater E
hundred … one thousand fewer, smaller, less A
none fewest, smallest, least R
how many …? most, biggest, largest, greatest 2
count, count (up) to, count on (from, to), one more, ten more
count back (from, to)
one less, ten less
equal to
count in ones, twos, fives, tens, threes, fours
and so on
equal to
first, second, third … twentieth
equivalent to
twenty-first, twenty-second …
is the same as
last, last but one
more, less
before, after
most, least
halfway between
odd, even
above, below
multiple of
how many ...?
pair, rule
> greater than
close to
< less than
about the same as
just over, just under
exact, exactly

Vocabulary checklists 17
too many, too few division
enough, not enough dividing, divide, divided by, divided into
Addition and subtraction sharing, share, share equally
addition left, left over
add, more, and one each, two each, three each … ten each
make, sum, total group in pairs, threes … tens
altogether equal groups of
Y double doubling
E near double halving
A half, halve array
R one more, two more … ten more … one row, column
hundred more
2 how many more to make …?
number patterns
multiplication table
how many more is … than …?
multiplication fact, division fact
how much more is …?
take away
how many are left/left over?
equivalent fraction
how many have gone?
mixed number
one less, two less, ten less … one hundred
less numerator, denominator
how many fewer is … than …? equal part
how much less is …? equal grouping
difference between equal sharing
equals parts of a whole
is the same as half, two halves
number bonds/pairs/facts one of two equal parts
tens boundary quarter, two quarters, three quarters
one of four equal parts
Multiplication and division one third, two thirds
multiplication one of three equal parts
multiplied by MEASUREMENT
multiple measure
groups of measurement
times size
once, twice, three times … ten times compare
repeated addition measuring scale

18 Mathematical Vocabulary
guess, estimate quarter full
enough, not enough holds, contains
too much, too little container
too many, too few
nearly, close to, about the same as Temperature
roughly temperature
just over, just under

Length Y
centimetre, metre E
days of the week, Monday, Tuesday …
length, height, width, depth A
months of the year (January, February ...)
long, short, tall
seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter
high, low 2
day, week, weekend, fortnight, month, year
wide, narrow
birthday, holiday
thick, thin
morning, afternoon, evening, night
longer, shorter, taller, higher … and so on
bedtime, dinnertime, playtime
longest, shortest, tallest, highest … and so
on today, yesterday, tomorrow
far, further, furthest, near, close before, after
ruler earlier, later
metre stick, tape measure next, first, last
Weight date
kilogram, half kilogram, gram now, soon, early, late
weigh, weighs, balances quick, quicker, quickest, quickly
heavy, light slow, slower, slowest, slowly
heavier than, lighter than old, older, oldest
heaviest, lightest new, newer, newest
scales takes longer, takes less time
how long ago?
Capacity and volume how long will it be to …?
litre, half litre, millilitre how long will it take to …?
capacity how often?
volume always, never, often, sometimes
full usually
empty once, twice
more than hour, o’clock, half past, quarter past,
quarter to
less than
5, 10, 15 … minutes past
half full

Vocabulary checklists 19
clock, clock face, watch, hands 2-D shape
digital/analogue clock/watch, timer corner, side
hour hand, minute hand point, pointed
hours, minutes, seconds rectangle (including square), rectangular
circle, circular
Money triangle, triangular
money pentagon
coin hexagon
Y penny, pence, pound octagon
E price, cost
A buy, bought, sell, sold 3-D shape
R spend, spent face, edge, vertex, vertices
2 pay cube, cuboid
change pyramid
dear, costs more sphere
cheap, costs less, cheaper cone
costs the same as cylinder
how much …?
how many …? Position and direction
total position
over, under, underneath
GEOMETRY above, below

Properties of shape top, bottom, side

on, in
shape, pattern
outside, inside
curved, straight
in front, behind
front, back
hollow, solid
beside, next to
make, build, draw
middle, edge
bigger, larger, smaller
symmetry, symmetrical, symmetrical pattern
line symmetry
pattern, repeating pattern
journey, route
left, right

20 Mathematical Vocabulary
up, down explain your method
higher, lower describe the pattern
forwards, backwards, sideways describe the rule
across investigate
next to, close, near, far recognise
along describe
through draw
to, from, towards, away from compare
clockwise, anticlockwise sort Y
movement mental calculation E
slide written calculation A
roll R
turn 2
stretch, bend
whole turn, half turn, quarter turn,
three-quarter turn
right angle
straight line

count, tally, sort, vote
graph, block graph, pictogram
group, set
list, table
label, title
most popular, most common
least popular, least common

problem, problem solving
mental, mentally
what could we try next?
how did you work it out?
show how you …
explain your thinking

Vocabulary checklists 21
NUMBER Place value
Number and place value tens, hundreds
Number digit
number one-, two- or three-digit number
numeral place, place value
zero stands for, represents
one, two, three … twenty exchange
teens numbers, eleven, twelve … twenty the same number as, as many as
twenty-one, twenty-two … one hundred, two more, larger, bigger, greater
hundred … one thousand fewer, smaller, less
none fewest, smallest, least
how many …? most, biggest, largest, greatest
count, count (up) to, count on (from, to), one more, ten more, one hundred more
count back (from, to) one less, ten less, one hundred less
Y forwards equal to
E backwards compare
A count in ones, twos, fives, tens, threes, order
R fours, eights, fifties and so on to hundreds
3 equal to
first, second, third … twentieth
equivalent to
twenty-first, twenty-second …
is the same as
last, last but one
more, less
before, after
most, least
halfway between
odd, even
above, below
multiple of, factor of
how many ...?
pair, rule
close to
> greater than
approximate, approximately
< less than
about the same as
Roman numerals
just over, just under

22 Mathematical Vocabulary
exact, exactly multiple, factor
too many, too few groups of
enough, not enough times
round, nearest, round to the nearest ten, product
hundred once, twice, three times … ten times
round up, round down repeated addition
Addition and subtraction dividing, divide, divided by, divided into
addition left, left over, remainder
add, more, and grouping
make, sum, total sharing, share, share equally
altogether one each, two each, three each … ten each
double group in pairs, threes … tens
near double equal groups of
half, halve doubling
one more, two more … ten more … one
hundred more E
how many more to make …? A
row, column
how many more is … than …? R
number patterns
how much more is …?
multiplication table
multiplication fact, division fact
take away
how many are left/left over?
how many have gone?
one less, two less, ten less … one hundred
less equivalent fraction
how many fewer is … than …? mixed number
how much less is …? numerator, denominator
difference between equal part
equals equal grouping
is the same as equal sharing
number bonds/pairs/facts parts of a whole
missing number half, two halves
tens boundary, hundreds boundary one of two equal parts
quarter, two quarters, three quarters
Multiplication and division one of four equal parts
multiplication one third, two thirds
multiply one of three equal parts
multiplied by sixths, sevenths, eighths, tenths …

Vocabulary checklists 23
MEASUREMENT Capacity and volume
measure litre, half litre, millilitre
measurement capacity
size volume
compare full
measuring scale, division empty
guess, estimate more than
enough, not enough less than
too much, too little half full
too many, too few quarter full
nearly, close to, about the same as, holds, contains
approximately container
just over, just under Temperature
Length degree
millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre, mile centigrade
length, height, width, depth
R Time
long, short, tall
3 high, low time
wide, narrow days of the week, Monday, Tuesday …
thick, thin months of the year (January, February ...)
longer, shorter, taller, higher … and so on seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter
longest, shortest, tallest, highest … and so day, week, weekend, fortnight, month, year,
on century
far, further, furthest, near, close birthday, holiday
distance apart … between … to … from morning, afternoon, evening, night
perimeter bedtime, dinner time, playtime
ruler today, yesterday, tomorrow
metre stick, tape measure before, after
earlier, later
Weight next, first, last
kilogram, half kilogram, gram midnight
weigh, weighs, balances calendar, date
heavy, light now, soon, early, late, earliest, latest
heavier than, lighter than quick, quicker, quickest, quickly
heaviest, lightest slow, slower, slowest, slowly
scales old, older, oldest
new, newer, newest

24 Mathematical Vocabulary
takes longer, takes less time flat
how long ago? curved, straight
how long will it be to …? round
how long will it take to …? hollow, solid
how often? sort
always, never, often, sometimes make, build, draw
usually perimeter
once, twice surface
hour, o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter size
to bigger, larger, smaller
5, 10, 15 … minutes past symmetry, symmetrical, symmetrical pattern
a.m., p.m. line symmetry
clock, clock face, watch, hands pattern, repeating pattern
digital/analogue clock/watch, timer match
hour hand, minute hand
hours, minutes, seconds 2-D shape Y
Roman numerals corner, side E
12-hour clock time, 24-hour clock time point, pointed A
rectangle (including square), rectangular R
Money circle, circular 3
money triangle, triangular
coin pentagon, pentagonal
penny, pence, pound hexagon, hexagonal
price, cost octagon, octagonal
buy, bought, sell, sold quadrilateral
spend, spent right-angled
pay parallel, perpendicular
dear, costs more 3-D shape
cheap, costs less, cheaper face, edge, vertex, vertices
costs the same as cube, cuboid
how much …? pyramid
how many …? sphere, hemisphere
total cone
GEOMETRY prism, triangular prism

Properties of shape
Position and direction
shape, pattern

Vocabulary checklists 25
over, under, underneath acute angle
above, below obtuse angle
top, bottom, side straight line
on, in
outside, inside STATISTICS
around count, tally, sort, vote
in front, behind graph, block graph, pictogram
front, back represent
beside, next to group, set
opposite list, table, chart, bar chart, frequency table
apart Carroll diagram, Venn diagram
between label, title, axis, axes
middle, edge diagram
centre most popular, most common
Y corner least popular, least common
E direction
A journey, route
left, right
3 up, down pattern

higher, lower puzzle

forwards, backwards, sideways problem, problem-solving

across mental, mentally

next to, close, near, far what could we try next?

along how did you work it out?

through show how you …

to, from, towards, away from explain your thinking

clockwise, anticlockwise explain your method

compass point describe the pattern

north, south, east, west, N, S, E, W describe the rule

horizontal, vertical, diagonal investigate

movement recognise

slide describe

roll draw

turn compare

stretch, bend sort

whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, greatest value, least value
three-quarter turn mental calculation
angle … is a greater/smaller angle than written calculation
right angle statement

26 Mathematical Vocabulary
next, consecutive
NUMBER > greater than
< less than
Number and place value Roman numerals
Number integer, positive, negative
number above/below zero, minus
numeral negative numbers
one, two, three … twenty Place value
teens numbers, eleven, twelve … twenty ones
twenty-one, twenty-two … one hundred, two tens, hundreds
hundred … one thousand … ten thousand, digit
hundred thousand, million
one-, two- or three-digit number
place, place value
how many …?
stands for, represents
count, count (up) to, count on (from, to),
count back (from, to)
the same number as, as many as
more, larger, bigger, greater
fewer, smaller, less
count in ones, twos, fives, tens, threes,
fours, eights, fifties, sixes, sevens, nines, fewest, smallest, least
twenty-fives and so on to hundreds, most, biggest, largest, greatest Y
thousands one more, ten more, one hundred more, one E
thousand more
equal to A
equivalent to one less, ten less, one hundred less, one
thousand less
is the same as 4
equal to
more, less
most, least
first, second, third … twentieth
odd, even
twenty-first, twenty-second …
multiple of, factor of
last, last but on
before, after
halfway between
above, below
pair, rule

Vocabulary checklists 27
Estimating difference between
guess equals
how many is the same as
estimate number bonds/pairs/facts
nearly missing number
roughly tens boundary, hundreds boundary
close to inverse
approximate, approximately
about the same as Multiplication and division
just over, just under multiplication
exact, exactly multiply
too many, too few multiplied by
enough, not enough multiple, factor
round, nearest, round to the nearest ten, groups of
hundred, thousand times
round up, round down product
once, twice, three times … ten times
Addition and subtraction repeated addition
addition division
add, more, and dividing, divide, divided by, divided into
make, sum, total left, left over, remainder
Y altogether grouping
E double sharing, share, share equally
A near double one each, two each, three each … ten each
R half, halve group in pairs, threes … tens
4 one more, two more… ten more… one equal groups of
hundred more
how many more to make …?
how many more is … than …?
how much more is …?
row, column
number patterns
take away
multiplication table
how many are left/left over?
multiplication fact, division fact
how many have gone?
one less, two less, ten less … one hundred
square, squared
cube, cubed
how many fewer is … than …?
how much less is …?

28 Mathematical Vocabulary
Fractions (including decimals) Length
fraction millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre, mile
equivalent fraction length, height, width, depth, breadth
mixed number long, short, tall
numerator, denominator high, low
equal part wide, narrow
equal grouping thick, thin
equal sharing longer, shorter, taller, higher … and so on
parts of a whole longest, shortest, tallest, highest … and so
half, two halves on
one of two equal parts far, further, furthest, near, close
quarter, two quarters, three quarters distance apart … between … to … from
one of four equal parts edge, perimeter
one third, two thirds area, covers
one of three equal parts square centimetre (cm2)
sixths, sevenths, eighths, tenths … ruler
hundredths metre stick, tape measure
decimal, decimal fraction, decimal point,
decimal place, decimal equivalent Weight
proportion mass: big, bigger, small, smaller
weight: heavy/light, heavier/lighter, heaviest/
kilogram, half kilogram, gram E
weigh, weighs, balances
measurement A
heavy, light
size R
heavier than, lighter than
compare 4
heaviest, lightest
unit, standard unit
metric unit
measuring scale, division
Capacity and volume
guess, estimate
litre, half litre, millilitre
enough, not enough
too much, too little
too many, too few
nearly, close to, about the same as,
approximately empty
roughly more than
just over, just under less than
half full
quarter full

Vocabulary checklists 29
holds, contains 5, 10, 15 … minutes past
container, measuring cylinder a.m., p.m.
clock, clock face, watch, hands
Temperature digital/analogue clock/watch, timer
temperature hour hand, minute hand
degree hours, minutes, seconds
centigrade timetable, arrive, depart
Roman numerals
Time 12-hour clock time, 24-hour clock time
days of the week, Monday, Tuesday … Money
months of the year (January, February ...) money
seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter coin
day, week, weekend, fortnight, month, year, penny, pence, pound
leap year, century, millennium
price, cost
birthday, holiday
buy, bought, sell, sold
morning, afternoon, evening, night
spend, spent
bedtime, dinner time, playtime
today, yesterday, tomorrow
before, after
dear, costs more
earlier, later
cheap, costs less, cheaper
Y next, first, last
costs the same as
E noon, midnight
how much …?
calendar, date, date of birth
A how many …?
now, soon, early, late, earliest, latest
R total
quick, quicker, quickest, quickly
slow, slower, slowest, slowly
old, older, oldest
new, newer, newest Properties of shape
takes longer, takes less time shape, pattern
how long ago? flat, line
how long will it be to …? curved, straight
how long will it take to …? round
how often? hollow, solid
always, never, often, sometimes sort
usually make, build, construct, draw, sketch
once, twice perimeter
hour, o’clock, half past, quarter past, centre
quarter to surface

30 Mathematical Vocabulary
angle, right-angled cylinder, cylindrical
base, square-based prism, triangular prism
size tetrahedron, polyhedron
bigger, larger, smaller
symmetry, symmetrical, symmetrical pattern Position and direction
line symmetry position
reflect, reflection over, under, underneath
pattern, repeating pattern above, below
match top, bottom, side
regular, irregular on, in
outside, inside
2-D shape around
2-D, two-dimensional in front, behind
corner, side front, back
point, pointed beside, next to
rectangle (including square), rectangular, opposite
oblong apart
rectilinear between
circle, circular middle, edge
triangle, triangular centre
equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, corner
scalene triangle direction Y
pentagon, pentagonal journey, route E
hexagon, hexagonal left, right A
heptagon up, down R
octagon, octagonal higher, lower 4
quadrilateral forwards, backwards, sideways
parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium across
polygon next to, close, near, far
right-angled along
parallel, perpendicular through
to, from, towards, away from
3-D shape clockwise, anticlockwise
3-D, three-dimensional compass point
face, edge, vertex, vertices north, south, east, west, N, S, E, W
cube, cuboid north-east, north-west, south-east,
pyramid south-west, NE, NW, SE, SW
sphere, hemisphere, spherical horizontal, vertical, diagonal
cone translate, translation

Vocabulary checklists 31
movement show how you …
slide explain your thinking
roll explain your method
turn describe the pattern
stretch, bend describe the rule
whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, investigate
three-quarter turn recognise
rotate, rotation describe
angle, is a greater/smaller angle than draw
degree compare
right angle sort
acute angle greatest value, least value
obtuse angle mental calculation
reflection written calculation
straight line statement
ruler, set square justify
angle measurer, compass make a statement

count, tally, sort, vote
survey, questionnaire, data
Y graph, block graph, pictogram
E represent
A group, set
R list, table, chart, bar chart, frequency table
4 Carroll diagram, Venn diagram
label, title, axis, axes
most popular, most common
least popular, least common

problem, problem solving
mental, mentally
what could we try next?
how did you work it out?

32 Mathematical Vocabulary
next, consecutive
NUMBER > greater than
< less than
Number and place value ≥ greater than or equal to
Number ≤ less than or equal to
number Roman numerals
numeral integer, positive, negative
zero above/below zero, minus
one, two, three … twenty negative numbers
teens numbers, eleven, twelve … twenty formula
twenty-one, twenty-two … one hundred, two divisibility
hundred … one thousand … ten thousand, square number
hundred thousand, million prime number
none ascending/descending order
how many …?
count, count (up) to, count on (from, to), Place value
count back (from, to)
tens, hundreds
count in ones, twos, fives, tens, threes,
one-, two- or three-digit number
fours, eights, fifties, sixes, sevens, nines,
twenty-fives and so on to hundreds, place, place value
thousands stands for, represents
equal to exchange
equivalent to the same number as, as many as
is the same as more, larger, bigger, greater
more, less fewer, smaller, less
most, least fewest, smallest, least
tally most, biggest, largest, greatest Y
many one more, ten more, one hundred more, one E
odd, even thousand more
multiple of, factor of one less, ten less, one hundred less, one
thousand less R
factor pair
equal to 5
first, second, third … twentieth
twenty-first, twenty-second …
pair, rule
last, last but one

Vocabulary checklists 33
before, after how many have gone?
next one less, two less, ten less … one hundred
between less
halfway between how many fewer is … than …?
above, below how much less is …?
difference between
Estimating equals
guess is the same as
how many ...? number bonds/pairs/facts
estimate missing number
nearly tens boundary, hundreds boundary, ones
roughly boundary, tenths boundary

close to inverse

approximate, approximately
about the same as
Multiplication and division
just over, just under
exact, exactly
multiplied by
too many, too few
multiple, factor
enough, not enough
groups of
round, nearest, round to the nearest ten,
hundred, thousand, ten thousand times
round up, round down product
once, twice, three times … ten times
Addition and subtraction repeated addition
addition division
add, more, and dividing, divide, divided by, divided into
make, sum, total left, left over, remainder
altogether grouping
Y sharing, share, share equally
E one each, two each, three each … ten each
near double
A group in pairs, threes … tens
half, halve
R equal groups of
one more, two more … ten more … one
5 hundred more doubling
how many more to make …? halving
how many more is … than …? array
how much more is …? row, column
subtract number patterns
take away multiplication table
how many are left/left over? multiplication fact, division fact

34 Mathematical Vocabulary
inverse too many, too few
square, squared nearly, close to, about the same as,
cube, cubed approximately
Fractions (including decimals and just over, just under
fraction, proper/improper fraction Length
equivalent fraction millimetre, centimetre, metre, kilometre, mile
mixed number length, height, width, depth, breadth
numerator, denominator long, short, tall
equivalent, reduced to, cancel high, low
equal part wide, narrow
equal grouping thick, thin
equal sharing longer, shorter, taller, higher … and so on
parts of a whole longest, shortest, tallest, highest … and so
half, two halves
far, further, furthest, near, close
one of two equal parts
distance apart … between … to … from
quarter, two quarters, three quarters
edge, perimeter
one of four equal parts
area, covers
one third, two thirds
square centimetre (cm2), square metre (m2),
one of three equal parts
square millimetre (mm2)
sixths, sevenths, eighths, tenths …
hundredths, thousandths
decimal, decimal fraction, decimal point, metre stick, tape measure
decimal place, decimal equivalent
proportion, in every, for every Weight
percentage, per cent, % mass: big, bigger, small, smaller
weight: heavy/light, heavier/lighter, heaviest/
kilogram, half kilogram, gram E
weigh, weighs, balances A
heavy, light
size R
heavier than, lighter than
compare 5
heaviest, lightest
unit, standard unit
metric unit, imperial unit
measuring scale, division
Capacity and volume
guess, estimate
litre, half litre, millilitre
enough, not enough
too much, too little

Vocabulary checklists 35
volume how long will it be to …?
full how long will it take to …?
empty how often?
more than always, never, often, sometimes
less than usually
half full once, twice
hour, o’clock, half past, quarter past,
quarter full quarter to
holds, contains 5, 10, 15 … minutes past
container, measuring cylinder a.m., p.m.
pint, gallon clock, clock face, watch, hands
digital/analogue clock/watch, timer
hour hand, minute hand
hours, minutes, seconds
timetable, arrive, depart
Roman numerals
12-hour clock time, 24-hour clock time
days of the week, Monday, Tuesday …
months of the year (January, February ...)
seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter
penny, pence, pound
day, week, weekend, fortnight, month, year,
leap year, century, millennium price, cost
birthday, holiday buy, bought, sell, sold
morning, afternoon, evening, night spend, spent
bedtime, dinner time, playtime pay
today, yesterday, tomorrow change
before, after dear, costs more
Y cheap, costs less, cheaper
earlier, later
E next, first, last costs the same as
A noon, midnight how much …?
R calendar, date, date of birth how many …?
5 now, soon, early, late, earliest, latest total
quick, quicker, quickest, quickly discount
slow, slower, slowest, slowly currency
old, older, oldest
new, newer, newest GEOMETRY
takes longer, takes less time Properties of shape
how long ago? shape, pattern

36 Mathematical Vocabulary
flat, line polygon
curved, straight right -angled
round parallel, perpendicular
hollow, solid x-axis, y-axis, quadrant
make, build, construct, draw, sketch 3-D shape
perimeter 3-D, three-dimensional
centre, radius, diameter face, edge, vertex, vertices
surface cube, cuboid
angle, right-angled pyramid
congruent sphere, hemisphere, spherical
base, square-based cone
size cylinder, cylindrical
bigger, larger, smaller prism, triangular prism
symmetry, symmetrical, symmetrical pattern tetrahedron, polyhedron
line symmetry octahedron
reflect, reflection
axis of symmetry, reflective symmetry Position and direction
pattern, repeating pattern position
match over, under, underneath
regular, irregular above, below
top, bottom, side
2-D shape on, in
2-D, two-dimensional outside, inside
corner, side around
point, pointed in front, behind
rectangle (including square), rectangular, front, back
oblong beside, next to Y
rectilinear opposite E
circle, circular apart A
triangle, triangular between R
equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, middle, edge
scalene triangle 5
pentagon, pentagonal
hexagon, hexagonal
journey, route
octagon, octagonal
left, right
up, down
parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium

Vocabulary checklists 37
higher, lower list, table, chart, bar chart, frequency table,
forwards, backwards, sideways bar line chart
across Carroll diagram, Venn diagram
next to, close, near, far line graph
along label, title, axis, axes
through diagram
to, from, towards, away from most popular, most common
clockwise, anticlockwise least popular, least common
compass point maximum/minimum value
north, south, east, west, N, S, E, W outcome
north-east, north-west, south-east,
south-west, NE, NW, SE, SW GENERAL
horizontal, vertical, diagonal pattern
translate, translation puzzle
coordinate problem, problem solving
movement mental, mentally
slide what could we try next?
roll how did you work it out?
turn show how you …
stretch, bend explain your thinking
whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, explain your method
three-quarter turn
describe the pattern
rotate, rotation
describe the rule
angle, is a greater/smaller angle than
right angle
acute angle
obtuse angle
Y compare
E straight line
A ruler, set square
greatest value, least value
R angle measurer, compass, protractor
mental calculation
5 written calculation
count, tally, sort, vote make a statement
survey, questionnaire, data, database explain your reasoning
graph, block graph, pictogram
group, set

38 Mathematical Vocabulary
NUMBER ≥ greater than or equal to
≤ less than or equal to
Number and place value Roman numerals
integer, positive, negative
above/below zero, minus
negative numbers
one, two, three … twenty
square number
teens numbers, eleven, twelve … twenty
prime number
twenty-one, twenty-two … one hundred, two
hundred … one thousand … ten thousand, factorise
hundred thousand, million prime factor
none ascending/descending order
how many …? digit total
count, count (up) to, count on (from, to),
count back (from, to) Place value
forwards ones
backwards tens, hundreds
count in ones, twos, fives, tens, threes, digit
fours, eights, fifties, sixes, sevens, nines,
one-, two- or three-digit number
twenty-fives and so on to hundreds,
thousands place, place value
equal to stands for, represents
equivalent to exchange
is the same as the same number as, as many as
more, less more, larger, bigger, greater
most, least fewer, smaller, less
tally fewest, smallest, least
many most, biggest, largest, greatest
odd, even one more, ten more, one hundred more, one
thousand more
multiple of, factor of
one less, ten less, one hundred less, one
factor pair
thousand less
equal to
few Y
first, second, third … twentieth E
pair, rule
twenty-first, twenty-second … A
next, consecutive
last, last but one R
before, after 6
> greater than
< less than
Vocabulary checklists 39
halfway between difference between
above, below equals
is the same as
Estimating number bonds/pairs/facts
guess missing number
how many ...? tens boundary, hundreds boundary, ones
estimate boundary, tenths boundary
nearly inverse
close to Multiplication and division
approximate, approximately multiplication
about the same as multiply
just over, just under multiplied by
exact, exactly multiple, factor
too many, too few groups of
enough, not enough times
round, nearest, round to the nearest ten, product
hundred, thousand, ten thousand once, twice, three times … ten times
round up, round down repeated addition
Addition and subtraction dividing, divide, divided by, divided into
addition left, left over, remainder
add, more, and grouping
make, sum, total sharing, share, share equally
altogether one each, two each, three each … ten each
double group in pairs, threes … tens
near double equal groups of
half, halve doubling
one more, two more … ten more … one halving
hundred more array
how many more to make …? row, column
how many more is … than …? number patterns
how much more is …? multiplication table
subtract multiplication fact, division fact
take away inverse
how many are left/left over? square, squared
Y how many have gone? cube, cubed
E one less, two less, ten less … one hundred
A less
Fractions (including decimals,
R how many fewer is … than …? percentages, ratio and proportion)
how much less is …?
6 fraction, proper/improper fraction

40 Mathematical Vocabulary
equivalent fraction approximately
mixed number roughly
numerator, denominator just over, just under
equivalent, reduced to, cancel
equal part Length
equal grouping centimetre, metre, millimetre, kilometre,
mile, yard, foot, feet, inch, inches
equal sharing
length, height, width, depth, breadth
parts of a whole
long, short, tall
half, two halves
high, low
one of two equal parts
wide, narrow
quarter, two quarters, three quarters
thick, thin
one of four equal parts
longer, shorter, taller, higher … and so on
one third, two thirds
longest, shortest, tallest, highest … and so
one of three equal parts
sixths, sevenths, eighths, tenths …
far, further, furthest, near, close
hundredths, thousandths
distance apart … between … to … from
decimal, decimal fraction, decimal point,
decimal place, decimal equivalent edge, perimeter, circumference
proportion, in every, for every area, covers
ratio square centimetre (cm2), square metre (m2),
square millimetre (mm2)
percentage, per cent, %
Algebra metre stick, tape measure
formula, formulae
mass: big, bigger, small, smaller
weight: heavy/light, heavier/lighter, heaviest/
tonne, kilogram, half kilogram, gram, pound,
measure weigh, weighs, balances
measurement heavy, light
size heavier than, lighter than
compare heaviest, lightest
unit, standard unit scales
metric unit, imperial unit Y
measuring scale, division Capacity and volume
guess, estimate litre, half litre, millilitre, centilitre
cubic centimetres(cm3), cubic metres (m3),
enough, not enough
cubic millimetres (mm3), cubic kilometres R
too much, too little (km3) 6
too many, too few capacity
nearly, close to, about the same as, volume
Vocabulary checklists 41
full how often?
empty always, never, often, sometimes
more than usually
less than once, twice
half full hour, o’clock, half past, quarter past,
quarter full quarter to
holds, contains 5, 10, 15 … minutes past
container, measuring cylinder a.m., p.m.
pint, gallon clock, clock face, watch, hands
digital/analogue clock/watch, timer
Temperature hour hand, minute hand
temperature hours, minutes, seconds
degree timetable, arrive, depart
centigrade Roman numerals
12-hour clock time, 24-hour clock time
Time Greenwich Mean Time, British Summer
time Time, International Date Line
days of the week, Monday, Tuesday …
months of the year (January, February ...)
seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter
day, week, weekend, fortnight, month, year,
leap year, century, millennium penny, pence, pound
birthday, holiday price, cost
morning, afternoon, evening, night buy, bought, sell, sold
bedtime, dinner time, playtime spend, spent
today, yesterday, tomorrow pay
before, after change
earlier, later dear, costs more
next, first, last cheap, costs less, cheaper
noon, midnight costs the same as
calendar, date, date of birth how much …?
now, soon, early, late, earliest, latest how many …?
quick, quicker, quickest, quickly total
slow, slower, slowest, slowly discount
old, older, oldest currency
new, newer, newest profit, loss
takes longer, takes less time
how long ago? GEOMETRY
how long will it be to …? Properties of shape
6 how long will it take to …? shape, pattern
flat, line
42 Mathematical Vocabulary
curved, straight parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium, kite
round polygon
hollow, solid right-angled
sort parallel, perpendicular
make, build, construct, draw, sketch x-axis, y-axis, quadrant
centre, radius, diameter 3-D shape
circumference, concentric, arc 3-D, three-dimensional
net, open, closed face, edge, vertex, vertices
surface cube, cuboid
angle, right-angled pyramid
congruent sphere, hemisphere, spherical
intersecting, intersection cone
plane cylinder, cylindrical
base, square-based prism, triangular prism
size tetrahedron, polyhedron
bigger, larger, smaller octahedron
symmetry, symmetrical, symmetrical pattern dodecahedron
line symmetry net, open, closed
reflect, reflection
axis of symmetry, reflective symmetry
Position and direction
pattern, repeating pattern
over, under, underneath
above, below
regular, irregular
top, bottom, side
2-D shape on, in
2-D, two-dimensional outside, inside
corner, side around
point, pointed in front, behind
rectangle (including square), rectangular, front, back
oblong beside, next to
rectilinear opposite
circle, circular apart
triangle, triangular between
equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, middle, edge Y
scalene triangle
centre E
pentagon, pentagonal
hexagon, hexagonal A
heptagon R
journey, route
octagon, octagonal 6
left, right
up, down
Vocabulary checklists 43
higher, lower list, table, chart, bar chart, frequency table,
forwards, backwards, sideways bar line chart
across Carroll diagram, Venn diagram
next to, close, near, far line graph
along pie chart
through label, title, axis, axes
to, from, towards, away from diagram
clockwise, anticlockwise most popular, most common
compass point least popular, least common
north, south, east, west, N, S, E, W maximum/minimum value
north-east, north-west, south-east, outcome
south-west, NE, NW, SE, SW mean (mode, median, range as estimates
horizontal, vertical, diagonal for this)
translate, translation statistics, distribution
movement GENERAL
slide pattern
roll puzzle
turn problem, problem solving
stretch, bend mental, mentally
whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, what could we try next?
three-quarter turn how did you work it out?
rotate, rotation show how you …
angle, is a greater/smaller angle than explain your thinking
degree explain your method
right angle describe the pattern
acute angle describe the rule
obtuse angle investigate
reflex angle recognise
reflection describe
straight line draw
ruler, set square compare
angle measurer, compass, protractor sort
greatest value, least value
Y STATISTICS mental calculation
E count, tally, sort, vote written calculation
A survey, questionnaire, data, database statement
R graph, block graph, pictogram justify
represent make a statement
group, set explain your reasoning

44 Mathematical Vocabulary
Also available from
Primary Mathematics
Planning Framework
Comprehensive medium-term planning and assessment
for the new National Curriculum for Primary Mathematics

Rising Stars has teamed up with Babcock Learning and Development

Partnership (Devon Local Authority), one of the UK’s leading school
improvement services, to develop a fully planned framework that will help
you to deliver the new curriculum with ease and make rich connections
across mathematical ideas.
• Time-saving – takes all of the effort out of planning for the new
• Flexible – schools can easily edit the pathways to suit their requirements
• Supportive – gives schools the confidence to deliver
the New Curriculum for Mathematics
• Cost-effective – helps schools make the
most of existing resources and identify gaps Can both be
in teacher knowledge used alongside any
resources you
have in school

Assessment Tasks
New assessment tasks to support you in assessing pupils’ understanding
of each objective in the new primary maths curriculum. Three
photocopiable books provide 14 assessment tasks for each year linked
to the success criteria in each sequence of the Primary Mathematics
Planning Framework.

• Designed to be used at the end of the teaching sequence

• E nables identification of those children who have either mastered
the content in the sequence or who are still working towards it and
need further support
• Includes ‘look out for children who ...’ guidance to support teachers
with early identification of problems with conceptual understanding
and remediation
• A ll assessment tasks are provided in print and on an editable
CD-ROM for flexible use across year groups   45
Also available from
Problem Solving
and Reasoning
With the renewed emphasis within the new maths curriculum on
problem solving and reasoning, this brand new resource will support
schools in integrating practical problem solving into their day-to-day

• E ffective strategies and techniques to develop skills across the

• K ey strategies provide practical ideas and questions to embed
problem solving and reasoning in every maths lesson
• E ach pack includes a bank of investigative activities for pupils to apply
their reasoning skills
• C an be used to supplement any existing maths resource

‘A fantastic resource to help teachers plan and

deliver great lessons involving problem solving
and reasoning’
Caroline Clissold, Coordinator for the National Centre for
Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM)

Fluency with Fractions

Differentiated activities to promote conceptual understanding and
number fluency
• Full coverage of the National Curriculum content
• E asy-to-follow guidance includes clear NC links, prior knowledge
requirements and helpful subject knowledge to boost confidence for
non-specialists and teaching assistants
• D ifferentiated activities ensure challenging content
can be accessed by all abilities
• R eferences to a wide variety of visual
models and images contextualises contain editable
learning for pupils and helps develop versions of all
the activities
number fluency

46 Mathematical Vocabulary
Also available from
Maths for the More Able
Developed for the new National Curriculum, Maths for the More Able is a
bank of challenging, space-themed problem-solving activities designed
to engage and stretch pupils

• Engage and excite pupils using challenging, space-themed

problem-solving activities
• Gain the confidence to stretch your more able pupils in mathematics
• Adapt and edit activities and create your own resources
• Give pupils the opportunity to explore and apply National Curriculum
maths content

Published in association with

Picture Maths
Picture Maths offers a new approach to teaching mathematical
problem-solving that will help engage and raise the attainment of visual
and reluctant learners using picture-based activities. The tasks develop
a deeper level of understanding by putting maths problems into real-life
contexts, making maths relevant.
• Teaching ideas to introduce topics in a real-life context
• Photocopiable pupil worksheets using pictures to
solve mathematical problems
• Extension and homework activities to Ideal for
challenge and extend learning
Premium    47
Also available from
New Curriculum
Mental Maths Tests
Fully matched to the new National Curriculum, these brand new packs
provide regular, weekly mental maths practice that support children in
improving their ability to answer mental maths questions.

 eekly tests provide regular mental maths practice
 ritten to match the objectives of the new
National Curriculum
• E verything you need to ensure your pupils
audio tests for
are prepared for the mental maths element Years 1-6
of the KS2 National Tests

‘This is exactly what I have been looking for!

There is nothing else like this available.’
Maggie Brooks, KS2 Coordinator, Royston Primary School

Mathematics Progress Tests

A whole-school approach to support you in assessing mathematics for
the new primary curriculum.

• Easily identify strengths and weaknesses to inform teaching

• Assess pupils’ learning and demonstrate progress to Ofsted
• C D-ROM includes a unique Progress Tracker to monitor and report on
individuals and classes
• T rack how pupils are progressing against the topic and their year group
• Supports assessment without levels

Series Adviser

48 Mathematical Vocabulary
Rising Stars UK Ltd.
7 Hatchers Mews, Bermondsey Street, London, SE1 3GS

Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and obtain their permission for the use of
copyright materials. The authors and publisher will gladly receive information enabling them to
rectify any error or omission in subsequent editions.

Extracts from the Department for Education publication DFE-00180-2013 National Curriculum
in England: mathematics programme of study – key stages 1 and 2 © Crown copyright 2013.
This information is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence

Published 2014
Text, design and layout © Rising Stars UK Ltd.

The right of Caroline Clissold to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her
in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1998.

Author: Caroline Clissold

Editorial advisor: Cherri Moseley
Text design and typesetting: Sarah Garbett @ Sg Creative Services
Cover design: Sarah Garbett @ Sg Creative Services
Publisher: Fiona Lazenby
Proofreader: Jan Fisher

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978-1-78339-283-4
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This resource supports teachers in developing spoken
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