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I gdr


T( : 4N-QTq 3IRTTEil tqT,,(H6. TQtrH;t"zTQTrvFt

(ld : Q(B)
qtter+t ffi;q'
(m) : ftrR+c qfreil : loo Wfg

q{trq elfk+ ftErilr;

qrqil qrw f{qqkqrm{qrd qrqr{, ilfur,'q, qzrelrm qr qmkf+. e-fl-q-Ere rq ksq

Br?iqT[.{ ftrc mro+tm aa sfroi r+arFr I

qr{rfiqd s?w:
AE-dr qzrfl-q Blfired qqTrg-{ 8-m n-a-q qeor ffi ft.uift:d orzi ffi Ekir.d rrt
ffiF\,-+i 3rr{qqq' qqiffi. q}rq-dT
Tn-+T *{q s+{qRF{ qatqre ffi Afu-s 4T-ilqR, EF-qi,
fr&q, nqRirr sqtra-o ETd-f,{ (rqrffffiT qTftr Mr fl"ffr{ r mrri eqftiiTr lrqtrf,f, tfuF
de{I q-[qT sfufir${r sqft"6 hq?rqT g+firrila+1 ffi<-fi r qr+arko srq-+] qfrel"T .r{
qqn s?qqffisr
fukf, TfteTr+t vrqm:
k.d TTT kqrT ctug 91r r€fu 3l-+' srf,$TR
T,Itg srtrY Tr$rq
$1T1, dftry,
4 ffi s\il( Y { ?o
gq-q qzrcqFm n"ql qTTfr WT{ i 1o Qo
qlr 3trflif, qrqefr ffi g'il{ Y {
100 VO t qreT
q Ro
qrq) sf,{ .,1
i 1o 1o
ffi sn( Y { Ro

ffiq frqT q-rqefr
ETTTT] ts'dT f
{ 1o 1o
q ffi sn{ Y { ?o
100 ? Eruel"

qrql sfl 1 1o lo
(1 ) knilfl TfteTr+1 vq'Tc.i ffi qr qffi C r+n+rqr qrfF g r {+ yqffi s.n Brfr{rzi 6a-a r

kfu-d qfteTrqr qtlmrfrt ffi r srffi Trqtqet d qf, m gt qrgzrqqr w-i kq qd-g( r

(i) ql6^?rfi-q-qT tTgfi- qenw)Tq qt, qra-qrqr+r

tr6T vqraq qffi qq,{ (frfm g r

(t) qH qr-dq-fr-q-+T frq"rEKqT q':T*'af@qqmqr{ qr-d.r+qqT ql-d, f{, fi1aq 6en trkffi
TfterT+} ffiqqr fi-{ qk{T ?,mtg vqtem rr{ orq-q €-+trrE q{ srdqfr-flff rmrA{ r{a-+T
vnfi-{ Tg r

(Y) kfu"-f, qfre{rqr trd-+' q{+] s-fr.Tig qildq

qT-ft's qfuqrf, r {fi (m kka
ffiqTrqr qwq
*rq-drfr-q-qT arfre r+qrr elqqidi qfrHrqr qh{fr( qr vrst
rn q

({) kq-q.rf, qr* rq'r m q-gt qq?zrT gt ar $qET q& rrm (Two or
More parts of a single question) qT ggil Yeq 3tffi{h qt m faqfi-Ar (Short notes) ta
fraa rfa;1 g
@ ffid
f,eTr ({r{!kra: loee/oq,,/oq,
TeTLTn gq dd-E, qqmTq 3{ftr,51 l1
GIuS-fi: fiT{q ?tstt *Pd,S q-rmfr ffi
sn{ i_H11 1
affi sf,{ t TqT X 10
ffi{+dk' qTWT

1 ? I Y { ****

TqT 11.@l-t-: 1 1 1 1 1 I

111 ffi qf{qm: AqlqrT qt".nmo k+Tffiq dq{r iq?r+1 rikil-{ r

tql (t ftrqq: furd (q +fi E{, Ro{c, fu oqr ffi-q q-€T v+arfrft ({, 1oir1, }fo-g mqr ow
wtnl t{, ?oqv, v€qfu' r$-+-iw tq-fr erg"Bft-sl hErrur t{, loqv, oqr ftr{rqmfr ?oel,
fufuqq 3rP"r+T{q-{ t{, iolx, il+ osTr ffiq {-rqT-+} aq r.cfr ({, lo{c, aw frrq{l-{dr
Ro{1, 4-qfr E{, Roql, sr1-a+-{ E{, ?o{c de{T 3{rqc6-{ h{qprfr, lo{q, t{-fr ffir
tqkf,n (q, ?o,gv ( 1:-or+1 wmru rqkf,rt tq, Rotsv 6r {w gTEur{6T, 6fu h-+T-{ il{ fd
+-TtqTft e-{r kfrrqqmfr, RoqR qr++rfr r

nl iqrq trV *+-qrc qrt @-d f{ftrt vr{nft em+rft r

1v; fiffi erqqT(utT,kfrt-qx;q, ilf,+T wF11 f,s11 6ni6r, iffi qTirifi td-fiI-flqT efug m
sil-{Qq+-df, rl-6@, fr-{rflq oqr q dqm 3{zrcstT, ffiq arr-+} ?drqQq+-f,r, TqTTqT, q6d, TfH-+T
dsTr +r-q, +-dq < qPa-+r<, iqrdql it+v *a-A ETfi-{Tur nqr *m aw ffiq r*qrilc+i +rq,
+-dq { eTP+on, iqria-qT qlfurtq Mr qq ari-+n S1, qe+1-441, qzrcR aw 1frk6-0,
*fu-g q+qr+qT cfrfuq r ;qkorur+T B'qrq6{, h*q +il, fr-*q ffir e{-{ur(sTT, q6p, qi1
ffiE"I, qfuflT{ oQTT qzrcallrr"t, +-qf M slzlztr{uTl, Effit+i q-oR, m-qi qx, "R-qi ilfi-fi.7
oqr ff-qi arzRqrEF[, HqoI, gftrf,q{, il+ wqrq-f, mT-t-qfa+] 3rqar(utl, q-f,€ ( q-+"R, +tE r
fu aqqr euarko +t-t{rril{, Branchless banking, Any branch banking system (ABBS),
Digital banking, SWIFT, Draft, ATM, Debit Card, Credit Card, POS, Locker, Financial
Literacy, Financial inclusion, Agency Service q-E-frft qmorfr t

1u ftqpqfl Erftrsq ffi {q

m-ri-{R fr{, euwmm f,qT BTzrcrrf,{, roat ^tk+wrwr qqeFffir
iil+r 4r"4ft--+ +fl, gfuzrrro, AP{S *rqrirqr erdlT AfuH qrqrd-fr6-{ (Banking
Terminologv) qrtql q[i-+]-ft, i:l-rrrq_+J it+V *xqT efu\r+T qzRR, {q}Pd oqr '*fuq-f,{ t

(q) 6S k+.rq {o k.: ffi Tqrq"IT, k+'Rt=6-s, mnffi, (qfu, atq, s?*r, vr-d{rcr[ffi
(Tq?rT,mrrM Brc[TstrT, qrcqtf,+] qriFR, h-rrflq e"rq q{ geT f,qT 3FrcR {
gfike-o, t+ aqr ffiq n-gT[qr ml?tffi +-ffifi qtoffir rtffi sirumul f,qfi 3{qanil{
RWPdf qI;izFRI I

ilfuq 3pilik q5q qeqlrh'q gq qrrd;;rf,f, (uN, world

(e) BIIfUrfr aF'


I -i,
Gtus-Gt: 6T{€qTq{ ilw 3nr?fu HwEfr t- utdi str wn x r Brn = ?o

_.- __l_-*
,_,__, .1

_) 1 t ?
{ Y { q
\ \9

TqT {@tI: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

(1)General Management: Organization: concept, Structure, objectives & principles,

Communication system, Organization change & development, Organization cultural,

Organization governance. Management: concept, Principles, Types & Functions,

Key management process.
(2) Human Resource Management: Concept, function and importance of HRM, HR
planning, Recruitment & selection, Training & development, Job description, Job
specification & Job analysis, Motivation, Reward & punishment, Performance
appraisal, Career planning.
(3) Economics: Macro and Micro Economic Concept, Elements, Nepalese economy,
Current status including analysis of macroeconomic indicators with trends and
sectoral analysis; GDP, National income, Per-capita income, lnterest rate, lnflation,
lnvestment, Saving, Government Budgetary Operations: Revenue, Expenditures,
Problems, Prospects, lssues and challenges, Government securities, lnternational
trade, lmport, Export, Balance of payment, Money market, Capital market.
(4) Strategic & Risk Management: Strategic planning framework, Strategy formulation
process and methods, Strategy implemen;ation and Strategy evaluation, SWOT
analysis., Risk management concept, ldentification, Types, Measurement, Risk
management techniques and strategies in banking business and contingency
planning and management.
(5) Project Management: project identification, formulation and design, project
appraisal, project implementation, monitoring and control.
(6) Fiscal & Monetary policy: Current budgeiing system, characteristics, objectives &
program of current fiscal year budget, concept of monetary policy, characteristics,
objectives and direction of current monetary policy.
(7) lnformation Technology: Computer syStem (lnput Device, Output Device),
Operating system, Application so@gg, MS office system, lnternet, lntranet,
Extranet, and e-mail system, Oatak#ifugement system, Hardware, Networking,
Backup, Related threats. Need g system (CBS) in banking business,
lmportance & related risks of CB stitution "



(1) Management: Current issues of management, Management information system and

its importance, Time management, Crisis management, Meeting management
Conflict management, Change management, Knowledge management, Record
management, Stress management, Office location & layout, Emerging management
(21 Human Resource Management: Succession planning, Career planning, Employee
ethics, Human resource information system, Moral values, Retirement &
Socialization, employee relation, Management and union relations, employee
productivity, organization restructuring for ef,fectiveness and management of change.
(3) Marketing Management: Marketing concept and strategies; financial services
marketing, customers and customer relationship management (CRM), product
development, promotion, pricing, product and service delivery, competition and
market research.
(4) Management of Financia! lnstitutions: Financial intermediation, Financial
instruments, Loan management, Deposit management, Treasury management,
Pricing of banking products, lnterbank relationship, Branch management.
(5) Accounting: Concept of Accounting, Types, Cost Accounting, Management
Accounting, Account voucher, Trial balance, Profit & loss account, Balance, sheet,
Cash flow statement, Reconciliation, Depreciation, lnternal check and control,
Budgeting system, Budgetary control, Capital budgeting, Profit planning. Cost of
Capital, Base Rate Calculation.
(6) Financial Management: Theories of financial management, Scope & importance of
financial statement, Financial statement analysis, Financial planning and strategies,
CAMELS Analysis, Financial planning and control, Fund management, Financial
projection, Valuation, BEP and Leverage, Current asset management, Project
(71 Development Planning in Nepal: Concept of planned economic development,
Planning experiences, Current periodic plan, Linkage between periodic plans and
annual budget, Public enterprise management and its problems and prospects,
Public-private partnership, Economic reforms (privatization, liberalization and
globalization), WTO and its impacts in banking industry and Financial Sector
Development Strategy. Economigfo.ti8iOsi Monetary policy, Fiscal policy, lndustrial
policy, FDI policy, Trade & *irlm,ff$UfioticV. Sectoral Development: Poverty
alleviation, agriculture, industry,'toJry(b.-mtruhbport_and communication.

raTruT tqt arE"flTq tr h*ffi,

crurg-Gr: *f+-g ffr;trdt


1) Banking Services: Deposit service, types, sources of deposit, deposit mobilization &
management, Credit service, types of credit, credit cycle, credit analysis, credit
classification, credit management, Remittance service, Trade finance, Bank guarantee,
Branchless banking, Any branch banking system (ABBS), Mobile banking, lnternet
banking, SWIFT, Draft, ATM, Demat, Debit card, Credit card, Forex business, POS,
Good for payment Cheque, Manager's cheque, Locker, Financial literacy, Agency
service, Marketing of banking products, Financial derivatives, Short & long term
2l Financial System in Nepal: Financial Market in Nepal: Banking, lnsurance, Capital
market, Money market, lnclusive Financing and Growth: lnclusive growth, Rural
financing, Rural agriculture financing, lncluding micro financing in Nepal: policies,
institutional frameworks, achievements, prospects challenges and issues.
3) Mergers Acquisitions & Corporate Restructuring: Economic & Financial Setting of
Business combinations, The Motives for mergers, Merger Valuation, Merger Financings,
Merger Negotiations & Consequences of such corporate Activities.
4l Prevention and Detection of Banking Crime and Frauds: Money laundering,
Financing on terrorism and Other banking crimes and frauds.

5) Baset, IFRS, NFRS, FATF, Banking Fraud, KYC 1T{zfr.ft qfd-+Tt[ I

6) lnstitutional Assessment of ADBL: institutional capacity, managerial efficiency and

productivity, branch network, corporate image, financial soundness, problems, issues
and challenges, Various products and services, service coverage, service quality and
standard, future strategies for market penetration and technology innovation, Financial
performance & SWOT Analysis of ADBL.

7l qrffid-+ 8-{I g-{ril+i e{ri, Tfrr<, +r6ffi, ffi{qftr+- grr<Tfoa aqr s{rs-ePffi[, 3Tf,{qrt-GiT
m-rtqtr+1 gkqq, strrqrin-I, Tf,€ dET arcRslrEt=l, it+-g q-a-flqqr qIEuF-+] {6e{, qTilfr
gFqFI, {aqffiI dslr rrrf,fr {Effir qzreTrqq I

B) Aqrdqr qFffi6 v*qme-r-+1 e&[erT, qeitqqr frqErq, vril?ffiT nsTr qfrkf,{ { iqrf,fl
ffiq *e gq1-1 mpffi qrrffim,ktrr, srlq-dft ( er{q gq}k-a.o r

e) it+q qaelqxT alq 6q fu alqqr/il'mft-o q-q-flq-+1 eTaur(uTT, TTftfr-{q, s{T{qr+-f,I,

(Bilzrfl nerT T+kf,{, ffi{ur, ,tflffii, , ++ qqr;t [, N, 3{"fl +fi TTtr{R, Af{T
:it i! 'i' I
r rr r \r,
. ..,

wFR ( g] "Fl" qqteffqq usq:{ft q"rq.Flti,


wrcTrzrfl 3t<iftftf, cfrfu"rriT sIEz


+tq q{eTrq{, rn-drrT qa-erre?r, afu BITarRm q-q-{fr !ilrqcFrfr

thffigen I

effetEVWT, T?T1W nqf, W-8, WHfq ztftlry IT

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