The Scarlet Letter Socratic Seminar Debate

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The Scarlet Letter Socratic Seminar

A. What is the moral statement Hawthorne is making throughout The Scarlet Letter?
B. Who is the most morally degenerate character in the book? In other words, is Hester, Pearl, Dimmesdale, or
Chillingworth more impure or corrupt? (you may make the case for another character if you would like!)

1. Create a well supported answer for at least one of the questions above. If you would like to answer both, add your
answers to the end of the worksheet.
2. Include 2 quotes from The Scarlet Letter (include page numbers) and at least 1 quote from an article, magazine, etc.
(add in-text citation).
3. Include at least 1 example of paraphrased evidence with page numbers/sections from the book.
4. Come up with at least one of your own questions to ask about the book.
5. To receive full credit you must contribute to the discussion at least twice. (Saying “I agree” or “Same” does not


Quote from TSL:

Quote from TSL:

Quote from outside source (any article, magazine, anything at all really):

Paraphrased evidence:
Your own Question:

Rubric for in-class participation:

5 4 3 2-1 Total
points points points points
Student poses at Student poses Student is paying Poses no
least one logical one question, yet attention and discussion
and worthwhile it is not a invested in the questions during
discussion discussion conversation, yet the whole class
Participation question. question. does not pose any discussion.
Student responds Student responds questions. Student does not
to at least one to someone’s Student responds to respond to
person’s question. question, yet the a question. anyone’s
response is question.
Student is Student is Student is not Student is
respectful, listening, but does listening during the disruptive and
engaged, able to not engage in discussion not engaged
Behavior be heard, and on conversation during the
task the entire discussion
Student creates a Student doesn’t Student gives Student barely
valid and thought go into detail with general takes part in any
Analytical provoking analysis of knowledge/opinions. deep discussion.
response/question comment.
Student is well Student is Student has paper, Student is
prepared. Student somewhat yet their paper is unprepared
Preparation responded to prepared. only somewhat to defend
questions that complete. argument.
were provided
before class.

Total from above ______/20

Completed Paper + ______/20
Total ______/40

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