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QUIZ 1:-

Diagnosis:- Episcleritis

Definition:- It is a benign, self-limiting inflammatory disease of the episclera.



2.Found in association with:

 RA
 Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
 Acne rosacea
 Atopy
 Gout
 Syphilis
 TB
 Herpes zoster virus


1.Simple Epicleritis may be:

 Sectorial (70%)
 Diffuse (30%)

2.Nodular Episcleritis


It is a non-granulomatous inflammation with vascular dilatation and perivascular infiltration of


Clinical Features:-

 Sudden in onset, more common in females and the redness of the eye is usually
 The lesion appears to be salmon pink colour in light.
 Straight inflamed vessels radiate posteriorly from the limbus.
 The lesion moves with cotton tipped applicator over the deeper tissue.


 Clinical
 Topical phenylephrine 2.5% will blanch episcleral vessels but not deeper vessels

 Self limiting, resolves spontaneously with 1-2 weeks
 Topical artificial tears
 Topical steroids and Topical vasoconstrictors
 Oral NSAIDs (dicofenac sodium and naproxen)

QUIZ 2:-

Diagnosis:- Pterygium

Definition:- It is a degenerative condition of the conjunctiva in which there is a triangular

fibrovascular connective tissue over growth conjunctiva to the cornea in the interpalpebral


 Drying of the interpalpebral tear film

 Damage by ultraviolet light to corneal epithelium, Bowman’s membrane and underlying
 Chronic infection of conjunctiva
 Dusty Atmosphere


It’s a degenerative and hyperplastic condition of the conjunctiva in which the sunconjunctival
tissues undergo elastonic degeneration and proliferate as vascularized granulation tissues
under the epithelium which encroaches the cornea.


1.Progessive pteryguim

2.Stationary pterygium

2.Regressive pterygium

Clinical Features:-

 Asymptomatic in the early stage

 A Fibrovascular growth in the triangular fashion at the limbus with the apex towards the
 Stocker line
 Deterioration of vision
 Diplopia


 Topical steroids for inflammation

 Sunglasses to reduce exposure to UV light
 Surgical Exicison if progressed to stage 2 and 3.
QUIZ 3:-

Diagnosis:- Subconjunctival Haemorrhage

Definition:-It is a benign condition usually asymptomatic until noticed by the patient or others.


 Idiopathic
 Post surgical
 Vitamin K deficiency
 Scurvy
 Severe Hypertension

Clinical Features:-

 Diffuse or localized area of blood under the conjunctiva

 Vision is not affected
 Sudden in onset
 Deep, red haemorrhage is present beneath the conjunctiva in one quadrant or whole of


 Local Ocular examination to rule out ocular cause

 Blood pressure checkup
 Lab investigations to rule out systemic cause


 Self limiting condition, spontaneous resolution occurs with 1-2 weeks

 Artificial tears maybe applied 3-4 times a day
QUIZ 4:-

Diagnosis:- Optic Atrophy

Definition:-It is the atrophy of the optic disc,resulting from the degeneration of the retinal
ganglion cells or their axons.


 Retrobulbar optic neuritis due to MS

 Compressive neuropathy i.e. pituitary tumour, optic nerve tumour and aneurysm
 Ischaemic optic neuropathy
 Traumatic optic neuropathy
 Hereditary optic neuropathies
 Toxic optic neuropathies
 Nutritional optic neuropathies

1. Primary optic atrophy
2. Secondary optic atrophy
3. Consecutive optic atrophy
4. Glaucomatous optic atrophy

Clinical features:-

 Disc is chalky white in appearance with clear margins.

 Lamina cribrosa is more visible.
 Retinal vessels are normal
 Sheathing of vessels is absent


 Neuroimaging-CT scan and MRI

 Electroretinogram (ERG)
 Visually Evoked Potential (VEP)
 CBC, ESR, Blood Glucose levels, BP, Carotid Doppler ultrasound


Depends upon the underlying cause and visual acuity, however there is no absolute cure for
optic atrophy.
QUIZ 5:-

Diagnosis:- Age Related Macular Degeneration

Definition:-It is a degenerative disease of the macula causing irreversible vision loss.


 It is the most common form of ARMD comprising of 90% of cases

 Caused by progressive atrophy of the photoreceptors, RPE and choricapillaries


1.Early stage (asymptomatic)

a)Well defined small Drusen

b)Focal hyperpigmentation

2.Intermediate stage:-
a)Less defined soft large Drusen

b)Sharply circumscribed small circular areas of RPE atrophy.

3.Advance Stage:-

a)Geographical Atrophy

Clinical Features:-

 Gradual impairment of central vision over a period of time, months to years

 Patient may complain of distorted vision
 Both eyes are generally involved
 Severity of symptoms depends upon the stage of the condition.


 Typical Findings of the Fundus

 FFA would show window defects characterized by hyperflourescene.


 Control risk factors and Prophylactic management.

 Photodynamic therapy maybe helpful
 Anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody (RHU-FAB V2)

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