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Fro Knows Photo

Your Order Includes:

You Are Smarter Than Your Flash

You are smarter than your ash, so why let it make all the decisions for you? Your ash’s Auto
feature may give you okay ash results, but who is happy with just okay?

This guide will show you how easy it is to quickly understand the fundamentals of ash
photography and create dynamic lighting in any situation.

Learn from


professional photographers


don't need to spend a fortune

to get professional results.

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No longer be afraid

of your ash

Finally understand ash photography

Get Studio looking photos

without the studio

See how much more


your portraits look with a ash

Learn the tricks of turning

any location

into a studio.

Learn from "Real World" photo shoots

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Four Ways to Trigger Your Flash

Here we show you four easy ways to trigger your ash. We break down how easy it is to trigger
your ash and explain which options you can use in different situations. The best part is there is
an option that will work with any ash you may have.

Flash to Background Distance

In this section, we demonstrate how easy you can change the color of your background by moving
closer or away from a wall with your subject and your ash.

Aperture Demonstration - Shooting into the Sun

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With an open Aperture (lower number) you’re letting in a lot of light. Closed Aperture (smaller
number) you’re restricting the amount of light.

Quality of Light
This part of the guide focuses on the Quality of the light meaning how you can change the look of
the light generated by your ash by using a modi er like an umbrella. An umbrella will serve to
give you a smoother, softer light with nice shape as compared to a bare ash head which will give
you a harder, more contrasty light.

But WAIT! I have more KILLER info for you...

I've Also included these 13 AWESOME Quick Tips

Throughout the Beginner Flash Guide Jared and Adam will cut in with "Just the Tips". These Quick
Tips are meant to give you some extremely useful information.

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These quick hitting tips will help you get into the mindset of a professional photographer so you
are prepared for a situation when you get there. These tips alone are invaluable.

I've Also Included This BONUS...


How great would it be to have a “Flash Field Guide” with you at all times? That is exactly what we
are going to include as a FREE Bonus when you pick up the Beginner Flash Guide today!!! This
guide alone has a value of $47 but can not be purchased separately.

The idea behind this guide is to give you something to keep in your pocket, camera bag or phone
to refer back to while in the eld.

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It is designed to allow you to quickly glance at the information and put it into practice. The goal is
to give you a starting point and allow you to experiment on your own.

You are going to be surprised with the amount relevant information we have packed into this
FREE Flash Guide.

Everybody's Gotta Start Somewhere

With FroKnowsPhoto: Beginner Flash Guide, pro photographer and creator
Jared Polin along with commercial photographer, Adam Lerner, give you a fun and informative
approach to learning off-camera ash, from assembling your basic light kit to how to trigger your
ash, to understanding ash terminology - all with great motivational tips about different ways
you can utilize ash in your photography.

Whether you’ve just picked up your rst ash or you’ve been dreading using it, you’ll walk away
from this guide with a richer appreciation for the fundamentals of ash photography. The
con dence that you gain will allow you to capture incredible, dynamic ash photography in almost
any situation.

The best part is that this isn’t only classroom learning – instead of just listening to Jared and
Adam talk about ash photography, you’ll see them capture actual examples that show cause and
effect of each change on the same image and watch real world photo shoots play out with these
lessons in mind. By the end, you will have gained the con dence to get the ash out of auto and
capture great images with your ash.

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Hands-On Learning
Your lesson begins with a rundown of your lighting kit and how to trigger your ash. Jared and
Adam then go on to explain the basics of ash exposure in clear, concise detail, with helpful
suggestions for always being ready to capture that important moment with a ash.

Once you have a strong understanding of your ash, you’ll understand the key terms of ash
photography, like ambient exposure, ash to subject distance, aperture, ISO and shutter speed,
providing you with an even greater comprehension of how great ash images actually get

Next, you’ll learn how to push past the basic functions provided by your ash's Auto mode to take
your ash photography to the next level. You'll apply the basic principles of photography
combined with the principles of ash photography to get the perfect ash exposure.

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Jared and Adam go thru the ve key elements of ash exposure demonstrating them in a fun and
informative way with real world examples that you can try anywhere.

Finally, you’ll take this new understanding of ash photography and watch it all play out in the
real world, as you join Jared on four photo shoots that highlight unique settings and different
shooting styles – off-camera ash portraits, studio ash portrait without a studio, mixing ambient
light with ash, creative lighting with an off-camera ash and active shots with ash.

This unparalleled access will give you the feel of on-location off-camera ash photo shoot,
complete with the mistakes and solutions inherent to any experience.

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Who Is This Guide For?

Are you or someone you know just getting started with ash photography?

Are you afraid of the ash and not sure where to begin? If so, this guide is a great solution to help
you understand the fundamentals of ash photography and unlock the power of your ash giving
you the con dence you need to capture great images.

This Guide Is For Anyone Who...

Wants to take full control of their ash

Has trouble getting predictable results with ash

Is confused how the exposure triangle for ash works

Would like a better understanding of ash exposure

Thinks ash is scary

Learns by real-world examples

Wants to take ash images that "wow" their family and friends

Would like to turn a while background into a dark background with just one ash

Who Is Jared Polin?

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Jared Polin is an accomplished photographer whose work has appeared in Rolling Stone, Spin
Magazine and countless other international publications. He has recently pointed his talents to the
business world and established himself as an entrepreneur with incredible vision and impressive

In 2010, Jared launched, a fun and informative website for photographers
that provides guidance in the art, process, equipment and experience of capturing moments in
photos. Jared’s unique style and media savvy helped him grow the site’s audience The popularity of
his “I Shoot Raw” brand of merchandise has catapulted Jared and FroKnowsPhoto to worldwide
recognition, creating a legion of fans and photographers of all skill levels who ock to the site for
education and assistance.

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In addition to being a renowned photographer and online superstar, Jared is a trusted advisor and
consultant to brands and companies looking to expand their online visibility. A recognizable
personality at social media business and photo conferences around the United States, Jared is a
sought-after speaker and a leading expert on photography and the use of content development
and marketing.

"Pick up this video and take your photography to the next level…"

Jared Polin knocks it out of the park in his new Beginner Flash Guide video! He and veteran studio
photographer Adam Lerner basically teach you to not be afraid of your ash. Anyone can mount a
speedlight to the hotshoe on a DSLR, but your portraits begin to take on a more professional look
when you can take that speedlight off the camera and experiment with postion, power, and
exposure settings. Jared and Adam teach you that you can accomplish this with a minimum of
inexpensive gear and a few basic lighting rules.

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The information is presented very professionally in easy-to-digest sections that are broken up by
short “Just the Tips” segments that contain a lot of useful information. They do several in-studio
shoots as well as go on-location for environmental portraits. I love it when these two
photographers team up because they compliment each other so well. In this video, the viewer gets
a nice combination of Adam’s no-nonsense technical approach and Jared’s air for the artistic view
and out-of-the-box thinking. This video is essential for photographers just starting out who want
to experiment with lighting, while being extremely useful for experienced photographers who
want to re ne their technique.

Like all of the Fro Knows Photo videos, this one is a lot of fun to watch. We’ve all seen Jared dance
several times before, but this video is worth the price just to see Adam do the “Flash Dance.” Pick
up this video and take your photography to the next level.

- Mike Dunlap

"I would have never had the con dence without this video ash guide…"

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Off camera ash. Oh man! I was always put off by the fear of not knowing what to do. So, I
considered myself a " natural light" photographer. Well, that's one way to put yourself into a box
and have all your images look like everyone else's. I thought to myself what if I learned and
understood off camera ash! Could I begin to separate myself from the pack. My options to
educate myself led me to Jared and Adam. I must say that the two of them work very well in the
ash guide. They begin with the basics and branch out from there. I quickly started to emulate
what Jared and Adam were teaching. Low and behold, it wasn't as scary or hard as I previously
thought. I am happy to have purchased 2 speed lights with triggers since watching. I would have
never had the con dence without this video ash guide.

If you were to invest in one educational product this year. Make the video ash guide the one. It
will push you into your next level of photography.

- Anthony Grillo

"Adam and Jared broke it down so anyone can understand the concepts. It is cause …"

Jared and Adam have put together the perfect beginner guide for using ash. It has really allowed
me to take my photography to the next level.

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I have watched YouTube videos and attended a ash basic class at a local shop but still didn’t really
understand how to use my SB900 ash. I was overwhelmed by all the different settings and factors
that come into play. I would try to make too many changes at once and get frustrated. I didn’t
know how to achieve the results I was looking for. Everything was blown out our just had bad

After watching the beginner ash guide I now “get it”. I understand how to approach a shoot and
how to make changes one at a time as needed. Adam and Jared show you real life demonstrations
on real life shoots. I watched the video in its entirety and went back with my own equipment set
up to practice the techniques being demonstrated.

The best part is this isn’t hard and complicated. Adam and Jared broke it down so anyone can
understand the concepts. It is cause and effect and making one adjustment at a time. You don’t
have to spend a lot of money to get started improving your photography either. I picked up a great
used ash, that I now know how to use and an umbrella and stand and I’m ready to go.

Thank you Adam and Jared for putting together a comprehensive guide that even I can understand.
Using off camera ash really takes things to the next level. Before this guide I had the right
equipment but didn’t understand what I was doing.


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"46 minutes in and I feel con dent that I could take my ash out and nally use it…"

46 minutes in and I feel con dent that I could take my ash out and nally use it! Charging
batteries now so I can shoot along while I'm watching. Love the ash dance, by the way

- Jackie Blakeney

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"this guide is for you! Not only will it trach you the basic essential of on and off …"

This Fro Knows Photo guide is a "must have" for ANYONE trying to learn ash photography and
expand their skills as a photographer. Whether you have never touched a ash before or are trying
to dial in your skills this guide is for you! Not only will it teach you the basic essentials of on and
off camera ash photography, but Jared and Adam will give you their real world tips and tricks to
make sure you get the shot!

- Stephen Sutter

"There are so many parts about it that I loved. The Fro Quick Tips. Positioning tips…"

Jared, I love the ash guide. As I have said before you and Adam are a great team and are amazing
teachers together. There are so many parts about it that I loved. The Fro Quick Tips. Positioning
tips instead of ghting the settings in your camera. Changing the ash power. You and Adam by
walking through all these things just make everything make sense. I nally understand the settings
menu in my ash. I always hatted using it, to harsh or could not tell it was even on. Now that I
know an easy start up kit that will give me a way to get the most out of using my ash I can't wait
to get started building my ash kit. i am looking forward to working on my indoor shots and
getting softer outdoor shots. Thank you for letting me preview the Flash Guide. I will be getting
one for sure. Thank Adam for me too. Love

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- Linda Gosset Stroud

"You showed me that you don’t need a top of the line camera and lenses to get great…"

I learned so much from this video. I thought ash photography was going to be complicated, but
you and Adam broke everything down and made it very simple for me. Everything was step by
step. I didn't realize how little equipment I needed to start out. You showed me that you don't
need a top of the line camera and lenses to get great pictures. The rst hour of the video was very
informative. Learned about exposure/aperture/lighting/ ash power and what is affected when each
is changed.

I liked that it wasn't just a regular, boring tutorial. It had some of that Fro Flare!! Just The Tips
were a great tool to break up the other segments.

- Shelly Seward

"I was pretty surprised at how quickly it started making sense once I purchased…"

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i bought a nikon speedlight a few years ago, thinking i'd be able to go outside and shoot some
moody backlight shots right off the bat. i was way wrong. i was quickly so confused at mixing
light sources that i pretty much gave up, except for occasionally throwing it on my camera and
bouncing the light off the ceiling at parties. i was pretty bummed... not to mention a few bucks
short and left with a little less space in my bag.

I was pretty surprised at how quickly it started making sense once I purchased this guide I really
had a solid understanding of how i can start with my ambient lighting, get the exposure i wanted,
and add my ash in later without blowing my settings out of the water. i think i counted 4 or 5 "a-
ha! moments" before i was through the 3-hour guide.

- Bill Rodgers

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