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Ong vs.

G.R. No. 145542, June 4, 2004
Carpio-Morales, J:

FACTS: This case stems from a vehicular accident whereby a bus owned by petitioner allegedly
bumped into a jeep owned and driven by respondent, Lanuevo, with respondent Tomilloso as
passenger at the time. Respondents filed a complaint for damages against petitioner before the
RTC of Guiuan, Eastern Samar. After petitioner filed her answer with Counterclaim and later a
motion to dismiss the complaint, respondents were granted leave to amend the complaint. On
Nov. 4, 1996, petitioner served written interrogatories upon respondents and on Nov. 21, 1996,
she filed a ¨Manifestation and Omnibus Motion¨ seeking, among other things, an order from the
trial court directing respondents to answer the interrogatories. Trial court denied the motion on
the ground that it constituted a ¨fishing expedition¨ which would be more properly ventilated in a
pre-trial conference. Motion for reconsideration was likewise denied. Petitioner filed a ¨Petition
for Certiorari¨with the Court of Appeals assailing the twin orders of the trial court as having been
issued with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction.

ISSUE: Whether or not the trial court erred in denying the motion to require respondents to
anser petitioner´s written interrogatories.

HELD: Yes. The twin orders denying the written interrogatories were interlocutory in nature for
they leave something more to be done on the merits of the case. The extraordinary writ of
certiorari of generally not available to challenge an interlocutory order of the trial court, the
proper remedy in such ccases being an ordinary appeal from judgement. However, this rule is
not absolute. If the assailed interlocutory order is patently erroneous and the remedy of appeal
would not afford adequate and expeditious relief, certiorari may be allowed as a mode of
redress. It was found that the trial court´s denial was patently erroneous, hence certiorari was
It has been held that the parties are encouraged to avail of the various modes of discovery even
before pre-trial. The thrust of the Rules is to even make the availment of the modes of discovery
without much court intervention since leave of court is not necessary to put into motion such
modes after an answer to the complaint has been served. Its purpose of to enable a party to
discover the evidence of the adverse party and thus facilitate an amicable settlement or
expedite the trial of the case. Therefore, to deny the party the liberty to have his written
interrogatories answered by his opponent, as what the trial court did, is not in accordance with
law and jurisprudential dictum, and thus correctible by writ of certiorari.

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