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Personal View

Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome

Walther N K A van Mook, Roger J M W Rennenberg, Geert Willem Schurink, Robert Jan van Oostenbrugge, Werner H Mess, Paul A M Hofman,
Peter W de Leeuw

Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome (CHS) after carotid endarterectomy is characterised by ipsilateral headache, Lancet Neurol 2005; 4: 877–88
hypertension, seizures, and focal neurological deficits. If not treated properly it can result in severe brain oedema, Department of Internal
intracerebral or subarachnoid haemorrhage, and death. Knowledge of CHS among physicians is limited. Most Medicine and Intensive Care
(W N K A van Mook MD),
studies report incidences of CHS of 0–3% after carotid endarterectomy. CHS is most common in patients with
Department of Internal
increases of more than 100% in perfusion compared with baseline after carotid endarterectomy and is rare in Medicine and Vascular Medicine
patients with increases in perfusion less than 100% compared with baseline. The most important risk factors in (R J M W Rennenberg MD,
CHS are diminished cerebrovascular reserve, postoperative hypertension, and hyperperfusion lasting more than P W de Leeuw MD), Department
of Vascular Surgery
several hours after carotid endarterectomy. Impaired autoregulation as a result of endothelial dysfunction mediated
(G W Schurink MD), Department
by generation of free oxygen radicals is implicated in the pathogenesis of CHS. Treatment strategies are directed of Neurology
towards regulation of blood pressure and limitation of rises in cerebral perfusion. Complete recovery happens in (R J van Oostenbrugge MD),
mild cases, but disability and death can occur in more severe cases. More information about CHS and early Department of Clinical
institution of adequate treatment are of paramount importance in order to prevent these potentially severe (W H Mess MD), and
complications. Department of Radiology,
University Hospital Maastricht,
Introduction overabundant cerebral blood flow relative to metabolic Maastricht, Netherlands
(P A M Hofman MD)
Carotid endarterectomy is treatment of choice for needs was termed “luxury perfusion syndrome”6 in
Correspondence to:
symptomatic stenosis of the carotid artery. Reanalysis of 1966, and in 1978 the “normal-perfusion-pressure-
Dr Walther N K A van Mook,
data from three large randomised trials on carotid breakthrough” theory7 was published as an explanation University Hospital Maastricht,
endarterectomy showed that surgery is of some benefit for cerebral oedema and haemorrhage after excision of a Department of Internal Medicine
for patients with symptomatic stenosis, and highly cerebral arteriovenous malformation. Sundt and and Intensive Care, P Debeyelaan
25, 6202 AZ Maastricht,
beneficial for those with symptomatic stenosis of 70% colleagues8 described CHS after carotid endarterectomy. Netherlands
or more without near occulsion.1 Recently the CHS has also been described after other procedures that
Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial showed that in cause increased cerebral blood flow (panel 1).8–18 Most
asymptomatic patients younger than age 75 years with reports are on CHS after carotid endarterectomy, but
carotid stenosis of 70% or more, immediate carotid there have been an increasing number of reports on
endarterectomy halved the 5 year stroke risk from 12% CHS after carotid angioplasty with stenting.
to 6%. These benefits only exist when the complication
rate is kept below 3%.2 Carotid angioplasty with stenting Epidemiology
is a promising alternative to carotid endarterectomy,3 but There are asymptomatic increases in ipsilateral cerebral
carotid endarterectomy remains the treatment of choice. blood flow (20–40% over baseline) in most patients
Cerebral hyperfusion syndrome (CHS) can occur after immediately after carotid endarterectomy that last for
carotid endarterectomy or carotid angioplasty with several hours.8,19,20 In some patients, severe long-lasting
stenting, and is characterised by throbbing ipsilateral hyperaemia occurs with increases of cerebral blood flow
frontotemporal or periorbital headache, and sometimes
diffuse headache, eye and face pain, vomiting,
Panel 1: Summary of revascularisation procedures causing CHS
confusion, macular oedema, and visual disturbances,
focal motor seizures with frequent secondary Carotid endarterectomy8
generalisation, focal neurological deficits, and Aorto-carotid surgery9
intracerebral or subarachnoid haemorrhage. Although Extracranial-intracranial bypass10
most patients have mild symptoms and signs, Carotid stenting11
progression to severe and life-threatening symptoms can Carotid percutaneous transluminal angioplasty 9
occur if CHS is not recognised and treated adequately. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the vertebral artery12
Because CHS is a diagnosis based on several non- Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the middle cerebral artery13
specific signs and symptoms, patients may be Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the brachiocephalic arteries9
misdiagnosed as having one of the better-known causes Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty/stent of the subclavian artery12
of perioperative complications like thromboembolism. Resection right temporo-occipital arteriovenous malformation with ipsilateral middle and
However, knowledge of CHS among physicians is posterior cerebral arterial supply14
limited.4 In this paper we review research on CHS. Clipping of giant internal carotid artery aneurysm15
Carotid-subclavian bypass16
History Innominate endarterectomy17
Reactive hyperaemia was first described in 1925 during Dural arteriovenous fistula embolisation18
reperfusion after vascular occlusion of limbs,5 Vol 4 December 2005 877

Personal View

to levels of 100–200% over baseline,8 which is often (100% increase from baseline), a subset of patients can
maximal 3–4 days after surgery, falls to a steady state by develop symptoms and signs with moderate increases in
the sixth or seventh postoperative day, but can last perfusion.48
1–2 weeks.20–22 Hyperperfusion (most commonly defined
as 100% increase over baseline) occurs in a subset of Normal cerebral autoregulation
patients after carotid endarterectomy, and a few of these The effects of carbon dioxide and cerebral
patients become symptomatic (figure 1).23 Available autoregulation maintain cerebral blood flow at a blood
epidemiological data on CHS are summarised in the pressure range of 60–160 mm Hg. The effect of carbon
table.4,8,20,23–50 dioxide on the cerebral arteries is most pronounced in
CHS can occur any time in the first 28 days after smaller arteries (diameter 0·5–1·0 mm), whereas
carotid endarterectomy,51 but most studies report onset arteries with a diameter of 2·5 mm or more (eg, the
of CHS within several hours to several days. The carotid artery) show no substantial change.52 Cerebral
incidence of CHS after carotid endarterectomy ranges autoregulation has a myogenic and a neurogenic
from 0·2% to 18·9%, and can be explained by component. In myogenic autoregulation, increased
differences in sample size, inclusion criteria, and intravascular pressure results in depolarisation of
different definitions of CHS. Most studies report vascular smooth muscle and vasoconstriction of small
incidences between 0–3% (table). The definitions of arterioles at high systemic blood pressures.53 When
CHS used in these different studies are mentioned in blood pressure exceeds the limit of myogenic
the table. Until recently, almost all other reports on autoregulation, the remaining autoregulation in large
patients with CHS provide evidence of hyperperfusion arterioles and small arteries is dependent on
increasing 100% from baseline. One study with sympathetic autonomic innervation in the adventitia.54
perfusion MRI reported four patients with symptoms These vascular changes are a result of neural innervation
compatible with CHS, but with only moderate increases and are called neurovascular coupling. As a result of
in perfusion as documented by transcranial doppler.48 sparse sympathetic innervation, the vertebrobasilar
Another study with transcranial colour-coded real-time system is less protected than other regions of the brain.
sonography with echo contrast agents had similar
results,46 although the incidence of CHS in this report Pathophysiology of CHS
was exceptionally high. Although CHS is not commonly Three mechanisms may contribute to the
reported, it seems possible that in addition to patients pathophysiology of hyperperfusion and CHS. First,
presenting with CHS with evidence of hyperperfusion impaired autoregulation could mean that increases in
cerebral blood flow after carotid endarterectomy are not
counteracted by paralysis of cerebral autoregulatory
180 CHS mechanisms.8,55 That diminished cerebrovascular
Criteria for hyperfusion not met reactivity or reserve capacity (percentage rise in blood
flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery after
acetazolamide) can identify patients at risk for
hyperperfusion supports this theory.23 Ipsilateral middle
Cerebral blood flow increase after CEA (%)

cerebral artery mean-flow velocities are pressure

dependent after carotid endarterectomy, and reduction
of arterial pressure normalised flow velocities and
resolved symptoms in these patients.20 These findings
are analogous to the breakthrough (cerebral blood flow
breaks through autoregulation and rapidly increases) in
hypertensive encephalopathy, and because hypertension
sometimes accompanies CHS, some authors speculate
whether CHS is linked to other hypertensive
emergencies.56 In a previously hypoperfused area with
impaired cerebral autoregulation, restoration of perfus-
ion pressure could lead to hyperperfusion.57 Studies with
cats show that the perfusion pressure breakthrough
threshold in chronically ischaemic brain may not be
reduced by the restoration of normal blood flow, but can
be decreased by the addition of new ischaemic insults
Preoperative Immediately after CEA 3 days after CEA
or hypertension.58 Cross clamping during carotid
endarterectomy may further impair autoregulation, but
Figure 1: Typical pattern of changes in cerebral blood flow after carotid endarterectomy (CEA)
Only a few patients develop CHS. Adapted with permission from the Amercian Association of Neurological does not predict hyperperfusion immediately after
Surgeons.23 carotid endarterectomy.23 Experimental damage to the

878 Vol 4 December 2005

Personal View

Design Intervention Patients/ Definition of hyperperfusion (syndrome) Patients with Patients with
interventions hyperperfusion CHS
Sundt8 Retrospective CEA 1145 Regional cerebral blood flow 100% Not reported 22/1145=1·9%
Reigel24 Restrospective CEA 2439 Unilateral headche, seizures and transient neurological deficit during the Not reported 10/2439=0·4%
postoperative period after CEA
Piepgras25 Retrospective CEA 2362 100% increase in baseline cerebral blood flow 274/2362=11·6% 12/2362=0·5%
Nicholas26 Retrospective CEA 2331 Ocular blood flow ipsilateral to the CEA exceeding a level considered to be within 12/2331=0·5% 5/2331=0·2%
normal limits (=mean3 SD, =4·12 mL/min)
Sbarigia27 Prospective CEA 36 Unilateral head, eye or facepain, contralateral seizures, delayed intracerebral 3/36=8·3% 3/36=8·3%
Jansen28 Prospective CEA 130 Not reported Not reported 2/130=1·5%
Jorgensen20 Prospective CEA 95 Symptoms related to excessive increases in cerebral blood flow Not reported 18/95=18·9%
Chambers29 Prospective CEA 35/40 Transient increase in velocity of at least 20% relative to steady state 1 month after 16/40=40% 1/35=2·9%
Jansen30 Retrospective CEA 233 Not reported Not reported 17/233=7·3%
Breen31 Retrospective CEA 184 Not reported Not reported 5/184=2·7%
Spencer32 Retrospective CEA 500 Persistance of MCA velocities 1·5 times values before cross clamping during 73/500=15% 8/500=1·6 %*
shunting or after final release of carotid cross clamps, without adequate corrective (MCAV2pre-
measures clamp MCAV)
Gosetti33 Retrospective CEA 198/178 Mean blood velocity 100% of basal value Not reported 12/198=6·1%
Dalman34 Case cohort CEA 688 100% increase peak blood flow velocities; 100% increase of Gosling pulsatility indices 62/688=9% 7/688=1·1%
Meyers35 Retrospective PTA 140 Clinical and radiographic signs of hyperperfusion Not reported 7/140=5%
Dunne36 Retrospective CEA 30 Flow exceeding 1000 cm/s, or three times the velocity 24 h before surgery 6/30=20% 1/30=3·3%
Keunen37 Retrospective CEA 55 Change of blood flow velocity 100% of preoperative value 5/55=9·1% 1/55=1·8 %
Beard38 Prospective CEA 300 Cerebral oedema due to increased cerebral perfusion Not reported 4/300=1·3%
Hosoda39 Prospective CEA 26 CBF increase 100% 2/26=7·7% 2/26=7·7%
Nielsen40 Prospective CEA 61 Symptoms occurring some days after surgery accompanied by hypertension and 100% directly 2/61=3·3%
seizures postoperative
Hingoran 41 Retrospective CEA 444 Hypertension, headaches, seizures, intraparechymal bleeding, oedema, herniation Not reported 2/444=0·5%
and death
Ogasawara42 Prospective CEA 50 CBF increase of 100% compared with preoperative values 6/50=12% 1/50=2%
Naylor4 Prospective CEA 949 Not reported 3/8 if MCAV 8/949=0·8%
100% following
clamping and after 3 h
Ogasawara23 Prospective CEA 55 CBF increase of 100% compared with preoperative values 8/55=14·5% 2/55=3·6%
Hosoda43 Prospective CEA 41 CBF increase 100% 5/41=12·2% 4/41=9·8%
Ascher44 Retrospective CEA 404 Severe unilateral postoperative headache ipsilateral to the site of endarterectomy, Not reported 9/404=2·2%
seizures, of stroke, accompanied by increased ipsilateral ICA flow (100%) compared
with intraoperative values
Coutts45 Retrospective CEA/CAS 129/44 Neurological deficit that occurred after cerebral vascularisation and was localised Not reported 4/129=3·1%/
ipsilateral to the treated artery, not related to thromboemolism 3/44=6·8%
Fujimoto46 Prospective CEA 95 Probable hyperperfusion syndrome was diagnosed if the patient demonstrated a Not reported 12/95=12·6 %
focal seizure, temporary deterioration of consciousness level with remarkably
abnormal speech and conduct for 6 h after stopping propofol sedation, development
of focal neurological signs, such as motor weakness, or intracranial haemorrhage, on CT
Yoshimoto47 Prospective CEA 18 Not reported. 7/18=38·9% 2/18=11·1%
Karapanayiotides48 Retrospective CEA 388 Transient neurological deficits associated with a migraine-like headache, seizures, Not reported 5/388=1·3%
and intracerebral haemorrhage
Wagner49 Retrospective CEA 1602 Severe headaches that significantly prolonged the patients hospitalisation, new-onset Not reported 6/1602=0·4%
seizures or intracranial haemorrhage that developed after completion of the
Ogasawara50 Prospective CEA 67 CBF increase of 100 % compared with preoperative values 7/67=10·4% 2/67 3·0%

*Hyperperfusion sometimes in combination with other causal factors. CEA=carotid endarterectomy; PTA=percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.

Table: Overview of studies on CHS

cerebral endothelium attenuates or abolishes myogenic role even after short internal carotid-artery clamping.62–65
autoregulation;59 and small-vessel disease (as a result of These free radicals can cause damage to the
hypertension or diabetes mellitus) may thus impair cerebrovascular endothelium, resulting in postoperative
autoregulation.60 hyperperfusion. Administration of a free-radical
A possible mediator of impaired autoregulation in scavenger can prevent cerebral hyperperfusion and
CHS is nitric oxide, which causes vasodilatation and can provide support for this mechanism.66 Therefore,
increase the permeability of cerebral vessels.61 There is endothelial dysfunction could promote breakthrough
also direct and indirect evidence that oxygen-derived free of autoregulation in vessels downstream from arteries
radicals produced during carotid endarterectomy have a that possess less sympathetic innervation.56 Another Vol 4 December 2005 879

Personal View

potentially important factor is blood pH. Some acid-base

management protocols used during cardiopulmonary Panel 2: Potential risk factors for CHS
bypass result in increased cerebral perfusion, indicative Comorbidity/medication
of disruption of autoregulation.67 Postoperative rises in ● Diabetes mellitus
concentrations of carbon dioxide could worsen ● Longstanding hypertension
hyperperfusion as a result of disturbed autoregulation. ● Pre-existing hypertensive microangiopathy
Second, baroreceptor-reflex breakdown may have an ● Minor stroke in the presenting history
association with the development of CHS. The ● Age 72 years
baroreceptor reflex buffers acute changes in ● Recent (3 months) contralateral CEA
systemic arterial blood pressure. Baroreceptor-reflex ● High-grade carotid artery stenosis
breakdown might happen after receptor denervation, for
example after carotid endarterectomy.68 Hypertension Flow related
accompanying baroreceptor-reflex breakdown might Preoperative
increase cerebral perfusion. ● Poor collateral flow

Third, an axon-like trigeminovascular reflex has been ● Contralateral carotid occlusion

implicated in the pathophysiology of CHS.69 The ● Incomplete circle of Willis

trigeminovascular system has a cerebroprotective ● Preoperative hypoperfusion

mechanism, which returns vascular tone back to ● Diminished cerebrovascular reactivity or reserve

baseline after exposure to vasoconstrictors, and involves ● Intracerebral steal (decrease of CBF after acetozalamide

release of vasoactive neuropeptides resulting in challenge)

increased cerebral blood flow, and its response can be Perioperative or postoperative
attenuated by trigeminal ganglionectomy.69,70 ● Increased intraoperative CBF after clamp release

● Intraoperative distal carotid pressure of 40 mm Hg

Pathology (measured through shunt)
Cerebral hyperperfusion sufficient to produce break- ● Persistence of hyperperfusion longer than several days
through of autoregulation results in transudation of postoperative
fluid into the pericapillary astrocytes and interstitium. ● Systemic hypertension
Permeability increases via pinocytosis (introduction of Miscellaneous
fluids into the cytoplasm by enclosing them in ● Use of (high doses of) volatile halogenated hydrocarbon
membranous vesicles at the cell surface), in an attempt anaesthetics
to prevent haemorrhage. The resulting oedema is ● Use of anticoagulants or antiplatelet therapy
hydrostatic in nature56 and predominant in the ● Periprocedural cerebral infarction
vertebrobasilar circulation territory in both CHS and
hypertensive encephalopathy,71 perhaps as a result of
regional variation in cerebral sympathetic innervation.56 Imaging and functional techniques in CHS
Pathological postmortem examination after CHS is There are two approaches used to try to identify patients
consistent with changes seen in malignant at risk for CHS: preoperative demonstration of cerebral
hypertension, including swelling and hyperplasia of hypoperfusion, or either peroperative or postoperative
endothelial cells, extravasation of erythrocytes, and demonstration of cerebral hyperperfusion. CT, MRI, and
fibrinoid necrosis.72,73 transcranial doppler are most widely used, but less
commonly used techniques, such as single-photon
Potential risk factors for CHS emission CT and PET can also be useful in the diagnosis
Many conditions may be predisposing factors for of CHS. Routine use of electroencephalography for the
CHS.4,8,23–25,27,29,33,34,37–40,44,46,47,60,72,74–82 Whether all the factors purpose of diagnosing hyperperfusion and CHS is not
mentioned are risk factors for CHS, or simply factors useful (figure 2).
predisposing for atherosclerosis, and therefore
commonly present in patients with CHS is questionable CT
(panel 2). Diminished cerebrovascular reserve, CT in the preoperative phase is of limited value because
postoperative hypertension, and hyperperfusion lasting it cannot identify most of the potential risk factors for
more than several hours to days after carotid CHS (panel 2). CT done early after the onset of
endarterectomy seem to be the most important risk symptoms after carotid endarterectomy can be
factors.4,8,24,27,31,39,40,43,44,46,82,83 Patients in whom preoperative completely normal,4,41 even when single-photon-
cerebral blood flow is reduced and diminished emission CT shows hyperperfusion.84 CT abnormalities
cerebrovascular reserve is present are most likely to suggestive of CHS are diffuse or patchy white-matter
develop long-lasting postoperative hyperperfusion.23,43 oedema, mass effect, and petechial or massive ipsilateral
Blood pressure control in the postoperative phase is haemorrhages ipsiateral to CEA.4,41,56,71,85 Because of
essential in the prevention and management of CHS. sparse sympathetic innervation of the vertebrobasilar

880 Vol 4 December 2005

Personal View

Suspicion of CHS after carotid


Occlusion and/or thrombosis Echo duplex carotid artery

No occlusion
Consider re-intervention

Re-intervention No re-intervention CT Alternative diagnosis Treat accordingly

No (new) abnormalities

Disappearance of Persistence of
symptoms symptoms Transcranial doppler Perfusion increase 100% Consider alternative

Perfusion increase 100%


Treatment of perfusion No alternative diagnosis (PW/DW)-MRI

Repeat transcranial doppler

Normalisation cerebral
Consider alternative diagnosis
blood flow

Disappearance of symptoms Persistence of symptoms

Diagnosis of CHS

Figure 2: Algorithm for work-up of patient with symptoms suggestive of CHS after carotid endarterectomy (CEA)
PW=perfusion-weighted; DW=diffusion-weighted

system, white-matter oedema predominantly involves endarterectomy) reported no abnormalities on

the posterior parietal-occipital regions. diffusion-weighted MRI, ruling out acute ischaemia,
whereas perfusion-weighted MRI revealed relative
MRI interhemispheric differences in cerebral blood flow.
MRI is more sensitive to ischaemic changes than CT, Perfusion-weighted MRI calculates the maximum slope
and magnetic resonance angiography allows non- of decrease by pixel-by-pixel analysis of the time series
invasive assessment of the major intracranial and (and this slope is associated with the relative cerebral
extracranial vessels. Therefore, MRI could be suitable blood flow). The values found are measured in arbitrary
for preoperative assessment of possible risk factors MRI units. Perfusion-weighted MRI is not a
(panel 2). Abnormalities found with postoperative MRI quantitative method, and conclusions on absolute
are not always associated with symptoms after CEA cerebral blood flow differences cannot be made using
(including CHS), and normal findings on MRI do not this technique.48
exclude the presence of symptoms after CEA (including
CHS).42 MRI abnormalities include white-matter Transcranial doppler
oedema, predominantly involving the posterior parietal- Transcranial doppler measures cerebral blood flow
occipital regions,4 focal infarction, and local or more velocity in the middle cerebral artery with a doppler
overt haemorrhage. The cerebrovascular reactivity can probe through a transcranial bone window. Because the
be identified by use of new magnetic resonance diameter of the middle cerebral artery is not altered by
techniques86 such as dynamic susceptibility contrast autoregulation, changes in flow velocity correlate well
MRI or perfusion-weighted MRI.87–89 Diffusion-weighted with changes in middle cerebral-artery perfusion.
MRI based on differences in diffusion rate of water Transcranial-doppler monitoring can provide direct and
molecules—is more sensitive to ischaemic changes real-time information on middle-cerebral-artery flow
than conventional MRI techniques. One study48 that indicative of preoperative cerebral hypoperfusion,
used diffusion-weighted and perfusion-weighted MRI cerebrovascular reactivity, postoperative hyperperfusion,
in four patients (with symptoms of CHS after carotid and emboli after carotid endarterectomy.22,32–34,36,37,76,90–92 In Vol 4 December 2005 881

Personal View

CHS, transcranial doppler typically shows a 150–300% seizure activity on electroencephalography after carotid
increase in the ipsilateral middle-cerebral-artery flow endarterectomy could suggest the need for antiepileptic
velocity, and normalisation of hyperperfusion with blood medication.24
pressure reduction corresponds with clinical
improvement.20,29,93 Apart from the measurement of PET
middle-cerebral-artery flow velocities, the pulsatility Oxygen-15-labelled H2O PET was used to disclose
index is derived from the difference in the systolic and hypoperfusion in the preoperative phase and
diastolic flow velocity divided by the mean flow velocity hyperperfusion in the postoperative phase.101 There are
according to the method of Gosling.94 no studies on the association between increased
Transcranial-doppler data suggest that cerebral perfusion (as detected by PET) and CHS.
autoregulation takes time to adapt after carotid
endarterectomy,20,81 but stabilises within 6 weeks.55 Single-photon-emission CT
Reductions in preoperative flow velocity, pulsatility Single-photon-emission CT can determine preoperative
index, and cerebrovascular reactivity are associated cerebral blood-flow reserve (after acetazolamide) and
with postoperative occurrence of hyperperfusion,37,92 detect postoperative hyperperfusion,23,39,42,43,84,85,102–109 and
and the increase in peak blood-flow velocity and increased uptake on single-photon-emission CT
pulsatility index after clamp release have high correlates with abnormalities on postoperative CT
sensitivity (but low specificity) for prediction persisting scanning.85,110 Persistence of hyperperfusion on single-
hyperperfusion.34,37,95 Ogasawara and colleagues50 photon-emission CT between the first and third
reported that use of peak blood increases in flow postoperative day may identify patients at risk for CHS.23
velocity immediately after declamping of the internal Single-photon-emission CT may be valuable in
carotid artery to predict hyperperfusion after carotid differentiating ischaemia from hyperperfusion when
endarterectomy resulted in 33% false-positive results; other diagnostics fail,24,39,42,81 and may be further
however, the sensitivity and specificity were 100% (for improved by advances in image processing and
both transcranial doppler as single-photon-emission analysis.43
CT). An increase in peak blood-flow velocity or
pulsatility index of 100% after declamping of the Transcranial regional cerebral-oxygen-saturation
internal carotid artery predicted intracerebral monitoring
haemorrhage more accurately than headache or An increase in regional cerebral oxygen saturation is a
hypertension did.30 However, 10% of transcranial sign of increases in cerebral blood flow—when cerebral
doppler assessments fail because of an insufficient oxygen consumption and arterial oxygen saturation are
transcranial bone windows,32,34,36 and false negative stable. Cerebral oxygen concentrations can be measured
results have been reported.84 Nevertheless, transcranial- with near-infrared spectroscopy. Recently, a strong
doppler monitoring is the most widely available linear correlation was reported between increased
practical method that can be used in the preoperative, transcranial regional cerebral oxygen saturation and
perioperative, and postoperative phases. In our hospital increased cerebral blood flow immediately after carotid
transcranial doppler is used occasionally in the endarterectomy.42 When compared with single-photon-
preoperative phase, for continuous measurement emission CT findings, sensitivity and specificity of
during the perioperative phase, and for 2 h in the transcranial regional cerebral oxygen saturation were
postoperative phase. When cerebral hyperperfusion 100% for detection of hyperperfusion after carotid
persists thereafter, repeated measurements are made endarterectomy.42
until cerebral hyperperfusion and symptoms have
disappeared. Ocular pneumoplethysmography
Ocular blood flow is a good indicator of cerebral blood
Electroencephalography flow, and ocular pneumoplethysmography is an easy and
In many clinics, electroencephalography is used during quick examination. A postoperative ocular blood flow
endarterectomy to assess intraoperative effects and the increase of more than 204% carries a high risk of CHS.26
need to construct a shunt.96 After endarterectomy, both
normal electroencephalography patterns and diffuse Transcranial colour-coded real-time ultrasonography
slowing of waves in patients with reperfusion seizures with echo contrast
have been described.97,98 Patients with CHS, may also One study assessed transcranial colour-coded real-time
show periodic lateralised epileptiform discharges, even ultrasonography with echo contrast agents for the
in the absence of seizures99 or postseizure.100 These diagnosis of hyperperfusion and prediction of CHS
discharges are indicative of localised cerebral foci of after carotid endarterectomy.46 A middle-cerebral-artery
irritability and resolve fully;24 their occurrence is a mean-flow velocity ratio (preoperative to postoperative)
sensitive but non-specific sign, and is not helpful in of 1·5 within 4 days postoperative yielded a sensitivity
identifying patients at risk of CHS.24 Subclinical of 100% and a specificity of 84% for CHS.46

882 Vol 4 December 2005

Personal View

Prevention of CHS concentration.115 Propofol has been used in patients with

Timing of surgery, type and dose of anaesthesia, CHS,116 it normalises cerebral blood flow probably
treatment of hypertension, and adequate instructions for because of effects on cerebral metabolism.117 Further-
patients after hospital discharge. Pretreatment with the more, catecholamine-induced hypertension causing
free-radical scavenger edaravone could also be increased cerebral blood flow may be offset by the use of
considered.66 propofol, without altering autoregulation or reactivity of
cerebral vessels to carbon dioxide.118
Timing of surgery
Operative risk may increase if surgery is done early— Blood-pressure control
3–4 weeks after cerebral infarction—especially in There are no studies of whether patients with a blood
patients with major cerebral infarction or stroke in pressure well-regulated by means of less favourable
evolution, and the risk of haemorrhage in the softened drugs (with regard to CHS) should be changed to more
brain parenchyma may increase as a result of favourable drugs before operation.
postoperative hyperperfusion.72 However, recent analysis
of data from the European Carotid Surgery Trial and Instructions and guidelines after discharge
North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Because most patients are discharged early after carotid
Trial showed that benefit from carotid endarterectomy in endarterectomy, some patients develop CHS after
neurologically stable patients is greatest when the hospital discharge. Instructions and guidelines for
procedure is done within 2 weeks of a patient’s last patients with risk factors for CHS should be developed.
ischaemic event.111 However, carotid endarterectomy The current information on CHS supports return to
within these 2 weeks is in disagreement with the hospital in the event of symptoms until a month after
theoretically possible increased risk of haemorrhage if discharge. The optimum policy should be studied
there is hyperperfusion. A recent (3 months) further.
contralateral carotid endarterectomy has been reported
as an additional potential risk factor for CHS and should Pretreatment with edaravone
also be considered in the timing of surgery.44 Free radicals are produced in the CNS during
reperfusion and can cause postischaemic hyperper-
Type of anaesthesia fusion. Edaravone inhibits lipid peroxidation119 and
There is not enough evidence from randomised trials vascular endothelial cell injury,120 and it ameliorates
comparing carotid endarterectomy under local brain oedema121,122 and tissue injury.119 The antioxidant
anaesthetic with carotid endarterectomy under general was beneficial in the treatment of acute stroke in a
anaesthetic.112 In some trials specifically addressing randomised controlled trial.123 Recently, pretreatment
cerebral blood flow, mean middle-cerebral-artery velocity with edaravone (60 mg in 100 mL physiological saline
after clamping was significantly higher in the local intravenously 30 min immediately before internal
anaesthesia group.113 Whether this means that the carotid-artery clamping) decreased the incidence of
ipsilateral circulation is better preserved and carotid carotid endarterectomy hyperperfusion as measured by
clamping is better tolerated,113 or that patients have a single-photon-emission CT.66
high risk of postoperative hyperperfusion after local
anaesthesia remains unknown. When using general Work-up of patients with symptoms after
anaesthesia, the type and dose should be carefully carotid endarterectomy
planned, because various anaesthetic drugs have Apart from identifying patients at risk, the work-up of a
different effects on cerebral blood flow and symptomatic patient after carotid endarterectomy is a
autoregulation. High doses of volatile halogenated challenge. We propose use of an algorithm for the work-
hydrocarbon anaesthetics may lead to the development up of patients with symptoms suggestive of CHS after
of CHS.60 Isoflurane is the volatile anaesthetic of choice carotid endarterectomy (figure 2). Once symptoms after
in neurosurgical operations because of its less carotid endarterectomy have occurred, differentiation
pronounced vasodilating effects compared with other between surgically treatable causes (for example,
halogenated anaesthetics at equipotent doses. The occlusion of the operated vessel), emboli, low-flow state
effects of isoflurane on cerebral metabolic rate and (ischaemia or infarction), or high-flow state (CHS) is
autoregulation are dose dependent, with impairment of essential for treatment. Once the diagnosis of CHS has
cerebral autoregulation at high doses.114 Nitrous oxide been made, adequate lowering of blood pressure,
induces a small rise in cerebral blood flow, intracranial treatment of cerebral oedema, and anticonvulsant
pressure, and cerebral blood volume. A concentration of therapy form the basis of therapy. Whether adding
less than 70% nitrous oxide probably has no influence perfusion-weighted and diffusion-weighted MRI to
on cerebral autoregulation. However, nitrous oxide native MRI increases the sensitivity for CHS or
combined with volatile anaesthetics does have alternative diagnoses is unknown and should be studied
vasodilatory effects that increase with isoflurane further. Vol 4 December 2005 883

Personal View

Therapy be pursued for secondary prevention of cardiovascular

Because blood flow is pressure dependent in patients complications.
with CHS, and symptoms can disappear immediately
with reduction of the systemic arterial blood pressure, Local anaesthetics
most researchers recommend strict control of blood With regard to the trigeminovascular pathway hypothesis,
pressure in CHS. Drugs that have no direct effects on topical anaesthetics or neuromuscular blockade may be
cerebral blood flow, and those that give some degree of used to treat CHS, but may for several reasons be
cerebral vasoconstriction could be advantageous on suboptimum.69
theoretical grounds. Many drugs commonly used for
treatment of hypertension, such as direct vasodilators Treatment of cerebral oedema
(for example, nitroprusside or glycerol trinitrate)21,27,124,125 Cerebral oedema treatment includes adequate sedation,
and calcium antagonists125,126 are therefore contra- (short term) hyperventilation, treatment of fever,
indicated. Theoretically inhibition of angiotensin II administration of mannitol or hypertonic saline, and
production or action could increase cerebral perfusion. barbiturates; however, there are no data to support these
Captopril preserves cerebral blood flow after a single treatments in CHS. Corticosteroids and barbiturates
dose and increases cerebral blood flow despite have been used in CHS.23,41,42,50
decreasing mean arterial pressure with chronic treat-
ment in patients with severe congestive heart failure. Anticonvulsant therapy
Therefore the effect of angiotensin-converting-enzyme No recommendations on prophylactic use of
inhibitors is limited.125 Use of angiotensin II receptor anticonvulsant therapy can be made on the basis of the
antagonists is limited because they have a long half-life available data. Some authors consider prophylaxis when
and cannot be given intravenously. periodic lateralised epileptiform discharges are present
The 1-adrenergic antagonists (beta-blockers) reduce on EEG,24 others in symptomatic patients with unilateral
arterial blood pressure with little effect on intracranial headache or focal neurological deficits caused by
pressure within the autoregulatory range, and can be CHS.17,41 When patients do have seizures, treatment with
used to treat hypertension in patients with brain anticonvulsants is always indicated.
injury.125 The mixed -adrenergic antagonist and
-adrenergic antagonist labetalol has no direct effects on Anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy
cerebral blood flow and decreases the cerebral perfusion Seizures after carotid endarterectomy are a contra-
pressure and mean arterial pressure by about 30% indication for anticoagulation therapy.25 However, for
compared with baseline,127 and has successfully been secondary prevention of cardiovascular complications,
used in CHS.20,34 Because hypertension after carotid antiplatelet therapy is advised.
endarterectomy is associated with raised cranial and
plasma catecholamine concentrations, treatment could Prognosis
consist of a central-acting sympatholytic agent.128 The Prognosis is dependent on the timing and accuracy of
2-adrenergic agonist clonidine is commonly used after diagnosis and treatment. Conclusions on prognosis are
carotid endarterectomy, resulting in vasorelaxation with derived from a few patients with CHS, all of whom were
decreases of arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and diagnosed in different postoperative phases and treated
cardiac output. The drug decreases cerebral blood flow,125 differently. Although most patients—perhaps those
which, because brainstem sensitivity to baroreceptor diagnosed and treated early—seem to recover
control is preserved, is another reason for its use.129 completely, some studies indicate that nearly 30% of
In summary, labetalol and clonidine are the drugs of patients with (severe CHS, or those diagnosed late) CHS
choice for management of hyperperfusion in CHS. remain partly disabled,35 and mortality rates of 50%
Other vasodilating agents can further worsen CHS. have been reported.25 Thus, although intracerebral
haemorrhage in CHS is rare, it is almost uniformly a
Duration of treatment devastating occurrence.
Intensive blood-pressure lowering should be
recommended until cerebral autoregulation is restored. Conclusions and suggestions
The time taken for autoregulation to be restored varies Patients with substantial cerebral hypoperfusion
among patients,51 and it raises the question of which test because of carotid stenosis benefit from intervention in
is most sensitive to identify this. Some practitioners the form of carotid endarterectomy, but they also face
treat patients for 6 months after surgery,34 whereas high risk of complications.
others use equalisation of transcranial-doppler signals One of these complications is CHS, on which
in the two hemispheres as a guide for treatment.20 In consensus regarding its definition is lacking. To
our opinion, transcranial doppler is suitable for follow- facilitate future uniform investigations the following
up of hyperperfusion. After disappearance of definition is proposed: headache, neurological deficit,
hyperperfusion, normalisation of blood pressure should and seizure or haemorrhage after cerebral revascularisa-

884 Vol 4 December 2005

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