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1. Look at the letter from Anthony, who’s staying in Bristol in England, to his friend, Peter.

There are 30 gaps. After some gaps there is a verb in brackets. Put the verb in the correct
tense. When there is no verb in brackets, write one suitable word – perhaps a modal verb, an
auxiliary verb, a conjunction, an adverb, etc.
Dear Peter, My stay in England is coming to an end. In ten days’time I (1) will return back in Italy. I
can hardy believe that I (2) have been in Bristol for three months. The time (3) passed so quickly!
Yesterday I (4) took my final exams. As soon as I (5) get the results, I (6) will let you know. I’d
really like to have a holiday (7) after the course finishes, but I have to go straight back to Italy. If I
(8) had more time, I (9) would visit Scotland. Unfortunately, I (10) haven’t seen much of Britain – I
(11) have not even been to London yet! I really like England. The people are friendly, the
countryside’s lovely, and the food’s actually quite good. My friend, Pablo, loves it here. He even
says he wouldn’t (12) mind living here. But for me the problem is the weather. I think I’d (13) rather
live somewhere warmer and drier. Recently it’s been absolutely terrible – raining every day. My host
family (14) so really nice to me. They have looked (15) is me very well. I shall miss them. But I’m
looking (16) after to seeing my family again. My parents were planning to move to Rome. They
might have moved already. I (17) forward from them for a while. My brother (18) haven’t heard
redundant, so now he (19) has been made a new job. It must be very worrying for him and his wife.
He says he (20) is looking for have to move to another town where there are more jobs, but he’s not
sure. Yesterday I (21) must to the cinema with Pablo to see Aliens. It’s the fifth time Pablo (22) has
it! He (23) went really like it. Well, (24) has seen do I, but I wouldn’t want to see it that many times.
I (25) does for lots of jobs recently. Yesterday I (26) so for one with the EU in Brussels. It (27) have
applied be great if I (28) applied it, but I haven’t got a very good chance. They want someone with
fluent English and French, and my French isn’t very good any more. Anyway, I haven’t booked my
plane ticket (29) would be so I must go into town now and do that. See you next week. I’ll give you a
ring (30) got I arrive home. Take care. Best wishes, Anthony

2. Complete the story with multi-word verbs from the box. Put them in the correct tense. If the
verb has an object, make sure it is in the correct position.
Last week I went to a clothes shop. I said to the assistant, ‘I (1) look for (a sweater) for my
boyfriend. I like the blue one and the red one in the window, but I can’t (2) sort out (my mind) which
one to buy.’ ‘Never mind,’ said the assistant. ‘Take them both and ask your boyfriend to (3) try on
(them). Then you can (4) bring back (the one that he doesn’t want) and I’ll (5) give back you (your
money).’ Well, my boyfriend chose the blue one, so I (6) bring back (the red one) to the shop. There
was a different shop assistant. She said, ‘I’m sorry. The assistant you spoke to, made a mistake. We
can’t give you your money back.’ I asked to see the manager. ‘I’m afraid she (7) be in on holiday,’
said the assistant. ‘Well, can I see the assistant manager?’ ‘No, he (8) go not back today, either. But
he’ll be here tomorrow and he can (9) be away (your problem) then.’ I (10) try on the next day and
the assistant manager apologized and allowed me to return the red sweater.

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