Examen de Reading - Aptis para Profesores: 1. Texto Con Huecos

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Examen de Reading – Aptis para

1. Texto con huecos
Complete with the correct answer:

Comprehension skills in the classroom

Strong _______(1) think actively as they read. They use their experiences and
_________(2) of the world, vocabulary, language structure, and reading ________ (3) to
make sense of the text and know how to get the most out of it. They know when they have
problems with _________ (4) and what thinking strategies to use to resolve these problems
when they pop up.

__________ (5) can play a critical role in helping students develop their comprehension
skills. Reading research ______ (6) that comprehension instruction can help students do a
_______ (7) job of understanding and remembering what they read. Good instruction can
also help _______ (8) communicate with others, verbally and in writing, about what they’ve

1. readers – parents – teachers

2. books – knowledge – skills
3. strategies – experience – books
4. imagination – parents – understanding
5. Parents – Pupils – Teachers
6. showing – had shown – has shown
7. better – worse – similar
8. students – parents – teachers

Answers: readers – knowledge – strategies – understanding – Teachers – had shown –

better – students

2. Poner en orden
Two people tell about their experiences at school. Put the sentences in order:

Text 1

1. When I went to present I felt afraid, and then when I presented I felt so good for the
effort I applied on. Now I feel so much better than my first day of presentations because I
now know that I can do whatever I want to do.
2. So I was basically a new student in these kind of classes and also I’m English
3. The learnings that I acquire made it so good this moment because I know that I
have to trust on me.
4. I didn’t want to do it, but finally I did it and that one was my best moment.
5. During my time in high school I had it really good moments, but my best moments
that I’ve experienced are in a particular class during my senior year, in Oxford.
6. Something teachers or students can learn from my experience is that we have to
overcome our fears and not let them control ourselves because we can’t know our
capabilities if we are afraid.

Answers: 5 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 6

Text 2

1. Not knowing anything about poetry, hating on poems about reading and writing it in
the past. That class was fun in many ways.
2. When I performed my first poem to that class I found my passion. Since that day
and today I have written over 400 poems and made two books. I have performed on
many stages in small audience and in school.
3. The best moment in class was when I was in 9th grade in sixth period. That was
when I got into poetry and spoken word. Having that “character and scene” class
made my life even greater
4. That was a good day for me because I can write my thoughts down and write the
truth about the world. Teachers and students can learn from this experience that, you
can find what best fits you.
5. I felt alive, and the creative side of me came out. When I wrote my first poem in
freshman year. I realized that it was fun and unique. I felt like I wanted to write more
and more.
6. For example; there was this one time where we had to write our own plays and
poems and perform them in front of the class.

Answers: 3 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 4

3. Opinion matching
Read the opinions of four people about education system and answer the questions:

Agnes: I really think the education system needs to be reviewed all over again. It has
many, many flaws that somehow gets unnoticed by practically everyone. I could be
speaking all day about this subject. For example, achieving good academic results is
interpreted as “intelligence” by most people. An intelligent person will become a “successful
person”. What schools basically do is pick some kids, shape them up like a game and
make them the “successful people who will build the future.”

Peter: This question deserves a much longer response than I’m going to give it. My dad
has been a high school English teacher for over 20 years, and I’ve heard a lot of interesting
stories. I’m only going to only argue one point. It’s wrong to tell all students that their
success in school is a measure of how successful they will be in life.

Lucas: In my humble opinion, the current form of education is too long and most subjects
and courses are simply irrelevant. Depending on which country you live in it might take you
between 16 to 17 years to obtain a degree. This includes primary, secondary and university
years. that is simply too long, using an random figure of 75 years as an average life
extancy for us humans, we spend almost 20 percent of our time studying. Considering that
we are in average 4 or 5 before getting into primary school most us would have spent
arround 30 percent of our time studying before starting any meaningful contribution to the
Maria: I think the government should spend more public money on education. Nor should
people be prohibited from paying their own money for private education, but with public
funds you must ensure that each public school has an equal share in the talent of teachers
and the physical and financial resources of the state.

 Who thinks we spend too much time studying in our lives?

 Who believes that success in school does not ensure success in life?
 Who believes that the government should spend more money on education?
 Who has a teacher as a close relative?
 Who believes that being intelligent doesn’t mean getting good grades?
 Who believes the public school should have talented teachers and good resources?

Answers: L – P – M – P – A – M

4. Relaciona los títulos

Read the following experiences at school and match each one with its title.

1. The school had organized a complementary activity that would last 5 classes. In the
first class I was nervous. Our teacher wanted us to enjoy the experience and develop our
cooking skills. Our culinary experience ranged from “absolutely no culinary experience” to
“almost no culinary experience”. I didn’t know there were so many ways to ruin a plate. The
bad news was that we had to eat what we cooked.
2. I wore my hair in a long ponytail all winter, but when spring came around, I decided
it was time for a change and had my locks cut short and coloured. Not long after, when I
arrived at the Grade 1 class I was teaching, one student commented, “Teacher, you got a
new head!
3. Being a teacher is fun because when you’re sitting at your desk, kids will act as
though there’s a soundproof force field around you. The false confidence that they won’t be
heard leads to entertaining moments, like this exchange in which two Grade 11 boys in a
science class were discussing their futures. “You know what I wanna be when I grow up?”
the first student said. “An astronaut.” The second student adopted a quizzical look, as if to
suggest he’d seen his classmate’s science mark and doubted a job at NASA was on the
horizon. Still, the first student continued, “I want to be an astronaut because I’m going to be
the first person to land on the sun.”
4. In a conversation with one of my fourth grade students, a book on my desk had
mysteriously disappeared. After doing a little research, the school counselor and I
discovered that the student had taken it and was boasting about a friend. I brought the boy
to my office for another conversation. “My book is lost,” I told him. “Do you know anything
about that?” When he said no, I kept going: “You were the last one in my office before he
disappeared. I think you took it. What you think?” Without hesitation, he replied: “I think
everything is crazy from your imagination.”
5. In my Grade 2 class, students are encouraged to work independently and to use
their problem-solving skills. One day, a pupil began following me throughout the classroom.
Whenever I turned around, he would be standing there. Eventually I said, jokingly: “You
don’t need to follow me. Would you follow me over a cliff if I jumped off?” He looked at me
very seriously before responding, “Yes, to see if you were okay!” 
6. We were having a discussion in our kindergarten class about the languages spoken
by the students. I teach in a multicultural school, so most children responded that they
spoke two languages: English and their mother tongue. One little boy raised his hand and
declared proudly that he spoke three languages. When asked which ones, he replied
confidently: “English, Urdu and Bonjour!” 
7. My Grade 4 students knew the only acceptable excuse for incomplete homework
was a note from their parents. One morning, everyone had turned in their assignments
except for Robbie. When he told me his dog had eaten it, I couldn’t help but laugh. “Nice
try,” I said. “That’s the oldest excuse in the book!” Since he was usually a responsible
student, I gave him another copy of the work and told him to return it the next day. Later on,
as I was heading to my car after school, I spotted the student walking his dog with his dad. I
teased: “Robbie, is this the dog that ate your homework?” I was shocked when his father
replied very seriously: “Oh yes, Mrs. Jones. Robbie was so worried he would get in

A – Out this world

B – A loyal following

C – Imagine that

D – Bad dog

E – My School’s Kitchen Catastrophe

F – Spoken words

G – Heads up

H – It was a joke!

Answers: 1E – 2G – 3A – 4C – 5B – 6F – 7D

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