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Electronic Devices and Systems - Spring Semester, 2021

Coursework Assignment Brief

Module Code: 6EJ517

Module Leader: Mohamed Darwish

Marking Tutor: Mohamed Darwish

Assessment Title: Electronic Devices and Systems

Assessment Weighting: 60% of total

Estimated Assessment Duration: 40 hours

Learning Outcomes Assessed: 2&3

Date Set: 13th February 2021

Submission Date: Friday 1st May 2021 by 4 pm

Work must be submitted electronically via the module UDo web site.

Credit will be given for a tidy and professional level of presentation. Note

particularly the guidance in the Module Handbook on report writing, and use of

symbols and numbers.

Task 1 (20% of the full mark)

Design of switched-mode power supply.

Design switched mode power supply with the following specifications:

Input voltage: 12 V DC ±10%
Output voltage: Variable DC voltage (-5V, 5V, -24V, 24V)
Output power: 50 Watts
Output ripple voltage <2%
In your design you should cover the following points:
– A flow chart of all your proposed design showing all design steps.
– Block diagram of your proposed design.

– A justification of all values you use in your design. You justification should
be based on accurate calculations.

Task 2 (20% of the full mark)

Simulation of the switched-mode power supply of Task 1.

Simulate your designed circuit in Task 1 using OrCAD (PSPICE) or equivalent

software (DO NOT use ideal switches in your simulation).
In your simulation you should cover the following points:
– Verification of your design in Task 1.
– Study of all the losses in your simulated circuit. Hence work out the
overall efficiency of your switched-mode power supply.
– Critical comments on any iteration you may carry out between Tasks 1
and 2.
– You may simulate the switched mode power supply for different
parameters to justify that your design is the optimal one.

Task 3 (20% of the full mark)

Cost analysis and procedure of practical implementation of your design

Based on your design and simulated results in tasks 1 and 2, you need to show all
the steps for building your proposed switched-mode power supply.
In this task you should cover the following points:
– Which microcontroller should be used (if any) and why?
– The test procedure of the final product.
– Design-To-Cost analysis of your final product.
– Discussion of the environmental impact of the material used in your

Report Presentation

The final submission of the assignment is the complete report of your work (task 1,
task 2, and task 3). These should be presented as a formal technical report, giving a
clear account of the work done. Do not include wide-ranging background material on
switched-mode power supplies, or microcontrollers. However, the specific blocks
used in the designed simulation and the hardware should be explained. You should
focus on areas that you have personally developed. Report sections are likely to
include: introduction, circuit design (including any design calculations), circuit
simulation, build details, programming including flow or state diagrams, testing and
evaluation, costing, results, analysis and the conclusive remarks . Circuit diagram,
and programme listing should be included.

The report should be between 15 - 20 A4 sides, including diagrams (but excluding

appendices). Reasonable font (e.g. Times New Roman 12 point, Arial 11 point, both
single-spaced) and margins should be used.

Record of Risk Assessment




Persons who may be affected by the STAFF, STUDENT AND


SECTION A: Initial Assessment Overview

Consider the activity or work area and identify if any of the hazards
listed below are significant.

1 Fall of person X 7 Machinery 13 Electricity X 19 Substances 25 Drowning

2 Fall of objects 8 Tools/Equipment X 14 Noise or Vibration X 20 High 26 Psychological

Pressure effects

3 Tripping/Slipping 9 Mobile work 15 Hot / Cold Surfaces 21 Fire/ 27 Human error

equipment explosion

4 Manual handling 10 Mechanical lifting 16 Workstation – X 22 Lighting X 28 Violence

operations equipment
Layout / space

5 Repetitive work X 11 Display screen X 17 Radiation 23 Confined X 29 Peripatetic /

equipment space lone working

6 Housekeeping / 12 Sharp objects 18 Temperature / 24 Buildings & 30 Other(s)

waste material weather glazing

SECTION B: Second Stage Assessment

For each hazard identified in Section A complete Section B
L = Likelihood



1.) Fall of person/tripping All cables hidden from physical view 1 2 Tolerable
over cables

2.) Repetitive Work/RIS/Back Correct posture and regular breaks 3 2 Moderate


8.) Appropriately placed and appropriate usage 1 1 Trivial

Display Screen
11.) Use of LCD rather than CRT monitoring. 1 2 Tolerable
Regular breaks.

13.) Equipment PAT tested 3 1 Tolerable

Noise or Vibration/Exposure to
14.) high SPL Monitor at reasonable levels/take regular breaks 1 2 Tolerable

Lighting/Varied light exposure

22.) Take regular breaks/use correct lighting situations 1 1 Trivial
Confined space/limited area for
23.) Take regular breaks with movement 1 2 Tolerable

No. Of Section B Continuation sheets used:

M. Darwish
Assessor(s M. Darwish Signed

Date of 19/1/2018 Revision
Assessment No.

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