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 Juan Francisco Vazquez Soto
I.D. 288 349
N.L. 38
Grade and group: 4 “B”
Materia: Ingles intermedio
Docente: María Alejandra Chávez

April, 23, 2021


2.- Write 4 original questions and change them into indirect speech:

1.- ORIGINAL: “What was the opposition when you made that decision to leave

INDIRECT: Shabnam asked Kangana what the opposition had been when she had made
that decisión to leave home

2. ORIGINAL: “What’s the one particular incident that led to you leaving home?”

INDIRECT: Shabnam asked Kangana what was the one particular incident that had led
her leaving home

3. ORIGINAL: “What were you like as a child?”

INDIRECT: Shabnam asked Kangana what she has been liked as a child

4. ORIGINAL: “Do you think things have changed for women?”

INDIRECT: Shabnam asked Kangana if she thought things had changed for women

3.- Write 4 original sentences and change them into indirect speech

1. ORIGINAL: “Just want to ask you a little bit more about your family”

INDIRECT: Shabnam asked Kangana that she just wanted to ask her a little bit more
about her family

2. ORIGINAL: “That is pretty much how it is everywhere”

INDIRECT: Kangana answered that was pretty much how it was everywhere

3. ORIGINAL: “I wasn’t a child that an Indian parent would like to have”

INDIRECT: Kangana told to Shabnam that she had not been a child that an Indian
parent would like to have

4. ORIGINAL: “I have struggled for ten years”

INDIRECT: Kangana told to Shabnam that she had struggled for ten years

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