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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Chloe Katinas Date: 4/15/2021

Group Size:15-20 Allotted Time: 50 minute period Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Subject or Topic: 3 states of matter- Solar system

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

a. Standard - 3.3.4.B1
Identify planets in our solar system and their basic characteristics.

Describe the earth’s place in the solar system that includes the sun (a star),
planets, and many moons.

Recognize that the universe contains many billions of galaxies and that each
galaxy contains many billions of stars.

Learning Targets/Objectives:
● Student will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the solar system by creating
their own model of the solar system and explaining it in writing
Assessment Approaches: Evidence:
1) Solar system model 1. Done during the duration of class
2) Written explanation 2. Done at the end of class
Assessment Scale:
● Completing the solar system model with 85% accuracy
Subject Matter/Content: The solar system
Prerequisites: Understanding what a solar system is
Key Vocabulary:
● Planet: It is smaller than a star, and it does not make light.
● Star: a bright ball of gas up in space
● Solar system: consists of the Sun and everything that orbits, or travels around, the
Sun. It includes the eight planets
● Orbit: is the path of an object around a particular point in space, for example the path
the Moon takes around the Earth. Orbits are determined by gravity, and are often
'elliptical', the shape of an oval
● Galaxy: is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems,
all held together by gravity
● The 7 planets: Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn

● The basic structure of the solar system, that all 7 planets orbit around the sun
● That the orbit is what causes us to have day and night
● That the orbit is continuous and never stops
● That stars are example of a gas state of matter
● That the actual makeup of the planets are considered a solid
● How everything about the solar system is matter and contains the three states of
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
● Teacher will greet students “Hi everybody all week we have been working on learning
the three states of matter and how the states of matter play a role in our solar
system. Today we are going to be creating our own solar systems so that you will be
able to better understand it and have it as a reference.”
● Teacher will read The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System written by:Bruce

Development/Teaching Approaches
1. Teacher will review the basic concepts covered abo9ut the solar system from the day
2. Teacher will ask students if they remember what the 7 planets are and what the
planets “do” around the sun
3. Then the teacher will read The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System written
by:Bruce Degen
4. After that, the teacher will start handing out the art supplies
5. Teacher will explain that the students will be making their own solar system
6. That will include the 7 planets, some stars and the sun
7. Teacher passes out construction paper , sisros, glue and tape
8. Teacher will play the youtube video that demonstrates how to make the solar system
with construction paper and students will follow along with the video. Teacher will
pause when necessary
10. The students will leave their models to dry and can take them home at the end of the
11. Then the teacher will give each student a piece of paper. The student will describe
what is in the solar system and what is happening in it and when they are done they
will hand it into the teacher with their name on it

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
● Teacher will say”Great job everybody don’t forget to grab your models and take them
home! Hope you have a great weekend, on monday we will be discussing what
galaxies are and how they have to do with the solar system

Follow all IEPs
***Student has a hearing impairment
● Teacher will have subtitles on the video and teacher will also model the project by
making one in the front of the classroom

● The Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System written by:Bruce Degen
● Glue
● Scissors
● Tape
● Colored construction paper
● Markers
● Lined paper

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

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