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SPE 39657

Relative Permeability Curves: The Influence of Flow Direction and Heterogeneities.

Dependence of End Point Saturations on Displacement Mechanisms
M. A. Crotti, SPE, Inlab S.A. and J. A. Rosbam, SPE, ITBA “

Copydght 1S9S, Seciety cf Petrdeun Engineare, Inc Porosity obtained in the lab is used in a number of calcula-
This peper wcw prepared for presentation at the 1S9S SPE/OOE Impmved Oil Recevety tions and correlations, as well as to fine-tune values obtained
Sympc.siun held in Tulse, CM-a, 19-22A@ 19SS.
using other methodologies, such as logging. It is widely ac-
7his paper was selected for presentation by an SPE progmm Committee fdlw”ng review C#
infonnatien contekted in an abatract submitted by the auther(s), Contents of the paper, as
cepted that thk information as obtained in the lab is generally
present6d, hwe net Lwen mviwmd by the .%dety & Petrdeun En@eers 8M.I are sut@ to representative.
correction by the aulhor(e), The m aterkl, as pfeaented, doss not necessarily reflect my posi.
tion cf the Society cf Petroleum Engineers, its Mk8rs, or mefnbem Papere presented et SPE
On the other han~ the relative permeability curves do not
meetinge are subject to publication ravkw by Editodal Ccmmittws d the Swiety d Petroleum share the same degree of acceptance and credibility. This is
Engineers Ekctrdc reproduction, disbilxdkm, or sterege d any pad ~ this paper for cmn-
merdal pqm?es wittwut the wtitten czmsent d the Society d Pelmlwn Engkeera is prMb- particularly serious because the estimation of reserves in natu-
ited Pennieeien to mprmke in prht is restricted to an abstrtmt of rid more than 303 wo@
illwtratiora may net be mpki The abstrect mtmt centain ccmepbuoue aclmcwlfidgnent cf
ral processes and in EOR projects using immiscible fluids
where and by whom the paper was presented Write Librerien, SPE, PO, Box S338-?6, (water, gas, steam) heavily depends on relative permeabilities.
Richardson, TX 7!WBX3J326, U, S,A,, fex 01-972-S52-S435,
Although there is abundant literature on this subject, many
experimental aspects of these curves, as well as their applica-
Abstract tion in Reservoir Engineering, are debatable and controversial.
This paper presents results that highlight some aspects not The use of laboratory results during the numerical simulation
often considered when dealing with experimental relative stage is usually difficult and subject to ongoing revisions and
permeability curves in heterogeneous mexli~ a very common changes. Usually, the origin of these difficulties is attributed to
situation in natural sandstone samples. the little representativity of the samples. One other possible
When comparing curves’obtained from the same core sample cause, rarely considered, is the intrinsic correctness of the tests
as a result of horizontal and vertical floodings, they show a and their ability to reflect what actually occurs in the reservoir.
large diffidence in residual oil values and in the general dis- These qualities may also explain the apparent difficulty that is
placement performance. The information thus gathered indi- generally encountered when attempting a systematization of
cates a systematic tendency towards notably lower residual oil the relative permeability data derived from different samples
in the case of vertical floodhgs. and/or laboratories.
These results are significant because of the large number of The primary purpose of this paper is to discuss aspects re-
cases of vertical flooding occurring throughout the productive lated to this latter cause. In order to fully understand the basic
life of a reservoir, such as crossflow among strata of different question, it is necessary first to point out a series of facts
permeabilities, predominantly segregate flow, expanding gas which are not usually fully considered when evaluating the lab
cap, flow from basal aquifers, etc. This is the reason for con- data.
testing the standard procedure of always using the same single ■ Nearly all the samples analyzed are heterogeneous, as
set of relative permeability curves tha~ in practically all cases, indicated by numerous publicationsl~. Laminations visible to
are determined by horizontal flow. the naked eye are very fkequent in sandstones. On the other
Based on the results presented herein, it is suggested that the han~ the use of micropermeameters confirms that it is very
end points used in order to describe the different reservoir common that heterogeneities visible in well logs manifest
flow and production models be obtained using horizontal and themselves even at lab sample scale. It is a known fact that a
vertical flooding, as well as by imbibition and capillary pres- second sample, even if taken as close to the first sample as
sure tests. possible, never reproduces the permeability and porosity data
of the first sample.
Introduction ~ Nearly all equations and models used in the evaluation
Most of the basic data used by reservoir engineers are ob- of flow tests presume the occurrence of homogeneous poral
tained experimentally in the lab. Some of these test results are systems. Such an assumption becomes important in light of
widely accepted, while others are under question. Examples of the previous statement.
both cases are porosity and relative permeability curves, re- ■ Most of the relative permeability measurements are per-
spectively. formed through the unsteady state method, by which the re-


ported end points correspond to steady state flow conditions long way to go before an accurate method for obtaining truly
(homogeneous saturation and single phase flow), while the usefid data can be established.
intermediate values are calculated during a transient stage in The Appendix includes some very specific items particu-
which sample saturation is not homogeneous. Because of this, larly associated with lab methodologies. They permit a more
the end point saturations should have greater validity than the thorough comprehension of the influence the analyst’s criteria
remainiig points in the curve, since the shape of the curves in and experimental methodology have over the information pro-
heterogeneous systems depends - among other things - on the vided to the reservoir engineer.
mobility ratio, while it is generally accepted that the end In addition to all the facts mentioned above, there is also a
points - if properly extrapolated at the end of the test - are in- reasonable doubt about whether the end point saturations are
dependent tlom it. independent from the oil recovery mechanism (flooding in
9 It is generally believed that residual oil saturation, SO~,is different directions, injection rates, gravitational segregation,
obtained only atler injecting “infinite” poral volumes of water. etc.).
However, SO,can also be achieved through capillary/ gravita- If the answer to this question were negative, that is, if for a
tional equilibrium that depends solely on time. In the reser- porous medium with certain fluid characteristics the saturation
voir, the times involved are much larger than those employed of the immobile phases were dependent neither upon the
in the lab. mechanism nor the direction of the injection, improving the
m Although there are different ways of reaching the end determination of end point saturations could be attempted by
points, as stated before, they tend to be numerically different resorting to till diameter samples. These may provide a dis-
depending on whether they come from capillary pressure tests placeable volume some twenty times larger than that provided
or from relative permeability tests. by the commonly used horizontal “plugs”. This difkrence in
■ Measurement of end point saturations depends on the sample volume would not only make the study more repre-
interpretations and assumptions of the lab technician. In the sentative but also notably minimize the experimental error.
case of SO,,the technician must extrapolate the production It on the contrary, the answer to the question were af-
data3 until “infinite” poral volumes of water are injected. This firmative, the determination of the end point saturations would
extrapolation usually is not valid for heterogeneous media, have to be performed following the prevailing reservoir
where the production curves show inflections derived from the mechanisms. In the case of a predominant vertical flow (seg-
different productivity and response time of different layers. regate flow, basal aquifws, gas caps, supply from less perme-
For this reason, extrapolation leads to different values for SO. able strata to or from the more permeable ones, etc.) vertical
depending on the time selected for ending the flooding. As is samples would have to be used. In this case, full diameter
well known, there is currently no universal criterion for mak- samples would also k more representative.
ing the decision of when to end the test. Based on the above considerations, it would seem reason-
■ Relative permeability curves in the lab include only the able to conclude tha~ in order to properly characterize the
effect of the viscous forces, since the measurements and com- reservoir, the different displacement mechanisms and flow
putations are performed minimizing the contribution of capil- directions should be studied to analyze their effect on the pro-
lary and gravitational forces. However, capillary as well as duction curves used to determine the system relative perme-
gravitational forces, as emphasized by L. Dake4, are otlen the abilities. Since this study can only be performed at a lab scale,
predominant forces at reservoir scale. it is advisable that the same sample and set of fluids be used in
In addition to these observations, there is a series of known all cases in order to obtain data for comparison purposes.
and accepted facts, rarely interconnected, either among them- In an attempt to provide an answer to the questions posed,
selves or with the above observations. as well as to try to improve the quality of the information pro-
■ When measured in the lab, relative permeability curves vided to reservoir engineers, this paper deals with the influ-
(or their ad points) in general do not allow for reproducing ence of horizontal and vertical floodings on residual oil satu-
reservoir behavior in the numerical simulation. In fhc~ the ration, SOmand on the general performance of the production
relative permeability curve is often used as a parameter to curve resulting tlom the water injection lab tests. The results
tine-tune the simulator. obtained are sufficiently surprising as to cast a shadow of
■ When correlating relative permeability curves with doubt on the validity of some concepts and commonly ac-
other reservoir parametem, or when trying to average these cepted assumptions.
curves, the dispersions obtained are so large that, in many
cases, it maybe concluded that the correlation is of low repre- Description of Test
sentativity. Regrettably, these data are not usually included in Three tests were performed in order to check the influence of
published correlations. Therefore, the user may fail to take flow direction on the production curves. A cubic sample ob-
proper notice. tained ti’omdifferent reservoirs as indicated in Fig. 1 was used
= The influence of different factors on the measurement in each case. It was thus possible to analyze the results of wa-
and calculation of relative permeability curves, and on how to ter floodiig in three diffkrent dmecticms (Fig. 2), maintatimg
consider these factors in order to minimize errors, is the sub- in all cases the same flow geometry and exactly the same natu-
ject of continuous studies5’6’7.This indicates that not only are ral porous medium.
there many variables to consider, but also that there still is a This paper presents a discussion of the results obtained on


one of the samples; however, the conclusions are applicable four horizontal flooding curves show a marked similarity and
to all of the cases studied. There is additional information de- are very diffkrent, both in quality and quantity, from those
rived from tests - not yet ready for publication - which points corresponding to the two vertical floods performed on the
to the fact that similar results are obtained when the phases same sample. The difi%rences are also noticeable in the rela-
displaced are water or gas. tive permeability curves (Fig. 4).
The basic data of the sample are included in Table 1 ■ Different residual oil saturations were obtained for hori-
The following operating sequence was followed for per- zontal and vertical floods. Flooding was more efficient in the
forming measurements: vertical than in the horizontal d~ection.
1. A 70 mm cubic sample was obtained. This sample has The dependence upon flow direction of only one of the end
a volume five times larger than the usual 38 mm samples. point saturations (S.,) was studied in order to limit the number
2. Water, oil and salts were washed off the porous me- of variables. However, as mentioned before, some additional
dium. studies currently under way indicate that also the determina-
3. Aluminum plates with rubber spacers were set in place tion of SiWdepends on the flow direction.
to replace side ends eliminated during cube extraction.
4. Porosity and permeability to gas, in the three direc- From Lab to OffIce. The diff’ent behavior recorded for ver-
tions of the sample, were measured. tical and horizontal displacements indicates the need to iden-
5. The sample was saturated with formation water. tifi the different flow geometries warring in the reservoir as
6. Absolute permeab~lity to water following direction hl soon as possible. This will allow the lab tests to be planned
was measured. accordingly.
7. The sample was flooded with oil (following direction When an accurate, complete or adequate description of the
hl) until irreducible water saturation reached SiW. flow geometries is not possible, the tests should be planned so
8. Effective permeability to oil at irreducible water satu- as to obtain the most complete information possible. This will
ration ~(Si~) was measured. provide sufficient flexibility to perform future calculations and
9. A displacement test by injecting water at a constant simulations that would take into account the effect of all the
rate was performed until total injection reached ten poral vol- forces that may potentially occur in the reservoir (viscous,
umes of water. gravitational and capillary), as well as the diffkrent movement
10. Effective permeability to water at residual oil satura- directions. As a matter of fact, and considering that in reser-
tion k&30,) was measured. voir engineering there is never a final interpretation, it is ad-
11. Stages 7 and 8 were repeated. These measurements visable to extend the above recommendation to all reservoirs
were always performed in the direction of h 1 to guarantee that of commercial interest.
the system initial conditions were the same. A thorough program should include
12. The sample was rotated to allow a different flood di- ■ Horizontal floods, parallel to the stratification planes.
rection. ■ Vertical floods, perpendicular to the stratification
13. Stages 9 to 12 were repeated until the entire test se- planes.
quence was completed. ■ Studies of the equilibrium between capillary pressure
14. Samples were washed to perform the volumetric bal- and gravitational forces. The use of a centritige is recom-
ance. mend as it allows the performance of imblbltion and drain-
15. Calculations were performed. age tests with relative ease.
A summary of flood data is included in Table 2. ■ Imbibition tests. This mechanism becomes important for
The following standard lab tedmiques were used in order determining the SO,in those reservoirs where gravity is a force
to simplitj the experimental procedure of fhirly little relevance and where rock characteristics (very
■ Oil was replaced by a 15 cp. viscosity vaseline, to pre- heterogeneous strata) or fluid characteristics (very viscous
vent piston-like flow displacement conditions. This allowed oils) lead to the formation of fingerings, thus making difficult
sufilcient time to record measurements during two-phase flow. the flooding by the action of the viscous forces.
■ Formation water was replaced by synthetic water of One of the tasks of the reservoir engineer is to identifi
similar composition. which values should be used in each zone of the reservoir.
Two diffbrent flow rates were employed in each flood di- This should be based on the prevailing mechanisms consid-
rection. Measurements were performed cyclically (dwections ered for that region. The lab tests should be designed accord-
hl, h2, z, h 1, h2, z) in order to prevent potential cumulative or ingly, so as to obtain the information under equivalent circum-
variable systematic changes that could mask interpretation of stances.
results. As pointed out in the following paragraphs, this stage is
particularly important. Based on the above considerations,
Interpretation of Results. Based on the comparison of the six residual oil saturation for horizontal floodiig is higher than fdr
production curves, obtained over the same sample, (Fig. 3), vertical flooding. For this reason, when crossflow or gravita-
the following conclusions may be derived: tional forces predominate in the reservoirs, displacement effi-
■ There is a marked difference between the producticm ciencies calculated using the usual data are pessimistic, be-
curves derived tlom the horizontal and vertical floods. The cause in the history matching stage they are generally com-

4 M. A, CROIT[, J. A. ROSBACO SPE 39657

pensated through an overestimation of the ared efficiency. 6. Honarpour, M., KoederitA L., and Harvey, A.H.: Relative Per-
This procedure may lead to discarding potentially interesting meability of Petroleum Reservoirs, CRC Press, (1986).
infill well ciilling projects. 7. Bennio~ D.B., and Thomas, F.B.: “Recent hnprovements in
Experimental and Analytical Techniques for the Determination
of Relative Permeability Data from Unsteady State Flow Ex-
periments”, SPE 10* Technkal Conferenrx and Exposition,
1. In strati&d systems, there is a marked difference June 26-28, 1991.
among the production curves obtained using different flow 8. Buckley, S.E., and Leverett, M.C.: “Mechanism of Fluid Dis-
dmections. Vertical floods are more efficient than those paral- placement in Sands”, Trans., AIME (1942) 146, 107.
lel to the stratification plane. 9. Welge, H.J.: “A Simplified Method for Computing Oil Recov-
2. Additional testing seems to indicate that different irre- ery by Gas or Water Drive”, Trans.,AIME(1952) 195,91.
ducible water saturation values are also obtained for vertical 10. Johnson, E.F., Bossier, D.P., and Naumm V.O.: “Calculation
and horizontal floods. of Relative Permeability from Displacement Experiments”,
Trans., AIME (1959) 216,370.
3. Since the remaining oil saturations are lower with
11. Archer, J.S., and Wong, S.W.: “Use of a Reservoir Simulator to
vertical flow than with horizontal flow, the calculated dis-
Interpret LaboratoW Waterflood Data”, SPEJ, (Dec., 1973), 343.
placement efficiency, based on the usual &@ will be pessi- 12. MacMllI~ D.J.: “Automatic History Matching of Laboratow
mistic when crossflows or gravitational forces predominate in Corefloods to Obtain Relative Permeability Curves”, SPERE,
the reservoirs. (Feb., 1987), 85.
The Appendix includes a series of general recommenda- 13. Sarrnaj H.K., and Bentsen, R.G,, “A Study of the Impact of In-
tions associated with these primary conclusions. stability on Relative Permeability and Capillary Press-we”, Jour-
nal of Petroleum Science and Engineerin& 2 (1989) 311-330.
Nomenclature Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam
hl = horizontal direction
h2 = horizontal d~ection (perpendicular to hl) Appendix - Relative Permeability Curves. General
k = permeability, L2, md Considerations.
kO= effective permeability to oil, L2,md This appendix contains details of some aspects of laboratory
kO(Siw) = effective permeability to oil @ irreducible water measurements that are not indispensable for understanding the
saturation, L2, md significance of the results presented herein. They are, how-
k = effective permeability to water, L’, md ever, useful when evaluating the information. A detailed
k@O$ = effective permeability to water @residual oil analysis of these paragraphs, along with the cited bibliogra-
saturation, L2,md phy, provides a view of the number of variables that have to
SiW= irreducible water saturation be dealt with in order to obtain truly representative relative
SO,= residual oil saturation permeability curves when working with heterogeneous srun-
z = vertical drection pies. This task should not be left entirely to the lab technician
lab results should be regularly matched against the rest of the
Acknowledgments information available to the reservoir engineers. The macro-
We thank Diego Tejada and Rafael Cobetlas for valuable dis- scopic vision should never be left aside when designing and
cussions on the interpretations of results and Liliana Petruzela evaluating lab tests. This becomes even more important when
for her helptld review and corrections on original manuscript. considering the dh?ferentmeasurement and interpretation crite-
Support for this project was provided by I’NLAB S.A., ITBA ri% as well as the different characteristics among reservoirs.
and Petrolera Argentina San Jorge S.A.
Important observations regarding laboratory data. In
References many cases, the production curve, the residual oil saturation
1, Huppler, H.D., “Numerical Investigationof the Effects of Core and the permeability to water - at such saturation - notably
Heterogeneitieson WaterfloodRelative Permeabilities”,AIME depend on the flow rate used during displacement’. Although
(1970)249,381. laboratories take different steps to correct, or no~ the meas-
2, Jakobsen, S.R., hgsoy, P., Braw T., ho, Y., and ~ M., urements performed, they mostly fail to inform what flow
“Assessing the RelativePermeabilityof HeterogeneousReser- rates were used in the lab or the range of application of the
voir Rock”,Paper SPE 28856, presented at European PetroIeum reported data.
Conference held in London, U.K., 25-27 Oct. 1994 The relative permeability curves presented by the labs are
3. Jones, S.C., and Roszelle, W.O., “Graphical Tectilques for
usually continuous along the entire saturation range between
Determining Relative Perrnealility from Displacement Experi-
ments”, J Pet Tech. (May 1978) 807-817; Trans., AIME,265
SiWand SOPThis continuity is artificial and incompatible with
4. Dake L.P.: The Practice of Reservoir Engineering, Elsevier, the tiontal displacement theo&9’]0, and is usually obtained
(1994). through either numerical simulations’>]1>12, unstable displace-
5. Geffen, T.M., Owens, W.W., Parrish D.R., and Morse, R.A.: ment13, or simple extrapolations. For this reason, the zone in-
“Experimental Investigation of Factors Aftlecting Laboratory ferred should not be used during viscous displacements.
Relative Penneaiility Measurements”, Trans., AIME (1951), In stratified water-wet systems (frequent in the lab), water
192,99. saturations above irreducible water saturation are often ob-


tained as a result of displacement tests with oil. This is due to suits of the steady state method in no case enhance the infor-
the fhct that flooding with the hydrocarbonate phase (non- mation to be used by the reservoir engineer.
wetting) is limited to flow rates that produce no damage to the
porous medium. Under these conditions, the differential pres- Methods for cakulating relative permeability curves.
sure between the phases might not exceed the capillary pres- Based on the preceding paragraphs, and considering that the
sures of the less permeable layers, This characteristic could unsteady state method is the most adequate one, the calcula-
explain some cases of very permeable and pcrous rocks that tion methodology best suited for it should be analyzed. It is
exhibit high SiWvalues during lab flooding. very important at this point to highlight two of the main rea-
Residual oil saturation depends on the water saturation sons why the implicit calculation method (numerical simula-
existing at the start of the watesfloodhg test. This is due to the tion) is usually employed7:
fact that the higher the proportion of the poral net occupied by ● Smooth curves are always obtained.
oil, the higher the quantity of oil retained during displacement ■ Curves spanning the entire range of saturations between
with water. Thus, when initiating displacement with a water SiWand SO,,are always obtain~ irrespective of the system
saturation higher than SiW,the obtained SO,will be lower than mobility ratio.
the correct value. These are, in fact, negative reasons, because:
Laboratories raely observe the viscosity ratio of the reser- ■ Real curves are not smooth in heterogeneous medi% so
voir strictly, even if this is essential when dealing with non- that when applying this methodology to stratified media real-
homogeneous systems. In particular, and as is also pointed out ity is masked.
by L. Dake4, mobility ratios less than 1 (near piston-like dis- ■ Numerical simulation, allowing all water saturations to
placement) are seldom used. When they are used, the implicit be mobile, denies the existence of tlontal displacement8-10and
method of calculation is applied to artificially obtain a broader therefore leads to unrealistic fractional flow curves.
spectrum of mobile water saturations that is not representative Additionally, the use of the implicit method that always
of the system physical reality. produces “nice looking” curves, gives way to a less neat ex-
periment. The explicit calculation method requires excellent
Methods for measuring relative permeability curves. The experimental data in order to resolve the equation systems by
steady state method, although more time consuming and nota- using numeric adjustments and production curve derivatives.
bly more expensive, is usually recommended for the following Although the first reasons expressed are more vali~ even if
reasons: the latter were the only difference between both methods it
■ The results are unaffected by the heterogeneities of the would be sufficient to discard the implicit methd since it is
system. In the case of stratified media, when reaching the sta- always prefwable to use a calculation methodology that re-
tionary state no intercrops flow occurs and the relative perme- quires improving the experimental quality of measurements.
abilities obtained represent an average of the relative perme- It should also b pointed out that when using the implicit
ability of each layer. The unsteady state method produces method for calculation, the SO,must be fd to a numerical
transient states that are reflected in the “anomalous” relative simulator, therefore becoming a parameter affecting the entire
permeability curves. shape of the reported curve. The explicit method of calculation
■ The calculations are very simple. The Darcy law is the is free of this dependency.
only operation that must be applied to each fluid, The satura- An excellent example of how the implicit method permits
tion of the system is homogeneous. the introduction of alterations into the experimental data is
However, the following fkcts are often left unmentioned: found in the MacMillan paper]z, where in order to Wter adjust
■ The use of long measurement times and large injection the experimental dat% by using parameterized curves, the So,
volumes may affect the results due to fluid interaction with the is varied by some 15 percentage units of saturation, with no
porous medium. experimental evidence to support such change.
■ In homogeneous medi% measurements performed using
the unsteady state method lead to the same results as the Intrinsic differences between lab studies and actual reser-
steady state methods dos’g.This is not true for heterogeneous voir phenomena. The following facts should be considered
systems, where the steady state method eliminates the influ- when transferring the data from the lab to the reservoir, or
ence of heterogeneities. when designing the studies to be carried out.
■ If the samples are heterogeneous, such heterogeneity ■ When the end point saturations are obtained by dis-
will be present in the reservoir Ixd an~ therefore, the curves placement (viscous drive), virtually “infinite” poral volumes
characteristic of homogeneous media lack any representativ- must be injected. This process can be performed in the lab, but
ity. not in the reservoir.
■ Stationary conditions do not occur in the reservoir. ■ When the end point saturations are obtained through
■ If viscous forces do not predominate in the reservoir, equilibrium between the capillary forces and the gravitational
only the end points are usefl.d for the reservoir engineer. And forces, only one volume of water for-each volume of oil dis-
in both lab methods, the end points are obtained by injecting placed is required. This equilibrium depends on time and not
the displacing phase only. on the volumes injected. In this case, very extended times can
It would seem from the above considerations that the re- be obtained in the reservoir but not in the lab.


■ Each system variable can be studied in the lab in a should not be determined. Complete curves are fimdamental to
nearly independent manner, while in the reservoir it is only provide higher accuracy to end point values. Additionally, the
possible to record the joint effect of all the phenomena in- entire curve will i.dcate whether there are heterogeneities in
volved. As a result of this, it is strongly recommended to ini- the system and/or if damage has occurred in the sample during
tially use very simple lab methodologies in order to study each the experiment.
phenomenon independently, and keep the use of complex ~ The end point saturations obtained through the different
equipment and work conditions for a later momen~ when all ways proposed should lx analyzed and compared.
the variables have been analyzed individually. In other words, ~ The prevailing production mechanisms in the dhlerent
simple and independent experiments should be the starting reservoir areas should be identified in order to obtain the in-
point, not floods in reservoir conditions with reservoir fluids, formation from the most representative tests.
where all the forces and phase equilibria occurring in the res-
ervoir are present. S1 Metric Conversion Factor
Cp. x 1.0 E -03 = Pa.S
Recommendations. in. x 2.54 E+ OO=cm
The following is recommended for measuring relative in.3 X 1.6387 E+ Ol=cm3
permeability curves: md x 9.869233 E –04 = #nz
■ Use full diameter samples every time the study zone has
predominant vertical flow (segregate flow, cross-flow to or
ti-om less permeable strata, etc.). TABLE 1- CUBIC SAMPLE and FLUID PROPERTIES
■ Request laboratories to employ the viscosity ratio pre- Bulk Volume, crn3 343.0
vailing in the reservoir. Porosity, % 15.5
■ Since the lab relative permeability curves include inter- Poral Volume, cm3 53.17
pretation stages, the labs should be requested to provide the khl, md 9.43
experimental data with no data preprocessing (raw data). kh2, md 9.14
Thus, the information obtained can be reinterpreted as re- kz, md 2.72
quired. Lithology Laminated Sandstone
- The steady state method should not be used for meas- Oil Viscosity, cp. 14.4
uring relative permeability curves. In no case does it seem Water Viscosity, cp. 1.03
adequate for representing actual reservoir conditions.
Use the explicit method of calculation, since it is the

only one that highlights the heterogeneities of the system. This I TABLE 2- MULTI-DIRECTIONAL FLOW RESULTS

information is quite usefhl when interpreting the whole lot of Flow Flow Rote Si~ ~ (Si~) kl&~) o:uy-
Direction [cm’lseg] [% PVJ [red]
available data. [%OOIP]
The following is recommended for measuring the end
■ Use all the mechanisms indicated: horizontal flows, Ill 4.0 24.0 5.43 0.564 60.7
vertical flows, imbibition measurements and capillary pressure hl 2.0 24.0 4.85 0.417 61.9
■ Extrapolate the final values based on the production h2 4.0 24.0 3.82 0.362 60.0
curve. The end point saturations can not be accurately ob- h2 2.0 24.0 3.65 0.355 60.7
tained without extrapolating the trend of the production curves z 2.0 24.0 1.21 0.106 68.8
obtained in the flood tests. Under no circumstances should
only end point saturations be requested from the labs. End z 1.0 24.0 1.10 0.099 70.5
point values should always come with the relative permeabil-
ity curve in order to evaluate data quality and representativity.
Thefollowing is recommended for moving lab data onto
II The relative permeability curves should not be averaged
algebraically. Under no circumstance is this a recommendable
practice. Only the pseudo-fimctions have physical meaning,
and these depend not only on the lab curves (viscous flow) but
also on strata geometry, vertical communication, production
rates, etc.
■ The use of end point saturations rather than the com-
plete relative permeability curves should be emphasized for
most cases. As previously mentioned, this should not be inter-
preted as meaning that the entire relative permeability curve



-o- hltimin -. G- -hl-2ccJmin a— t@107min

. . ~.. . ~.2&min +z-2ccfmh ..*..&l~~rn


o 1 2 3 4 6 .S 7 8 $ 10
PV of Injwhd Water

Fig. 3- Effect of flow direction on oil recovery during waterflood-

Fig. 1. - Schematic of cubic sample extraction from a whole di- ing

ameter core.



I .
. - M - low . Horiz, Flow

h2 g
- ~ -

kro - Horiz.

- Vert Flow

Vert Flow

; ,,w .*
~ ,,40 .
z b
0,23 ‘.

0,10 .x-x
-. . ....8%.

0 10 20 30 40 so 60 70 80 90

Sw [% Pv]

Fig. 4- Effer.X of flow direction on water-oil relative permeability

Fig. 2.- Flow directions during waterfiooding of cubic sample.


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