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10 March 2011

California Edition

Calendar District Pay Well Below State Average

Many CEOs Earn Fraction of Non-Profit Counterparts
March 16-18
California’s district hospital chief executive Payers & Providers last year. Those gures
ofcers often earn signicantly less than their were primarily for 2007 and 2008.
91*(2!:)(2;3<(*)!=&>?-+/1>@!9(4<3-! counterparts in the non-prot private sector, The compensation gures provided by
;3)!'(;/)4;!'*-;)<;/-4!(40!DEE-*0(%2)!8(*)! according to compensation data released last Chiang’s ofce are skewed in that base
D<;!F/22!/>?(<;!*1*(2!?*-./0)*+!/4! week by the state controller’s ofce. income included not only salary but bonuses,
8(2/E-*4/(@!GH"IJGKI#@ Of the 51 car stipends and
hospital other forms of
districts that A Snapshot of Hospital District CEO Pay, 2009 cash payment
submitted Highest Reported Total Compensation: $905,084 (Nancy Farber, considered
reports to the Washington Township Hospital District) taxable income,
ofce of according to
March 22 California
Lowest Reported Total Compensation: $146,930 (Jonathan
Brenn, Corcoran Healthcare Distrct)
state ofcials.
Controller Taxable
Highest Compensation Per Bed: $12,122 (John Halfen, Northern
=-**&!O-*L+P!C/+<2-+1*)6!(?-2-5&!(40! John Chiang, compensation
Inyo County Hospital District/total compensation $303,041/25
*)2(;/-4+3/?Q!'*).)4;!>)0/<(2!>(2?*(<;/<)! 38 have CEOs on 990 tax
<2(/>+@!N-+2)&J=(2.(;-*/!8-4E)*)4<)! or executive returns led by
8)4;)*6!R--0!=(>(*/;(4!:-+?/;(26!7-+! directors who Lowest Compensation Per Bed: $1,269 (Edward Mirzabegian, private sector
D45)2)+@!=?-4+-*)0!%&!;3)!:-+?/;(2! Antelope Valley Healthcare District/total compensation
D++-</(;/-4!-E!=-1;3)*4!8(2/E-*4/(@!G$I#J receive some hospitals is
$533,177/420 beds)
G$SI@! form of broken into
82/<L!:)*)!M-*!N-*)!B4E-*>(;/-4 compensation, Source: California Controller separate
and 27 categories. As a
oversaw the result,
daily management of a hospital within their additional compensation among the district
district in the 2009 reporting year. The average CEOs is a fraction of that reported by their
March 24-25 district CEO earned base cash compensation private sector counterparts – $15,071 versus
of $230,876 in 2009, and overall $217,767.
compensation of $245,947. For the most part, district hospital
Statewide, the average non-prot hospital leadership manage facilities far smaller than
CEO in California – excluding district the typical acute care hospital in California.
:)(2;3<(*)!M/4(4</(2!N(4(5)>)4;! hospitals – earned base compensation of According to the Ofce of Statewide Health
D441(2!=?*/45!8-4E)*)4<)@!=3)*(;-4! $514,237 and overall compensation of Planning and Development, the average
R*(40!:-;)26!=(<*(>)4;-@!9)E-*>!(40!/;+! $732,004, according to salary data of more
)EE)<;+!-4!3)(2;3<(*)!E/4(4<)!/+!(>-45!;3)! than 110 CEOs accumulated and analyzed by
Continued on Next Page


E-Mail with
the details of your event, or call
(877) 248-2360, ext. 3. It will be
published in the Calendar section,
space permitting.

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 2

Top Placement... Compensation (Continued from Page One)

Bottomless Potential
hospital size in California in 2009 was 208 same year, according to OSHPD data.
Advertise Here licensed beds. The average size of a district “You’d be hard pressed to nd another
hospital that submitted data to Chiang’s ofce hospital or, for that matter, a special district
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 is just 114 beds, while nearly a third of hospital that has been as nancially successful
facilities reporting data have fewer than 50 as we have,” Brown said. He added that the
licensed beds. failure of other districts to report their nancial

In Brief However, the average compensation per

bed among the district hospital CEOs is
data put Farber’s compensation at the top of
the list.
$4,393, compared to $4,102 among the not- Indeed, the district believed to employ the
for-prot hospital CEOs – suggesting a distinct highest-paid CEO, Palomar-Pomerado Health
salary oor for executives willing to manage System in San Diego County, did not yet have
Tri-City Expands its compensation data posted on its website
these facilities.
Tertiary Services “Many of our hospitals are in rural areas, due to formatting issues, conrmed ofcials
but many executives want upper-tier salaries with both the district and the controller’s
Tri-City Medical Center in ofce.
for those positions,” said Christine Chapman,
Oceanside has announced plans to
director of member services for the According to a September 2010 report by
singnificantly expand its tertiary
care services in the cancer, Association of California Healthcare the San Diego Union-Tribune, Palomar-
cardiovascular and orthopedic Districts, a lobbying group for district Pomerado CEO Michael Covert earned $1.1
specialties. hospitals. million in compensation for 2009, including a
The hospital opened a base salary of $736,000 and a bonus of more
cardiovascular health Iinstitute late Meanwhile, there was a signicant gulf in
last year, and plans to open an salaries between CEOs of district hospitals in than $238,000. With 637 licensed beds on
ortopedic and spine Institute this rural areas and larger facilities in urban or two campuses, Palomar-Pomerado is the
spring, followed by a cancer suburban settings. In the latter instance, many largest hospital district in California.
institute at a later date. Many district CEOs earned six-gure
of them earned salaries matching CEOs in the
The hospital has recruited two
private sector. salaries for overseeing districts that no longer
specialty surgeons: John Regan,
M.D., an orthopedic specialist who The highest-paid district hospital CEO operate hospitals, their acute care facilities
once headed the Cedars-Sinai whose data has been posted by Chiang’s having been closed down or leased to private
Institute for Spinal Disorders at ofce is Nancy Farber, the longtime CEO of operators. Many of those districts function as
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los philanthropic organizations, using their
Angeles; and David Perkowski, Washington Township Hospital District. That
M.D., a cardiac surgeon and one of entity operates 359-bed Washington Hospital annual tax levies to fund healthcare programs
the first practitioners of procedures Healthcare System in Fremont, a Bay Area within the district or contributing them to the
on beating hearts, known as an suburb. She earned $878,593 in base cash operations of the hospitals managed by the
“off-pump” procedure. third parties.
compensation, and additional compensation
"Our vision is to be one of the
of $31,486. However, Farber’s per-bed Marin Healthcare District CEO Lee
best hospitals in the nation by
2015,” said Tri-City Chief Executive compensation for the 359-bed facility is Domanico was the highest-paid among that
Officer Larry Anderson. “By adding $2,521, far below the average for district and group of CEOs, earning base compensation of
these pioneers in medicine to private sector non-prot facilities. $581,836 and no additional pay.
our already outstanding medical However, Domanico’s situation was
staff, we are making significant District spokesman Christopher Brown
progress to that end.” noted that the nancial success of the hospital unique: the former CEO of El Camino Hospital
allowed it to spend some $75 million on and USC University Medical Center was hired
uncompensated care in 2009. Washington
Skilled Leases Five posted a surplus of about $42 million that
Continued on Next Page

Foothill Ranch-based Skilled

Healthcare Group has reached
terms to lease out the five nursing
facilities it owns in Humboldt
Under terms of the deal, a
subsidiary of Skilled will lease the COMPENSATION ON NEARLY 300 OF CALIFORNIA’s
facilities to Brius for 10 years, with
an option to renew for two more HEALTHCARE CEOs, COOs & CFOs ARE AVAILABLE
10- year terms. The subsidiary will
continue to own the properties.
Call (877) 248-2360, ext. 2
Continued on Page 3 CLICK HERE to Order

Payers & Providers NEWS Page 3

Longer ALOS!* Compensation (Continued from Page Two)

Advertise Here by the district in early 2009 in order to sum, said Chiang spokesman Garin
oversee the transition of 235-bed Marin Casaleggio. Now, they are required to
(877) 248-2360, ext. 2 General Hospital in Greenbrae back into its submit them for each individual position
hands. The facility had been operated by within an agency, which are then posted on
*For our ads, not your hospital
Sutter Health for years, but a bitter legal its website.
dispute with the district over how surplus “This gives a much better snapshot of
funds were being disbursed led to Sutter compensation, and allows the public to
In Brief agreeing to end its long-term lease in
compare salaries and determine whether
they are getting value for the taxes they
“This is not a situation where you can just pay,” Casaleggio said.
"Our company is looking add water and stir. Suddenly you have an Less than 100 agencies of the more
forward to working together with organization with just (a handful of) than 3,000 required to report salary data are
the medical community in employees running a signicant hospital,” said now considered to be non-compliant with
Humboldt County to deliver the district spokesman Jon Friedenberg. “He reporting, according to Casaleggio. But they
excellent patient care Brius is
secured nancing, built an executive team and contain some notable names among the
known for," said Brius Chief
Executive Officer Shlomo Rechnitz. made everything that had to happen to healthcare entities.
"We're honored to have the operate this hospital happen.” Among those that have not reported
opportunity to make a difference." Chiang, rst elected controller in 2006 data are Alameda County Medical Center, a
The transfer, which is and reelected by a wide margin last year, was 475-bed facility in the heart of Oakland;,
expected to close next month,
appears to be a strategic retreat prompted by the recent salary scandals in the and Hemet Valley Health District, which
from the region for Skilled, which City of Bell to rewrite his agency’s rules about operates 415-bed Hemet Valley Medical
controls all but a handful of the submission of salary data from cities, Center and 84-bed Menifee Valley Medical
nursing home beds in the rural counties, special districts and other public Center. Ofcials with those districts did not
agencies. In the past, they were only required immediately respond to phone calls seeking
Last July, a Humboldt County
jury ordered the firm to pay $671 to submit their payroll expenses as a lump comment.
million in damages stemming from
a class-action suit about how it
staffed 22 of its properties in
California. Skilled settled the suit
in September, and also agreed with
Kaiser Wins Top Diversity Award
state and county prosecutors to an
injunction to maintain minimum
Organization Tops DiversityInc’s List of Companies
staffing levels at many of its
facilities in California.
Skilled had been accused of Oakland-based Kaiser Permanente has been understand and value diversity,” said Kaiser
failing to provide the state-
mandated minimum of 3.2 hours of named the top company on the DiversityInc’s CEO George Halvorson.
nursing per patient day, and falsely “Top 50 Companies For Diversity” list. Kaiser also made the DiversityInc.’s top 10
advertising that it had. Kaiser has been on the list since 2006, for recruitment of Latinos, African-Americans
Skilled officials said the move and was ranked fourth last year. It beat 535 and Asian-Americans. DiversityInc CEO Luke
won’t hurt the firm’s profitability,
other companies for the top spot. Visconti said Kaiser understands effective
but will reduce annual revenue this
year by about 2.5%. Among its accomplishments: 25% of its healthcare delivery is tied to having a diverse
regional presidents are African-American; staff.
25% are Asian-American and half are women. In a statement, Kaiser said its efforts go
CHA Comes Out "As an organization, we serve a very back to operating the rst racially integrated
Against Nurse Ratio Bill diverse population, and from our board and hospital in the United States in the 1940s.
leadership to our frontline employees, we
The California Hospital
Association has officially taken a
position against the passage of
Senate Bill 554.
Authored by Sen. Leland Yee,

D-San Francisco and sponsored by

the California Nurses Association,
the bill would treat non-
PAYERS & PROVIDERS reaches 5,000 hospital, health plan and non-
compliance with the state’s nurse prot executives statewide. There is no better venue for marketing
staffing ratios much as a patient-
endangering medical error. it your organization or conference, or recruiting new staff.
would allow the the California
Department of Public Health to
issue as much as a $10,000 LEARN MORE HERE
administrative penalty for each

OR CALL (877) 248-2360, ext. 2

violation and correction failure.

Payers & Providers OPINION Page 4

It’s Time To March Like An Egyptian
'(&)*+!,!'*-./0)*+!/+! Uninsured Should Take to the Streets to Save Reform
778?!@4!(441(2!/40/./01(2! Maybe the uninsured could learn something Humana, UnitedHealth Group and WellPoint.
+1%+A*/=B/-4!/+!CDD!(!&)(*! from Egyptians and the uprising occuring Worse, while the Institute of
EC$FD!/4!%12G!1=!B-!$#! elsewhere in the Arab world. At a time Medicine characterizes the consequences of a
+1%+A*/%)*+H?!<B!/+!0)2/.)*)0!%&! when the health reform granting most of the lack of access to care as “needless illness,
)I:(/2!(+!(!'JK!(BB(A3:)4B6! uninsured access to medical care is being suffering, and even death,” it is Republican
-*!(+!(4!)2)AB*-4/A!4)L+2)BB)*? threatened, protests by the uninsured physicians in Congress who brazenly lead the
themselves are nowhere to effort to repeal care coverage.
be seen. By coincidence, there are
In 2009, a about the same number of
@22!(0.)*B/+/456!+1%+A*/%)*!(40! staggering 51 million elderly on Medicare as there
)0/B-*/(2!/4M1/*/)+N Americans had no health are uninsured. Egyptians
insurance. The Urban understand the power of an
EOPPH!"FOI";Q# Institute estimates that 400 aroused populace. Do the
/4R-S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: of them die each week due uninsured?
to lack of access to care. In red states and blue
However, instead of states in 2012, there will be
O$O!U?!V-22&L--0!W(&6!X1/B)!Y pouring into the streets to congressional districts and
Y1*%(4G6!8@!D$Z#Z protest, the uninsured leave senatorial races up for grabs
the loudest push-back to and a contest for the
W)%+/B) (well-insured) political presidency featuring a man
LLL?=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: partisans. who made a historic effort on
K(A)%--G One in six their behalf. Republicans have
LLL?R(A)%--G?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ Americans is now never put forth a serious
>L/BB)* uninsured. Where are they? proposal to provide access to
LLL?BL/BB)*?A-:[=(&)*+=*-./0)*+ Their faces and voices and By care for all. Will they suffer any
names are missed. At a hearing led consequences?
by Sen. Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma Michael If anyone understands the power of
Republican, a sobbing, middle-aged Millenson individuals coming together to make
\0/B-*/(2!Y-(*0 woman confessed she couldn’t demands on their own behalf, it is a
afford care for her brain-injured husband. black man who started his career as a
XB).)4!>?!9(2)4B/4)6!'*)+/0)4B6! Coburn, a physician, glibly responded that community organizer on Chicago’s South
>3)!8(:0)4!]*-1= “the idea that government is the solution to Side. Yet rather than rally the uninsured,
our problems…is very inaccurate.” The President Obama has allowed Republicans to
^-++!]-20%)*56!<::)0/(B)!'(+B! partisan Republican crowd applauded. frame the issue as a debate over the
An estimated 690,000 Oklahomans commerce clause of the Constitution.
have no health insurance. Why were so few The fight to retain actual funding for
@4B3-4&!W*/53B6!\_)A1B/.)! in the room? Why did hundreds of them not the expanded coverage in the Affordable Care
J/*)AB-*6!V)(2B3!@AA)++!8(2/R-*4/(! jam into Coburn’s office the next day? Why Act is just beginning. It is a battle that
do they not continue to tell their stories? Democrats can win only if Americans
V)4*&!7-1%)B6!83/)R!XB*(B)5&! Like the ruling elite in Egypt or understand that the health and lives of their
`RR/A)*6!a))4(4 Bahrain, who genuinely don’t comprehend friends, neighbors and relatives is at stake.
the problems of the average family, For that to happen, those whose lives are
T(*G!K/41A(4)6!T(4(5/45! Republicans are more likely than most intimately affected must first stand up
J/*)AB-*6!@2.(*)b!,!T(*+(2 Democrats to believe that the uninsured for themselves.
really don’t have any trouble finding care.
The political and legal peril in which Michael Millenson is president of Health
health reform finds itself is attributable to Quality Advisors in Highland Park, Ill. He is a
'1%2/+3)*[\0/B-*I/4I83/)R the failure of the uninsured to visibly member of the Midwest edition of the Payers
advocate on their own behalf. Those & Providers editorial board.
^-4!X3/4G:(4 without health insurance have allowed the
)0/B-*S=(&)*+(40=*-./0)*+?A-: issue to become a referendum on Big Op-ed submissions of up to 600 words are
Government. And they have left the heavy welcomed. Please e-mail proposals to
work of lobbying against repeal to the big,
insurance companies such as Aetna,

Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 5

!! 8-3%G&#3%,!M$'3%B'!*':!"&+*#3%!"&#93+9%Q!!P)!@;#3!,%G&%%!@+77!2;$'+9+#-'!-)3!#7&%#,$!+-!7#&G%&!B%,+9#7!G&)52'!)&!+-3%G&#3%,!
!! .%,+9#+,!"7#-'!#-,!T%7+*%&$!M$'3%B'Q!!N)@!B59;!+'!3;%+&!97)53!G&)@+-G!#'!.%,+9#+,!%-&)77B%-3!+'!2&)O%93%,!3)!')#&!#'!
!! L99)5-3#67%!/#&%!0&G#-+U#3+)-'Q!!L&%!3;%$!)*%&;$2%,S!H;#3!3$2%!)C!;%#73;!9#&%!'$'3%B'!';)57,!6%!25&'5+-G!L/0'I!#-,!
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Payers & Providers MARKETPLACE/EMPLOYMENT Page 6


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