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A story about life and death


“Once, there was a place, which every living thing, all kind, lived together. That place name was Rishennya. The
place was so peaceful, no war nor fighting would happen. After 500 years of peace, there was a demon, who
dissatisfied with the way thing happen in Rishennya. His name was Rooglav. He then declare war, which known as
the Great War to all living being in Rishennya, just to make Rishennya the way he liked it. After 30 years of war,
Rishennya was divided into 5 kingdom. The Demons Kingdom, Znyshchennya. The Dark Elves Queendom, Zahybel.
The Elves Queendom, Nadiya. The Kingdom of Half-bloods, Rozpach. And the Kingdom of Humans, Nenavyst.
These 5 kingdom were scattered all around Rishennya, with one intention, to unify Rishennya under their own
kingdom. It’s been 500 years since the Great War. All living thing in Rishennya has grown tired from war that has
prolonged for too long. And there was a little boy, who have a destiny to bring peace back to Rishennya. People
used to say, that one man cannot change the world. Now, we’ll see if this boy can change the world.”


Chapter One
Boy of Destiny
17 years later…..
6th day of Vohod,1047

People used to say, man is made from where he grows up. Well, I don’t think so. If that were true, then I
will be a lumberjack, ‘cause I grew up in mountains. But, as people know, I don’t have the look of a lumberjack. No
big hands, nor that hairy face that lumberjack used to have. But never mind that. I don’t have time to lose in my
thoughts. I need to go to that Old Hermit house to train. Training to be great soldier. I want to follow the footstep of
my late father. My father was a general for a kingdom, but I can’t remember the kingdom’s name. Ah, that’s the
Hermit’s hut. Need to hurry there.
“Hey, Old Hermit. I’m here to train. Let’s start now!” I knocked the hut’s door. A little too hard. The door
made a creaking sound. Maybe with a punch or two, the door fell to the ground.
“Okay, okay. Wait a minute, you little runt. I’m not young anymore. Don’t knock that door too hard, it’ll
fall to the ground if you knocked it that hard.” The sound came from inside the hut. Not long, the door opened and
Old Hermit – I forgot his name – come out the hut. Rumors said, that this Old Hermit was once a great warrior and
still a relative to a royal family. Well, the way he look now, I think that’s not true.
I stretched my arms and legs, while talking with the Old Hermit.“Hahahaha! You need to work on your leg,
old man. So, what are you going to teach me now?”
“Hmm, I have taught you all the basic to be a warrior. Now I will teach you to use that basic in a real battle.
Now, go get your swords.” Said the Old Hermit.
Alright. I stare at the swords near the shelves outside the hut. Which one I should use? ”Not on that shelves.
Get a wooden sword. You’re not ready to use a real sword.”
“But! I’ve been training with you for almost a year now, and I still not ready to use a real sword?! Give me
a break! Let me use a real sword and I’ll show you what can I do!”
“Hhh….Okay. I’ll let you use the real sword.” The Old Hermit walked to the shelves, and took a sword.
“Now, attack me from anywhere.”
“Huh? I attack you? Really?” I really shocked that I need to attack the Old Hermit to be able to use what I
learnt from him.
“Yeah. Show me what you can do.” The Old Hermit smiled, and put on a battle stance. “If you can hit me
just one time, I’ll give you a present. Now, sword ready!”
Okay, time to show him what I learnt from him. “Alright, old man. Here I come!”


“Hey, wake up. You’re not dead yet. I didn’t hit you that hard.” It was the Old Hermit’s voice. Ugh, my
head’s spinning.
“Hey, Old Hermit. What’s happen?” I get up from where I was fell. “Ugh, my head’s hurt.”
“You put up too much on your attack, and it was too easy to dodge. I just smacked you on your neck.” The
Old Hermit smiled, and he touched my shoulder. “Don’t put up too much on your attack. It’ll make you forget to
defend yourself. And never attack people, when your mind wandering elsewhere. You need to clear your mind
before every battle. It’ll help you to focus on the battle.”
“I put my….What was I thinking back then? Oh yeah! I was thinking about…prizes….hehehehe…..” I
suddenly realized that I don’t put my mind on the battle.
The Old Hermit smiled and talked to me. “I said that I’ll give you a prize to distract your mind from that
battle. Remember this well. Mind’s easily distracted. Always clear your mind before every battle.” He looked up to
the sky. “It’s will be night soon. Go back to your home. And send my regards to your parents.”
“Alright! Will do! See you tomorrow, old man!” I walked to the woods that I was passing by to get here.
Suddenly, a shadow jumped from my back. My reflexes looked to the Old Hermit’s hut. “Old man! Watch out!” The
Old Hermit then jumped to the side and knocked the attacker back. I need to help him out. I run to the hut, when
suddenly another shadow jumped. “Old man, are you okay?” I count, there was at least 5 attacker. 2 against 5, we
don’t have a chance.
“Ramus Ahlderid, former General of Zahybel’ Queendom. Queen Lyudstyva want to see you.” The
attacker said that, and take his mask off. His skin was pale black, and his ears’ pointed. A Dark Elf. It looks like he’s
their leader.
“Hmm….the Palace’s special army. I have no business with the palace anymore.” The Old Hermit
straighten his back, and take his sword. “What happen to the Queen’s parent?”
“That’s none of your business. Come quietly or you’ll regret it. Choose well.” Their leader talk to Old
Hermit – or Ramus – in a threatening voice.
“Oh I will come quietly. If you can make me.” The Old Hermit talked confidently. And put up a battle
“Alright. You’ll regret what you choose. Attack them!” Their leader put his mask on,and started to attack
us. Okay, I need to clear my mind and helped Old Hermit to fight them out.
“Go hide! You won’t stand a chance against them! And don’t come out before I said so!”
“No! I’ll help you out!” I take a sword and put up a battle stance.
“I SAID HIDE!” The Old Hermit smacked me into his hut. He then locked his hut using some kind of
magic, because I see a glimpse of light from the hut’s window. I can hear sounds of sword clashes each other and
shout from those who fight. I took a peek from inside the hut. What I see, it amaze me. The Old Hermit single
handedly fight them all, until he finally run out of his breath. One of them then stabbed his chest and made the Old
Hermit hit the hut’s door and made it open. I run into him and wake him up.”Old man! You’re okay?!”
“Hah…hah…hah…..Son, I will use a forbidden magic to wipe them out from here. Go hide inside the
cupboard. Or you’ll be wiped out too.” The Old Hermit tried to stand on his two feet, and walk outside the hut. I
then hide inside the cupboard, and take a peek from it’s keyhole.
“It seems I cannot live any longer. I’ll take all of you to Sheol.” The Old Hermit then put his sword down,
and stretch his arms. “Vsi elemend u sviti, zbyraty i vyterla moïmy vorohamy. Nebes Vybukh!” And suddenly, A
bright light fall from the sky and struck the whole area. After a while, the light’s out, and left the Old Hermit there,
lying on the floor.
I just know, that his condition won’t let him survive. “Old man!” I run to him and drag him inside the
house. I need to put him on bed. “Old man, keep breathing. I’ll look for help. Try to stay awake.” I’m about to run
outside the house, just before Old Hermit’s hand hold me. “No….Stay…….I have ….something… tell
you….” It looks like he use all his strength to said that. I realized, whatever I do, it won’t save him.
I kneel beside his bed, and hold his hand. “What is it, old man?”
“Go to Nadiya Queendomm’s capital, Zhyttya. Find a man named Hrim. He’s my brother. Take your
mother with you. And your father…… if he still alive. Hah….hah….hah…..He’ll probably attacked too, just like
me. Your father was once a general of Nadiya Queendom, their arch enemy. Hah…hah….hah…..Tell me your name
, son…..”
“My name…..It’s….Temnyy….But….why to Nadiya Queendom?”
“Those who attack me…..are Dark Elves…..They can’t enter Elves territory……Nadiya’s an Elves
place…..You and your….mother….will be….safe……Hah…hah…..hah……Son…..I’ll give you a present….just
like I…promise……It’s a name……From now on….your name…..will be…..Voin….Svitla……It means…..
Light….Hah…hah…..Son…..Live well……” His breath gone and his head fell to the bed.
“Farewell, old man…No…Farewell, Ramus Ahlderid.” I need to go back to home, fast. I run across the
wood as fast as I can, so I can made it in time. From afar, I can see a smoke deep inside the wood, and it’s in the
direction to my house. “No! Father! Mother!”
Just as I arrived at my house, I can see that mu house has been burned, and my mother crying in front of
our burning house. “Mother! Where’s dad?”
“He..he…was killed….I knew this was going to happen….but why now?!” She cried loudly. I can do
nothing but to comfort her. I hold her hand, tried to strengthen her up.
“Mother, we need to get out from here. We must go to Zhyttya. Those attacker also killed the Old Hermit.
We’re not safe here. C’mon, let’s go.” I take her hand, and whistle, calling my horse, Zayets. “Let’s go, boy!”
Zayets give a loud cry and run outside the wood. “Farewell, Dad….I will live to follow your footstep. I’ll avenge
your death. That’s my vow!”


Chapter Two
The Training
2 weeks later…..
20 day of Brud,1047

After two weeks of travelling across the woods, we finally arrived at Nadiya Queendom’s capital, Zhyttya.
I need to find a place for me and mom to live for awhile. I go to nearest inn, just to find that the inn is full. “There’s
something I can do. But what?” Just when I almost lost my hope, a man come closer. “Son, what are you doing
here?” That tone voice…It really resembles the Old Hermit. I look up, and find a face that looks like the Old Hermit.
“Um, pardon me. Are you Hrim, Hrim Ahlderid?” That man almost looks surprised, but he seems able to
maintain his composure.
“Yes. That’s my name. How do you know my name?”
“I was the Old Hermit – I mean Ramus Ahlderid, your brother’s pupil.”
“Was? What happen to Ramus, so he sent his disciple to me?”
“He was attacked by Zahybel soldier, and killed. They also took my father life.”
His face doesn’t show any changes, even after hearing news that his brother died. “Oh….I see….What’s
your father name, kid? Maybe, in chance, I know him.”
“His name is….Graundoff, sir.”
“Graundoff….Is it Hrunt Graundoff? So you are General Graundoff’s son. So what’s your name kid?
“It was Temnyy Graundoff. But the Old – I mean Ramus - gave me a new name. It’s Voin Svitla.”
“Voin Svitla, eh….” He look behind my back. It was mom, who’s sitting on a pile of straw. “So, that’s Sir
Graundoff’s widow.” He then walked to her, and bowed to her. “Lady Graundoff. I’m sorry about what happen to
your husband.”
“Thank you, Hrim. That’s very nice of you.” Mom still sobbing while said that.
He straighten his back, and look around. “We better get going. It’s almost night soon. You don’t have a
place to sleep, right? You can stay at my place for a while.” He then turned his head to me. “After we arrived at my
place, go get some rest. We’ll resume your training. Ramus already sent me a letter, that he had an amazing pupil. I
never thought that the pupil he mention is actually the son of Sir Graundoff’s son.”
I’m a little surprised, and also confused. “Eh…Thank you……” I helped mom t get up from the pile of
straw.”Let’s go, Mom.” Then, the three of us walk to Hrim’s house.


“Come now, son. It’s already morning. Do you plan to sleep all day?” Ugh….It’s morning. That’s mother’s
voice. I need to get up. I have a practice with Hrim. “Okay, okay. I’m already awake.”
“The breakfast is on that table. You need to eat a lot. You have a practice with Hrim, right?”
“Yeah. Training with him….it reminds me of the Old Hermit. Hrim’s face really resembles him.”
“Son, I know what you feel. To lose someone dear to you….Now, enough of this sobbing business. Now
go. Don’t make Hrim waiting.”
I look around, there’s no sign that Hrim’s here. “Hmm? He’s not here?”
“He’s leaving very early in the morning. He said he have something to be taken care of. He also said that
you need to meet him on the hill, behind this house.”
“Alright then. I’m off. See you later, mom.”
Mother get up, and kiss my forehead. “Be careful. Try not to be injured there.”
“Okay, I’ll try. See you later, mom!” I decided to run off to the hill and meet Hrim there. It’s not taking too
much time, though, as Hrim’s house was near the hill. After I arrive at the hill, I see Hrim standing on the hilltop,
gazing at the horizon. I wonder what on his mind right now.
“For you to know, my lesson’s won’t be the same as Ramus’.” He then walk down from the hilltop, and
stand in front of me. “First, let’s see what you have learnt from Ramus.” After said that, he suddenly swing his arm
to me and right into my face. My reflexes made me jump back to avoid his attack.
“Good! Now, lets begin!” He then charged at me and throw his fist’s at me. I don’t know what I do, just my
reflexes do what I need to do. After a while, Hrim suddenly stop his attack on me.
“Not bad! I guess Ramus have taught you much, eh? Alright, we take a break now. Can’t fool someone’s
age. Here, sit next to me.” Morning sun shine his light to both of us.
“You know, me, Ramus, and Hrunt – your father , the three of us grow up in Nenavyst. When we’re
teenage, a civil war broke out inside the Royal Family. Our father was a knight there, and being accused for
assassination of Nenavyst’s king that time. Our father, left with no choice, decided to move into Nadiya. Here, our
father was respected and was made a knight of this kingdom, the even taught how to use magic. That, and another
reasons, made us to follow our fathers’ footstep. The three of us were known as White Crusaders, where Ramus was
excel at using binding and healing magic, I’m excel at offensive magic, and your father swordmanship are compared
to none. Tale said, that every enemy of Nadiya, when they hear the name of White Crusaders, they forgot their
mission, and ran straight home. Well, they probably scared at my face. Don’t you think so, eh? Hahahaha……”
Hrim laugh happily for a moment, and the he suddenly became quiet again.
“That peaceful days, ended 15 years ago, when Ramus decided to be a spy and infiltrate Zahybel’s rank.”
“So, that’s why Zahybel’s assassin was there. And he killed my father too.”
“Yes. Your father once destroyed an entire fort single handedly. Because of the destruction of the fort,
Zahybel was easily attacked by Rozpach Kingdom from the north. That’s why they hated your father, and intended
to finish him off..” Hrim stand on his feet, and the talked to me. “Now, I suppose you haven’t learn your magic yet.
Let’s see what kind of magic you’re excel with. Follow me.” He then take me to a biggest stone I ever see. “Now, sit
on that stone, and concentrate.” I jump on the stone and sit on the top of it. “These trees that surround you are magic
trees. It’ll give response if someone cast magic near it.”
“Eh? A magic trees? Never heard of it.”
“Of course. These trees only grow on the mountains, in The Great Cathedral’s yard. The three of us learnt
our magic there.”
“Cool. Now, what should I do?”
“Okay. Concentrate. Empty your mind. Become one with the nature.”
“Uum…How can I know what kind of magic I’m excel at? And what exactly magic does?
“Huh…Clueless, are you? A short explanation on magic. There are 4 types of magic. Offensive magic,
defensive magic, binding magic, and forbidden magic. Offensive magic use all element on Rishennya, like fire,
water, land, wind, and all other things to do damage to the opponent. Defensive magic, it can create barrier, heal,
purify you and your allies’ wounds. Binding magic, well, you can guess from it’s name, it’s used to bind enemies,
either it’s movement or it’s abilities to attack. An advanced binding magic user, like Ramus, they can bind enemies
energy flow and bind them, so they can’t do anything. The last one, forbidden magic. Only a few people know this.
You probably has seen it once, when Ramus used Nebes Vybukh before he dies. It’s considered forbidden, because
when it’s used, they usually give side effect to the user, either it damages their organ, or on the worst case, drain the
life essence of the user. The forbidden magic usually not taught, but thee user invent this on their own, depending on
what kind of magic the excel at. For example. Nebes Vybukh, the Heaven’s Judgement, when it is used, it can cure
all illness of the user and burn all of the user’s foe into ashes in single flash of light, at the cost user’s energy drained
altogether. To know what magic you excel at, it depends on the response the trees give. If it either burned or
withered, then you excel at offensive magic. If it become more flourished, the it’s defensive magic for you. If the
leaves crump and the branches harden, it’s binding magic. Come on. Concentrate now.”
“Okay, I’ll try.” I sit on the stone, and try to concentrate. After a while, suddenly the trees that surrounded
me give a loud cracking sound, and then the branches and leaves fall from the tree.
“Binding magic for you, it seems. I was expecting an Offensive, but Binding isn’t th….” Before Hrim
finished his sentence, the remains of the tree become flourished and sprouting branches and leaves, and in an instant,
it began to burn.
“I can’t believe it! All types of magic!?” Hrim turned his head to me. “So, it is true that you’re the child of
destiny mentioned hundred years ago!”
I turned my head to Hrim. Confused, I began to ask him what he meant by “child of destiny”. “Child of
destiny? What’s that mean?”
Hrim then sat in front of me, and talked to me. “About 500 years ago, there was a war in Rishennya. The
war was started by demon’s nation, Znyshchennya and Zahybel and they was led by Znyshchennya king,Demoniv.
Our ancestor – Ramus,Hrunt,and mine – was one of the Nadiya’s general. They was sent into Zahybel queendom to
spy on their activity. Unfortunately, their act was caught by Demoniv and their was sentenced to death. Just almost
when they are going to be executed, Nadiya’s queen elite squad save the and took them here.The war was ended by
using sacred arts by Nadiya’s queen and the battlefield - Zemlya mertvykh – was wiped out in an instant and became
a barren land as we know now. Even then, Demoniv’s greed made him waged another war to this land,and then
forced all of the nation joined in arms to destroy him. Then, one of the great wizard of Nadiya’s queendom prophet
said that there will be a boy that able to use all elements and ended this war. That wizard – Erebus – never said when
the boy’s showed up. And after hundred years has passed, the propherchy came true and he was in our tutelage. It
really was an honor for all of us.”
“Wow, I never thought that my father have a great past as that. Wow, he must be really famous back there.”

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