Dream Classroom

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Dream Classroom

Arianna Munoz Chevalier

Students will feel loved and safe from physical and/or emotional harm with a zero-

bullying tolerance. Expectations will be displayed and discussed as a class, so students will have

a clear understanding of what’s expected, what the boundaries are and what the desired

behaviors and responses are. Students will understand the importance of these expectations and

that they are placed because I care about them. The teacher's seating is carefully placed in areas

to observe students and ensure these expectations are being followed. Students will feel safe,

successful, love, valued and have fun by displaying their work for the class to see. Students'

work would be celebrated and recognized by being displayed on the “students’

accomplishments” board. By displaying students' work they will receive consistent and valued

recognition for their past and present success. Students should feel welcome to share their work

with the class without judgment. Students will have the opportunity to express their uniqueness

while eliminating the fear of failure. 

Students will be successful and feel loved based on the arrangement of furniture in the

classroom by creating a positive learning environment that promotes an engaging, enjoyable

experience where students are encouraged to participate in classroom discussions and activities.

Each student will have a sense of inclusion whether it’s working in their table groups, working as

a whole class at the front of the room or working with partners at either location. There will be

an aisle between table groups for me to circulate when helping students. I would make my

teaching engaging with students by allowing students to use affordances such as the whiteboard

and smartboard. 
There will be a variety of support systems to ensure students' success. This would include

affordances such as a word wall for students to practice the content correctly and popsicle sticks

for students to use as reading pointers and space markers when writing. Supplies will be

available to students at the supply station and bins at each table. The supply station would

include extra supplies such as pencils, colored pencils, crayons, markers, paper, rulers, scissors,

glue and popsicle sticks. Students will also have fun and have independence by providing

students the opportunity of choice through flexible seating. There will be the typical chairs, bean

bags, yoga balls, and individual colored rugs for students to pick from throughout the classroom.

This supports students' needs and success while allowing them to be unique in their daily choices

of seating. For students to learn, they must feel safe, engaged, connected, and supported in their


I would show they genuinely care and respect and support the students in a variety of

ways. Each student will be recognized by celebrating and displaying birthdays in the classroom.

Students will know I care about them by providing the students with reading buddies (stuffed

animals) and blankets, a variety of seating is provided for students' needs, and a therapy station.

The therapy station would have hand lotion, sanitizer and tissues would be next to the teacher's

desk for students. My class will be fun and inviting with a variety of colors. There will also be a

large window for natural lighting to create a happy, healthy and calming environment. The

environment will be neatly organized, well-stocked, lighted and maintained daily for students


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