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1. With most verbs, the third person singular form is
created simply by adding -S.

 He reads a book every month.

 She learns fast.
 It works very well

only THIRD PERSON SINGULAR subjects (he, she

and it) have to have a verb with -S
 2. For verbs that end in -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or -
Z we add -ES in the third person.

 go – goes
 catch – catches

 wash – washes

 kiss – kisses

 fix – fixes

 buzz – buzzes
3. For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we
remove the Y and add -IES.

 marry – marries
 study – studies

 carry – carries

 worry – worries
4. For verbs that end in a vowel + Y, we just add -S.

 play – plays
 buy – buys
 say – says

5. With plural pronouns (they, we, you) and the pronoun I

the verb doesn’t change.

They play the guitar.

You study a lot.
We go to the theater every week.
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the
verb based on the rules of the simple present tense.

1. Elena and Marta always ___________a

shower in the morning. (take)

2. John usually__________to the mall with

his friends. (go)

3. Henry often__________glasses. (wear)

4.Margaret sometimes ___basketball
in the morning. (play)

5. Ana always __________TV after

dinner. (watch)

6. Laura and her mother never____on

Sunday. (work)
7. Rosa___________fruits. (like)

8. Mr. Garcia ___________ every

day. (walk)

9. She ___________to the park

at 6:00’o clock. (pass) 8-2
10- I _______ a nice bike. (buy)

11- My aunt _________musical

videos everyday. (watch)
12- My grandmother_________the
bus almost always. (miss)

13- My little brother

usually_______during the night.
B. Write down in the spaces provided the
correct form of the verb in the parenthesis
using the rules of the simple present tense.

 On the weekends, I ____________ (do) the

laundry. I go shopping. My sister____________
(wash) the car. My brother____________ (make)
breakfast and ____________ (clean) the house.
My mother ____________ (go) to church. At
night, my brother ____________ (visit) his
friends. My mother____________ (watch) TV.
My sister ____________ (read) a book and I
work in school assignments.
 1.We___________________ in Manchester. (live)
 2. Eric ___________________ chess. (play)
 3. Jean ___________________ at night. (study)
 4. Leonard ___________________ his homework in the
bedroom. (do)
 5. Mr Elliot ___________________ in an office. (work)
 6. School ___________________ at 6.30. (finish)
 7. The children ___________________ the street to
school. (cross)
 8. The dog ___________________ outside. (sleep)
 9. We ___________________ to work together. (go)
 10. They ___________________ TV every day. (watch)
 12. I_______________the car every day. (wash)
 13 . My brother _______________televisions . (fix)

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