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Rydon Construction Limited

Prepared By: N. Wright Date: 18/07/06

Edited By: N. Wright Date: 18/07/06
Authorised By: D. Fox Date: 20/07/06
1.0 Project overview
hurleypalmerflatt have designed and are in the implementation stages of a complete rebuild of the
New Forest Hospital, with a total construction budget of £29m. With the new hospital set to open in
January 2007 it will prove an integral component for the surrounding area.
hurleypalmerflatt are responsible for the mechanical, electrical and IT services of the design. This
entailed the design of communication rooms, wards, theatres, catering facilities, treatment areas,
the double height entrance and DTC waiting areas of the hospital as well as the energy waste
management centre.

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2.0 Planning – Special considerations
2.1 The building

2.2 The site and accessibility

The site that has been chosen for the Lymington New Forest scheme lies to the east of the A337,
just to the north of Lymington town. It is a green-field site that is approximately 3.72 hectares in
A new access road has been provided into the north-west corner of the site, which is to form the
main access to the hospital from outside. There is provision for a secondary access, via the
northern boundary, for emergency ambulance access and egress.
2.3 Site constraints due flood risk
The site is low-lying and may therefore be prone to infrequent flooding due to its location. A decision
was therefore made early on that the building would be best located towards the north-east corner
of the site, on the higher plane in order to keep it away from the more vulnerable flood area. This
also enabled the building to be viewed clearly from the approach road.
2.4 Heritage/preservation features
There are a number of protected trees on the site, which will be retained in the new development, A
decision was also made to preserve as many of the unprotected trees as possible to make the
hospital as green as possible.

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2.5 The site boundary and building position
The east site boundary is lined with deciduous trees that open onto the river estuary. This has
made Lymington Hospital an area of special scientific interest; it will also invariably prove to be a
very attractive backdrop to the building. The longest boundary is defined by a row of mature
conifers that provide good screening to an infrequently used local railway line, and will aid in
reducing noise penetration to the site. The railway line connects Lymington to the mainline railway
station in Brockenhurst, and due to the New Forest Hospital a close station maybe re-opened to
service the site in the future.
The low lying and level nature of the site mean that it is well served by daylight and sunlight. The
obvious benefits for the design will be the opportunity to maximize daylight within the building, using
careful orientation consideration on the north-south axis. This has lead to the wards being generally
east facing, where they will benefit from morning sun, while the DTC forum space and courtyards
will pick up sun throughout the day, having a generally southerly aspect.

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2.6 Aerial pictures of the site

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3.0 The client requirements and methods implemented
The impact of the new hospital on the environment has been considered from an aesthetic, social
and environmental point of view. The main emphasis of the hospital is to create a ‘healing
environment’ for the patients, which serves in complementing the existing surrounding area.
3.1 Architectural quality
The building has been designed as a landmark that reflects the value healthcare has in society
today, while still being sympathetic to the surrounding physical environment.
The sited height of the building and its location due to the flood risk; has lead to the considered
approach to ensure that the entrance is clearly visible from all positions. The area of the raised site
is very limited which has resulted in a compact building three stories tall, that has been mindful of
clinical functionality. The white and grey render look of the building, with gabion walling and the
extensive use of glazing provide a clinical clean looking modern building.
The location of the building is in a Greenfield site, with a number of surrounding trees, as many are
being retained as possible to compliment the architectural quality of the building.
3.2 Sustainability
Sustainability is one of our key design principles for the design of the building. As set out in the
Nuffield "2020 Vision" publication, sustainable healthcare design embraces three key issues:
ƒ Social: to design, build, maintain and adapt buildings to meet the changing needs of society.
ƒ Economic: to develop a more holistic costing framework that takes account of whole life
costing and best value.
ƒ Environmental: to meet a "green agenda" globally, locally and internally through the choice
and use of energy sources, materials and components, building arrangements and services.
The following environmental concepts have been developed as part of the design:
ƒ The use of natural ventilation, as far as possible, and where appropriate, by avoiding deep
plans and providing openable windows.
ƒ The use of natural daylight wherever possible.
ƒ The development of a three storey scheme, which maximises the site available to be retained
for landscaping, which is beneficial to both users and the environment.
ƒ Controlling solar gain through brise soleil.
ƒ Heating controlled within each room/ward by adjustable thermostats and area zoning.
ƒ Wherever possible materials with low embodied energy have been specified (for example
blockwork). Materials have also been selected with long life spans.
3.3 Transportation
Staff, patients and visitor’s methods of transportation to the site have been considered as part of the
design process. The approach to transportation reflects the Trust’s Green Transport policy. Green
transport methods have been given prominence within the scheme to promote their use and
implementation as follows:
ƒ Cycle paths are provided to and across the site with covered secure bicycle storage close to
the main entrance. Staff shower and change facilities are provided for cyclists.
ƒ Bus access has/will be provided across the site with a bus stop close to the main entrance.
ƒ Landscaped, safe pedestrian routes across the site have been provided.
ƒ A drop off area provides close access to the main entrance for taxis.
ƒ Sufficient car parking is provided close to the main entrance (car parking sized in accordance
with ITN requirements. This includes safe and secure parking for staff, particularly those
working out of hours. Disabled parking is also provided.

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3.4 Energy efficiency
The buildings envelope, massing and fenestration patterns are organized to maximize thermal
insulation and minimize solar gain. Natural daylight and ventilation within the building are
implemented wherever possible in the design of the building services to reduce energy needs. The
mass of the structure has been used significantly to absorb, store and re-use energy from solar
gain, occupants, equipment and plant wherever appropriate.
The key to increasing energy efficiency is also to reduce the requirement of non-renewable fuel
sources by:
ƒ Reducing energy demands to the optimum low level,
ƒ Using renewable energy sources as far as possible.
The design proposals related to the Building Services by hurleypalmerflatt have maximised the use
of low energy and sustainable solutions, wherever possible. It is intended that the Building Services
strategy and equipment has be chosen to minimise carbon emissions and reduce long-term
maintenance costs.
The fundamental target design objectives for hurleyplamerflatt and the design team were:
ƒ To minimise the use of Mechanical Ventilation.
ƒ To maximise the use of Natural Daylight.
ƒ To maximise the use of Natural Ventilation.
ƒ Minimise CO2 emissions.
ƒ Minimise solar gain.
ƒ Minimise energy consumption.
ƒ To ensure that the above objectives are realised, our design proposals include:
ƒ Passive external shading to the facades to minimise solar gain.
ƒ The provision of passive louvre shading to the roof of the Atriums to minimise solar gain.
ƒ Innovative space planning to avoid deep plan spaces and thereby promoting the use of
natural ventilation and light via openable façade glazing.
ƒ The inclusion of low energy lighting throughout the Hospital.
ƒ The provision of automated lighting control to minimise energy wastage.
ƒ The provision of durable plant and equipment to maximise plant life and improve
ƒ All refrigerants that have been implemented have a zero ozone depletion rating.
ƒ The provision of Low NOx boiler plant to minimise carbon emissions.
ƒ The use of minimal water storage to promote sustainability and reduce the risk of legionella.
ƒ The provision of solar reflective glazing to minimise the effects of heat gain.
ƒ The use of heat recovery within all mechanical ventilation systems to minimise energy usage.
ƒ The provision of inverter driven motors to all principal ventilation fans and primary water and
heating pump systems.
ƒ Effective heating controls to reduce energy consumption and provide dedicated zonal control.
ƒ Reduced volume water cisterns to minimise water consumption.
ƒ The utilisation of night time cooling.

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3.5 Minimising waste management
Waste will be managed by re-using materials in preference to recycling, and recycling in preference
to disposal in line with best practice.
Planned separation of waste materials, as far as possible within the waste management facilities,
will enable a responsible strategy to be adopted for all waste leaving the site. In addition much work
has been done in reducing waste arising from the construction process.
Selection of high quality materials and components will extend life cycles and reduce wastage.
Implementing planned preventative maintenance regimes will improve energy efficiency and life
cycle costings. Materials and components with low life cycle energy costs will be selected in
preference to others wherever reasonably practical and where any additional costs can be justified.

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4.0 Client requirements with regards to safety &
security and methods implemented.
As with any hospital; the safety of service users, carers, staff and visitors will continue to be of
utmost importance. The design and development of the hospital has been considered carefully in
order to ensure the creation of a secure environment for all users. It is acknowledge that this is
generally achieved through the combination of good building design, the implementation of
appropriate management policies and the use of technology. This includes consideration of the
following issues:
ƒ Control of infection. For example, a careful separation between clean and dirty supply routes
especially in lifts and through the introduction of additional accommodation in the operating
theatre suites.
ƒ Personal safety of users protecting them from attack, both through building design and
provision of technical facilities this has been achieved. Examples include the reduction
where possible of dead end corridors. The visual control maximised the view into the
building from staff bases and reception areas. Entrances have been kept to a minimum to
assist control by security when the hospital is operational. Also, controlled access areas and
CCTV cameras will be located strategically around the building including external areas.
Panic alarms will be provided at receptions and staff bases as requested in the ITN.
ƒ Child safety with the provision of waiting areas designated for children, with close proximity
to nurse bases has been design into the building.
ƒ Clear segregation between public and staff areas is defined with controlled levels of
privileged access. This is particularly important around high-risk areas such as the pharmacy
and medical records.
ƒ All maintenance areas and roof access is provided with suitable guarding.
ƒ The fire strategy has been developed in conjunction with the Trust’s Fire Officer and Building
Control Officers in order to produce a building that complements the hospitals evacuation
procedures, while not detracting from the security issues of the building.
ƒ The entire building, including all staircases, openable windows, and areas of glazing, is
designed to the appropriate Building Regulations and British Standards to ensure a safe
environment for staff and visitors.

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5.0 Design innovations
It is difficult to develop an innovative design for the building services and still deliver a clinical
environment, which meets the strict requirements of the Health Technical Memoranda.
However, the design team recognised that much of the HTM documentation is dated and that the
delivery of Healthcare has moved on, in particular Daycare.
With this in mind, hurleypalmerflatt generated a fully integrated 3D model (in both TAS and
Hevacomp) for the building to ensure that the requirements of the client were met, with a special
emphasis on energy efficiency, in light of the changing opinion with regards to climate change.
The 3D models were used to fully scrutinise the Hospital to ensure full advantage was taken for
natural daylight and ventilation, while also ensuring that the plant and/or services were sized
precisely, with key emphasis and energy and cost, sections 5.1 and 5.2 show how the hospital was
analysed in regards to natural ventilation/daylight and solar loads etc.

5.1 Natural Ventilation

With the Hospital being located in an open plane, the design scheme proposes to make use of
natural ventilation in conditioning the perimeter Offices and Wards.
With the availability of Dynamic Thermal Modelling Software, it has been possible to calculate the
internal conditions of the internal zones, making optimum use of air movement in alleviating any
internal heat gains. The software also permits CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) studies of cross
sections of the internal zones, as shown in Figure below.
Figure: Computational Fluid Dynamic Study of Ward

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Figure: Annual Temperature Distribution for Ward

Frequency of Resultant Temperatures for Year

5 Bed Ward, Days 1 to 7, Hours 1 to 24



Number of Hours




-99 to -4
-4 to -3
-3 to -2
-2 to -1
-1 to 0
0 to 1
1 to 2
2 to 3
3 to 4
4 to 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
7 to 8
8 to 9
9 to 10
10 to 11
11 to 12
12 to 13
13 to 14
14 to 15
15 to 16
16 to 17
17 to 18
18 to 19
19 to 20
20 to 21
21 to 22
22 to 23
23 to 24
24 to 25
25 to 26
26 to 27
27 to 28
28 to 29
29 to 30
30 to 31
31 to 32
32 to 33
33 to 34
34 to 35
35 to 36
36 to 37
37 to 38
38 to 39
39 to 40
40 to 41
41 to 42
42 to 43
43 to 44
44 to 99
Temperature Range (C)

The design of the Hospital lends itself to the adoption of a natural ventilation scheme.
The building is located on an open plan, with few built obstructions to the wind. It has an
extensive external façade, allowing fresh air into the Wards and Offices through the use of
openable windows.
By applying Dynamic Thermal Modelling and Computational Fluid Dynamic analysis to both the
main building and individual spaces, it is possible to quantify how the internal room temperatures
will respond over the year.
The figure to the left demonstrates graphically the temperature gradients and air velocity for a given
internal room with openable windows.
This CFD design was further developed inline with the Dynamic Thermal Model for a number of
different window openings to create an optimum performance.
The figure above shows how the model can provide information on internal conditions over the year.
By incorporating real weather data it provides a realistic response graph detailing conditions within
the room.
ƒ The development of a computer generated solar model, which has enabled us to design the
correct arrangement of the passive external shading and natural building overhangs.

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5.2 Sun Shadow Study
The 3D model demonstrates how the two main elevations are affected by the sun angle over the
day. The initial analysis has been based on the two solar extremes, the summer and winter
equinoxes, in order to ensure the building is designed to maximise daylight while gaining realistic
solar loads to ensure plant is not oversized.
The figure below outlines the path the sun travels over the summer equinox. At dawn, the rear
(river facing) elevation receives direct sunlight, which continues until midday, when the sun passes
over its zenith (a solar altitude of 62°). The Atria in the Entrance Wing and the DTC Wing remain in
shade until 11.00 am, due to the Second Floor of the main Hospital spine.
From 1.00 pm onwards, the direct sunlight will be falling onto the front façade, with the sun moving
from south to nearly due west before setting. Thus the front façade will gain a considerable period
of direct sunlight.

Figure: Sun Path for 21 June

Images from the 3D model demonstrate how the First Floor overhangs shade the Ground Floor until
3.00 pm, reducing the period these Ground Floor areas are hit by direct sunlight for approximately 2
Figure: Front Elevation at 6.00 am

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Figure: Front Elevation at 2.00 pm

With the given movement of the sun, the three rooftop plantrooms do not have any significant
shading effect on the adjacent spine Atria.
The building orientation works very well in providing high levels of direct sunlight over the summer
periods. The spine Atria are uninhibited by the rooftop plant for all but the last hour of the evening
and by keeping the widest dimension of the Atria in the East - West axis, the sun penetrates the
Atria throughout the day, reaching to the lowest level of the Atria from 11.00 am until 2.30 pm.
As the year progresses away from the peak summertime solar conditions, both the hours of sunlight
and the azimuths (the angles from which the sun rises and sets) will lessen. This is detailed on
figure below, which shows the path of the sun during the winter equinox for which the same analysis
was undertaken. The sun spends a shorter period above the horizon and does not travel a due east
to due west path.
This has the effect of reducing the amount of direct sunlight into the main front and rear elevations
and the sun strikes the surface at an oblique angle. It does not progress far enough around the
building to strike directly onto the short north elevation.
Figure: Sun Path for 21 December

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6.0 Building services interesting information
6.1 Electrical services
The site will be served via an 11,000 volt high voltage ring main, which will terminate within the
Energy Centre.
The high voltage service will be connected via a 1.5 MVA transformer to the principal hospital
switchboard. The switchboard will be to Form 4 construction and fitted with the main generator
auto-changeover mechanism.
The Energy Centre will be provided with a 1 MVA standby generator for the site which shall support
the essential load of the building, which at this early stage of the design process we estimate to be
in the region of 70% of the total hospital demand, in accordance with HTM 2011.
The main incoming LV switchboard within the Energy Centre will be provided with a fully rated auto-
changeover mechanism to initiate the generator in a mains failure condition.
The lighting design will utilise low energy fitting where possible. The use of natural daylight will be
maximised where possible also.

6.2 Mechanical services

Natural ventilation effect was maximised wherever possible and in any deep plan spaces, the
provision of openable windows on two sides was investigated to enhance the natural ventilation
effect. In order to establish the areas where natural ventilation was not adequate, thermal modelling
was undertaken. In areas where natural ventilation was viable, mechanical ventilation was used to
provide the fresh air.
In certain areas of the building, rather than utilising natural ventilation, it was necessary to provide
mechanical ventilation to maintain comfort conditions within occupied areas or to remove moisture
and reduce odours to acceptable levels, as well as maintaining clinical needs. Examples of these
areas are Clean, Dirty Utility Rooms and theatres.
Ventilation plant is located in four plantrooms on the roof facilitating four zones within the building.
The building is served by an LTHW system, radiant panels, provided by modular condensing boilers
located in a centralised plantroom on the first floor, where upon control zoning will take place via
branching arrangements for energy efficiency and flexibility of the plant and heating system.
Cooling is provided to specific areas through the use of centralised zoned VRF systems for energy
efficiency, with heating and coolth recovery. The provision of cooling was restricted to areas where it
was demonstrated with the thermal model that internal conditions will be unacceptable, or in areas
where cooling is required for clinical requirements.
All mechanical plant has been scrutinised for energy efficiency, emissions ratings, cost, life
expectancy, maintenance and accessibility concerns.

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7.0 Image gallery of how the completed building will
look inside

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7.1 Image gallery of how the completed building will look outside

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