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1. Differentiate between microsporogenesis and
2. What is pollination? Explain the different kinds of
3. Explain the process of double fertilization.
4. Differentiate between male reproductive system and
female reproductive system.
5. Draw a well labelled diagram of male reproductive system
for female reproductive system and explain its parts.
6. What is gametogenesis?
7. Differentiate between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
8. Describe the structure of a sperm.
9. Explain menstrual cycle in females with the help of a well
labelled diagram.
10. Explain the different methods of birth control.
11. Describe Mendel’s laws of inheritance.
12. What is incomplete dominance? Give an example.
13. Write a short note on sex determination
14. What are chromosomal disorders ?give any two
15. Explain the double helical structure of DNA
16. Describe transforming principle performed by
Frederick Griffith.
17. Describe Hershey and chase experiment with the help
of diagram.
18. Describe the experiment that proves semi
conservative nature of DNA.
19. Differentiate between transcription and translation.
20. Explain the process of transcription.
21. Explain the process of translation.
22. Write a short note on genetic code.
23. What is lac operon?. Explain the regulation of gene
expression by the lac operon.
24. Explain Human genome project.
25. What is DNA fingerprinting? What are the steps
involved in DNA fingerprinting ?
26. explain the stages in the life cycle of plasmodium with
the help of a well labelled diagram.
27. What is immunity ?explain the different types of
28. What is the full form of AIDS? explain the process of
replication of retrovirus.
29. What is cancer? Differentiate between benign and
malignant Tumor.
30. What are the effects of drug and alcohol abuse in
adolescence? what are the preventive and control
measures for it?
31. Describe sewage treatment.
32. Explain the process of biogas production with the
help of a well labelled diagram.
33. What is the role of BT cotton in the field of
34. Write a short note on microbes as biocontrol agents
35. Explain recombinant DNA technology.
36. What is the full form of PCR? explain the steps
involved in PCR.
37. What are bioreactors? give an example.
38. explain the process of maturation of proinsulin into
insulin with the help of a well labelled diagram.
39. What is gene therapy?
40. What are transgenic animals? explain their
41. What are the major abiotic factors that lead to
variation in physical and chemical condition of different
42. What are age pyramids? Explain the different types of
age pyramids.
43. Differentiate between exponential growth and
logistic growth.
44. What are population interactions? discuss the various
population interactions. Give example of each population
45. What is biodiversity? explain the three major
46. Describe species area relationship curve with the help
of a well labelled diagram.
47. What are the major causes of biodiversity losses?
48. Explain ‘The Evil Quartet’.
49. Explain the need for biodiversity conservation.
50. Differentiate between in situ conservation and ex situ
conservation with the help of example.

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