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Fatigue (Behaviour


This chapter is concerned with the study of fatigue 6ehaviour of T-gCass fibre/Vinyl

ester/Polyurethane foam sandwich composites The objective of the wortis to investigate the

integrity offacesheet with core underfatigue on varying the density of <FUfoam and 6y changing

the fibre architecture The experimental study reveals that cyclic load and test frequency play a

critical role in determining thefatigue strength. Thefatigue strength increased with the increase in

density of <Fl) foam. Stiffness degradation increased with increase in the fatigue frequency The

failure modes observedarefacesheet/core debonding, debamination andcore shearfadure


A sandwich structure consists of two thin, stiff facesheets bonded to thick, lightweight

and weaker core material The facesheets carry most of the bending and m-plane loads,

while the core provides structural stiffiiess and out-of-plane shear and compressive

strength (Daniel et al. 2000) Properties like high stiffiiess and specific strength have

been exploited m the application of sandwich composites as structural materials

(Tnantafillou & Gibson 1987) During regular service, sandwich composites are

subjected to dynamic loads that may cause some mduced stress in the structures (Fabnc

et al 2006) Many applications like aircraft structures, marine vessels, car body parts,

tram and truck structures involve cyclic loadmg, which can degrade the mechanical

properties of the composites and generate fatigue failure Therefore, fatigue behaviour

is significant in reliability and ensuring the safety of these sandwich structures Hence,

an understanding of fatigue behaviour is important prior to its use m these applications

Fatigue damage can be evaluated from the stiffiiess, residual strength or other

mechanical properties Stiffiiess degradation occurs during the fatigue life The flexural

fatigue strength of sandwich structure depends on the strength of the outer skins, foam

and mterfacial bond strength between the skm and the lightweight core The failure of

any one of these would cause failure of the sandwich structures ( Kanny & Mahfuz

2005, Kulkami et al 2003)

Fatigue behaviour of foam materials like PVC, PU, PMI and polycarbonate used as

core in sandwich structures have been reported by many researchers (Zabhihpoor et al

2007) Studies earned out by Zenkert and Backlund (1989) mclude static tests to

investigate the rigidity and stiffiiess of PVC foams These studies showed that lmear

elastic fracture mechanics can be used to estimate the failure of PVC foams. Lilley &

Noble (1989) have mvestigated the fatigue crack growth in polyurethane foam using

fracture mechanics parameters and have shown that usmg the fracture mechanics

approach it is possible to rationalize the crack growth Similar work has also been

executed by Yau & Mayer (1986) on polycarbonate foam under fatigue loading.

Zenlcert (1989) has investigated the fatigue properties and the physical behaviour of

fatigue damage m PVC foam materials Grenestedt (1996) has described crack

propagation in PVC foams Shipsha et al (1997) have studied mode-I and mode-II

modes of failure by crack propagation in PVC foams

Several reports are available on the fatigue behaviour of foam core sandwich structures

(Burman & Zenkert 1997(a), Burman & Zenkert 1997(b), Shinoi et al 1995; Kulkarm

et al 2004, Thomson et al 1998, Sharma et al 2004) A thorough investigation on the

fatigue crack formation and growth has been made by Burmen & Zenkert (1997) on

two different sandwich configurations, with PVC and PMI foam cores and epoxy/glass

facesheets The damage was initiated in the zone of high shear stresses over the entire

length of the zone and in the middle of the specimen These micro damages grew

together and formed a horizontal macro crack whose length depended on the size of the

shear zone coupled to the length between the load supports Once the macro crack had

developed, the two crack fronts kinked away and grew towards the face/core interfaces

m directions corresponding to maximum tangential stress The effects of mterfacial

crack size and impact damage size on the shear properties and failure mechanisms of

marine sandwich composite made of glass reinforced polymer (GRP) skins and a

polyvinyl chloride (PVC) foam core was reported by Thomas et al (1998) An abrupt

decrease m the static shear strength and fatigue resistance occurred when the mterfacial

crack length between the skin and core exceeded ~20-30 mm due to the failure

mechamsm changing from wrinkling of the GRP skin to shear cracking of the foam

core The fatigue performance was reduced with increasing mterfacial crack size,

although the load capacity of the composite remained unchanged until complete failure

of the core The fatigue failure of the core is characterized by a crack initiation stage

and a steady-state crack growth stage, with each stage having a different crack growth

rate (Thomson 1997) The fatigue characteristics of polyurethane foam cored (PUF)

composite sandwich structures were investigated usmg three-pomt bendmg tests

(Sharma et al 2004) Three types of specimens (epoxy/glass-PUF-epoxy/glass,

polyester/glass-PUF-polyester/glass, and epoxy/glass-PUF-polyester/glass) were

studied The experimental results mdicate that the degradation of stiffness occurs due to

debondmg and sliding between the skin and the foam during the fatigue cycles Better

performance of the epoxy/glass-PUF-epoxy/glass sandwich panels is most likely due to

the superior properties of the outer thin skins Most of the specimens failed within the

foam region and not at the skm level due to debondmg between the foam and the skin

(Sharma etal 2004)

Konur and Mathews (1989) have shown that there is a close relationship between the

properties of matnx, fibre and interface which thus affect the fatigue performance of

the composite Stiffness degradation dunng fatigue has been reported by many

researchers (Johnson and Sims 1986, Carlsson 1991, Poursartip et al 1986, Zenkert

1990, Mahi et al 2004) A review of literature reveals that there is ample scope for the

study of fatigue behaviour of sandwich structures by varying the core density and fabric

architecture in the facesheet Thus, the present work discusses the fatigue

characteristics and fatigue damage initiation and growth in different sandwich



5.2.1 Static Flexural Test

The maximum static bending load values of sandwich specimens with varied

fibre architecture and density are presented m Table 5.1 The static flexural test results

show that the flexural stress increases with the mcrease m core density

Table 5.1: Ultimate bending load (N) at failure for various sandwich specimens
100 149 14519 156 146 40
200 195 6 193 97 222 5 214 44
300 21918 213 23 261 10 226 05

Bendmg strength at the ultimate bending load of sandwich specimens with varied fibre

architecture and change in density under flexural test is presented m Table 5 2 The

static flexural test results show that the flexural strength of the sandwich composites is

dictated by the density parameter

Table 5.2: Facing bendmg strength (FBS) (MPa) for various sandwich specimens
100 2 44 2 39 2.57 2 41
200 3 22 3 19 3 66 3 53
300 3 61 3 51 4 30 3 72

5.2.2 Fatigue Test

The Wohler’s (S-N) curves for the four types of sandwich specimens at five different

test frequencies are given in Figs 5 1-55 The fatigue behaviour is found to be

similar m all the four types of sandwich composites A linear trend in the fatigue curve

is observed up to certain working cycles and later the trend shifts causing partial or

complete collapse of the specimens.

The fatigue life is characterized as the number of cycles to ultimate failure. There are

no visual signs of damage in the specimens prior to specimen failure, but nearing to 105

cycles the damage occurs abruptly. The stiffness of the specimens under lower testing

frequencies exhibited no measurable change until the final load cycles prior to complete

Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)
FaUgue Bending Strength (MPa)

Figure 5.1: Fatigue plots of sandwich composites at 1 Hz frequency: a) CSM b) CSM-S

c)WR d) SBM

Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)
Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)

Figure 5.2: Fatigue plots of CSM-S sandwich composites at frequencies: a) 3Hz

b) 5Hz c) 7Hz and d) 9Hz

100 kg/m3

Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)

Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)


nr Iff' io4 Iff

Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa) Fatigue Cycle (N)
Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)

id' H)J
Fatigue Ode (N)

Figure 5.3: Fatigue plots of WR sandwich composites at frequencies: a) 3Hz b) 5Hz

c) 7Hz and d) 9Hz

-•-100 kg/m3
-O— 200 kg/m3

Fatigue Bending Strength (M Pa)

-rli-.ttKt kg/ni3
Fatigue Bending Strength (M Pa)

© —»

Fatigue Cycle (N)


Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)
Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)

© © © © © * —

10 10 10 10
Fatigue Cycle (N)

Figure 5.4: Fatigue plots of SBM sandwich composites at frequencies: a) 3Hz b) 5Hz
c) 7Hz and d) 9Hz

-•-100 kg/m3
-0-200 kg/m3

Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)

Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)

-A- 300 kg/m3

Fatigue Cycle (N)

Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)
Fatigue Bending Strength (MPa)

o —

0.0 0.0
10 10' 10‘ iir 10' 10* 104 10s
Fatigue Cycle (N) Fatigue Cycle (N)

Figure 5.5: Fatigue plots of CSM sandwich composites at frequencies: a) 311/

b) 5Hz c) 7Hz and d) 9Hz

At frequencies 1Hz and 3 Hz the specimens did not fail completely when the machine

was stopped. It was observed that all the specimens offered a high resistance against

the fatigue load and least damage at 1 Hz. The test was stopped at a deflection of 20

mm, the maximum deflection that can be attained. Though the specimens at 1 Hz were

able to complete 105 working cycles, there was marginal degradation of the core, as

evidenced from the decrease in the fatigue strength. At 3 Hz and 5 Hz working cycles,

the samples were found to be damaged, but all the samples completed the set load

cycles At lower frequencies (up to 5Hz), no flaws were observed in the specimens,

except for a gradual decrement in the strength and enhancement of degradation rate,

nearing to 10s cycles At 7 Hz and 9 Hz frequencies, the specimens failed and could not

reach the expected 105 cycles However, CSM-S-300 and WR-300 sandwich

composites almost reached 105 cycles Although the samples exhibit core failure, it is

found that the samples take some load till its complete failure All the samples have

undergone damage at 9 Hz frequency Stmts of powdery foam started to evolve from

the mid-span of the core indicating the existence of core shear under cyclic loading At

higher test frequencies, some specimens exhibited cracking and teanng noise before

proceedmg into typical failure mode Fatigue strength mcreased with increase in the

core density The failure of the sandwich specimens with higher density foams occurred

at higher cycles It can be seen from the plots in Figs. 5 2-5 5 that degradation was

initiated at much earlier cycles at high frequencies with increase m the density of the


The fatigue behaviour of all the sandwich composites exhibited a transition point, i e,

transition from a steady stable state region (S) to a deteriorating region (D) at which

there is a sudden change m the slope In the region S, there is a marginal decrease in the

fatigue strength The debondmg between facesheet and foam did not significantly affect

the fatigue life behaviour of the sandwich specimen keepmg the rate of stress almost

constant The cycles at which S to D transition observed is given in Table 5 3

Table 5.3: The transition point and failure inodes observed under fatigue testing

Fatigue behaviour observed at 60% of Ultimate loadmg

Sandwich Cycle to failure Stiffiiess Failure

Density of PU (N) degradation (%) mode
Type Foam Lower Higher Lower Higher observed
(kg/m3) Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle
(3 Hz) (9 Hz) (3 Hz) (9 Hz)
100 14648 1923 35 59
CSM 200 16650 3219 23 45
300 17507 4885 22 39
100 12428 9860 33 53
CSM-S 200 21354 22150 20 39
300 30050 26064 16 37 Debondmg
Core Crack,
100 21354 22150 31 54 Delamination
SBM 200 30050 26064 22 40
300 16156 3455 19 43
100 16350 8186 27 51
WR 200 21360 8900 20 42
300 27980 14050 17 34

At higher frequencies, the transition point was observed at higher cycles Also, as the

density of the foam increased, the transition point was observed at higher cycles After

the transition point, the specimens exhibited crack between the foam and the facesheet

The rate of decrease m fatigue strength was found to be more in the case of CSM

sandwich composites and minimum for CSM-S and WR sandwich composites

WR sandwich composites possess highest fatigue strength This highest fatigue strength

when compared to the other sandwich composites may be due to its higher bending

strength and hence resistance to high compressive and shear strength occurring during

cyclic loading. A combination of high shear and compressive properties at the interface

may be the reason for the higher fatigue strength m WR sandwich composites The

bending strength of the sandwich composites depends mainly on the strength of the

facesheets, foam core and the mterfaeial bonding between the facesheet and the foam

Core shear strength (CSS) and facing bendmg strength (FBS) at 60% of the ultimate

bending load are given m Table 5 4

Table 5.4: FBS and CSS (MPa) for various sandwich specimens
100 146 0 09 1 43 0 09 1 54 0 09 1 44 0 09
200 1 93 0 11 1 94 012 2 20 013 2 12 0 13
300 217 0.13 2 10 0 13 2 58 0 16 2 23 014

Farooq et al (2007) have analyzed the flexural behaviour of sandwich composites with

PVC core and glass/epoxy facesheets under fatigue They observed initiation of damage

m the facesheet and compression in the core at few hundreds of cycle With the

increase m the number of cycles, these damages propagated and mterfaeial debondmg

initiated between the facesheet and the core. This damage mechanism continued with

the increase m the number of cycles resulting m complete debondmg between the top

facesheet and the core Frequency in the range of 0 1-10 Hz had no significant effect on

the stiffness degradation Stiffness degradation increased with the increase m core

thickness The effect of density of PVC core on the fatigue behaviour of S2 glass fibre

reinforced vinyl ester sandwich composites has been reported by Kanny & Mahfuz

(2005). The stiffness and failure load of sandwich beams increased with increased core

density and fatigue strength decreased with increased stress and increased with core

density Fatigue failure post test analysis of PU foam cored-carbon fibre/ epoxy

sandwich composites by Shafique & Quispitupa (2006) indicates core failure as the

predominant damage mechanism followed by mterfaeial failure

Sharma et al (2004, 2006) have studied the fatigue behaviour of polyester/glass/PU/

glass/epoxy, epoxy/glass/PU/glass/epoxy and polyester/glass/PU/glass/polyester

sandwich composites Epoxy/glass/PU/glass/epoxy sandwich structures exhibited


highest fatigue strength along with higher stiffness degradation compared to the other

two types of sandwich panels Lowest fatigue properties were obtained for

polyester/glass/PU/glass polyester sandwich specimens with lower stiffness

degradation Most of the specimens failed within the foam region and not at the

facesheet level due to debondmg between the facesheet and core At 1Hz none of the

specimens failed Above the transition points, numerous cracks were seen between the

foam and the facesheet In the deteriorating region, debondmg between the facesheet

and the foam core played a major role Stiffness degradation increased with the increase

m the fatigue frequency The three failure modes observed were facesheet failure due to

delamination, shear failure m the core and facesheet /core interface and core failure due

to crushing stresses Stiffness degradation was around 40% for epoxy and 30 % for

polyester sandwich composites The fatigue strength and stiffness degradation were

mainly dependent on mterfacial bond strength In the initial cycles of fatigue loading,

the mterfacial bond strength was stronger, but gradually weakened at higher cycles

because of rubbing at the interface between the facesheet and the foam Fatigue crack

growth and life prediction of PVC foam cored S2 glass epoxy sandwich composites

under flexural loading have been studied by Kulkarm et al (2003, 2004) They

observed that the fracture failure of the sandwich composite was controlled by the

failure of the core Crack propagation occurred m three stages, 1 e, core-facesheet

debond, core shear followed by another core- facesheet debond. The first stage

constituted around 85% of the fatigue life Degradation m stiffness was only about

10% The fatigue behaviour of PUF 3-D woven glass fabric epoxy sandwich

composites has been investigated by Judiwistra et al (2005) The 3-D woven glass

fabnc epoxy panels with PU foam showed excellent fatigue behaviour and low stiffiiess

degradation Fatigue life was higher than 106 cycles and stiffiiess degradation lower

than 6% at 80% bendmg ultimate load

5.2.3 Damage formation during fatigue

It is observed that the fatigue life of sandwich structures solely depend on the shear

strength in the structure In the three point bendmg, besides shear stresses, tension and

compression stresses are also generated in the core Hence, tension and compression

stresses play a significant role resulting m lower shear strength. During fatigue testmg,

the sandwich specimens are repeatedly undergoing tensile and compressive stresses at

bottom and top facesheets, respectively This stress builds up shear stresses in the

sandwich assembly The ability of the core to balance these stresses dictates the fatigue

life of any sandwich composite Maximum shear stress is observed at the centre of the

core, where the compressive stress balances the tensile stress. Fracture initiates at the

centre of the core and there is a rise m temperature in the core During compression and

tension cycles, there will be an mcrease in the temperature at the interface due to

friction between the facesheet and core (Kanny & Malifuz 2005). The high shear stress

along the centre of the core causes micro cracks or irregularities to initiate which could

only be observed visually at a very late stage of the fatigue life of the specimen These

micro cracks eventually grow m number and start to interact with each other forming a

horizontal crack which eventually separates core from the facesheets (Sharma et al


The fracture mechanics involved m sandwich composites under fatigue loading is

complex and is associated with more than one failure mode due to the anisotropic

behaviour of the facesheets Generally, sandwich composites experience progressive

fatigue degradation due to failure of the fibres, fibre stacking sequence and type of

fatigue loading The damage development under fatigue and static loading is similar,

but with the exception that the fatigue loading at a given stress level will cause

additional damage and this will be dependent on the cycle frequency (Kim, 1987). The

failure mechamsms observed under fatigue testmg of sandwich composites are 1) Fibre

breakage-interface debondmg 11) Matrix cracking in) Interface shear failure with fibre

pull-out and iv) Delammation Any combination of the above four is possible and may

cause fatigue damage which may result m reduced fatigue strength and stiffness The

degree of fatigue damage is highly dependent upon material properties, facesheet,

stacking sequence, applied load and number of cycles (Kim 1987)

At high fatigue stress, cracks can initiate on the first loading cycle and will then

accumulate with the increasing number of cycles However, cracks can develop even

when the maximum cycle stress is well below the static cracking threshold of cycles,

but these cracks will not take place until after many cycles, the actual number

depending upon the peak stress Early initiation of matrix cracking in fatigue relative to

static loading will lead to a decrease in the threshold for the onset of other types of

damage Delammation can propagate over many thousands of cycles thus resulting m

separation of the laminate into discrete laminae which will continue to support the

fatigue loading

Figs 5 6 - 59 illustrate the various modes of failure observed during fatigue loading as

a function of frequency and the number of cycles for low and high density sandwich

composites in the present study

1 (b)

Figure 5.6: Failure modes of low density sandwich composites under fatigue loading:
a ) Low density/low frequency at lower cycles, b) Low density /low frequency at higher cycles
c) Low density/higher frequency at lower cycles, d) Low density/higher frequency at higher

In low density sandwich composites, the crack path in the core at low frequencies was

different from that at higher frequencies. However, the crack path in high density

sandwich composites was similar at lower and higher frequencies. Kenny et al. (2005),

have also observed that in low density sandwich composites, crack path in the core at

lower frequencies are different from that at higher frequencies and the crack path in

high density sandwich composites is similar at lower and higher frequencies.

Fatigue failure is a result of the combination of tension, compression and shear stresses.

In low density sandwich composites (up to 200 kg/m3), at lower frequencies, i.e., up to

5 Hz, initiation of the damage in the facesheet and compression in the core occur at few

hundreds of cycles. With the increase in number of cycles the interfacial debonding in

the upper facesheet/core results. This phase represents 75% of the fatigue life. During

this period, only the core and the bottom facesheet could bear the applied load. With

further increase in the number of cycles, debonding starts at the lower facesheets also.

At higher cycles, i.e., in the ‘D' region cracks in the core is initiated at one side and

propagated diagonally at 55° to the other side (Fig.5.6 a, b). The final stage involves

delamination. Farooq et al. (2007) have observed similar failure modes in the case of

PVC core/glass/epoxy sandwich composites under fatigue.

But at higher frequencies and lower cycles the first stage involves crack initiation and

propagation on the compression side just below the facesheet/core interface and the

second stage is core shear and core crack propagation diagonally towards the tensile

side and finally cracks formation at the tensile side of the sandwich just above the

core/facesheet interface. At higher frequencies and higher cycles, crack propagates on

the other side of the roller (loading point arrangement on the sandwich specimen)

reaching the lower facesheet (Fig.5.6 c & d), resulting in delamination and debonding

of the core/ facesheet interface. In PVC cored S2 glass fabric/epoxy sandwich

composites, Kulkarni et al. (2003, 2004) have observed initial stage as crack initiation

and propagation on the compression side just below the top facesheet/core interface.

Delamination crack was about 1-1.5 mm below the interface. This was followed by

core shear and the third stage was delamination at the bottom facesheet/core interface

causing the separation of the core from the facesheet.

The photographs of the failed low density sandwich composites under fatigue are given

in Fig.5.7 (a & b)

Figure 5.7: Failure of low density sandwich composites

With higher density composites (300 kg/m3) at low frequencies and lower cycles, crack

is initiated in the region of high shear stress, i.e., in the middle of the core. The cracks

nucleate at much faster rate due to the repeated impact contact of the roller with the

sandwich specimen. Micro cracks are formed in the beginning and finally grow to a

macro crack as shown in the Figure 5.8.

Figure 5.8: Failure modes of high density sandwich composites under fatigue loading:
a) High density/lower frequency/lower cycles b) High density/lower frequency/higher cycles
c) High density higher frequency/lower cycles d) High density/higher frequency/lower cycles

The red dotted lines in Fig. 5.8 represents the crack formation. The macro crack formed

is propagated at 55° towards one side of the facesheet/core interface (Fig. 5.8). As the

number of cycles increased, the macro crack propagated to the other facesheet/core

interface, resulting in delamination and debonding [Fig. 5.8(b)]. Similar type of failure

mechanism has been observed in PVC cored glass reinforced vinylester by Burman &

Zenkert 1997a). But at higher frequency and lower cycles, crack is formed in the core

and propagated towards the upper and lower facesheets [Fig. 5.8(c)]. The direction of

the crack propagation was 55° to the original crack. The specimens showed visible

cracks in the mid-height of the core. Grenesdelt et al. (1996) have observed the crack

propagation angle ranging from 65° to75° in expanded PVC foam materials of different

densities. In PVC cored glass epoxy sandwich composites, Burman & Zenkert (1997,

(a)) have reported that the angle at which the cracks knicked at the final fracture was

different for each crack ranging between 55°and 85°. As the number of cycles

increased, micro cracks initiated adjacent to the major crack formed in the middle of

the core [Fig. 5.8(d)], Multiple cracks are formed due to the large difference in the

elastic properties of the constituents of the sandwich composite (Efacesheet w Ejmerface > E

core) (Shafiq and Quispitupa 2006). At higher cycles, delamination and debonding of

foam/facesheet occur very rapidly. Some specimens exhibited cracking and a tearing

noise was heard.

The photographs of the failed high density sandwich composites are given in Fig.5.9

Figure 5.9: Failure of high density sandwich composites

In lower density sandwich composites, the first stage of the failure involves debonding

at the upper and lower facesheets and in the second stage core crack initiates near the

interface between the facesheet and core on one side and propagates diagonally at 55°

angle towards the other side However, in high density sandwich composites, the crack

is initiated at the mid-height of the core which moves diagonally at 55° upwards and

reaches the other facesheet, thus balancing the shear stress The second and third stages

are characterized by delammation and debondmg of the facesheet from the foam core

Higher core temperature at higher frequency may be the reason for the difference m the

crack path at low and high frequencies m low density sandwich composites High

density sandwich composites are denser and hence show no difference m the crack path

at low and high frequencies Sandwich composites with low density exhibit ductile

behaviour whereas sandwich composites with high density exhibit brittle

characteristics Hence, the crack is initiated near the core /facesheet interface in low

density sandwich composites and m the middle of the core in high density sandwich


Thus, damage formation and failure modes m the present system are dependent on the

density of the foam core, loading frequency, number of cycles and fibre architecture

Crack path and crack propagation depend on the density of the core, loading frequency

and number of cycles Fatigue strength depends on the fibre architecture and density of

the foam WR sandwich composites possess the highest fatigue strength The higher

fatigue strength when compared to the other sandwich composites may be due to its

highest bending strength which can resist the high compressive and shear strength

occurring during cyclic loadmg Woven roving mat has 0°/90° orientation and the

regular pattern is repeated which offers resistance to fatigue loadmg Due to the

discontinuous and randomly oriented fibres and stress concentration effects of fibre

ends m CSM and CSM-S mats which are stitched CSM mats, damage develops at the

fibre ends and causes failure in a shorter lifetime Therefore, CSM-S and CSM

composites have lower fatigue strength In the case of SBM fibre mat, the orientation of

the fibre is similar to that of woven roving mat on one side and that of CSM on the

other side and because of this heterogeneity, the fatigue behaviour is inferior to the WR


The fatigue life/strength of higher density PU foam sandwich composites are higher

compared to low density sandwich composites The varied PU foam density is caused

by a chemical reaction between equal proportions of polyol and MDI and the varied PU

foam density is obtained by varying the amount of polyol and MDI While at formation,

the core traps gases within the cells The number of cells per unit area mcreases as the

density of the foam increases (Gibson and Ashby 1999) The larger number of cells per

umt area in high density sandwich composites may be the reason for the long fatigue

life m high density sandwich composites.

5.2.4 Stiffness Degradation

The variation of the stiffness during the major part of the lifetime was insignificant.

The time (or number of cycles) from crack initiation to final fracture was short relative

to the fatigue life m the case of all sandwich composites During the last part of the

fatigue life the degradation was more pronounced

The stiffness degradation is calculated by using the equation 2 5 (Section 2 3 13)

Stiffness degradation increased with the mcrease m fatigue frequency Stiffness

degradation starts at lower cycles as the frequency is increased Stiffness degradation

decreases with increase in the density of PU foam The stiffness degradation occurred

at higher cycles m high density sandwich composites (Fig 5 10) At higher fatigue

cycles, damage to the interface between the foam and facesheet occurs very rapidly and

the stiffness decreases WR sandwich composites exhibited the highest fatigue strength

and minimum stiffness degradation In all the specimens, the ‘S’ region decreased with

the increase in fatigue frequency It is due to an increase m strain at higher frequencies.

At the interface, the foam material is crushed out from the facesheet in small pieces and

the bendmg strength decreases at higher frequencies Stiffness decreases with the

mcrease m frequency and number of cycles due to various damages developed m the

facesheet and core

As the sandwich deteriorates, cracks are nucleated between the facesheet and the foam,

the facesheet bears the smaller load while the foam takes the major portion of the load

Due to the imbalance m the load sharing, the foam loses its stiffness, thereby increasmg

the stiffness degradation At higher fatigue frequency, the fatigue behaviour of both

side specimens is found to have higher stiffness degradation Thus, fatigue load and

frequency are the major parameters that affect the degradation m stiffness

Stiffness Degradation (%)

Stiffness Degradation (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 23456789
Fatigue Test Frequency (Hz) Fatigue Test Frequency (Hz)
Stiffness degradation (%)

Stiffness Degradation (%)


Figure 5.10: Stiffness degradation in sandwich composites: a) CSM b) CSM-S c) WR and d)


The stiffness of the sandwich structure depends on the interfacial bond strength which

may be reduced by partial delamination of the foam core and facesheet. During

compression and tension cycles, the facesheet and foam core rub against each other,

leading to an increase in temperature at the interface. The interfacial temperature

increases with the increase in the frequency of the fatigue cycles due to less time for

heat dissipation. The stiffness decreases with this increase in temperature at the

interface, hence the stiffness degradation of all the specimens increase with increasing

fatigue cycle frequency. This degradation leads to the failure of the sandwich

composites as a result of debonding of the facesheet/core and fibre rupture. Fiber

rupture leads to severe facesheet stiffness reduction Shafiq & Quispitupa (2006) have

observed substantial weakening of the constituents of sandwich composites as a result

of damage to the core and interface and fibre rupture in urethane foam core carbon fibre

sandwich composites

The stiffness degradation is minimum for WR samples and maximum for CSM

samples At 9 Hz frequency, the stiffness degradation was around 50% for WR

sandwich specimen and 60% for CSM sandwich composites The stiffness degradation

is due to various damages occurring m the specimen, as evidenced from the

photographs and SEM micrographs

5.2.5 Scanning Electron Micrograph Analysis

SEM micrographs of the damaged WR sandwich composites are shown in Fig 5 11

Fig 5 11(a) shows the failed specimen under the roller when observed from the surface

Fig. 5 1 l(b &c) shows the surface view of the damaged WR sandwich specimens under

the roller at 5 Hz and 9Hz working frequency, respectively, where, the disintegration of

the fibre and matrix are observed Fig 5 1 l(d & e) is the SEM image of the interface at

9 Hz At the interface, fibre crack and core crushing is observed Fig 5 1 l(f-i) gives the

cross-sectional view of the failed composites at 9 Hz Pore formation and crack

evolution at the interface, foam crushing, fibre under severe compression and fibre

disintegration are observed at 9 Hz frequency Fig 5 1 l(j) shows debonding at 9 Hz


Specimen at the loading roller Damaged WR specimen at 5 Hz Damaged WR specimen at 9 Hz

Fibre crack/slide on adjacent fabric Core Crushing (Stints of powder Lost part of PU foam

Pore formation/ crack evolution Fibre crack/slide on adjacent fabric WR-Fibres under severe


Facesheet/core debonding
Figure 5.11: SEM images of WR sandwich composites


Following are the conclusions that have been drawn from the experimental results

obtained from the fatigue studies of sandwich composites

> At 1 Hz and 3 Hz frequencies, the specimens did not fail completely, but at 9

Hz, the specimens failed due to delamination and core crack

> The fatigue failure of the sandwich composite is controlled by failure of the

core WR sandwich composites exhibited highest fatigue strength and lowest

stiffness degradation

> Interfacial bond becomes weak at higher cycles and decreases the fatigue


> Three failure modes have been observed facesheet/core debonding, shear

failure m the core and delamination The first damage continues up to 75 % of

fatigue life

> Fatigue strength and failure load of the sandwich specimens mcreased with the

increase in core density

> Stiffness degradation mcreased with the mcrease m fatigue frequency and

decreased with the mcrease m density of PU foam

> The stages involved in the ultimate failure are different m low density and high

density sandwich composites The crack is initiated near the core/facesheet

interface m low density composites, but in high density composites, crack is

initiated m the middle of the core


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