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Southeastern Europe in the transition to agriculture in Europe: Bridge,

buffer, or mosaic (2000)

Chapter · September 2000

DOI: 10.1017/CBO9780511607851.003


1 author:

Ruth Tringham
University of California, Berkeley

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Europe's First Farmers

edited by

University of Wisconsin, Madison

24 Ruth Tringham

D. Branjev ina



- Land over 500 m

• Early Neolíthíc sites mentioned in the text

2.2 Southeast Europe: EarlyNeolithic cultures and sites.

An important example of regional variability is that between the

Early Neolithic of the southern Balkan peninsula and those of the catch ment
area of the middle and lower Danube basin in the northern Balkan peninsula
{Fig. 2.2). In the catchment area of the Danube basin {north of the Vardar-
Morava watershed in Serbia and north of the Sredna Gora moun tains in
Bulgaria). there is a virtual absence of evidence of long-term occu pation {that
is of a duration of more than a few years, even if occupation is
28 Ruth Tringham


11111 Land over 500 m o 200km

• Mesolithic forager sites
• Early Ceramic Neolithic sites
O Aceramic Neolithic sites

2.3 Southeast Europe: Mesolithic sites and claimed Aceramic Neolithic sites
against a background of Early Neolithic sites.
36 Ruth Tringham

(after Srejovic 1969a, 1988; (after Jovanovic 1969, 1974;
Dimitrijevic 1974) Lazarovicl 1977, 1979)
BP caJendar
Uncalìbrat years ec



7000 6000

7500 (6500)

8000 Lepenski Vir la (7000)
Lepenski Vir 1-11,
Vlasac 1-111, Padina A Vlasac I, Padina A,
Schela Cladoveii I Schela Cladoveii I
lcoana 1-111 Os.Banului lii, lcoana 1-11, Os.Corbului 1-11
Os.Corbului lii
8500 ===========,1============1- (7500)


Cuina Turcului li, Os.Banului 1-11

9000 (8000)

2.5 Chronological interpretations of the Danube Gorges sites and the Lepenski
Vir stratigraphy.

Vir). with its stone heads, trapezoid houses, and other paraphernalia of
material complexity, is contempcmry with the Mesolithic site of Vlasac.
According to this scenario. Lepenski Vir I-II entirely precedes the mono chrome
and painted pottery Neolithic settlements of the Danube basin catchment area
(Proto-Starcevo/Pre-Cris and Starcevo/Körös/Cris cultures).
In Srejovic's view, the Proto-Starcevo culture is contemporary with phases Illa-b
at Lepenski Vir.
lt is worth repeating here that, as mentioned above. Srejovic
and others believe that the Starcevo culture, represented, for example, by the
type-site Starcevo, does not typify the earliest agriculturalists in the central
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