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Geneva College

Beaver Falls, PA

Lesson Plan Template

Name: ___________Stephen Nelson_____________________________________Date: ______2/17/21_______

Subject: ____________ELA______________________ Grade Level: ________7th/8th___________

I. Topic
Finding and Developing Ideas as Writers

II. PA or Common Core Standards

Standard - CC.1.4.7-8.M - Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events.

Standard - CC.1.4.7-8.P - Organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically, using a variety of transition
words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence and signal shifts from one time frame or setting to another; provide a
conclusion that follows from and reflects on the narrated experiences and events.

III. Learning Objectives: Objectives must be written using observable verbs

Objective 1 - When provided a story prompt by the teacher, students will be able to independently write two possible
directions the prompt could logically be taken when writing a fiction story.

Objective 2 - After choosing one prompt continuation created by themselves in Objective 1, students will be able to
independently write three more plot details that build upon the chosen idea, with one of the three details being how the
story would end.

IV. Materials
Teacher device
Devices for each student
Prompts slideshow

V. Lesson Development
A. Introduction
Start the class with a Do Now, and have a designated student worker pass out their Do Now journals. For the 7 th grade
students, display three sentences and have the students identify the complete subject in each one. For the 8 th grade
students, display three sentences containing phrase types and have the students identify the phrases in each one. Then,
have another designated student worker collect the Do Now journals. This should take about 5 minutes for all classes in
both grades.

B. Lesson development (activities, procedures)

Tell students that to start the writing unit, they need to get their creative juices flowing. Project the Prompts slideshow
and have students open a blank Google doc, already loaded for them through Google Classroom. This should take about
2 minutes.
Cycle through the 5 prompts, asking the students to come up with two possible directions they could develop the
prompt to make it a full story and to write them down. Once all students have done this, have students sitting near each
other share their ideas with each other in pairs. After each prompt, have the students share their favorite idea from the
other student with whom they were paired. Each prompt should take about 2 minutes for students to write ideas, 1
minute for the students to share with each other, and 2 minutes to share ideas with the class, for a total of five minutes
per prompt, and a total of 25 minutes. This is where Objective/Assessment 1 will be used.

Give students about five minutes independently to choose one of their prompt continuations, and add three details to
make it a bare-bones story. Have the students make one of their three details a detail about how the story ends. This is
where Objective/Assessment 2 will be used.

C. Evidence of differentiated instruction (content, process, product, or learning environment)

Content - Students are allowed to individually create their own continuations of prompts and details of their own story.

D. Closure (summary)
Have students share which idea they chose to add details to, as well as their favorite of the three details they wrote. This
should take the remaining 5 minutes.

VI. Assessment/evaluation
Assessment 1 - When provided a story prompt by the teacher, students will be able to independently write two possible
directions the prompt could logically be taken when writing a fiction story.

Assessment 2 - After choosing one prompt continuation created by themselves in Assessment 1, students will be able to
independently write three more plot details that build upon the chosen idea, with one of the three details being how the
story would end.

VII. Modifications or accommodations

Students who struggle with typing can use the microphone in their device to write via voice-to-text software instead.

Due to Covid, students will have to be paired with students near them in the classroom, but to the best possible extent,
students who struggle with ELA will be paired with students with a high skill level in ELA.

Students in periods 3 and 7, as the Learning Support classes, will only have to come up with two additional details to
build on their story idea, and neither detail has to be how the story ends unless they so choose.

VIII. Self-evaluation
To be completed after the lesson.

Cooperating Teacher Approval ________________________________________ Date ___________________

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