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Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150 – 173


Assessment of relative active tectonics, southwest border of the

Sierra Nevada (southern Spain)
R. El Hamdouni a , C. Irigaray a , T. Fernández b , J. Chacón a,⁎, E.A. Keller c
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Granada, E.T.S.I.C.C.P., Campus Fuentenueva, s/n., 18071-Granada, Spain
Department of Photogrammetry and Geodetic and Mapping Engineering, University of Jaén,
Campus “Las Lagunillas” s/n., Edificio A-3. Jaén, Spain
Department of Earth Science, University of California, Webb Hall, BLDG 526 Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9630, USA
Received 24 January 2007; received in revised form 31 July 2007; accepted 1 August 2007
Available online 15 August 2007


We present a new method for evaluating relative active tectonics based on geomorphic indices useful in evaluating morphology
and topography. Indices used include: stream length-gradient index (SL), drainage basin asymmetry (Af), hypsometric integral
(Hi), ratio of valley-floor width to valley height (Vf), index of drainage basin shape (Bs), and index of mountain front sinuosity
(Smf). Results from the analysis are accumulated and expressed as an index of relative active tectonics (Iat), which we divide into
four classes from relatively low to highest tectonic activity.
The study area along the southwest border of the Sierra Nevada in southern Spain is an ideal location to test the concept of an
index to predict relative tectonic activity on a basis of area rather than a single valley or mountain front. The study area has variable
rates of active tectonics resulting from the collision of Africa with Europe that has produced linear east–west anticlinal forms, as
well as extension with variable vertical rates of normal faulting to about 0.5 m/ky. We test the hypothesis that areas of known,
relatively high rates of active tectonics are associated with indicatives values of Iat.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Tectonic geomorphology; Geomorphic indices of active tectonics; Sierra Nevada; Betic Cordillera; Southern Spain

1. Introduction rivers, and Quaternary deposits along mountain fronts

and in fault-bounded basins (Sanz de Galdeano et al.,
Recent tectonic activity associated with continental 1998). The regional seismic record is characterized by
uplift is expressed along the SW border of the Sierra high frequency of relatively small magnitude earth-
Nevada in southern Spain by fault scarps, deeply incised quakes (less than magnitude 4) with infrequent, large,
catastrophic earthquakes. The study of active tectonics,
⁎ Corresponding author. Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, E.T.S.I. and in particular those areas with relatively high activity,
C.C.P., Universidad de Granada, Campus de Fuentenueva, s/n., 18071, in the Holocene and late Pleistocene is important to
Granada, Spain. Tel.: +34 958246136, +34 958249449, +34 evaluate the earthquake hazard (Keller and Pinter,
629476985; fax: +34 958246138.
E-mail addresses: rachidej@ugr.es (R. El Hamdouni),
2002). On a regional scale, obtaining rates of active
clemente@ugr.es (C. Irigaray), jchacon@ugr.es (J. Chacón), tectonics is difficult or even knowing where to go in a
keller@geol.ucsb.edu (E.A. Keller). particular region for quantitative studies to obtain rates.
0169-555X/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 151

Fig. 1. Geographical and geological setting of the study area.

152 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

Fig. 2. Subbasins of the Izbor River basin and its reference number.

The approach of this paper is to provide a quantitative Also Silva et al. (2003) assessed the relative active
method to focus on areas for more detailed work to tectonics of different mountain fronts in SE Spain using
establish rates of active tectonics. We use geomorphic the Smf and Vf geomorphic indexes. Their approach did
indices of active tectonics, known to be useful in active not include a GIS based summary index.
tectonic studies (Bull and McFadden, 1977; Azor et al., The objective of this paper is to quantify several
2002; Keller and Pinter, 2002; Silva et al., 2003; Molin geomorphic indices of relative active tectonic and
et al., 2004). This methodology has been previously topographic development to produce a single index
tested as a valuable tool in different tectonically active that can be used to characterize relative active tectonics.
areas, such as SW USA (Rockwell et al., 1985), the For this purpose, we will present the tectonic geomor-
Pacific coast of Costa Rica (Wells et al., 1988), and the phic analysis of indices followed by a discussion of the
Mediterranean coast of Spain (Silva, 1994). In detail, the active tectonics based upon recent field-based structural
combination of the Smf and Vf indexes allows and geomorphic observation and analysis.
individual mountain fronts to be assigned different
tectonic activity classes (Class 1 to Class 3) developed 2. Regional setting of the study area
under decreasing uplift rates (Bull and McFadden, 1977;
Rockwell et al., 1985). Most studies of geomorphic The study area is in southern Spain along the western
indices have concentrated on specific indices at specific and southern flanks of the Sierra Nevada. The area is
sites, such as a drainage basin or mountain front. With ∼ 500 km2 (Fig. 1) in the Inner Zone of the Beltic
the exception of the stream length-gradient index (SL), Cordillera (Balanyá and García-Dueñas, 1987; Sanz de
most of the indices are not spatially analyzed over a Galdeano, 1997). Major rock groups are the nevado–
region. filabride and alpujarride complexes (Egeler and Simon,
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 153

Fig. 3. SL index along the Izbor River drainage network.

1969; Aldaya et al., 1979), as well as a small portion of detect anomalies in the fluvial system or along mountain
the former Granada basin, which is filled with post- fronts. These anomalies may be produced by local
tectonic deposits of Neogene to Quaternary age changes from tectonic activity resulting from uplift or
(González-Donoso, 1978). The study area includes the subsidence. The research design is to analyze several
Lecrin-Padul and Albuñuelas River valleys, basins different indices in subbasins of the Izbor River basin
bounded by faults that trend roughly E–W and NW– (Fig. 2) and break them into tectonic classes based
SE (Domingo et al., 1983). The nevado–filabride upon the range of values of individual indices. These are
complex is over-thrusted by the alpujarride complex, then summed and averaged and arbitrarily divided into
composed of metamorphic rocks Paleozoic and lower classes of relative tectonic activity over the study area.
Mesozoic ages deformed during the Alpine Orogeny.
3.1. Stream length-gradient index (SL)
3. Morphometric analysis and geomorphic indices of
active tectonics Development of topography results from an adjust-
ment between processes of erosion as streams and rivers
Several geomorphic indices may be used to analyze flow over rocks and soils of variable strength (Hack,
topography as well as relative tectonic activity. 1973). The adjustment eventually reaches a dynamic
Individual indices are based on analysis of the drainage equilibrium.
network or mountain fronts. The indices represent a The stream length-gradient index (SL) was defined
quantitative approach to differential geomorphic analy- by Hack (1973) in a study of the role of rock resistance
sis related to erosion and depositional processes that in streams of the Appalachian Mountains of the
include the river channel, long profile, and valley southeastern United States. The SL index is defined as:
morphology as well as tectonically derived features,
such as fault scarps. Indices of active tectonics may SL ¼ ðDh=DlÞl ð1Þ
154 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

Fig. 4. Distribution of SL index anomalies and the geological strength levels.

where Δh/Δl is the local slope of the channel segment conglomerate), and very high strength (low grade
being evaluated and l is the channel length from the metamorphisms producing rocks such as marble). The
divide to the midpoint of the channel reach for which the observed SL index anomalies were then plotted on the
index is calculated. map of the relative strength of materials (Fig. 4), and
The SL index can be used to evaluate relative their relation to rock strength were analyzed utilizing
tectonic activity. The SL index will increase in value as GIS applications (Figs. 5, 6 and 7).
rivers and streams flow over active uplifts and may have Based upon the quantitative SL indices linked to
lesser values when flowing parallel to features such as relative rock resistance described above with field
valleys produced by strike–slip faulting (Keller and observations suggest that:
Pinter, 2002).
Values of the SL index over the study area, (i) Along the SW border of the Sierra Nevada, values
determined from digital elevation models and geograph- of the SL index show a variable distribution. The
ic information system (GIS), are shown on Fig. 3. In highest and perhaps most anomalous values of the
order to discriminate values at the index related to rock index are along the Lanjaron River on the eastern
resistance, different levels of average rock strength were flank of the Sierra Nevada. These high indices are
defined (by rock type and field observation) from very not associated with particularly resistant rocks,
low strength (silt, sand, marl, and peat), low strength and so we interpret these anomalies in the SL
(older alluvial fan deposits and fairly well-consolidated index to be a tectonic signal. Several locations
conglomerate), moderate strength (fillite and schist), along the western flank of the Sierra Nevada near
high strength (calcareous sandstone, travertine, and the Padul mountain front also have anomalously
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 155

Fig. 5. Some longitudinal river profiles in the SW border of Sierra Nevada and the measured SL index.

high SL index values on relatively soft rocks. faults in the harder marbles and schist. Along La
Along the Torrente River, indices increase where Raja Creek, the highest values of the indices,
they cross the mountain front with the Nigüelas which are anomalously high for the area, exist
fault. Other relatively high values are related to where the river crosses the Padul fault (Fig. 5).
156 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

Fig. 6. Some longitudinal river profiles in the Sierra de Los Guájares and the measured SL index.

Another anomaly, farther downstream along the the river crossing into stronger rocks. This is
La Raja Creek, results from active folding of a shown on Fig. 7 where relatively resistant rocks
Pleistocene alluvial fan. consisting of schist and dolomites are separated
(ii) Along the southwestern portion of the study area, by a middle reach of the creek composed of softer
SL indices tend to be relatively low compared silts and sands.
with the Sierra Nevada border. Anomalous values
of the indices along the Albuñuelas River and 3.2. Asymmetric factor (Af)
Zara Creek are related to outcrops of the resistant
mica schist found along the river profile (Fig. 6). The asymmetric factor (Af) is a way to evaluate the
(iii) Along the northern border of the Sierra de existence of tectonic tilting at the scale of a drainage
Albuñuelas, as well as along the area SW of the basin. The method may be applied over a relatively large
Padul basin, the values of the SL index are area (Hare and Gardner, 1985; Keller and Pinter, 2002).
relatively low. A few higher values of the index Af is defined by
are related to changes in rock resistance. Along
Anciano Creek, the SL index values decrease Af ¼ 100ðAr=AtÞ ð2Þ
downriver and are adjusted to rock resistance as
demonstrated by the observed profile (Fig. 7). where Ar is the area of the basin to the right (facing
Along Almeiza Creek, two relatively high downstream) of the trunk stream and At is the total area
anomalies of the index are apparently related to of the drainage basin. If a basin has developed under
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 157

Fig. 7. Some longitudinal river profiles in the SW area of Padul and the measured SL index.

stable conditions with little or no tilting, the Af factor is the down-dip direction, producing an asymmetric valley.
close to 50. The index is sensitive to change in In order to incorporate this influence, we disregard those
inclination perpendicular to the channel direction. An values for which the rock structure is an obvious factor.
Af factor above or below 50 may result from basin Thus in the study area, five of the basins were
tilting, resulting either from active tectonics or lithologic determined to have the asymmetric factor related to
structural control differential erosion, as for example the structural control, and these were not included in the
stream slipping down bedding plains over time. The development of the index of relative active tectonics.
values shown in Table 1 for Af include the Af-50, which Other streams show moderate to high asymmetry within
is the amount of difference between the neutral value of a given lithology (Fig. 8). In general, the most
50 and the observed value. For the purpose of evaluating prominent asymmetry is found along the SW border of
the relative active tectonics, the absolute difference is the Sierra Nevada and the northern border of the Sierra
what is important, and values of Af-50 range from about de Los Guájares.
1 to 28.
Structural control of the orientation of schistocity or 3.3. Hypsometric integral (Hi)
bedding may play a significant role in the development
of basin asymmetry. Inclination of schistocity or The hypsometric integral is an index that describes
bedding allows for preferred migration of the valley in the distribution of elevation of a given area of a
158 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

Table 1
Asymmetry factor (Af) values of the different basins of the study area. (Ar: surface of downstream right margin of the basin; At: total surface of the
Ref. no. Basin Ar (km2) At (km2) Af Af-50 Lithological control Class
2 El Anciano 2.8 5.79 48.36 − 1.64 3
3 La Cueva de Campos 3.7 6.43 57.54 7.54 2
4 Almeiza 8.58 15.10 56.82 6.82 3
5 La Alcaza 20.75 46.72 44.41 − 5.59 3
7 El Agua 7.61 11.44 66.52 16.52 Yes –
8 El Búho 0.33 0.70 47.14 − 2.86 3
9 Cortijo del Maestro 0.43 1.08 39.81 − 10.19 2
10 El Aceituno 2.00 4.10 48.78 − 1.22 3
11 Torres 0.95 3.75 25.33 − 24.67 1
12 Luna 15.09 33.90 44.51 − 5.49 Yes –
13 Doña María 5.02 9.03 55.59 5.59 3
14 El Madroñal 3.52 7.59 46.38 − 3.62 3
15 Albuñuelas 26.04 44.63 58.35 8.35 2
16 La Cruz 6.36 9.22 68.98 18.98 1
17 Cabezuelas 2.83 3.96 71.46 21.46 1
18 Mizán de las Cuevas 7.14 10.97 65.09 15.09 Yes –
19 Las Arenas 2.82 3.31 85.20 35.20 1
20 Cortijo de Guindalera 1.12 2.23 50.22 0.22 Yes –
21 Zaza 11.33 16.41 69.04 19.04 1
22 La Cabacilla 1.61 2.96 54.39 4.39 3
24 Lanjarón 28.15 50.56 55.68 5.68 Yes –
25 Salado 2.03 5.96 34.06 − 15.94 1
26 Tablate 2.39 11.18 21.38 − 28.62 1
27 Chite 3.90 7.27 53.65 3.65 3
28 Pleito 2.30 5.90 38.98 − 11.02 2
29 Torrente 12.50 35.80 34.92 − 15.08 1
30 La Hojuela 0.94 1.99 47.24 − 2.76 3
31 El Baño 4.19 9.92 42.24 − 7.76 2
32 La Rambla 2.81 6.18 45.47 − 4.53 3
33 La Cantina 1.42 4.02 35.32 − 14.68 2
34 Las Pedrizas 1.90 3.57 53.22 3.22 3
35 Dúrcal 22.80 65.80 34.65 − 15.35 1
36 Los Lobos 0.56 1.71 32.75 − 17.25 1
37 Peña Horada 0.25 1.12 22.32 − 27.68 1
38 Raja 0.60 2.12 28.30 21.70 1

landscape (Strahler, 1952). The integral is generally not relate directly to relative active tectonics. This index
derived for a particular drainage basin and is an index is similar to the SL index in that rock resistance as well
that is independent of basin area. The index is defined as as other factors affects the value. High values of the
the area below the hypsometric curve and thus expresses index generally mean that not as much of the uplands
the volume of a basin that has not been eroded. The have been eroded, and may suggest a younger
simple equation that may be used to calculate the index landscape, perhaps produced by active tectonics. High
(Pike and Wilson, 1971; Mayer, 1990; Keller and Pinter, values of Hi could also result from recent incision into a
2002) is young geomorphic surface produced by deposition. In
our analysis of Hi, we consider whether the curve is
Hi ¼ ð average elevation  min: elevÞ= ð3Þ convex in its upper portion, convex to concave, or
ð max: elev:  min: elev:Þ: convex in the lower portion, as well as the value of the
index itself. We assume that if part of the hypsometric
The values of elevation necessary for the calculation integral is convex in the lower portion, it may relate to
are obtained from a digital elevation model. The average uplift along a fault or perhaps uplift associated with
elevation is from 50 points of elevation taken at random recent folding. High values of the index are possibly
from the drainage basin. The hypsometric integral does related to young active tectonic and low values are
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 159

Fig. 8. Map showing the lithologies of the study area and its relationships with the basins with higher asymmetry values.

related to older landscapes that have been more eroded elevation of the divide on the left side of the valley; Erd
and less impacted by recent active tectonics. In general, is the elevation on the right side; and Esc is the average
high values of the hypsometric integral are convex, and elevation of the valley floor. This index differentiates
these values are generally N 0.5. Intermediate values between valleys with a wide floor relative to the height
tend to be more concave–convex or straight, and of valley walls with a “U” shape compared to narrow,
generally have values between 0.4 and 0.5. Finally, steep valleys with a “V” shape. Valleys with a U shape
lower values (b 0.4) tend to have concave shapes. generally have high values of Vf, whereas V-shaped
Analysis of the hypsometric integral in the study area valleys with relatively low values. Because uplift is
was based upon digital elevation models and utilization associated with incision, the index is thought to be a
of all basins of greater than the third order. Some of the surrogate for active tectonics where low values of Vf are
results are shown on Figs. 9 and 10. associated with higher rates of uplift and incision. The
index is a measure of incision and not uplift; but in an
3.4. Ratio of valley floor width to valley height (Vf) equilibrium state, incision and uplift are nearly matched.
The value of Vf is calculated for the main valleys that
Vf is defined as the ratio of the width of the valley cross mountain fronts of the study area (Fig. 11).
floor to its average height (Bull and McFadden, 1977; Calculation of the index is done at a prescribed distance
Bull, 1978) and is computed by upstream from the mountain front (Silva et al., 2003). In
this area a distance varying from ∼ 0.5 to 1 km,
Vf ¼ 2Vfw=½ðEld  EscÞ þ ðErd  EscÞ ð4Þ depending on the size of the drainage basin was selected.
It has been observed that the valleys often narrow
where Vf is the ratio of valley floor width to valley upstream from the mountain front (Ramírez-Herrera,
height; Vfw is the width of the valley floor; Eld is the 1998). As a result, values of Vf vary depending on basin
160 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

size, stream discharge, and rock type encountered. A similar analysis, carried out by Silva et al. (2003) in
Therefore, values of Vf should be compared for similar the Eastern Betic Cordillera (SE Spain), suggests that V-
geologic conditions. Values of Vf for the study area are shaped valleys with low Vf values b 1 develop in
shown in Table 2, and locations where calculations of the response to active uplift, and that broad U-shaped valleys
index are made are shown in Fig. 11. Values of Vf vary with high Vf values N 1 indicate major lateral erosion,
from a low of 0.039 for the Durcal River, where it is due to the stability of base level or to tectonic quiescence.
deeply incised into hard marble bedrock, to a high of 11.3
at Cuevas del Campo Creek west of Padul (Fig. 11). In 3.5. Index of drainage basin shape (Bs)
general, the values of Vf are relatively low for most of the
study area, with the exception of the lower-lying areas in Relatively young drainage basins in active tectonic
the NW part of the study area. areas tend to be elongated in shape normal to the

Fig. 9. Hypsometry curves of subbasins from the right margin of the Izbor River. (A) is the total surface of the basin. (a) is the surface area within the
basin above a given line of elevation (h), (H) is the highest elevation of the basin.
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 161

Fig. 9 (continued ).

topographic slope of a mountain. With continued associated with elongated basins, generally associated
evolution or less active tectonic processes, the elongated with relatively higher tectonic activity. Low values of Bs
shape tends to evolve to a more circular shape (Bull and indicate a more circular-shaped basin, generally associ-
McFadden, 1977). Horizontal projection of basin shape ated with low tectonic activity. Rapidly uplifted
may be described by the elongation ratio, Bs (Cannon, mountain fronts generally produce elongated, steep
1976; Ramírez-Herrera, 1998) expressed by the equation basins; and when tectonic activity is diminished or
ceases, widening of the basins occur from the mountain
Bs ¼ Bl=Bw ð5Þ front up (Ramírez-Herrera, 1998).
Bs was calculated for 37 subbasins in the study areas.
where Bl is the length of the basin measured from the The results are shown in Table 3 and values range from
headwaters to the mouth, and Bw is the width of the 1.6 to 5.8. The highest values are along the SW border
basin measured at its widest point. High values of Bs are of the Sierra Nevada.
162 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

Fig. 10. Hypsometry curves of subbasins from the left margin of the Izbor River. (A) is the total surface of the basin, (a) is the surface area within the
basin above a given line of elevation (h), (H) is the highest elevation of the basin.
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 163

Fig. 10 (continued ).

3.6. Index of mountain front sinuosity (Smf ) mountain to the piedmont occurs; and Ls is the straight
line length of the mountain front. Smf represents a
Index of mountain front sinuosity Smf (Bull and balance between erosive processes tending to erode a
McFadden, 1977; Bull, 1978) is defined by mountain front, making it more sinuous through streams
that cut laterally and into the front and active vertical
Smf ¼ Lmf =Ls ð6Þ tectonics that tend to produce straight mountain fronts,
often coincidental with active faults or folds (Bull and
where Lmf is the length of the mountain front along the McFadden, 1977; Keller, 1986). That is, mountain
foot of the mountain where a change in slope from the fronts associated with active tectonics and active uplift

Fig. 11. Location of sections for the Vf calculations in the Izbor River valley.
164 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

Table 2 between 1.17 and 3.51. They considered values below

Vf (ratio of valley floor width to valley height) values calculated in the 1.4 as indicative of active tectonics until values above 3
Izbor River valley
were considered as indicating inactive fronts.
Ref. River or Lithology of the Basin Vf Class In this paper, eleven mountain fronts with vertical of
no. creek valley floor superficie
relief more than 20 m are evaluated (Fig. 12). Values of
Smf are shown in Table 4 and range from 1.04 to 1.61.
2 Anciano Dolomites 9.60 1.250 3
The lowest values of Smf are associated with the SW
3 Cuevas de Dolomites 10.00 11.430 3
Campos border of the Sierra Nevada coincidental with the
5 Alcaza Dolomites 46.72 1.900 3 Padul–Nigulas fault. However, almost all of the
7 Agua Dolomites 11.51 1.110 3 mountain fronts have relatively low values of Smf.
10 Aceituno Dolomites 8.20 0.530 2 The considered fronts are shown in Fig. 12 and may
12 Luna (up) Marbles 33.90 0.550 1
be aggrupated into three main fronts:
12 Luna Calcareous 33.90 0.160 2
(down) sandstone, silts The fronts along the western border of Sierra Nevada
and sands (fronts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6): these are fronts showing straight
15 Albuñuelas Marbles 44.63 0.100 2 linear shapes and composed mainly by NW–SE border
18 Mizán de las Dolomites 10.97 0.880 2
20 Cortijo Guidalera Dolomites 2.29 0.780 1 Table 3
21 Zaza Mica–schist 16.42 0.078 1 Value of Bs (drainage basin shape index) in the analyzed basins or
24 Lanjarón Dolomites 50.56 0.150 1 subbasins (Bl: length of the basin measured from the headwaters to the
26 Tablate Dolomites 11.52 0.053 2 mouth; Bw: width of the basin measured at its widest point)
27 Chite Dolomites 7.55 0.520 1
29 Torrente Dolomites– 35.59 0.078 2 Ref. no. Basin Bl (m) Bw (m) Bs Class
phyllites 2 El Anciano 6036 2150 2.8 3
35 Dúrcal Marbles 65.80 0.039 1 3 Cuevas de Campo 5759 1500 3.8 2
35 Upper Dúrcal Alluvial fans 65.80 0.640 2 4 Almeiza 6006 2500 2.4 3
36 Los Lobos Dolomites 1.71 0.625 2 5 Alcaza 12,208 5761 2.1 3
37 Peña Horada Dolomites 1.12 0.833 2 6 El Capón 4758 2350 2.0 3
38 Raja Dolomites 3.00 0.530 2 7 El Agua 6313 2058 3.1 2
8 Búho 1931 622 3.1 2
9 Cortijo del Maestro 2324 630 3.7 2
are relatively straight with low values of Smf; but if the 10 El Aceituno 5579 1100 5.1 1
rate of uplift is reduced or ceases, then erosional 11 Torres 4727 1375 3.4 2
processes along the mountain front produce a more 12 Luna 11,185 3500 3.2 2
13 Doña María 6680 2125 3.1 2
sinuous front and thus lower value of Smf.
14 Madroñal 4146 2650 1.6 3
Values of Smf are readily calculated from topograph- 15 Albuñuelas 13,328 3350 4.0 1
ic maps or aerial photography. However, the value 16 La Cruz 6317 1800 3.5 2
obtained depends upon the scale (Bull and McFadden, 17 Cabezuelas 3971 1525 2.6 3
1977). Small-scale maps (1:250,000) produce approx- 18 Mizán de las Cuevas 5472 2678 2.0 3
19 Las Arenas 3352 1000 3.4 2
imate values of Smf, while larger scale topographic
20 Cortijo de Guindalera 3341 843 4.0 1
maps and aerial photography have higher resolution and 21 Zaza 7478 2426 3.1 2
are more appropriate for assessment of Smf. 22 La Calabacilla 2664 1368 1.9 3
Values of Smf approach 1.0 on the most tectonically 24 Lanjarón 19,843 3400 5.8 1
active fronts, whereas Smf increases if the rate of uplift 25 Salado 5455 1825 3.0 2
26 Tablate 9528 1600 6.0 1
is reduced and erosional processes begin to form a front
27 Chite 8314 1560 5.3 1
that becomes more irregular with time. Smf values lower 28 Pleito 6414 1125 5.7 1
than 1.4 indicate tectonically active fronts (Rockwell 29 Torrente 15,924 3650 4.4 1
et al., 1985; Keller, 1986) while higher Smf values (N 3) 30 Hojuela 2635 1100 2.4 3
are normally associated with inactive fronts in which the 31 El Baño 6500 2200 2.95 3
32 Rambla 5680 1530 3.7 2
initial range–front fault may be more than 1 km away
33 La Cantina 3441 1590 2.2 3
from the present erosional front (Bull and McFadden, 34 Las Pedrizas 3680 880 4.2 1
1977). 35 Dúrcal 17,644 4450 4.0 1
This index was also calculated in the Eastern Betic 36 Los Lobos 3331 630 5.3 1
Cordillera by Silva et al. (2003) using a topographic 37 Peña Horada 1972 550 3.6 2
38 Raja 2563 1050 2.4 3
map at scale 1:50,000 from which they obtained values
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 165

Fig. 12. Mountain front segments with reference numbers delimited for the assessment of the Smf index (see Table 4 for mountain front names).

faults, although also some local fault segments show Triassic metamorphic rocks belonging to the Inner Zone
NE–SW trends. of the Betic Cordillera.
These faults, which usually dip toward SW or S, At the foot of these fronts Pliocene to Quaternary
associated with relatively high relief fronts eroded on deposits have been deposited and provide evidence for
recent active tectonics (deformed alluvial fans, fault
Table 4 breccias, deeply incised river channels and drainage
Values of the Smf (index of mountain front sinuosity) in the defined system).
mountain fronts (Lmf: length of the mountain front along the foot of
the mountain where a change in slope from the mountain to the
The fronts near Sierra de los Guájares (7, 8) have
piedmont occurs; Ls: straight line length of the mountain front) lower relief than the other fronts. Locally, the neogene
sediments and also the Quaternary alluvial fan deposits
Mountain front No Lmf Ls Smf Class
(m) (m) are back-tilted against the mountain front. The fault at
the front attains its greatest vertical displacement just
El Padul 1 5575 5022 1.11 2
El Manar 2 1925 1840 1.04 1 up-slope from deposition of Plio-Quaternary alluvial
Dúrcal 3 3522 3284 1.07 1 sediments (Sanz de Galdeano and López-Garrido,
Niguelas 4 3575 3372 1.07 1 2001). The fault scarps at some locations have a
Lecrín 5 5908 5253 1.12 2 young appearance with heights up to 20 m.
Tablate 6 5666 5195 1.09 1
The fronts around Sierra de Albuñuelas (9, 10, 11)
Guájares 7 10,855 9540 1.13 2
Cerro Llano 8 3834 3289 1.17 2 mainly follow a tectonic boundary between the alpu-
South of Sierra de Albuñuelas 9 10,619 7902 1.34 2 jarride units and the neogene deposits. It is remarkable
Conchar 10 5581 3662 1.52 3 the reduced development of alluvial fans and also the
North-East of Sierra de 11 9950 6176 1.61 3 drainage system, particularly in the Northern border, is
not as deeply incised as the previously mentioned fronts.
166 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

4. Discussion of relative tectonic activity based on Table 5

geomorphic indices Classification of the Iat (relative tectonic activity index) in the
subbasins of the Izbor River basin (SL: stream length-gradient index;
Af: drainage basin asymmetry; Hi: hypsometric integral; Vf: ratio of
Several studies used a combination of two indexes valley floor width to valley height; Bs: index of drainage basin shape;
(Smf and Vf) to provide semi-quantitative information Smf: index of mountain-front sinuosity)
of relative degree of tectonic activity of mountain fronts. Ref. Basin Class of S/n Iat
Two studies using these indices provide an assignation no class
SL Af Hi Vf Bs Smf
to different tectonic activity classes (Bull and McFad-
1 Laguna 3 – 3 – – 3 3.00 4
den, 1977; Silva et al., 2003).
2 El Anciano 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.00 4
In some studies, the morphometric analysis includes 3 Cueva de Campos 3 2 2 3 2 3 2.50 4
the construction of diagrams for the Vf and Smf values, 4 Almeiza 3 3 3 – 3 3 3.00 4
such as frequency distribution diagrams, diagrams 5 Alcaza 3 3 1 3 3 3 2.60 4
showing the distribution of these values along streams 6 El Capón 2 – 3 – 3 3 2.75 4
7 El Agua 3 – 3 3 2 3 2.80 4
and along the mountain front. The Vf values are plotted
8 El Buhó 3 3 2 – 2 3 2.60 4
with the Smf values on a same diagram in order to 9 Cortijo del maestro – 2 1 – 2 2 1.75 2
produce a relative degree of tectonic activity and 10 El Aceituno 2 3 1 2 1 2 1.83 2
recognition of three different classes (Bull and McFad- 11 Torres – 1 2 – 2 2 1.75 2
den, 1977; Silva et al., 2003). These authors describe 12 Luna 2 – 1 2 2 2 1.80 2
13 Boña María 3 3 2 – 2 2 2.40 3
‘‘active fronts’’ as those with low values of Smf (b 1.6)
14 El Madroñal 2 3 2 – 2 2 2.20 3
and Vf (b 0.5) indexes, characterised by the occurrence 15 Albuñuelas 1 2 2 1 1 2 1.50 2
of steep, untrenched fans receiving Holocene sediments 16 La Cruz 1 1 1 – 2 2 1.40 1
at the apex, triggered by uplift rates ranging from 1 to 17 Cabezuelas 1 1 2 – 3 2 1.80 2
5 m/ka. Rockwell et al. (1984) suggest that lower uplift 18 Mizán de las Cuevas 1 – 1 2 3 2 1.80 2
19 Las Arenas 2 1 1 – 2 2 1.60 2
rates of 0.4–0.5 m/ka were sufficient to keep Smf values
20 Cortijo Gundalera – – 2 2 1 2 1.75 2
down to 1.4 and Vf values down to 1, and therefore to 21 Zaza 2 1 1 1 2 2 1.50 2
generate active fronts (Class 1). In addition, Rockwell 22 Calabacilla 2 3 3 – 3 – 2.75 4
et al., reported also that proximally trenched fans can 23 Upper Izbor 1 – 1 – – – 1.00 1
develop along active fronts. 24 Lanjarón 1 – 1 1 1 1 1.00 1
25 Salado 1 1 1 – 2 1 1.20 1
These studies focused the assessment of active
26 Tablate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.00 1
tectonics along mountain fronts and not an areal, 27 Chite 1 3 1 2 1 2 1.67 2
regional assessment of active tectonics. 28 Pleito 1 2 1 – 1 1 1.20 1
In this study we presented the data on geomorphic 29 Torrente 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.00 1
indices that have been used in other studies to evaluate 30 Hojuela 3 3 1 – 3 – 2.50 4
31 Baño 2 2 3 – 3 – 2.50 4
the landscape in terms of potential tectonic activity. In
32 Rambla 1 3 3 – 2 1 2.00 3
general, the indices along a particular mountain front or 33 Cantina 2 2 1 – 3 1 1.80 2
area are discussed and a judgment made concerning 34 Pedrizas 1 3 2 – 1 1 1.60 2
relative tectonic activity (Bull and McFadden, 1977; 35 Dúrcal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.00 1
Rockwell et al., 1985; Azor et al., 2002; Molin et al., 36 Los Lobos 1 1 1 2 1 1 1.70 1
37 Peña Horada 2 1 1 2 2 1 1.50 2
2004). We now present a method to evaluate an index
38 Raja 3 1 3 2 3 2 2.33 3
over an area that represents relative tectonic activity
(Iat). We arbitrarily divide the various indices into three
classes, with class one being high activity and class
three being low activity (Table 5). The boundaries of the fronts) have been attempted. Therefore, in order to
various classes change for what index is being develop an areal index, we have made arbitrary, best
evaluated; and for our purpose here, we have chosen estimate decisions. Iat is obtained by the average of the
the boundaries that generally agree with changes in the different classes of geomorphic indices (S/n) and
range of the values of the various indices. Admittedly, divided into four classes, where class 1 is very high
the boundaries chosen for the various indices (Table 5) tectonic activity with values of S/n between 1 and 1.5;
could be improved were rates of uplift or other class 2 is high tectonic activity with values of S/n N 1.5
indications of active tectonics known. Unfortunately, but b 2; class 3 is moderately active tectonics with S/
very few studies to determine relative active tectonics of n N 2 but b 2.5; and class 4 is low active tectonics with
the landscape (mountain blocks, basins, and mountain values of S/n N 2.5. We have chosen to have three classes
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 167

of tectonic activity for the various indices, but added tectonic activity (class 4) based upon Iat. Thus, two-
class 4 for Iat because in a few areas (particularly in the thirds of the study area is classified into classes 2 or 1 of
eastern part of the study area) indices of tectonic high to very high tectonic activity in terms of the
geomorphology suggest a large area of unusually low apparent geomorphic response. In different tectonic
values suggesting greater tectonic activity. The averag- environments with greater rates of active tectonics, the
ing of the indices of the active tectonics S/n and values values of indices would differ as well as their range in
of Iat are summarized in Table 5 for 38 drainage basins value. Values of Iat would also be different, as would the
in the study area (see Fig. 2 for basin locations). boundaries between classes of relative tectonic activity.
The high class values (low tectonic activity) for Iat However, the methodology we outline would provide an
mainly occur in the north to northeast of Sierra de index based on area that estimates relative tectonic
Albuñuelas, while the rest of the study area has classes activity as it has for the study area in SW Spain.
of Iat suggesting moderate to high tectonic activity The proposed GIS methodology allows a map
(south of Sierra de Albuñuelas, north of Sierra de Los showing relative tectonic activity of the landscape to
Guájares, and near Padul; and very high along parts of be produced. This method has been linked to landslide
the border of the Sierra Nevada). The distribution of the susceptibility mapping (El Hamdouni, 2001) in alpine
indices defines areas associated with different mountain and similar landscapes with widespread evidences of
fronts and estimates of relative rates of tectonic activity recent active tectonics. The criteria for the different
(Fig. 13). Within the study area, about 45% (201 km2) is classifications proposed by several authors previously
class 1 (very high relative tectonic activity) as measured mentioned are summarized in Table 6. The classification
by Iat; 22% (99 km2) shows high relative tectonic used in this paper for each geomorphic index is also
activity as measured by Iat (class 2); 12% (53 km2) has included. The proposed integrated index (Iat) has no
moderate values of tectonic activity in terms of Iat (class antecedents in the available literature as it is determined
3); and 21% (96 km2) has the lowest values of relative by six geomorphic indexes across the landscape.

Fig. 13. Distribution of the Iat index of relative active tectonics in the Izbor River basin.
168 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

5. Field evidence of active tectonics North of Nigüelas Village, the fault at the surface has a
good exposure, but is partly buried by Pleistocene
An obvious question is how well does Iat and the deposits that were later deformed and tilted by more
other indices we use to evaluate relative tectonic activity recent fault movement. Simultaneously, alluvial fans
compare to field evidence of active tectonics?. Vertical developed at the base of the front suggesting differential
rates of active tectonics in southern Spain are all but movements and displacement along faults (Sanz de
unknown because of the lack of chronology of Galdeano, 1996; Sanz de Galdeano et al., 1998).
Quaternary units. Abundant evidence is available Drainage networks along the southern border of the
concerning amounts of vertical displacement, but Sierra Nevada dissect Quaternary deposits. Outcrops at
lacking absolute dates has made interpretation of active some locations have highly deformed sediments of
tectonics difficult. What is known is that rates along the Pliocene to Pleistocene age (Sanz de Galdeano et al.,
border of the Sierra Nevada vary from about 0.4 to 0.6 m/ 1998). In some locations along La Raja Creek, there are
ky (Keller et al., 1996). However, these rates are often synthetic convergent faults, associated with the main
based on displacement over several million years (Sanz Padul–Nigüelas fault, showing drag folding and tilting.
de Galdeano, 1996; Sanz de Galdeano et al., 1998). Pleistocene deposits are tilted 40° against the mountain
Along the southern edge of the Sierra Nevada, Iat front within about 100 m upstream of the main fault
varies from moderate to very high; and this is one of the (Sanz de Galdeano et al., 1998).
areas where a fair amount of information concerning the The mountain front (Fig. 14) shows well-developed
active tectonics is known (Keller et al., 1996). The triangular facets produced by stream dissection along
Padul–Nigüelas fault, forming a prominent set of the SW border of the Sierra Nevada (Birot, 1965; Riley
mountain fronts has dramatic expression of active and Moore, 1993). These facets suggest active faulting
tectonics (Fig. 14). Straight mountain fronts and deeply during the Quaternary (Silva, 1994). Also suggestive are
incised drainages are characteristics as are prominent triangular facets at different elevations that suggest
fault scarps often a meter or two high (Fig. 15). A several stages of uplift and reactivation of tectonic
prominent fault with triangular facets (Fig. 14) is the process (Riley and Moore, 1993). These authors
boundary in some locations between the Sierra Nevada establish six generations of triangular facets along the
and Granada Basin that is filled with sediments from fault zone, four of which are shown on the current
Miocene to Holocene age. The fault is known to be tilted mountain front and two others are at higher elevations
along some of segments as a result of progressive closer to the crest of the Sierra Nevada. The lower two or
extension along different segments of the fault. In some three sets of facets are clearly shown in Fig. 14.
areas the fault dips 30° or locally less, although The Padul basin, located at the foot of the SW border
originally it probably had a dip of around 60°. At the of the Sierra Nevada, suggests Pleistocene to Holocene

Table 6
Comparison between the geomorphic indexes classifications used in this study and others from USA (Bull and McFadden, 1977; Rockwell et al.,
1985) and Eastern Betic Cordillera (Silva et al., 2003)
Bull and McFadden (1977) Rockwell et al. Silva et al. Present study
(1985) (2003)
Class 1 Smf: 1.2–1.6 Uplift rate: N 0.4–0.5 m/ka Smf b 1.53 Smf:b 1.1
Vf: 0.055–0.5 Smf b 1.4 Vf b 0.5
–Unentrenched alluvial fans Vf b 1 Vf b 0.60 SL: High anomalous values
–Elongated drainage basins with narrow valley |Af-50|N 15
floors and steep hillslopes even in soft materials Bs N 4
Class 2 Smf: 1.8–3.4 Uplift rate: 0.5–0.05 m/ka Smf 1.8–2.3 Smf: 1.1–1.5
Vf: 0.5–3.6 Vf: 0.5–1
–Entrenched alluvial fans Vf 0.3–0.8 SL: Low anomalous values
–Large drainage basin that are more circular than class 1 |FA-50|: 7–15
Bs: 4–3
Class 3 Smf: 2–7 Uplift rate: b 0.05 m/ka Smf 2.8–3.5 Smf N 1.5
Vf: 2–47 Smf N 1.4 Vf: N 1
–Pedimented fronts and embayments, Vf N 1 Vf 0.8–1.2 SL: no anomalies
–Steep hillslopes only on resistant rock types and |Af-50|b 7
few large integrated stream system in the mountains Bs b 3
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 169

Fig. 14. Aerial picture of the Padul–Nigüelas fault with its linear trenes and the associated alluvial fans (photography kindly acknowledged to Prof. F.
Aldaya †).

subsidence. A series of peat deposits in the basin are northern margin coincidental with geomorphic indices
dated by 14C; ages are between ∼ 2 and 40 ky (Domingo that suggest relatively moderate to high active tectonics.
et al., 1983). Evaluation of the peat stratigraphy suggests At several locations along the SW border of the
that the more active part of the basin is along the Sierra Nevada, there are alluvial fans segmentation,

Fig. 15. Fresh scarp in Pleistocene deposits at the western end of the Padul–Nigüelas fault.
170 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

Fig. 16. The alluvial fans in La Raja creek, in the Puntal sector (North of Padul), showing the layers of Pleistocene deposits dipping against the natural
slope and its faulting. The recent alluvial fans fossilize these faults.

recognized by changes in slope. Segmentation in some mountain fronts that dissect alluvial fans emerging
cases is from Quaternary faulting (Sanz de Galdeano from those fronts. Fig. 17 shows the Tablate River
et al., 1998) and results from subsidence where the deeply incised into bedrock. Travertine deposits in the
fans were being deposited. In some locations alluvial Durcal River channel draining the Sierra Nevada have
fans are oversteepened from their original depositional been dated as Pleistocene in age from uranium series
slope and therefore have been tilted by active tectonics dating (Chacón, 1999; El Hamdouni, 2001), and the
as it is shown in Fig. 16 in the El Puntal alluvial travertine deposit is now 123 m above the valley floor.
fan north of the village of Padul. The accumulation This suggests rapid rates of incision and active tectonics
of nearly 100 m of deposits of alluvial fans (García and is reflected by the geomorphic analysis.
et al., 1998) suggests extensional deformation of the
region during Quaternary time, expressed by subsidence 6. Conclusions
of the basin.
The descriptions above of tectonic landforms corre- Geomorphic indices of active tectonics are useful
spond well with the classification of Iat of moderate to tools to analyze the influence of active tectonics. These
high tectonic activity. This constitutes the most direct indices have the advantage of being calculated from GIS
evidence for active tectonics that reflect the values of the and remote sensing packages over large areas as a
active tectonic indices. We will now consider more reconnaissance tool to identify geomorphic anomalies
secondary evidence related to drainage network and possibly related to active tectonics. This is particularly
erosion. valuable in southern Spain where relatively little work
Geomorphic analysis of drainage networks and on active tectonics based on absolute dates are available.
stream profiles are reflected in the SL index described Based upon values of the stream length-gradient index
earlier. Anomalies in the index were detected in most of (SL), asymmetric factor (Af), hypsometric integral (Hi),
the river profiles along the border of the Sierra Nevada ratio of valley-floor width to valley height (Vf), basin
and Sierra de Los Guájares. Other evidence of rapid drainage shape (Bs), and index of mountain front
incision includes hanging valleys (Silva, 1988). Often sinuosity (Smf), we developed an overall index (Iat)
there are deep narrow gorges observed close to that is a combination of the other indices that divides
R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173 171

Fig. 17. Tablate River with an important stream excavation.

the landscape into four classes of relative tectonic index. That is, areas with moderate to high and very high
activity. relative tectonic activity index correspond with areas
The low class 4 of Iat is mainly in the NNE of Sierra where prominent fault scarps, triangular facets, hanging
de Albuñuelas, while the rest of the study areas have valleys, deformed alluvial fan deposits, and deep narrow
moderate to high active tectonics (south of Sierra de river gorges incised near mountain fronts exist.
Albuñuelas, north of Sierra de Los Guájares, and the
area surrounding Padul or very high (along parts of the Acknowledgements
border of the Sierra Nevada). In the study area, about
two thirds of the total area, Iat is classified as 2 or 1, This research has been funded by CICYT projects
meaning high to very high active tectonics for this REN2002-03366, “Landslides and active tectonics in
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evaluation of Quaternary chronology along with major and associated risks ” and CGL2005-03332, “ Land-
displacements will be fruitful in future research. slides forecasting maps at static and dynamic conditions
A comparison of field observations of active and detailed scale using GIS and remote sensing:
tectonics along the western and southern flanks of the application to the Central-Eastern Andalusian region”
Sierra Nevada clearly coincide with the values and and Andalusian Excellence Project P06-RNM-02125,
classes of active tectonics indices and the overall Iat “Development of automatic techniques for the inventory
172 R. El Hamdouni et al. / Geomorphology 96 (2008) 150–173

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