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Task 1

I have chosen KPI because this university is one of the best in Ukraine in general and the best
technical institute. I can develop all needed skills for my future profession here.

Task 4
1) KPI was founded in 1898.
2) V. L. Kirpichov, MY. Zhukovsky, K. O. Timiryazyev participated in creation.
3) The Institute had only four departments then: mechanical, chemical, engineering and
4) Y.P. Paton, I.Sikorsky, S.P. Korolyov studied in KPI.
5) KPI has 19 faculties and 30 departments today.
6) On April 8, 1995 KPI granted his todays name.
7) It got the Status of the National self-governing (autonomous) higher State educational
establishment with wide authorities in determination of the content of the higher
education, its forms and ways of activity.
8) The development of fundamental and applied research as well as in the traditional
directions (fields) of science and technology so in the newest directions.
9) The creative potential of the pedagogical and scientific staff of the university, material-
technical and laboratory basis, wide contacts with industrial enterprises, research
institutions of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, traditional connections with universities
abroad allow to train bachelors, engineers, masters, candidates (of sciences) and doctors of
sciences, to carry out scientific research work at the up-to-date level.
10) They covers a great deal of problems: selection and enrolment of young people who want
to become students, training the highly educated specialists, conferring the Candidate’s and
Doctor’s degrees, raising the level of skill and requalification.
11) They invites as lectures the well-known scienists of Ukraine.
12) Specialities in economy and the humanities are developed as well as new engineering specs.
13) KPI started the integration into the world higher educational system.
14) KPI cooperates with more than 100 states
15) More than 40000 students and postgraduates inhabit the University campus.

Task 6
1) A
2) F
3) A
4) C
5) B
6) H
7) I
8) J
9) G
10) E

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