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Research Report

The Corporate Social Responsibility
Sec: 12

Research Report
Corporate Social Responsibility

Submitted To:
Md. Al-Amin
Management Department

Submitted By:

Name- Nusrat Sayeeda Chowdhury ID- 1321140630

Name- Md. Nabiar Hossain ID- 1410564030
Name- Leo Rahman ID- 1321733030
Name- Mohammad Rafsan Hossain ID- 1331298030
Letter of transmittal

Md. Al-Amin
Management Department
North South University
Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka.

5th December, 2016

Subject: Submission of research on Corporate Social Responsibility

Dear Sir:

On 23rd November we submitted you a proposal in order to conduct a search on Corporate Social
Responsibility that will be most effective for Banglalink and you approved our proposal.

It is our great pleasure to let you know that we have successfully done our research in the given
time and within the budget. We have tried our best to work on it carefully and sincerely to
achieve the most accurate results. We have also tried to accommodate as much information and
relevant issues as possible and tried to follow all the instructions that you have given us.

We are grateful to you for your co-operation and guidance at every step. We will be really
obliged if you could kindly take some time off your busy schedule and evaluate our report. We
will really appreciate your feedback.

Yours sincerely,

Nusrat Sayeeda Chowdhury

Mohammad Rafsan Hossain
Leo Rahman
Md. Nabiar Hossain
Table of contents

Serial No. Topic Page no.

1. Executive Summary 1

2.0 Introduction 2

2.1 Organizational Overview 3

2.2 Literature Overview 4

2.3 Methodology 8

2.4 Finding and Analysis 12

3.0 Ending Summary 13

3.1 Conclusion and Recommendation 13

3.2 References 14

3.3 Appendix 15
1. Executive summary

Banglalink was launched in February 2005 with the idea to provide cheap cellular
communication and change the status of a mobile into a necessity for the people of
Bangladesh. It is the second largest telecommunication service provider in Bangladesh with
31.9 million subscribers as of February 2016. The organization also believes in bringing a change
to the local communities by providing a simpler form of communication among people, which
will eventually lead to new initiatives and steps towards a brighter nation. In order to keep with
its competitors, it is essential for Banglalink to create a strong brand image which has to be
done not just by providing excellent network service and products but also by engaging in
activities that eventually contribute to the wellbeing of the society. The purpose of this report
is to identity few possible CSR programs which can be undertaken by Banglalink and
recommend the most effective option backed up by relevant and justified evidences. To carry
out our research, we have implemented two types of research; they are primary research and
secondary research. We have done the primary research by interviewing Albab Yafej Fatmi,
Government Relations & Corporate Regulatory Affairs manager, Banglalink and by carrying out
a survey with sample size of 30, who were mostly the students and faculties of North South
University. The secondary research has been done using articles, websites, and blogs and web
documents from the internet. Our findings from the research have been displayed in the report
using bar charts and pie charts. After conducting the research we have found out three most
effective CSR activities which can be implemented by Banglalink in the future. We also
compared the CSR activities of Banglalink with few famous companies’ CSR activities, like the
CSR activities done by TOMS, Grameenphone, and Walt Disney etc. in order to ensure that the
suggested CSR program is unique and impactful. Out of our three most effective CSR options,
we have concluded our report by suggesting the one program which seemed to have the
highest potential to be effective upon implementing according to us, and we have also provided
the suggestion along with proper justifications.
2.0 Introduction

The report was authorized by Md Al-Amin, Lecturer, North South University and it has been
written by Nusrat Sayeeda Chowdhury, Mohammand Rafsan Hossain, Leo Rahman and Md
Nabiar Hossain. The submission date of the report is 5th December, 2016.
Problem statement in this report is that there is a need in Banglalink to support some kind of
Corporate Social Responsibility program as the company is turning such a profit.
Proposal statement in this report is to identity few possibilities of CSR program and recommend
the most effective one backed up by relevant and justified primary and secondary research.
The boundaries of our research were the interview with the CSR official of Banglalink, a
questionnaire that was conducted among the student of North South University and internet
research to find out the most effective CSR programs around the world.
There were a few limitations while conducting the research. The main limitation was the time
constrain. Moreover we only conducted the survey among 30 people that too mostly from the
same age group, as a result the questionnaire does not reflect the accurate result. Another
problem about the survey was that though we surveyed 30 people but out of 30 people 3 of
them answered that they are not familiar with the word corporate social responsibility so
therefore we couldn’t take their survey into consideration. When we interviewed the CSR
official of Banglalink she was reluctant to give us any negative information and only emphasized
on the positive ones.
Banglalink’s main competitor Grameenphone is doing a very good job with their CSR programs.
However even though Banglalink is also doing it but it is not that impactful compared to them.
As a result in order to compete with them and sustain in the industry, Banglalink needs some
creative and impactful CSR programs.
The technical term that has been used quite a few times in the report is CSR. Corporate social
responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by
delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders. CSR is a concept
with many definitions and practices.
2.1 Organizational overview of Banglalink

Banglalink digital communications limited was launched in February 2005 with a simple
mission: ‘bringing mobile telephony to the masses ‘as part of their strategy. Previously
Banglalink digital communications limited was known as Orascom telecom Bangladesh limited
and is fully owned by Telecom ventures ltd. of Malta, which is a 100% owned subsidiary of
Global telecom holding. Vimpelcom owns 51.92% shares of Global Telecom holding as a result
of which Banglalink is part of Vimplecom group, an international communications and
technology company driven by a mission to open new opportunities for customers. Due to the
launch of Banglalink, mobile telephony became an affordable option as a means of
communication and changed the status of mobile phones as being a luxury item to a basic need
for customers across the general people of Bangladesh. The market oriented strategic vision of
Banglalink is: ‘To understand people’s needs best and develop appropriate communication
services to improve people’s lives and make it simple’. All the strategies, goals and objectives of
Banglalink is derived from the vision of the company. The vision statement expresses the
concern of the company for its customers and the employees of Banglalink who work
persistently in order to provide better experiences for their customers and to bring desirable
changes in their lives. The slogan of Banglalink is ‘ start something new’ which is originated
from the commitment of empowering people with cheaper communication solutions in order
to support them to take new initiatives in life. The management team of Banglalink consists of
managing director and CEO, chief technology officer, chief financial officer, chief marketing
officer, chief human resources and administration officer, chief corporate and regulatory affairs
officer, chief legal officer, head of corporate governance and chief compliance officer. The
organization believes to provide welfare for the nation through their cheap communication
system which will inspire them to engage in new positive steps. Banglalink currently has 31.9
million subscribers as of February 2016 which makes them the second largest cellular service
provider in Bangladesh. The organization has established a strong brand image through their
various CSR activities and by providing improved network quality, dedicated customer care,
extended distribution of network throughout the nation; Banglalink has created an emotional
connection with their customers.

2.2 Literature Overview

This part includes our secondary research.

Today creating a good will among consumers have become a very difficult job as commercial
advertisement have become very common and hence to maintain the goodwill of the company
Corporate Social Responsibility is a fruitful option. All the corporate companies and competitors
of Banglalink are involved in CSR activities, everyday looking for new lucrative ways conduct
these activities, and Banglalink is not any different. The company is involved in a number of CSR
activities, some of which are listed below:

1. Banglalink has collaborated with the ICT division of Bangladesh Government and
established an IT Incubator which will facilitate the winners of the nationwide
competition ‘Connecting Start-up Bangladesh’ by giving them infrastructure and logistics
support and guiding them to the right direction.

2. Banglalink is a proud sponsor of National Hackathon which is the largest programming

contest of the country. It creates a platform for young programmers to unleash their

3. Banglalink has successfully setup 270 computer labs in underprivileged schools around
the country. The labs are equipped with PC, laptop, internet, projectors and
microphones that is offering a ray of hope for those underprivileged children.

4. Banglalink distributes free water and dates among fasting people who get stranded in
traffic around iftar time and it also arrange iftar and dinner at orphanages around the

Corporate Social Responsibility around the world

Here are the list of three companies who are doing effective CSR programs:


In 2006 Mycoskie, founder of Toms, visited Argentina and saw many children without shoes and
at the same time he found many adults wearing comfortable shoes. Then he started the
company and adopted the idea that for every purchase of shoes, another pair would go for
someone in need. Toms is the only company that has ‘Chief Giving Officer’ because they believe
giving is in their DNA.

They does various CSR activities. Some of the well-known CSR activities done by them are

 The Gift of sight – Making donations for vision care of children in need
 Clean Water movement – Providing safe water to people in need
 Safe birth – Distributing birth kit which contains items that help a women deliver safely.
 One for One movement – Every pair of shoes purchased with a new pair of shoes for a
child in need.

In 2011, Toms launched their Eyewear and expanded this idea into a CSR activity.

The gift of sight is a very effective and well known CSR activities done by the company where
they donate a portion of their sunglasses revenue for the vision care of the children in need.
This CSR activity was really effective as it not only helpful to the society but it goes with the
organization’s essence as well.

Toms also do CSR for their employees as they believe the employees are an integral part of
their company and responsible for their company’s success. They invest in their employees in
many ways. They train their employees on important topics like human trafficking and slavery
prevention by respected third party expert. They also provide various benefits to their
employees, which include Medical, Vision, Long-term disability, Insurance etc.

 Inspired from Toms CSR activity of the gift of sight Banglalink can implement this as well
just it need a bit modification so that it fits Banglalink Culture. Toms donate a
percentage of their revenue of their sunglasses for the vision care of the children in
need. Following this Banglalink can also donate a portion of their revenue for the
children with hearing disabilities. As Banglalink is a communication based company if it
works for something which is related to the core essence of the company will work
more efficiently. Therefore by donating a portion of their revenue for the children with
hearing disabilities will not only benefit the society but also it will help to enhance their
brand image.

 Grameen Phone

Grameen phone is the leading name in the telecommunication industry in Bangladesh. It

believes that telecommunication technology can improve life and bring positive changes in
people’s life. They are not only the leading name in the telecommunication industry but also
they established themselves as the company who does a lot of corporate social responsibilities
in the country. They do corporate social responsibility in various sectors like education, health
care and environment.

Some of their famous campaigns are

 Online school- The main idea of this campaign was to reach the children in remote areas
through technology and providing them with education.
 2.1 million Internet hours – Providing free internet service in schools.
 Disaster response – Making donations to the victims of natural disaster.
 Every sight counts – Providing Eye care services to underprivileged.

 Grameen Phone is the main competitor of Banglalink. Already Grameen phone does a
lot of CSR activities in various sectors. In order to compete with Grameen Phone
Banglalink should come up with a CSR strategy which will be more effective and unique
than its biggest competitor Grameen Phone. This will help them to gain more exposure
in the market. Therefore Banglalink should do a CSR activity which wasn’t done by
Grameen phone. After researching about Grameen Phone’s CSR activities, we found out
that Grameen Phone haven’t yet done any CSR activity for the people with special
needs of this country.

 In Bangladesh there are not enough opportunity for the people with special needs.
There life becomes really difficult and also they don’t get a fair chance or equal
opportunity like other people. So Banglalink can raise the awareness about this issue
among people and also can make donations to institutions and encourage them to build
ramps and also providing the institutions with other necessities to make the life easier
for the people with special needs. For example – In educational institutions like North
South University, Independent University of Bangladesh etc. there are no facilities for a
disabled person, like someone with a walking disability cannot climb stairs like other
people, so they need special ramps which will help them to move conveniently like

 By taking this initiative Banglalink will not only promote an important issue but also this
can help them to gain a competitive advantage over Grameen phone.

 Walt Disney

The Walt Disney Company is one of the largest and most well-known organization practicing
CSR activities. Their CSR mission statement is “The Walt Disney Company is committed to
balancing environmental stewardship with its corporate goals and operations throughout the
worlds." In 2009, Disney was named a pioneer in Corporate Social Responsibility as indicated by
the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship and Reputation Institute. The Walt Disney
Company mostly concentrates on the environment, community, and labor standards while
focusing heavily on volunteerism.

Volunteerism is a major concentration for Disney, offering free tickets to a million people in
return for a day of volunteer administration from an association of their decision. This
motivated more than one million individuals in the United States to engage themselves in
volunteer works.

Their volunteers have contributed 2.4 million hours of service since 2012. By 2020, it is their
goal to contribute more than five million hours of employee community service.

From volunteering in neighborhood groups to raising a large number of dollars and making
donations around the world, Disney has motivated children and families to take 34.8 million
activities since 2012.

Since 2012, their corporate social responsibility efforts has created positive impacts on more
than 16.3 million youngsters and families through projects like the Disney Healing center Care
Bundle program.

 According to our survey results the people in Bangladesh want to see more
volunteerism CSR activities so therefore following Disney’s footsteps and taking
inspiration from them Banglalink can engage themselves in CSR activities based on

 Banglalink can engage their employees in various CSR activities by offering them
bonuses and rewards in return of their participation in volunteer related works. For
example- they can send their employees to volunteer a campaign in remote areas and
help the people in those areas by providing them with resources or facilities of which
are required. Also in bad times such as in times of natural disasters like flood which is
common scenario in Bangladesh, Banglalink’s employees can volunteer in works e.g.
making donations or helping the people who got affected in various ways.

 This type of CSR activity will help Banglalink to get a really positive exposure. Also it will
help their employees to gain experience which might shape them morally and make
them a better person.
2.3 Methodology –

We divided our research into two parts

1. Primary Research
2. Secondary Research

1. Primary Research consisted of two sections

 A survey – We prepared a questionnaire with a list of questions and distributed it among

30 people. Our main aim was to know the thoughts of general people about the CSR
activities. Based on the results of survey we prepared bar charts and pie charts to
present the results in a clear manner and also analyzed those findings in order to get the
best possible CSR activity for Banglalink.

 An interview – We conducted an interview with Albab Yafej Fatmi, Government

Relations & Corporate Regulatory Affairs manager, Banglalink to know about their
existing CSR programs along with their future plans i.e. their future CSR activities.

2. Secondary Research

We went through various reports, articles, and journals in order to find the best possible
CSR activity for Banglalink. We tried to look for the top CSR activities done by the
companies around the world and tried to relate those with the context of Banglalink.
We read a lot of articles and journals related to this topic. Also read the published
reports about the CSR of Banglalink on internet.

Therefore my implementing these two steps we came up with the three best possible CSR
2.4 Finding and Analysis
Our primary research consisted of two parts and they are a survey which we conducted among
a group of thirty people to know the views of the general people and we conducted an
interview with the CSR manager of Banglalink to know his future plans about CSR activities and
also what kind of CSR his company wants to focus more in.

1. The survey results

We conducted the survey among 30 people, there were 37% female and 63% male who
participated in survey. We mostly conducted the survey among the students and faculties of
North South University and Independent University Bangladesh.

Here are the Charts to show the survey findings

 Are you familiar of the word corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

30 27
5 3
0 Sales
Yes No

Maximum people know the term Corporate Social Responsibility.

 Is it important for an organization to engage in CSR activities?

No No; 2

Yes Yes; 25

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
25 people thinks that every organization should engage in corporate social responsibility.
Nowadays almost every person is concerned about the society and everyone wants to be
socially accountable, so they wish to work or support the organization who are engaged in
social activities.

 Are the organizations of Bangladesh doing enough CSR activities?

8 15 Sales
6 12
Yes No

There was a mixed response on this question. 15 people thinks that the organizations that the
organizations are not doing enough CSR activities whereas 12 thinks the opposite.
The people who thinks that the organizations are not doing enough CSR activities, the reason
might be the people’s expectations are high and another can be that the CSR activities done by
the organizations are not being highlighted enough to let the world know about those.

 In telecom industry which company is doing the most CSR activities?





Grameen Phone
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

The survey results shows that in telecom industry Grameen Phone is the leading organization
who are practicing the most CSR activities. Banglalink acquired the second position in this
The reason why people think that Grameen Phone does the most CSR activity might be the
exposure of the CSR activities. Grameen Phone has always been successful in highlight its CSR
activities to the world.

 What might be the major cause of failure of CSR activities?


Majority of the people thinks that the organization does CSR activities for their own interest or
to enhance its image not because they actually care about the society and very few people
think that the company is actually concerned about the society.
The reason behind this perception might be the organizations are always giving a hint of profit
making attitude in their CSR activities. Like highlighting their brand name while doing any CSR

 What Kind of CSR activities do you find the most needed in the current scenario of

Volunteerism Cause related marketing Charitable donations Education

Most people think cause-related marketing and volunteerism is the most need CSR activity in
the current scenario of Bangladesh.
The reasons behind this might be that the education related marketing are done by a lot
organizations and it’s really a common one. Therefore what is more needed is some
volunteerism and cause related marketing to raise the awareness about certain important
issues like Child marriage, Equal Employment opportunities , Children welfare etc.

2. The interview

We conducted an interview with Albab Yafej Fatmi, Government Relations & Corporate
Regulatory Affairs manager, Banglalink. In that interview he told us about their existing CSR
programs which includes:
 IT incubator
 Zero rating of government site
 National hackathon
 Ict support for underprivileged children: computer lab set up
 Iftar at orphanage during Ramadan

Also he discussed about their future plans of conducting more effective CSR activities
around Bangladesh. He told that they are thinking of doing a winter clothing drive for the
underprivileged people. They are also planning to collaborate with an NGO and do some
social awareness campaigns about some major issues of the country like child marriage,
sexual harassment etc.
He emphasized that in this competing market in order to sustain in the long run effective
CSR strategies needs to be implemented.
Therefore upon interviewing him we found out that Banglalink is planning to do better and
more effective CSR activities which will help them to give a competitive edge. Also they are
looking for some sustainable CSR policies and they want to focus more on cause-related
marketing i.e. they want to do campaign for various social awareness.
3.0 Ending Summary

After conducting both primary and secondary research we found that the three most effective
CSR activities that Banglalink can consider to implement in future are:

1. The strategy of donating a portion of their revenue for the betterment of the children
with hearing disabilities.
2. They can make donations and implement a cause related marketing strategy for the
equal opportunities of people with special needs. i.e. providing ramps to help the
people with walking disabilities
3. Encouraging their employees to engage themselves in volunteerism by providing them
bonuses and rewards in return of their participation of in volunteer related works.

3.1 Conclusion and recommendation

We can conclude that Banglalink should first do something which their competitor is not doing
as this will help them to achieve a competitive edge and also will enable them to sustain in this
competitive market.
Therefore after conducting both primary and secondary research, we would suggest Banglalink
to first do the CSR activity of giving donations for the betterment of the people with special
needs and also raising the awareness of about the needs of the disabled people, even our
survey results suggests that people are more interested and looking forward to see more CSR
activities which includes cause-related marketing strategies. Thus we think Banglalink should
focus on these types of CSR strategies first in the near future.
3.2 References

1. Corporate social responsibility at TOMS. (n. d.). Retrieved from

2. Ortiz, L.F. (2013, Feb 8). Top 10 corporate social responsibility initiatives [Web log post].
Retrieved from

3. Corporate responsibility. (n. d.). Retrieved from

4. Grameenphone. (2014). Online School. Corporate responsibility at grameenphone.

Retrieved from

5. Corporate responsibility in Grameenphone. (n. d.). Retrieved from

6. Volunteering. (n. d.). Retrieved from

7. Corporate social responsibility. (n.d.). Retrieved from

8. The Walt Disney Company - A Leader in Corporate Social Responsibility. (2013).

Retrieved from
9. About Banglalink. (n. d.). Retrieved from

10. Management team. (n. d.). Retrieved from

3.3 Appendix
Questionnaire for
Research on: Corporate Social Responsibility
This survey is for Bus251 course and all the information would be kept confidential

Please Tick:
 Male
 Female
 18-22
 22-25
 25-30
 30 and above
 Dhanmondi
 Mirpur
 Gulshan
 Uttraa
 Others

1. Are you familiar of the word corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

 Yes
 No

2. Referring to question 1 if your answer is yes then do you consider it important for an
organization to engage in CSR activities?
 Yes
 No
3. Are the organizations of Bangladesh doing enough CSR activities?
 Yes
 No
5. Do you think CSR activities contributes in an organization’s success?
 Yes
 No
6. In telecom industry which company is doing the most CSR activities?
 Grameen phone
 Banglalink
 Airtel
 Robi
 Teletalk

7. Referring to question 4, are those CSR activities effective?

 Yes
 No

8. Referring to question 5, what might be the major cause of failure of those CSR
 The organization does the activities for their own interest
 They do the activities just to enhance its image not because they are concerned about
the society
 CSR activities are performed due to governmental pressure
 They actually care for the society

9. Mention a best CSR activity you have witnessed?

10. What Kind of CSR activities do you find the most needed in the current scenario of
 Volunteerism
 Cause related marketing
 Charitable donations
 Education
Sec: 12

Research Proposal
Corporate Social Responsibility

Submitted To:
Md. Al-Amin
Management Department

Submitted By:

Name- Nusrat Sayeeda Chowdhury ID- 1321140630

Name- Md. Nabiar Hossain ID- 1410564030
Name- Leo Rahman ID- 1321733030
Name- Mohammad Rafsan Hossain ID- 1331298030

Letter of transmittal

Md. Al-Amin
Management Department
North South University
Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka.

22st November, 2016

Subject: Proposal for doing a research on Corporate Social Responsibility

Dear Sir,

I with my other three group members submit you this proposal to seek permission to allow us to
do a research. The research will help to find out possibilities about what kind of CSR programs
will be most impactful and beneficial for Banglalink.

I am my group members are capable of doing these type of research as we have done these type
of research before. We assure you that we will bring you the best results and work with our full
We will try our best to finish our research within 15 days so that we can start working on the
CSR programs. I also assure you that we will conduct this research in the most cost effective

Our competitors are doing many CSR activities so we need to come up with innovative and
creative CSR ideas. Thus, I request you to give us permission to do this research.

Yours sincerely,

Nusrat Sayeeda Chowdhury

Mohammad Rafsan Hossain
Leo Rahman
Md. Nabiar Hossain
Table of contents

Executive summery 1

Introduction 2

Background 2

The Need of this research 2

Research plan description 2,3

Benefits from the research 3

Conclusion 3
Executive summary

Banglalink has always undertaken various programs and projects to fulfill its responsibilities as a
corporate citizen and contribute to the socio-economic development of Bangladesh. The proposal
is for seeking permission to conduct a research on how Banglalink can engage in corporate social
responsibilities more effectively. In order to survive in the highly competitive market, maintain
goodwill and have an improved reputation it is necessary to carry out CSR activities.

The plan is to divide the research into two parts, primary and secondary research. There will be
two steps in the primary research, first is to conduct a survey among general people and second
is to interview some employees of the company to know about their opinions and experiences.
On the other hand, the secondary research will be carried out by looking at old research reports
on CSR activities and competitor’s CSR activities.

The benefit of this research would be an enhanced goodwill and reputation of Banglalink as by
carrying out CSR activities the organization would successfully build a better image among the
general people which will eventually help to achieve greater market shares and profit.

We, a group of four people, are presenting you a proposal through which we are seeking
permission to conduct a research, which will focus on how Banglalink can do Corporate Social
Responsibilities more effectively. Moreover, if you give us the permission to conduct this
research then this will benefit our company in many ways.


Banglalink is committed to play its role as a responsible corporate citizen to contribute in making
difference in the socio-economic development of Bangladesh. Each year Banglalink undertakes
several projects that play a vital role in the welfare of the community and preservation of the
environment. These projects reinforce Banglalink’s reputation as a good responsible corporate

The Need of this research

In today’s vigorous competitive market, everyone is engaged in promoting their organization

through commercial advertisements. Commercial advertisements are so common now a day that
it has become very difficult to create goodwill among consumers hence, to maintain the goodwill
effective CRS programs can be a fruitful option. In addition, our competitors are getting more
involved in CRS programs with time; this is benefitting them to maintain their reputation in the
market. Therefore, to survive in this competitive environment and maintain reputation, we
believe, Banglalink must engage themselves in improved CSR activities.
Research plan description

We will divide our research into two parts. First part will contain primary research and second
part will cover secondary research.

Our primary research will consist of two steps.

Step 1- We will conduct a survey among general people, it will contain a set of questions that
will help us to understand what CRS activities does general people expect from Banglalink.

Step 2- We will interview some employees of the company to know about their thoughts and
experiences from the past CSR programs and to which extent is was successful. We will also
take suggestions from them on how to conduct effective CSR activities.

In our secondary research, we will focus on research reports on CSR activities that was made in
the past. We will also take into account our competitor’s CSR activities.

Benefits from the research

Doing improved CSR activities can help Banglalink to enhance their goodwill and reputation
among general people, this will help them to acquire greater market shares and higher profit.


We are a team of four people who will conduct this research and will give your full effort to
make this research a successful one. Previously we did some other research works, which help us
to gather experience and helped us to brush up our research skills. We are looking forward to
work on every step mentioned in this proposal and if necessary we will include additional steps
as well in order to present you an effective corporate social responsibility.

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