BG Factual Information: The Gauntlet

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BG Factual Information

Greetings everyone. Due to conflicting ideas on the strategy of BG, players are unable to learn anything about the new raid
besides that Jack is wrong and John is right. I've cleared all 3 bosses in BG easy and hardmode on multiple toons with
impossible group makeups and I'd like to bring to the table facts about the mobs, the pulls and understanding how to
maintain control during your raid.
All information below is based on personal experience, I have played in BG: Runekeeper, Loremaster, Guardian, Hunter,
Burglar, Captain, Minstrel, and Champion.

The Gauntlet:
Uruks - These mobs though they hit extremely hard single target, their largest skill is an aoe ranging from 2,000-5,000
depending on what debuffs are up and who it hits in the raid. They will perform their main attack 3-10 seconds after coming
into melee range of the person they are first agroed on. If you do not kill them quickly enough they will perform their attack
a second time which shouldn’t happen with proper DPS.
How to kill them - Ururks must be dealt with quickly and efficiently. By quickly I mean put up your telling mark, reveal
weakness, ancient craft, ensure the mob is on raid assist and use random oaths on it if desired. By efficiently I refer to
getting firelore and disable up immediately, grabbing agro and positioning it away from the group so it doesn’t aoe the raid.
If you are low health simply step 10M away from the brute to avoid its first aoe, no need to rush in at 2500 morale and
commit suicide.

Wargs - These mobs are second in the kill list after all uruks are dead. They will apply a incoming damage to you that is
nasty and apply non-curable wounds, though not serious.

Goblins - These suckers are the most annoying in the gauntlet however they hit fairly weak and simply apply a poison that
needs to be removed on induction classes or when your raid moves to the next location. These are the last to kill on your
list, only trick for these is to keep them off the healers as they are ranged.

Other mobs to deal with: All mobs below do high single target damage as well as their own special attack debuff as
mentioned. Corruptions need to be off these mobs at all times so they hit you less and you hit them harder.
Flame axe - The flame axe will bend slightly down and hunch his shoulders before targeting someone to do his distributed
attack very similar to the "can you handle the burn" in first boss in SG. Make sure you are tight as a group to take the
damage, if you are not with the group there is a high chance you will get a one-shot. Their final attack is triggered by their
death, after being defeated they will blow up doing around 4,000 damage depending on mitigation, if your RK does not
have fall to flame up, or you are under 5k/not the tank simply back away at least 10-15M and allow the range DPS to finish
him off. (Note: The bomb lasts 5 seconds after the explosion on the ground, I've seen more people die running through it
after the initial attack).
Black maces - These mobs hit extremely hard single target and will stun the person they are agroed on. They will also apply
a counter-defense looking debuff that gives the agroed player -100% threat so don’t freak out if your tank loses agro on
some of these black mobs. They will also perform a huge knock back so watch what angle you are near them at to avoid
falling damage, or pulling more mobs.
Black axe - These mobs will do small knock backs repeatedly to any player within 15M range it hits for approximately
1,000 and begins to hurt very quickly. They will also apply a debuff to the tank setting armor value to 0.
Black sword -These mobs will decrease your morale by over half raising the chances of a one shot on tank. Ensure banners
are up and tank is topped off on health.
Shadow versions - These mobs are generally the easiest but same rules apply; they also will cast fears on players that need
to be watched.
Storm versions - These mobs will stun, and then kill anyone with static shock within a certain radius under 4k morale,
however the entire attack is avoidable by 2 methods. Have your rk/rk's use do not fall this light and you will absorb the
attack, or simply have the person he is agroed on turn 180 degrees and run away the second he starts the attack if you are
quick enough he will cancel the attack and I can usually perform this 100%. The attack is the same as the flame axe he will
stop what he is doing, and hunch down slightly.

Depending on how comfortable your group is with heals you can switch from counter defense on these to disable as you
can't use firelore. Your burg should be traited 20% disable for the first boss anyways.

Perceived threat - There is a large misconception on what perceived threat is, if you used beneath notice when you don't
have agro to lower your threat on say turtle, you wasted your skill. You'll notice with a guard if you have agro against a
hunter in strength on a boss and you drop threat stance he pops to the hunter right away. (Assuming you haven’t generated
enough threat on your own which is more than possible). Perceived threat is a whole different kind of agro, simply because
the boss doesn’t have you selected doesn’t mean you’re not #1 on the hate list. This threat is a modifier on top of real agro,
creating shall we say fake agro. In Durchest he will apply this debuff frequently as a frontal aoe distribute. It tiers up each
time he applies it the negative form if he is facing you by 10%. As a tank if you’re at -70% and doing your job there is a
chance you can hold, above that you lost. In other words it should never get to -50% or above on either tank or your doing
something wrong in controlling your agro. Durchest will inherit traits from the defeated adds, thus when you defeat a fire
add he will do the distributed ranged/fire attack, the shadow the fear, or static shock from storm that are mentioned above.
Durchest will put in 3 corruptions every few seconds that will enable him to hit harder as well as more gloom per add that is
defeated. Upon the death of a player he will receive a 200,000 morale heal when he reaches about 20% health. An overall
look at Durchest is he hits extremely hard, the hardest out of all BG bosses, besides his main wacks on the tank he will do
frontal distribute damage, the attack after an add dies, as well as a large knockback on random player than can hit up to
Blue is the area were the tank will fight.
White line shows areas where you will fight the spawned adds.
Red is the area nobody should ever leave.
Understanding the picture: The main tank (Guard or best tank) will stand by himself with his back to the wall. He will
charge in and take first agro to begin the fight. The Off Tank and rest of the raid will fill quickly in behind him. Around 20-
30% He will lose agro and Durchest will face the raid. Applying the debuff to several people and possibly the off tank.
Occasionally we have it were the off-tank isn’t getting hit by the debuff so he will keep it anyways until the guard is reset. If
he should get the debuff and you are managing threat equally around 20% the main tank will reset and rinse and repeat. If
one of the tanks has 50% and has 10 seconds left challenges can be used to manipulate his facing direction to ensure a reset
of the debuff. Challenges should not be used at any other times with the exception of another tank under 1k morale. The
adds as shown will come from the right and left they will plow into the side of the raid and you will keep them in that area
and deal with them quickly.

Overview of fight - Besides durchest doing the above skills, you will get adds frequently. There are 5 auto spawned adds
and 5 ones you will have to pull yourself by extinguishing the torches on the mail back wall. (Note: When you hover your
mouse over the torch it will say what type of mob you are about to spawn). The add will spawn always from one of the far
sides of the room, ensure your raid is relatively close together for a quick and clean kill and marks are ready to be placed on
the add. Hunters can pop strength for adds and back to endurance when its dead, depending on what your raid does your
hunter/bear/champ might tank this, but whoever it is the healers need to know ahead of time who this person is going to be
so they can watch him when the add is being killed. Keep in mind because there is so much dread all the attacks the boss
does from defeated adds will hit extremely hard thus deal with them carefully, make sure you are close enough
together/absorb the attack/ take fear pots. (Note: You can do this fight with 1 captain, if you have a fear and you are on CD
simply position yourself away from the group so it won’t spread, for the static shock use do not fall light in the non-captain

Hard mode:
Description - There are 10 adds in total that you will need to defeat before you kill the boss. Each add that died will apply
dread to the raid thus by the end though the rumor is you need 105 rad for BG, it’s really not going to cut it with 230-250
gloom. Handling corruptions: Assign a number to each corruption removing class example: LM 1, RK 2, Burg 3, Hunt 4,
Hunt 5 after 50% health, for first half captains/guardians and possibly even minis will need to contribute, which the raid
leader can call out: I need spot removal. How you decide to tank these adds, or what order to pop them is up to you. Just
make sure you don’t pop an add right before an auto spawned add appears or you will have 2 adds and the boss to deal with.
Either pop the adds after the 5 auto ones, or pop each add following the death of an auto one. Save reveal
weakness/oaths/telling/ancient craft for the adds not the boss, kill them quick, handle the bosses attack, heal up and rinse
and repeat. All I will say as a personal opinion is when you do kill the storm mace pop IHWLS and FH to survive the attack
and then heal while your raid is stunned, you shouldn’t need these CD's at any other time anyways. TS can be used after you
get unstunned if needed. Remember the last add you kill will be the worst and dire moment when the boss does his attack,
make sure he has 0 corruptions during these times. Make sure do not fall this light is up or flame depending on what add

Twins Trash clear:

Stealth wargs - These mobs will deal a ridiculous amount of damage from stealth as well as a stun and wound. If you are
under 8k morale, don’t have stun immunity or wound pot ready don’t move around in the halls unless the hunter with
heightened senses who can see the warg or his fellowship knows it’s clear. There are 6 wargs on the way to the boss room, 3
of these wargs are agro linked to a sorcerer. If you attack the warg from stealth you will agro the sorcerer that he is linked
Sorcerer - These mobs if not CC'd will put a eye above a random person, upon expiration you will place a bomb of fire or
shadow on the floor where you are standing when it expires so make sure you are standing off to the side where people
won’t be walking. They will also so massive distributed attacks that pretty much need to be avoided (use do not fall this
flame). The sorcerer every 7-9 seconds will become immune to all CC with a corruption (when out of combat), make sure
that corruption is off before you CC it and while you kill it, mez, fear, stun, cj don’t let it wake up as it dies. The corruption
will remain on in combat until removed and reapply after a few seconds. The best way to handle these situations is start off
with the LM mezzing the sorcerer out of combat and keeping it so while you kill the warg and anything else that pulled.
Wights - You will encounter these mobs that are 100% enraged. Agro is random so don’t bother trying to generate any, if
anyone dies they will move faster and hit harder. They hit extremely hard and fast as base damage though so if there are
more than 2 within melee range of you even if they are not hitting/targeted on you run away and kite. The idea is to keep
moving, stay on target and CC as many as possible, baneflare may be used but no roots. Basically all CC works with the
exception of roots.

You will encounter the same black maces, swords and axes on your way to the second boss. Be wary of each pull, more will
come then you think if you aren’t careful.

Understanding the fight:
There are 2 bosses: the first (fire) is located on your immediate right carpet as you enter the room and the second (shadow)
spawns at the far left red carpet.
有 2 个 boss:火焰 boss 会出现在你进门右侧的地毯上,暗影 boss 会出现在左侧远处的红毯上。

Cargaraf - Shadow - This boss does pure shadow damage obviously which is why we call it the shadow boss, its attacks
are all tactical thus if you are tanking him ensure you have tolerance and fidelity for example sloted for virtues. (It also
helps by a large amount to place a raven near the tank). Morg, as I'll call him for short will not accept it if you go into melee
range of him, he will perform super nova which is pretty much a one-shot hit. Like his twin he will get several corruptions
every few seconds that make him hit harder that need to be removed as they pop up.
卡尔加拉夫- 暗影- 这个 boss 明显只造成暗影伤害,这也是我们称其为暗影 boss 的原因。他的攻击都是法术的,因
Black areas represent boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed where people will pace puddles or should avoid because of the
nova attack.

Dealing with Carg - How do you make this boss not come into melee? Have your tank (in most cases a hunter who has
highest ranged agro), stand about 3 feet in any direction off of the red carpet, if you got 10 feet too far, or inside the carpet
the boss will run into melee range and the fight will be over unless you are able to quickly reposition yourself and avoid
super nova at the same time. The shadow only will attack the person that he is agroed on, he performs no aoe damage thus
its usually easiest to just say X hunter tank and X runekeeper heal and nobody worries about them for the fight.
对付卡尔加拉夫- 如何确保这个 boss 不进入近战区域?让你的坦克(大多数情况下应该是拥有最好远程仇恨的猎
人)站在任意方向上离红毯 3 英尺之外的地方,如果你站在 10 英尺以外那就太远了;如果站在红毯内,则 boss 会
进入近战范围,而战斗也会随之结束除非你能立刻移位同时避免超级岩浆技能。暗影 boss 只会攻击他的仇恨对象,
Morgaraf - Fire - Depending on your group makeup if you have too much range you may put one on this guy, but we
pretty much call the fire the melee boss. There is a 5-10M aura of fire around this boss and will bleed every few seconds for
around 600 to all inside of it. Additionally he will apply a more nasty dot to whatever player he is agroed on and this dot
will go to approximately 1700 if not reseted properly every few seconds at which point the player will get a green eye and a
knockback resetting agro around him. Additionally while in the 5-10M aura you will get a debuff of -melee damage and
+power cost which needs to be reset at around 30% or you will be wasting your time on the boss and your power.
摩尔加拉夫-火焰-依团队组成,如果你们有太多的远程职业,你们可以安排一名远程职业对付这一 boss,不过我们
一般称其为近战 boss。Boss 的周围有 5-10 米的光环,置身其中会受到每隔数秒 600 点左右的流血伤害。此外,他还
会对他的仇恨对象施加一更致命的持续伤害,如果不及时重置,会每隔数秒造成约 1700 点伤害,同时玩家头上会
出现一绿色眼球并被击飞以重置仇恨。另外,在此 5-10 米的光环内,你会得到一减近战伤害并增加能量消耗的
debuff,需要在约 30%左右的时候重置,否则你就是在 boss 身上浪费你的能量和时间。
Dealing with Morg - How do you control the dot? Reset your debuff? The agro dot can be controlled by numerous
methods; the easiest of these is to have the champ rise and ebb. If the champ has the dot he can ebb if he has no dot he can
rise, if its on a burg and he still has the dot the burg can hips and put it on the captain/guard or whoever is next inline. To let
the dot go above 900 is pointless unless its early in the fight, it’s not hard to switch and very hard on the healers so change it
before 1k. To reset your debuff simply leave the aura and let it time out, when it is completely gone re-enter and continue
dps on the boss.
对付摩尔加拉夫-你应如何控制持续伤害和重置 debuff?这一仇恨持续伤害可以通过多种方法加以控制,最简单的
方法是让斗士 rise 并 ebb。如果斗士有了持续伤害,他可以 ebb,否则他就可以 rise。如果是一刺客受到了此持续伤害,
他可以强隐并把仇恨转移到邻近的旗手或者盾卫身上。让持续伤害上升到 900 以上将是致命的,除非是在战斗的初
始阶段。要切换伤害目标并不困难,而对于治疗来说却是难以治疗,因此在伤害叠加到 1000 之前及时切换。要重置
debuff,只需离开光环,并让其完成读秒。当 debuff 完全消失,重新进入光环继续输出 boss。

Understanding the eyes -There are a variety of different eyes, purple, blue, green... depending on which you get you must
act swiftly and accordingly or cost your raid. If you get a fear, simply take a few pots. If you get the blue eye you’re going
to drop a fire bomb, go place it tight against the wall away from the raid, if it’s a green eye simply get away from people and
face away from puddles on the ground to avoid being launched into one, finally there are shadow puddle eyes which should
be dealt with in the same manner as the yellow. To have these puddles lying around in the middle of the room though
possible will wipe your raid I can guarantee it unless your an experienced raid and lazy.

This fight is the shortest and the easiest in BG. It should last anywhere from 8-13 mins depending on your rad, gear and
group makeup. Hardmode is killing both bosses within 10 seconds of each other so you will need to balance groups
accordingly (minimum 2 high range dps with help). Near the end of the fight you will get eyes above your head that you
need to safely distribute as instructed above, and take fear pots. This is a DPS race against dread, give it all you got, if it’s at
13 mins and bosses still aren’t dead don’t waste your time you are as good as dead. As a side note if you are having issues
with DPS have your guard if possible switch to a DPS alt, there is 0 use for a guard in here as all damage is pure tactical and
all classes have same mitigation and morale isn’t very important. As a general rule for HM kill the range guy first so that the
whole raid can turn around and kill the fire, if you kill fire first, there’s a chance you won’t down shadow within 10 seconds.
LT Trash clear:

Light bulbs -These are probably the most annoying mobs in all of lotro. They will fear you, and double fear you. Though
they do moderate single target dps their main attack/fear will damage the group up to half your health.
How to deal with lights -Never pull additional mobs with lights, you will be stunned half the time and if you have black
elites on you, you’re as good as dead. Secondly the main attack of the light is a interruptible induction, the main attack can
avoided by LOS it behind a wall, its recommendable that minstrels and 1 burg or interrupting class LOS every 15 seconds to
prepare to interrupt its attack and heal the group back up as its hit.

Storm maces continued - There are at least several storm maces on your way to the final fight. Once again the easiest way
is stun immunity and RK do not fall, however if you don't have RK's or your tank can’t seem to cancel the attack by running
away as described above then your best bet is to ensure that 1) you kill it fast so it doesn’t do his main attack twice 2) all
range (lm's, rk's, minis, hunters, etc) aren’t anywhere near him so they avoid the entire attack.

Larger wight pulls - Besides resetting these I can only tell you simply in a few sentences of how to deal with these massive
groups. First, remain calm. Seeing 20 of those guys coming at you is unnerving I see people all the time go down halls up
stairs all over out of range of the rest of the raid. Secondly stay on target burn 1 at a time with speed and don’t AOE CC’d
wights. Baneflare works amazingly and have burgs mez a few, they also can be feared and in a pinch stunned (rk mez or
champ good horn). Roots do not work on these mobs. You will have to keep moving around, but stay together.

Opening the gates: Pull both levers on opposite side of the map outside to open the gates to the LT fight.

LT Fight:
There are 3 phases to this fight. The bird, the transition, and LT and bird combined management.

(NOTE: At this time I will not describe in detail how to place safely the purple eye, how to kite the bird, what direction to
move, how to chose a tanking location as these are all refutable and I'm sure all groups have their own ideas however if I
feel that people are getting frustrated as I know nobody else has really downed him on my server I will go ahead and give in
detail a strat that has proven successful).

Phase 1: (The bird):

The beast as I'll call him hits hard. If you are melee on the bird you must have life insurance (stun immunity). Have stun
immunity at all times if you are within melee range of the bird or he can turn stun you and no power on earth will save you.
I used to laugh at this until my 11k morale guard got killed before I could hit turn the tables. There is only one eye in phase
1 the yellow eye. If you have the yellow eye that means the bird is attempting to catch you, pounce you and feed on your
flesh for a 10k heal. You must kite the bird if you have the yellow eye and watch your debuff on your bar it starts out at
about 30 seconds and ticks down to 0, when it hits 0 the bird will stop moving and perform an attack, at about 3 seconds call
out new yellow eye and the melee will get away from the bird. Each time the takes off and lands he will reset all your marks
so ensure to reset them when he turns red after landing for maximum DPS. The beast will fly up and land in a random
location placing a purple fear puddle on the ground, the idea for phase one as you will be running around the entire room for
phase 3 is to burn the bird so there is only 2 puddles on the map.

Phase 2: (The transition):

Introduction to the purple eye: This is the most deadly eye in BG Anyone who comes within a 10M (2 sqrs) radius of you
will be hit hard enough depending on health for a 1 shot. If you have the purple eye and you are with the group at tank
location you need to move immediately and position yourself in a safe location avoiding 1) the main group and 2) the bird
kiter. (Note: If a pet of any sort has a purple eye indentify it and don't worry about it, it will damage nobody just call out
when the eye is gone and a new one is inbound).
Introduction to the fear: Any person may randomly be stunned and feared, if you have the yellow eye, the purple eye it
doesn’t matter, the only exception is the tank will never get this or the purple eye. There is a chance while you are feared
you will run in any random direction, if you have the purple eye you may charge towards the group if you have the yellow
the bird may chomp on you.
Dealing with the fear: To avoid being feared with the purple eye right into the main group when safely off to the side,
ensure you are standing more than far enough away that either the fear won’t put you all the way over there or you are at
least far enough away to call out you are incoming with death. If you get feared with the purple eye right inside the group, it
is the raids responsibility to move on your call and their alertness, death at a failure to do so if the person calls this out
immediately is not the eye carriers fault. I'm feared with the yellow eye and the bird is coming at me, am I dead? No. The
second you get feared with the yellow eye the bird will switch targets to the hunter he is agroed on, however if he is close
enough he will chomp on you slightly have some captains run over and get some quick heals/shield on you to help you out.
Dealing with multiple eyes: It is possible to get the yellow and purple eye, if this happens you will simply kite the bird
normally and have everyone know you have the eye. It is imperative the entire raid knows who has the purple eye and
where it is. Failure to do so will result in people walking randomly into a purple eye and dying.
Consequences of a death: During phase 1 nothing will happen when a player dies. But during phase 2 or 3 if a person dies
a enhanced wight will spawn out of the boss, this has a nasty aura of about 600 frost damage every 2 seconds and a deadly
slow to anyone in its aura. These are also enraged but may be CC'd in any fassion. Yes it is possible to kill these mobs but it
takes a while and they will run around everywhere with their aura inviting death, to CC them is risky, takes up the raids time
and is a large distraction and no-walk zone on the map. (This is just one death, 2 deaths is ridiculous). In other words don't
plan on dying after phase 1 if you want to finish the fight efficiently.
The art of the hunter/kiter: During the entire phase 2 and 3 the hunter or whoever has agro of the bird will have to kite
nearly half the fight yellow eye or not. How do you deal with this? When does the bird switch to me? If the bird has you
selected as in you are highest on the agro list you will need to perform this gruesome duty. Relatively everytime the yellow
eye changes you will need to kite the bird and call out when its off you and runs after the player with the yellow eye. In turn
the player with yellow will call out before he loses his eye and you will be ready to take over.

When the birds hits 147-150k health he will turn green and walk to the center of the room. At this point the screen will flash
completely white as the LT dismounts the tank will have time to select him before the LT becomes active. Your tank should
have stun immunity and be within a few feet of the LT to do whatever skills are needed to grab him and move him to final
tanking location which should be pre-selected during the end (last puddle placement of phase 1). Several things will occur
the second the LT becomes active. 1) The tank will grab agro and move to location. 2) The person who has the yellow eye
will begin to kite the bird 3), the person with the purple eye will move to a safe location.

Phase 3: (Control):
I know all of the above is a lot to swallow, all the rules of how to deal with the bird and all of the eyes but that is only the
Introduction to corruptions: These must be managed very, very carefully. The second phase 2 begins the LT will start off
with the blue corruption.

Blue: Ranged damage, attack duration, incoming healing
Red: Movement speed, melee damage, fear
Yellow: Power cost, induction speed, tactical damage

Understanding the corruptions: Obviously you need to cycle through these as each one can be deadly if it goes to 100%.
Each corruption will tier up by 10% every few seconds and after it is removed will linger for 15 seconds before it
completely disappears. It is imperative that you never leave the corruption on red for more than a couple seconds of the run
speed will be -20% and the bird will catch its target and kill them, -10% it is still possible to outrun the bird. Normal
corruptions of yellow and blue shouldn’t go higher than 60% as it will suck all your power or all your health. When you are
in the power cost try to use few skills unless you are a hunter in which case use all your skills. When you are in the blue
high hunters draw power and do less DPS, people like guard do more skills. The idea of the corruption rotation is to skip the
most deadly the red, so we go from blue to yellow to blue to yellow never staying on red for more than literally a couple
seconds (pretty much just do a 2 hit corruption switch).

Note: You can’t switch through these repetitively as they linger for 15 seconds which is why communication in removal is
very important, if 1 extra captain uses his blade of el by accident you could wipe the raid, it’s really quite serious, don’t use
stuff like sting or merciful shot that you might use in a normal skill rotation, move them to a new place on your bar so you
have to think to apply them.

The loremaster power pump and rules: When you are in the blue corruption/red go ahead and pump power between your
2 loremasters, make sure you have tactical healing upgraded on your book and 10% legacy share the power on staff.
NEVER pump in yellow or you will lose power.

Power management: There is 0 ICPR in this fight thus use pots everytime they are up and health pots, eat 10 minute food
before the fight starts as well. Try to avoid using a lot of skills in the yellow corruption.

Overview of the main fight:

Communication- Talk about your eye, don’t freak out. Identify yourself and your position. Keep vent clear.
Be alert- Move quickly and accordingly to your eye and surroundings failure to do so can be instant death for all around
you. Know where the purple eye is at ALL times.
Kite the bird properly, don't cut corner and let him catch you - plan ahead and talk the agro kiter if you have the eye.
Avoid the bird: I don't care who you are or how tough you are just avoided being in melee range of the bird, he does
random stops and one of those might be fatal.

For those who are desperate and the information above is not helping enough here is a general strategical BG Step by step
book of how I would do it. Make sure you are always at maximum rad for BG boss fights even if it breaks up your DN sets.
Once everyone is completely buffed up with food/dp/tokens/scrolls and captain buffs perform the ready check to enter the
room. Once everyone has hit green everyone run in. Your main tank will sprint up to the boss grab him and turn him around
as he stands towards the wall using everything he has to start major agro building, the rest of the raid will fill in behind
durchest and start slow controlled, low threat DPS. Also upon agro corruption #1 will remove, follow by #2 after positions
are restored and numbers will be called in order by leader from them on #3, #4, or back to one depending on your amount of
removers. Captains, put on revealing mark on the boss, save telling and reveal weakness for the adds as DPS is not needed
on Durchest, this is NOT a DPS race. After your main tank reaches about -20% (could be as low as -10% threats depending
on how much threat your secondary tank has the boss will turn raid side. Around this time autospawned #1 will pop. Ensure
your group is in a tight group, if you’re a minstrel and standing off to the side not only will distributed attacks hurt you but
the add will run right for you and smack you before people can get it off you. Staying close together also limits the add
running around in circles which hampers DPS unless you are an all range raid. If the LM has a decent bear use your force
taunt for every add to tank it along with shatter arms/ancient craft, as the add is running towards the group you may use
telling mark and reveal weaknesses and get at least 1 counter defense on the add immediately (ensure disable is on the boss
at ALL times for all burgs).

Our group pulls each torch between adds as they pop but if you are reading this for the purpose of help I will not
recommend that as it’s harder on heals and DPS needs to be very good. Let each add automatically spawn and rinse and
repeat the burn as described above. Mark your add tank besides the bear so the healers know who it is. Remember each add
that dies will follow a inherited attack by the boss, if the fire does, RK's put up do not fall this flame and have the raid group
up if it isn’t already. Take fear pots! If you have no pots and you’re on CD run away from the raid so you don't spread the
fear. Captains, do not use muster courage for 1 person save it for group fears! After all 5 auto adds are dead you may begin
to pull each add 2 on left and 2 on the right I'd recommend getting all fire's out of the way as early as possible due to dread.
Once the 9th add dies burn the boss down to 30-40k and pop the storm mace. Get all your stuff up on it and throw
oathbreakers and burn it down. When the add is at 50% health minstrels throw fellow’s heart, and before the add dies
captains throw IHWLS. After you get the message that the add has died RK's pop do not fall this light. As the boss hunches
down and stops what he’s doing to do static shock has the raid use any removal at your disposal regardless of your number
so he has 0 corruptions when he performs the attack. Captains IWLS will ensure you don’t get 1 shotted if the RK fall
doesn’t work and fellow’s heart will heal you up while stunned. After you get unstunned throw TS if needed, oaths on the
boss and dead. (NOTE: This sounds like a lot of **** to deal with so I'll just say if the boss is low enough 20k or so he will
usually die before he performs the attack anyways, also if your guard uses sprint and runs away from the boss as the 10th
add dies then the entire attack will be cancelled).

Helpful tips for classes in Durchest fight:

Guardians: Start in block stance after you get your first block switch to threat stance (threat only works properly if applied
in combat), Use everything at your disposal to build agro as you will need to hold it at -50% against the raid. Use sting
every 10 seconds with your usual chain to help spot remove corruptions. Make sure ward is up at all times and that you use
pledge/heart at the right moments. Use all power restore skills as they come off CD to help the LM but save morale pots for
bad moments. If you see secondary tank has 10 seconds left and the boss is on him, challenge him on to you so that your
partner can reset properly. Never use challenge as part of your normal chain this will ruin the normal pattern of getting rid of
your threat debuff and also never use challenge if an add is near you, tough or not you don’t want an add and the boss on
you at the same time.

Hunters: Pretty much just do quick shot in endurance on the boss until later in the fight, the occasional swift bow or rain of
arrows off adds. When an add pops hit strength stance and dig into it to burn it down. After the add is defeated hit endurance
and back to boss or draw power as needed.
Champions: If you are the secondary tank rise ire off captains primarily, then burgs, then healers. If you are tanking the add
coordinate challenge with the bear as it will most likely go for a hunter and DPS your best. Using feral strikes on the boss at
certain times as needed can help but if you’re not a tank don’t rise and watch your dps.

Burgs: Disable at ALL times on durchest, dps marks on the adds. Your job is corruption number when called, disable and
DPS on the adds, like the champ watch agro on durchest hips if needed.

Minstrels: Most of your heals will be bolsters on the main tank, or inspires from distributed damage/attacks when the boss
is facing raid side, it is you and the captains who will be watching the tanker of the adds. The RK healer will be using target
forwarding to pour insane hots into whoever the boss is agroed on.

Captains: 20% Strength of will on the tanks. Make sure everyone is fully buffed. Blade of Elendir all the time. Muster only
group fears. 30 second to arms on shield brother. Marks as described above. I usually have to call out to captain’s banners,
so make sure you refresh your hope banner and idome. Inspire and words of courage on your shield brother. (Yes you are a
healer in this fight). Watch DPS on boss as you will draw a lot of halberd threat and healing.

Loremaster: Sign of power command on all mobs. See all ends traited or not, ancient craft on the adds and bear tricks and
described above. Don't wait until people are low on power then start throwing/drawing. Keep people full early to get your
drain on cooldown. Corruptions when your number is called and some DPS if you’re bored.

Runekeeper: If you are DPS your job is the same as the hunters as well as corruption removal. If you are healing heal
ONLY with hots mending verse, and writ of health tier 3 with target forwarding on the boss. If you want to keep prelude of
hope and your rune up that’s fine but there should be 6-8 hots up there at all times. Do not fall skills as required as described
above as well as corruption number. Word of exaltation is also amazing.

The shadow:
Dealing with the shadow boss is the easiest side to control. The 2 key players are the hunter and the RK. One of your
hunters who is going to have agro (best gear/rad/bow etc) will move 4 or so feet away from the red carpet in any direction. I
highly recommend that in case of an agro switch that all other DPS classes on the shadow keep a similar distance around the
shadow in case he has to beneath, he dies, or someone else pulls agro. If any of these 3 things happen the person he switches
too has to be the same range or he will run into melee range and do Nova. Have the LM in your fellow place his raven tight
in the corner where the boss spawns (far enough away that he won’t kill it with nova). This will greatly help with shadow
boss, as will traited tolerance, having tact defense settings and fidelity. (Mostly just for main tank). I would recommend the
tanking hunter to trait resolute aim and he alone will get a few shots of power from the LM all other DPS should be power
self sufficient on the shadow side. The captain on that side will make sure that his banner is more or less closer to shadow
side of the room and he will be doing telling mark on shadow, strength of will, to arms and inspire on the tanking hunter
while auto attacking fire or staying out in middle with minis. Let’s show what a random group makeup is going to look like.

Runekeeper (Healing X) -Corruption 1 shadow: Position: Hunter tank/middle

Hunter tank (X) - Shadow: Position 4 feet off red carpet in any direction
Captain (Healing/buff X) - Minimal DPS fire: Position: Fire/middle
Loremaster (Power) - Minimal DPS shadow, ancient craft always, improved sign of power command. -Corruption 2
shadow: Position: middle
Hunter DPS (Z) -Shadow: Position: Hunter tank
Hunter/RK DPS (Y) -Shadow -Corruption 3 shadow: Position: Hunter tank

Deal with corruptions 1, 2, 3 in order make sure you haven’t gone at the same time. After half health hunters can take over
and LM can help on fire and healing rk won't look. The runekeeper will keep writ of health t3, prelude, 6 mending verses,
rune of endurance for X. Use Do not fall this flame when any player in your fellowship gets the blue eye, they will then
absorb the fire bomb. The point of overhealing the hunter to keep him full is so the minis should never look his way. It is
your responsibility for the whole shadow group, if you are absolutely bored with your hunter and he is full hots; help your
captain out in fire or someone who didn’t get do not fall this flame soon enough. Hunter tank should be going all out DPS
with a few shots from LM of power, try not to use all focus skills but more induction skills to help with power, other hunters
can draw power, you can't. Captain make sure to reset your banner and idome, use to arms when it’s up for more DPS and to
ensure agro stays on the same hunter. LM you should be handing out power as people use it to get your draw on cooldown,
don't wait to give until people need. Sign of power command should be on both bosses and ancient craft on shadow always
+ corruptions. Besides keeping agro on X, keeping out of melee range and doing max DPS there isn't much else to know
about this guy. Take fear pots when they come.

The fire:
This is the more complex boss of the 2 (the melee boss). The key player in this is the champ. He will control agro during the
fight if needed. This side is more of a team play oriented fight. Everyone needs to be aware of if they have agro, what their
dot is, if they can handle agro next what their debuff is at. The longer you are in his fire aura you will get +% power cost
and -% melee damage so at 30% you should run out of the aura to get rid of this. Only when it is completely gone can you
run back into continue DPS. If you have the attention of the boss you will have a dot that will build quickly anywhere from
300-1700 depending on how long you have it. Ideally you never want this to go over 1k. (It's hard to take that 1k dot, the
600 aura dot, plus the bosses usual big tactical 2-3k hits). Let’s show what a usual setup for this side will look like after the
changing of groups.

Minstrel - Anthem of free peoples 1, end of fight fellows heart 1, ballad of war will be used by whoever has highest, bolster
person with agro/dot and inspire : Position : Middle
Minstrel - Anthem of free peoples 1, end of fight fellows heart 2, bolster person with agro/dot and inspire: Position: Middle
Captain/Guard - Revealing mark for 2nd half of fight if needed otherwise just stay telling, to arms, strength of will on
champ (Guard DPS/Agro): Position: Fire
Champion - DPS all out in fervor, Controlled burn for last couple mins, rise if you don't have the agro dot, ebb if 1k.
Burglar - DPS all out keeps marks up and corruptions off, HIPS if bad moment with agro dot: Position: Fire
Burglar/Guard - DPS all out keeps marks up and corruptions off, HIPS if bad moment with agro dot (Guard DPS/Agro):
Position: Fire

We don't always have a guardian but if you’re reading this guild for help I'm going to assume you definitely have 1 guard
for durchest thus for this fight. If he doesn’t have a burg/champ or hunter alt to help more for this or doesn’t want to burn
locks, simply retrait full DPS and throw on your 2 hander shields are useless here and so is keeping agro (Debatable). If the
guard has a good 2H chances are he will start with initial agro when he goes all out. Soon after when his dot is at 900 the
champ can begin to rise until he pulls. When the champ is at 1k he can ebb to say a burg if he’s ready or back to the guard if
he’s reset. If the guard can't pull from the burg the burg will HIPS. It's going to be on the champ probably 40% of the fight,
depending on how high the dot goes there will be as many or 3 or 4 people who will get agro during the fight. Remember if
you want heals you have to be in range of the minstrels, they are not going to run through that fire aura to get you, so
deposit your eyes quickly and safely then get back in range.

Both of these bosses need to be burned down quickly and more or less evenly is preferred, near the end if the shadow is too
far ahead have a range switch and help with fire. As a rule always kill the shadow first as ranged can turn around and kill the
first with 10 seconds you have. (Your safe to say kill both when they are both under 10k). At this point dread is high so you
have to make sure it’s very close.
Extra cool things:
Hunter’s quick guide to LT
On my hunter I trait: 4/3
Barbed fury (150 dot every 2 seconds is power efficient and lasts through corruptions)
Deadly precision
Swift and true
Hail of arrows (or true shot or quality of mercy) whichever you feel like
Fast draw (faster inductions)
Strong draws (less focus for most used skill)
Swift recovery (Needful haste 45 seconds every 2 minutes)

Because strength is strictly for before and after LT (bird killing) I use endurance for first 20% of fight on LT then all out in
precision for the remaining LT kill. I would take out hail of arrows and put in enduring precision if your group has enough
bird DPS and you’re not having more than 2 puddles.

Bird tips:
1) The bird should fly up 2-3 times. If you’re in strength stance its fairly consistent that you will draw power when the bird
is doing his last or second last fight. Besides that from hitting the bird you will receive enough power back to not worry
about power at all
2) Make sure LM`s never give you power
3) Watch out, there is a chance if you have agro the bird will come and chomp on you, yes even if you do not have the
yellow eye
4) Ensure your group doesn’t kite in huge circles so the hunters have to run to remain in range, this hampers our DPS.

Other tips for hunters during the LT fight are:

1) When there is no blue corruption (-% ranged damage) then attack with all you have
2) Only take blue pots during your high DPS time (no blue) because you will not have time to draw power
3) Take green pots when running through puddles (for every class minis won’t have to do group heals)
4) Draw power when blue corruption is about 40% by the time it reaches high and is switched you will be full power for
DPS section

1) Use endurance for the very first part of the fight. Let the guard get him positioned (or tank we use a champ).
2) Just use some quick shots after a few seconds then the occasional swift bow
3) After a minute use all your skills according to rotation
4) After dread begins to build enter the precision field
5) Always be ready to hit beneath care

1) If your kiting the bird watch the countdown on yellow eye on birds target
2) Always be aware of exactly who has and where the purple eye is
3) When you have the purple eye move to nearly max range and resume DPS on LT
4) When you have yellow eye move to good angle to begin kiting bird until he comes just DPS LT

Last edited by YesMaam; Apr 26 2010 at 04:47 PM.

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