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Department of Marketing

Designing Marketing
Programs for Building
Brand Equity
Submitted by Rahid Rishat Rafel
Roll 18251031
Section A
Submitted to Assistant Professor Nawshin Tabassum Tunna

Date of Submission 17.10.2020

This chapter mainly deals with designing marketing programs and what’s new there is in
marketing. Changes in digitalization and connectivity development, disintermediation and re-
intermediation, customization and personalization, market convergence, etc. are taking place.
Owing to these shifts, advertisers are rethinking their practices and not running business in the
conventional framework.

Integrating marketing

There are many distinct avenues in today's marketplace by which goods and services and their
brand equity can be built by relevant marketing programs.

Personalized marketing: With the aid of the internet, marketers are now able to offer
customized experience for each customer as they can slip through consumer radar, can
creatively create unique connections and can reinforce brand imagery and feelings.

The focus of Experiential Marketing is on the experience of the client and the situation of the
client, viewing them as rational and emotional elements.

In one-to-one marketing, by providing information, the clients assist the marketer to add value.
And then customers are rewarded for creating this additional value.

Relationship marketing: It is about forming long-term relationships with customers rather than

trying to encourage a one-time sale. 

Mass communication: It can be defined as the process of creating, sending, receiving, and
analyzing messages to large audiences.

Marketing Mix Integration

Product cost should not be the only consideration for price determination. However, customer
expectations of potential product value and price sensitivity are equally relevant as well. The
price of the rival should also not be overlooked and nobody in the market can profit from price
war. The value of the pricing strategy is tremendous because it has a direct impact on the
revenue produced and the consumers' perception of value. If there is a high perceived added
value, customers are willing to pay a higher price. The profit margins, expenses, and value
perceptions need to be continued in order to set rates.

The design and management of intermediaries such as wholesalers, distributors, brokers, and
retailers includes channel strategies. There are direct channels where the business sells directly,
such as telephone, mail, etc., and there are indirect channels where the business sells by
intermediaries from third parties, such as wholesalers, distributors, etc. There are two types of
policies for platforms, Pull Strategy and Push Strategy.

Direct Channels include-

 Company-owned stores
 Store-within-a-store
 Other means

Indirect Channels include-

 Push and pull strategies

 Channel support
 Retail segmentation
 Cooperative Advertising

Online Strategies include-

 Having market clout with suppliers

 Established distribution and fulfillment system
 Cross-sell between website and stores

1. Have any of the local companies inside Bangladesh ever given you a loyalty program? If
so, what was it then?
2. How do advertisers use the perspective of relationship marketing in the formulation and
offering of product strategy?
3. What position do you think is played by temporary pop-up markets?
4. The marketing practices and the success of a company are directly affected by Channel
Strategies. Explain an example of a real-life company.
5. Do you think it is important to take into account the opinion of the customer when
setting the price of the product?
6. How is brand value created through marketing activities?
7. How does one, as a marketer, boost the product experience for his clients?
8. Rather than other approaches, pricing techniques should be focused on customer
preferences. Are you agreeing? About why?
9. What brand name comes to your mind when you learn about a brand that has not set
and changed prices properly, and why?
10. Pull Strategy focuses on generating demand at the end of the consumer, while Push
Strategy focuses on increasing supply at the end of the supplier. For a luxury brand such
as Calvin Klein, which strategy is more applicable and why?

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