Kriging and Moving Window Kriging On A Sphere in Geometric GNSS Levelling Geoid Modelling

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Kriging and moving window kriging on a sphere in

geometric (GNSS/levelling) geoid modelling

M. Ligas & M. Kulczycki

To cite this article: M. Ligas & M. Kulczycki (2018) Kriging and moving window kriging on a
sphere in geometric (GNSS/levelling) geoid modelling, Survey Review, 50:359, 155-162, DOI:

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Published online: 09 Nov 2016.

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Kriging and moving window kriging on a sphere
in geometric (GNSS/levelling) geoid modelling
M. Ligas∗ and M. Kulczycki
A comparison of kriging and moving window kriging (MWK) on a sphere is performed on GNSS/
levelling data. The study was to give the answer on whether there is a significant gain in
prediction accuracy when we apply an MWK instead of ‘classical’ kriging and also to what
extent the use of global geopotential model EGM2008 improves prediction. The quality of
prediction for all kriging and data variants has been investigated on three regions (being on the
territory of the conterminous USA) characterised with a different spatial extent and density of
sampling. Numerical tests revealed that in case of high-sampling density there was no accuracy
gain when using MWK instead of classical kriging (cK). In contrast, for less numerous datasets
and a much larger spatial extent (low-sampling density) MWK adapts itself to data much better
than cK. Incorporation of EGM2008-based undulations as a long-wavelength trend for both
cases (classical and moving window) significantly improved prediction quality.
Keywords: Kriging, Moving window, Sphere, Covariogram, Geoid, EGM2008

Introduction basic variants, i.e. ‘classical’ kriging and moving window

kriging (MWK) for geometric (GNSS/levelling) geoid
Along with the advent of GPS positioning we have modelling in a local or a regional scale. Kriging-based
observed an ever increasing interest in precise geoid prediction presented in this study uses raw geoid undula-
models in a local and/or regional scale aiming at replacing tion data (1) as well as residual undulation data (2)
geometric heights with respect to WGS84 reference ellip- obtained from raw undulations and undulations derived
soid with orthometric heights (or normal heights depend- from EGM2008 geopotential model:
ing on the height system used). Also, global geopotential
models become more and more accurate (e.g. EGM2008, N = h − Ho (1)
Kotsakis and Katsambalos 2010, Pavlis et al. 2012) and
constitute a very good base for creating local or regional N RES = h − H o − N EGM2008 = N − N EGM2008 (2)
geoid models. Hence, the geoid determination both in a where N is the geoid undulation, h is the ellipsoidal height
global and a local scale has become one of the main with respect to WGS84 ellipsoid, H o is the orthometric
tasks in geodesy. One of the approaches to geoid model- height with respect to NAVD88 vertical datum,
ling besides a gravimetric (based on gravity anomalies) N EGM2008 is the EGM2008-based geoid undulation.
and an astrogeodetic (based on deflections of the vertical) The study is to give the answer on whether there is a sig-
is a geometric one which is based on known geoid heights. nificant gain in prediction accuracy when we apply an
The geometric approach uses only ellipsoidal heights and MWK instead of ‘classical’ kriging and also to what
levelled heights measured on the same points (collocated extent the use of global geopotential model EGM2008
measurements), the difference between the two heights improves the quality of prediction.
gives the geoid undulation (geoid height) on a given The paper begins with some theory for kriging predic-
point (Heiskanen and Moritz 1967). The points with tion in its classical form and a brief discussion on statio-
known geoid heights are later used to predict (interpolate) narity conditions necessary to construct kriging-based
geoid heights on other points. For this purpose, many predictors. Then we describe the idea behind an MWK
interpolation methods may be used and the most often approach and how it captures local non-stationarity.
met in the literature are: polynomial approximation for The next part is devoted to the differences between kri-
relatively small areas (Featherstone et al. 1998), least ging performed on a plane and kriging performed on a
squares collocation (Moritz 1980) and recently artificial sphere. After a theoretical background we describe
neural networks (Kavzoglu and Saka 2005). study areas and the data used in the study. Finally, the
In this study, we investigate a prediction potential of results are shown and conclusions are drawn.
spherical kriging (kriging performed on a sphere) in two

AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining Surveying

and Environmental Engineering, Department of Geomatics, 30 Mickiewicza
Al., 30-059 Krakow, Poland Geostatistical method of prediction – kriging is often

Corresponding author, email: referred to ‘optimal linear prediction for spatial processes’

© 2016 Survey Review Ltd

Received 20 March 2016; accepted 7 October 2016
DOI 10.1080/00396265.2016.1247131 Survey Review 2018 VOL 50 NO 359 155
Ligas and Kulczycki Kriging and moving window kriging on a sphere in geometric geoid modelling

(Stein 1999). Owing to its versatility it has found a promi- Finally, we minimise equation (10) subject to the unbia-
nent place among prediction methods used in different sedness condition in equation (9) and this leads to the sys-
fields of science. There are two basic principles behind tem of equations to be solved for optimal coefficients λ
kriging, i.e. unbiasedness and minimisation of mean and a scalar Lagrange multiplier κ:
squared error of prediction, and thus it is equivalent to     
V 1 l v
the minimum error variance prediction. Here, we briefly = (11)
recall the basic facts concerning ordinary and universal 1T 0 k 1
kriging-based prediction (since these methods have been On the basis of optimised coefficients λ and a scalar κ, we
used in this study). We consider the following general obtain the ordinary kriging variance (prediction variance)
decomposition of a random field (collection of random of the form
variables, also a random function or a spatial stochastic
process): s2OK = s2 − lT v − k (12)

Z(s) = m(s) + 1(s) for observables Ordinary kriging predictor may be formulated explicitly
Z(s0 ) = m(s0 ) + 1(s0 ) for unobservables by using the inverse of the partitioned matrix on the
left-hand side of equation (11) and solving the system of
where Z(s) is a vector of observed quantities at locations s, equations for λ and κ. Hence, after some manipulations
μ(s) is a vector of means, either a constant (ordinary kri- one arrives at the explicit form of the predictor, i.e.
ging) or a location-dependent trend/drift (universal kri-
ging), ε(s) is a vector of spatially correlated disturbances, Ẑ(s0 ) = m̂ + vT V−1 [Z − 1m̂ ] with
Z(s0) is a single quantity to be predicted at a location s0, −1 −1 T −1
μ(s0) is mean value at a location s0, either a constant or m̂ = (1 V 1) 1 V Z

resulting from the adopted trend and ε(s0) is a disturbance and then the prediction variance reads
at a location s0, spatially correlated with disturbances ε(s).
We shall also assume the following stochastic charac- s2OK = s2 − vT V−1 v + (1 − vT V−1 1)
terisation, e.g. Goldberger (1962) (we drop a denotation (14)
of location ‘s’ that should not lead to any confusion): × (1T V−1 1)−1 (1 − vT V−1 1)T

E(1i ) = E(10 ) = 0 (4)

Universal kriging – spatially varying expected
E(11T ) = V, E(110 ) = v, value (trend) of a random field
E(120 ) = E(12i ) = s2 In universal kriging, we assume a location-dependent
mean value of a random field modelled as an unknown
where E is the expected value operator, Ω is the covari- linear combination of known basis functions (usually
ance matrix of disturbances (observables − observables), polynomials of low order). Hence the decomposition in
ω is the covariance vector of disturbances (observables equation (3) takes the form
− unobservable) and σ 2 is the variance of disturbances. 
Z(s) = m(s) + 1(s) = Xb + 1(s) for observables
Z(s0 ) = m(s0 ) + 1(s0 ) = xT b + 1(s0 ) for unobservables
Ordinary kriging – constant and unknown
expected value of a random field (15)
In ordinary kriging, we assume a constant but unknown where X is a matrix of known basis functions at observed
expected value of a random field thus the decomposition locations resulting from the adopted trend model, β is a vec-
in equation (3) may be expressed as tor of unknown coefficients of a linear combination of
 known basis functions (trend coefficients) and x is a vector
Z(s) = m + 1(s) for observables of known basis functions at a location to be predicted.
Z(s0 ) = m + 1(s0 ) for unobservables To find an optimal, in the mean squared sense, value of
To find an optimal, in the mean squared sense, value of Z(s0) = Z0 by means of known data Z(s) = Z, in universal
Z(s0) = Z0 by means of known data Z(s) = Z, in ordinary kriging we use the same form of predictor as in ordinary
kriging we use a linear predictor of the form kriging, i.e.

Ẑ0 = lT Z (7) Ẑ0 = lT Z (16)

where λ is the vector of coefficients of a linear combi- Unbiasedness condition is obtained from the same con-
nation of data – ‘kriging weights’. dition – zero prediction error on average, i.e.
Unbiasedness condition is obtained from equating a E(e) = E(Ẑ0 − Z0 ) = 0 (17)
mean prediction error to zero, i.e.
This leads to the condition
E(e) = E(Ẑ0 − Z0 ) = 0 (8)
l T X = xT (18)
what leads to the condition
Further, we construct a mean squared error of prediction
lT 1 = 1 (9) which reads
Further, we construct a mean squared error of prediction E(eeT ) = lT Vl − 2lT v + s2 (19)
which is expressed as
Now, we minimise equation (19) subject to the unbiased-
E(eeT ) = lT Vl − 2lT v + s2 (10) ness condition in equation (18) and this leads to a system

156 Survey Review 2018 VOL 50 NO 359

Ligas and Kulczycki Kriging and moving window kriging on a sphere in geometric geoid modelling

of equations to be solved for optimal coefficients λ and function estimator is given as

Lagrange multipliers κ:
     ĝ (h) = [Z(si ) − Z(sj )]2 (27)
V X l v 2N(h) N(h)
= (20)
XT 0 k x
where N(h) is the number of data pairs separated by ‘h’,
By the same token as in ordinary kriging case, we may Z(si), Z(sj) are measured/observed values at locations
express universal kriging predictor explicitly as si, sj, respectively, and a covariance function estimator
Ẑ(s0 ) = xT b̂ + vT V−1 (Z − Xb̂) with 1 
(21) Ĉ(h) = [Z(si ) − Ẑ][Z(sj ) − Ẑ] with
−1 −1
b̂ = (XT V X)−1 XT V Z N(h) N(h)
n (28)
and the prediction variance Z(si )
Ẑ = i=1
s2UK = s2 − vT V−1 v + (xT − vT V−1 X)
(22) It is immediately noticeable that the semi-variance func-
× (XT V−1 X)−1 (xT − vT V−1 X)T tion does not involve the mean value of a random pro-
cess in the estimation procedure. This is the advantage
of using the semi-variogram over the covariogram
Covariance structure because we do not introduce additional bias related to
So far, nothing has been said on the covariance structure the unknown mean value of a random process. The use
of a random field stored in the covariance vectors and of estimators leads to the construction of an empirical
matrices in the derivations contained in the previous sec- structure function either a semi-variance function or a
tion. Derivation of kriging predictors is based on some covariance function. Later on an admissible (positive
forms of stationarity of a random field. The most basic definite or conditionally negative definite) continuous
forms of stationarity are the second-order stationarity function must be fitted to the empirical one. A review
and intrinsic stationarity. From these forms of stationarity of admissible structure functions (on a plane) the inter-
two structure functions of a random function emerge. The ested reader may find in, e.g. Schlather (2015), Chiles
second-order stationarity introduces a covariance func- and Delfiner (1999) and Moritz (1976). Both structure
tion and the intrinsic stationarity introduces a semi-var- functions have characteristic parameters, i.e. ‘nugget effect’,
iance function. The two hypotheses of stationarity may a partial sill or sill and an autocorrelation length/range) and
be stated as follows, e.g. Chiles and Delfiner (1999). these parameters are essential to model the functions
A random function is said to be second-order station- parametrically.
ary if the following conditions hold The ‘nugget effect’ – customary denoted as c0 (see
Fig. 1) comprises the measurement error and lack of
∀s[D E[Z(s)] = m information on the behaviour of the process at distances
∀s1 ,s2 [D Cov[Z(s1 ), Z(s2 )] shorter than the minimum distance between sampled
= E{[Z(s1 ) − m][Z(s2 ) − m]} = C(h) (23) observations c0 = s2ME + s2MS (ME is the measurement
error, MS is the microscale variance). Range (autocorrela-
Expected value of a random function is constant in the tion radius/length) denoted as ‘a’ – in case of second-order
entire spatial domain D and the covariance function processes the semi-variogram is bounded and it stabilises
depends only on the separation vector h = s2 – s1. The var- (reaches the sill) beyond some limiting distance h - range
iance of a random field is finite and equal to C(h) for (see Fig. 1). Some models of semi-variograms reach the
h = 0, i.e. C(0) = V[Z(s)]. sill only asymptotically. For them a practical range is
A random function is said to be intrinsic stationary if defined as a distance at which the semi-variogram reaches
the two following conditions hold 95% of the sill. For distances larger than the range (or a
∀s[D E[Z(s)] = m or E[Z(s1 ) − Z(s2 )] = 0 practical range) spatial correlation does not exist or is
(24) negligible. Sill or partial sill (for bounded semi-vario-
∀s1 ,s2 [D V [Z(s1 ) − Z(s2 )] = 2g(h)
grams with the nugget effect) – it is the value of a semi-
Again, we have a constant mean value of a random pro- variogram beyond the autocorrelation range (variance
cess but the second condition introduces a new function of a random process).
2γ(h) – a variogram. If a random process is second-
order stationary, the two structure functions are equival-
ent, and the relation between the two functions may be Moving window kriging
expressed as The idea behind an MWK has been introduced by Haas
g(h) = C(0) − C(h) = V [Z(s)] − C(h) (25) (1990). The goal of the method is to adapt for local
changes in spatial trends in the data or/and a covariance
Furthermore, if a random function is isotropic, then function non-stationarity. This is achieved by restricting
both covariance and semi-variance functions depend kriging prediction to a sub-region centred at an actually
only on the separation distance (this is the most common predicted location. Hence, within each sub-region (a mov-
case in practical applications), i.e. ing window neighbourhood) an empirical covariance/
semi-variance structure is estimated only from the data
C(h) = C(h) or g(h) = g(h) (26)
contained within the particular sub-region, then a per-
These two functions are not given a priori hence they must missible model is fitted to the empirical function and
be estimated from data. The most common estimators are basing upon this a suitable kriging system is constructed
based on the method of moments. The semi-variance and solved. Thus, MWK is nothing but a repeated

Survey Review 2018 VOL 50 NO 359 157

Ligas and Kulczycki Kriging and moving window kriging on a sphere in geometric geoid modelling

models to capture the spatial structure of the geoid undu-

lation field.
Spherical model

⎪ c0 + c h=0

⎪   3

⎨ 3h 1 h
C(h, c0 , c, a) = c 1 − − 0,h≤a

⎪ 2a 2 a

0 h.a
Exponential model

c +c h=0
C(h, c0 , c, a) = 0 −(h/a) (32)
ce h.0
1 Relation between semi-variogram and covariogram for the
second-order stationarity processes and characteristic Cubic model
parameters of the structure functions
C (h, c0 , c, a)

⎪ c0 + c h=0
application of classical kriging (cK) based on a changing ⎪

⎧ ⎡  2  3 ⎤ ⎫

⎪ ⎪
⎪ h 35 h ⎪

set of data points, i.e. the interpolation is based on a semi- ⎨ ⎪
⎪ ⎨ ⎢7 a − 4 a ⎥⎪⎬
⎢ ⎥
variogram (or a covariance function) built not on the = c 1−⎢     ⎥ 0,h≤a

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎣ 7 h 5 3 h 7 ⎦⎪ ⎪
basis of all available data points but only those that are ⎪
⎪ ⎩ ⎪ + − ⎪

located in the immediate vicinity (adopted window) of ⎪

⎩ 2 a 4 a
an actually interpolated point. With this approach, it is 0 h.a
possible to capture locally occurring trends in the data (33)
which in turn should lead to the overall improvement of
interpolation accuracy. Also, trend models (a location-dependent mean value of a
random process) are expressed as functions of spherical
coordinates (latitude and longitude), e.g.
Kriging on a sphere
m(w, l) = a0 + a1 w + a2 l (34)
The main practical difference between a planar kriging
and a spherical kriging lies in the fact that a covariance m(w, l) = a0 + a1 cos w cos l + a2 cos w sin l
function (or a semi-variance function) is not the function
of the Euclidean distance but rather a distance measured + a3 sin w (35)
along the great circle, i.e. spherical distance
cos c = sin w1 sin w2
(29) Study area, data and software
+ cos w1 cos w2 cos (l2 − l1 )
To compare predictive capabilities of two methods of kri-
where ϕ and λ are latitude and longitude, respectively, ψ ∈
ging, we used GNSS/levelling data available on NGS
[0, π] is the spherical distance.
website ( The entire dataset of
A more crucial thing is that not all covariance functions
the conterminous USA consists of about 24 000 ellipsoi-
which are permissible on a plane may be used in a spheri-
dal heights (with respect to NAD83) and levelled heights
cal case. Covariance function (a positive definite function)
(with respect to NAVD88). To make use of EGM2008,
on a sphere must have a representation of the form
we have transformed ellipsoidal data (longitude, latitude
(Schoenberg 1942, Roy 1973)
and height) from NAD83 (2011) to WGS84. To trans-

1 form between ellipsoids, we used the geodetic toolkit
C(c) = an Pn ( cos c), an ≥ 0, (HTDP tool) available on NGS website. Finally, we
n=0 used EGM2008 harmonic synthesis programme (http://

an , 1 egm08_wgs84.html) to acquire EGM2008-based geoid
heights for the entire dataset. Computations concerning
where Pn ( cos c) is the Legendre polynomials. kriging prediction have been carried out on the authors’
It turns out that covariance functions common in use self-developed software. From the entire dataset, we
on a plane cannot be used on a sphere [negative coeffi- have selected three regions characterised with different
cients in equation (30)]. For example, Radon transforms spatial extent and density of sampling (see Figs. 2–7).
of exponential model (Gauss–Markov second-order The first region covers the territory of North Carolina
model and Gauss–Markov third-order model in geodetic and South Carolina, denoted as test field 1 (TF1). The
literature) are not valid on a sphere, the same situation second region envelopes the states of Illinois, Indiana,
holds with Gaussian covariance function (Huang et al. Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee, and is denoted further
2011). An extensive review of covariance functions valid as TF2. The last region spreads through the states of
on a sphere the interested reader may find, e.g. in Gneiting Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkan-
(2013) and Schlather (2015). In the study contained in this sas, Texas, and Louisiana, denoted as TF3. Data con-
paper, we have used to following covariance function tained in each of the regions has been split into a

158 Survey Review 2018 VOL 50 NO 359

Ligas and Kulczycki Kriging and moving window kriging on a sphere in geometric geoid modelling

2 Spatial distribution of ‘GPS on benchmarks’ training data

for the TF1 region
5 Spatial distribution of ‘GPS on benchmarks’ test data for
the TF2 region

3 Spatial distribution of ‘GPS on benchmarks’ test data for

the TF1 region

6 Spatial distribution of ‘GPS on benchmarks’ training data

for the TF3 region

points in training and test sets are presented in Table 1.

The basic summary statistics of original and residual
undulation data for the three regions are presented in
Table 2.

4 Spatial distribution of ‘GPS on benchmarks’ training data
for the TF2 region The quality of kriging prediction for both a classical
approach (denoted as cK in the following tables) and a
moving window approach (denoted as MWK in the fol-
training set and a test set. Each training set consists of lowing tables) has been assessed for two variants of data.
points on which kriging models have been constructed. The first one concerned raw undulations (without the
Test sets, on the other hand, served only for the true vali- use of EGM08 model) and the second one used residual
dation purposes, to obtain reasonable prediction error undulations (after removal of undulations derived from
characteristics. The main characteristics of the mentioned EGM2008 model and adding them back after the pre-
regions with respect to the spatial extent and number of diction procedure). Always a better variant either

Survey Review 2018 VOL 50 NO 359 159

Ligas and Kulczycki Kriging and moving window kriging on a sphere in geometric geoid modelling

Table 3 Error statistics for TF1


Statistics cK MWK cK MWK

Max [m] 0.0973 0.0930 0.0998 0.0991

MAPE [m] 0.0129 0.0127 0.0110 0.0111
RMSPE [m] 0.0196 0.0193 0.0161 0.0162
MeAPE [m] 0.0085 0.0086 0.0078 0.0083
Corr. Coef. 0.999957 0.999958 0.999971 0.999971

- median absolute prediction error (MeAPE)

MeAPE = med|Nip − Ni | (38)

- correlation coefficient between predicted and known
geoid heights (Corr. Coef.).
In addition to the above summary statistics, we present
absolute errors assigned to specified error intervals and
the count of their occurrences (in absolute, cumulated
and percentage scale). The detailed results are presented
in Tables 3–8.
The study aimed to illustrate whether and when MWK
7 Spatial distribution of ‘GPS on benchmarks’ test data for
gives better results than cK. As could be expected, the
the TF3 region
analysis of a dataset with a large amount of points,
when the points are also densely and reasonably evenly
Table 1 Characteristics of three regions with respect the
spaced, led to the general conclusion that the workload
surface area and number of points in training and
test datasets
Table 4 Error statistics for TF2
Characteristic TF1 TF2 TF3
Area app. app. app.
225 000 km2 575 000 km2 1 350 000 km2 Statistics cK MWK cK MWK
Training points 3157 1318 710
Test points 381 92 54 Max [m] 0.2563 0.2467 0.1089 0.1100
MAPE [m] 0.0455 0.0424 0.0210 0.0207
RMSPE [m] 0.0711 0.0661 0.0291 0.0288
MeAPE [m] 0.0257 0.0216 0.0150 0.0143
ordinary kriging or universal kriging was used. As indi- Corr. Coef. 0.999338 0.999432 0.999893 0.999895
cators of the prediction quality we used
- maximum absolute difference between predicted Np
and known geoid heights N (Max) Table 5 Error statistics for TF3
- mean absolute prediction error (MAPE)
|N p − Ni |
MAPE = i=1 i (36)
n Statistics cK MWK cK MWK

- root mean square prediction error (RMSPE) Max [m] 1.0359 0.7453 0.1315 0.1256
 MAPE [m] 0.1463 0.1062 0.0295 0.0281
n p 2 RMSPE [m] 0.2953 0.2033 0.0427 0.0396
i=1 (Ni − Ni )
RMSPE = (37) MeAPE [m] 0.0434 0.0314 0.0191 0.0183
n Corr. Coef. 0.994118 0.997237 0.999879 0.999895

Table 2 Summary statistics for geoid undulation data for three regions


Statistics N WGS [m] N RES [m] N WGS [m] N RES [m] N WGS [m] N RES [m]

Minimum −40.520 −0.488 −36.715 −0.829 −34.311 −0.951

Maximum −29.401 −0.119 −27.933 −0.316 −20.969 0.101
Range 11.119 0.369 8.782 0.513 13.342 1.052
Mean −34.459 −0.314 −32.891 −0.528 −28.835 −0.505
Median −33.798 −0.307 −33.640 −0.530 −28.548 −0.519
Standard deviation 2.484 0.053 2.332 0.103 2.871 0.171
Mean absolute deviation 2.117 0.042 2.038 0.083 2.290 0.141

160 Survey Review 2018 VOL 50 NO 359

Ligas and Kulczycki Kriging and moving window kriging on a sphere in geometric geoid modelling

Table 6 Number of absolute prediction errors within particular intervals (TF1)



Interval [cm] n na % n na % n na % n na %

[0, 1] 211 211 55.4 216 216 56.7 235 235 61.7 236 236 61.9
(1, 2] 94 305 80.1 93 309 81.1 85 320 84.0 81 317 83.2
(2, 3] 40 345 90.6 35 344 90.3 39 359 94.2 39 356 93.4
(3, 4] 16 361 94.8 15 359 94.2 12 371 97.4 15 371 97.4
(4, 5] 7 368 96.6 10 369 96.9 4 375 98.4 6 377 99.0
(5, 10] 13 381 100.0 12 381 100.0 6 381 100.0 4 381 100.0

Table 7 Number of absolute prediction errors within particular intervals (TF2)



Interval [cm] n na % n na % n na % n na %

[0, 1] 25 25 27.2 25 25 27.2 33 33 35.9 35 35 38.0

(1, 2] 14 39 42.4 16 41 44.6 23 56 60.9 23 58 63.0
(2, 3] 12 51 55.4 12 53 57.6 14 70 76.1 15 73 79.3
(3, 4] 6 57 62.0 7 60 65.2 8 78 84.8 6 79 85.9
(4, 5] 6 63 68.5 7 67 72.8 5 83 90.2 4 83 90.2
(5, 10] 17 80 87.0 14 81 88.0 8 91 98.9 8 91 98.9
(10, 20] 10 90 97.8 9 90 97.8 1 92 100.0 1 92 100.0
>20 2 92 100.0 2 92 100.0 – – – – – –

(calculation time) is not rewarded with a significant leave no illusions (see Tables 4 and 7 for TF2 and Tables
improvement in the result (see Table 3). 5 and 8 for TF3). All summary statistics and the distri-
However, when interpolating raw geoid heights N the bution of absolute errors within particular intervals advo-
results demonstrate the superiority of MWK over cK, cate for MWK. The only exception is the maximum value
but differences at particular statistics are counted in tenths of differences when interpolating N RES (see Table 4)
of millimetres. When interpolating residual undulations which is 1 mm better for cK than MWK. In the presented
N RES a vestigial deterioration of summary statistics is tables, attention should be paid to significant improve-
noticeable. Similarly, when analysing individual intervals ment in interpolation results obtained using residual
(see Table 6) it is difficult to confidently identify MWK as undulations based on EGM2008. For TF2, one immedi-
giving better results. In contrast, for less numerous data- ately notices approximately, 50% improvement in accu-
sets where the data points are additionally arranged at racy in relation to raw undulations interpolation almost
greater distances (a much larger spatial extent of a on all error characteristics. Also the classification into
domain), as is in the cases of TF2 and TF3, the results particular error intervals changes significantly. For TF3,

Table 8 Number of absolute prediction errors within particular intervals (TF3)



Interval [cm] n na % n na % n na % n na %

[0, 1] 13 13 24.1 14 14 25.9 16 16 29.6 17 17 31.5

(1, 2] 4 17 31.5 5 19 35.2 13 29 53.7 11 28 51.9
(2, 3] 6 23 42.6 7 26 48.1 6 35 64.8 7 35 64.8
(3, 4] 4 27 50.0 5 31 57.4 6 41 75.9 9 44 81.5
(4, 5] 2 29 53.7 1 32 59.3 4 45 83.3 3 47 87.0
(5, 10] 6 35 64.8 10 42 77.8 6 51 94.4 5 52 96.3
(10, 20] 10 45 83.3 3 45 83.3 3 54 100.0 2 54 100.0
>20 9 54 100.0 9 54 100.0 – – – – – –
n – number of errors within given interval.
na – accumulated number of errors.
% – percentage of accumulated number of errors with respect to the total number of test points.

Survey Review 2018 VOL 50 NO 359 161

Ligas and Kulczycki Kriging and moving window kriging on a sphere in geometric geoid modelling

the gain in accuracy resulting from EGM2008 incorpor- in the Department of Geomatics, AGH
ation is even better and varies, roughly speaking, from University of Science and Technology, Krakow.
three to six times depending on the statistics.

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162 Survey Review 2018 VOL 50 NO 359

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