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International Telecommunications Union - Radiocommunications Sector (ITU-R)

ITURHFProp(), P533(), and P372()

A software method for the prediction of the performance of HF circuits based on

Recommendations ITU-R P.533-14 and P.372-13

The ITURHFProp, P533 and P372 software has been developed collaboratively by
participants in ITU-R
Study Group 3. It may be used by implementers in their implementation of the
Recommendation as well
as in revisions of the specific original Recommendation and in other ITU
Recommendations, free from
any copyright assertions.

The software is provided “as is” WITH NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,


The ITU shall not be held liable in any event for any damages whatsoever
(including, without
limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of
information, or any other
pecuniary loss) arising out of or related to use of the Software.”



This program, presented as a dynamic linked library, provides methods for the
prediction of
available frequencies, signal levels, and the predicted reliability for
analogue and
digital-modulated HF systems, taking into account not only the signal-to-
noise ratio but also
the expected time and frequency spreads of the channel. This program
calculates the HF path
parameters that appear in Recommendation ITU-R P.533-14.
Great care has been taken in this implementation to follow the ITU published
standard P.533-14.
The flow of this implementation was designed primarily for readability and
clarity, with
performance being the secondary goal. It is hoped that this code will
illuminate the standard
and be easily maintainable. For the definition of the interface to this
library, please see

This program, presented as a dynamic linked library, provides methods for the
prediction of
background levels of radio-frequency noise in the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to
100 GHz in
accordance with Recommendation ITU-R P.372-14. The program takes into account noise
from the atmosphere, galaxy, and man-made sources.
The program is used by the program P533() as part of the required calculations.


This program's sole purpose is to act as an input and output data wrapper for
P533(). This
routine is as an example of how the P533() model can be used in other
applications. Please refer
to ITUHFProp() to determine how data is loaded and unloaded from P533() to
conduct successfully
HF circuit analysis.


ITURHFProp [Options] [Input File] [Output File]

-s Silent Mode: Suppresses display output except for error
-h Help: Displays help
-v Version: Displays the version of ITURHFProp() and P533()

Input File
Full path name of the input file. If no path is given the
current directory is assumed.

Output File
Full path name of the output file. Note: Existing files will be
If no output file is indicated a default output file, either a
report or a path dump file will be created in
the .\\Report file directory

ITURHFProp input file parameters (meaning, units and limits):

The following input parameter fields are required to run ITURHFProp. There is no
required order that
the input parameters must appear in the input file. The input file can have any
name. There are two
output option a report that generated a comma separated values (CSV) text file and
a Path dump text

Comment lines in an ITURHFProp input file begin with two forward slashes "//"

Blank lines are ignored.

Certain string fields, such as the transmitter name, must appear between quotes.

All paths to the data files, report files and antenna pattern files are included in
quotes and must
end in a forward or back slash depending of the OS. The "" below indicates that
the input variable
is enclosed in double quotes.

// Comment line
PathName "" Text name of path
PathTXName "" Text name of transmitting site Transmit antenna latitude in decimal degrees -90.0 to 90.0
Path.L_tx.lng Transmit antenna longitude in decimal degrees -180.0 to
TXAntFilePath "" Path and filename to transmitter antenna pattern or "ISOTROPIC".
If an
antenna pattern file is desired it is in the format:
TXGOS Transmit antenna gain offset (in dB), typically this is 0.0
PathRXName "" Text name of receiving site
RXAntFilePath "" Path and filename to transmitter antenna pattern or "ISOTROPIC".
If an
antenna pattern file is desired it is in the format:
RXGOS Receive antenna gain offset (in dB), typically this is 0.0
AntennaOrientation Orientation of antenna, "TX2RX" when transmit antenna
points to receive
antenna or "ARBITRARY" when user defined.

Path.year Path year, between 1900 and 2100

Path.month Path month, from 1 to 12
Path.hour Path hour in UTC, from 1 to 24. This can be a comma separated
list of
integers i.e, 1,4,7,18
Path.SSN Sunspot number R12, between 1 and 311
Path.frequency Frequency (MHz), between 1.6 and 30.0. This can be a comma
separated list of
decimal values i.e, 3.45, 11.553, 17.7756, 23.0008
Path.txpower Transmit power (dB(kW)), between -30.0 and 60.0
Path.BW Bandwidth (Hz), between 0.005 to 3000000.0
Path.SNRr Required Signal-to-noise ratio (dB), between -30.0 and 200.0
Path.SNRXXp Percent of month in which signal-to-noise exceed, between 1 and
Path.ManMadeNoise "" Path noise environment, "CITY", "RESIDENTIAL", "RURAL",
"QUIET", "NOISY" or in dB, between 100.0 AND 200.0
Path.Modulation "" Modulation type, "ANALOG" or "DIGITAL"

The following six options (Path.SIRr, Path.A, Path.TW, Path.FW, Path.T0 and
Path.F0) are
applicable only when the Path.Modulation is "DIGITAL"

Path.SIRr Required Signal-to-interference ratio (dB), between -30.0 and

Path.A Required Amplitude Ratio (dB), between 0.0 and 50.0
Path.TW Time window (ms), between 0.0 and 50.0
Path.FW Frequency window (Hz), between 0.0 and 1000.0
Path.T0 Time spread for simple BCR (ms), between 0.0 and 1000.0
Path.F0 Frequency dispersion for simple BCR (Hz), between 0.0 and

Path.SorL Path between the Transmitter and Receiver either "SHORTPATH" or


Specification of the output report in the input file:

RptFilePath "" "c:\provide_full_path_to\Reports\"

The program outputs CSV text files starting with the prefix RPT for a
file and PDD for a path dump text file. A time stamped txt file is only
created in the directory indicated by RptFilePath if no filename is
given on
the command line. The RPT or PDD filename format described below for
The output OPTIONS defined by the input variable RptFileFormat are

RptFileFormat "OPTION1 [| OPTION2 | OPTION3 | OPTION4 | OPTION5 ... ]"

The RptFileFormat indicates to ITURHFProp what data outputs are desired. The
OPTIONs can be
entered in any order, except OPTION RPT_DUMPPATH which must appear alone. The
output file will
indicate how the desired output parameters are ordered. The order that the desired
parameters appear in the output file is fixed.

The following report output data OPTIONs that can be configured in the input file

RPT_D Path distance (km)

RPT_DMAX Path dmax (km) and Slant Range (km)
RPT_ELE Path elevation (rad)
RPT_BMUF Path basic MUF (MHz)
RPT_BMUFD BMUF deciles MUF50, MUF90 & MUF10
RPT_OPMUF Operational MUF (MHz)
RPT_N0_F2 Lowest order F2 layer mode
RPT_N0_E Lowest order E layer mode
RPT_E Field Strength (dB(1uV/m)) Es, El or Ei depending on
RPT_PR Median received power, Pr, and the receive antenna
gain, Grw
RPT_NOISESOURCES Noise (Atmospheric) FaA, (Man-made) FaM & (Galactic) FaG (dB)
RPT_NOISESOURCESD DuA, DlA, DuM, DlM, DuG, & DlG Noise component deciles (dB)
RPT_NOISETOTALD DuT & DlT Total noise deciles (dB)
RPT_NOISETOTAL Total Noise, FamT (dB)
RPT_SNR Signal-to-noise ratio (dB)
RPT_SNRXX Signal-to-noise ratio (dB) at the desired reliability XX %
RPT_SIR Signal-to-interference ratio (dB)
RPT_SIRD SIR decile variations DuSI & DlSI
RPT_RSN Digital modulation performance parameters RSN, RT &
RPT_BCR Basic Circuit Reliability (%)
RPT_OCR Overall Circuit Reliability (%) without the
of scattering
RPT_OCRS Overall Circuit Reliability (%) considering of scattering
and Probocc (%)
RPT_MIR Digital Modulation Multimode interference ratio (%)
RPT_RXLOCATION Receiver location
RPT_DOMMODE Dominant Mode only relevant to short paths < 7000 km
RPT_GRW For path distances <= 7000 km, Grw is the "lossless
antenna of gain (dB relative to an isotropic
radiator) in the
direction of signal incidence". Grw will be the
dominant mode gain.
For path distances >= 9000 km, Grw is the "largest
value of
receiving antenna gain at the required azimuth in the
range 0 to 8 degrees."
RPT_ESL Field Strength (dB(1uV/m)) Es and El
RPT_LONG Long path parameters Gap, E0, fM, fL, Ly and K[2]
RPT_ALL All of the above


A Special report type called RPT_DUMPPATHDATA can be used as OPTION1 with no

other OPTIONS selected. The OPTION, RPT_DUMPPATHDATA, typically is used for
trouble shooting and for detailed analysis that may be required for point-to-
point links. This option generates a large amount of data.

RPT_DUMPPATHDATA outputs most of the calculated values. Note the output from
this option is path length dependent. Note for links that are > 9000 km the
output printed by the OPTION, RPT_DUMPPATHDATA, only applies to a small number
of the control and penetration points necessary to do the prediction.

The file created by the option is named PDDddmmyy-hhnnss.txt where the path data
dump file is time stamped:
dd = day
mm = month
yy = year
hh = hour
nn = minute
ss = seconds

Examples of RptFileFormat settings.


RptFileFormat "RPT_DUMPPATH"

There are two ways to indicate the analysis area of the calculation

Method One: For the output geographical area to be examined all four corners of the
analysis are must be
specified. For point-to-point links all four corner coordinates are identical. The
for these coordinates is up is north and left is west. Lower left latitude, decimal degrees, -90.0 to 90.0

LL.lng Lower left longitude, decimal degrees, -180.0 to 180.0 Lower right latitude, decimal degrees, -90.0 to 90.0
LR.lng Lower right longitude, decimal degrees, -180.0 to 180.0 Upper left latitude, decimal degrees, -90.0 to 90.0
UL.lng Upper left longitude, decimal degrees, -180.0 to 180.0 Upper right latitude, decimal degrees, -90.0 to 90.0
UR.lng Upper right longitude, decimal degrees, -180.0 to 180.0

Method Two: The analysis area is entered as two points of a rectangle by entering
latitude and longitude of the South East and North West corners of the analysis
rectangle South East latitude, decimal degrees, -90.0 to 90.0

SE.lng South East longitude, decimal degrees, -180.0 to 180.0 North West latitude, decimal degrees, -90.0 to 90.0
NW.lng North West longitude, decimal degrees, -180.0 to 180.0

Latitude and Longitude increment step. Note: There are no lower increment limits.
These input are only
relevant to areas and will be ignored for point-to-point calculations as defined by
the bounding
area above.

latinc Latitude increment step in decimal degrees, > 0.0

lnginc Longitude increment step in decimal degrees, > 0.0

DataFilePath " " DataFilePath is a text string in the format:

This directory contains the base location of the required Coeff, P.1239
and IonMap files.

End ITURHFProp input file parameters (meaning, units and limits):

Examples and more information:

See "" for an example input file and "itu.out" for the corresponding output
file in the
..\bin directory.

Minimum requirements:

Microsoft Windows 10 (Home Premium, 32 bit) or higher is recommended.

Your system may require the Microsoft Visual Studio Runtime. The MSVS library can
be found here (January 2020)

Or please search the web for “Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Runtime Library”

End of Examples and more information

A brief description of the interface to P533.dll:

The program P533.dll has the following entry points:

DLLEXPORT int P533(struct PathData *path)

DLLEXPORT const char * P533Version();
DLLEXPORT void GreatCirclePoint(struct Location here, struct Location there, struct
ControlPt *midpnt,
double distance, double fraction);
DLLEXPORT double GreatCircleDistance(struct Location here, struct Location there);
DLLEXPORT void GeomagneticCoords(struct Location here, struct Location *there);
DLLEXPORT double Bearing(struct Location here, struct Location there);
DLLEXPORT int AllocatePathMemory(struct PathData *path);
DLLEXPORT int FreePathMemory(struct PathData *path);
DLLEXPORT int InputDump(struct PathData *path);

An external program is necessary to run the P533.dll engine. An external program

must create, manage
and then free the data memory interface to P533.dll. An external program is used to
populate the
structure PathData, which is defined in p533.h. It is the responsibility of an
external program to
insure that the user input data and static data arrays are loaded correctly. The
P533.dll does limited I/O. P533.dll contains “helper” subroutines to read the F2
layer variability file “P1239-3 Decile Factors.txt” via ReadP1239() and user
selected antenna files via ReadType13().
The P533.dll does validate the input data. The data validation in P533.dll insures
that the user is
requesting calculations within the designed range of input parameters to the P.533-
14 method.

The program ITURHFProp is an example of how an external program can set up and run
the data necessary
for P533.dll calculations. It is suggest that those who have an interest in
creating a management
program for custom P533.dll applications obtain a copy of the source for ITURHFProp
from the ITU.

In addition to the user desired input parameters an external program must manage
the following data
sets. The four sources of external data that are necessary to set up the structure
PathData and
run P533()are:

i) Ionospheric data or maps.

This data is in the ~/IonMap directory which contains monthly median foF2 and
M(3000)F2 data
at 1.5-degree latitude and longitude increments for low and high sunspot numbers.
The data in
these files was generated by the methods in REC533(). The method to derive these
maps is
derived from arrays of spherical harmonic coefficients, see Equation (3) of
ITU-R P.1239-3. The coefficients in this form do not allow for contemporary data to
incorporated into the maps easily. For this reason the ITU has freed this data in
the form of
a map that can be updated.

ii) MUF variability.

The file "P1239-2 Decile Factors.txt" is read in to get the decile factors related
to MUF
variability. This data can been examined in Recommendation ITU-R P.1239-3

iii) Antenna data.

The PathData structure requires the antenna pattern for the transmitter and
receiver, in all
cases except when isotropic is chosen. At present this pattern is 360 degrees
azimuth and 91
degrees elevation. This data typically can be found from NEC or Type 13 antenna
data from the
VOACAP suite.

Typically as long as the month does not change, the input data arrays from the
three sources need not
be changed. Only when the month changes during an analysis does any external data
need to be read in
again by the external program. For instance, in the event that an analysis is run
which straddles two
or more months, i) the ionospheric maps, and ii) the noise data, will need to be
In addition to main entry point into the P533.dll, P533(), the following programs
can be used to
interface and troubleshoot the operations of an external management program. Please
note the structure
definitions that appear in the following utility functions are defined in P533.h.

DLLEXPORT const char * P533Version();

The program P533Version() takes no arguments and returns the version of P533.dll as
string variable.

DLLEXPORT void GreatCirclePoint(struct Location here, struct Location there, struct

ControlPt *midpnt,
double distance, double fraction);

The program GreatCirclePoint() is a utility program that returns a point along the
great circle path
between the Locations, here and there, at a fraction of the distance from here.
Note the midpoint of
the path is included for circumstances where the path takes the long way round the

DLLEXPORT double GreatCircleDistance(struct Location here, struct Location there);

The program GreatCircleDistance() determines the great circle distance from the
Location here to the
Location there.

DLLEXPORT void GeomagneticCoords(struct Location here, struct Location *there);

The Location here is converted to geomagnetic coordinates and returned as Location

pointed to by

DLLEXPORT double Bearing(struct Location here, struct Location there);

The program Bearing() returns the radian bearing from the Location here to Location

DLLEXPORT int AllocatePathMemory(struct PathData *path);

The program AllocatePathMemory() is designed to be used in external programs to

allocate the structure
PathData. This program is used to create the data interface to P533.dll and returns
a pointer to the
data structure. While this routine creates the data interface the program
FreePathMemory() releases
the memory.

DLLEXPORT int FreePathMemory(struct PathData *path);

The program FreePathMemory() is designed to release the memory that was created by

DLLEXPORT int InputDump(struct PathData *path);

The program InputDump() is a utility to print the contents of the path structure.
This utility is
useful to determine that the path structure has been passed correctly to the
P533.dll. All of the user
input data is printed as are the extremes of the data arrays.

The data that is required to be loaded into the structure PathData is in the
sections “User-provided
Input” and “Array pointers” below. The section “Calculated Parameters” contains the
parameters that
are returned by the calculations in subroutine P533(). A management program that
runs P533.dll will
have access to all of these parameters. Please refer to ITURHFProp to see an
example of how the
PathData structure can be interrogated to remove calculation results.

struct PathData {

// User-provided Input

char name[256]; // The path name

char txname[256]; // The transmitter name
char rxname[256]; // The receiver name

int year;
int month; // Note: This is 0 - 11
int hour; // Note: This is an hour index 0 - 23
// Where 1 - 24 UTC is required add one and
int SSN; // 12-month smoothed sun sport number a.k.a. R12

int Modulation; // Modulation flag

int SorL; // Short or long path switch

double frequency; // Frequency (MHz)

double BW; // Bandwidth (Hz)

double txpower; // Transmitter power (dB(1 kW))

int SNRXXp; // Required reliability (%) (1 to 99)

double SNRr; // Required signal-to-noise ratio (dB)
double SIRr; // Required signal-to-interference ratio (dB)

double ManMadeNoise; // Man-made noise flag or set by the user

// Parameters for approximate basic circuit reliability for digital

double F0; // Frequency dispersion at a level -10 dB relative to the
peak signal amplitude
double T0; // Time spread at a level -10 dB relative to the peak
signal amplitude

// Parameters for digital modulation performance

double A; // Required A ratio (dB)
double TW; // Time window (msec)
double FW; // Frequency window (Hz)

struct Location L_tx, L_rx;

struct Antenna A_tx, A_rx;

// End User Provided Input


// Array pointers

The advantage of having these pointers in the PathData structure is that
p533() can be
re-entered with the data allocations intact since they are determined and
loaded externally
to p533(). This is done to make area coverage calculations, multiple hours
any calculations that require the path be examined for another location or
time within the
current month. If the month changes foF2 and M3kF2 will have to be reloaded,
while the pointer
foF2var does not since it is for the entire year
Pointers to array extracted from the coefficients in ~/IonMap directory

float ****foF2; // foF2

float ****M3kF2; // M(3000)F2

// Pointer to array extracted from the file "P1239-2 Decile Factors.txt"

double *****foF2var; // foF2 Variablity from ITU-R P.1239-2 TABLE 2 and

// End Array Pointers


// Calculated Parameters
int season; // This is used for MUF calculations
double distance; // This is the great circle distance (km) between the rx
and tx
double ptick; // Slant range
double dmax; // d sub max (km) determined as a function of the
midpoint of the path
and other parameter

double B; // Intermediate value when calculating dmax also determined

at midpoint
of the path

double ele; // For paths that are longer than 9000 km this is the
composite elevation angle MUFs

double BMUF; // Basic MUF (MHz)

double MUF50; // MUF exceeded for 50% of the days of the month
double MUF90; // MUF exceeded for 90% of the days of the month
double MUF10; // MUF exceeded for 10% of the days of the month
double OPMUF; // Operation MUF (MHz)
double OPMUF90; // OPMUF exceeded for 90% of the days of the month (MHz)
double OPMUF10; // OPMUF exceeded for 10% of the days of the month (MHz)

// Note that the Highest probable frequency, HPF, is 10% MUF (MHz) and the
Optimum working
// frequency, FOT, is 90% MUF (MHz)

int n0_F2; // Lowest order F2 mode ( 0 to MAXF2MODES )

int n0_E; // Lowest order E mode ( 0 to 2 )

// Signal powers
double Es; // The overall resultant equivalent median sky-wave field
for path->distance < 7000 km
double El; // The overall resultant median field strength for
paths->distance > 9000 km
double Ei; // For paths->distance between 7000 and 9000 km the
resultant median field strength
double Ep; // The Path Field Strength (dBµ) Depending on the path
this is either Es, El or Ei.
double Pr; // Median available receiver power
// Long path (> 9000 km) parameters
double E0; // The free-space field strength for 3 MW EIRP
double Gap; // Focusing on long distance gain (dB)
double Ly; // "Not otherwise included" loss
double fM; // Upper reference frequency
double fL; // Lower reference frequency
double F; // f(f, fH, fL, fM) in eqn 28 P.533-14
double fH; // Mean gyrofrequency
double Gtl; // Largest antenna gain in the range 0 to 8 degrees
double K[2]; // Correction factor

// Signal-to-noise ratio
double SNR; // Median resultant signal-to-noise ratio (dB) for
bandwidth b (Hz)
double DuSN; // Upper decile deviation of the signal-to-noise ratio (dB)
double DlSN; // Upper decile deviation of the signal-to-noise ratio (dB)

// Signal-to-noise at the required reliability

double SNRXX; // Signal-to-noise at the required reliability

// Digitially modulated system stats

double SIR; // Signal-to-interference ratio (dB)
double DuSI; // Upper decile deviation of the signal-to-interference
ratio (dB)
double DlSI; // Lower decile deviation of the signal-to-interference
ratio (dB)
double RSN; // Probability that the required SNR is achieved
double RT; // Probability that the required time spread T0 is not
double RF; // Probability that the required frequency spread f0 is not

// Reliability
double BCR; // Basic circuit reliability
double OCR; // Overall circuit reliability without scattering
double OCRs; // Overall circuit reliability with scattering
double MIR; // Multimode interference
double probocc; // Probability of scattering occurring

// Antenna related parameters:

double Grw; // path->distance <= 7000 km

// Grw is the "lossless receiving antenna of gain Grw
// (dB relative to an isotropic radiator) in the
direction of signal
// incidence"
// Grw will be the dominant mode gain
// path->distance >= 9000 km
// Grw is the "largest value of receiving antenna
gain at the required
// azimuth
// in the elevation range 0 to 8 degrees."

double EIRP; // Transmitter EIRP

struct ControlPt CP[5]; // There are a maximum of 5 CP from P.533-14 Table

// ITU-R P.533-14 5.2.1 modes considered "Up to three E modes (for paths up
to 4000 km) and
// up to six F2 modes are selected"
// In part three of P.533-14 it would have been easier to make all nine modes
in one array for
// digitally modulated systems. To increase the readability and because the
method often treats
// layers differently, the modes are separated by layer. The lowest index of
the Md_F2 and
// Md_E structure arrays are to be the lowest order mode where the lowest
order mode is the lowest
// index + 1

struct Mode Md_F2[MAXF2MDS];

struct Mode Md_E[MAXEMDS];

// The following are conveniences for examining data

// The variables *DMptr and DMidx are set in MedianAvailableReceiverPower()
struct Mode *DMptr; // Pointer to the dominant mode
int DMidx; // Index to the dominant mode (0-2) E layer (3-8) F2 layer

// End Calculated Parameter


The structure PathData above also contains other structures which are defined as:

struct Location {
double lat, lng;

struct SolarParameters {
double ha; // hour angle (radians)
double sha; // Sunrise/sunset hour angle (radians)
double sza; // Solar zenith angle (radians)
double decl; // Solar declination (radians)
double eot; // Equation of time (minutes)
double lsr; // local sunrise (hours)
double lsn; // local solar noon (hours)
double lss; // local sunset (hours)

struct ControlPt {
struct Location L;
double distance;// This is the distance (km) from the transmitter to the CP
and not the hop range
double foE; // E layer critical frequency (MHz)
double foF2; // F2 layer critical frequency (MHz)
double M3kF2; // F2 layer critical frequency @ 3000 km (MHz)
double dip[2]; // Magnetic dip (radians)
double fH[2]; // Gyrofrequency (MHz)
double ltime; // Local time (hours)
double hr; // Mirror reflection point (km)
double x; // foE/foF2 ratio used in the calculation of the F2MUF
// Solar parameters
struct SolarParameters Sun;
struct Mode {
// Define the myriad of MUFs
double BMUF; // Basic MUF (MHz). Typically there is no difference
between the basic and
// the 50% MUF
// The BMUF is checked to see if it is != 0.0
to determine if the mode exists
double MUF90; // MUF exceeded for 90% of the days of the month
double MUF50; // MUF exceeded for 50% of the days of the month(MHz)
double MUF10; // MUF exceeded for 10% of the days of the month(MHz)
double OPMUF; // Operation MUF(MHz)
double OPMUF10; // Operation MUF exceeded 10% of the days of the month(MHz)
double OPMUF90; // Operation MUF exceeded 90% of the days of the month(MHz)
double Fprob; // Probability that the mode is supported at the
frequency of interest
double deltal; // Lower decile for the MUF calculations
double deltau; // Upper decile for the MUF calculations

// Other parameters associated with the mode

double hr; // Reflection height for the mode
double fs; // E-Layer screening frequency for F2 modes only(MHz)
double Lb; // < 9000 km path basic loss
double Ew; // < 9000 km field strength(dB(1 µV/m))
double ele; // Elevation angle
double Prw; // Receiver power (dBW)
double Grw; // Receive antenna gain (dBi)
double tau; // Time delay
in MC; // Mode Considered Flag (TRUE/FALSE)

struct Beam {
double azm; // Azimuth
double ele; // Elevation angle
double G; // Gain for the azimuth and elevation

struct Antenna {
char Name[256];
// 2D double pointer to the antenna pattern data
// The following is assumed about the antenna pattern when the program is
// i) The orientation is correct. The antenna pattern is in the
orientation as it would
// be on the Earth.
// ii) The data is valid. It is the responsibility of the calling program
to ensure
// this.
double **pattern;

In the above some of the uppercase words are C defines that represent numbers and
are used in the code
as an alias for readability.

End A brief description of the interface to P533.dll:

A brief description of the interface to P372.dll:

The program P372.dll has the following entry points:

// Prototypes
DLLEXPORT int AllocateNoiseMemory(struct NoiseParams *noiseP);
DLLEXPORT int FreeNoiseMemory(struct NoiseParams *noiseP);
DLLEXPORT int Noise(struct NoiseParams *noiseP, int hour, double lng, double lat,
double frequency);
DLLEXPORT int ReadFamDud(struct NoiseParams *noiseP, const char *DataFilePath, int
DLLEXPORT void InitializeNoise(struct NoiseParams *noiseP);
DLLEXPORT char const * P372CompileTime();
DLLEXPORT char const * P372Version();

An external program is necessary to run the P372.dll engine. An external program

must create, manage
and then free the data memory interface to P372.dll. An external program is used to
populate the
structure NoiseParams, which is defined in noise.h. It is the responsibility of an
external program to
insure that the user input data and static data arrays are loaded correctly. The
P372.dll does limited I/O. P372.dll contains subroutines to read the ITU harmonized
coefficient files. The files required are part of this package and are named
COEFFXX.TXT, where XX is a two-digit number for the month. P372.dll uses the month
dependent noise coefficient values for the fakp[][], fakabp[][], dud[][][] and
fam[][] used in the calculation of atmospheric noise.

The atmospheric noise data arises from the mixed coefficient files, COEFFXX.TXT,
that were compiled by Dambolt and Suessman. These files contain the original
spherical harmonic coefficients for foF2 and M(3000)F2 in addition to data related
to atmospheric noise, layer thickness, MUF statistics, etc. for a particular month.
Some of this data appears to be deprecated.

Although P372.dll is called from P533.dll it can be executed independently if its

data structures are loaded correctly for the calculation.

// Struct Definitions

struct FamStats {
int tmblk; // Timeblock
double FA; // Atmospheric noise in dB above kT0b at 1 MHz
double SigmaFam; // Standard deviation of values, Fam
double Du; // Ratio of upper decile to median value, Fam
double SigmaDu; // Standard deviations of values of Du
double Dl; // Ratio of median value, Fam, to lower decile
double SigmaDl; // Standard deviation of values of Dl
struct NoiseParams {
// Output Parameters
double FaA; // Atmospheric noise
double DuA; // Atmospheric noise upper decile
double DlA; // Atmospheric noise lower decile
double FaM; // Man-made noise
double DuM; // Man-made noise upper decile
double DlM; // Man-made noise lower decile
double FaG; // Galactic noise
double DuG; // Galactic noise upper decile
double DlG; // Galactic noise lower decile
double DuT; // Total noise upper decile
double DlT; // Total noise lower decile
double FamT; // Total noise

// Non-Output Parameters
double ManMadeNoise;
double ***fakp;
double **fakabp;
double **fam;
double ***dud;


End A brief description of the interface to P372.dll:

Return Codes ITURHFProp,P533 and P372

When running ITURHFProp the typical return code is 1000. This indicates that the
program has executed
correctly. In the event that an error occurs the program will exit with one of the
following error
numbers. The following list may be useful to determine the type of error. Please
note that in the event
that the calculation by P533() fails ITURHFProp() will exit with the appropriate
P533() error.

There are two ranges of return codes from P533() and ITURHFProp()
Returns from P533() are greater than or equal to 0 and less than 200
Return numbers less than 100 are normal and indicate no error in
Return numbers greater than 100 and less than 200 are errors
Returns from P533() are greater than or equal to 0 and less than 210
Return numbers less than 10 are normal and indicate no error in
Return numbers greater than 200 and less than 210 are errors
Returns from ITURHFProp() are greater than or equal to 1000 and less than
Return numbers greater than or less than 1000 and less than 1100 are
normal and indicate
no error in processing
Return numbers greater than 1000 and less than 1200 are errors

P533(): Return numbers less than 100 are normal and indicate no error in processing
0 NO ERROR: P533() Normal Exit
1 NO ERROR: AllocatePathMemory()
2 NO ERROR: PathMemory.c FreePathMemory(()
3 NO ERROR: InputDump()
4 NO ERROR: ReadIonParameters()
5 NO ERROR: ReadP1239()
6 NO ERROR: ReadAntennaPatterns()
7 NO ERROR: ReadAntennaPatterns()
8 NO ERROR: ValidPath()
P533(): Return numbers greater than 100 and less than 200 are errors
100 ERROR: Invalid Input Year
101 ERROR: Invalid Input Month
102 ERROR: Invalid Input Hour
103 ERROR: Invalid Input Man-Made Noise
104 ERROR: Invalid Input Missing foF2 array data
105 ERROR: Invalid Input Missing M(3000)F2 array data
106 ERROR: Invalid Input Missing DuD array data
107 ERROR: Invalid Input Missing Fam array data
108 ERROR: Invalid Input Missing foF2 Variability array data
109 ERROR: Invalid Input Sun Spot Number
110 ERROR: Invalid Input Modulation
111 ERROR: Invalid Input Frequency
112 ERROR: Invalid Input Bandwidth
113 ERROR: Invalid Input Transmit Power
114 ERROR: Invalid Input Required Signal-to-Noise ratio
115 ERROR: Invalid Input Required Signal-to-Interference ratio
116 ERROR: Invalid Input F0
117 ERROR: Invalid Input T0
118 ERROR: Invalid Input Digital Modulation Amplitude ratio
119 ERROR: Invalid Input Digital Modulation Time Window
120 ERROR: Invalid Input Digital Modulation Frequency Window
121 ERROR: Invalid Input Transmit Location
122 ERROR: Invalid Input Receive Location
123 ERROR: Invalid Input Receive Antenna Pattern
124 ERROR: Invalid Input Transmit Antenna Pattern
125 ERROR: Invalid Input Require Reliability
130 ERROR: Allocating Memory for foF2 Array
131 ERROR: Allocating Memory for M(3000)F2 Array
132 ERROR: Allocating Memory for foF2 Variability
133 ERROR: Allocating Memory for Tx Antenna Pattern
134 ERROR: Allocating Memory for Rx Antenna Pattern
135 ERROR: Allocating Memory for Noise
140 ERROR: Antenna File Format Error (Type 13)
141 ERROR: Can Not Open Receive Antenna Array
160 ERROR: Can Not Open foF2 Variability file "P1239-2 Decile
161 ERROR: Invalid P.1239-3 File
170 ERROR: Can Not Open Ionospheric Parameters File
180 ERROR: Can Not Open P372.DLL

P372(): Return numbers less than 10 are normal and indicate no error in processing
1 NO ERROR: AllocatePathMemory()
2 NO ERROR: ReadFamDud()
3 NO ERROR: FreeNoiseMemory()
4 NO ERROR: Noise()
5 NO ERROR: Noise() Man-made noise override
P372(): Return numbers greater than 200 and less than 210 are errors
201 ERROR: Can Not Open Coefficient File
202 ERROR: Allocating Memory for DuD
203 ERROR: Allocating Memory for Fam
204 ERROR: Allocating Memory for FakP
205 ERROR: Allocating Memory for FakABP
ITURHFProp(): Return numbers greater than or less than 1000 and less than 1100 are
normal and indicate no error in processing
1000 NO ERROR: Okay Calculation Completed
1002 NO ERROR: ValidateITURHFP()
1003 NO ERROR: ReadInputConfiguration()
ITURHFProp(): Return numbers greater than or less than 1000 and less than 1100 are
1100 ERROR: Can Not Open Output File
1101 ERROR: Can Not Find P533.DLL
1102 ERROR: Can Not Open Receive Antenna File
1103 ERROR: Can Not Open Transmit Antenna File
1104 ERROR: Antenna Orientation
1105 ERROR: Transmit Bearing
1106 ERROR: Receive Bearing
1107 ERROR: Receive Gain Offset
1108 ERROR: Transmit Gain Offset
1109 ERROR: Invalid Lower Left Latitude
1110 ERROR: Invalid Lower Right Latitude
1111 ERROR: Invalid Upper Left Latitude
1112 ERROR: Invalid Upper Right Latitude
1113 ERROR: Invalid Lower Left Longitude
1114 ERROR: Invalid Lower Right Longitude
1115 ERROR: Invalid Upper Left Longitude
1116 ERROR: Invalid Upper Right Longitude
1117 ERROR: Invalid Area Left Latitude
1118 ERROR: Invalid Area Right Latitude
1119 ERROR: Invalid Area Left Longitude
1120 ERROR: Invalid Area Right Longitude
1121 ERROR: Invalid Area Lower Latitude
1122 ERROR: Invalid Area Upper Latitude
1123 ERROR: Invalid Area Left Longitude
1124 ERROR: Invalid Area Right Longitude
1200 ERROR: Invalid Command Line
1201 ERROR: Missing Input File
End Return Codes ITURHFProp,P533 and P372

Version 13.6 Notes:

This release covers all changes identified as of Aug 2016. In addition to

architecture changes and
bug fixes other significant changes in this release are:
i) new error numbering scheme
ii) Relr input parameter is no longer used or recognized
iii) new input parameter SNRXXp is a input number between 1 and 99
representing the desired SNR
percentage to be calculated.
iv) renamed file "P1239-2 Decile Factors.txt" to "P1239-3 Decile
v) input data files:
P1239-3 Decile Factors.txt
must be located in the directory pointed to by DataFilePath in the input

Version 14 Notes:

Efforts since the last release include numerous editorial changes, simplifications,
reorganizations, modifications and corrections to memory management, and general
bug fixes which are important but do not affect the operation of the calculations.
The release notes below contain a summary of those changes which may effect the
usefulness of the program and/or the operational work flow of analyses that use
ITURHFProp (and its constituent subroutines).

Special WP 3L thanks to Mr. James Watson for the extraordinary work to make
ITURHFProp more useful in general, work to make sure that Linux users of ITURHFProp
maintain access, and continued efforts to assure that the program astutely and
accurately manages HF antenna patterns. In that regard significant changes were
made to streamline the program for the Linux environment while maintaining
consistency between Windows and Linux. Much work has been included to make
ITURHFProp more easily adapted to both legacy and NEC based antenna patterns. The
input of the analysis area has been simplified to be defined by just the South East
and North West corners. Equivalence of ARBITRARY and MANUAL for user antenna
bearing selection. And most significantly the rearchitecture of ITURHFProp so that
the P372 noise calculation can stand alone. Thus noise method going forward after
this release can be an independent calculation.

An abbreviated summary of Changes since the last revision

Edited Rec P.533-14 Eqn (9) and (10) now F_prob range 0 < F_prob <= 1
Changed default SNRXX to 99
Fixed a typo in the P1239 file. '132.' should be '1.32'.
Added the -c and -t options to the help message.
Fixed bug with a misplaced return statement that was causing failures when
using isotropic antennas.
Applied the max gain value figure to the Type 14 antennas as well. In most
cases this won't be
required as it tends to be 0.0.
Added the Max gain value to the relative gains to make the const17 type of
antenna work properly.
Added a note about the csv option to the man page.
Added link to RFC4180.
Added supports for type 11 antennas and checks the antenna type by opening the
file and passing a
file pointer before calling the appropriate file parser.
Added Antenna Type 14 Support
Modified the transmit antenna to accept the n14/N14 names.
Updated to reflect the use of N14/n14 to denote type 14 antennas.
Changed Type 14 Antenna File Extension to .n14/.N14
NEC2 uses the file extension 'N14' to denote type 14 antennas. It seems best to
use this existing
(albeit informal) standard than to try and impose a new standard on users.
Read the frequency from the file instead of the loop counter as this may be
better if we start to
handle files that don't comprise 30 ordered frequency blocks.
Used the variable freqn when calling AllocateAntennaMemory() as this may be
Now accepts Upper and Lower Case Suffixes
Type 14 antennas may be called up with either t14 or T14 file suffixes.
Changed Antenna.numFreqs to Antenna.freqn to align better with existing
variable names.
Removed the redundant 'bearing' arg from the ReadType14() call.
Removed a number of debug print statements that we added to assist debugging
Type 14 antennas.
Added support for multiple frequency patterns and type 14 antennas.
Removed the relative filepath spec from the libp372 so that we load it from the
lib dir.
Added install-data target to copy the data files to /usr/local/share/p533/data.
Rebase the new architecture for ITURHFProp.
The noise method P.372 is now independently callable from ITURHFProp.
AntennaGain() and AntennaGain08() require a direction to determine the bearing.
Although for an
isotropic rx/tx antenna this is irrelevant when using a real antenna
pattern the direction
must be used to determine the gain. For both programs the direction has now
been included
as an input
Corrected wrap around error of the bearing in AntennaGain()
When a T13 antenna file is read there is an \n at the end of the line that adds
a line feed to the
output. Removed
Added UNDOCUMENTED option "-t" to the command line to suppress all output save
the CSV table
Corrected missing trailer from one line analysis output.
Fixed Antenna file input problem

End of history of changes

2020 ITU-R Study Group 3

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